November 3, 2019 [Mission Convention] [Sunday Night] Bishop Ray McHugh

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not because of you always supervise my was lonely [Music] god [Music] you're gonna shoulder from the norm and ring [Music] my god you tried all the lonely to be embedded [Music] not because I've been so good you've always been there to provide my were there when I was alone [Music] you guided my Thank You chief your finish under in the thought Andrade and he would my [Music] you want to be my everything and that is why I did [Music] she does I love you [Music] because you [Music] if you weren't up there [Music] Jesus I love you because you [Music] I if you weren't up there [Music] if you are not there I love you [Music] I love you [Music] and if those were just mere words I'm gonna ask you to join me and to just live and to just extol him tonight because he's worthy of our praise there's nothing that we can do to Romania for the many sacrifices he's made for us the scripture says we should present our bodies a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God which I took tonight and his ass that you pull out all the stuff and let us just worship Him in spirit and in truth because of a truth if God isn't exalted here then we're all here in vain praise God praise God and so I asked you to just join with me and singing this song I have made you too small [Music] me [Music] Oh [Music] not [Music] be [Music] be so jumpy goodbye you are [Applause] [Music] you [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Oh you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hola you are hi there [Music] boy [Music] are you done worshiping him are you done magnified that is already Highland lift it up but we are to lift him up in our praises in our worship [Music] no matter how rough things seem God has been a good god hallelujah and so he deserves all the worship all the glory all the honor all the praise let us not just do it in rote tonight you know sometimes we become so accustomed so it's just a ritual we know how to lift your hands we know how to close our eyes and to seem like we're in tune but tonight I'm asking that we be real we be real God desires to dwell with us and we have to set the atmosphere for that to happen bless God we're just gonna commit the service one more time in his hands and I have a prayer request for sister Tasha Mayer Harrison who's not feeling well it's reported that she has pain all over her body the devil is a liar I saw sister Tasha Mar today and so when you pray I just want you to remember our sister I want you to remember tonight service yes we drank of the well today but we need a fresh touch a fresh anointing and so I'm gonna ask that we consecrate ourselves afresh we just asked God to just dwell among us for as I said before except the Lord builds the house then we are labour in vain and so we just want to prick tonight's service in his hand and pray that as a cloud moves now we move with a cloud and that we move in God's will not my will but God's will be done so let us pray Heavenly Father creator of heaven and earth we love you Jesus we adore you Lord we extol you for you alone are worthy above glory above Yana and all the praise Lord we come before you tonight we are nothing before you God but Lord Jesus you granted us this privilege and so God we're grateful we're grateful that we can come and just submit ourselves to you Father you see and you know everything about us you know the secret desires of our heart you know our annoyed paths father you know if our motives are wrong or right and so tonight God we ask that you touch us afresh sit upon us Lord Jesus one more time and we pray O God that if there's anything in us that is none of you that you move it out right now in the name of Jesus we ask Lord Jesus that you will saturate this place with your presence with your anointing God for Lord Jesus whatever we do bad we do us on to you father we thank you for the souls this morning who were reclaimed who received the Holy Ghost but you're not God we need more of you and so Lord as we sang a while ago we pray that you'll be magnified in everything that we do when we open our mouths when we lift our hands Lord Jesus we pray O God that it be done in spirit and in truth and so god we got sound floor that you leave that you guy that you direct our every path Lord we come and everything in your hands we commit the musicians that they play upon the instruments we come in the choir Lord Jesus as they minister on to you we present the moderator we present the preacher in order to present the oceans Lord we present everybody who has a major role to play tonight I will present those of us who will be worshiping Father whatever we find ourselves whatever role we find ourselves in Lord help us Lord Jesus to do it with all our might Lord God as unto you and so Lord Jesus one more time God dwell among us Jesus move among the benches God you see and you know the various needs God remember sister Tamar Harrison Lord wherever she is right now I commit her in your hands I ask for God that your spirit will rest upon her God because your word says by your stripes we are healed and so I ask that you touch her again from the crown of her head to the sole of her feet and I pray O God that she'll be made whole lord remember those of us who aren't whole mentally Lord I pray God that you walk through these aisles Lord Jesus and I pray O God that you minister to every need I pray that we won't leave here the same way we came Lord Jesus because you are Jesus you are the balm in Gilead you are everything that we need and soul our God we submit our worries or cares or fears we just leave them at the altar today tonight Lord Jesus and we just ask O God that our eyes and our focus be turned upon you nor Jesus we pray for those under the storming of our voice remember those on the old skirts Lord Jesus no I remember your people God I pray Lord Jesus that it's you you