Notion Build With Me: A Spaced Repetition Database

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today we are going to talk about spaced repetition and we're going to create a spaced repetition database inside of notion this is something i've been requested to do a lot either within the bounds of red note or notion mostly in notion i know a lot of people are trying to figure that out so today i'm going to build two separate databases one of which is going to be more of a simple approach to space repetition something that really a beginner can wrap their head around and then we're gonna go into trying to automate certain aspects of it so basically that's gonna be a combination between a retrospective revision so looking back and assessing a study session and adding spaced repetition so we're going to look forward and create a date to look at those flashcards or that information again now what i want this template to do is basically encourage people who already have notes inside of notion who are already using toggles more specifically to be able to transfer those notes into this table and to start using it that is the goal so let's just get right into it so let's start with the template that you are going to be able to see in the link down below so this is exactly what i'm looking at is what you'll be looking at this is going to be the final product so you'll come down here to this table this is our main revision table up here this calendar you see this is just a linked database from the original and we're just putting it into calendar view the main table what it consists of like i said in the beginning each row is a new study session this is our first study session for french words we have the date that we're studying the next study date which is a formula which we will make the total cards which in this case are the total toggles which i have down here so these are my flash cards right every english word i will then type the answer in this quote block uh let me see if i can remember what this word is and then i'll be able to toggle the answer and it looks like i'm correct and i will just toggle correct and really just move on to the next one and go down the list then at the end of this study session i will come up here and calculate how many toggles i got correct and this is just the revision number this is my first revision and this formula here will basically tell me what my understanding of the study session was based off of the total correct answer so 8 out of 28 is a pretty low number that would constitute a low understanding and because of this little to no understanding result the next study date will be the same day because my understanding was so low i want to revisit that right away but if you look up to my sixth revision november 26th i have a great understanding of this material and my next study session is then in another four days not the same day and that's really how it is and each study session has a snapshot of all of my answers all of my correct and incorrect answers will still be here which i really like it gives you that snapshot of your study session how we're going to be able to replicate each study session is through templates so i have templates for each deck or each type of note so french notes version one we have another one for french notes and i can go into edit it and see all my notes here so when i select this template all of these toggles will appear and i can just get right to studying one deck you can see here that is version one french words which correlates with this deck here and i have another one for french words version two and another one for version three now up here this is a linked database this will show me the month i'm in and i'm sorting this calendar by the next study date so this is telling me on what date i need to study all of these things next not the original study date i need to study this deck here for french revision i will go down to my table and select v2 french words and just create another study session i'll come down to the revision number and just type in eight the date of today and then i will click the template it corresponds to open this up and just start studying then i'll go up to total cards being 14 and i will select this property and type in the amount of cards i got correct let's say i got 14 correct so there are no misunderstandings giving us that purple color if i go back we'll see that that has populated and the next study date will be in seven days that'll be december 12th and if we go up to the calendar and navigate to december 12th it should show up which it does version two french revision all right so let's just make this from scratch i copied this template and pretty much just deleted everything inside of it so the first thing we're going to do is just create a table with all of this functionality this first view is just going to be for one deck so i want to make sure that in filter name so this property here contains the words v1 french revision so i don't have to type that in every time i create a new session let's change this understanding formula to just a select property so if i were to click new we have v1 french revision and let's clear out this formula and we're just going to create it again so this is our first revision and this right here is a property that is a number property go into this date property plug in today and let's say these flash cards are in anki or they're physical flash cards they're somewhere else we're not using notion we're just going to use this table for retrospective revision so we went and we studied we've already studied and our understanding of this study session is little to no understanding and let's just make sure this is red for me if i have little to no understanding of something i'm gonna make sure i revisit it the same day maybe later that day or before i go to sleep but that's just me now these conditions are customizable in this formula so whatever works for you i suggest putting in different numbers so in order to show me today for next study we're going to use something called an if statement so if property understanding we're going to wrap property understanding with the function called contains so if it contains little to no understanding put that in quotes then using a comma i wanted to show me just the original date if not again using a comma this is a false condition just show me right now the date and time of right now now we have the date of today let's do another revision let's say this is revision two i always like to have each new revision reside at the top of the table how i'm doing this is going to sort and revision descending let's say i then come back and revisit this on the fifth and now my understanding is a little bit better now i have some understanding for some understanding i also want to revisit it the same day this is just me i really want to make sure i have a moderate understanding of something before i step away from it so what i'm going to do is just copy this function that contains in understanding little to no understanding and i'm going to space and say or so i'm using this or function pasting in that same line and just changing within understanding contains not little to no understanding but some understanding so in both instances we're just going to show the original date do another revision the third revision again i look at today and this time i actually have a moderate understanding change that to yellow and here what i want to do is if i have a moderate understanding i'm going to add one day to the next study session schedule so we're going to add another if statement right before this false condition and just say if in property understanding wrap it around contains moderate understanding then i want to add one day so date add to property that's date lower case capital a property date so we're going to add days to this date comma 1 comma days and close that out add another parenthesis at the end because we have another condition and now you'll see that we're adding one day to the original study date say i go back to this material this is my fourth revision i come back to it the next day on the sixth and now my understanding is good again we're going to add another if statement and really just keep doing this down the line and i'm copying and pasting so it's a bit easier if contains an understanding instead of moderate understanding let's say a good understanding add 2 days and that's parentheses at the end of this formula now you'll see that the sixth next study date is the eighth and that's two days so let's do another revision in two days let's say we do this one on the eighth and the understanding is a great understanding just like before