Nuka’s Full Story | Scar's Neglected Heir: Discovering Disney's The Lion King

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thank you to Squarespace for sponsoring today's magical video early on in new cos life he was trained by his family and pride to hate Simba and over time he became convinced that destroying that King was the only way to prove that he should have been chosen to be scars successor and to show his mother he should be loved today I'm gonna be going through the entire complex and tragic story of the chaotic villain from The Lion King to Nuka hello I'm Isaac want somebody else or we discuss fun topics for fun people on my channel I focus on spreading magic by examining Disney films so if you are new here consider subscribing Nuka was a slim sporadic and aggressive lion born during the reign of scar before his younger siblings vitani and kobu it was indoctrinated from the beginning of his life to praise the rule of scar and to follow the orders of his mother Zira even in his early life Nuka abided by the teachings from his mother believing in scar and what he stood for Nuka desired to impress his mother by succeeding in his duties and remaining loyal to her and scar but his dedication was not enough to earn the coveted role in the pride that would be bestowed to his younger brother Kovu despite being the eldest child of Zira and being a lion whose status as scars child is left ambiguous Nuka was overlooked to be the heir to scar in favor of Kovu who was handpicked by scar himself to rise to rule Pride Rock in the near future Nuka would come to resent his younger brother after that decision was made for he believed Kovu took the position that was rightfully his and stripped him of the glory he believed came with that wrong Kevin Kevin Kevin Scott was father now when Nuka is upset that Kovu isn't scars son that doesn't necessarily indicate that Nuka is a child of scar but that he's mainly just upset that his younger brother was chosen to be the heir over himself and that if Kovu was scars son then he could understand why he was chosen over himself even if Nicole was scars son though it didn't matter scar had made his choice for his heir and Zira was going to ensure that request was kept after scars time as king was ended by the return of Simba Zira and a group of lionesses continued to insist that Kovu deserved the throne since Skaar had chosen him to rise after his passing but eventually this conflict and aggression from Zira on the legitimacy of Simba's rule forced Simba to banish Zira her family and the other rebelling lionesses from the pride lands the exiled group of lions then retreated to the desolate Outlands beyond Simba's borders where they remained dormant waiting to end Simba's life and focusing on protecting themselves overall and it was here where Nuka truly became hardened nuga learned in the desolate place he grew up within that life was going to be hard horrible and unfair so he pushed that belief onto Kovu hey it's every lion for himself out here that little termites gotta learn to be on his own Nuka just felt so frustrated angry and envious of Kovu for being constantly recognized as the superior lion so he hated being the one to watch over him while Nuka desired to contribute in grander ways to make his mother proud of him he often felt his abilities were squandered and not believed in resulting in him being given tasks of minimal importance Kovu was the lion who the Outlanders believed could take the revenge they were seeking which meant for the most part Nuka just didn't receive much attention for who he was and what he was capable of since Kovu was the heir chosen by scar new cos mother focused her energy primarily on raising Kovu as a killer and leader leaving vitani and Nuka to only receive guidance when it was in service of Kovu this left Nuka feeling empty but he made sure that when opportunities to attempt to impress his mother came about he acted all Nuka wanted was for his mother to see the potential and promise in him like she saw in Kovu mother I caught some feel mites for your dinner I loved to buy the okay the problem was that Nuka was a sporadic impulsive weak and emotional lion so his actions and words often came at poor times and with little thought supporting them what Nuka desired was recognition for his commitment to scar and the Outlanders but the way he approached that only made his mother see him as a barrier to focus on Kovu while he wanted a chance to show what he could do and to rise above his position as a mess-up he often just supported the Outlanders belief that he was unfit to lead while Nuka had a desire for more responsibility and some sources indicate that Nuka Wazir as second-in-command by him explaining that he longed for a greater purpose it seems he never was given the faith in his abilities that he was hoping to receive from his mother i could be a leader if she'd just give me a chance considering his feelings of inadequacy and bitterness over his prides favoritism towards Kovu insecurities seemed to grow to a point where he put up an egotistical front I think to protect himself from the reality that he was not the chosen one he constructed a facade of confidence I should have been the chosen one I'm the oldest I'm the strongest I'm smart these termites and the reason Nuka gets bitten up by termites is because it symbolizes his constant annoyance of Kovu and his place in the world while Luca did long to please his mother in hopes of receiving love and acceptance from her instead of scorn and disappointment he also had a deep fear towards her when Nuka was yelled at or he taunted her description of Kovu he cowers at her movement and growls for Zira's dissatisfaction with her first-born manifested in cruelty towards him zero would lay her paws on Nuka to hurt him even when he would play along with her plans and dramatics no matter what Nuka did he would be pushed and crushed which I think shows Zira despised Nuka even through all of this scorn and torture Nuka still believed in the ideology he had been taught growing up that Simba had to die and the rules Skaar had established would rise again but he just desired vengeance without Kovu leading the charge for the only way in his mind that he would be able to achieve love is by ending Simba himself in the lion guard we see that despite his resentment towards Kovu and his difficult relationship with his mother he was able to work with Kovu when he was instructed to buy Zira nuchal was willing to do whatever his mother needed like retrieving Simba son kion he would attack anyone who he felt was weak and who was an enemy to his pride even when his plots were not thought through and he was willing to take action to fight off those who would oppose his family especially