Easy Spaced Repetition Formula In Notion

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today we're going to talk about spaced repetition inside of notion i know i have done a video on this before where i explained a use case first based repetition today what i want to do is share with you just one simple formula for pushing dates forward which is essentially what spaced repetition is spaced repetition is a strategy of learning through repeated review of information the time intervals between each review is what we're going to customize and with a notion formula push a next review date forward according to these intervals let's look into pushing dates forward inside of notion let's get right into it so here's our database let me just zoom in a couple of times we have subject one two three and four here are the things we are learning about this date property here is the first date that you are reviewing your note we're going to create another property to the side here that is a check box and i'm just going to say session one let's turn it into a check box so now we have session one and when session one is complete we can click that check box now i'm going to create another property here called next time or let's say next review this is going to be a formula what i'm gonna do is every single time session one is clicked let's just add three days to the original date so let's say if property session one that's all we have to say so if property session one which means if it is checked off then i want to date add this is a function inside of these parentheses i want to say date comma how many days i want to add to the date so let's say in this instance i want to add three days so let's go three comma days at the very end we need a false condition so i'm just going to go comma and put in a false condition which basically says if property session 1 is not checked what will it do well that's the case let's just keep the original date so i'm just going to say prep date close all this out with a parenthesis and this is what it should look like you'll notice that at the top we have june 22nd 2021 upon clicking this check box it will add three days to the next review date column let's make this a little bit more interesting and add another two check boxes so let's say session two turn this into a check box session three now what i want to do is whenever we click session two i wanted to add another three days session three another three days to this original date so we're just gonna keep pushing it forward in time so the way we're going to set up this formula now is first what i want to do is change this first line i'm going to change it to session three i want session three at the top because these formulas kind of have an order of operations all if statements at the top will respond first and all if statements at the bottom will respond last i don't want to add three days i want to add nine days i'm just going to copy this paste it after the first one and i'm going to replace session three with session two and i'm gonna say six days i'm just gonna do the same thing going down for session one and three days i want to be able to close out all three of these if statements by adding three parentheses to close it out at the end let's look at how this formula reacts so session one if it's clicked should add three days session two another three days and session three another three days same goes for all of the other check boxes and all of the other subjects so let's make this a little bit more interesting and customize each spaced repetition using the select property and actually the formula is a lot easier here now below here let's just duplicate this table and i'm going to make some changes firstly let's rename this maybe to a date pushing select so i got rid of those check boxes now let's create some select properties instead so session one and let's turn this property into a select property now what i'm going to be able to do just click into one of these cells i'm going to create three different options pretty basic we're going to say was this session successful or not successful what is the level of understanding of this subject is it great good or poor now instead of writing those words great good and poor we're going to actually tell the database how many days we want to push forward in the instance of each of those understandings so let me explain let's say there is a great understanding and if there's a great understanding i want to push the date for review seven days into the future so let's just make the first select option seven days and maybe make the color of this green indicating we have a great understanding the second option is going to be four days and this is signaling a four day push or a good understanding and i'll label that one maybe blue or yellow and the third is going to be one day so i just want this to be pushed one day into the future because we have a poor understanding of this material and i'm going to label that one red and i'm going to duplicate it another two times what happens when you duplicate a select property is all the options also come with it and i'm just going to rename it to session two and do the same all the select properties come with it let's say the first one went pretty well let's push it four days session two maybe did really really well we have a great understanding let's push it a week and then the same for session three and say maybe there was a poor understanding for this subject and then a good and then a great so now we can mess around with this formula so very simply we are just going to be using that date add function i can spell it right date add now within here let's add to the original date comma we're going to have the number of days we want to add like we had before we could have three days and then in parentheses days what i'm going to do is i'm going to replace this value 3 by adding sessions 1 2 and 3 together so let's just do another test formula that is temporary i want to add up sessions one two and three so what i can do to just grab the number from that select property and ignore the word days is to say to number and then put the property name inside so two number session one will give us four so what i want to do is just copy this go plus paste replace one with two and then do the same thing and replace that one with three what i'm gonna do is replace that three that uh numerical value with this so i'm just going to wrap it around parentheses first so i know it's isolated press done let's go to next review and just replace that three with this number deleting sessions two and three columns the next review date should be four days after the original date which it is the 26th now if i were to add to session two a good understanding or great understanding i want to push it a week from the 26th not the 22nd but now we're in session two i want to push it seven days from the 26th we can now push it a week from the 26th and let's say i want to push it yet another week from session three and it will give us july 10th so this is how we can start pushing dates forward with one very simple formula so that is two ways to really push dates forward in the simplest way possible in my opinion especially in this spaced repetition format let's look at how we can kind of visualize this better though visually what i want to do is i want to sort everything by whenever the closest next review is naturally so i can go to next review and sort ascending another thing you can do is create another view so let's create another view called today so everything we need to review today and create a filter simply says next review is today none of the examples we have here lands on today but let's push one so that it does let's say that should work the 18th i go to today it will have all the subjects i need to review for today and again that's filtering the next review is today and that is that formula we need now let's look at how we can visualize all this inside of a calendar so it's a little bit tricky with formulas and dates inside of formulas with calendars but you can view it in a calendar let me show you what i mean so i'm going to zoom out a couple times let's create a new view and make sure it is a calendar maybe label this one next review so automatically this is grouping everything by the original date so subject one is on the 22nd that is the original date i can view a calendar by going to these three dots here going to calendar by and next review the only thing that is limiting for this is i can't create new entries through the calendar so essentially it's kind of like a read only calendar what i mean by this is if i were to go back to calendar by date i do have the option to add an item to each one of these days so that is the only limitation for that and that's about it two different ways to use spaced repetition and how to visualize next review dates let's go right into the outro if you have any questions let me know down below in the comments also recently i published a list i believe 80 notion formulas for you guys to copy into your workspace they're pretty simple formulas so if you are interested in notion formulas that might be an interesting list for you to look at i'll leave a link to that down below other than that i will see you guys the rest of the week on twitter and next time with a new video i'll see you then
Channel: Red Gregory
Views: 100,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Notion, Notion formula, Notion tutorial, How to use notion, Notion database, Notion dates, Notion use case, Notion example, Notion ideas
Id: wWQiyaSKbVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 28 2021
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