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GG where are we going we have to wait for the bus oh we're just going to the store right quick yellow just stop talking to me but we don't have any money just follow me be quiet [Music] okay oh it's right here [Music] hey Juju baby I'm trying to fight crime I should be the top right police of the world just watching me wait did you explain how we're gonna buy this yeah wait a minute what are those two kids doing there just to do that in my pocket did you know we have to pay for it [Music] you're so bad idea come on let's go before we get caught see I told you I didn't get caught yeah but I think this is not why we have to return the candy what then I just have to eat this myself then let's do this they're here no stop right here you think you're gonna run away I got something for you be quiet young girl put your hand behind your back oh no he got Reeboks huh I think we still can't he think I'm not gonna catch it on you guys selling the candy huh huh yeah you going to jail today I'm gonna catch that boy that I was with you too don't worry about it okay guys close your mouth young lady let's go what did I get myself into looking for Roger yeah the red hoodie my Pursuit right now there you go right here oh you think you can run away from me huh oh yeah I'm Gonna Get You uh-huh so he went in the bushes though crazy do you see him little girl I don't see anything I know you're not gonna tell me that anyways but where are you dispatch I think I lost him that was close all right I'm headed to the station no problem got away why you like that why are you breathing so hard and where's your sister what's up a kid leaves his partner in crime at the scene and runs away I almost had that kid by the way what's your name lady [Music] oh Layla okay wait it's a water [Music] okay I know you heard me though where's your sister [Music] where's your sister Juju answer me right now where's your sister stop playing I can't concentrate I need some water let me get the water let's go you're gonna tell me which is so you're telling me you guys went into the store to steal oh my gosh what do you think your parents are gonna think about that huh you're gonna give me your parents information because I'm gonna have to give him a call as soon as we get to the station silence you're in big trouble and I'm gonna find that boy that was with you too [Music] oh the arguing ladies at the sale that you're going to be in until I'm able to find a hold of your parents and don't worry that boy that was with you I'm gonna find him he thinks he he got away but he got something coming to him yeah get inside here have fun [Music] the bed bugs bite all right you're done now now tell me where's Layla chopped out come on question I'm sleeping dude dude where's your sister where's your sister you want to be grounded what am I gonna do I told you not to steal the candy where's your sister is that a toilet [Music] where's your sister [Music] where is your sister Juju [Music] calling me I'ma talk to you you stay right here hello yes hello is this Layla's mom yes this is her yes this is the police department the police department yes the police department yes Layla has been arrested for stealing at the grocery store I taught her way better than that that can't be true yeah I understand you I hate us all the time do they look like Angels but they're not okay what Police Department say right now yeah this is the Florida Department police department you should know where it's at okay thank you so much do not do it but she didn't listen to me come on I don't got time for this come on we gotta go get her anyways let's go all right young lady the judge is actually ready to see you I actually got a hold of your mom as well she seems pissed so good luck with that when she comes let's go come on this is ridiculous I can't believe Layla would do something like that I don't think she did what do you think you think she did it yeah I don't know why she would do that I think they got the wrong person they definitely got the wrong person my daughter would never do that I taught her better than that like I'm always telling you guys to do great things I'm always always telling you guys don't steal don't do that don't do bad things and not even hang out with people that do bad things you do yes I told you I was just scared and you should have told me about it crazy this is just crazy wow very young wrecking show here what are you doing stealing at a store young lady well that's too bad because when someone is doing something bad you're not supposed to be around you have to make sure you move or you get away from that person or even tell on that person because if you're involved in that crime you're gonna get in trouble just like that person and don't worry that young boy will get caught but you're gonna have to spend a night in jail wait wait wait your honor your honor wait wait wait she's innocent trust me please ma'am silence your honor that's the guy that stole the candy with her what yes Sharona that is him he's the one that stole the candy with her and he ran away I almost got him but he ran away wait wait what so you had a young man judge no wait officer please arrest him please my pleasure you really thought he was going to escape home running in a courtroom you thought I was not gonna catch you of course I was gonna catch you young man you can't run away from me anyways I already spoke to your mom she's agreed you're gonna be spending a long time in this prison so get ready for this all right oh back up oh yeah candy it's gonna be you know that hey back up you guys go back to the wall go back to the wall let's go back to the walk back to the walk this is gonna be a new home stand up man up he was running away from cops right man up buddy back oh baby let's go inside hey Step Up Stand Up Inside yeah stay right here close cell block ain't clean please relax