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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story prove i broke my arm sure bit of a warning for the queasy descriptions get a little graphic the background is kinda long but it's important to the story to understand how ridiculous this nurse was and how clumsy i am background way back in the magical year of 2000 i was a teenager attending a summer camp usually it was day only tons of outdoor activities canoeing hiking swimming archery the works i did not break my arm doing any of these for the older two years of kids they would host an overnight intense once a month i was 13 and finally allowed to go and very excited got my tent sleeping bag and friends the night went as you would expect when there's 2013 year olds in tents with the adults nearby we tried to pull as many stupid stunts as we could get away with i got dared to stand on a picnic table and dance 13 years olds aren't very creative so i got up there and did in the dark while it was raining i did not break my arm dancing on a wet table in near darkness when we'd all had a good laugh i went to step down using the bench and missed my leg plunged down in the gap between the bench and the table i went down and forward hit the bench on my way pivoted around it really fast and landed on my outstretched hands there was an audible snap my left forearm bearing my full weight and sudden deceleration snapped in half didn't even break the skin i remember rolling over seeing my arm with suddenly two elbows panicking and pushing it back into place not perfectly obviously it was broken but it was no longer at a 90 degree angle that's when it started hurting a lot the ambulance took forever to get to us as they kept missing the turn off for the campsite i found out later they drove past it for most of that time eventually it arrives i'm loaded in and it's off to the hospital when we finally arrived it's been about an hour since i broke my arm i've been in intense pain the whole time and the emts hadn't given me anything for it i don't remember why the whole ride is very fuzzy here's where the malicious compliance comes in i get brought into the main desk triage area this hag of a woman with a permanent resting witch face starts asking me questions while the emts are standing by me after telling her what they knew it's a bit fuzzy but the gist was this nurse so what happened me i fell and broke my arm it really hurts the emt said you could give me something while i wait nurse rolls eyes and makes a tut-tut noise nurse we have to get your arm x-rayed first to make sure it's really broken we can't give you anything until we're sure now go take a seat me i'm sure it broke in half nurse smirking really you broke it in half prove it i swear i get kids like you all the time looking for drugs now i am beyond pissed i've been in agony for over an hour and this woman is treating me like absolute garbage even if it were just a sprain shouldn't that warrant some kind of pain management i'm holding my arm think for a second and decide a screw it as the emts are about to interject i raise my left arm grab the far end of my forearm with my right hand and push it bends very very far her face drains of all color and she looks like she's going to be sick she immediately gets on the phone i'm now in 10 times the amount of pain but i'm grinning as only a disturbed teen can it took them less than five minutes to put me in a room pump me full of morphine set my arm in a temporary wrap they then x-ray me and schedule the surgery i had a plate and five screws put in along with a full cast that i kept on for about six weeks they took the plate and pins out six months later it was very painful and annoying but other than a gnarly scar my arm is totally fine thinking back on it 20 years later still worth it q how did you break your arm to do that 90 degrees is impossible oh both bones in my forearm essentially shattered they called it a green stick fracture i don't know that it was exactly 90 degrees unfortunately i left my protractor in my other pants but it did look like a second elbow that was freaky enough q what about nerve circulation damage ay i was really really lucky the doctor told me after i came out of the surgery anesthetic that it was a good thing i pushed it back when i first broke it the position it was originally in was cutting off circulation and i probably would have lost the arm that's what he told me anyway q how did you push your arm like that through all that pain ay i was in so much pain i was quite literally delirious it was a snap decision and really not smart but i'm also proud of 13 years old me he was so cool i don't think i could do that now q the emts didn't do anything wrong etc uh no they were really nice from what i remember q where was this uh southern ontario canada q where were your parents uh it was about 3am at this point the camp had been trying to call my dad the whole time but he slept through it for quite a while one of the camp counselors rode with me in the ambulance apparently he was more shaken up by the whole thing than i was he didn't come back for a few weeks my dad eventually picked up rushed over immediately and felt really bad i was already under by this point but i woke up to him in my room he's a good dad q this didn't happen uh it did sorry if you don't believe me but that's okay next story sure i'll load your car for you this happened a few years ago now but was reminded by a friend yesterday when we were talking about how petty i can be in revenge i was in the army and sent on a career promotion course in another part of the country our