Not all Christians are Christians

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when Matthew chapter seven in our Bibles Matthew chapter seven we are almost through this series titled the greatest sermon ever preached and we have been marching through Jesus Sermon on the Mount it really is the greatest sermon ever preached and Jesus lays out what he wants what he knows the human race needs what they're desiring what they're looking for what they are screaming for do you know that every person worships people and human beings are created to worship and we all worship something no doubt we worship sports we worship cars material things we worship achievements we worship money we worship people we worship all kinds of other things because we were created to worship but those things make us sick worshipping power worshiping fame they make us sick inside and for some reason we still feel empty after pursuing them but worshiping God the one that you were created to worship is the only place we actually find contentment and satisfaction and Jesus is laying out what the Christian life really looks like he's speaking and preaching to his disciples and so we've been working through his sermon breaking it down trying to figure out what exactly he intended for human beings to do and how he wanted them to live we're not made to hate each other were not made to hurt each other we were made to actually love and serve each other were made to be with God and to love and serve people on the earth and to enjoy the earth that he has given us it's a bummer that we've been doing everything backwards did you hear about that preacher who founded the ocean true story he couldn't swim and he's sitting there flailing his arms yelling out this preacher when a boat came by a captain yelled to him sir do you need help you need ala PC screaming the preacher claimed no God will save me a little later another boat came by and a fisherman asks sir do you need help it looks like you're drowning out there do you need help the preacher replied again oh no God will save me well eventually the preacher drowned and he went to heaven and there he is standing before God and the preacher asked God he said why didn't you save me I preached for you and there I was in the water drowning why didn't you save me God said you fool I sent you two boats why didn't you reach out to them it's a joke that's it that's all you get sometimes salvation is sitting right in front of our face and we can't even see it we're looking for something else but Christ deliver salvation and he's put it upfront and people a lot of times are looking for something else even though they don't see that is exactly what they need I don't know what you need today exactly on your life I don't know exactly what you're going through but I know God does he knows what you need even before you ask him and I'm telling you today the thing that you need above all is a closer relationship with him and the closer your relationship becomes with him the more the needs in your life are actually fulfilled and taken care of you think you know what you need maybe just like a child thinks they need candy but that's not what they need they need nutrients they need good things the sound of the message today is not all Christians are Christians not all Christians are Christians not everyone who says they are a Christian is necessarily a Christian I was looking up some statistics today age of the sades org and 101 reports that there are 2 billion 100 million Christians on the earth let me say it again 2 billion Christians on the earth ok they report there's 1.5 billion Muslims on the earth 1 million human beings who decline in terms basically human beings who say they decline religion or they have no specific religion there is about 900 900 million Hindus these are the top 4 religions or non religion in the world they say that there are 2 billion Christians on the earth who claim to be Christian the total population of our world currently 2016 do you know how many so 2 billion Christians there is currently 7 billion four hundred thirty two million six hundred sixty-three thousand two hundred seventy five people on the earth right now no I don't know if that's exactly true but that is the statistic they gave about seven and a half billion people and we are increasing check this out four hundred million people every single year on the earth four hundred million it's an increase of about one one point one eight percent increase every single year now this to put it into perspective there are only 324 million people in America and there is 400 million being added to the world every single year a whole new America every year that's a lot of people now watch this again seven and a half billion people on the earth only two billion or only they say project that two billion of them are Christians that more people are on the Christian religion than any other on the face of the earth that would be 28% of the earth are Christians 28% are Christians majority over every other religion I wonder I would love to believe and wish that was true I would love to believe and truly love for that to be true that is one of the many many reasons I live one of the main reasons I'm here to see people come to Jesus and to commune with the God who made them but we know not all people who call themselves Christians are Christians out of those two billion people 28 percent of the earth who say that they're Christians how many are actually Christians followers of Jesus this is not something that I've made up that not all Christians are Christians this is something Jesus declared himself Christ Christian means Christ follower the Christ Jesus our king is the one who declared this it is my job and the church's job to make true Christians did you know that as a preacher my job is to make sure that the people who come to church are walking with