NVIDIA’s Plan is Simple. (Computex 2024 Keynote Recap)

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my coverage of computex 2024 is brought to you by  Asus antec thermaltake and fractal. hello everyone   and Welcome to our first video covering computex  2024 we have made our way to taipei Taiwan checked   into our Airbnb we spent about a day here  so far we're getting over the jet lag and   I just spent about 2 hours watching the entire  Nvidia computex keynote so you don't have to. excellent I'm just consoling myself with a bit  of malt milk here my beverage of choice here in   Taiwan and uh the reason I'm consoling myself  is because you might have already heard there   was absolutely nothing about consumer graphics  cards desktop graphics cards in the keynote at   all nothing about the RTX 50 Series Blackwell  based consumer graphics cards the closest we   got was at one point Jensen walked over and  pulled out a graphics card it was an RTX 4080   super as far as I can tell and he was just using  it as a demonstration to say look this is a GPU   and then see this dgx system that we build too  that costs way more money and that we make way   way more profit from that's GPU too aren't you  happy now Gamers we talked about gpus. but this   is really a good lesson a reminder for those who  have forgotten that rumors are just that they are   rumors and although there was a lot of hypee a lot  of Buzz leading into comput Tex that Nvidia had   RTX 50 Series gpus ready to go Nvidia said nothing  of the sort Nvidia didn't even mention that as a   topic for the keynote usually if they are going to  discuss gaming graphics cards they will give some   indication of that at the beginning but it was  still disappointing when we got to the end of the   close to 2hour presentation and Jensen never said  oh and one more thing like let me show you the new   graphics card that we're working on for those of  you who are interested in what was discussed I'm   going to run down my notes really quickly show  you guys some of the videos and stuff cuz there   was some very visually interesting stuff as well  as a few quirky things that we can poke fun of I   think so let's get started right from the top if  I can start with something positive there was an   intro Montage which really focused on nvidia's  employees and all the work that they put in to   bring this presentation to life and all the work  that they put into the products that they develop   Nvidia employs close to 30,000 people and if you  look at websites like glass door they actually   have really good company rating they treat their  employees very well and that is something that   I appreciate the video also highlighted a lot of  the collaborative partners that Nvidia works with   in the industry and Taiwan in general because  compex takes place at Taiwan they showed some   scenes of Jensen going to the night market and  there was sort of a Night Market theme running   throughout the presentation my next header was  the AI part and that is pretty much the rest   of the presentation the entire presentation was  focused on AI I'd say the only upshot to contrast   the lack of anything about discret gpus for gaming  desktops was that they didn't go off on a tangent   about cars uh Nvidia tends to do that in some of  their presentations and that at least wasn't part   of it Jensen classified Ai and AI in general as a  restart of the computer industry and that was the   beginning of a lot of very bombastic talk about  how important AI is and how cool AI is and most   importantly for Jensen how AI can save you money  and by you he he doesn't mean like you watching   this video or me he's talking about people who are  probably business owners or people who are high up   in businesses who are looking to invest tens of  thousands or hundreds of thousands or millions of   dollars into Hardware Nvidia Hardware specifically  to set up AI data centers and that if anything was   the primary overarching theme was Jensen saying  over and over again look how much money you can   save and it took him about 15 minutes to say AI 30  times or so and then he finally of course dropped   his the more you buy the more you save line and  then he seemed to sort of like pause to wait for   the audience to like clap like cuz he said his  catchphrase or something and I don't think that   really happened but I will say rip to anyone who's  playing the AI drinking game and like taking a   shot every time Jensen said AI because they were  probably wasted pretty early in the presentation   but let's talk about an actual cool implementation  of AI and the hardware and that is Earth 2 and   Earth 2 is not new it's been going on for some  time but they're continuing to develop it it is a   digital twin of Earth basically a full simulation  of the earth and this was one of those visually   really cool videos to watch that I mentioned  uh they're doing physical simulations weather   simulations to predict things like the paths of  hurricanes and typhoons or other extreme weather   events the future of this weather simulation  technology according to the video is hyperlocal   forecasting down to the tens of meters so you  could go here and be like look at the forecast   and then let like you walk 20 ft to one side and  the forecast might be slightly different based on   the atmospheric conditions presumably they also  showed some models of like wind patterns around   very tall buildings cuz