Not Your Average Garden Shed! (Shed Build and Tour)

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foreign over the last month we have been working behind the scenes on a big project I am so excited about it it's like a dream come true it is a new garden shed and this is no ordinary garden shed we've finished both the outside and the inside of the shed and not only is it beautiful it's also going to solve a huge problem that we've had with our garden from the beginning and be very functional but before I go into the story of why and how we built this I want to thank our sponsor for this video Homestead supplier three years ago we bought the property that we currently live on the land had no water no electricity and no house so before we added anything else the first thing we built was our garden that was where my priority was we later decided where we wanted the house to go and luckily it ended up being fairly close to the Garden it was about 150 feet from the closest corner of the garden to the house so it's definitely close enough to walk to but after years of gardening here I've realized one major problem with having a very large garden and the house being in its current location all of my tools were stored in the garage or we were also storing some of our tools in the barn so this made it that anytime I went out to the Garden I needed to haul all my tools by hand or with a wheelbarrow then if I forgot a tool which definitely happened quite a bit I had to walk back to the house then back to the garden and walking is awesome but when you want to get projects done in the garden or for me I really wanted to focus all of my energy into what I was doing in the garden walking back and forth just really added up after a while I started to get really tired of this and especially this year with being pregnant I just said forget it I am just gonna leave them out in my garden or in my caterpillar tunnel so I loved the convenience of having my tools out in my garden but when I left them outside and exposed them to all of the elements all of my tools got weathered so fast having invested so much money in all of my tools and how important they are to my garden I was really frustrated at myself for leaving them out like that so I decided I need a solution for this I need to solve this problem take care of my tools better and I need to have them closer so I can save a bunch of time so Cam and I discussed all kinds of different possible solutions but in the end we we decided a shed located inside the garden would be the ideal way to solve the tool problem Cam and Kian are working on digging post holes because we are moving this entire span backspan of our garden how long is that cam it's 220 feet I think we're moving this back 10 feet because we need some space for uh new special project that we're doing fence Hall moved and now we're on to the next step which is to string out the line for where the shed is going to go and the reason that we moved the whole fence this way is because I knew I wanted it to go on this side of the garden this is the north side of the garden which means the shed is not going to shade anything else during the day so we're going to prep the foundation Becky's gonna tell me where to lay it out because he has to have it in her spot I would inevitably do it wrong so she's gonna tell me where to lay it out and I'll lay it out for 12 by 20 shed I'm just marking the corners so now I'm just marking the perimeter so that I can like dig the piers we spent a long time researching how best to build a strong foundation and settle down doing Piers concrete piers and attaching the floor to them so this Foundation may seem like overkill for a shed but we really liked the idea of having the shed actually attach to the ground rather than just setting it on top of concrete Footers [Applause] not in the middle [Applause] when we started on the foundation for the shed it was the end of April and due to the timing sometimes we were working on it in the rain because the whole goal was to have this project finished and done before the baby came in June and since I was super pregnant and also managing the garden I took on more of a project manager role which is why you don't see me here I'm behind the camera and I left all of the manual labor to cam and the kids what are we doing today Keegan okay take two okay Kian what are we doing today um so there's these plywood sheets right here that we're gonna put on here so that we can walk on it okay so plywood sheets on here so we can walk on it we're we're finishing the floor of our shed that's what we're doing today the tree house is big well thank you by early May the foundation was in and we were wrapping up the floor The Next Step was actually building the shed and that brings us to our partner for this video Homestead supplier they have a huge selection of shed kits available and we are totally sold on this time saving option especially after putting it together it was so fast so we chose the easy fit Amish Riverside shed in the 12 by 20 foot size the entire shed was delivered on just a couple of pallets and we had them bring a forklift because our home and garden are not easy to get to so it was good that they had that option so we could drop it off right next to the shed putting together the shed was by far the quickest part of the whole building process Cam and the kids had the walls assembled in one day and then the roof assembled by the next day and I'm pretty sure if Kim had tried to build the shed from scratch it would have taken him the entire summer and I am not exaggerating so by using the shed kit it was a huge Time Saver and we still got to customize it a bunch by choosing our own paint colors and they also have lots of add-on options you can choose from [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you we are finished with the build part as far as what comes in the kit so anything extra now is what we're going to layer on which will be the roof and the paint and then finish out the kind of trim out the inside so we're it's that's kind of the fun part now I I wanted to mimic our house with the paint so we're just going to go or I decided I decided red for the door cam is going to spray paint to make it all easy then even the roof panels will match our house because we had some extra from when we built save bills for a good reason I didn't know what but this is this is it should I paint with the grain mom foreign I knew early on when we decided to build a shed as a tool storage place that I wanted to finish out some of the inside our previous residents had a small shed and it was always extremely hot in the summer because it wasn't insulated so that was definitely an add-on that I wanted to do so that the shed would be a comfortable place that I wanted to be and the second reason that we decided to put some effort into finishing out the inside is because for me