God what else am i doing up here what's the point to make sure you're spiritually healthy how do we do that we do all that Jesus commanded us to do with accuracy the truth is I can't make someone a Christian only God does that but there is a means by which he does it he does it through people and he does it through the gospel message the good news of Jesus Christ dying for the sins of the world and calling people to repentance to believe on God turn away from what they believing in other gods in other ways and turn to Christ and follow after him with their whole life as Lord and Savior that is the calling to a true Christian the absolute worst thing that could happen to me I think is to Shepherd a church for 20 30 40 years and the majority of them end up in hell one day not knowing God we do the Christian thing every week and we we act like we're Christians but we really don't know God and that's scary to do kind of the surface thing and just well you know it's a good thing we should do it a church full of people who claim to be Christian but are not actually saved and there are many churches in America like this it's just a religion it's not a true genuine relationship with God through Jesus some are big just social gatherings some are just some people who claim to be Christians because their parents are or because they were raised in it Jesus today tells us in his sermon that not all people who claim to be Christian will make it to heaven and this is a startling startling thing for me and I believe even as you listen as you watch the words of Jesus who say did he really say that it is a bit shocking it's a bit startling but listen legacy the reason Jesus tells us is because He loves us he's just trying to warn his people he's trying to let his disciples know he's putting a burden upon the pastor to to be in relationship and to make sure there's communion amongst the people and that they actually know their God to really work hard at that if I preach every week and everybody just feels awesome and it's like yeah let's go but no one knows god I'm not doing my job it's my job yeah I want to make you feel pumped up and excited about life for sure I love life I love living it that's part of it but man I got to tell you exactly what Jesus says because that's who Christians are we follow Jesus we're Christ's followers if there's some confusion on these issues of salvation and some questions I hope that we can answer them today in our text I hope you're looking forward to hearing and watching and looking at what it really means and what Jesus is really saying let's stand for the reading of God's Word Matthew chapter 7 I'll read we stand for the reading of God's Word because it's his word we're looking at I just wanted to be a reminder that it's not my words Josh Thompson's words have very little power they're not going to do much for you but odds word will change you forever okay so we look at his word not my words I'm looking at his word too because I want to know what he has to say not what I have to say I don't have much he's got a lot better things to say than me Matthew 7 verse 21 are you there jesus said not everyone who says to me Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but the one who does the will of my father who is in heaven on that day many will say to me Lord Lord did we not prophesy in your name cast out demons in your name do mighty many mighty works in your name and then I will declare to them Jesus says I never knew you depart from me you workers of lawlessness let's pray father were thankful for these words Jesus were thankful that you said them because we know you love us just as a father would tell his child to stay away from this or watch out for that Lord we heed your words today and we thank you that we're here at legacy today to hear these words and I pray God you would soften our hearts and minds to receive these truths and I pray please father that not one person in this room would not know you would not know you truly know you and walk with you and they would go to heaven when they died they would know you all the days of their life here on earth and experience the joy and the bliss of knowing you bless your people please father I pray it in Jesus name Amen you can be seated probably the greatest preacher of the nineteenth century as a man named dr. Martin lloyd-jones and what he said about these verses was this these surely are in many ways the most solemn and solemnizing words ever uttered in this world not only by any man but by the son of God himself I call these words some of the saddest or hardest words in the Bible and you're like man I'm not looking to come here and be depressed today don't worry we got good news sometimes we have to look at exactly what Christ is saying and experience it before we can get there why does Jesus bring this up again I'm going to declare to you because he loves you he loves people Christ is passionate about people and he came to the earth on a mission to save people from their sin from themselves haven't you ever looked around and just watched people people watching it's kind of fun but sometimes you overhear that relationship over there arguing sometimes you watch that little brother beat up his brother sometimes you watch people be extremely rude and mean in certain circumstances and you're like what's wrong with the human race why haven't we figured this out yet why aren't we growing beyond these things why do we repeat these things over and over and over again isn't that interesting why can't we stop hating each other we've been around for thousands of years why can't we figure this out it's because we have a sin problem and that sin problem infects the human race every generation and it starts over and it will continue to dwell in every single generation and it will never stop mark my words we can do all these parades in celebration but I'm telling