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I can finally eat this cookie Lea what have you been up to nothing mom then why do you have cookie crumbs all over your face I told you not to eat any cookies before dinner I didn't eat any cookies what Lea you are a terrible liar always have been just earlier today you try to lie to me ilila did you use my makeup it's all messed up in there uh no I'm telling the truth oh yeah then explain this it's nothing Lea one day you're going to be telling the truth and no one is going to believe you I'm sick of this I'm calling your father hello hey what's up babe yes babe you won't believe what Ila did I told her not to eat any cookies before for dinner and she disobeyed me and then she lied about it Lea's always lying she's going to learn her lesson one of these days baby we'll talk about it when I get home all right bye byebye go go get your dinner okay this is disgusting no [Music] way Lea you e your dinner yeah I did I just didn't like it you're lying I saw you throw it away no Lea you should tell the truth it's the right thing to do I am telling the truth oh really then what is this hey what is this uh how did that get in there really you're still lying sure you're ashamed why why would I be asham with something that I didn't do [Music] really hide right there come on you got to hide from The Imposter um did you finish your dinner I didn't like it but I ate it anyways wow I'm impressed well go ahead and do your homework okay okay [Music] yeah you ready for dinner for food all right one two [Music] 3 yeah hold on Papa hold on Eli oh okay one two [Music] three why is a this spaghetti in here I don't think you want to know what you mean I don't want to know it was Leila she threw it away and she said it was nasty what she told me she ate it don't tell me she's lying again are you sure yes Mom I saw her do it with my own two eyes you know what she need to learn her lesson cuz that's that's unbelievable babe this food is amazing oh thank you it took me a little while you know to make it but I'm glad you like it guys how was school well I play with my friends and learn a lot okay um did you guys tur in your homeworks today of course I did Mom uh oh okay awesome and Lea me and your mom talked right so we got to talk about your lying issue that you have kid cool Hello uh yes is this um L's parents yes this is her parents awesome um I'm calling because Lila hasn't been turning at her Homer this entire month off are you serious yes unfortunately and she keeps on saying she loses it when I ask her for it this is really unacceptable hopefully she gets her act together and faces some serious consequences okay all right we going to have this don't worry all right okay bye babe yes um I'll be right back guys I'll check who it is hello manam I'm looking for Lea she's a suspect in a shoplifting investigation Lea Lea one day you're going to be telling the truth and no one is going to believe you Lea what is this about he said you stole from the store oh no and then I scored 50 points really Lea he not play basketball all right guys U I'm about to go to the corner store across the street wait you don't even have any money how you going to buy something I have more money than you what you talking about I want to go I want to go all right let's go we just stay here Mommy I didn't steal anything from the store steal it from the store oh I didn't steal anything H and enough talking time to take it to the station Leila just tell the truth what happened come on Leila think H what should I get today can you give me this please to be honest I don't even have any money I'm still going to leave about this St so was something though o you going to steal sh you're talking too loud oh no I'm not going to be AOL of this I'm out me too me too oh you guys are scared cats I don't need you guys so so that's the story you want to believe you didn't steal anything uh-uh I don't believe that it don't even sound like a true story it doesn't and Lea you always be lying how are we supposed to believe you exactly and why would the cop be here if you didn't steal anything why would Juju can can you tell if she telling the truth I don't know I was outside she's outside why you didn't go inside with her cuz I didn't want to go inside okay see now you're possibly going to go to jail oh I didn't do anything what if I did go to jail I'm going let y'all sit here get comfortable make sure you get your story straight now cuz I will come back and I'm going question each and every one of you one by one so why am I here I think we know where we're are here wait I didn't tell him you guys did anything I just didn't tell him that I did it really did what H matter of fact Mr Allan come over here you got some words we got to talk about come on I can't believe this Jaden I don't understand why you can't just tell the truth truth says the person that always lies H excuse me oo all right Miss AJ you're next hey hey watch yourselves man you didn't you didn't tell him that I did it right uh no what when he asks me I'm telling the truth truth that'll be the first time okay miss Lea last one mhm now I understand why lion is bad okay okay all right guys all right guys I got things to do people to see so you know it's about to have time to take her in man cuz you have plenty of time to explain yourselves it's time to go in man no officer please no I'm telling the truth I promise gosh leaya no you going to have to go to jail need to turn around and place your hands behind your back [Music] okay Leo what did you get yourself into all righty let's go on to the station oh wait wait hold go ahead HQ oh over and up well it's a lucky day apparently the other guy told the truth so I'm might to let you go but you know next time might not be so lucky ho than God here go I'm so sorry for not believing you you got to tell the [Music] truth guys hold on wait y forgot your helmet I don't want to wear the helmet make me look silly yeah it looks like I'm an alien with it it's not about how you look it's about safety so come put put this on right now come on come on grab it here you grab it put it on your head while you pouting let's go or or we're staying inside cuz I don't know what's wrong with Y y'all need to just listen I tell y so many times to put y help me on all trees yeah guys slow down come on guys stop you're going to get hit by a car haha you st oh