are the one who can draw people onto you and I pray that you'll draw them send conviction Lord Jesus I let that conviction Lord turn into version Lord father we love you and we thank you for what you're doing and we just ask that you just continue to have your way in the name of Jesus in Jesus we praise God scriptures taken from first Kings chapter 18 [Music] if you found it say Amen first Kings chapter 18 will read verse 1 and then we'll skip on over to verse 41 from 41 to 45 everyone has phone it amen now it came to pass in the third year of Ashiya son of Elah king of Israel that Hezekiah the son of Ahaz sorry first kings 18 my mistake alright I've found it praise God let's start again and it came to pass after many days that the word of the Lord came to Elijah in a third year seen go shoot I self on to Ahab and I will send rain upon the earth over to 41 and Elisha said on to Ahab get thee up eat and drink for there is a sound of abundance of rain so Ahab went up to eat and to drink and Elijah went up to the top of Carmel and he cast himself down upon the earth and put his face between his knees and said to his servant grow up now look toward the sea and he went up and looked and said there is nothing and he said go again seven times and it came to pass that the seventh time that he said behold there arises a little cloud out of the sea like a man's hand and he said go up and say onto a habit prepare thy chariot and let me down that the rain stopped be not and it came to pass in the was blocked with plants and weight and there was great rain and a hub road and wait to Jezreel praise God you know sometimes God gives us promises just like when he lands you sent his servant to look for the cloud and we can't see with the naked eye you know and we get despondent he sent him seven times sure many people would be discouraged but if God says it if God says it we can stand on his promise and he doesn't matter if that cloud is as small as a fist see what happened there was an abundance of rain waiting for us and so we're gonna turn to our hymnals [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] standing on the promises doors I [Music] all the promises I can [Music] [Music] driving on a promise [Music] [Music] one more time let's stand on this promise [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] Alleluia oh my god the promises of God that is what we're standing on you know sometimes kind of on some promise shaky yes a lot of it a shaky sometime like it of all in the bottom you can sleep true yes you know like some of the promises of somebody politician their mouth good heart the mouth good mind and I promise something but I realize that they can't do it by themselves because it can work like that but when God promised your son Molly my god you can you can't take it to the bank hallelujah praise God and we're standing on these promises tonight hallelujah and when it promises something sometimes it might be long in coming on but don't give up hold on to his promises these promises are sure I'm so happy to be in convention hallelujah 2019 you know we pray about this thing I will refer sorry we we believe God or we have great expectation now we are here tonight can you imagine this is convention we are in I'm just so excited about this when I look at the choir my Jesus is to me I wanna show them dressed bossy hallelujah and when I look down on the congregation I just sense our grand worship God tonight I sense I saw people speak in some palms up nobody taught them tonight hallelujah any of your shoes squeeze in you just kick it off because we went dance we can skip we can rock we can sing we can worship God here tonight hallelujah let us worship and everybody everywhere hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh we love you Jesus we praise I will magnify your great name we give your son's guard for hurry of God sing you wanna play on my good let's go and I went to know what to sing I wanna start our first um but a stranger here I'm going home [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Tom [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hola [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] making se [Music] [Music] [Music] we are [Music] Oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Oh God let's feel like invention this is it this is definitely [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh hallelujah Oh God uh Mon Mon Mon Mon this thing's sweet well you know what I'm I know that we have a time constraint now we have some very powerful men and women visiting with us tonight you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna ask our Bishop to come right now Bishop I'm gonna ask you sir you take over this part of the service I make everybody cuz you know how to make people feel welcome god bless you sir oh can we praise the Lord everybody come on we praise the Lord everybody turn to the person beside you and tell him it's convention time amen put your hands together and give the Lord a clap offering of praise he's worthy to be praised from the rising of the Sun so the going down of the very same our God is great and he is greatly to be praised we magnify him just one more time put your hands together and give the Lord a great applause I want to take this time to greet all those who are here tonight in this the first day amen we started earlier today and we continue on it's still Sunday though is the second service and we are happy to have all of those who are in the host and I put your hands together for everybody that is in the house tonight praise God praise God praise God and then I want us to before we put our hands together for those that have joined us via the World Wide Web I want us to know I have to say it tonight faith chapel of Kelowna I'm suspended regular service but they are all in church and they have a big screen and they are tuning live to convention under the tent tonight pastor batiste we greet you and the church in