you you got to change the heart of a person not just the mind the heart of a person and the only one who can do that is Jesus the only one who can do that is God he loves people and he came to the earth to die for those sins and to give them a new life you want to hear Jesus heart towards people he says this in Matthew 23 37 he said o Jerusalem Jerusalem the city that kills the prophets and stones God's messengers he said this how often I wanted to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings but you wouldn't let me Jesus wants to gather the people and protect them and hold them in as a mother hand protects her chicks to bring people and clothes to love them serve them and help them second Peter 3:9 says this about the Lord the Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness watch this but he is patient toward you not willing that any should perish but that all would reach repentance God does not want people to be destroyed and go to hell he desires for them to be brought close to him and experience his goodness Isaiah 3018 says this therefore the Lord longs to be gracious to you and therefore he waits on high to have compassion on you for the Lord is a God of justice how blessed are all those who longed for him our God pursues his people the human race is a rebellious people they rebelled against God they mock him they run from him they do wicked things against each other and that God that we know pursues those people his enemies loves them serves them and wins them to himself that's an amazing King that's an amazing God he loves his people and that is why Jesus tells us these verses can we break down the text together can we look at it I want to teach you to study the Word of God for yourself so you don't have to rely on Pastor Josh every week but you can go home and open the Bible yourself and read it do you know that you have a Bible in plain English that you can read do you know for hundreds of years there were people in churches that could not even read their own Bibles let me take it a step further did not even have a Bible let's break down the text together watch how I do this you can understand the Word of God to take a look verse 21 Jesus says not everyone who says to me Lord Lord will ever will enter the kingdom of heaven not everyone would you say that with me please not everyone not everyone one more time not everyone not everyone who says Lord Lord a couple things to notice look closely at the scriptures with me first thing to notice not everyone implies that there are some who say Lord Lord that will enter the kingdom not everyone this implies that there are some who say Lord Lord which will enter the kingdom but not all of them there are some who will not we know that some who say Lord Lord will enter the kingdom I should say many who say Lord Lord will enter the kingdom romans 10:9 is a good cross-reference for that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved if you confess with your mouth that he is Lord some who say Lord Lord will enter the kingdom you see that's a very simple point there but it's important to see first Corinthians 12:3 if you're taking notes you can write it down first Corinthians 12:3 Paul says I want you to understand that no one's speaking by the Spirit of God ever says Jesus is accursed so there is no Christian who's going to come out and say Jesus is a curse or Jesus isn't Lord it's not possible and no one can say Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit so a person who truly confesses Jesus as Lord has only been enabled to do that by the Spirit of God that is a gift and that is a true Christian so point number one there the first thing you notice those who say Lord Lord many will enter the kingdom but not everyone not everyone also implies there will be some who called Jesus Lord Lord but will not enter the kingdom of heaven this is shocking isn't it there are people who call Jesus Lord that will not enter the kingdom of heaven that is so scary they come to church every week Lord they call Jesus as what they say these things if they don't know God James chapter 2 verse 19 says this you believe that God is one you do well you believe there's a god you believe that he's Lord listen you do well he says this even the demons believe that and shudder James points out it's not enough just to believe Jesus is Lord or God and this is why because even the demons believe that do you know what demons come into God's presence they know that he's the Lord they have to call him Lord and they will call him Lord that's not enough the difference between the demons and a true Christian you know the difference demons call him Lord Christians call him Lord but the difference is this demons do not willingly submit their whole lives to him as Lord they do it because they have to not because they want to Christians submit their lives to Jesus as Lord because we want to we love our Lord in God because of what he has done for us that's the difference third thing to notice Jesus uses the words who says to me Lord Lord look at the text look at the text not everyone who says to me localizes says speak something comes out of their mouth not everyone who says to me Lord Lord we see an emphasis on words the use of words the mouth coming forth and confessing Lord not all who say they are Christians not all who call Jesus Lord will enter the kingdom and emphasis on using of words this is self delusion that has taken place how can they speak as if they are Christian but there is a separation from their mouth to their mind and to their heart and to their actions watch this I call Jesus Lord but my mind isn't there my heart isn't there and my actions aren't there see the disconnect what does it matter if you say I'm on the football team man I start every single week I'm quarterback but we've never seen you on the field yeah but I am man I promise you know just