why do you always beat me at everything because I'm better y didn't hear me calling y yeah got me running in these streets I told yall to slow down I didn't hear you Mommy I know you heard me you guys could have got hurt I've been telling you this entire time to slow down y going super fast you guys never listen one more thing and we going [Music] inside these kids like going to play on the swing hey hey hey are you ready you ready yeah 1 2 3E Mommy make him go faster what are you doing no Juju stops stop Juju listen pay attention and listen Juju you see you're not listening again you guys are not listening again go go sit down I'm I'm about to call your daddy so he can handle you right quick all right guys it's time to go Eli has to actually go take a nap so come on watch but it's a little bit more longer we can come back another time guys Eli really has to go for a nap right now please please yeah please guys no we have to go inside you guys not listening already told you guys to listen to your parents you guys haven't been listening to me all day y you guys been running around I told you I stop running come on guys it's time to go inside I don't want to hear anything else time to go inside right now okay that was that was kind of fun you guys look sad we had to come inside Eli got to take a nap Yu Eli has to go take a nap you see exactly he has to go take a nap come on Papa let's go you want to go back outside yeah for just a little bit okay we can't make any noise okay let's t wait we don't need these [Music] go wow it's super quiet here they're actually quiet I like this youj Let's cross the street but mommy said don't go to the street without let you go we're going to be fine stop overreacting you know what just forget it Juju [Music] Leila what no what out Lea Lea come on Lea all right guys so we heavily sedated her so unfortunately this is why she's asleep um um she is going to be fine unfortunately you are um aware that she does have a broken life through the x-rays what's the recovery time well it all depends you know she is young make sure she stays off her leg majority of the time and you know just keeping a healthy diet would probably be the most I can say that would help the most okay doctor thank you so much appreciate everything that you're doing I know I know she's going to be okay I've been here for a week when am I going to get better hm I think I'm good enough to go [Music] downstairs ow Lea what do you want Le no what are you doing no Lea you're supposed to put your feet up you can't Lea come on what are you trying to do I'm tired being stuck in here I want to get out I don't know what to tell you I really don't know what to tell you Lea you got hurt from not listening so you have to rest your leg or it's going to get worse we can't take you out I'm sorry we can't do any of that you're going to have to eat your food in here you're going to have to sleep in here you're just going to have to play on your bed with your leg up until it heals so what are you going to eat we have hot dog we have macaroni or I can just make you a simple soup pineapples okay pineapples it is okay Lia you won't believe it what what happened I just came back playing basketball I scored 20 points good for you what I you would be happy does it look like I'm happy I'm stuck on this bed well I didn't tell you to go AC cross the street ju you just get out of my room please will soon I'm tired to be in this room I got to get out take it easy take it easy [Music] oh [Music] El what is he doing what oh what happened what oh oh my God what happened what happened Lea you see what happened I this is why you in this predicament in the first place you wasn't listening to me now Look you wasn't listening again L you have to listen to your parents whatever I tell you to do I'm telling you for your safety I'm not telling you anything that's going to harm you now look you probably reinjured yourself now I have to take you right back to the hospital no I really like your hair so pretty where did you got your hair from I got it from Lea's hair I'm going back to school Lea you're standing up no it's not why am I even standing Lea your leg is fine isn't it no it's not it's still broken yes it is I'm going to tell Mommy no don't say nothing be quiet close your mouth hey guys what are you talking about uh nothing did you just tell me bye okay Leila make sure you stay on your bed so you can rest how do you feel today good but my looks to hurt you actually should be healed by now I don't know why it's taking you so long I guess you know just rest don't don't walk on it that way it heals faster don't try to move it too much your classmates actually called and they said they missed you oh that sounds cool so just rest up Daddy taking a nap don't do anything crazy okay I got to bring Juju to school and Eli to daycare okay see you love you okay all right let's go they're gone I didn't have ice cream for a long time I got to go get it before my dad wakes up yes the clo is clean quiet quiet perfect this taste so good I bet I can do a cut well yeah yeah yeah I can go on the stairs yeah I'm heading back to my house I actually forgot my ID I'll be there in a few okay all right bye what are you do how were you able to ride the bike wait I can't explain Leila is your leg really hurting you still no I just didn't want to go back to school you didn't want to go Lea that is wrong completely wrong you shouldn't be ever f that you're hurt don't ever do that there's people out here that's really hurt and that wish that they can have their legs your legs are perfectly fine now matter of fact go upstairs go get your uniform you going to school right now no what what's that what what are you doing you got to break that I got this GJ you're acting like momy what you break that don't ask me for help yeah whatever what what don't ask me any for wait why is it not working you're going to be in trouble be quiet Mommy's going to hear you is it fun it Leila come on I tell you too many times to get off of that you're going to break it come on get off and plus Eli needs to go on it too right come on come on come on get up get up oh why are you guys acting so weird nothing nothing what's going on it's not working is it charged oh okay it's probably not charged let's [Music] see okay it shows it's charged I'm confused why it's not working I did nothing I was just playing on with it okay