Kelowna in Jesus they put your hands together for the church in Kelowna god bless you God bless you and sister Patty's and we really acknowledge the great work that you are doing over there in a wonderful name of Jesus at this time it is about 3:30 a.m. in Kenya and Tanzania but who you think is tuned in and as a part of what is happening I salute Pastor Sammy and the Brethren over there in Africa god bless you god bless you Bishop asanga we acknowledge the great work that you're doing there and we say to you god bless you keep it up keep on keepin on in Jesus name and then to all the others that have joined us from across the parishes of Jamaica from North America wherever you are and you have joined us and you're here with us via the World Wide Web we are knowledge you and we greet you and we say God bless your saints of God from this house put your hands together and make welcome the faith chapel family that is with us via the world wide web and it's good so very good amen to have you all I record now I want to recognize tonight amen we heard from him this morning and we are gonna hear from him tonight again and we do welcome Bishop ray McHugh and Lady muck you in the the full name of Jesus oh what a way we started this morning what a word that close that close and let me tell you brethren the clothes start moving sister Marcia what is that the sister said I got the hula girls this morning and start prophesy because you probably can say it better tell the congregation when she started speaking in tongues immediately after she got the whole ago she started prophesying she said I am the lord of the house and I'm moving move with me I am with you and I'm guiding you mighty god mighty God confirm me Anna my to go put your hands together for the Great God of heaven I tell you that something is happening I feel our shifts already and the dear doin told yet what will happen to that hello-hello-hello tree got the Holy Ghost Ania and one repair five got the holy goes today and give me good come sister corn how one got the Holy Ghost and five reclaimer so let us put it properly and in order five reclaim and one God the Holy Ghost a wonderful name of Jesus what a great card what a great God what a great card Bishop it it's good to see you good wonderful and those that are here with Bishop it if you could just stand since of God put your hands together wonderful name wonderful Jesus wonderful Jesus wonderful Jesus wonderful Jesus I notice pastor Martin McHugh and I'm just because I said bishop remark you I just go on to McHugh and is there anybody from the church here tonight let me see the Brethren from priests and swear just stand up and wave your hands to the Lord there in G Komen we put our hands together for the visiting brethren praise God praise God praise God pastor McGregor won't you just answer and I observed his sister McHugh here where is this god bless you sister McHugh god bless you God bless you God bless you Pastor McGregor lady McGregor I know I saw her amen amen is there any breath renewed let the Saints from grace stand up and let us put your hands together for God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you it's good to have you good to have you is there anybody else visiting from other churches of life preciously I don't want to talk about fear Chapel at Aqaba visits in Jersey and know you are Church over there in Port more and church over the air at Spanish Stone Road and I'm going to take a little time tonight to ask the pastor's to come and say a quick word but just before we do that we learned that we can not pass 11 o'clock tonight so whatever happened we're going to wrap it up before 11 o'clock but though we can't do it by 11:00 or an hour before that I know we can everybody stand up everybody stand up when you come to church here at Faith Chapel a crucial part of what we do yeah when the visitors come they must feel comfortable they must feel good to be here you are here tonight and you are just you're a visitor not necessarily from an apostolate if you are from a Catholic Church but you're come tonight we're happy to have you if you're from a seventh-day Adventist Church you know buddy Rose decide to pass and you're in here tonight we are happy to have you Baptist Pisco failure what is this is the narrative revival no matter where you come from what your conscience night on you're in the host can I greet you in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ our Lord this is a good place because the Spirit of God is here and here's what we are gonna do we are gonna leave our seats and we are gonna greet a few people everybody you not less than six persons you must encounter in this session as we greet tonight is that Alright six persons signals what I say I love Jesus he is my Savior when storms are raging he's my shelter and I want us to move here at the front reach the back if you're at the back reach the front but greed six persons and move about as we sing and greet one another in the wonderful name of Jesus I loved the mic the mic [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] praise God praise God you know last week Sunday the Brethren walked through Patrick City walked to do Haley Park and it might seem as if it was just a hard exercise to you but you know that one of the persons that was either acclaim or that the one who goes today was from to any park and he came because he got an invitation pamphlet I don't know how many others from doing the park are Patrick City was here today or are here tonight but let me tell us something even if one come from doing the park and get the Holy Ghost and go down in Jesus name it would have been worked a whole church going on there take the motifs its and territory and bring them in the house and in the presence of the Lord what a great put your hands together one more time for the great king of all kings praise God and as I take my seat here's what I'm gonna do Bishop T come give us a quick greeting in