NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Super Review & Benchmarks vs. RTX 4070, RX 7800 XT, & More

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[Music] today reviewing the RTX 470 super which is a new $600 video card that's joining the 470 in the stack 470 is now typically around 550 bucks plus or minus about $20 and there are two more Super Cards coming out in the next few weeks there's the 470 TI super and the and the 480 super the 470 TI super that was real by the way uh and it's going to continue to be real every time I have to remember the order that they should have just gone back to ultra 4070 TI super launches January 24th for $800 and the 480 super launches for $1,000 on January 31st so you're going to be checking back probably to see how those two reviews go as well now the main changes between the Super Series and their refreshed original parts is going to be to a few different things actually depends on which one so 48's the price 4070 TI super it is the memory bandwidth and capacity both of them increase in significant ways and then the 470 super the primary change is the Kuda cor count so those are kind of the three areas to look at for each of these cards to see if anything interesting emerges from the testing so as a very quick recap then the 470 super will run 7168 Cuda cor whereas the 470 TI the original has 7680 and then the 470 original has 58.88 based on the community reaction we saw in our news coverage it looks like most of you are interested in the 4080 super for the price so we're looking forward to that one but today we're starting with the 4070 super so let's get into the review before that this video is brought to you by the Deep cool AK 620 digital air cooler we previously reviewed the Baseline AK 620 as a strong performer and extremely price competitive now the new digital variant includes a screen with a display for some extra flare including CPU temperature and high temperature warnings on the display if you liked the AK 620's Performance but wanted more visual pop without going liquid consider the AK 620 digital at the link in the description below this one's going to be pretty straightforward so we refreshed our GPU test sweet we've rerun a bunch of new numbers we've added a couple games added some more rate tracing workloads with upscaling in some of the tests so that'll be new uh in addition to those changes and then the standard power tests we also are adding latency testing so this is different we've done latency in the past but it was a one-off what we're doing now is integrating latency benchmarks as part of the GPU reviews that we're doing as a core piece of the review it'll be a permanent inclusion uh we're just starting with something light today to get it started and then we'll expand it from there the reason for this is because frame rate has now become so comically high in firstperson shooter games that it almost becomes a little bit difficult at a human level to look at numbers like say 700 versus 600 FPS and figure out how much you should care about it so the reason for latency kind of resets the scale gets us down to smaller numbers that are a little closer to what we think people mostly mean when they are looking for those High frame rates in uh FPS gaming scenarios and uh what we think people really want when they're looking for a high frame rate in those games is to feel more connected with the input and when you're talking about that you're really talking about the total end end system latency and so that's part of what we're going to be looking at in this we'll talk more about that section when we get into it later but that'll be something new and gives us a different a different number to look at for the charts there's a lot of charts today here's the quick version of all the data today up front for you to respect everyone's time so first of all the 470 TI is generally between 6 and 16% ahead of the 47 super it depends on the game and the resolution of course we tested the three standard resolutions uh and it it varies a little bit generally speaking call it about 10% for the clustered area for the difference the 470 super typically leads the 470 base the original by 13 to 17% with a couple of breakouts to 20% there's one that's like 23% uh in our testing against the 3070 the difference is typically 30 to 60% with most of the results clustering around about 50% or so uh for the differences so that's the recap on the AMD side of things the most directly relevant alternatives are going to be the 7800 XT which is about 500 bucks right now the 6800 XT which we typically recommend over the 78 XT that is also about $500 and then the 6950 XT where