so why isn't it working now exactly it's not working he's trying but it's not working did you break this yeaha what happened okay so Leila you're going to stand there and lie to me I know you did something to this you was the last one on it there's no way it just stopped working like that and it says fully charged it's not working Eli I'm sorry baby I'm sorry look at that it's either you're going to tell me what happened to this instead of lying to me in my face or you'll be in trouble on top of being in trouble cuz you're already in trouble oh you guys are so annoying who you talking to tr don't play with me close your mouth I'm talking to you you guys are all annoying I hate you I wish you was never my mom what uh-uh go to your room you not talking to me like that go to your room and I don't care if you don't like me just go to your room you grounded come on Chop [Music] Chop crazy talk about you don't like me for all the stuff that I do [Music] H can't believe she's grounded [Music] me where did the bump car go maybe mommy threw it away it was already broken I hope you're happy I am yeah because it wasn't your turn getting in trouble what no Y what do you mean I got a high girl from bedwar That's why I'm happy what I don't care about bedw wars you made fun of me getting grounded no what are you talking about D I never ground you what not Dad I'm talking about Mom Mom Le stop playing around what what happened to Eli's bubble car you lie you stop joking around I'm trying to play whatever play game what she talk about Lea like Eli mommy what so you got the two team parlay the Reds and the diamond Dad I know I'm gra but you just acting weird wait I'll call you back grounded juu acting weird what you what are you talking about yeah he keeps acting like he doesn't know what who Eli is and when I mentioned Mom he's confused Eli who who's Eli ilila we talked about this already you remember your your mom died unfortunately when she gave birth to you wait what oh my go somebody she's in pain somebody help I'm okay come on baby come Ona's almost here baby Chu's going to have a little sister I'm so excited CH Chu your sister is almost here yeah it's okay hold on hold on bab oh okay it's going to be all worth it where's the doctor what's going on where's the doctor one more push mom one more push oh my p oh my go the is too high the BL p is too high uh-oh I'm getting excessive can I get a crash a crash I need a clamp give me a clap give me a clamp okay okay Mom I know one more just one more push the babies out come on I need a clamp on standby on standby 305 she's having a seizure let me get a crash card crash card crash C no babe baby no teach you what we going to do babe no you can't leave us like this babe baby you can't leave us like this no I'm so sorry for your L but you got a beautiful baby girl out of it she'll definitely know that her mother loved her baby why are you crying I told you this story a whole bunch of times like you acting like this is the first time you heard this story what's going on it's okay sweetheart it's okay I don't understand I just saw her you just saw her that that doesn't make any sense oh yeah you just was sleeping so maybe you were dreaming that's the that's what it was sweetheart that's what it was you no I'm not triming why would I go to sleep listen Leila woke up telling me that she had a dream that her mom is [Music] alive I know it doesn't make sense I you know I told what happened to my first wife and stuff like that you know the storyi she was young but I told I already told her this story multiple times I don't know why she keeps saying that oh no oh she's coming I'm I'm going call you right back what happened to Eli's room stop stop bringing up this Eli and second of all we got to talk about how you walked away from me when we was talking on the couch like I don't know what's going on with you since you woke up you've been acting weird you got to relax and we definitely got to talk about this like for real you know what just forget about it no wait a minute stop stop stop right there you going to hear me Lea juu I know you're going to think I'm crazy but I need you to listen to me Leila what do you want to talk about mommy is alive why already joke about that you know I was a baby when Mommy died no you don't understand he I do understand you're just playing a sick joke stop playing around with me I'm trying to play the game get out you don't believe me watch why do we take this picture L really that's one that's for Father's Day no these are pictures for baby Eli what who is Eli Eli who is it stop playing with me actually who is Eli Eli's a little brother he looks just like you but tiny why do you keep joking are you saying I'm tiny what this is the sixth time we ate pizza this week I'm so excited wait that's all you ate yeah you have been eating it too so you're saying we don't eat grocy sandwich Mommy makes that for me you with this mommy thingy why I don't care what you're saying I'm not crazy all right perfect the perfect heart for my perfect princess just the way she likes it all right guys so your lunch is here Leila I made it exactly how you like it and JuJu I made it exactly how you like it you know you don't care about all that extra stuff you're hilarious well enjoy guys enjoy the 15 P we here again yes sir I'm talking about baby 500 you guys you guys fin eating your food you good yeah I let you do have my pizza I wasn't hungry yeah thank you so much that food was bossome what did you know you're not supposed to be all that Lea what's wrong with you you've been acting weird since you woke up who's that at the door oh what's up baby oh my gosh baby I missed you you Tak me so long babe come on come on you're messing up my makeup it took me a long time to do this okay I'm so s come on buddy come on what why are you standing there here's my bag go put it away oh my gosh that's heavy Do not drop my bag I have a lot of things in there go ahead and put it on the table go ahead L just go go ahead you need to teach these kids to greet me at the door cuz this like look at me we're working on look at me and JuJu did you take out the trash yeah That is rude okay baby that is rude okay what try to you sure your mom don't want to you know what relax come on baby come on you got a long day come on J who is that oh you that's Daddy's girlfriend Karen stopped acting dumb all right so I make some