Not all donuts are doughnuts

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this is a box of donuts and by referring to it thusly I am implying that these are all different kinds of the same thing and yet they're kind of not I mean you've got your yeast donuts and then you've got your cake Donuts which are really as different as oranges and bananas I mean oranges and bananas are both fruits you would expect to find them at the same place the fruit store but you wouldn't expect them to both come from the same Farm hey you want to go to the donut farm at three in the morning which is when Donuts are generally harvested owner Joe sieber and his partner Jimmy Wooten there make most of the donuts themselves here at status dough this is by far the best local donut chain here in Knoxville though not the cheapest because it is a small batch these are made mostly by hand so and we're using top-notch ingredients the most expensive you can be so you have to charge a little more and the yeast Donuts are even more expensive than the cake ones for reasons that you will see yeast Donuts are really a sweet bread not a cake I mean it's all flour and sugar and fat and such but the yeast dough is comparatively dry and requires some serious kneading and some serious yeast two pounds fresh yeast so we don't use any of the powder at all the fresh is obviously a lot more powerful and quicker than the dry and this is a lot of yeast relative to the flour they're looking for a quick rise lots of air and a strong yeasty flavor that is enhanced by this these are their unused trimmings from yesterday's Donuts they've been fermenting in the fridge all night and in they go with the fresh dough to make today's Donuts it gives it just a little I don't know I don't want to call it Umami because it's not but when you look to add Umami in some Asian dishes is what we're doing with this that's just one of their special tricks here at status they have others like they use some milk powder in the yeast donut dough plus some other tricks that they'd kill me if I told you but anyway it's a surprisingly dry stiff dough it probably has to be that way to hold a nice clean tidy shape as you drop it into the fryer after kneading it rises for an hour or two then Joe has to haul that out break it down into loaves punch those down to bring the yeast into contact with fresh nutrients to ferment this also serves as a secondary kneading step it develops the gluten a little bit more now that the flour is at a couple hours to hydrate Joe says the flavor is better and the texture fluffier if you spend this extra time yeast Donuts are not quick which is why you don't see a lot of new yeast places popping up all over like you do you take only Donuts particularly on the franchise side of things less time consuming you don't have to be here in the middle of the night like like we are now you know after a second Rise it's time to flatten out the loaf first a little by hand and then through a dough sheeter they also dock the dough and then it's time to break out the old school donut cutter the ones with two concentric circles first appeared on the market in the U.S around 1870. no one knows who invented the hole but its function is obvious it helps the donut cook far more evenly without the hole you're likely to have some raw dough at the center or with the right hydration and the right frying temperature you might just end up with a steam pocket in the center which is what they do intentionally to create these so-called bismarcks you inject cream or fruit into the center that's a house made Fruit preserve here at status of course punching the hole out of the center leaves you with a tiny little circle of dough that you could throw in the fryer and it would puff up into a little sphere that you could sell as a donut hole if you're into that once cuts the donuts have to proof in warm wet conditions for about an hour just a final puff so that they can fry up as light and Airy as possible but if you over proof them they collapse anyway time to fry donuts are generally fried in vegetable shortening that is a plant-derived oil or mixed mixture of oils that is solid at room temperature the same molecular stability that makes it solid also helps it to last longer in the fryer shortening takes longer to get stinky and burned tasting and when it cools it forms a solid film around the surface of the donut and that extends shelf life without that film of solid fat Donuts are prone to oil weeping which is exactly what it sounds like donut makers try really hard to minimize the amount of oil absorption that happens during the frying but really any donut you buy is going to be at least 20 25 fat by weight and if you use a solid fat if you use shortening that fat is less likely to kind of ooze out of the donut over time so solid fat the yeast Donuts Fry at a pretty high temperature for like a minute not long at all they get flipped once and only once then you have a nice white ring around them and if you don't hit that perfectly they'll take on too much grease they'll be chewy they might collapse too much they'll be air Pockets let them drain and cool for a few minutes and then you can glaze them or do whatever else you're into and there you go that's something like the original donut yeast Donuts pre-date