i'm going to copy this if statement with the comma paste it over add a parenthesis at the end just change good understanding to great understanding and four days instead of two days now our next study session will be the 12th and so on but let's just go down the entire line here again studying on the 12th this time the understanding is perfect there's no misunderstandings for this i am going to add seven days another parenthesis at the end change great understanding to no misunderstandings and seven days next study session will be in seven days on the 19th of december now let's say there's another deck of flash cards we want to add into this table we're just going to add a new view new table view let's rename this table view to maybe a another deck of french words go into filter and make sure that name contains v2 french words or v2 french revision so that upon each new entry it will show up as that title also sort again by revision descending that's the number this will be revision number one say we did this revision on the 2nd of december and again we can go through our select property let's say this time there is some understanding second revision also on the second there was moderate understanding now showing us we need to revise again on the third let's say this time we didn't revise on the third and instead we went back on the fifth that's okay and this time also a moderate understanding it will just tell us to again study on the sixth maybe we have a great understanding the next study session will be on the 10th and so on now let's replicate what we saw in that original template so we're going to go forward slash link and we're going to create a link to database to the revision table and i'm going to add a view for calendar view and delete this original view here i'm going to go to calendar by and instead of having the date which is this is our original date of studying i want to look at next study can also go to properties and view understanding we can also create a new view within this database to show us what we need to revise today and in here we're going to create a filter where i just see in next study is today need to return to version one french revision which i will then toggle this view here locate v1 french words and just add another revision so revision 7. let's now automate this understanding property for those who already have toggles within notion and are using those toggles as flashcards so again we have our first revision say this is revision number one now we want to import our toggles what you're going to do is create a new template and that's going over to new down to the select button and new template i have four already made for me and in order to edit these templates and this is where you're going to add new toggles or take away toggles press these three dots go to edit this is my first one and like i said in the beginning i am organizing my toggles in this way where i'm grouping them so these are just vocab words what i'm doing is i'm creating a group in a toggle and then each card within that group will have its own toggle as well so i'm going to be able to actually create a template an inline template within this database template it's a bit of template section in order to streamline the creation of new toggles new cards in order to do that i have this template button right here it's a bit small but it's tucked in at the very top so whenever i need a new group i'll just press new group i'll have a call out at the top of my group which shows me an empty space colon and then a number and that's the number of flash cards so this is me just keeping track of how many cards i have correct down the page so that at the end of the study session i can come up to the top and quickly type in how many cards i got correct within this group title when i toggle it down i get another template so this is three templates nested into each other we have a database template a template inside of that for a new group and then a template for a new flash card within this new group template when i go to create a new flash card one of these grayed out toggles will appear and i'll just be a blank toggle then again up here let's say i got 17 correct i want to be able to automate this understanding just like in the beginning so let's quickly create those if statements like we did with the next study date but in terms of understanding so first of all let's say that total correct is empty so we've created this row but we have not studied yet we want to show that processing results again just for the sake of aesthetics really i think it looks cool let's make sure this total correct is empty so if property total correct is empty so we're going to wrap this around an empty function if it is empty then show me an emoji and what i'm doing on my mac is command control space the brain emoji and just say processing otherwise let's just keep it blank and see what that looks like so if we have something in here say 12 it will be blank that's our false condition the next condition i want to put in right before this false condition is if in property total correct divided by property total cards that's giving us the percentage of correctness if it is below or equal to 30 percent like i have up here i want it to show me little to no understanding less than or equal to 0.3 then just show me i want to put in those uh red blocks like we saw in the template just put a bunch of them actually and then type in little to no understanding comma at the end and another parentheses because we have another condition and we're just going to keep adding those if statements right so if understanding is less than or equal to 55 percent we'll say mod some understanding and so on so let's just go down the list and i'm just copying and pasting again adding a parenthesis at the end and changing things up a little bit so i'm just going to locate that second one and make sure point 33 is actually 0.55 and i'm going to make sure these blocks are orange some understanding and you'll see that this next study because we use the contains function is automatically understanding what this property is telling it so in the beginning we have if understanding contains little to no understanding or some understanding just show the original date which it does december 5th we go to 2 it will also show december 5th let's do the next condition going down you'll see how that changes again so instead of 0.55 let's say 0.70 and these blocks will be yellow and this will be moderate understanding and in other parentheses at the end let's say we have 16 correct because it is a moderate understanding our space repetition our next time we're going to study this is tomorrow which it will populate as december 6th i'm just going to go right down the list and maybe speed up the video a little bit now let's look at how this formula function maybe 18 20 it's a good understanding 27 great understanding and 28 would be no misunderstandings because there are 28 cards so that's pretty much how that's working let's take this revision table and take a look at how this is updating so we're going to see again everything update within this calendar view by next study date which the only one we have here december 12th so this is pretty much the duplicate of the original template let's navigate back to it and hopefully i went over everything clearly and i wasn't too vague i always try to explain everything as slowly but efficiently as possible especially for those who are more advanced users and think i'm going a little bit too slow this is my approach to space repetition i know a lot of you i do get some emails of people explaining to me their approach to it and i love seeing this stuff i love seeing other people's use cases so let me know down in the comments how you've approached this if maybe my use case might give you some inspiration to tweak yours a bit and of course any questions you have december is going to be a big month for templates i'm putting out three different templates this month that were supposed to go out last month but i got covered so that didn't really work so look out for those they're going to be designed mostly for the new year and there's going to be one for note takers there's more of a resource so yeah i'll see you guys next week and through the week on twitter see you then
Channel: Red Gregory
Views: 41,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Notion, Notion Database, Notion Template, How To, Notion Tutorial, Spaced Repetition, Notion Study, Study, Productivity
Id: hX7fhSCK1Oc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 26sec (1466 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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