food okay okay what did you make me uh you know I don't eat anything so what was that nothing cuz you don't eat anything no babe you're like so ridiculous what do you even have here like what you don't know how to go grocery shopping yeah we going to go grocery shopping no not we you don't know how to go grocery shopping wait what no Daddy's married to mom oh you want this mommy thing again go sit down just go sit down I got you and I um I would like be a Lobster with steak a serf and turf please if you have that if you don't I just order like come on she so beautiful what are you guys talking about I heard you guys mention your mom like why keep talking about your mom I don't get it I'm here cuz you're not my mom I don't want to be your mom I tell you this all the time I told you one day you're going to be shipped to your grandma yes and you as soon as I get married you guys are out of here and this room is going to be my my closet my personal closet and your room is going to be my makeup room okay just get just get out who are you talking to uh-uh I'm going to tell your dad and you're definitely getting kicked out of here I'm I'm going to tell him you did it too wait what how can dad like somebody that's evil this this is ridiculous your son just kicked me out his room you need to teach him some manners or get him out of here I don't know I don't know what's wrong with him oh no this has to be a dream here go with the dream Leila you're not in a dream this is real life no it's not I miss my mom okay just relax breathe okay breathe listen breathe sweetheart all right go sit down I made you some food okay I'm going to go handle that okay I'm going go talk to them okay okay and the bad thing is I told her I ha her before I went to sleep well now we have two people that is crazy in this house you talking to Ken like that sit down both you guys sit down here you literally just told her to get out the room you can't talking to her like that she's in a whole adult and she's going to be part of this family you got to start accepting her cuz she's going to be part of this family like you guys are both you guys need to get with the program and understand Karen is here to stay she's crazy annoying don't you see that she's crazy she's annoying Leila do you feel the same way who leave me have I don't know what you got going on with here ju you but you going to go out there and you're going to be nice and Lea I still got to talk to you just just just just have a smile on your face please thank you and I'm very serious right now about this relationship I have with her so much serious I didn't want to tell you guys this way cuz I promise I I plan to surprise her but got I just might as well tell you guys like I'm going to show her this and I'm going to propose to her I'm going to actually be my wife what no why were you marry somebody that's so evil what about Mommy I got to be kidding you guys are acting upset about this situation you guys want me to be happy no it's not about that it's about what I want and I'm going to ask you to be my wife come on M listen I'm going to go right now and I'm going to ask her to be my wife I need both of you guys to have Smiles on your face and I want you guys to to look happy because don't ruin this moment for me please let's go come on all right so I got you guys out here cuz you guys know what was about to happen Karen you've been the best thing that's happened to me unfortunately since my beautiful wife died but you have brought so many joy to my life and you have shown me the better things of how to buy $7,000 Sands you have showed me that life is just more about just working but spending a lot of money on me spend it on me yes on you all right and I appreciate you so much so okay I just wanted to tell you yeah well I actually wanted to ask you hearing what who you [Music] me um it's nice why is this diamond so small I'll marry but I need a better ring but yes yes baby yes yes yes um one one last thing I would like to say before I marry you we have to change everything in this house including their rooms yeah and next time when you serve me make sure it's it's not with a what is this plastic paper plate I need glass this is this is not going to cut it but yes I would marry you she said yes guys she said yesul go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep let me go see if I could catch her doing something she shouldn't be doing get her dad to get her out of here go to sleep um what are you doing you're crazy you can't talk to me like that I'm going to be your mom now and you know what that means I'm the boss of you and matter of fact I'm going to try to get you out of here you and your brother this room is going to be mine it's going to be my makeup room you understand that and I'm going to send you to your grandma house you're never going to be my mom she's nothing like you she's sweet she's nice and she cares about us well it's too late now I'm going to be married to your dad so that means I'm going to be your mom and you don't even know your mom anyways so I don't know what you're talking about like you're ridiculous anyways I'm going to tell your dad to get all your things out of here right now and pack your bags cuz you're out cuz this is my house oh no Mommy if you can hear me I'm so sorry for saying I hate you uh-uh he just told me that you're moving out so here's your bag like go ahead and pack all your things right now and get out go ahead pack your things and get out cuz you're leaving okay I won you lost no no no no no is this a dream mommy Eli mommy Eli Mommy I love you I don't hate you a I love you too sweetie I forgive you it's been a long day of school I wonder mommy made us for dinner that's what you care about I have a test tomorrow and I know I'm going to fail uh what does that have to do with me that's your problem I don't care I don't like the teacher and I don't like the school sex for you ah so [Music] annoying I got to find a way to not go to school tomorrow I can't take that test yes the 20 best parent getaway all right let's see let's read mommy don't think too much about this but I have a question okay I'm listening what's the question uh why does people go to school what you're really asking me why people go to school don't I tell you all the time is because you got to learn yeah yeah yeah I got that learning stuff yeah why can't just not learn AA stop playing with