AMD Announces Ryzen 9000 Series - 9950X, 9900X, 9700X & 9600X (And More!)

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my coverage of computex 2024 is brought to you  by Asus antec thermaltake and fractal. welcome   everyone to our second video for computex 2024  I'm going to be recapping amd's just made big   announcements at their computex keynote and  since it is absolutely raining buckets outside   I'm reporting from our couch at our Airbnb.  AMD announced some new CPUs and some more new CPUs excellent unfortunately as expected we  didn't hear much from the Radeon side of things   amd's Focus here at computex is on two things  there New Zen 5 CPU micro architecture which is   a brand new design as well as their new xdna 2  AI npu architecture which is also somewhat new   but also a little bit more nebulous let's start  with the hard facts that we have on the desktop   products that were announced amd's new ryzen  9000 series of desktop processors which will   slot into existing am5 motherboards with a bios  update but there will be new x870 and x87 chipset   motherboards 2o so let's start at the top of the  ryzen 9000 Series stack with the new 99 950x 16   cores and 32 threads and by the way all these CPUs  were previously known as code named Granite Ridge   if you've been watching my tech news series up  till now we've been discussing these quite a   bit so it's good to finally have confirmation now  if you're comparing the 9950 X specs to the 795x   you're going to see a lot of similarities here  they're both 16 cores 32 threads 5.7 GHz boost   clock 80 megabytes of total cache that's 16 Megs  L2 64 Megs L3 and beyond that we're maintaining   socket am5 support PCI Express fresh Gen 5 support  and ddr5 support the main difference here is going   to be that microarchitecture change upgrading to  Zen 5 and that's going to be the big question that   reviewers need to help answer next month sometime  in July when these actually launch is how much of   a performance Improvement AMD has gained just  from their new microprocessor architecture AMD   did share some of their performance numbers that  I'm going to cover in just a moment but let's   continue our rund down the stack next we have the  ryzen 9 9900x that's the 12 core 24 thread model   the successor to the 7900x 5.6 GHz Max boost 76  Megs of cache these are pretty much against the   same specs as the 7900x but do note that the TDP  is 120 watts that is down from 170 Watts with the   standard 7900x but it is the same as the 7900 x3d  which also came in at 120 watts my impression of   the 12 core 7900x was always that it had a little  bit of middle child syndrome it wasn't quite as   popular as a top end chip with 16 cores or the  7800x 3D of course which is a much better choice   for gaming but with that drop in TDP and the focus  on efficiency for this generation AMD seems to be   pitching this more as a combination of performance  and efficiency with 12 cores but probably not   going to be as focused on gaming this time around  so it seems a bit more like they're aiming for a   Sweet Spot between performance and efficiency with  the 9900x and we'll see if that's impacts sales at   all this one probably isn't going to be quite as  good for gaming though next up in the 4 CPU lineup   is the 9700x this is the 8 core 6D in thre model  with a 5.5 GHz boost 40 Megs of shared cache and   this has a 65 wat TDP s like the 9900 X that is a  bit down from previous generation 8 cores with the   7,000 series 7800x 3D was 120 watts 7700 X was  105 Watts the standard ryzen 7700 without an X   or a 3D was also 65 Watts we'll see how much of  a performance Improvement the 9700x can provide   versus that chip at the same TDP finally we have  the 9600 X six cores 12 threads 5.4 GHz boost 38   Megs of shared cache 65 wat TDP which is again  a drop versus the previous generation the 7600 X   had a 105 watt TDP so AMD is clearly highlighting  the efficiency gains that they have made with the   Zen 5 microarchitecture and hopefully that will  be balanced out with performance improvements at   the same time let's take a quick look at some of  the performance numbers that AMD shared this is   sort of a delicate balancing act that AMD does we  can't always directly trust these numbers but at   the same time AMD doesn't want to overpromise Too  Much by cherry-picking apps or games that their   CPUs overperform at so that when the reviews come  out they say AMD was completely off with their   estimation with this performance basically what  I'm saying is take these numbers with a grain of   salt and wait for the independent reviews next  month to actually verify certain claims like up   to 2X and they put a big 2x in the middle of the  screen is specifically referring to stuff that   isn't going to impacts your actual CPU compute or  gaming performance much like twice the instruction   and data bandwidth and twice the AI performance  supposedly is just a reason for them to put a big   2x on the screen the next slide is slightly more  reasonable they claiming that Zen 5 has a 16% IPC   uplift for PCs this is the geoman across a variety  of both compute and gaming tasks that AMD selected   but check out that footnote at the very bottom  asterisk all results are up to so we're seeing up   to 16% IPC uplift not