Numberblocks Kindergarten Math Fun! | 1 Hour Compilation | 123 - Numbers Cartoon For Kids

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[Music] what could this be oh five and friends are invited to a five star bowl at the two palms dance floor oh i could wear my sparkly hairband the two palms where's that um hold on where's five we can't start a five and friends dance without five why wait just look and you will see that five is here as part of me ready i'm six i'm five and one five i'm right i've got a five in me too i'm seven [Music] high five [Music] hey wait there are loads of fives here now but where are six seven eight nine and ten we can't start the dance until all my friends are here let's go and find them [Music] wow this must be the two palms and look five fives [Music] we can't start until all my friends are here hey we can make friends ready five and one is six five and two seven [Music] where are one two three four and five [Music] where are they look here above the sparkly line do you see who i see ready i'm six i'm five and one i'm seven i'm five and two i'm eight i'm fine i'm three i'm nine i'm five four i'm ten i'm five on another five high five hey wait where are six seven eight nine and ten let's go and find them high five to decide too slow [Music] [Music] high [Music] one two three four five and another five high five hey wait where are six to ten let's go look for them again [Music] where are where are six attack why don't you jump up again six seven [Music] hold on where are one to five [Music] my friends are all here let's get this started [Music] [Music] surprise surprise custard pie your days of naughtiness are numbered terrible tools [Music] that rope is made from pure octanite your powers are useless maybe so but i can still do this opto signal my friends will be here any moment and they will fall straight into our troublesome traps [Music] [Laughter] don't be so sure [Music] octopus [Music] split up in here [Music] [Music] that wasn't very lucky but that was equals eight october leap one two three four five six seven eight [Music] snakes and ladders my favorite game oh let's play together two one two three someone's [Music] one two three four five six seven eight [Music] they won't catch us that easily don't walk under the cage i could just resist at three [Music] hey i wasn't finished grand finale five plus three equals eight octave one two three four five six seven eight [Music] hello [Music] one two three four five six seven [Music] stop right there we have you outnumbered [Music] maybe so but we've still got a trick or two up our sleeves two plus two plus two plus two equals eight oh four terrible twos make one oxtonauty yeah you've met your match octoblock don't count on it [Music] assemble [Music] your number is up you'll have to catch me fast okay [Music] a very naughty number block [Music] what should we do today please oh okay let's do everything everything yes ready ten nine eight seven seven five four three two one ten ten ten [Music] [Music] visiting the zoo talking to the octopus [Music] sitting in a tree making rainbows looking at [Music] on a square tile floor and swimming with a starfish i'm doing a jive and then [Music] picking out the square ones using chopsticks [Music] [Music] rainbow dina and that's big bob hello [Music] getting out of breath now sneezing all the [Music] a time eight plus two visiting the zoo seven plus three sitting in a tree six plus four shopping at the store five plus five on a scoop of time four plus [Applause] [Music] again nine plus one ten again eight plus two ten again seven plus three ten again six plus four ten again five plus five ten again four plus six ten again three seven ten [Music] plus five ten again four plus six ten again three plus seven ten again two plus three ten again one plus nine ten again ten ten ten again again [Music] and what do you want to do today i need a nap [Music] [Laughter] [Music] what is it a stick [Music] [Music] that looks like fun [Music] hey i'm all flat too i'm a square a real square oh squarey i have a feeling we're not in number land anymore welcome to flatland where all the flat shapes live i am a line what a straight line two straight lines and when three lines join together we make a triangle i've got one two three three sides and one two three three corners look at me [Music] come [Music] [Music] you're not a square no i'm a rectangle like you i have four sides and four corners but your sides are all the same and mine are not if i'm a surprise wait until you meet the others hello four-sided shapes introduce yourselves rectangle numbers trapezium kite dart parallelogram oh what wonderful names and what wonderful shapes rectangles trapeziums high dark parallelogram [Music] oh hello who are you i'm a pentagon with five sides high five let's have a hexagon in the mix count my sides and you'll find six and lucky me i've got seven sides i'm a heptagon a heptagon ooh one two three four five sides pentagons six sides hexagons seven sides heptagon what wonderful names and what wonderful shapes what's that squirry you're ready to go home hey have no fear octagon is here one two three four five six seven eight eight sides i will get you home octagon make an eight-sided flying basket one two three four five six seven [Music] i'm a eight i have just one curved edge hold tight folks here we go [Music] wow goodbye new friends [Music] only me again and you're you we went to flatland and triangles with ear and a rectangle and a pentagon and an eye was a real square [Music] [Applause] [Music] if the map is right the pattern palace should be right here [Music] welcome to the patton palace where you can play all day but first you must cross the pattern paths be brave and skip this way follow the pattern [Music] like me so maybe i should