instructors were the same rank and we pretty much all knew each other the instructor at the heart of this story wasn't necessarily a bad guy but had been in the trainee instructor environment too long and had really embraced the role despite being equal to us the day before heading out for a field activity we were doing our team preparation when he came strolling into the lecture room with coffee in hand and said he needed help loading a vehicle no dramas of course and a group of us went outside to help when we got outside there were a bunch of stores to move and a vehicle at the top of a small rise the thing was though that these were his personal items and stores for him as an instructor not anything specific for the benefit of the wider good of the course at this stage still no dramas though as it was admittedly quite a bit of stuff and he was a peer where i got completely livid was when he barked instructions at us then turned on his heel and walked back into the building sipping his aforementioned coffee all of us were taken aback but i was truly incredulous and just stood there in disbelief for a good while i came to when i realized everyone had started the work and the obligation of not letting everyone else down-over-ruled my anger i picked up a small trunk and as i walked to the car had a stroke of malicious genius instead of heading to the back of the car i went to the driver's side and loaded it up there it was then two beautiful things happened firstly the guys behind me who'd been wondering what i was up to deviated without a word or missing a step to the front seat passenger side secondly after we exhausted supplies to load into all of the passenger seats the guys started offloading the stuff already in the trunk and cross-loaded it to the back seat the instructor never mentioned anything afterwards but we also didn't ask to load up their cars for the remaining activities next story forced to share what we did over the weekend in the weekly staff meeting i have a new boss who has scheduled a monday morning staff meeting every week as part of the meeting he expects everyone to share what they did over the weekend to me a good leader would open the floor and ask if anyone who wanted to volunteer to participate rather than force an uncomfortable situation my first time to share i thought i could get by saying something simple like that i read a book but he followed up with asking what was the title i was ready for any questions and had looked up the weirdest book title i could find the title was the good psychopath's guide to success how to use your inner psychopath to get the most out of life by dr kevin dutton his response was a very short oh he immediately tried to go to another co-worker but i continued with my share by paraphrasing the synopsis of the book as how psychopaths are focused and stay calm in tense situations among other good traits he kept on insisting that everyone share in future meetings so i kept making things up boss so what did you do this weekend well my wife and i have a long-haired siamese cat and it was my turn to give it a bath how did that go not too bad but i just hate the way the fur sticks to my tongue i usually got big laughs from my co-workers with my shares and i like to think they looked forward to what i might say next i have continued to make up stories and even bought a copy of the good psychopath book and gave it to him at an in-person staff meeting telling him that i was through with it and he could read it my boss still has the meetings but now we only have to share every other monday mostly i just contribute mundane chores like mowing or cleaning the house my last made-up situation was reading a study about the dunning-kruger effect this is where a person is too stupid to know that they are too stupid to perform a task i even gave him a copy of the study but he never got the hint next story you're a cog know your place and only do what you're told okay yup i'll assert myself twice and only twice after that what happens is what they had coming despite clear warnings various things happened at the company i worked with i won't go into much detail but i was building towards an exit a difficult position to replace i asked to transfer out twice as i do not plan to stay on in this capacity into our winter period essentially gave them six months notice at three months and i suggested training a replacement when i was hired my department didn't exist so there was little to no training i basically built it from the ground up and learned as i went trial by fire i liked the company wanted my replacement trained for a smooth transition after i left management was furious at the notion of my suggestion and told me to leave management to management and basically know my place so that's what i did kept my head down did my work quietly removing any and all personal post notes i had tacked up around the office over the following weeks because much of my work was unsupervised no one even knew these notes existed if they didn't want me to train my replacement i wasn't going to leave my materials behind as a guide put my two weeks in and was out before the first snowfall co-worker told me it was nearly four months before they found a replacement next story you want to go home okay i'll get right on that i used to work for an assisted living facility in my hometown and facilities like these are notorious for overworking staff lack of people i had worked in our memory care unit and finally got three days off after working 28 days straight half of my shifts at 16 hours long the rest at 10 to 12 hours mind you i was only scheduled for eight hours