relax because it's going to get worse in this this is not the worstness you've seen it's relaxed you you may want to save all that energy all right so this is this is your new roommates we have spam here don't call me that it's not Sam it's OG triple OG for real oh don't try me put some respect on my name I'm gonna need you to pack I'm gonna need you to back up right quick just relax okay okay I understand then we have Patrick here Patrick is what they call me on these streets always been calling me that's a day one Dilo Delo all right listen you're 105 676 and you're two four five seven that's your new names anyways you guys already know how we do this image stuff you guys will have names you guys have numbers you guys already know this and you you are aiming 205 659 all right you gotta understand you don't have your name anymore we recognize you as your number I was giving them the decency of saying their names but your real name right now is a number because you are a property of the state when you go to jail let me take out these handcuffs here it's time for you to get really comfy with your new roommates let's go all right Officer appreciate you hey hey man real quick what's going on let me get that belt off you hold this for me let's do this we'll figure it out boy there's mine now how am I supposed to sleep the floor my boy I got something for you oh that's funny [Music] man fit you well don't you yeah [Music] so good that thing's uncomfortable with you oh you hurt too boy do you know man you already know what it is now [Music] yo you forgot the flush bro yeah it's not working not bad but what are you thinking why are you looking at me Ah that's true oh you got the perfect job for you he got the right tool for the job yeah go ahead take this right here okay what's up it's your job right now right now yesterday what are you waiting for eign what you can't do is scrub the thing come on right now get in there get in there that's a beat Central emotion circular motions [Music] [Music] did a good job no luck that's crazy basketball one more time gotta call my mom thank you [Music] hello Mommy can you please pick me up I learned my lesson uh no did you no no listen you cannot come home I'm so sorry you can't come home just please come and get me I don't like this place just because you learned your lesson that doesn't mean you don't have to face the consequences I told you so many times and and plus you lied to me not only you lied to me you lied on your sister not only you lied on your sister you refused to tell me what happened and pretend that you would had nothing to do with it when all along it was your fault you forced her to to go along with you just because you're sorry the judge is not going to let you go you have to take your two weeks over there I tell you so many times you have either a consequence or reward for each action that you do this time you chose a consequences because you did a bad action with each bad action you get a consequence and with each good action you get a reward this time you have to face your consequences and stay in this program for two weeks you can't just say sorry and everything's gonna be okay even if you learn your lesson you still have a consequence you have to face your time no I really don't want to take this test man did you have to take it I don't care about that of course you do that's what mommy said maybe I didn't have to take the test what are you thinking about maybe I didn't have to go to school what what talking about you do we have to go to school well we don't have to follow me Layla wait what one just skip school but we're gonna get in trouble no we're not you're not gonna get in trouble yeah we're returning before mommy comes you just he'll stop here scaredy cat let's have fun I'm so tired so what now we need something cool uh water the lunch money ice cream good idea let's go [Music] aren't you guys supposed to be insible this is the best day ever what time is it I don't know but we better get back home yeah I have two kids here put me on a ten five four what are you guys doing here nothing officer aren't you guys supposed to be in school how old are you guys seven you guys are supposed to be in school for sure for sure okay uh do your parents know you guys are out here walking around you know you guys could have been hit by a car right you guys understand that right someone could have come taking you this is not safe you guys are supposed to be in school I'm pretty sure your parents know you're supposed to be in school I'm gonna go ahead and pick them all right guys unfortunately you guys are gonna have to go come with me [Music] yeah but thanks a lot but now we have to go to jail maybe you don't have to maybe they're going to call our parents silence in the police car we're gonna go get your brother and your sister Eli are you excited yeah all right we're here Eli Juju Layla [Music] do any of you guys know where's Juju and Layla um we didn't see him at school today you didn't see them at the school [Music] are you sure the bus didn't leave them no they weren't at the bus pickup either I don't know Eli I don't know what's going on Eli let's go home I gotta call the school let's go Papa I should have been in school now I have to find your guys information so I can call your parents what's your name what's your name young man aha I found you guys you guys are part of the Beast family how do you think your mom and dad will feel when they find out you guys were skipping yes I'm calling to see if my son Juju and my daughter Layla was left at the school none of you guys should be skipping gonna give her a call right quick you guys better hope she answers are you serious calling me come on they're gonna have to wait [Music] it seems like your parents are not answering we're gonna wait a while and we're gonna try to call them back meanwhile you guys stay put right here that can't be I left them at the