it's still available for $600 seems to not really be around very much anymore and the 7900 XT for about $750 if you go up a price class and again we wouldn't be surprised if those prices move around a little bit when this review actually goes live because at the time we're filming it that's roughly where they are uh plus or minus 20 bucks for card launching seems pretty reasonable so beyond all that for the differences in the founders Edition card it's blackout now and then they made a big deal about uh diamond cut edges on the Shroud that's the shiny part here that looks like cheap plastic you know the kind that's like in cars where if you breathe on it Ron now it looks terrible um so not sure the car analogy is great especially with Jensen because now we're going to end up with leather gpus instead so I I take it back never mind looks great don't change a thing okay let's get into the benchmarks in Shadow of the Tomb Raider at 4K and Riz the RTX 470 super ran at 107 FPS average the lows are close behind here and there's no meaningful Excursion in any of the 1% or. 1% numbers in this chart so everything is effectively perfectly cascaded from that average the 407 Super's result has it roughly tied with a 380 TI and just behind the 6950 XT which at its lowest was around $600 retail the outgoing 4070 TI leads the super by 8% with the outgoing 480 leading by 38% with its 148 FPS average looking down the stack in descending order the RTX 470 ran at 93 FPS average and that gives the new super a 15% lead the 3070 ran at 72 FPS average giving the super a 49% lead and the 270 ran at 49 FPS average the 2070s result is hierarchically in about the same spot as years ago ago with the 1080ti as an example about 10% ahead of it still compared to AMD the 6950 XT at its $600 sale price when it could be had for that price was a good deal if you bought it in the last year or so the closest competitive alternative in rasterization would otherwise be the 6800 XT or the 7800 XT with the former being Superior in this one the 7900 XT is 16% ahead of the 470 super here but of course also increases the price at 1440p the top three entries are CPU bound the 4070 super is is not though at 191 FPS average the 4070 TI leads it by 7.4% similar to at 4K with the 470 super leading the 470 by 15% and the 370 by 52% amd's best competition would be the prior 6950 XT which is just ahead of the 470 super or the 7900 XT if you're spending more money currently leading at 14% against the $500 7800 XT coing down in price class Nvidia super holds a lead of 12% 1080p is GP Bound for these cards so we'll just skip that chart Starfield is up next this has entirely new data because the game has recently had several major updates so we had to ditch our prior data set to move forward with the most recent patch there are fewer cards on this chart as a result at 4K the RTX 470 super ran at 53 FPS average so the 470 TI ends up about 11% ahead with the 470 super ahead of the 470 non super by 13.8% and the 370 by 52% AMD still has a strong position in Starfield for gpus even with all the recent patches they were ahead at launch and they remain comparatively well positioned now the 700 XT leads the 4070 TI by about 10 FPS with the 4070 super led by 30% but the 7900 XT also costs around $750 right now at $500 again the 7800 XT roughly ties the 4070 super in these tests positioned just ahead of the 3080 and the 6800 XT at 1440p the RTX 470 Super's 86 FPS average had it about tied with the 7800 XT and just behind the 6950 XT the 4070 TI leads by 10% at 95 fps to 86 against the original 470s 79 FPS average result the sup's Improvement is about 10% and over the 3070 it's about 51% both of these results are the same as we've seen elsewhere an extra $150 or so on the 700 XT would push You2 % ahead with the 480 a bit ahead of that still and again that's soon going to be replaced by its own Super at 1080p we're limited by other components on most of these devices the 4070 TI is pushing up against the boundary for this test the 470 super is still well within test bounds however some of the frames are ricocheting off of them so we'll just move on to a better comparison an f-122 benchmarks at 4K and without RT that comes later we tested the 470 super at 113 FPS average with 1% 1% lows predictably and properly spaced out that has it about 117% ahead of the RTX 2070 41% ahead against the 370 15% ahead of the 470 non super and it has the 4070 TI ahead of the super by about 10 FPS or 9% AMD 6800 XT does well here and is still priced at about $500 making it a worthwhile consideration especially compared to the weaker 7800 XT in some of these comparisons but not all of them the 7800 XT