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do you know why the Smoky Mountains are the Smoky Mountains I figured it was the haze it is what the trees are giving off creates the humidity and then the density of the clouds that like rests and makes it look like smoke but it's another particularly trees are they giving off more oxygen than other trees or is there something else that the trees giving off there's a point in which the facts and they stop I love the Smoky Mountains you can explore here forever and there's no fee to get in really makes me want to go to angel's landing oh that is one of the national parks that we would like to go back to you [Music] [Music] you an 3-yard these two guys are friends now they are they yes they spotted each other because the shirt and now they're friends that's awesome that's so awesome coffee Wow from cafes II know from our Jackson Mississippi episode was very blueberry that was our favorite flavor and oh this is the level may pro I got the level mate Pro because I realized that I still want to know from the cab if I'm level because where am I gonna stop to dry camp and how far off am I to level up just a little bit before I hit Auto level so I decided to get another one of those and worse sight 104 so here you go okay round them in all right we've made some improv is ins on where we put the rig on this particular site because it was super narrow and then we had to deal with the water and the concrete pad and we didn't want to be too off-center because then our tires are just be hanging in the wind we were half on the pad and half off so when we lift when we put the stabilizers down on the other side the whole side of the rig and all three tires would have been up off the ground so if we kind of move diagonally back we're off the bad not ruining the concrete and we still have plenty of room right right and then we're clear of the water and the electrical and in this awning still comes out which is great and the other one too yeah this is a cool site it just took a little bit of coordinating maneuvering yeah just receive the snap pads I'm very excited about and any normal are vir would like read the instructions and put them on in the front in a paved lot like you're supposed to and I like to do stuff pretty much as soon as I can so I'm gonna lift that up because it's on concrete and I'm gonna put the front two on now and then we'll just put the back four on later babe I knew you were not gonna like this idea let's not do it I I really want to do it because no like to get the front two feet on and then I can worry about the line okay once you put them in they click in and you're not doing it properly do it properly you're just like wash them and no you're just supposed to know you're just you were theoretically you were gonna put a little bit of like dish soap here just to like like you know putting on a ski boot you make it easier to pop on but I think it'll be fine and if it's not let's see let's see if it's necessary mark let's just see okay definitely the soap [Music] when they lower that tell me when to stop and you can line it up and I'll just go all the way down sound good okay [Music] it's not working it's stopping because it thinks it's it's thinks it's you know yeah in I don't know seems like that was pretty easy to slip on right yeah it was great alright so we got two of the snap pad feet on the front which is good and now I'm gonna have the four rest to do which I'm not gonna do right now I just wanted to get those two front feet on and then we're gonna Auto level and I'll find another spot that's level with concrete cuz I've got it's this is not the ideal time but I just wanted to get those two out of the way I'm really trying to get like the rig set up we got the RV locks on got the snap pads on Charlie's killer has swim nice there's a creek and it's super awesome and there were like ten ducks there together it was really cute for now charlie take care of that no he won't be like hi guys I know I'm supposed to be a bird dog but hi my name is Charlie hi my name is Charlie I think you guys are really cute they hang out my numbers on my collar very gentle gentle [Applause] he sent in rincón progress his whole little body feeling with that water feels like yeah again when you can do that just by telling us it [Music] [Music] if it's important that we introduced water correctly to Charlie because the last thing we would want is to have some traumatic water experience and then have them be afraid of water for the rice was life so this was like the perfect creek you can swim in some areas but mostly mostly you could just play and he's like the baby pool it's like a puppy creek pretty fun all right there's a couple things that I need to give credit where credit is due to Trisha she was right on two things this side deck is fantastic and I when I first got the rig when we were looking at it I thought there's no way this is just something you put down the first time you're like all right that's kind of cool and it never comes down it's come down every time and I know a lot of people are concerned that maybe our V parts are so tight that you can't put it down I we could just beginning lucky this season I don't know but it's been down all but once and it's easy and it's great for the dog and it's where we come out and have a cup of coffee and sights like this and I