just ask around you'll know I am I promise I'm on that team I play every week but we've never seen you on the field there's no footage no no it's never been seen no but I really am it doesn't matter how much you say it I'm a Christian I'm a Christian I'm a Christian and tap your heels together three times it doesn't make you a Christian a Christian cannot help but be drawn towards God to seek Him and I want to believe that God has even drawn you to this place there's something inside of you calling you to be here and whether God is bringing you here to cross over the line into the threshold of truly following him with all your heart today because you're not a Christian yet but you're gonna find out what that means and you know what it means now to follow Christ with all of your heart or number two you are a Christian and you know that God has brought you here to worship the Lord to receive His Word gladly Matthew 5:15 8 this is a startling verse as well Jesus said about the Pharisees these are the most religious dudes in the community they got their garbs on they got their little tassels they got their their whole getup they look super holy man these guys are holy rollers ok you look at them it's like holy alert they are coming around the corner there they are they look so holy jesus said about these guys you said you see these Pharisees over here the holy rollers these people honor me with their lips but their heart is far from me they declare that I am Lord with their mouths but their heart is far from me fourth thing to notice in the in this single verse will enter the kingdom of heaven not everyone who says to me Lord Lord watch this will enter the kingdom of heaven what do you see there in the verse enter the kingdom of heaven an entry a moment of judgment at the gates of heaven there is a moment of stopping someone from entering not everyone who says Lord Lord will enter watch this walking up to the gates they could they've called him Lord Lord they walk up to the gates he says you will not enter the kingdom of heaven you will not walk through the gates there is a moment of interaction there is a moment of stopping from entering Matthew 25 verse 31 depicts this you can turn there or you can just listen it's just a couple pages to the right there in your Bible Matthew 25 do you want to hear the final judgment what it looks like and what it feels like here it is it says there in verse 31 when the Son of Man comes in his glory and all the angels with him then he will sit on his glorious throne behold before him will be gathered all the nations and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats and he will place the sheep on his right but the goats on his left then the king will say to those on his right come you who are blessed by my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundations of the world for I was hungry you gave me food I was thirsty you gave me drink I was a stranger you welcomed me I was naked and you clothed me I was sick and you visited me I was in prison and you came to me then the righteous ones are saying Lord when did we see you hungry and feed you or thirsty and give you drink when did we see you a stranger and welcomed you were naked and clothed you and when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you and the king will answer to them truly I say to you as you did it under the least of these my brother's you did it to me then he will say to those on his left depart from me you cursed into eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels notice hell was made for the devil and his angels for I was hungry and you gave me no food I was thirsty you gave me no drink I was a stranger and you did not welcome me naked you did not clothe me sick and in prison you did not visit me then they also will answer saying Lord when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not minister to you then he will answer them saying truly I say to you as you did not do it to one of the least of these you did not do it to me and these will go away into eternal punishment but the righteous will enter into life this is amazing there is a moment in eternity when the nations will stand before God and he will separate them the goats from the Sheep and he will let in his people but the other he will not notice the one who is truly a Christian has all the desires in them to love and serve people it is in them to do it something is driving them to do it and it's not themselves it's Almighty God living through them the next verse next part but the one who does the will of my father who is in heaven will enter into the kingdom the one who does the will of my father would you say that with me please will of my father will of my father one more time the will of my father what is that what is the will of God it's a big question these are plenty of sermons on this one if you want to know the will of God you go to Romans chapter 12 verse 1 says this dear brothers and sisters I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all that he has done for you let them be a living and Holy Sacrifice the kind you will find acceptable this is the true way to worship Him do not copy the behavior or customs of this world but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way that you think then you will learn how to know God's will for you which is good and pleasing him perfect listen the very simple quick way to know God's will for your life is to know his word now watch this when you know his word you know his will when you know his word you know the right decisions to make in life thus you will live out his will for your life if you don't know what God's Word says about it you can't know his will so the best way to do that is to get acquainted with his word how do I do that pastor read the Bible every day just take in a little bit if you can read something if you have a hard time reading you