go first red red red red red red they're all red red red red red red [Music] [Applause] two dots [Music] oh my tan orange uh-oh the second one's red one red orange red orange oh continue the pattern [Music] red orange red orange red orange red orange at last maybe me yellow oh no it's not red orange oh yellow red stop who's next oh it goes red orange yellow red orange yellow red orange yellow tell me the pattern red orange yellow pattern unlocked now that's what i call a pattern i know exactly what to do green green green green jump over the gap green green green green jump over the gap green green green green jump over the gap tell me the pattern the pattern is it goes four greens then a gap and repeat [Music] oh handprints i love it red hand and red hand hand panned red stop one hand two hands three hands got it next comes four hands hand hand hand hand and then a red one more hand each time then red pattern unlocked look we're at the center one two three four five six pattern unlocked you got to cross my pattern paths well done everyone now step into my pattern palace and let's all have some fun [Music] [Applause] it's cold up here keep going everybody we're near the top of blocky mountain oh if we're really lucky we might spot the legendary big tum a big hairy monster with a big hairy tummy who loves puzzles don't be silly seven [Music] [Music] who's in wait is one of us missing [Music] everyone call out your number one two three five six seven eight nine ten where's four four's missing four's in your tongue [Music] well done [Music] are you feeling okay for oh i'm fine thank you it was warm and snuggly in victims dumb oh [Music] come and get me game on coming ready or not look nine nice smooth snow [Music] it was me i was nine and big tub gobbled up some of my blocks how many i don't know i have my eyes shut oh i know here goes one two three four [Music] so nine was here then some of his blocks were taken away and that left you three which means nine minus young equals three so what's missing hmm come over here hey [Music] so that's what's missing [Music] nine minus six equals three and six is in your tongue yum yum well done it's good to be back where are the [Music] everybody stay close no need to panic um what's wrong friends why don't you oh they're made of snow [Applause] who's in my tomb that's easy the real one two three and four no they're all together now so what do they make when they're all together one plus two plus three plus four equals yum let's try adding the snow blocks together one two three four one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten snow blocks so one plus two plus three plus four equals ten there's a ten in your tum yum yum well done [Applause] it's nippy out much warmer inside can we all come in until it stops snowing please no problem and plenty of room for you too next i'll show you the long gallery keep up everyone oh what's through there [Music] oh [Music] oh it's a magic mirror i've made two lots of me making friends is fun oh let's make three next oh mirror mirror here my plea i wish you could make three of me your wish is my command [Music] [Music] my turn my turn two lots please two lots of two two plus two equals four i'm four i'm two lots of two [Music] the magic mirror is even more magical than we thought oh the others will want to see this keep an eye on it while i'm away and don't mess around with it right my turn one said not to oh go on it's only fair two lots please number six is on the floor don't be shy let's have some more good idea three lots please [Music] three locks of three is nine i'm three three see [Music] we should probably stop now but look there are so many of us here already what would be surprised if she calls back and everyone's here all right then we've got two three four then six oh no we're missing five how many lots of who is five hmm let's try you oh three lots please [Music] three to two is six number six is on the floor wait have i said that before two lots of three [Music] it's a big surprise oh [Music] is ten that's ten sorted all we need now is five and seven next get ready for a really big surprise one's coming hi why can't we make five [Music] oh a magic mirror some big surprise but what if i said i could make lots of number blocks appear all at once now that would be a surprise that was a great day in the big city i was wondering where my next case would come from when you've got to help me one it's gone everything's gone slow down nine tell me what happened i live in apartment nine on the ninth floor of numerical towers i left home this morning at nine o'clock to buy a newspaper when i came back nine minutes later the door was open everything was gone a mystery indeed i'll take the case let's look for clues did you notice anything strange or unusual when you got back uh no nothing oh there was one thing the suspicious shadowy stranger in a coat and hat pushed past me and ran out of that door but apart from that nothing can you describe this stranger they were as wide as the door so two blocks wide with a flat head clue one flat head when standing two blocks wide anything else i could see over their head when we were both two blocks wide so they must have been smaller than me clue two smaller than nine look at coat it's them [Music] after them quick [Music] oh there on the steps the hat these aren't steps [Music] did either of you see a suspicious step-shaped figure in a coat and hat sorry friend no one else down here just us something didn't add up or did it let's look at what we know clue one the suspect had a flat head when standing two blocks wide so it can't have been three five seven or nine and it wasn't you because you can't stand two blocks wide two four six eight ten the suspect must be an even number bingo and remember clue two the