the wonderful name of Jesus followed by pastor McHugh followed by Pastor Campbell and we're doing it quickly and then we'll have passed McGregor to close it off in Jesus name praise the Lord everybody stand your feet with me right now everybody's stamp your feet reach over grab somebody in and say don't let the devil shut you down turn around and say don't let the devil shut you down so you can't shut me down never you can't shut me down you can't shut me down never Kashani / Narada touch somebody say you can't shut me down you can't shut me down hallelujah there that day they cut off Samson locks and try to stop it but somebody is you can't stop man bump somebody and says he you can't stop me they put them in an old prison oh come on say you can't stop me well let me tell you there's something about it here that you can't see through touch somebody and say it's growing back says growing black it's going back panel me you say groin I want a devil to know you can't see the power but the powers coming back the glories coming back the fires coming back the victories coming [Applause] then I preach [Music] [Applause] clap your hands only people shout on the bar the de voice of triumph shout unto God in the voice of Charlie yeah colors up from the grave he arose hallelujah hallelujah up from the grave he arose holily and I'm so glad that the night there is victory in the name of Jesus praise the Lord everybody praise the Lord everybody we serve a mighty God the Prince of Peace the everlasting father you know as I love the theme the clue is moving you know I am sold out for Jesus wherever he votes I move is not about me it's about him god bless you in Jesus name clamoring climbing moving removing moving on the narrow way [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh God you know sir we know I miss being United on door miss p.m. I trying my best not to miss me I'm gonna be asking you can take a seat if you can cuz I'm trying to be a missive tonight hallelujah praise God and I'm gonna be asking the oceans to come praise God praise God so as the OSHA scum our our team that's what I've been seeing no we'll defer because you know Bishop he came and he came with his choir and it's gonna be hard for them to come all the way from Mac expand and do a thing so here what we're gonna do no more fix up appear and that that's looking choir home you can horn if we can make whistle small I would we can who'll and as the ashes go will make Spears already mighty God come choir come hallelujah and sing in Jesus name don't want you pull on it roll on praise God pretty harsh got blessing on this money for us I wanna thank you for tonight God thank you for bringing us together one more time Jesus as we're about to collect a portion of what you have blessed us with Jesus I pray anointed Jesus helped that it will be use for the furtherance of your kingdom in Jesus name I pray amen praise God Saints pastor Pete choir and the Holy Ghost [Applause] amen can we live for hands and worship the Lord tonight hallelujah glory to God somebody does shout a hallelujah in the house come on you can do better than that shout a hallelujah praise the name of the Lord Jesus amen it indeed it is an honor to be here tonight praise God hallelujah to lift up the name of Jesus amen somebody praise the name of the Lord hallelujah glory be to God if you know present name of Jesus that you have somebody traveling with you in this pilgrim journey just shout glory in the house hallelujah praise God worship with us while we minister in Jesus name hallelujah as I travel to this new prevalent theories a friend who walks with me it lead me safely through the it said it is hop I will be my burger Lord [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we were we Jesus hallelujah until we reorganized our choir I'm gonna say goodbye I'm gonna say goodbye [Music] oh yes [Music] one more time ah [Music] Oh [Music] hallelujah praise God hallelujah we're still collecting when events toponym because guess what we're gonna be presented to you right now the faith Apostolic witnesses choir hallelujah praise God go ahead still are shocked when I stop it hallelujah praise God compadre [Music] the choir director just asked me to be the one to tell you that you are going to sing tomorrow so all our choir members you are on tomorrow in Jesus name we'll see about Tuesday we'll see about Thursday you then come Wednesday and on Friday but tomorrow we can do without you tomorrow god bless you in Jesus name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I talked to me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ha ha [Music] hallelujah can we just lift her hands everybody fairness worship or King hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise God praise God hallelujah let me invite Bishop daily to come and he's going to be introducing our preacher for the night [Music] praise God praise God praise God what can we lift our hands everywhere just wave them to heaven and give glory to God yes we are glad pilgrims on our way to glory hallelujah and indeed the Great God Almighty is leading us what a god what a god what a God can we praise the Lord everybody can we praise the Lord everybody can we praise the Lord everybody praise God we found the choir from the Holy Ghost ministries Amen Bishop page we thank that we found the faith chaplain faith apostolic ministries Choir amen our hearts certainly were blessed tonight and we really appreciate Bishop McHugh and lady McHugh for coming to open our convention both this morning and tonight amen we we deeply appreciate it and so today morning and night was Bishop ray and his Bishop sramek you this morning a 10:00 tonight tomorrow night we have a choose a night we have apostle there Roy Smith and he's coming in from Brooklyn New York brother McHugh is from Rochester I think we said that and then tomorrow and the Tuesday Amen apostle terrorize meet comes in from Brooklyn New York and he will be with us those