posts a more meaningful increase with it price hike at 32% uplift and the 480 is a Step Beyond that still at 1440p F1 had the 470 supr at 198 FPS average with still plenty of Headroom for higher frame rate that allows the 4070 TI a lead of 8.5% with the 6950 XT the next GPU beyond that compared down the stack the 470 super leads the 470 Fe by 133% and the 370 by 42% with an improvement over the 2070 by 116% the RX 470 super would obviously not be worth upgrading from the original 4070 we also think owners of the 3070 should keep their cards unless really filling the limitations as it's still plenty capable a multigenerational jump makes more sense here like from say the 2070 or not on this chart but a 1070 at 1080p the top few cards are starting to hit external limitations but we still have plenty of room to scale on the 470 series The 470 TI leads the super by 6% which itself leads the original 4070 by 8.8% % and the 3070 by 31.6% at 1080p the 7800 XT pulls ahead of the 4070 super AMD scaling is strong here in some instances as we're seeing even the 380 though is Right alongside that new 4070 super with the 6800 XT ahead of both the stack shuffled a bit at this resolution which is one of the main reasons we test multiple resolutions sometimes it reveals architectural differences or an impact of different choices the GPU manufacturers make like say the memory bandwidth at different resolutions Rainbow Six Siege is next this one also appears for our latency testing at 4K the RTX 470 super held a 153 FPS average frame rate so the stack arranges like this for NVIDIA it's the 4070 TI by 9% ahead of the super the super ahead of the 470 by 18% and the super is also ahead of the 370 by 37% the lead against the 370 is reduced versus Tomb Raider and Starfield whereas the lead against the 470 is increased marginally compared to F1 Tomb Raider and again Starfield and these Alternatives include the 6950 XT at a reduced frame rate compared to the 470 super the 7900 XT pushes beyond the 4070 TI with the 480 predictably ahead of that still the 7800 XT increased its frame rate by about 5 FPS compared to launch testing for us which helps improve its positioning a little bit but it doesn't change the stack in a major way at 1440p the RTX 470 TI is 351 FPS average still has has plenty of room before the ceiling established at 490 FPS by the 490 and even that's not the full limit that has the 470 TI 10.5% ahead of the 470 super about the same as we saw in previous tests the 4070 super led the 470 by 15% also about the same as we've seen and the super is 43% over the RTX 370 not much has moved here the 470 Super's relative rank is similar in this test as before it's just ahead of the 380 TI and behind the 6950 XT up next Resident Evil 4 we added this one in the last 6 months or so at 4K the RTX 47d super 71 FPS average has the card sandwiched between the 380 and the 7800 XT with the 6800 XT ranking just ahead of that the relative scaling has the 470 TI 79 FPS average about 11% over the 470 super with the super almost 16% improved from the original 470 and 51% over the 3070 AMD 7800 XT gives cheaper competition on this raster test roughly tying the 4070 super while costing $100 less the 480 super will be a big competitor here though potentially challenging the 7800 XTX is position in price and performance once the 480 super launches at 1440p the 4090 illustrates that we have plenty of room to measure the 70 class cards and it establishes a large gap between itself and the next card down which is the 7800 XTX for today though the 4070 TI is60 FPS average has it 12% ahead of the 470 super which itself is 177% ahead of the 470 and 59% improved over the 3070 AMD 7800 XT is slower than the 470 super here although not by a meaningful amount when rasterized and the 7800 XT again outperforms the new super cart at 1080p the 7800 XTX sets our ceiling at almost 300 FPS average the 4070 TI has plenty of distance from that limiter of course and it's down at 241 FPS average leading the 4070 sup 216 result by 11.4% as for the super it's ahead of the 7800 XT by 9 1.2% this time it's ahead of the 470 Fe by 17% and ahead of the 370 by 62% AMD 7800 XT ran below the 6800 XT in this one as it does in a lot of games at 198 FPS average from the AMD side the 700 XT would offer a meaningful uplift whereas the 6800 XT would come close but doesn't surpass the 470 super in this test now for dite 2 another relatively new test Edition at 4K the RTX 4070 TI ran at about 60 FPS average leading the 4070 super by reduced and uneventful 6.6% the 470 super leads the 470 Fe by 22 1.2% and then the 370 by 42.9% that has the positioning against the 470 a little higher than in