we're in Taiwan so there's  a lot of focus on taipe 101 so that at least was a   demonstration of a somewhat practical application  of the technology both the hardware and the   software side of things that would be helpful or  beneficial to a regular person like you or me but   after that my eyes started to gloss over as they  got into more and more specific tasks for AI and   all many of the videos and the demonstrations you  could look at and say well that's kind of cool the   amount of people who are actually going to be  working with that Hardware or that software is   much more Niche and I think that is why the chat  room that I was monitoring which was the PC World   uh chat uh was pretty bored they're like what I'm  bored this isn't speaking to me at all and that's   because it's it's not really a presentation  that's made for us it's a presentation that's   made for the people who are calling the shots  at some of these companies that are doing these   very specific things with this Hardware things got  even more nebulous when they started talking about   Nvidia inference microservice the short hand for  this is Nim and this is about 45 minutes into the   presentation these are pre-trained AI models that  are designed to run on Cuda Hardware described as   AI in a box basically containerized models and  I couldn't tell at first if they were talking   about something that was Hardware based but this  isn't that this is software and apparently it's   free too so that's kind of nice you download a Nim  different Nims are built to do different tasks you   can download one that you could talk to according  to the presentation uh and again if as long as you   have Cuda enabled Hardware you should be able to  run them given that this is a a software solution   I wasn't quite sure why they're saying that it's  in a box but at least it's free to those who have   Cuda Hardware they're planning to use these to  replace people eventually and they showed various   Nims all cobbled together to do various aspects  of a customer service agent's job including a   Nim that was generating like the Avatar and  another one that was handling like the speech   and like mapping the speech to the Avatar's facial  movements so that you could have a AI generated CS   agent that you're talking to and getting mad  at because they can't solve your problem and   you don't have to feel bad about getting mad at  them because it's an AI generated thing so that's   a huge advancement of course replacing human jobs  or replacing humans in general is one of the big   fears that are out there for the advancement of  AI so I was a little bit surprised that the next   thing they started talking about was digital  humans and they had a demo showing digital   brand ambassadors digital CS agents completely AI  generated digital avatars where it's it's both the   the Avatar as well as the text that's coming out  as well as the speech patterns and everything all   created by AI that can do these various things  that previously you had to have a person do so   cool we we just aren't going to need people  anymore um once we get enough of these Nims   downloaded and up and running but I will say that  in this demonstration video the avatars that were   talking to people and everything um still still  kind of creepy still haven't quite bridged that   uncanny valley to get to the point where I think  it's an actual person that's talking there but it   is getting a lot closer it took Jensen over  an hour to even mention Blackwell which is   kind of surprising because that's their current  generation that is powering their AI servers and   AI solutions that they're trying to sell people  but I could tell chat perked up because he was   like Blackwell and they're like oo Blackwell we're  looking for Blackwell 50 Series gpus and then he   walked over and took out a GPU but as I mentioned  earlier it wasn't a new Blackwell GPU it was just   a 4080 super and he was just using that to create  an equivalency between the gpus that they used to   focus on and the gpus that they're focusing on  now he was also pulling out the 4080 super to   show by comparison to a Blackwell production  board that he brought out and that was a new   thing that they showed off at this presentation  uh in the previous presentation they just had   a prototype model so this one was an actual one  that they're going to be selling Nvidia likes to   throw up graphs in their presentation and they're  often pretty bad not showing axis lines or just   being very very Broad in terms of what they're  trying to represent I'd say the winner for the   worst graph in this presentation was when they  compared the teraflop progression uh with their   gpus to Mo's law which is really two different  things they're not completely unrelated but Mo's   law is about transistor density not like actual  compute performance um but Nvidia had no problem   just throwing those up on a graph next to each  other to be like look how much we're beating Mo's   law continuing with the video cutaways they had  a Blackwell assembly animation showing the whole   family of Blackwell products that they're trying  to pitch that this one included a soundtrack that   sounds like it might have been AI generated  but Jensen was very proud of this video for   some reason he was was like only Nvidia could  do this only I could do this and I'm not sure   why because those were a lot of animations that  I feel like