would say if you have a big toy hauler and you're a planner and you know we're not but if you're a planner you could actually look on the site map of an RV park and you could see which site you want to be in and with exception holiday weekends and Friday and Saturday during the peak summer I'd say generally speaking you can pick the site that you want okay so that's the first thing you've definitely not being cheats what was the second thing you were right on I don't know I'm still ruminating over the first give me a minute what was the other thing you were right on believe me she'll be patient oh I'll wait she'll wait okay I thought of the second thing and it's it's not it's not credit to you though Trish but it's credit to the Heartland we just can't get over how much we're enjoying this season through the heartland and how much we've enjoyed Louisville and Kentucky why she say Kentucky and Tennessee and Arkansas and Alabama and these are just the states we've been to so far we need to give credit where credit is due you folks out here all y'all all y'all in the Midwest and in the heartland and the south you got going on there I have the world-famous Derby Pie I did not know what a Derby Pie was until I was visiting Jeff and Connie and although we have left Kentucky and we are now in Tennessee we were back into Kentucky and she said you don't know what a Derby Pie is we need to get one stat so they gave us this and we put it in our freezer and we have declared tonight is the night they told us that we have to put it in the oven so I'm heating the oven and we went on a special ice cream run this is a Derby Pie seems like a pecan pie with chocolate did you said you were getting coffee no oh no reading water distilled water for coffee oh and then we got ice cream whoa have you handled by not at all trying to get to it of course I know those boys are gonna eat it if I don't eat it I'm not getting my share and why we go on our plan tomorrow wait for back for back tomorrow hold on back in the Scottsdale days and the simple days those are the simple days yeah and mommy but you know they would have ice cream yeah ice cream you know we'd have dessert have the ice cream I can't wait for dessert like this much next morning it's gone it's gone it wasn't Garson there wasn't me it was you dad it was you dad you are an ice cream stealer [Music] thank you are you doing thank you three four five six thanks 30 I'm embracing the counting technique I went 20 steps and 30 steps than 40 steps and 50 steps so on and so forth sexually the techniques that people use to get off everest alive i'm gonna go this far for this long i'm gonna do this many steps i'm going to go this much distance before i stop and take a break it keeps them moving closer to the goal without thinking about the huge goal break it down into steps literally [Music] this is amazing Wow wish everybody can see this [Music] hey uh five I'd say what's cool about the payoff for this particular hike is that if you've got young kids or you're not really into hiking and you know you're working up fitness levels this is a 1.8 mile hike three-mile hike round trip ish there's a payoff for a mile there's a payoff within bridges and waterfalls in the first quarter mile yeah and it's you know you could just yeah yeah you can get a path without having to so come anyway you know what I love about you Mark what is that in a hard situation you're a round downer so if it's a four-mile hike marks like it's like two and a half three miles you're okay alright you round okay I'm around downer when it comes to things like a dog so anyway but I do you think that that's pretty funny because this is straight up a format like alright it's four three four what comes just below for likes [Music] [Music] dunh dunh I'm super excited all right let me share with you what we have going on here I don't even know where to start so this is the synchronized Firefly mating extravagant self you're perfect yeah and there's 30,000 people that apply to in the lottery yes and only 1800 people win not good odd yeah I know and it's over eight days now of course there's no way we could possibly be that prepared to even have entered right but we have some insiders that reached out to us and said hey look they won the lottery and they could bring 14 people into van can you come down here and meet us and we were like yeah thank you so much yes okay so we've just been kind of hanging out here and we had a little picnic and yeah we're just hanging out and having fun but I can see the car starting to come in so we're now we're gonna all get in the van go in and get our tickets and then we're gonna go drive over to what's it called Elkmont mm-hmm down into the trolley and I guess you know wait until it's dark and empty how good our low-light is yes and see the extravaganza now on a side note if you aren't here for the synchronisation extravaganza you should still conjure to the Great Smoky Mountain National you mean that Great Smoky Mountains National Park you should still come here because it is phenomenal there are there's no admittance feet yes the hiking is unlimited the greenery is sensational and the hiking I mean I already said it hiking hiking hiking it's beautiful yes you should come and try it out okay well yeah so the huge thing you can drag this one we had just put our phones on Firefly mode only point there