suspect was smaller than nine so it can't have been ten that still leaves two four six and eight but which was it wait there's one more clue we nearly forgot [Music] the suspect can make a step shape no two or four or eight so it must have been six and who did we meet in the alley three and another three equals six [Music] stop you've got it all wrong oh where to begin i'm not taking these things i'm moving them in moving in come up and i'll show you [Music] one [Music] it's apartment six oh look number six turned upside down looks like a number nine oh no one stole your things nine you went into six's empty apartment so my things must be [Music] right where i left them case closed sorry we chased you six i thought that you were after me that's why i hid as three plus three let's make it up to you by helping you move in welcome to the big city [Music] hello ted hello one what should we play today oh um what was that [Music] who was that a new number block 10 plus one equals 11. [Music] hello i'm 11 so am i and i'm ten and one oh [Music] that's better oh [Music] wow one two three four five six seven eight nine and ten and one more is 11. i am 11 and i love football yeah wow let's play [Music] [Music] [Applause] one for every number is [Applause] [Music] [Music] the number blocks are out on the pitch for the big match and their captain 11 looks ready to lead the team to victory oh something's wrong what could it be i've forgotten something the other team [Music] we need eleven more players [Applause] it goes high towards the goal and saved by one take a bow one one throws it down to two who passes it that's right two three four five six seven four eight nine [Music] splits into ten and one to reach the bowl incredible [Applause] [Music] 11 11. [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] outside [Applause] [Laughter] oh [Music] look at that hey what am i oh a rectangle with a hole come on then oh a whole new rectangle i knew i'm 12. i'm ten and two twelve yes i am twelve and i am a super rectangle [Music] the rocks are in columns and rows my blocks are in columns and rows and that's called an array hooray hey i'm rectangular 12. i'm ten and two i make a raise that's what i do when i put my blocks in columns and rows i make an array and my rectangle goes like this three by four today's the day for an array display i can make a raise all day i'll make a raise in many ways stand back let's play a race away three by four is my first array three lots of four you could put it that way and if you're not following what i say i'll rectify that right away break away three fours a four and a four and a four rectangle rise [Music] i make a raise that's what i do when i put my blocks in columns and rows i make an array and my rectangle goes like this [Music] you could put it that way and this rectangular display is about to show you how it's made break away for three look at me look at me look at me look at me switch i'm rectangular i'm i make a raise that's what i do when i put my blocks in columns and rows i make an array and my rectangle goes like this two [Music] by six by six is another way two lots of six do you hear what i say another rectangular array so let's split without delay break away two sixes [Music] i make a raise that's what i do when i put my blocks in columns and rows i make an array and my rectangle goes like this six by two [Music] six by two is next in line six lots of two it's a clever design and if you want to see how all this fits i can break it all to bits break away one two one two one two one two one two one two a raise away one by twelve switch two by six switch three five four turn four by three switch six by two switch twelve by one break away [Music] one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve it's a new cruise to coin a phrase you'll be in a days when you fix your gaze on my amazing erases [Music] i am 12. i am three by four i am a rectangle [Music] i am also four by three oh and i am a super rectangle i can take many forms switch i am six by two turn i am two by six i am a rectangle welcome my friends would you like to master the way of the rectangle oh first you need to stand so your front makes a rectangle shape watch and tell me when i'm making a rectangle no no yes well done now look at your own fronts what shape are you making i'm a rectangle that's right your blocks are arranged in neat columns and rows now concentrate on how wide you are i am six i am two blocks wide by three blocks tall i am two by three i am a rectangle ah i am eight i am two blocks wide by four blocks tall i am two by four i am a rectangle up up and away [Music] oh we heard a ban are you okay six i'm more than okay i've mustered the way hey where are my rays you need to concentrate it gets easier with practice so let's practice it's time for the turn i am 12. i am three by four which means time i am also four by three see i am six i am two by three which means ten i am also three by two i am eight i am two by four which means octoblock turn i am also four by two ten two by three two three by two turn turn turn [Music] let me try that i am four i am two blocks wide by two blocks tall i am two by two and i am also turn um two by two that's the same again did i go wrong [Laughter] no four you're a special kind of rectangle that is the same number of blocks wide as tall a square a square oh hey hey hey what's all this look at us and be amazed we all have rectangle rays oh it's all right for some i can't make big wide rectangles whoever said rectangles had to be white number blocks stand tall now what shape are you making oh uh-huh a rectangle eight blocks maybe i shouldn't have told them oh well too late now [Applause] here it is right where 12 told us the doors to ray canyon [Music] i wonder why it's called oh oh ray can [Music] if one of you can get to the top you'll find a big surprise yes we knew but how it's too far to jump right [Music] do we ride them these are two rays so maybe whoa come up it's fun oh oh that's no use i can't make a rectangle that's two blocks wide no but i can i'm a two by two squared [Music] if you think that ride is smooth wait till you check out this move [Music] wow i'm two lots of three i've got two rays and three rays oh i've got three rays two you know i could ride across just like six if i could get up there odd numbers like us just can't make a rectangle that's two blocks wide 12 said only one of us had to get to the top remember we can all work together to find a way i don't see how we're out of luck i can't make four blocks wide i'm stuck i can i can but i'm stuck here we're all stuck 12 must have made a mistake oh wait a moment maybe there's more than one way to solve this problem sometimes you need to think round corners three plus one equals [Music] four plus two equals six i'm so glad i'm gonna reach this shelf so happy i'm beside myself six plus six equals 12. oh well done who came up with this idea three plus two equals five three yeah um but how do we get up there we can't make anything that's six blocks wide we've only got five blocks between us [Music] hello my friends switch congratulations on getting so far switch [Music] by working together you've nearly reached the top what a super rectangle but not even i can make every size of rectangle i can't make a rectangle that's five blocks tall see but like he said three sometimes there's more than one way to solve a problem twelve is ten plus two [Music] ten plus two equals twelve ten i'll drop you a line what does that mean [Music] [Music] welcome to the race track what do you think i love it [Music] i'm in position and heading for the block star careful 12 the block star's battery's running out you need to change it before the whole thing drops out of the sky and smashes into numberland oh that block is no match for a super rectangle like me all teams report him switch two sixes standing by switch three fours standing by turn three standing by switch [Music] you need to turn off the force field before you can get to the battery can you see a line of towers ahead yes six of them each has two buttons on top you need to press all the buttons together six towers two buttons each array display this calls for switch [Music] [Applause] [Music] you've done it 12 now head for that battery there's no time to lose i'm on it switch [Music] pull up 12 you're going to hit no time turn [Music] four look at me wow [Music] those block ships have gone haywire it must be the low battery don't let them slow you down [Music] away display i've got just the team switch two sixes we've got a great escape technique let's play a game of hide and seek switch oh [Music] [Music] [Music] long and low switch [Music] battery level almost dead but you're right on top of it you need to open the cover take out the old battery then put in a new one as fast as you can that's three different tasks but i can do them all if i use the fours this is it target approaching one two three [Music] you did it now witness the power of this fully operational disco cube [Music] three oh sorry ten i'm just so excited to show you my new trick look at this oh is that it no wait i'm not having much luck with mine today oh no my new trick ready steady go oh unlucky oh hi who am i i'm one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen wow oh my three fell off never mind i am thirteen [Laughter] unlucky try again i am thirteen [Music] and i think i might be a little bit unlucky this is me ten and three expecting to run out of luck sorry it's all jolly jakes when i get into scrapes i'm always coming and stop i'm the clumsiest number you've [Music] to be fussy or picky [Music] it happened again and no one knows when somebody should tell him that it's happened again me again three and ten expecting to fall down a hole i'll jump through a hoop and step in the puddle that seems to sum up my role and wherever i am i might contain unlucky number 13 it's always the same when he says his name somebody should tell him that's the name of the game it's happened before i show the disaster but he's going to need more than a sticking plaster it's always the same we know what to blame somebody should tell him not to mention his name [Music] it's getting routine i say i'm 13. keep it together this is absurd you [Music] it's always the same it's getting routine they ask me my name i say i'm fair thirsty i say i'm thirsty [Music] they ask me my number you know what i mean and i always say it's her thursday i always say it's thursday jack and it's that time this is me ten and three turning this into a game i'm changing my luck i won't come unstuck as long as they don't say my name call me one more than twelve or ten and three whatever you call me i'm still me [Applause] i'm the happiest number you've ever seen so lucky [Music] to be unlucky [Music] number 13 [Music] 13 13 13 13 [Applause] unlucky me [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Numberblocks
Views: 5,458,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: number blocks, numberblocks, cbeebies, learn to count, learn maths, maths for kids, learning cartoons for kids, cartoons for kids, basic maths, sums for kids, easy sums, numbers for kids, numbers, numbers cartoon for kids, count to ten, count to five, numberblocks compilation, compilation, 12345, counting, 123456789, 1 to 10, 1 to 20, counting to ten, 60 minutes compilation, 1 hour compilation, kindergarten math
Id: RFsRnR9fbf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 25sec (3805 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 28 2022
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