I've seen before and the song was   clearly made specifically for this it was it had  the word Blackwell in the song and everything but Blackwell I don't want to focus on that too much  though he talked about the future timeline for   upcoming generations of hardware and this is  somewhat relevant to PC Gamers because they're   using the same GPU microarch Ure so this should  also somewhat align with the progression of gpus   over the next few years right now they're on  Blackwell he said next year is Blackwell Ultra   so that's presumably 2025 and he also said they're  doing a one-year cycle now for new generations of   Hardware that come out but as a as a result I  think they're also doing mid tier refreshes so   we're going to have a Blackwell Ultra next year  I also noted that apparently it's not Blackwell   super super is only good enough for Consumer grade  graphics cards Ultra is the word they want to use   for their AI stuff guess they could have called  it blackw TI but after Blackwell Ultra is going   to be Reuben and that's the code name for their  next platform and then that will be succeeded by   Reuben Ultra which is probably going to be 26  for Reuben 2027 for Reuben Ultra at this point   we were an hour and a half into the presentation  and I know like I've recapped it fairly quickly   here there was a lot of fluff going on even though  Jensen at the beginning was like I have so much to   tell you it's basically me doing anecdotes about  going to the night market and taipe and stuff but   he did talk about what's next for AI and that  is physical AI which again it goes down a path   where like if you're at all skeptical of AI stuff  it starts to get scary he said we have robots but   what we're going to have is robots that are  interacting with other robots so that they   can build more robots and that that what could go  wrong there this also led into humanoid robots and   then of course Jensen had a bunch of robots come  out on stage with him cute little ones of course   and again this isn't too much different from what  we saw at the CES presentation they rounded things   out by bookending the presentation with another  homage to Taiwan in a final video towards the   very end Jensen said thank you to everyone and and  he took off and we were all like where did you go   you were supposed to say one more thing you're  known for but perhaps we were just too invested   in all the rumors and Buzz now this is not to say  that there won't still be Blackwell gpus coming   out later this year even some of the rumored  timelines and speculation about it happening   like end of summer or in the fall time frame that  could still totally easily happen it's just not   was discussed revealed at today's computex  keynote to wrap up this video though I have   three closing thoughts these are just a couple  little things that I wrote down during the course   of the presentation one is there's some weird  font they were using the whole time it was some   kind of comic SS looking thing but all caps I  don't know did you guys think that was weird   second among the Taiwan Night Market anecdotes  we found out why Jensen has a scar on his face   apparently when he was like four and a half  or five he was at the night market and there   was some dude like cleaning a knife and just like  slashed his face that's why he got a a scar that   was probably one of the most interesting parts of  the presentation at least for me the final thing   here and this is just to sort of summarize what I  think nvidia's goal was with this presentation is   that Nvidia and Jensen Wong want to build not  just the gpus they want to build complete AI   Solutions those big dgx machines that they show  and that was another thing that was included in   that animation is this entire data center  completely filled out and populated with   all Nvidia Hardware they want to provide not just  the gpus but also the CPUs all of the connective   Hardware the nvlink hardware of course which is  also very impressive technology they want to be   a full service solution for AI data centers and  they want to pitch that to investors who want to   spend lots of money uh because according to Jensen  it's not just a GPU it's an entire AI platform so   that is my quick recap of the Nvidia computex  2024 keynote presentation which unfortunately   was disappointingly completely devoid of anything  about gpus or at least next gen gpus but hopefully   you guys who did want to know a little bit more  about the AI side of things were able to get that   information without having to sit through that  entire presentation because it did get pretty   long I have a lot more videos coming at you real  soon for computex 2024 I want to say a big thank   you to my sponsors for this event Asus thermaltake  fractal And antec subscribe if you're not already   hit the Thumbs Up Button if you enjoyed this  video and we'll see you all in the next one
Channel: Paul's Hardware
Views: 71,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: computer, PC, PC gaming, personal computer, computer hardware, paulshardware, NVIDIA, nvidia computex, nvidia computex keynote, nvidia recap, nvidia keynote recap, summary, synopsis, AI, Nvidia AI, blackwell, rubin, RTX 50 series, RTX 5080, RTX 5090, jensen huang, NIM, NVIDIA Inference Microservice, earth 2, digital twin
Id: M64Kdicx0rQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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