know the Bibles on audio you can download the Holy Bible app you just type in Bible and boom it's number one on there you download that thing and guess what it will read the Bible to you for free soak it in read understand God's Word get it in you listen to sermons all of our sermons are online we do this for a reason so that you church can go back and reference all these sermons you can listen to endless amounts of sermons get together with other Christians listen to the will of God listen to the scriptures coming forth through other Christians that's how you know the will of God those who do the will of God will enter into heaven those who do not will not enter verse 22 take a look at the verse on that day many will say to me Lord Lord did we not prophesy in your name did we not cast out demons in your name and do mighty works in your name I want you to watch this did you notice in the first part of the verse there on that day many will say to me Jesus talking think about it on that day many will say to Jesus they're having a conversation with them they're gonna stand there at the great white throne judgment and they're actually going to talk with Jesus many will say to me on that day Jesus says they will actually talk with me the day of judgment there will be a conversation with the Lord not as some wink weak wimpy blond hair blue-eyed peace sign guy with a sheep around his neck not that Jesus but you see in the pictures but as a conquering King and judge on the throne God of all the universe sitting there on his throne and you standing before him me standing before him by ourselves giving an account for our lives having a conversation with the king of kings what a startling moment that is even for me it's Almighty God Jesus says many will say to me on that day many many isn't that sad that many will say this and you will have to say to many of them I'm sorry you will not be entering in today a conversation will take place with Jesus many will say to me on that day Lord Lord did we not prophesy in your name what does that mean to prophesy is to deliver a spiritual message to prophesy I know we use that word foretelling of the future but this term here is speaking of a spiritual message coming forth many will say to me did we not prophesy and there are many today who are delivering spiritual messages and churches and all over the world but it's not the message of Jesus they're delivering messages watch this to get your money they're delivering messages to work people over and get them to do things manipulate the crowd feed their own egos and Fame and power and fortune there are many turning people away from God and just trying to please the crowd for whatever reason but Jesus would say to them yes you prophesied but you didn't prophesy in my name like you're saying it's not the message of Jesus it's a false message with a hint of Jesus in it this is how people deceive others you know what they do they take a small bit of truth and they wrap their ideas around it and they sell it to you a small bit of truth you're like wow that sounds pretty good though but I kind of like that that's a good little deal right there and then they work you in the fine print you can't see it it's why you want to make sure I've said this before many times but if you're just visiting with us once here today I want to let you know make sure you're in a church that teaches the Bible if you here at legacy for 10 20 30 40 years keep praying for me that we keep preaching exactly what Jesus says but if you end up leaving and going to another church make sure they preach what Jesus says they don't compromise they don't oh oh I just read that text today not gonna talk about that one I don't want to be the one to bring that we have to know what he's saying I talked about this in a message a couple weeks ago called wolves and preachers clothing wolves and preachers clothing there's a lot of them and I'm to warn you against them it's my job were there people in the Bible like this yes do you remember Balaam a prophet of God who actually received a download word from Almighty God yet he ended up trying to deceive and lead Israel astray he ended up being a terrible guy Lord Lord did we not cast out demons in your name what does that mean you mean there's people who can actually cast out demons call Jesus Lord but won't make it into heaven yes I thought this was a great argument lloyd-jones pointed it out he talked about Judas was an apostle of Jesus and might have had the same ability standing in the crowd with them maybe even laying hands on speaking casting out demons because it says all the apostles went out and did these things now I want to ask you this question did the other disciples know that Judas was the betrayer they didn't know did they look look I know that the movies show this but Judas didn't have like a bunch of black like circles around his eyes and he wore a black cloak and he was always like this that's not how he was he was the deceiver he was stealing from the money bag nobody knew what he was doing he looked like an apostle he lived like an apostle he looked like it yet he was the fake do you remember when they accused Jesus of casting out demons by the power of Beelzebub why would the people even know this he's casting out demons by the devil and Jesus is like what why would the devil cast out the devil that doesn't make any sense but they know that there were sorcerers and there were magicians and there were people even exorcists doing this type of stuff do you remember the Jewish exorcisms or the Jewish Exorcist that that we're doing this in Acts chapter 19 these are the seven sons of the Jewish high priest named Skiba they were casting out demons or doing magic and doing these different things trying to perform miracles and they walked up this one demon and they tried to cast them out and the demons like Jesus I know Paul I