two nights then on Wednesday night we have bishop CA Holsworth and he ministers in the house on Wednesday night and then on Thursday and Friday we have a pasta Donald perch coming to be with us those two nights and he's coming in from the Turks and Caicos and amen we we are trusting God to do his thing as he moves and we follow anybody here willing to follow wherever the Lord moves anybody willing to stop if the cloth stops anybody willing to go if the clothes go anybody here willing to shift with the shift thing that is taking place I'm telling you God is up to something and when God gets ready to move a maybe either move with him and move on or we move out and I pray that all of us just hold on tight for what we have and move with the spirit of Almighty God just before we shot my cue cards to minister to us tonight I'm gonna ask his lovely wife lady McHugh to call just to greet this church tonight in Jesus name immediately after she steps down Bishop McHugh calls to minister in Jesus name everybody let's praise the Lord yet another time bless the Lord Jesus I'm delighted to greet host pastor pastor daily and lady daily in the wonderful name of Jesus all the bishops all the other ministers pastors saints of the Most High God this lovely choir bless the Lord Jesus this is my favorite requiring Jamaica bless the Lord Jesus I've listened to this choir all the time back off and I am blessed every time that I listened to this choir choir god bless your ministry continue to sing for the Lord Jesus bless the Lord Jesus I'm happy to be here I give God thanks for journey in Mercy's hallelujah for bringing us all the way all those miles up in the air bless the Lord Jesus down to landing I keep God the glory for what he has been doing bless the Lord Jesus and I trust a night that the Lord will continue to bless this ministry bless the Lord Jesus I would pray that the Lord will continue to pour out upon the souls of men bless the Lord Jesus and that many souls will come through to know the Lord with life eternal as a result of this missions convention the Lord bless you is my prayer in Jesus name hallelujah hallelujah amen lift your hands and give God some glory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah I feel God in the house tonight God is about to do something tonight hallelujah hallelujah put on your warrior garment hallelujah because it's war time Oh glory glory glory glory glory glory hallelujah God is about to do something hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah blessed be the name of the Lord messily the name of the Lord I'm so delighted Amen to be with you amen with my very good friends pastor and I'll be shorter and sister daily amen hallelujah oh my god we drive up the hills this afternoon and brother that table was prayer I tell you I'm well fed I have my my my my I feel energy so you see if the holy ghost ever push me tonight Oh God Almighty hallelujah hallelujah all those ESCA beasts fish God Almighty and those coracle tender those is that big barbecue chicken I had it all Oh bye bye mental some juice cherry juice I'm ready to go I'm ready to preach are you gonna preach up it tonight [Music] God is a good guy man this lady's not just a good Christian I know thank you so delighted to have them a man so delighted to have them to be with them amen I'm saying delighted to have them because I'll be having them I'm taking them away from you I'm not gonna expose them to the cold the nice weather of the cold and they're not gonna come back because they're not coming back [Music] well if I can't get them I might just come and join him okay good god is a good god amen to all our bishops and pastors amen and I bless you bishop it so good to see you passenger me Amen pastor McHugh bishop it was was one of those preachers that and me to preach a man put me in pulpit and a preacher than him so you preach good I don't know if it was true but he was just encouraging me hallelujah he's such a mighty man of God I just love his spirit god bless him amen amen twelve the family or god bless you all the Saints from presenter who have come by god bless you those from pressing who are watching by the by the World Wide Web god bless you delighted to have my daughter with me my first daughter amen my first daughter a little shorter praise hallelujah praise Lord Jesus god bless her amen and so Paulette god bless you and my beautiful wife amen god bless you you know once when she were having children every two years she couldn't go anyway what is freedom you might fall to me to have them early so that you still have time for each other when their outer space hallelujah have them early stand with me for a minute and turn your Bibles to the book of Saint Matthew chapter 16 couple months ago our Cup weeks ago when packed well he told me when I was a convention last but when he called me said he wanted me to come I went to pray I wanted even before I knew the subject anything I wanted something specific from God for this assembly I went to pray and what I get frightens me hallelujah hallelujah but I'm gonna preach it to me I know some of you they're not gonna come with me but I'm gonna preach tonight hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Matt to 16 verse 13 when Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi he acts his disciples saying whom do men say that I the Son of Man hand and they said some says our John the Baptist some Elias and others Jeremias or one of the prophets he said unto them but I said II that I am Simon Peter answered and said thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God and Jesus answer and certain to him blessed art thou simon martin for flesh and blood at not reveal it unto thee but my father which is in heaven now i say also unto you see that thou art Peter and upon this rock how bear my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it now we'll give you unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in every what service