Nudura ICF foundation DIY (avoid common mistakes) YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

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hey guys Ryan bonbon notebook construction here today read the new dura foundation I'm gonna try to walk you guys through how we do these foundations I'm sure there's different ways to do them but I'm gonna show you how we do and we've done a bunch of them try that if you guys want to do it yourselfers want to try this it's not that hard and walk you through the steps thanks hey guys bondo here like I said I'm just gonna try to walk you through how we're doing these ICF basement season and durab a sment what we do here is we just spray down spray foam down this first course we snap some lines on the footers hit the spray foam underneath the logs about every two and a half to three feet we'll just zap it on each side of the wall and that sticks these things down real good that's how we do our first course guys do me a favor if you watch this video and you like it smash that like button and then that's gonna help me out on youtube and also throw me a comment that's real valuable too I hope this helps you out guys so walking down in here we got dolls every 18 inches stuck in the footer here it's a six inch wall you can get these blocks an 8 inch 6 inch they even go up to like 10 inch 12 inch leave these pieces of plywood or where the common seams are that seam look at it it's different the spacing is different so the wall doesn't come out perfect you're gonna end up with these common teams you got to run them plywood plates all the way to the top that seam will go right up straight to the top of the wall there's another one on a plywood plate both sides of them use some roofing screws you see where we spray foamed it to the footing bunch of times there's another common scene there's a door opening going out the back to walkout basement it's a bigfooter they're built you can see in my other video how we did that footer that deep footer there's a T corner that's how you do a T corner they got these knives through the foam they got a sharp end on them you just put a piece of rebar in there short piece of rebar and hook it right to the rebar then when you draw these screws in here put them at a slight angle that way and it'll draw they'll draw the straight and these are very rigid these corners so I put one on the top one on the bottom on each side and you can see inside there how they are works really good so we got to tea corners there's the other one over here it's gotta be a root cellar yeah whenever I have a common theme as I'm building the wall I put an X on it like that that way you don't forget it's there you forget there you'll probably have a blowout this one's got a little piece in it so I'll probably run a piece of plywood right up to the top and this on the inside and outside of this piece of OSB go right up to the top so that's step one guy that's how we do it not that not that hard so all kind of video as we do the next courses as we go up all run some more video for you also varies on this first course you wanna clip every seam in the first course every joint here's a corner you got these clips on the top and down in the bottom the bottom uncle from the bottom they go upside down these ones go leg down and then they go leg up on the bottom every joint every eight feet you're gonna see these clips on the first course that keeps the first course off tighten together so you can get everything squared up so don't forget that don't forget to clip your first course and tie your first course guys easy peasy alright guys so we went around and put the rebar in the first course I like to put it on this hole closest to the inside right here and the next course I'm gonna put over here that's the tension side of your wall as you push out on the wall that'll be the tension side so that's where you want the rebar so we do that and then we have a a bend in every corner so we make these little J hooks stat and I don't really walk around with them trying to get them on the inside I just put them in there I just ties the corner together so every corner and we take some this one's not tied yet we're gonna tie that in front schooling around tying these in with these little wire tie use these things a lot these ties these tie in together here he ties these in she'll tie these into the plastic these things will move on you when you're poor if you don't tie them in so long ones won't but these J hooks I'll move so we like the time like that we're pretty much done with the first course branch just finishing up a few more J hooks and then we're gonna start our second course that's where I'm gonna put the ladder we're in the second course hey guys dardo here doing the second quarters here I believe we had the first part [Music] stager you're doing that's gonna give you an offset in your wall when you start laying it you won't have any joints on top you take a rubber mallet like that sort of the heavy plastic Ma'at when you hit these down hit them right on that plastic piece don't hit in between [Music] we put a bunch of material in here for now but the mock put them together I'm just gonna search that wall didn't wind up clock together [Music] little okay here so they lock in when you snap the two blocks together they'll actually lock you click you can pull them out of there once they're in but [Music] we're gonna clip every corner now where the seam is we're gonna put the four clips in there I'm gonna put the four clips in here but you don't need the other clips and the rest of the wall just on the first with the plastic down so these I want lined up with here not in between cuz it's another obstruction okay guys the second course is done I like to go through and inspect this whole course before we start the third course so we got our letter wire in here and we got J hooks in the corners I'm checking for that making sure my T straps are all hooked up making sure the rebars in the right place we got a piece of wire here that there's one over in this corner if you jump ahead a lot of people helping you and they jump ahead here we go just walking down through checking everything out making sure my plywood plates are on outside and inside this is what I do guys because I've had issues have to rip stuff apart don't save any time so every course I go through and inspect the course just takes a second on it then you can move on people like to get some blocks and they like to jump ahead we like I said earlier we wear tie these these little J hooks I like to J hook these Quan we're messing a piece of ladder we're down here yep that's the instruction right there boys Evans fault right there the guy with the crazy alright that's done we can start our third course so it's 2:30 we started ahead about 9:30 and we're halfway up three courses I just did the third course inspection everything looks good all the rebar is in all the clips are in the corners everything's tied we got our J hooks in our corners ready to rock and roll now we got to get pretty much up on ladders to work now you can kind of reach up there but you got to hit it off a ladder it gets too high at this point uh short guys like me so we just started putting the corners in poppin corners that's the first thing I do put all my corners up and then start running walls on the fourth course alright guys first day in we're almost got like the fifth course up I don't have any rebar nothing in the fifth course but we got pretty much except for a couple holes in there five courses hi looks like a bomb dropped in there not too bad today had a good day thanks for watching that's how we do it here are you hot bun cooled you right down didn't it I'm working you too hard Anna okay we got all the scaffolding up we got all our common seams braced plywood plates on there all these steaks one goes the other way hold no outriggers when you're straightening the wall it's like a hundred degrees in this hole today one day what we're doing pretty good we just got to put this foot plank on here's the little roll everything's done all the rebars in we just got to put the vertical rebars in all the horizontals in our form locks in the top course pretty good day it's just really really hot everybody's dying from the heat it's so hot in this hole today it's nice the shady over at this end no work over here
Channel: Bondo Built
Views: 82,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nudura ICF, ICF foundation, DIY ICF foundation, step by step ICF, insulated concrete foundation, building a foundation DIY, Logix ICF foundation, Fox blocks foundation, ICF rebar placement, the benefits of ICF foundations, ICF foundation radiant heated, ICF root cellar, ICF wine cellar, easy foundation build
Id: uE1dnawV1pU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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