me how you going to live life if you don't learn anything how you going to read how you going to pay for for anything that you go grow shopping if you don't know how to add money uh that's why I have a mom duh can we me and buy me food Lea no no that's not going to no no no no no no what happened when your mom's not around what you going to do then t a d dad you babe babe come here what your daughter's saying what what what happened she talking about she want us to pay for her food for the rest of her life and she don't got to go to school because we going to pay for her for the rest of her life live what uh yeah she got that from her mom you be asking you thinking things I'm going just keep quiet n no don't good luck get out of here you're not helping and Lea go go do your homework please I'm trying to set up a a vacation y'all both stressing me out just come on okay fine well I tell you that's crazy I I don't remember being like this when I was little I don't and if I did Lord forget me please I'm not going to [Music] school that didn't work I got an idea oh my gosh it's getting late Leila where's your sister it's almost time Leila can you go see what where where Lea at cuz we got to go yes yes Leila come on come on [Music] Leila what why you not ready it's time for school did just stay away I think I'm sick a mom I think we have a problem Lea is everything okay oh she's not she's sick oh oh wow yes that sounds really bad stay right here I'm going to go get a thermometer to check your temperature okay do just stay right here wait why do you make that face what are you talking [Music] about um it's normal you should be good hey let me see that be the towel because the tower's cold the cold water you know wait a minute what happened to your carop did you leave your sister alone poor baby she's sick okay I'm running a little late I got to run errands I got to bring Juju to school and Eli the daycare so rest easy I'm going to go tell your daddy so he can take care of you okay okay all right love you love you yes they're gone I don't have to take the testing one yeah I yeah I got oh I forgot my Dad's here it's time to have some fun oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm such a genius oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what should I eat for breakfast popcorn I love Love Popcorn I can't wait to eat [Music] this popcorn one two three yes this is going to be [Music] soes what was that I got check on [Music] [Music] anyways oh yeah got the call hello yeah Mr Johnson yeah I was expecting your call how you been yeah BR this is the best day ever oo that's a lot of popcorn oh yeah M so good ah time about my favorite soap [Music] okay H my P's full I think I had too much popcorn but I think I have room for ice cream [Music] okay let [Music] SC in there you go H I think I'm missing something gummy be and sprinkles I'll get kid they do was going to take that test nuh-uh I'm going to do something woo and some sprinkles I'm just going to put all of it in there [Applause] woo I love that wait I can't make a mess oh well I'm going to get some chocolate where's the chocolate oh there it is [Music] so [Music] yeah there we go time to finish myself see I don't have to go to school to be smart I got smart at [Music] everybody what time is it they're going to be coming back soon I I'll hurry up put this all in the sink up before you come back come here any minute yeah you tired I'm tired too come on Eli how was your day at daycare Papa was it good how was schol good was good oh maybe Leila is sick the place is clean [Music] okay oh she's sleeping let me not waake crap [Music] BR Lea you still sleeping oh my gosh you look sick let me oh my God you're burning but I feel her I I got to check her I got to check her I got to check her yes I do a0 no guys that's impossible oh no we got to take her to the hospital bab babe we're not going to have have time to take her to hospital babe she's she can die any second here babe I my have to give her a shot yes let me had babe oh my God give him your arms give him your arms let me tell you something I'm not really taking it for real yeah we do you know I saw you on the camera mhm yeah uh-huh huh you thought I was not going to see you when I was upstairs I saw you on the camera and I couldn't believe my eyes Z when your mom came I told her what you did Y and we came up with this plan to teach you a lesson there's people that are really sick in the world this is not something you play around with just because you didn't want to go to school that's just wrong that is horrible that is very bad and it's ly oh no am I in trouble yes you're in trouble big trouble big trouble I want to tell you guys about my new snack company pable did you look Mr be is selling chol chocolate so D not going to get that for you that's not true he gives me what I want whatever that Daddy Mr Beach is selling chocolate can you please buy me the chocolate oh my God Lea you know we don't eat candy in this house why would you even ask that question because they said it was healthy they said it was healthy yeah okay I'll get it for you yay thank you Daddy you're welcome sweetheart I think my chocolate's [Music] here I can't believe you bought it for you I told you it's mine no it's mine hey mine mine come back come back come in here these kids want nowy oh it actually came all right relax relax okay did you hold you L let get scissors I'm excited to see what's in this box guys guys guys listen can you please relax please I've never seen some kids so crazy about chocolate oh oh Eli want some I see you crying I got you buddy I got okay okay guys relax relax this is original chocolate okay you guys are going to taste this you're not going to eat all of it okay okay relax man okay relax oh smells good here you go thank you one M here you go buddy thank [Music] you El like you want one too you want to taste it [Music] um how it taste how it taste no no no no you can't get anymore see even Eli wants all this remember too much chocolate is bad for you guys you guys understand that listen guys you're not supposed to eat a lot of chocolate okay there's other flavors here but you guys are going to eat this tomorrow okay okay all right all right how am I going to get these chocolate M this looks good now I really want that chocolate Le don't even think about it what I'm not thinking about anything you're [Music] right