on average which of course  means that your mileage may vary if you upgrade to   this CPU depending on the application that you're  using of course if you're planning on running one   of these apps or playing one of these games  that they're specifically listing I would have   some degree of trust that these numbers are not  tooo far off reality AMD also put up a 950x versus   14900 K comparison Intel has been struggling a bit  lately and they do need to come up with something   special for their new CPUs that are supposed to  still launch later this year but versus the 14900   K and again these are amd's numbers grain of salt  but they did a range of productivity and content   creation tasks as well as gaming tasks and these  were their results and that is pretty much all   they shared about the new ryzen 99000 series  processors although we do expect a few more   tidbits to trickle out as the week progresses  but what about those other things that AMD talked   about let's quickly cover those we have the new  ryzen AI 300 series of processors are they apus   are they mobile CPUs they're mobile CPUs basically  but AMD didn't specifically use that terminology   you're first probably going to see these in a  series of thin and light laptops that launch   also around the July time frame that is the rough  estimate we've been given for these processors   there are two of them specifically that they  announced and it gets a little confusing because   AMD is basically completely shuffled around and  redone their naming scheme I'm always a little   bit baffled when they do something like this but  AMD is clearly trying to make these uh processors   stand apart from their existing processors or  CPUs that don't have some level of AI acceleration   integrated because that is really what their focus  is here how can we put AI into the processor how   can we put AI into the chip name and as they  very specifically said in their press briefing   it's so when people go to somewhere like Best  Buy and they're like I want a new laptop I've   heard about this AI stuff ooh that one says AI on  it let's get that one thankfully AMD did put up   a slide explaining their new branding for third  gen ryzen AI they took the word Ai and they put   it there in between ryzen and the nine or the  seven or whichever tier of product it's going   to be they took the x and instead of having the  X at the end of the final number they pulled it   back and put it next to an H that is apparently  the Brand level does that include the nine or   not I'm not sure this line doesn't exactly begin  end where these actual numbers do like the series   here is that referring to the three or the seven  the skew number is a 70 but there's also going   to be maybe like a five in there because we do  have two SKS that were presented to us we have   the ryzen AI 9 HX 370 and we have the ryzen ai9  365 which doesn't have an H or an X so if you if   you really don't like H's or X's I I guess that's  the one you should go for as AMD was explaining   this to us with the slide there and saying this  is how we made it really easy all I could think   of is was no AMD you're not making this really  easy I think you've done this you've taken the   rise in branding which has been progressing for  years and years since it was first launched in   2016 which has an established Market presence  and people have some level of understanding if   they have investigated CPUs at all what those  various parts of the product title mean but   what AMD is trying to do here is put AI up front  for people shopping at Best Buy who don't know   any better and assuming that those people have  some previous existing knowledge of your product   skew naming system that is very simple now because  you've just taken this element and moved it here   and moved this over here it just seems to make  things more confusing for me rather than less but   maybe that's the real intent make the product name  all confusing so that all they see is AI and then   they say I want AI so let's pay more money for  that one unfortunately benchmarking of AI specific   tasks is still like really confusing right now  there's just so many of them and the industry   hasn't really come together to agree upon like  here's how we can actually test and judge Jud the   performance of this new part of a CPU that you're  integrating along with the CPU and the integrated   GPU we now have the npu or neural Processing Unit  so again AMD shared a handful of benchmarks about   how their AI npu can improve things but I'm not  going to focus on that too much because I think   we're still in the infancy of testing actual  performance for npus I did want to call out two   more things for the AIC CPUs though one is that  they're using a mix of cores It's a combination   of Zen 5 and Zen 5 CES and then the other is that  the integrated Graphics are based on rdna 3.5 a   couple other things to mention before we wrap up  one is AMD did give a shout out to their unmatched   socket longevity and here is an area I actually  agree with them I really appreciate that am4 had   such a long lifespan and there's actually a couple  new CPUs for that platform as well and we really   hope that they extend that commitment with am5 as  well because it's been a great feature for people   