hour shall loose unhurt shall be loosed upon this rock I'll build a church amen but some of our pastors we should behave like it's our church hallelujah this church belongs to hallelujah hallelujah and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it I wanna speak to you today or tonight on the topic tell hell I'm coming you don't want to go but tell him I am coming hallelujah god bless you you may be seated I said hi I'm coming Oh glory glory glory glory glory glory we bless your name Jesus there are three words in the scripture that is translated asher occurring in the old testament six to five times this word is derived from a root word meaning insatiable a man cannot be satisfied hallelujah ends it is rendered to as the grave because the grave cannot be satisfied the more people there is the more the grave is all pent up to take some more dead so it cannot be satisfied hallelujah secondly its general the valley of Inanna this is the designated place for the lost souls Jesus described it this way he said that if thy hand offend thee cut it off it is better for thee to enter into life meaner than having two hands and go into L into the fire that shall never be quenched where the world is not cuenta he went on and said if I thought a friendly for it is better for thee to enter halt into life than to open two feet to be cast into hell into the fire that never shall be quenched where the worm humanity of Jesus he was because here is know if you're right if Jesus is able to complete [Applause] and then the time in the [Applause] [Music] [Music] I feel my hair [Applause] pumpable come pull some Souls up out of the bondage of the devil but I know it's not my brother in the will of God because [Applause] [Music] well somebody need to reach for your weapon draw out your weapon pull out your sword God Almighty anybody in the house come to war tonight against the gates of Hell tonight ha God Almighty happy we're gonna bombard Hill tonight every one of my family member that is still wrapped up in here my husband is still here [Applause] [Music] your look as the sand on the seashore and God God God God rain that and the pie Israel came him to the land and began to possess the land and why in the land there was because he was just your salvation you don't need to hide because you're a mighty to overcome to hide from the devil too many of God's people hide from the devil you're afraid of the devil and worship the devil and say you know that they were strong giving praise to the devil you know that they were strong Didion and it's on high he was not adequately equipped but God saw him God knew him knew what he had downloaded did you know that gideon was able to do exploit for him to tell you it's time to live you see the scripture said the just can't save you pastors daily faith can't save you ha the just shall live by yes hi then hide in hiding is drinking the water great but because of this Oh God one more time one more time [Music] [Applause] you need to lean and be strong all up here and say God anoint me again it's coming down its pomander [Music] you see while Sullivan highs we're within his head he could see all around him so it becomes distracted by Delilah Samson with me so God to bring him down God had to bring him down but God was not with him Lord God you might have been taken down Lord you might not even be singing I'm the choir anymore because of what you are done but if you're here tonight I have a word for you God it's not true [Music] you're in the hands of he's able to shake you [Applause] when you use the joyfulness and kill a thousand you brag about it when your talent was up and people were being blessed you brag about it you took the glory instead of giving the glory to God and the enemy shut you up because pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall but if you can fall on your knees oh god almighty when whatever it you down all you need to do is to be able to lift up your head because if you can look up he can pull you up I will lift up mine eyes unto me here from where I know what it is to be myself into your situation because we know somebody she could not somebody was waiting new condition somebody has new earth situation and the clear I'm going to hell for somebody today disciples God said go away by something he sent them away Jesus was not angry because when they came back he told them I have meet that you know not oh Jesus I know those people I'm talking to the wind tonight because for somebody it doesn't matter what somebody when Jesus your life will be made brand new it doesn't matter what was your path and the pie was said Jesus said per woman give me to drink pull somebody god I need some warriors with maternity pull somebody [Music] my god I feel a pull in here I feel odd pulling her I feel some prison doors I hope in hell door is opening Lord God Almighty happy for Jesus I've come to storm the gates of hell hey how are you to understand that in the scripture as I wrapped up Mary yes as a wrap in the scripture the Lord II spoke of Phu kingdoms is falker of the church which is the kingdom of God the church is the body god of the Living God it is the mystical body in which God spoke of the kingdom of here these two kingdoms are diabolical it different Oh God there is nothing common between these two kingdoms and these kingdoms are at war with each other and so with the church but the church is also you see the gates of hell are the strongest is the most fortified soul but God [Applause] Oh God Almighty you see Jesus and upon this rock I shall let mr. Pollock wire to make this clear he said I shall build my church therefore the gate the church was not yet he spoke of it in the future he said I shall when he said I've given you the keys of the kingdom he was speaking in the future hallelujah because before he could give us the keys of death and hell he first sought to conquer death he first off to conquer hell and stretch him why and he only said and died they