I okay what my brother and my dad says I just want this chocolate now how am I going to get this chocolate wait I got an [Music] idea I can finally eat this chocolate oh yeah this is so good [Music] yeah on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] door [Music] [Music] we [Music] going to work out with Daddy you going to work out with Daddy today big man all right going to stay right here okay stay right here Eli you having fun Eli hey no no no you too Eli where's your ball huh where's your ball Eli where did you put the ball this is weird why I don't see your ball on hold I was talking right here stay right here okay it's proba under here what what is the chocolate doing here found your ball Eli oh my gosh I know what this is about are you serious whoever ate this is going to have a big tummy ache can't believe it Eli do you see this I know I told these kids I told these I told these kids not to eat this stuff man come my buddy got to find out who took this this is ridiculous Juju yes who took these chocolates it wasn't me you sure about that no it's probably Le love all right she's going to have to deal with this herself she's going to have to tell me cuz she's going to run cry to me I'm so good daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy my stomach [Music] hurt Leila Leila open the [Music] door what happened Lea my stomach come over here s sit down is there a reason why your stomach may hurt I don't know why you smiling Lea listen I already know you ate the chocolate there's no point even digging yourself a deeper hole so you ate the chocolate didn't you you see now your stomach is hurting when your parents tell you to do something it's not to be mean it's to help you too much chocolate is obviously going to hurt your stomach that's why I told you you can have some tomorrow now we're going to have to get you better okay sweetheart all right make sure next time you listen to me when I tell you to do something really I understand sweetheart now I'm going to have to help you to get better next time I hope you can listen to your parents and you can avoid this okay now I'm going to have to give you this nasty drink called Pedialite that's what you see exactly you're going to have to drink it so you can feel better okay all right come on Lea did you Lea I told are you serious I told you to clean your room Papa I was trying to watch this last show it doesn't matter what you're trying to watch I told you to clean your room long time ago like 10 times already but the s's almost St please please Lea I told you no no get up and clean your room I'm tired of it Lea get yourself up while I'm talking to you get up cuz that's rude I I've been told you like 10 times already clean your room clean your room clean your room I can't keep saying clean your room and you're not doing it and look at your feet what is under your feet uh because you're walking on mess look at look at look at all your shoes on the floor what is come on are you serious what's wrong Leila please clean your room I'm tired of telling you over and over to clean your room and your bed is a mess I've been telling you every single day I'm sick of tired telling telling you this over and over again I'm tired of it you're causing me to go insane I need you to clean your room and then after you're done cleaning your room I need you to do your homework you understand who you rolling your eyes at nobody exactly you're not rolling your eyes at me now I need you to do all of this right now okay okay these kids I hate this house what's all this mess you making I'm doing nothing I heard what you said I said nothing mom Lea I don't care if you say you hate this house or not all I need you to do right now is clean your room and do your homework cuz you about to get grounded you understand yeah these kids what me me me me me my mom's so annoying now you want me to do my homework I'm not doing that oh my gosh re is so funny things are going to get H okay the room is clean but did you do your homework yeah about that I didn't feel like doing my homework what do you mean you didn't feel like doing your homework didn't I that's what I told you it doesn't matter how you feel that's what I told you yeah I'm telling you I didn't feel like do my homework who are you talking to I'm not talking to nobody I'm just talking from cleaning this room Lea I've been told you to clean your room it's not my fault that now you have to get your homework done you need to get up and clean your room I've been told you to do this I've been doing so many things around the house I'm not complaining that I'm tired you need to get up and get get your homework and when you're done doing your homework you are grounded yes but that's just not fair you was rude the entire time what do you mean that's not fair I was joking I'm sorry I don't joke like that you understand me if I'm serious it's a time to be serious I'm not joking right now so you're grounded you hear me okay and whatever you could go ahead and act like that and I'm going to call your dad and tell him exactly how you acting that's that's that's poor I don't want to live here anymore man there's too much wools I'm leaving this [Music] house what is he all doing I need to go check it out what are you doing nothing why are you packing these things in your bag I'm just being time playing girls are so weird oh my gosh this is heavy goodbye Teddy Bear I'll see you later [Music] [Applause] [Music] bye [Music] guys Lea [Music] Leila where are [Music] you Leila come out Lea Leila Leila I'm calling you I'm calling you what Lea Leila what's going on Lea Lea this is not a game it's not a game come on Lea come out come out where are you juj yes did you see Lea anywhere no when was the last time you saw her uh I think she was packing her bag packing her B for what she said she was pretend playing pretend playing did she leave oh my gosh Juju you have to help me find her hello hello babe what's wrong babe yes I can't seem to find Lea what do you mean you don't see her no I don't know where she's at I don't know I don't know I don't know I looked all over the house me and JuJu looked everywhere literally everywhere except the last time he seen her she was packing her bags I don't know I hope I wasn't so harsh oh my gosh we're going to have to have to find her okay don't worry about it babe we're going to find her okay I think I'm going to go look