who invest in amd's platform and then want to  maybe upgrade a CPU down the line you don't   need to completely rebuild your system of course  they immediately followed that with and we also   have new chipsets for new motherboard there's  x870 and x870 which presumably is going to be   the same type of configuration that they have for  their 600 series motherboards x870 will have one   of the chips and x870 will have two of the chips  for additional I/O that has not been confirmed   that's speculation on my part though I will  be visiting some motherboard manufacturers on   this trip so I'll try to get some shots of some  new x870 and x870 motherboards to share with you   guys as my coverage continues beyond that for  x870 we have USB 4.0 as a standard PCI Express   Gen 5 for both the GPU and the nvme SSD on both  chipsets and they say that these motherboards   will support higher Expo memory clocks which  also probably means that they're going to be   better suited for high-end memory overclocking as  well and lastly we have a couple new am4 cus for   the socket and platform that just won't die the  ryzen 95900 XT and ryzen 75800 XT and while I have   previously stated that I really appreciate the am4  socket longevity and everything I'm starting to   get to the point where like AMD we have enough am4  CPUs my feeling is that they probably have extra   Zen 4 dies that they've been binning out that  didn't necessarily fit with their existing SKS   they've collected those and drop them into these  the 5800 XT is going to have a higher frequency up   to 4.8 GHz Max boost it's going to have a wraith  prism cooler with RGB LEDs which probably isn't a   selling point for many people notably even though  the 5900 XT is named 5900 XT it's not a 12 core   though it's 16 cores and 32 threads also with a  higher frequency of 4.8 GHz I have a feeling that   Gamers and new Builders probably aren't going to  see too much value in these CPUs they're probably   going to be looking more towards building on  Zen 5 but it does mean there are more options   for anyone who is building or upgrading an am4  system those should also be coming in July 2024   AMD did initially include prices for them but then  they said actually hold off on that we'll let you   know later so we'll let you know what the prices  are we don't know the prices of the 9,000 Series   CPUs either now since I'm pre-recording this if  there's any additional information that comes   out in the keynote when it goes live I'm going to  add a comment to the comment section down below   and that's just if there's anything significant  that comes up that wasn't included in the Press   briefing but just some closing thoughts and  Analysis some notes I wrote down as I was going   over the Press briefing they have not announced  or even confirmed any x3d parts yet for the ryzen   9000 Series so that's a little disappointing for  gamers if you're specifically focused on gaming   there's a good chance that there will be x3d CPUs  that launch at some points and since the x3d 5000   and 7,000 series CPUs have a significant boost in  gaming performance uh gamers are probably going to   want to hold out for those also on the x3d side  of things I'm very curious to know in terms of   gaming specifically the 950x and the 9700 X are  probably going to be the most sought-after CPUs   I am guessing for this generation maybe the 9600  X as well depending on how competitively priced   it is but how will these CPUs without the aid of  3D vcash perform against the 7800x 3D is there   a chance that they might perform worse than the  previous Gen processor with the aid of 3D vcash   I'd say there's a decent likelihood of that but  again it's going to greatly depend on how much   performance Improvement AMD has gotten out of  their New Zen 5 architecture I already talked   about pricing I already talked about these are  expected to launch in July the specific date is   TBD the only other thing I wrote here is that  dumb branding works and that slopping AI onto   these new processors they have with the npus  integrated is probably going to work despite   how frustrating and annoying it is for certain  of us who would prefer that AMD and other brands   stick to a naming scheme that's a little bit more  accessible and a little bit more understandable   but that is going to wrap it up for this video you  guys I want to say a big thank you to my sponsor   for computex 2024 Asus fractal thermaltake and  antec I have lots more videos coming at you real   soon so hit the Thumbs Up Button subscribe if  you're not already check out the playlist it   should be linked in the description if you  want to see all my computex coverage a big   thank you to Joe for heading to Taiwan with  me and we'll see you all in the next video
Channel: Paul's Hardware
Views: 21,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: computer, PC, PC gaming, personal computer, computer hardware, paulshardware, AMD, Computex 2024, AMD Computex Recap, AMD Computex summary, AMD computex announcements, taipei, taiwan, lisa su, keynote, Zen 5, XDNA 2, Ryzen 9000 CPUs, 9950X, 9900X, 9700X, 9600X, AMD AI CPUs, Ryzen AI 300 Series, Ryzen 9000
Id: nL9DPsEIOgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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