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huh good morning guys welcome back to the channel it is uh friday august the 12th that right yeah uh okay here's what we got on tap today we're gonna try to combine some corn at some point today uh in the meantime we got a couple oil changes on some of our work trucks james and mark are gonna um be doing that while the dew is drying i've got to go up to a togaville we got problems with the irrigation over there is cut off twice uh we really don't know what's going on why it's cutting off so i'm gonna do a little investigating over there see if i can figure it out and uh get that going got rain chances again today it's uh this is the last day of this front that's coming through so i think it's like 70 percent so not sure how long we can uh harvest corn but we're going to run as long as we can till we get rained out and also the automated part on the uh combine anywhere i got i think is i think i got joe coming from h r out of columbus he's coming over there this morning he's got like a three hour drive so it'll be a little while before he gets over there but he is coming to see if he can uh figure out why that is not working um he's gonna update the software and then we'll see if that fixes it if not then he'll uh keep digging into that and see if he can get it fixed so that is what we got on tap for today and um also i got i brought somebody to work today that i hadn't brought in a long time if i can find her oh who brought lucy today finally i'm out of the sprayer i can start taking her to work when i'm harvesting corn and stuff i usually don't take her when i'm spraying because unlike all my other labs they will stay right there with the truck while i was praying she will chase me up and down the field chase that sprayer all day so anyway we're gonna start bringing her to work so lucy is back say hey you say hey everybody say hey [Music] all right let's get this video started he's gonna have a starter and an oil filter and an airfield all right you go you go straight to napping straight back and don't put the motor on all right i got the filters for this one we can change oil on it while he's going to get all that all right there you go don't don't go way down here now just get it flush okay and don't don't weld on the back that side just wheel on the top side you need my john deere is it metric you know that fits in the ent right you like a wrench trusty usa helmet you got the screaming eagle yeah if you want it it'll be hot mark got him mark got him that's how my tool is getting dad struck mark did it though not that i don't know if y'all do this on y'all's farm but anyway somehow my tools just always somehow learn how to grow legs and they get in all into dad's truck i mean everything i got it always ends up in dad's truck so what i do on our farm or what i do is i try to buy a different color different brand uh tools just so it's different than what dad has so i can very easily distinguish and everybody else can say oh that's daniel's pliers or whatever so he's got a whole different brand of tools and i got a whole different brand of tools but somehow they still [Music] grow legs [Music] [Music] yeah i need a hammer huh is it hot i don't think so you need a hammer that's all right maybe i'll get it with this [Music] gotta line that hole up and this is what i wanted to do a little grease on it it's a little bit and that is going to lock the fifth wheel from tilting right yeah look what it locks this stop down you want to dry the pita bill down there and we hook it up if you don't yeah i want to go oh yeah she is ready to haul some corn so we're gonna take it down there we're gonna hook it up to the dump trailer we'll have that done for roy and then i got to get on the road to uh toddville because i got to get the irrigation going and then i got to get back over there to meet the case guys so i gotta hurry it up um see what grass threads are easy to cross through happy eggs gotta be extra careful [Music] [Music] you remember how to do it yeah man if y'all could smell this water right now it was it's just about to knock me out get some strong smelling water rotten corn or wheat whatever [Music] you got the switch out there you gotta hit this switch right here that's right all right do that nice clutch all right go yeah huh [Music] i knew he was having trouble figuring it out anyway we got it figured out he just forgot to forgot to hit the pto button on the dash which is pretty important if you want to make it go up all right guys we're going to be doing something a little bit different on the uh garbage can tall since we're uh real close to football i thought we would uh throw it like a quarterback see if i can do any better well one out of three didn't do much better y'all didn't see the last one the last one hit the uh rim right here and it went flying up in the air i thought it was gonna come back in but it didn't so yeah one out of three there we go all right guys had a little bit of change of plans uh big joe case mechanic uh he must have left early this morning so he is already here he is right behind me so um anyway i'm leading him to the combine and we're going to get started working on it so dad will have the task of uh heading over to toggleville and uh he will be the one getting the uh irrigation going and kind of looking it over and uh see if he can figure out why the thing keeps cutting off but um we are already at gray rocks and um about to get started working on the combine see if we get this baby fixed and uh got some corn all right we got joe he's up in the cab talking over with him you can see the combine right there but um talking it over with him and i was telling him exactly what the combine was doing i would hit the automation feature it would immediately kick me out um apparently there's a new version of software he thinks that'll fix all of it so that's what he's doing now he's got his laptop he's going to upload this version 33 software and then we're going to go from there but everything i've told him he thinks this is going to fix it it's just a