NURSE Behavioural Interview Questions & Answers! (How to PASS a Nursing Job Interview)

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hi there my name is richard mcmahon from the interview training company and in this tutorial i am going to teach you how to answer nurse behavioral interview questions so if you have a nursing interview coming up for any healthcare organization whatsoever please make sure you stay tuned and watch this presentation fully from beginning to end because this is what i'm going to cover i'm going to give you a list of common nurse behavioral interview questions that i strongly recommend you prepare for i will also give you suggested answers to difficult and challenging nursing interview questions to help you succeed i will give you some great tips on how to be the standout candidate during your nurse interview and finally i will tell you about further resources you can get access to to help you succeed so there's four reasons why you should stay tuned and just very quickly before i start the training presentation a very warm welcome to this nurse behavioral interview training tutorial my name is richard mcmunn that is me there in the center of the screen i am a former fire officer of 17 years and since then i've been helping people like you to pass their job interviews and i always do that by giving you top scoring answers you can't find anywhere else on that basis please make sure you subscribe to the channel so you don't miss out on any of the training tutorials i am uploading and please do make sure you give the video a like because that tells me you enjoy the content and i will then create more for you thank you very much okay let's get started so the first interview question the first nursing behavioral interview question that i want you to prepare for is describe a situation when you had to work with a difficult member of a health care team what was the situation and how did you deal with it so a behavioral interview question is one where you have to respond with a specific situation you have previously been in and it shows then that you have the skills and qualities to perform the role of a nurse to a competent and highly effective manner so here is my suggested answer to this first nurse behavioral interview question i was assigned to work on a busy ward at my local hospital and one of the medical staff was clearly quite stressed with the workload i could detect as the shift progressed that her stress levels were increasing because she started to make minor mistakes i decided to speak to her to see if she was okay i was initially met with a frosty and defensive response but i didn't let this deter me from persevering i suggested we took a short break together and during that break i started to talk to her about the challenges she was under and how she was feeling it was clear that she had personal problems at home but nobody to talk to about them now over the next few weeks we constantly chatted when the opportunity presented itself and our talks clearly had a positive impact on our well-being and mindset i encouraged her to seek professional advice which i am happy to say she agreed to we built up a good friendship on the ward and i was pleased i had helped her to reduce her stress levels as her performance at work quickly got back to where it should have been so that kind of situation shows that when dealing with somebody who is being difficult whether they intend to or not you are being mature and professional about the situation and you are trying to resolve it for the wider benefit of the health care team and organization so that is a situation that has a positive outcome due to your intervention and that's the important way to respond to that nurse behavioral interview question the next one i would like to work through with you is describe a time when a patient's family were dissatisfied with the care or treatment you provided how did you respond to the criticism so here is my suggested answer i was discussing a treatment plan with the family of an elderly patient who was being discharged from hospital when the daughter told me she felt the plan was inadequate for her father's needs i listened to her concerns carefully before explaining the reasons for the choice of treatment and the benefits it would have for him i also explained that the treatment was based on my examination of her father and i reassured her that the treatment plan would be reviewed periodically with follow-up consultations i also explained that in my experience this was the safest and most appropriate treatment plan for him based on his condition i reassured her that the treatment would be changed if my assessment deemed the need to do so in the future and whilst communicating with her i was transparent and i also used easy to follow medical terms that she would understand now that answer is strong because you are listening to the person's concerns you are then going through the treatment plan and explaining why you have you know decided to choose that particular plan you are saying that it will be reviewed periodically and also you are being transparent which is very important as a nurse within medical scenarios and you are also using easy to follow medical terms so you have strong communication skills and that is also important don't forget if you are enjoying these please make sure you hit the like button and subscribe to the channel thank you very much the next question the next nursing behavioral interview question is describe a situation when you were given vague or inaccurate information within a medical situation here's my suggested answer for you at the end of a busy shift at my current hospital locum nurse was handing over to me the information she was giving seemed vague and unclear she also appeared to be in a rush i asked her to stop speaking and to go back over the medical notes in a slower more concise manner which would allow me to follow follow up with any clarifying questions she appeared a little bit