NVIDIA GeForce RTX - Official Launch Event
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Channel: NVIDIA GeForce
Views: 326,734
Rating: 4.6406546 out of 5
Keywords: NVIDIA, GeForce, PC Gaming, GeForce GTX, GeForce RTX, Ray Tracing, 20 Series, Gamescom, best ray tracing, real time ray tracing, 2080, 2080 Ti, 2070, Jensen, livestream, press conference, full livestream, Cologne, Be For The Game, full, reveal, GeForce RTX reveal, reaction, power, technology, RTX technology, ray tracing technology, Turing
Id: Mrixi27G9yM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 33sec (6333 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
It's been depressing to see the reaction of salty, entitled gamers to this card. A continuation of Pascal would have been underwhelming. They probably would have made a card that has better raster performance than the Turing GPU, but it would have cost just as much, because Nvidia has no competition.
Meanwhile, the architecture of this card is extremely future-oriented. If people want half the things they believe they'll get from the singularity, then they're going to need hardware with these types of features in their personal computers.
I would commend Nvidia for managing to release an entirely new architecture while still managing to improve performance in every way from the previous generation. The 20-series cards still have better raster performance than the 10-series, just not as large of an increase as they would if they were an evolution of the old architecture.
And an 1199 msrp. Compared to 599 for the 1080ti when it launched. 11 games that support ray tracing, zero real time, and none on the horizon.
All this is, is NVIDIAs attempt to clear old surplus hardware without cutting its prices.
Fuck NVIDIA. I've been loyal since the 8800, I'm done.
Edit: This is a dirty little thing to do, but I don't care. This is preemptive of our friendly NVIDIA shill peddling his wares of how amazing raytracing is. I'll let you decide:
Excerpt from fellow redditors trying the new 2080ti
HAHAHAHAH 1080p @ 60fps... dropped frames. Take a bow NVIDIA.
That was inspiring