bus stop for the bus stop so they can actually go to school ma'am they never came to school they never came oh my gosh are you sure ma'am I'm positive I didn't receive any calls from you guys yes I know we were actually about to call uh-uh why are you crying I can't believe are you serious they never went to school I know Layla and JuJu would not do that that's crazy that's I taught them better than that [Music] all right kids I couldn't get a hold of your parents so today you guys are gonna be spending the night in jail it's just to document you to make sure if you try to run away I'm gonna find you you can't run anywhere hurry up thank you so much for your fingerprints you guys will forever be in the system but when are we gonna get out yeah didn't I tell you guys you guys are spending the night in jail so this is what's gonna happen this is the consequence so let's go follow me 6 51. well well look in here we got some fresh meat which do I need you to get inside here come on let's go come on I need both of you guys again inside come on yeah yeah fresh meat that's what I like so I'll be back for food in like five hours in the meantime have fun thank you so what y'all doing in here I got it how old are y'all five seven I'm not even supposed to be in here y'all not supposed to be in jail I'm supposed to be outside of the system what y'all doing you guys got a mom you guys got a dad I ain't got none of that I've been here my whole life I did 20 years I'm here for life not everybody in jail nice I'm the only nice one here y'all lucky I'm here it could have been somebody else what time what type of Art in here yeah thieves murderers crazy people man you can't be in here it's bad out here it's dangerous I hope you skip in school listen to your peoples listen to your mom listen to your dad cause ain't nobody gonna give you a second life so you gotta listen to your parents man ciao time chow time oh full time back up I'll be back with your bag y'all want some of this no no young miss here you go all right oh I'm actually sorry we actually ran out of spoons so you guys gonna have to just eat with your hands it's just like my friend Bubba here what do you have pizza or burgers Pizza Burgers grab a snake listen this is what you guys are eating so you don't want your food you get that all right Bubba I'm transferring you to sub block hey that's what all the homies at take me next time y'all need to stop skipping school man don't do it again because your parents probably looking for you right now probably wondering where y'all at 10. you see where I'm going I ain't never coming back what's your first name is only a flower I listen to you go ahead and put your finger on there finish it off for me please [Music] can you turn around and face me please yeah I don't want to end up like that either [Music] [Music] hey guys what are y'all doing here what where's your mom she's gonna be pissed at y'all are here we're skipping school you made me doing what I thought you said you were sorry about it skipping school y'all don't got no business skipping school why would y'all do that did you skip school when you were longer um we're not talking about me right now this is about y'all answer the questions I mean yeah I skipped school sometimes but look at where I'm at now y'all shouldn't be here y'all are too young yeah you're right man y'all kids these days are something different y'all are extra bad for no reason [Music] um can I get my one phone call please is that the nation oh my God you know what you guys are in so much trouble for the rest of your lives y'all gonna be grounded come out here come on come on come on wait wait man you have to wait one second remember I need to handle them this is not acceptable come technically still in jail okay go ahead I'm sorry officer before you put me in here because I I'm gonna oh I will kill them [Music] 673 999 please step out oh yeah we're gonna have a little talk come up I can take them now they mine thank you let's go wait hold on before you go can I please get my one phone call I've been here for five hours already so by far can you give the bum the phone call please hello girl guess what I've seen it here you know those those two kids who have snitched on me and got me here in the first place girl why didn't jail for skipping school that's exactly what I see these new Jets nowadays they should be doing dumb stuff for fun they they have no business up here yeah anyways um so when are you gonna bail me out look I know she did not just hang up I just okay thank you oh this is so hard my hand hurts y'all better stop complaining right now I need y'all to stop complaining Juju I need the floor to be completely spotless and when you're done clean all the toilets what yes every last toilet and Layla you're saying ill but guess what when you're done you're gonna clean every dish literally even the clean one I'm not being fair this is your punishment you hear me this is your punishment and speaking of punishment what else was your punishment is that I actually told the officer to keep you guys what yes I actually spoke to him on the phone I could have just came and got you guys but I told him to book you guys so make sure you guys learn something out of this and it's never you never ever ever skip for anything could have happened to you you know what turn around is right right never slow down
Channel: Beast Family Vlogs
Views: 6,185,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family friendly, Funny, Fun, challenges, Laugh, Challenge, Viral, FUNNY, EPIC, family vlog, viral, family, family vlogs, family fun, fun video, beast fam, the beast fam, the beast family vlogs, the beast family, beast family, LAYLA BEAST FAMILY, juju beast family
Id: uXhPcrCu7v0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 8sec (1448 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2023
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