look for her outside yes go do that right now you're coming soon yes I'm coming right now oh my gosh poor Lea don't worry about it bab everything's going to be okay all right okay bye bye Lea Lea oh my gosh [Music] where who's that it's been a couple hours she be anywhere oh my gosh princess what is she going to eat what is she going to do I think that P is gone babe where are you I've been looking everywhere I haven't seen her not one place not at all anywhere around the neighborhood she's not here are you home okay okay I'm going to come back you guys don't have any updates we need the whole city looking for she's only 5 years old we're about to go outside and go look for her again yes please please help please find her please please let us know when you find her please we're going to go be searching for her again right now okay it's okay oh my God I have to hurry up woo smells delicious all right got to put some pepper yeah guys dinner all right what are you making Mommy I made you guys some spaghetti and some turkey meatballs with some broccoli it's so yummy you're going to love it ew I don't like spaghetti seriously Leila now you're saying you don't like spaghetti but you always ask me for spaghetti and now I decided to make it and you're talking about you don't like spaghetti I don't want spaghetti I just want chicken and macaron Lea this is what I made I made this so you guys can eat this is what I could do right now maybe another day you can have chicken and macaroni but right now this is what I made and I spent my precious time to make this I guess thank you I don't want to eat this m mom this is so delicious I love you aw thank you so much I appreciate it Juju I spent a long time trying to make that you did a great job you did a good job why is she not eating Lea why are you not eating your food I told you I want chicken and macaroni Leila do you know how many kids would love to have spaghetti and meatballs that don't have anything to eat right now and you're being ungrateful about spaghetti and meatballs telling me you want chicken Lea stop being ungrateful and eat your food okay okay my mom used to make me food all the [Music] time I wonder if there's food in [Music] there what am I thinking I'm get you some food you got to eat okay got to make sure you eat food I can't eat right now not in a time like this I just can't I don't even know if she's eating right now or if she's even safe but babe that's not healthy you got to eat I just can't I can't my daughter's missing I can't this bag is so heavy I need water so bad I need water so bad are you kidding me yourselves home I can have so much food I'm tired Ela you're sweaty you need to take a bath no I don't want to take a bath I just want to watch TV are you guys ready for bed you both have to go take a shower right now for bedtime no I don't want to I want to keep playing Lea you got to take a bath there's people that wish they could go take a shower right now and they can't take advantage of that and go take a shower please I'm not those people people yeah you're not those people but it could easily be you and then you'll be wishing that you could have took a bath so go go take a bath right now come on all right it's new placees in town I don't think this is a good idea one in away I miss my house nice and clean are you ready ready for bed now did you take a shower yeah all right let me tuck you in in this nice comfortable bed okay okay all right I love you love you too you want to pray all right let's pray say father God father God the [Music] [Music] princess I wish we could find you we got to find [Music] you go let me go let go get out of here wait my boot back got closed forget it I got to [Music] go hey did you find her I don't I don't know no she haven't came over here yet I'm I'm staying here just in case she comes over okay all right okay bye how my parents still get mad at me should I enough who's that who's that Lea come on Leila why would you do that to us I'm sorry mommy don't ever do that to us you scared us oh my gosh I'm sorry I love you Mommy I love you too baby uh maybe this is the address yeah I think so hello hello how you doing uh can I help you um yeah it's this bag I've been looking all over the neighborhood is is this that for you that's actually my daughter's bag uh where did you find it oh I found it at a park um I I I've seen the information um and I've been looking all over this neighborhood and knocking on you door to find who this belong to do you do you have to have some water I'm very parched oh w w I know um here's your back thank you yeah uh that's hot you can uh come in come come in did I close the door yeah go ahead close the wow this is a beautiful house yeah my daughter is going to be actually happy you found this for her she was missing all her clothes and stuff like that oh no problem no problem don't even mention it um this is beautiful wow oh you guys do YouTube oh yeah yeah we do YouTube yeah the Beast family oh you guys are the Beast family yeah yeah the Beast family I like Beast I like Beast okay all right yeah just follow me right here this is nice yeah just have a seat right here at the table I'll get you some water okay oh yeah yeah yeah sure sure no problem oh wow you got a baby oh yeah yeah we have a temp oh he just a cute K awesome awesome yes awesome yeah [Music] yeah all right man this should be nice and cold for you oh thank you so much I appreciate it um okay you know what Lea would actually love to meet you any you brought her book bag now she has all her clothes so just just can you just stay right there one second oh yeah get I love the children yeah go ahead I would love to see her yeah great Lea you won't believe it what is it uh hi oh hi how are you what are you doing here oh um your daddy let me in to get some water the water is delicious why did he let you in oh because you know I brought a bag is that your bag that I brought uh no I think it's your sister's bag someone actually found your Bot bag and just brought it home right now what that doesn't sound like I would expect you to be more excited you have your clothes but come on I told him I was going to bring you downstairs to go think him come on let's go know it's my sister well don't even worry about that um uh what what are you playing with there what what do you got there don't don't go away don't I'm I just want to fly don't don't go away now we