read we have to because we don't want any light there so we're trying to keep this read even the flashlights are red we're ready it's like our shirts or pants literally the hunters got October clarify it firefighters yeah okay let's try and get that in the middle of all the lights it's been almost like the first time we've seen snow that's what it feels like so it's pretty neat we on the trolley ride up here there was a park ranger kind of sharing all the things about how this works and so the reason that they're synchronized is because they're they're mating the females are in the in the grass and the grass and the males are all up in the air they're peacocking you know the boys are showing off yes and when one does at the Resco oh I better do it too but they said that the female doesn't want to just see one she wants to see them all light up and then she's like oh okay well I'll take you and we're good yes and so one goes and then the rest goes and the rest goes well we had some advice from Francis and she said get up against the mountain because all the females are in the in the grass and all the males are up above them so when you go up the hill it creates like this reverse waterfall effect up the hill it's it sounds spectacular the show is just about to start let's hope we capture it yes expelliarmus galaxy dad I can't believe it oh that's part of the opening firefight my boy tonight [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] we are at the grotto Falls trailhead and the drive from Hamburg to grotto Falls trailhead is absolutely a hundred percent worth the drive even if you have no intention to go hiking [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you guys see the juvenile bear well he went out in front of me and stood straight in the middle of the trail oh yeah and so I thought it was a golden doodle oh it's not that big and so you know of course then I figured out pretty quick yes a bear and I went to grab my camera and it turned it on click and I lifted it up then he was gone yeah [Music] yeah hi cream you hi curve you here [Laughter] expecting your Smoky Mountains voice oh yeah yeah yeah yeah we're gonna do it we're gonna do a hike review on the grotto Falls of the while we're in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park is anything getting better that's what I wanted okay good good all right yes okay so here's our here's our idea we're gonna provide a five-star review one to five stars okay when did I start on the following five categories are we gonna remember all five I'm gonna try that we've got accessibility okay we've got difficulty okay Beauty Kayla wanted data but I replace that with wildlife and number five is calorie think of it remember three no but anyway accessibility it is not wheelchair accessible no however there is parking so and it's free and and if you do have limitations and you are not able to go on a hike this is the most gorgeous drive I think we haven't been on arc with in a very long time so it's accessible in that so I say four stars and the accessibility that's pretty high but okay okay all right difficulty two stars not super hard yeah all ages were here Beauty number three I'd say oh pretty very pretty yeah point seven five if lush greenery is your thing yes yeah yeah Oh pay off number five oh good job number four wait wildlife wildlife number four now we saw a bear so I'd say that would put it pretty high maybe four stars yeah at the same time I think we didn't see the bear there's nothing else I saw so I'm gonna see a lot of spiders a lot of mosquitoes okay so three and a half and then pay off I would say pay off would be like a four yeah because there was a pay off there was a pay if there was a beautiful waterfall yes so um and you can walk behind it and take some cute photos and yes very good all right let us know if you like our five star hike review because we could apply this if we can remember we can apply this to a future hikes oh and PS data there was on and off data on or off data all right so while we hike to the truck I'm gonna leave you I don't if you watched Sunday morning well while long time ago if a virtue in our sticks and bricks we used to watch little Sunday morning program and at the end they would leave you with some wildlife and I'd like to they wore bowties well remember him yeah he used to sit there as named Charles Osgood yes I you just yeah I really loved that growing em yeah so we're gonna leave you I got some footage on this trail and it's very peaceful very serene and so that's how I got the idea so well we trop walk to the truck I'm gonna leave you with a little bit of very peaceful relaxing footage of the stream [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Keep Your Daydream
Views: 339,689
Rating: 4.9334316 out of 5
Keywords: rv, rving, rv life, national parks, the great smoky mountains, keep your daydream, kyd, rv trip, rv living, rving full time, rving across america, rving for beginners, rv life full time, rv lifestyle, grand design, grand design rv, grand design momentum 399th, 5th wheel toy hauler, ford trucks 2019, ford f450, super duty, best truck for towing, grotto falls, chimney tops smoky mountains, laurel falls hike tennessee, best hikes in the smokies, kyd season 7
Id: W_LDyFsCd3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2019
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