personally when I have something that looks nice and finished I am so much more motivated to keep that space clean and tidy and organized and the whole purpose of the shed was to keep the tools out of the weather and to save time and I'll save time by having the tools closer to me and I'll also save time because if I'm organized I'll actually be able to know where specific tools are I'm putting this cupola together down here because it'll be easier than doing it at the peak yay I'm halfway done with the metal roof and it's time to put the cupola on or the Weather Vein whatever you want to call this thing metal roofs once they're on I try to avoid getting back on them so since while I still have felt and traction I'm gonna I'm gonna put that on forgot the most important part the chicken so this cute little guy decided to come four weeks early for us we fully intended on having the shed project finished before he came but that obviously did not happen and so we're we're getting really close to finally wrapping that up Cameron had finished up the show originally I had it just up to like the center strip here and then we had left the the rest of it undone and I changed my mind and I had him finish that so I've been adding a few projects that have been extending the length of this project too now that that's all done he also added insulation to the top of the shed which we're just going to add like later after we were done with this video but we decided let's just finish it now because part of the reason for that was I want I wanted cam to spray the whole interior white and even the insulation it's all open and the ceiling just has more of an unfinished look which is totally fine Becky's not allowed to add anything else to this I'm gonna finish it and finish it yeah she's gonna enjoy it signing off [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] and gardening best of best of her two favorite things besides her family [Music] Christmas [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign this up and realized that it's slightly off level so Cruz is going to grab a level so we can make it straight got an update on this thing it wasn't level because some of the wood pieces are off so it wasn't my fault cruising it wasn't as fault cam just didn't make it like super exact so it might just be slightly off [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to the garden shed I'm going to give you guys a little tour of everything and now that it's all finished come on inside foreign we're gonna start over on this side over here you Cam built me this custom rack for my gritter tool it has different sizes based on what spacing you want in the garden and then over here this goes with the gritter and then I have the rest of my tools are all along this wall something that I want to do that I haven't done yet is I do want to outline these tools as well with some kind of marker or pencil or something so that I know exactly which tool goes where it's a little bit more clear on this wall just because of different sizing but I'd love for anybody who walked in here or used a tool to know exactly where it went especially the kids who helped me a lot this has been done for maybe two days and we use some of the tools today and already my kids use the tools and they put them back so already it's been worth it because everybody knows that the tools have a place and for myself too it's so nice to be able to just walk really close I don't have to walk to the house anymore it's just right here super close saves me a ton of time and you can just walk right in I know where every single tool is so it's so functional I'm super excited about it really glad to be able to have this already it's just been like like a dream here we did this pegboard and I painted it with chalkboard paint and then I just used a chalkboard marker to outline all of my hand tools so you can really easily see same kind of thing where each thing goes and everybody can put it all back and you can see I have a lot of extra space over here I do have a few more things that I want to hang up here but basically this will give me some room to grow my hand tool collection or whatever I want and then it's nice that it's chalkboard paints so that I can just easily erase any of the marks that I have and then put a new tool there or rearrange or whatever I want to do I can do so so that's really nice I just have some just random storage up here you can kind of see what those things are and then down here all of the things that I really want in close proximity but that are better to have inside are all in the shed so over on this side I have these four trash bins they don't actually hold trash they are for storage so I have my hats in one gloves and another knee pads in one and then the last one just has some hanging hardware for the tools so when I want to add additional tools or I actually have a few that we still haven't hung up yet it's right here as well and I still would like to like label these metal trash cans I just haven't done that yet so back behind me on this side is Jang Cedar this is not where it's gonna stay we just haven't quite figured out a spot for it yet and then my wheel hoe last but not least the BCS is here also super nice we were storing the BCS in the barn because the barn is covered although it's not super waterproof because it's an old barn but it's really nice to have it here because it's closer to everything and it'll be easy to use we're waiting on another Implement that we're getting a flow mower pretty soon so will also be nice to have that here and then I have my earthway Cedar here one thing that I haven't talked about yet is the floors in here I spent a long time researching like what do I do for floors inside of a shed and how can I keep it more clean and so I stumbled on these garage like floor mats and that is what we ended up getting so it can take if there's an oil spill from the BCS it can take that and it'll be really easy to clean up the only thing about these floors that surprised me when we got them is that they are really shiny I wasn't expecting that I thought they were a little bit more matte so it does show the dirt a little bit but it's not a big deal we were able to get a good deal on this particular flooring so overall I'm super happy with the entire shed I'm so glad we did it it's going to be super functional and save a bunch of time one last thing I hang on one last thing I forgot to mention the lights out here they are solar lights we don't have electricity out here so we just found some solar lights at a local hardware store and hook them up [Music] thank you
Channel: The Seasonal Homestead
Views: 217,294
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Id: pYXietujrPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 21sec (1341 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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