cake Donuts in the written record cake Donuts are puffed up with chemical leaveners rather than yeast chemical leavener like baking powder is just a weak base like carbonate mixed in with some weak acid like maybe cream of tartar and you get them wet together poof CO2 gas the first written recipes for cake Donuts actually just use a base Pearl Ash for example which you can make from wood Ashes to get the gas you would need to combine Pearl Ash with an acidic ingredient in the batter such as buttermilk slightly fermented milk and here is the result a buttermilk old-fashioned donut probably one of the first cake Donuts historically how is it different from the donuts cut from the yeast dough well first thing a cake donut is made with batter not dough a batter has way more water and or fat it's not a solid so you couldn't need it even if you wanted to there's several reasons why we generally use yeast for does and chemical leaveners for batters but one of them is just that chemical leaveners are usually weaker so they can only make bubbles in a nice loose wet mixture but the upside is they do it instantly you know it's a batter almost along the lines of like a pancake where when you mix it a short rest period you can put it in a hopper just like pancakes are made where they're literally dropped on a flat top grill we're dropping them in a fryer you can see why the cake donut had to wait for the industrial era to be popularized without the mechanical Hopper it would be basically impossible to deposit perfect rings of loose batter into the hot fat actually this particular fat isn't that hot because they're making old-fashioned donuts and the reason old-fashioned Donuts get that raggedy Edge is because they fry at a lower temperature the crust doesn't Harden the second you drop in the batter it has time to spread a little as long as you flip shortly after it hits the oil the result is a donut that absorbs a lot of Grease so it's very heavy and substantial I would not eat one every day but from time to time that is just undeniable that's their coffee flavored old-fashioned if you want the modern cake donut that's light as a cupcake then you gotta crank up the oil temperature the batter solidifies in seconds so you get a nice clean Edge the whole thing Cooks up a lot faster there's less oil absorption you could go from mixing up your batter to decorating your Donuts in minutes as opposed to the hours that it takes to make yeast Donuts it's one of the reasons why so many places that are popping up are doing cake only because they're much easier to to make especially if you're trying to serve them like a hot product where you're doing like an instant donut or cooking them on a food truck or something a cake batter is going to be much easier to do than a Easter egg Stone cake or Yeast all the little babies go out into the dining room and as the Sun finally Rises over the Great Smoky Mountains Joe and Jimmy truck some Donuts around to their other locations around Knoxville and bleary-eyed customers like me start to trickle in I've always preferred cake Donuts but I'm giving the yeasties another chance now that I know how much more goes into them I like these ones from status Dough because they've got that deep fermented flavor from the scrap dough they mix in plus they use very little sugar most of the sweetness comes from the glaze on top which makes all the layers complement each other as you bite through them heterogeneity there are national donut chains in the United States that use way more sugar in the yeast dough the result is not only too sweet but also texturally kind of insubstantial it just sort of melts in your mouth like cotton candy in a bad way thanks again to status dough in Knoxville Tennessee for being better than that and for letting me in to see the magic happen cake or Yeast just get one in your belly and start your day right oh hey you're still here well that's great I wanted to let you know that the custom Adam ragusia chef knife is now 10 off at it's just an excellent piece of German steel one piece all the way down through the Tang it's a kind of Steel that is particularly easy for people to sharpen at home that's why I chose it the handle is pack of wood which is an engineered wood so it'll last a really really long time and I consulted for a long time on the development of this design it's nice and heavy the balance is right I use it for all of my cooking it's 10 off now at your discount will be applied at checkout of course that's a temporary deal you might be watching this video very very far in advance and that deal won't exist anymore or there might not be any knives for sale anymore or Humanity will evolve to the point where it has knife hands and it doesn't need external knives I don't know you do you but for the time being 10 off at keep your vinegar leg on the correct side uh that's my right left no left you're right this way that's your right no this is your right let's go with this direction 10 off vinegar leg is on the right talk to you next time
Channel: Adam Ragusea
Views: 803,868
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Id: jbYcR3POPko
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Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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