thought they were getting rid of him but I heard the said lift up your heads o ye gates and be ye lifted up ye everlasting door let the King show in Revelation that was and I have the keys of depth and of here happy so when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all in one place in one Accord when suddenly there was a sound from heaven as of a rushing and it's a they were our faith with the Holy Ghost now Peter had the key to open prison door to set at liberty some folks who are bruised and so when we go to hell we have the keys to unlock the prison's of hell we have the keys and so when we step we allow ourselves to be intimidated by the devil because he has given us power he has given us authority to tread upon serpents and upon scorpion and every power of the enemy so here here I come it doesn't matter what your situation is you're not leaving here tonight bound you're not leaving here the same way you came no devil is following you to your home tonight God Almighty God Almighty you see even if they lock you up in the inner prison and you feel like you're in the darkest situation that you're facing there's a praise in your mountain there is a praise in your mouth open your mouth and begin to praise God the Bible said at midnight Paul and Silas begin to praise God and the prison were shaken somebody need to praise God in your life some prison doors will be shaken tonight [Music] have closed him with this testimony years ago I was asked the minister at the church in game I went up the Monday night and I began to preach it hallelujah about the power of praise oh praise unlock doors Lord God Almighty and give victory ha ha the choose the night Lord Jesus and in that service that night I said there are some of you year that your husband has been giving you a hard time and you have been cursing but your victory is not comma happy through your cursing huh you know brother there was a sister once god almighty that had a brother for her husband and when she had grown out of his circle she looked at him and begin to call him some name and she called him and said you're a junk roll Lord God my sister look at her half and said if he is a junk roll you are a bit neat because John crow ha only circle dead meat to many of us curse our spouse the same spouse that we said God gave us and we praise the Lord you have to praise God begin to come out of the same because there is victory in the winter she was she was she was when I came here because because my husband came to church praise God cannot challenge you tonight it doesn't matter what your situation is I praise God because when AHA you begin to praise God God is gonna set up an ambush shop around the gates somebody draw your weapon of mass destruction and begin to praise God God Almighty happy God Almighty have a daughter Molly [Applause] [Music] [Music] the better wanna shock you because he know your weapon is in your praise I'm looking at some people who is okay you don't need nothing so you don't need to praise but I need some radical people Lord is there anybody who will come with me like didn't happen like the 300 Manhattan with Gideon and begin palapa Lord there are some people's acts that we need to tailor in this house tonight [Applause] sit down a happy sophisticated when me ha ha [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I can't sit down when my child is untrue I can't sit down quiet when my children are in the gambling dead I can't sit down quiet I'm going to get [Music] [Music] anybody we like your shut up your blessing shut up that never steal it and leave you cryin in the dust I closed on this I said I closed until a neighbor we pin is only for the night Minh you cried too much Lord God Almighty we pen is for the night this is morning time take away your stuff and all you can do is lie in the dosa and weep watch your weeping and crying when many have your manner you don't need to be crying it's time you send a weapon hear me now huh you'll see you'll see you'll see you'll see you'll see you'll see church people need to get radical coming to my house and pick out my wife and leave you with here are you and your wife I believe you woman tonight we begin to praise God have a girlfriend who married four years migrate her husband and go to fire while she was there let me tell you the first time Bishop I walk on my job in the United States I was in my job this lady come and sit beside me me never so so me her diamond ring blame a wife for she fought me I had a more ring system and say you're married you say yes just along I said then it was for okay she said so I said what you say I have one wife I don't have no sweetheart or no girlfriend she said where it's because you've never met an American girl like you my wife is here I don't have a wife yeah the big can I tell you ladies if you think you're the only one senior man well if you're the only one senior man miss are for you because I'm still bothered bless him Lord that's a devil you're alive no foreign girl can't come between me my girl so it is some of these men not so confident take my girl away from me the devil is a liar I'll win me and so the guy the girl walking the man away man we worship God she still remains faithful and go and worship God and all of a sudden without she even accent hear him come knocking Lord God Almighty hear him come knocking when I'm going back to my wife she went to the church to look for the pastor to tell the pastor say your church member taking away my husband they don't get that one when you praise God and draw some missile in here you're gonna recover there's somebody recover her recover her recover her I challenge you tonight this is for everybody I don't know what have you bound tonight there are situation that you don't even tell anybody there are some deep hurt bound inside of you huh and you can't move forward because you're hurting there are some relationship that you're in and Lord [Music] anybody here tonight of a special