other games although still within a reasonable range the 7800 XT and the 6800 XT encroach on the 4070 super with the 6800 XT basically equating it and providing an indistinguishable experience while the 7900 XT again leads this game is fairly heavy on all these cards helping illustrate clean scaling from one to the next the 480 is about 41% ahead of the 470 super so we're looking forward to seeing how close the 490 and the 480 super will be to each other at 1440p the RTX 470 super is 111 FPS average result has it about tied with the 6800 XT again or leading the 7800 XT by 8% the 470 TI runs 8.2% ahead of the 470 super with the super ahead of the original 470 by 22% and ahead of the 3070 by 40% and amd's most direct competitor here by price would be those 800 XT class cards with the 7900 XT being the next price class up and performance class at 1080p scaling has slightly improved for the 4070 TI now at 99.2% ahead of the 470 super that's consistant increasing the Gap as resolution decreases although not meaningfully it's just an interesting observation the Gap against the 470 meanwhile has diminished by about 1 percentage Point per resolution change now at 19.6% as for the 3070 the 4070 super is about 45% ahead of that amd's 6950 XT and 6800 XT Remain the closest flanks to the 4070 super here we're in the last round of rasterized tests now before we get into raate tracing for Final Fantasy 14 this has been one of the most reliable GPU benchmarks we've used in a while at 4K the 470 TI is 115 FPS average had it just behind the 700 XT and 99.5% ahead of the 470 super that's exactly in line with what we've seen in other games the 470 super leads the original 470 by 16% % which is a relatively large gap if these cards are within 50 bucks or so Nvidia establishes an upsell here by keeping the 470 on the market while maybe putting some pressure on amd's $500 price class the lead over the 3070 by the super is 44% again mostly in line with what we've seen elsewhere so the pattern has formed compared to AMD the 6800 XT remains one of the most competitive options at the price with the 7800 XT dragging unfortunately behind it the 6950 XT outperforms the 470 super but but is rarely available new these days we saw a few first-party listings holding on for 600 bucks but they're dwindling and these lows remain slightly lower than the scaling set by Nvidia here although not in a way that ruins the experience at 1440p we're Bound by the CPU on everything ranked 470 super and above so this isn't a useful test and we'll move on we'll run GTA 5 at 4K Just for Old Time sake somehow there's still scaling with our test settings we might as well just run this until 6 comes out the 4070 TI leads the 47 super by 6.6% with the 4070 super about 15% over the 470 Fe and 37% ahead of the 3070 the gap between these cards is slightly smaller in this game than some of the others now we're moving on to raid tracing tests these results aren't comparable to the previous non RT charts unless you just wanted to compare RT to non-rt for some reason in DL 2 with high RT and dlss quality or equivalent settings for FSR and Xs we end up with this chart the 4070 super held 43 FP PS average here showing that these cards actually need upscaling to run with these settings if they want any chance of it the 4070 TI leads it by 12% with the super card leading the 470 Fe by 19% and the 370 by 54% these numbers are basically the same as what we've been seeing this entire time with rasterization so it paints no meaningful deviation between these Nvidia devices with rt and dlss and the rasterized results the AMD cards tumbled down the stack some more with the 700 XTX now equivalent to the 470 TI and the 700xt closer to the 380 when both are using upscaling at 1440p the RTX 470 TI climbs to 90 FPS average now a much better frame rate leading the 470 super here by 11% the super leads the 470 Fe by 18% on the 370 by 52% again these are about the same as we saw previously unlike rasterization though AMD falls behind a little bit here with a 7900 XTX now about the same as the 4070 TI for performance and the 7800 XT closer to the 38 0 again the 6800 XT ends up closer to that four Len 4060 ti8 GB finally at 1080p the 4070 TI runs at 130 FPS average leading the 470 super by just 9 1.5% the 470 super is 18% ahead of the 470 and 51% ahead of the 3070 once again amd's XTX runs just behind the 470 TI and ahead of the 470 super Resident Evil 4 with rt is next this one uses FSR on all cards the 470 super ran at 83 FPS average about tied with the 7800 XT and the 380 TI AMD is doing a little better in this one uh the XTX now leads the 470 TI the latter of which runs at 91 FPS average and leads