put out by my request but i told her it was very important that we conducted a thorough handover to ensure continuity and first-class patient care she started talking through each area with me in greater detail this time and i needed to ask for clarity on a couple of different points relating to how the patient had been responding to his treatment at the end of the handover the information i had received was now much clearer and the locumner the locum nurse understood how important it was to ensure all handovers in the future were concise and accurate so this shows that you understand the importance of a handover and that you do get the information that you need and you are not afraid to say so when you feel something is inaccurate or missing and that answer is particularly good because at the end you are educating the locum nurse on the importance of making sure that handovers are done thoroughly now don't go anywhere because i still have more nurse behavioral interview questions to work through with you but when you're ready if you want to click that link you can download my full set of 24 nurse interview questions and brilliant answers the next question though that i would like to work through with you is describe a time when the medical department you were working in was going through significant change so this is a common nurse behavioral interview question because change has to happen on a periodic basis within any healthcare organization whether it's the national health service or you know the health service within the country that you are based in it change is very important because the needs of patients change all the time and medical and medical treatment and advances change all of the time as well so as a nurse you have to be open to change here's my suggested answer i'm a strong believer that change brings about good things and providing it is embraced positively improvements will often follow recently the healthcare organization i was working for needed to reconfigure which meant many of us within the healthcare team would be moved to different departments now the change was needed to balance out the skill set and experience across the organization quite a few people within the team objected to the changes but personally i could see the benefit of them i explained to my colleagues the changes would allow us to get to work with other people from across the organization and it would be a good opportunity for us all to try new departments and different medical working practices eventually everyone within the team could see the benefits of the changes and most people were quite excited about them change within healthcare organizations is vital as the healthcare needs of patients change and medical advancements improve we as nurses and healthcare workers need to also adapt that response shows that you are positive about change you understand why it is important you are also willing to encourage others to view change as a positive thing the next question explain a situation when you provided medical educational advice there have been many occasions where i provided medical educational advice to patients and it is something i try to embed in my daily work as a nurse because we have a duty to educate people recently a young man was admitted to the hospital due to pains he was experienced experiencing in his liver upon inspection and investigation it became apparent that his alcohol consumption was well over the recommended daily amount and concerning habits were developing that could lead to prolonged alcohol abuse or alcoholism throughout my time treating him i used the opportunity to explain how irresponsible alcohol use could cause significant and potentially irreparable damage to his liver and whilst i did not use shock tactics i made it quite clear that visits to the hospital would be a recurring theme unless he changed his lifestyle i then went on to provide details of support services that were available in the local area and i encouraged his mother who was with him at the hospital to get involved with ongoing help and support fortunately i never saw the young man again at the hospital and i was hopeful that my early educational input would have had a positive and influential impact on his mindset and habits as nurses and healthcare professionals we need to continue to provide educational advice as this will have a positive impact in reducing pressure on health care services as a population continues to grow and people live longer so that's a good example of where perhaps you are treating somebody you recognize there was an issue that could get much much worse so you then offered educational advice and encouraged somebody who was with him to you know to be a supportive person in that process you've talked about supporting services that were available and you also show that you recognize how important it is to provide medical educational advice because the pressure that health care services are under so the next thing is please do click that link in the top right hand corner of the video and go through to my page at where you can download my full set of 24 great answers to tough nurse interview questions i hope you've enjoyed that thank you very much for watching and i wish you all the best for passing your nursing interview have a brilliant day
Channel: CareerVidz
Views: 145,678
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Keywords: NURSE Behavioural Interview Questions & Answers, nurse interview questions, nursing interview questions, nurse interview tips, nurse interview questions uk, band 6 nurse interview, band 5 nurse interview, nhs interview questions, how do I prepare for a nursing interview, nurse job interview, How do I prepare for a nursing interview, What can I expect at a nursing interview, what is your weakness as a nurse, school nurse interview questions, why do you want to be a nurse
Id: w15OGbLvYCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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