know but who are you and it says the demon beat him up for it and they ran away naked this is hilarious Lord Lord did we not do many works in your name you see the next part of the verse did we not prophesy do we not cast out demons do we not do many works miracles good things Matthew 24:24 this this was a startling passage I hadn't seen it in quite a while as well as brought back to me it says this Jesus speaking for false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform great signs and wonders so as to deceive if possible even God's chosen ones Jesus tells us there are false prophets and messiahs will rise up and do signs and wonders and they will deceive do you remember Moses and the magician's with Pharaoh Moses Moses rod down there like oh we can do that same trick watch the snake here they were mimicking they were using the power of the devil to do other miracles as well the spiritual realm is real I would encourage you to stay far away from that from mediums from sorcerers from black magic I know a couple people who have gotten very deep into those things and they're not doing so well mentally now it's very real and very active and very alive as much as the material is moving as you see it now the spiritual realm is moving just as much it's not it's not coincidence that when you watch an eerie scary movie or a dark film or something like that that it gets into the depths of you because you know that these things exist many will say Lord Lord verse 23 and then here is the saddest verse and all Bible Jesus says and I will declare to them I never knew you depart from me you workers of lawlessness I never knew you but I went to church I never knew you I had a Bible I never knew you my dad was a Christian I never knew you this word new to know is the word gun osco it is to understand it is to create communion it is that deep fellowship if this word to know this word to know is the word that they use in the Old Testament to refer to a man and woman being joined together physically sex to know someone intimately deeply to really know them it is the deepest friendship it is the deep this is the way a father knows a child where mother knows a child it is the deep knowing Gunnoe schoo to know Jesus says I never knew you I did not know you we did not have a relationship again it's one thing to say you know Mel Gibson because you saw him over in Malibu one time walking through the store there you go around saying you know Kim but the real question I want to ask is does Mel Gibson know you does he know you do you meet with him every week or every other week do you really know each other the question is not whether or not you know God and you declared Lord Lord to the world the question is whether or not he knows you what will Jesus say on that day about you Oh legacy I pray I have already prayed that you would know God and that this sermon would bring you closer to him than ever I'm telling you whatever you've grown up with and whatever things that you've been taught these religious rituals or whatever it may be to seek and know God I'm telling you that God wants to know you as a friend knows a friend he created relationships and he wants to know you as a friend knows a friend the only way we know how to know each other it's what he's put in us and we were to seek our God in the same way there's no special way to pray there is a template given to us but I'm telling you if you're learning to pray just talk to your God just pray believing he is there and commune with him in your car in the quiet place of your room in your heart in your mind when you're taking a walk or or a hike somewhere spend time with God open his word believing that it wants to speak to you and build your relationship with him know him I want Jesus to say I know you and we just talked yesterday come on in Josh how you doing I'm like Lord you know my name yeah come on in I've created some amazing things for you did you enjoy the earth Lord the waves were amazing Virgin Islands thank you I got some way better stuff enter into the joy of the Lord I want LA to know Jesus we want this city to know their God and when they know the one who is loved they will love and serve each other no doubt when you know God you can't help but love and serve people in this city because the relationship has been built you become the people you hang around when you hang out with God you become like him very quickly does he know you go no schoo God is he your God is your close friend your master King Savior your father or is he just someone you've seen a couple times I'm gonna give you these four simple ways to make sure that you know God are you ready number one believe like a Christian believe like a Christian believe Jesus is Lord and Savior over your life Lord master king over your life you willingly submit your life to Him and you believe that you're not getting to heaven without you cannot save yourself legacy listen you don't get to heaven because you're a good person no one can do that no one is good not one person on the earth is perfect enough to get to heaven no one will be able to go up to God and say check out all the old ladies I helped across the street Lord he's like yeah but what about all that stuff and you're like um okay we need someone to take care of all that debt take care of all that sin we need forgiveness over all of that and that is the only way we can be saved from that baggage and enter into heaven you need Christ we all need him everyone you need to believe like a Christian believe in him so much that you actually follow him do you believe Christ enough that he is the Lord and Master and king of your life to follow after him with all of your life there is no 90 percent here it's a hundred percent no one is perfect we're all working through this we still have sin we're working through in our lives but man my desire is that I'm fully submitted to