the 470 super by 99.5% at 1440p the 4070 TI leads the 4070 super by 9% here with the 6800 XT and the 7800 XT closer to the 470 Baseline they held more of a lead over it at upscaled 4K at 1080p we're mostly interested in what trend emerges here the 7900x X pushes further ahead with the 700 XT now about tied with the 4070 TI the 4070 TI leads the 4070 super by 8% with the super leading the 470 by 14% And The 370 by 57% the 7800 XT is about equal with the RTX 470 Baseline in F1 with rate tracing and without any upscaling the 470 super ran at 41 FPS average or about tied with the 3080ti the 4070 TI is 45 FPS average doesn't meaningfully distance these from an experience standpoint over the 470 Fe it's about a 21% Advantage for the super an AMD 7900 XT roughly equates the 470 TI with the 6950 XT as amd's closest card to the 470 super the 7800 XT is closer to the 470 and 4K RT performance at 1440p the 4070 super keeps its lead over the $500 7800 XT and the former 6950 XT Flagship with the 7900 XT posting up between the 4070 TI and the 470 super the lead over the other 7 series cards is about the same as everywhere else power consumption is quick in a total card workload we found the 470 super to pull 222 Watts at the pcie rails which has it about the same as 3070 or 20 watts more than the original 4070 that's where part of the performance boost is coming from overclocking the 470 super put at 240 Watts which is just below amd's 7800 XT stock power consumption Nvidia here remains overall efficient despite the 20 wat bump from the 4070 our last testing is for latency this was conducted on a different test platform that makes the frame rate data completely incomparable to other tests in the suite we tested using a 360hz display at 1080P and using an lat which is an external physical measurement device for total endend system latency we previously analyzed the lad on the channel testing was done with a 2C shot delay into Auto detection on 30 shots we attempted move on click and flick testing but found it unreliable in this game there are problems with muzzle flash detection as well for click to Photon but we filtered for data and eliminated outliers or anything else that had issues here are the results this number represents the total end to end system latency represented in milliseconds it's not accurate to call this input latency or input lag as this is the latency for the entire system so that involves the GPU in the pipeline not just the input that's from a click to see in the action this will directly correlate with FPS in a lot of ways but sometimes it's possible for the driver to break away from purely being related to frame rate it's also possible for a higher FPS device to perform worse than another in latency also it's kind of the point to just show a different number the 4070 super combination had an end to-end system latency of 19.3 milliseconds in this test the floor is set by the 2060 for perspective which was holding us back at 32 milliseconds enabling reflex boosted the 470 super performance to 18 milliseconds a reduction in latency of almost 7% end to end and the RX 6800 XT is about tied with the reflex enabled 4070 super the 7900 XD had a 15.6 millisecond total end to end latency with the 490 at 11.7 and setting the performance cap in counter- strike 2 we tested in dust two on practice and with a closed Lobby without Bots visible the 470 super and the 470 Fe both appear in this test they were about the same here or within test error the 6800 XT is also within run to- run variants the 7900 XT measured 11 milliseconds end to end here with the 490 at 9.7 milliseconds the 2060 KO set the floor at 22 milliseconds just for reference here too the 490 was running at 858 FPS average in this test which is kind of the point and exactly why we wanted to introduce the latency analysis because it just helps reset the scale and give us a number that's a little more meaningful as a human this is something we're still working on we have a lot to do here in the future for latency testing we plan to continue overhauling and exploring this testing currently the run- to- run deviation higher than we'd like it to be we'd also like to move to movement testing or flick testing rather than click the photon with the shots uh so that's the next place to try and narrow down the responsiveness but it does help put things into perspective for how the system feels to play on and not just the frame rate number that pretty much sums it up to give a recap again so the 4070 is sticking around the 470 super is obviously the new one the 470 TI is outgoing they are not going to continue making those the 4080 is also outgoing and so those two