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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] first story entitled dad demands i check for evidence of a ninja attacking his dog this is my first time posting so if i did something wrong please let me know so for some context my dad lives alone next door to me my mom left him a couple of years prior and it was a very rough separation both parents think the other one is out to get them but they really don't want anything to do with each other also my dad runs a business from home and has cameras everywhere that cover every entrance to both of our homes this will be referenced later one day my dad calls and asks if i can run by the house and take a look at one of his dogs samson because he isn't looking well i walked to the house and it was clear at first sight that the dog had mange so i recommended going to the vet to see what they recommend for a good treatment my dad responds it may look like that but this is clearly an acid burn at this point i'm confused so i dared to ask why do you think this my dad starts explaining how mom clearly hired someone to come to the house and spray acid on the dog in an attempt to make his life miserable i then asked did the cameras catch anything no they didn't at this point i am trying to hold back laughter as i asked so what you're telling me as some acid-wielding ninja somehow drove to our house we live in the middle of nowhere avoided waking either of us up avoiding all of ten cameras o.r even more got into the dog's lot which was tiny and managed to spray acid on samson without getting bit by biscuit dad's other dog who is very aggressive towards strangers then get out without being detected he adamantly responded with yes clearly not catching my sarcasm he then goes but i can't prove it can you check the cameras to see if you can find anything or do some searching around the house he paused also can you try and get your mother to admit that she did this i sighed ignoring how likely someone in our area even has the ability to do that how could mom a person who took 12 years to learn how to do the laundry true story find someone and hire them to spray acid on the one outside dog you have that she actually likes he looked at me as if i was crazy and said you just don't understand your mother she would do this to avoid it looking like she did this as if mom was some malicious genius malicious yes genius no and i might share some stories about her another time i was getting a headache due to this conversation so i just suggested then why don't you take him to the vet to see what they recommend to put on it dad nodded good idea but he still insisted l had to spend hours trying to find proof of ninjas that i knew wasn't there with him i choose my battles because he can be a real pain to argue with because he's very childish so after i spent an hour disagreeing with him on the ninja he stumps his feet and starts insisting i check all the camera angles to improve security luckily it was easy since there were so many cameras it covered every driveway and every entrance used to get to his house they also cover my driveway but my doors and yard are not in the line of sight and i made sure of that i did however win the argument that i didn't have to check for ninja footprints yes he did ask days later he takes the dog to the vet who says it's mange i know this because the medicine dad brought home was for mange dad comes home and asks me to come over he is pissed he goes vet doesn't know what he's talking about this is clearly acid i sighed and went well regardless the medicine should help him get better and you can check the cameras to see if any more ninjas show up samson healed up days later and so far no more signs of a ninja attack dad still keeps asking me if mom has admitted to hiring one though two years later next story made my entitled aunt cry over takeaway chips made my entitled aunt cry by telling her we don't need more fries this is a bit of a longer one so bear with me a little bit of backstory here when i was younger we would celebrate either of my grandparents birthdays by spending most of the day there have dinner together and then go home neither of my grandparents were exactly great cooks so they would always order dinner for the occasion the grandchildren would get french fries and the adults usually got chinese food as a kid i certainly was not complaining now something you need to know is that my dad has two sisters my aunts i absolutely love his youngest sister and have always had a close bond with her there is a large age difference between myself and her children so i have babysat them from the time they were six months old my dad's middle sister is a different story altogether to use a description my british friends will be familiar with they are scum class their house was always filthy to the point where there was a stack of used diapers bunched under a sofa cigarette buds on the floor clothes not being washed you get the picture now for some reason she spoiled her children absolutely rotten perhaps to compensate for the fact that she wouldn't offer them basic hygiene anything those children wanted was handed to them on a dinged and dusty silver platter now for the story we were celebrating my granddad's birthday enter cast me good guy grandad entitled aunt entitled aunt spahn i am about 12 years old at the time and the oldest of all the grandchildren this means i have been granted a coveted position at the adult table whilst the children