need and you're free yeah like the enemy locked up your resource [Music] yes yes yes war with me I need some wire yes [Music] need some warriors to storm the gates of Hell tonight [Music] [Music] so we've been in charge where you're qualifying for the never lock you down and they bring in new people that you have to train and your cry where is your weapon where is your weapon [Music] where is your weapon [Music] some of your struggling in your education can't find the finances and you're troubled when God said the goal in the mountain belongs to him and the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want release your weapon don't leave here and go back to the same situation [Music] I see the cloud moving I see movement Lord God is the size of a man's face tell your neighbor prepare yourself there's gonna be showers tonight your dry place your try still is over your dry spell is over I hear the sound of an abundance of rain Lord God your try spill is over ha where are the backside in Kristensen [Music] [Music] sunny in the name of Jesus Hakka hair got to loose his whole hippie name Jesus in the name of Jesus that supple as a loose term Lord Lucilla [Music] wears one of Philippi knees here [Music] first start with me right now it's time with me put on your armor man put on your harbor [Music] if you are fearful you can leave but if you believe in the power of God let us storm the gates of hell [Music] somebody called the name Jesus chorus named Haris name [Music] every person in this house tonight that I've not been baptized and Jesus and you're not filled with the Holy Ghost you need to come right now because we're breaking some chains we're loosing some feathers tonight we're storming the gates of hell Lord God Almighty raise your praise somebody raise your praise somebody raise your praise somebody where are you step out [Music] [Music] if that sitteth beside you and I'm not filled with the Holy Ghost bring them bring them now pull them from the flames of hell bring that [Music] [Music] sorry come on you need to are for your Posner mega you need to are for your sister ah somebody need to get Arabica in this house tonight some change need to be broken bring her here to me Jesus name grigory Jesus bring our karma ha in the name of Jesus we're breaking some chains is here a worrier happy that wanna join with me tonight is there a warrior ha that was a join with me tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're breaking some chains that will let go [Music] fire of God fire of God fire of the Living God spirit of the living Sanda break break break in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus [Music] where are they out to work Nakamura their souls in the houses that need deliverance [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] holy [Music] [Music] [Music] today [Music] he is worthy to be praised wanna [Music] either day [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] see that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] see the head [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Larry Larry [Music] [Music] coming down [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] gonna put my finger on the boyfriend write my name [Music] [Applause] touch my finger on the gold headband [Music] [Applause] what's hotter on the boat at man [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what [Music] [Music] my gene I said no I never [Music] [Music] I never shall [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah thank God it seems as if the light is bringing back his people to his school one precious all has been reclaimed oh yeah oh Jesus if it is box like that time is boxed at a time hallelujah so till that radical boy to come [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] with my time on earth where Neela will come upon and all on account was standing Oh sinner time forgiving my name was like the top how many things we love I would turn to the keeper I'm telling [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody's gonna be this somebody's gonna be free somebody's gonna get the victory and I know it's gonna be me somebody's gonna be bliss somebody's gonna be free [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody's gonna be played be free somebody's gotta get some beer so see the barracks [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the bride [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] father we lift you on high we thank you Jesus lies another time another night God here in your words [Music] you have spoken help us God to be the door of your world Lord outputs to trust to go because we know there's no fear you are God that's who you are your promises are sure helped us Jesus the leader help us God the Jesus Christ in the Liberty where iam set us free maybe not [Music] thank you for this one which I saw was very clear my god many things are on there to distract what I forgot this time help God this [Music] they started fur in order to keep them circle we're about to go to a different amount of important we pray that you will go with us Jesus we pray that you will take full control behind the wheel beep Lord God by truck rotational by feet protect us razors and God throw this night I know you're gonna keep protecting so the Atari card yet draw another day and force God to be back gun under this state to give her the glory in the pros to worship your God God God because you deserve thank you God thank you for a resident strike the sky keep touching the voices keep you and I see the strength those that are weak O God make the way make away for us Jesus because love is simple bless your people God in Jesus [Music]
Channel: Faith Chapel of Faith Apostolic Ministries
Views: 5,469
Rating: 4.8235292 out of 5
Id: dOTSmhgNjJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 204min 28sec (12268 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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