him as Lord Master King Savior over my life that is believing like a Christian Romans 10:9 and 10 if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved for with the heart one believes and is justified and with the mouth one confesses and is saved believing with the heart confessing with their mouth it is a whole body believing on God number two think like a Christian think like a Christian the way that you think produces the way that you live did you know that whatever you think is how you will live so whatever you program your mind with is how you will live whatever you watch on TV whatever songs you listen to whatever magazines you read whatever books you read whatever you program your mind with is the way you will live so think like a Christian think biblically the more that I read the Bible the more wisdom that God gives the more the fog clears in my view and I just seem to be able to see things very clearly in life it was like I saw in black and white now I can see in color it's like waking up from a long dream yeah I wasn't in reality and all sudden I can just see very clearly the Word of God sharpens your seeing and your thinking joshua 1:8 says the book of the law shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it for then you will make your way prosperous then you will have good success meditate on this day and night wash the mind in this instead of all the trash and the entertainment you know what I'm talking about we live in LA there's a balance there try to find it for your family try to find it for yourself Psalm 1 2 I love this but the Christian delights in the law of the Lord and on his law he meditates day and night he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth fruit a new season leaves never wither whatever he does he prospers number 3 live like a Christian live like a Christian what does a Christian live like they there are people who talk to God they pray number 2 they are people who are obedient to Jesus commands that's what a Christian is a Christ follower we are obedient we follow after Jesus we have a holiness about us we don't walk around like holy rollers you couldn't tell that I'm holy but on the inside I am and when people come in contact with you they know there's something different the love of God is in your heart the gentleness of the king is in your spirit the joy of the kingdom is flowing from you there's something going on inside and there is a sharpness about you in your obedience that no one wants to throw bombs on they say and they may make fun for a bit but in the end they say I wish I could be like that the church must shine so bright that it attracts the world in a witness of Jesus Christ let me ask you this question if he stood before God in the courtroom and they're prosecuting you on being a Christian would there be enough evidence to find you guilty for being a Christian in your life is there enough evidence what does your life look like first John 2:6 says whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way Jesus walked follow him Ephesians 5:1 says therefore be imitators of God follow after him John 14:15 says if you love me Jesus speaking you will keep my commands or you will love to keep my commands and finally point number four as we close died like a Christian die like a Christian finish the race of life well walk with God all the days of your life no one wishes for death but Christians are fully ready for it because they are right with God they walk with him all the way through life and do well they die well second Timothy 4:6 Paul said I am already being poured out as a drink offering and the time of my departure has come he says I'm about to die I have fought the good fight I have finished the race I have kept the faith henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord the righteous judge will award me on that day not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing this verse acts 20:24 I want you to write it down it's my final verse and it is the verse that I feel like God gave to me when we are first going through the book of Acts as we open the church and I think it's a beautiful testimony of the life of a Christian and it says this acts 20:24 my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned to me by the Lord Jesus the work of telling others the good news about the wonderful grace of God my life is worth nothing it is to be used for his glory all of it and at the end of my life when I'm an old man still bald I was telling one of the brothers the other day in the Virgin Islands I would love to die preaching maybe it wouldn't be happy for you but it'd be the best thing for me I'm like repent for the kingdom of evidence near you know finishing the race springing God glory would be the most amazing thing not all Christians are Christians but those who love the Lord their God with all of their heart all of their mind all their soul and all of their strength will inherit the kingdom of heaven I hope that you can see very clearly what it means to follow Christ and listen church that no one in this place would walk up to that gate and that Jesus when that conversation happens he would say yeah we had some hiccups along the way but get on in here I've been waiting for you for a long time
Channel: • Legacy •
Views: 2,727
Rating: 4.7746477 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Josh Thompson. Pastor Josh, Legacy City Church, Church in LA, Church in Los Angles, Church in Studio City, Christian Church Studio City, Christian Church Los Angles, Christian Church LA, Legacy, The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached, Matthew 7, Matthew 7:21-23, I Never Knew You, Not all Christians are Christians
Id: IG1AzDGK2w4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 36sec (2976 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 14 2016
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