play in the front room my grandad is discussing what we should do for food this particular time as per usual the chinese takeout menu makes an appearance me feeling particularly responsible and eager to prove i belong at the adult table offered to take down the orders the adults in the family rattle off their order one by one and i make sure to diligently note down what everyone wants i am not going to lie 12 year old me felt powerful next it's time to take the orders for the children i ask my granddad if i can go ask them myself and take it down he gives me a big grin and ushers me along now i set to the task with the fervor of a missionary who has just landed on the shores of a heathen land i ask my brothers and each of my cousins yes that includes the evil kid what they would like for dinner now this gets noted down neatly even including the name of each person behind their specific order i ran back to my grandad with a sense of pride as if i had finished my first novel rather than wrote a glorified shopping list he runs through the list with me and nods approvingly he asks if i want to be the one who places the order and boy do i as i reach for the phone my entitled aunt decides this is her moment to shine she yanks my carefully curated list out of my hand and not so quickly reads through it moments later i receive a glare that could have made ho chi minh whimper apparently i have made a grievous mistake entitled ant why is there only five portions of fries on here confused i reply because there are only five children who are going to eat fries you must be stupid can you not count i can count there's me both of my brothers and your children what about your youngest cousins well one of them is four months old and can't have solids and the other one doesn't like fries so he is eating something different she rolls her eyes and snorts with derision what about my babies one portion of fries is not going to be enough these are adult portions they always give us way too much food and then we have to throw it away after dinner at this point she tries to snatch the phone away from me so she can make the call herself this was her big mistake i was and to this day still am a particularly stubborn person couple that with that fact that i did not have a lot going for me as a child but i had my brain so insulting my intelligence was not something i took kindly to i duck under her arm and race to the other side of the table snatching the list as i go me i am not ordering more food this is enough give me that list you little brat do you want to spoil my father's birthday and make people go hungry i am not ordering more food this is enough this back and forth continued in the same sort of way for another 15 minutes with my grandad looking on rather bemused shooting me to occasional wink meanwhile my aunt is getting more and more irate as i calmly keep telling her no by the end she is screaming her face is red and blotched with a matching vein ready to burst on the forehead so i do the only logical thing i run into the bathroom with my entitled aunt in hot pursuit at this moment it has become my sole mission to sabotage this woman i lock the door and dial the number for the takeaway place she is screaming demanding i open the door right now to which i reply i am on the phone i loudly and very clearly state my order to the takeaway place and give them my grandad's name whilst she is banging on the door when i am finished i unlock the door and walk past her with a smirk that split my face in half i go back to my grandad and hand him the phone delivering the message that dinner will be ready to collect it in about 15 minutes he ruffles my hair and tells me thanks sweetheart entitled ant who has stuck to my heels like a bad smell looks at this loses whatever was left of her composure starts sobbing loudly she complains to my grandad about what a horrible child i am and that he should call the takeaway place back and rectify my order my grandad is done with this in about two seconds he levels her with a look and calmly states you have lost in more ways than one get yourself together or go home she locked herself in an upstairs bedroom for the rest of the evening and refused to speak to anyone food arrived about 20 minutes later and as predicted we had more than enough to feed everyone next story karen neighbor threatens to burn down my house because of my pets hello all welcome to another crazy karen story to start this off i have some unconventional pets tarantulas snakes a spoiled mouse and some conventional pets cats and dogs as such i've gotten a lot of push back from entitled people however this last interaction takes the cake i was out walking one of my dogs when i heard screaming coming from a few houses down when i got closer i found out it was my new neighbor screaming at rey the pest control guys this woman is a short hispanic woman with short brightly colored hair spit was practically flying from her mouth a young bored-looking boy stood in the doorway of the house when rey sees me he waves me over quickly look miss tex here can tell you we are just walking around the house to do pest control we are hired by the homeowner association ray practically sobs high ray really does work for the homeowners association as pest management however if you don't feel comfortable with ray or his company being around your house you can just tell him to mark you down as a skip i shrug understanding not everyone is comfortable with people walking around their homes yes i don't want