don't got to buy you any more clothes hey so Lea you're not going to say thank you to this nice fell brought your book bag over thank you oh no problem no problem no problem dad that's okay I didn't catch your name what's your name anyway uh call me uh you don't know your name um yeah uh I I call you Daddy that's no I call him daddy okay just fine that's fine so Lea I thought I I'm honestly thought you would be a little bit more excited because you don't have to get your clothes replaced you have all your favorite clothes back he brought the book bag can you give him show him some more appreciation that it's it's okay it's okay she just shy you're just shy right yeah oh Dad can you come here for a second uh uh what happened what do you need I just need to talk to you for a second um okay well um all right all right I'm going to uh go talk to him right quick you guys give me like one minute okay I'll be right back yeah yeah yeah sure here go ahead go ahead go ahead hi hi you want to talk about you good DJ why did you close the door there something weird about that man you seem a little weird are you serious I know you was a person that was trying to grab me oh no no no no you have the wrong person it was not me no no no no no are you sure you have the same hat the same hair the same eyebrows and the same glasses oh no no no no that was not me trust me it was not me and you even have the same jacket what do you mean like what do you mean he's weird it acts very weird Juju that's not nice you're not supposed to be talking about people like that the guy is nice he brought Lea's bag back to the house she got our her clothes back now like why are you going to be calling somebody weird like that I know you I'm about to tell my dad no no no please please please don't tell anyone I just wanted to play that's all I just want to play with you that's all I I wanted to do how did you find a bag when she was wearing it that is a good question like how yeah Leila never really told us how she lost her bag how did he really get it but why did you grab me are you crazy no I was I just wanted to play I didn't mean to grab you I just wanted to touch your your shoulders and you and and and hold your back and but you're not supposed to touch anybody that you don't know and I left her here you know what did you stay right here don't go nowhere okay okay uh Leila can you go to your room please okay bye yeah uh yeah sir you you're going to have to go oh no I just got here what do you mean yeah but it's getting late and yeah it's just really a time for you to go right now but I haven't even seen your baby or your or or your or your wife like come on like oh who told you I had a wife I just figured you have a beautiful family and beautiful kids you have a wife you don't have a wife sir sir it's really time for you to leave please I don't want to have to call the cops on you please can you please leave come on we just got here can we play something come on let's play some video games or something no sir right now I need you to get up and you have to leave the house please oh come on please can you please leave please all right okay okay okay let's go so yeah I just want to let you know I hope you're not upset I just yeah you just have to just go thank you so much though for bringing back the bag and stuff okay no problem no problem you guys are refound I like the refound can we have some coffee sometime uh no I'm sorry no no oh my God okay you said your baby is up scared yeah it's upstair can you just all right yeah just go for me please all right okay thank you you're welcome all right bye that guy is weird I didn't be good to see the baby I didn't think I was going to use this today guy was weird L I got to talk to you this guy just needs to get out of our house sh upstairs where the side of the [Music] window that's not going to work I don't see anybody okay why do I have a feeling you know who that person is I'm going to get to the baby I just want to play with the baby yes all no I don't know him Lea I saw your reaction when you saw him come into the house please stop acting like I don't like I'm dumb or something Juju already told me he seems weird just tell me that you huh okay think I got it okay Dad I have to tell you the I know him it's so do something happen to you at the park with the guy yes oh yeah [Music] [Music] okay I got to get this baby I just want to play that's how I just want to play what happened he was trying to grab me what he was trying to grab you I don't want to wait for baby cu want to play Leila why you didn't tell us anything I was just scared I just want to play Baby Baby Baby Lea something like that you have to tell us because if I knew the minute I saw him I would have CAU police and not let him in the house thank God he ain't do anything oh is is Daddy talking to the girl I better be quiet I don't want to interrupt oh my gosh and I let this guy in the house sound like he's talking in there this one the baby room hi baby what's up it's play where you going wait a minute you hear that the hell I see a friend looking at me what the hell are you doing huh hey I'm put my baby put my baby down what she sir I'm going to tell you one more time put my baby down thank you right sir okay I know you wanted to see the baby you're you like the Beast family but you're going to need to put my son down or it's going to get very bad for you he so so you're going to have to put them down like sheing the look at him sir it's going to get really bad for you if you going put my son down put him down right now put you TR to rush okay sir just we can play you want to play yeah let me show you what he likes to do okay okay get out my house right now get out my house right now okay are you okay Lea yeah you okay Eli I'm sorry I just want to and don't you to come back here it's going to be bad for you
Channel: Beast Family Vlogs
Views: 1,753,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family friendly, Funny, Fun, challenges, Laugh, Challenge, Viral, FUNNY, EPIC, family vlog, viral, family, family vlogs, family fun, fun video, beast fam, the beast fam, the beast family vlogs, the beast family, beast family, LAYLA BEAST FAMILY, juju beast family, yt:cc=on
Id: ibKwATeKqwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 8sec (4628 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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