cards will be replaced by their new super variants and that'll Define the new stack for NVIDIA at this sort of high end so for a quick recap Once Again we're seeing typically about a 10% Advantage favoring the 4070 TI original versus the 470 super and then versus the 4070 original card the 4070 super is was call about 15% better in most scenarios and then again it's got some breakouts higher it has some that are lower but it's roughly in that range uh 50% or so against the 3070 for the 4070 super depending on what game you look at it's as low as about 30% it's as high is a little over 60% uh but again call it 50 down the middle um for kind of the the cluster of results and those are just quick quick numbers for you so that's the compacted version and then again AMD competes relatively closely in rasterization with the most relevant cards once again being the 6800 XT the 7800 XT uh 6950 XT and then the 7900 XT kind of in that order where the 79 XT is really only kind of in there as a step up and if you're going up at that price point you need to look at NV video's more expensive options too uh for rate tracing AMD falls behind there that's not news that's kind of how it's been going where rate tracing performance right now tends to favor Nvidia in terms of uh the the gap between the Cards shrinks and Nvidia if it doesn't have a leads starts to develop one or if it has a lead it often develops more of one and using upscaling IF used on both devices doesn't really change that picture too much for Value it at least hasn't gotten worse for the 4070 super it's launching the same price the 470 was and the 4070 has been cheaper for a little while so its value is maybe uh it's been stronger than its original launch value but then the performance goes up on this um one of the larger considerations is that the power goes up but it's 20 watts so it's not a crazy power increase but it is something that allows Nvidia to push the performance a little more and get higher clocks uh while sacrificing some of that advantageous positioning on the volt frequency curve for efficiency it's pointing efficiency it's going to slide on the curve a little bit but it's not going into into dangerous territory so if you're considering this card the things to really think about are going to be how much you care about rage racing has been the the story for a while now for the high-end stuff if you care about those features a lot then you really kind of you're forcing yourself into Nvidia for the most part uh if you don't care about them at all then AMD becomes much more viable and it often has a strong value proposition right now we recently Revisited the 700 XD and at the price we bought it for we liked it a lot so you should check that out if you are considering going up a price class and card because that information is still uh still pretty fresh so it's relevant and that'll pretty much recap it for you so that is the review of the 4070 super uh we're going to talk more about value once the next two come out they are coming out in such close succession here um that we really want to just save that discussion for once the whole stack is fully developed and we have a picture for how the 4070 TI super the 480 super perform and then we should be able to uh to establish the best choices at each price class at that point so you'll see those over the next couple weeks again January 31st it sounds like it's going to be the last one for this new series and uh there's a 7600 XT coming out in there as well that's going to be amd's new card that slots in over the 7600 it's at the cheaper end of the scale so we'll be talking about that too okay that's it for this one thanks for watching as always subscribe for more you can go to store. Gamers nexus.net to grab a shirt like this one these are limited we are almost out of them we are only doing one run it's a great way to support us and the back of it has tour dates of the most disappointing launches and Hardware events of 2023 so check it out on the store and thank you for watching we'll see you all next time
Channel: Gamers Nexus
Views: 574,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamersnexus, gamers nexus, computer hardware, nvidia, nvidia geforce, amd, amd radeon, nvidia vs. amd, nvidia rtx 4070 super review, nvidia rtx 4070 super benchmarks, nvidia rtx 4070 super vs 4070, rtx 4070 super vs rx 7800 xt, rtx 4070 super vs rx 7900 xt, rtx 4070 super vs rtx 4070 ti, rtx 4070 super vs rtx 3070, rtx 4070 super vs rtx 2070
Id: mL1l4jmxLa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 20sec (1700 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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