those people walking around my house my sweet baby was playing outside and he scared him karen screams rey looks so relieved for a split second yes ms we can certainly put you on the skip list or even as a partial skip like tex does rey offers a partial skip karen asks confused yep i have some exotic pets that are sensitive to the spray they use so they skip the window to their room i told her with a smile exotic pets the boy says peeking up i smiled going into full teacher mode i explained that i have many different kinds of pets i told them that i take in a lot of specialty pets people buy before doing the research on or since kovid hit i've been getting a lot of animals from people who have moved back in with their parents and they couldn't take their animals with them the more i talk the more excited the boy looks and the more horrified the mother does wait she interrupts what kind of monsters are you keeping excuse me they aren't monsters they are just awesomely uncommon pets i snapped slightly annoyed snakes spiders they are monsters how can you keep them honestly i would just burn the whole house to the ground and just take the loss karen screeches now something you should know is that as a child i did in fact have a house burned down both my parents were badly burned and spent months in the hospital my brother and i had nowhere to go as none of my family could or would take us in the firefighters ended up cleaning out a back room at the station and let us live there for a month before my mom was released from the hospital so the threat of going through that again shook me to my core that kind of joke isn't funny you would say that to someone who owned a dog or a cat so don't say that to me i've been through the aftermath of losing a house to a fire it's not something to use as an empty threat i snarl at the cairn she sniffs and tosses her nose into the air who said it was an empty threat she snips at me everyone froze i can't imagine what my face must have looked like rey looked between us and took a step away from me it better be karen because i have enough cameras that alert me if anyone steps onto my property i also have enough ammo to bring down a small army take from that what you will i snarled grinning like a shark was that a threat karen gasps as long as you don't plan to follow through with yours i won't be forced to follow through with mine i grin sharply she storms back up the drive leaving her now wide-eyed son behind as she slams the door ray jumps well that wasn't how i expected this day to go he sighs tiredly i just nod the kid looks at me and sheepishly before shyly asking could i hold one of your snakes and see your spiders talk to your dad when he gets home and if he says yes y'all can come over and hang out i tell him still trying to calm down i know i probably didn't handle it the best but when she was talking about burning the house down i just thought back to trying to drag my autistic brother out of the house not knowing if my parents were still alive i could still practically smell the burning wood and feel the burns i got on my back from trying to shield my brother flare up the fear of that happening again was heart stopping update kid came over and had a blast fell in love with some of the noodles and dad has asked if he could help with my snakes to see if maybe he could get one in the future so he is fostering najish the corn snake next story entitled mother didn't get congratulations so my grandmother maria is the epitome of an entitled person parent she has four kids my aunts my mother and my uncle this story is about my mother third child this is relevant as she had to take care of her brother and lived as a black sheep grandma was abusive and drug addicted for all my mother's life on to the current drama my mother still takes care of my grandmother when she calls for something she lives in a hoarder house and her caretaker doesn't do much so my mother takes pity my grandmother is still an addict and this is a point of contention between them especially because of her high phone calls she will call to demand things immediately even during covet snowstorms and sickness mother is immunocompromised for the most part my mother does help this has reinforced her entitlement she has only demanded these things of my mother for her whole life after forgetting my mother's birthday and not even noticing maria called breaking down about her other daughter not answering her calls whole other story then valentine's day comes she left six voicemails yelling with my other aunt for my mother to call her here is a rough transcript aunt jasmine mother's name call mama she is calling you why don't you answer maria you ungrateful rough translation why didn't you congratulate me i need you to come over you need to buy me something online and variations of this my mother called her the next day because she works and didn't see the voicemails until late my mother didn't understand what she wanted from her and just figured it was another high call turns out she wanted a valentine's greeting and was mad that no one gave her one and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you for watching my video if you liked it please subscribe to the channel like the video and leave a comment below
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 21,085
Rating: 4.9251966 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Id: xOMRp6RjTOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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