when they were defending their territory from hyenas what kind of lion are you siding with hyena typically what may Nuka resist Zira's plots was when he had to play a supportive role to Kovu even years after the Outlanders were banished nuchal was furious he had to assist the powerful Kovu in zeros plot for them to stage Kovu rescuing Simba's daughter Chiara Newco just felt exhausted his opportunity to show his worth never even came this long into his life I never even had a chance regardless he burned the planes with vitani during Kiara's first hunt to put her life in jeopardy just like his mother ordered even though Newco was frustrated with his role Nuka resisted disobeying her in hopes of getting on her good side due to the danger of the fire posed in Ko whose ability to save Kiara symbol was pressured into allowing covo to enter the pride lands once again ecstatic that their family's revenge on Semba would soon come to pass Nuka went with Zira to watch over Cobras progress in the night lucas lighted Kovu by stating he would already be prepared to strike down Simba if he were in cobos position but zero restrained her son while nuchal was ready to get his chance to attack the lion who his mother hated more than any other Zira forced him to be patient as she trusted in Kovu but soon knew cos lack of faith in Kovu would finally be confirmed after Koval began to fall in love with Chiara and vitani discovered Kovu was withholding from ending Simba's life Zira decided that the Outlanders next course of action was to end their trust in Kovu instead of letting Kovu grow closer to Simba and the pride Landers they decided to move in on Kovu to Amba simba Nuka gladly goes with his pride to reveal coal whose deceit the beloved child finally had a weakness exposed coal who's loved for a pride Lander degraded his loyalty to zeros pride which meant Kovu was not going to be the one to bring glory to the Outlanders and scar the years of nuclear proclaiming his worth his loyalty and his strength could finally be proven while Nuka never had a chance to show his worth now that he was contributing in the fight against Simba Nuka finally could prove he deserved his mother's love soon after the news of Coe whose betrayal came to Zira Nuka and the Outlanders venture into the pride lands and surround Simba and Kovu in the burned plains their zero revealed Co booster seat just before she announced for her pride to attack Nuka is the first to attack likely in hopes to show his power but he is also the first one to be smacked away by the mighty Simba while Nuka was not stronger than Simba with the help of the other lionesses Simbel was able to be overwhelmed to a point where Nuka was able to see an opportunity to launch him into a ravine the Outlanders charged after Simba as the ruler of Pride Rock fled the army of lions who were after him as Simba approached a dam created from a pile of weak logs he scaled the structure while the Outlanders did not continue their attack due to the dam sweetness with Kovu nearby on top of the ravine Zira demanded he take advantage of the opportunity to end the line who they had been waiting to kill four years when Kovu again did not follow the orders of his mother though Newco intervened hoping this could be the moment where he could finally earn his worth and his mother's love by stopping Simba as he climbed the dam after Simba Nuka continued to repeat why he was there calling to zerah to watch him proud of what he was accomplishing new continued to push forward on his climb until he finally reached Simba and clawed at him Nico was finally at the moment he had always hoped he could have he would finally be able to accomplish something Kovu never could but then disaster occurred with the log nuke arrested on breaking beneath him Nuka was thrown backwards to the horror of his mother the log he stood on trapped him beneath it which meant when Simba finally reached the top of the ravine and knocked logs down the dam during his escape Nuka took their fall wait ko who came after Nuka digging him out with Zira coming to her firstborn side to free him and in horror she saw her dying son with his fading breath Nuka apologizes for his failure his time had come to show his worth and he had failed but he had done his best for his mother I'm sorry mother Nuka died a dedicated loyal and brave son of Zira but during his life she had never been pleased by him after he passed Zira's love for him swelled as the son she had placed all of her care into betrayed her no matter what Nuka had done he was never able to live up to the image of his younger brother Kovu but now that Zira saw who Nuka and Kovu truly were she was deeply hurt her son was gone well I'm sure a part of her always did love Nuka it seemed only after he died was she able to appreciate what he had given for her early on and new cos life he was cast aside was deemed unworthy and was forced to watch as his younger brother Kovu was worshiped by his mother while he receives nothing which meant he was willing to take any opportunity to make Zira proud and show he was the child who truly deserved to be scars heir Nuka was left most of his life feeling alone unappreciated and desperate to receive recognition and love for his commitment to his mother and her plots for revenge and by the end of his life he gets that only Nuka stood as the child who remained committed to scar and zerah to the bitter end hoo-wee that dark hey fun people thank you for watching this video which is brought to you by my friends over at Squarespace whether you're interested in showing off your fan art sharing your film reviews or hoping to start a hilarious podcast Squarespace is a platform that will allow you to easily create a powerful and beautiful website to accomplish these goals between being able to choose from tons of designer and award-winning templates and the ability to manage blogs with their mobile app building and managing a website has never been simpler which means your voice and your message can be heard in a smaller amount of time than ever before in a single morning I was able to create version one of the website I'm developing with Squarespace to allow me to consolidate what I'm doing and help me start new projects which gets me 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Channel: Isaac Carlson
Views: 1,010,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nuka’s Full Story | Scar's Neglected Heir: Discovering Disney's The Lion King, nuka, full story, nuka's full story, wotso videos, discovering disney, disney, wotso, the lion king, the lion king 2019, simba's pride, scar's neglected heir, scar, zira, vitani, kovu
Id: 8yfF6Je5tdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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