a day five days a week i was resting in bed at home when i got a frantic call from my boss 60 years old female on my second day off saying that our entire evening shift staff quit four people and it would be me and a new trainee watching are 19 residents mind you i would be passing medications bathing assisting with dinner and training someone on their first day so practically doing all of this on my own with no breaks i told my boss i really was not feeling well and this is my second day off in a row after working nearly a month straight i did not want to do it she begged and i finally acquiesced but on the promise she stayed to work the rest of the shift too so i wouldn't be the only one doing the work of four people she quickly agreed and i got ready and headed in i didn't want my residents to suffer and they surely would have if it was just my boss she was insufferable and cruel about two hours into this shift i overheard the new hire tell our boss that she is missing her daughter's recital and really would have liked to be there and my boss suggested she leaves after i pass my dinner meds and dinner as fed to our residents the new hire quickly agreed i was pissed because we were about an hour out from dinner and none of the caregiving duties were fulfilled as i was still working on a pass that wasn't completed by the previous shift well time passed and sure enough the new hire left while none of the important caretaking outside of medications dinner were done my boss was of little to no help and didn't have an endorsement from our nurse to pass medications come 8 p.m and i am in full swing of running between rooms to assist residents with all needs before bedtime while simultaneously giving their meds made it easier on me to get it done room by room my boss who had been sitting down the entire time pipes up and says i'm tired am i going to be able to leave soon i reminded her the only reason i came in was on the premise i wouldn't work alone she kept pressing me and i finally snapped at her and said i work 28 days i've had one day of rest and have been left by myself on a shift more times than i could count on both hands i want to go home too hell i could have been home i came in to take care of my people because nobody else will but that wasn't enough i understand that op but i've been here since 9 this morning that's 12 hours she quips at this point i was done so i finally looked at her and said if you can let me finish my med pass i will let you leave how long i still have six rooms to finish okay i took up the entire rest of the night before the next shift came in going as i had been before she piped in hell i even got my showers in she was sitting down still not saying a word as i moseyed along giving my residents their medicines brushing their teeth and finishing up new briefs bed clothes she didn't say a word i texted my resignation to the head administrator and reported the facility to the authorities the next day next story my dog ate my homework no really he did when i was in the third grade my bloodhound sniffed out the popcorn balls and candy in my backpack from a school halloween event he ate that along with my homework from my class i copied the questions at the end of the chapter and answered all 10 of them homework was usually just a printout of about three to five of these questions i tried turning in my handwritten homework substitute but my teacher was having none of it she said i should have just done the homework she assigned i tried explaining that my dog ate it but she cut me off by saying she wasn't going to believe that story i insisted i was telling the truth and got punished for it after sitting in the corner for the majority of class one was feeling pretty angry about the whole situation i asked my teacher what i could possibly do to prove i was telling the truth even offering to have my parents on the phone to back up my story she said she would need some solid evidence before she would believe me cue the malicious compliance i went home that friday and followed my dog around with a ziploc bag once i got what i needed i hid it in the large freezer on the porch until monday as soon as i entered class one placed the solid evidence on my teacher's desk she freaked the hell out i was cursed at dragged physically by my arm and backpack to the principal's office and threatened with everything from suspension to legal action i pointed out that my evidence had chunks of paper throughout it including large enough chunks to make out that it had been printer paper with words on it my principal listened to both of us to get caught up to what had happened i was pardoned for any perceived wrongdoing whereas my teacher was missing from class for the next week with a substitute trying his best to wrangle us kids my parents threatened legal action against the teacher in the interim and while i'm not sure if they pressed charges she wasn't at my school by the time thanksgiving rolled around maybe next time just give the kid who hand wrote double the homework questions full credit or call the parents first and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching our video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the 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Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 34,474
Rating: 4.8998747 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, reddit krown, entitled karen, entitled parents, entitled people, malicious compliance, ruthless nurse, broken arm, severe injury, broke my arm
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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