glitch in the system so hopefully once he uploads that we will uh we'll be able to tell pretty quick if that fix it so hopefully that's it so while we're waiting we thought i'd walk out here and look at the corn again kind of explain what i think happened basically i think it was just a perfect storm for some terrible corn this year right when i was putting out the big shot of nitrogen the last shot put it out never rained so it never got the nitrogen it needed and then the 100 degree days came in and we were 100 over 100 degrees for weeks and weeks and weeks just very unusual for alabama to have that hot weather for that long and no rain so anyway we're gonna we're gonna combine it uh we planted it so we're gonna combine it harvest every corn stalk that we planted but um see look right here i mean that's not that's okay look at this plant right beside it look like they came out same day corn stalk cob is the same height so should be should be pretty even as far as what it looks like but look at this i mean how can you have that terrible cob right next to one that was good and that's the way it is all the way down the road so you got terrible ear i wouldn't call this okay um semi-okay and then terrible terrible okay update on the combine uh big joe is up in the cab still we have done the software update to the version 33 and uh we just got in there cranked it up um went turned the automation on and uh turned the header on and i turned the threshing on and uh kicked me out immediately just just like it did yesterday so as soon as i hit that automation button which is like right above your head you got all these buttons up here i click that button that's too and get that's to engage the automation to allow it to combine to automate and as soon as i hit that button it lasts for like three seconds you can see the little a there's a little picture of the combine on the console when you hit the automation button it turns the combine it's got a on it so it's trying to engage it's just something that's in there is just immediately not recognizing something or not agreeing or not talking to each other and it kicks it out what are you doing though i'm going through and re-flashing this software h bridge 2.1 and then we're going to be ready to try it again yes sir [Music] i think we may be getting somewhere now it hadn't kicked you off or it wasn't well that's 61 bushels bumper crop that's not good yet okay all right cool glad to have that working [Applause] there you go into one foot by one foot [Music] a little bit right here but that might be head loss yeah a lot of that's gonna be nice it's around 20. what do you think think i can make it [Applause] they hold it all right guys we are combining and we got the first dump of the day going on mark right now big joe is the man he got us going corn so it's getting in the uh 100s right here i was hitting like 140 hit 150 but then also we'll uh we'll go all the way down to um we'll go all the way down to 40 bushels and places but just all over the board but at least we're getting it in on this hill is trying to roll off first field is done so all right just got done with this field right here wasn't very big but now we're moving over to the other fields got some long rays and we'll see what kind of corn it is hopefully it's a lot better there's phillip [Music] well the corn looks better as far as a uniform golly it's raining right now the rain drops on the windshield anyway the field looks pretty uniform but the corn is just not there uh we're hit some 100 anyway 80 80 to 100 it'll go over a hundred here and there but golly i thought this feels gonna be a lot better but nope come on lisa come on you got it you got it come on you got it come on come on come on you got it come here [Music] lucy lucy lucy no no no no no come on come on there you go she did it she's learning i know what you're doing we're sitting here talking huh sitting here talking to phillip i thought all the straps down em one two three four cut them all down [Music] give it the old one turn where it doesn't flop yeah if it won't half turn it's not supposed to flop how tight you want it okay [Music] well that's gonna be it for this video guys we had to uh shut down harvest i don't know for some reason we had i mean we had a little cloud come over kind of drizzled didn't even really drizzle kind of missed it just for a little while got a bunch of damp air or moisture in the air and um anyway for some reason this field right here when all that happened and then we got overcast moisture shot up to like 24 5 hit 25 sometimes so we decided to shut it down number one we haven't run any corn through the grain dryer yet the wet tank and all that the new auger so we didn't want to send some really wet corn like 25 26 corn through there first through the dryer and you know it can just cause problems when you send that wet of corn at first so anyway we're gonna shut it down for today and uh got two loads cut two truckloads so um anyway they'll have something to unload this afternoon put it in the wet tank and kind of get the dryer started over the weekend so well that is it so uh we're gonna take it to the house and uh if you don't mind doing me a favor if you're still watching the video if you don't mind giving me a thumbs up just click that little thumb if you liked the video if you didn't don't click the thumb um but anyway if you haven't subscribed come on and join the channel i think triple r farms logo is right here go ahead and click that you can subscribe for free it doesn't cost you anything and you can notify you can get notified when i put a new video out so hopefully the videos will start coming out a little more regular now all we got is a flag football right now so that uh games are on saturday mornings so anyway thanks for watching guys we are gonna take it to the house catch y'all on the next one see you guys
Channel: Triple R Farms
Views: 32,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 45sec (1485 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 17 2022
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