North American moron foolishly tries to guess other languages (Ling Your Language)

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hey we're playing linger language it's the browser renaissance what is ling your language well you can go to and play for yourself um we are gonna be checking it out i i need to tell you that straight from the get-go what is this game you hear someone speaking in a language you have to guess what language it is i am thanking suptersage for the gifted subscriptions thank you that's english demonstrating um i am unilingual i speak english pretty well i would say i i think i speak english pretty well hey pickle down riconomics is another example of an english let's do french this time uh merci por la vent enough plus un subscriptions the gift gifty i feel like i should know what a present is is a present uh is a gift a cuddle c-a-d-e-a-u-x it is let's go let's go we he i had to think for about five seconds just to think of what thank you was in french but anyway um i uh look i don't know what 30 is in french but i do know that meal of song catcher vandy's wheat is 1998. that should give you an idea of the last time i was in french class anyway um i i live in canada i experience as a result of living in canada i would say a reasonable amount of uh of french and i see the the french names for the potato chip flavors and road signs and stuff like that um i lived in korea i feel like i'm really very good at recognizing korean when spoken especially uh well it's easier to see when it's printed and then like apart from that who knows okay but i'll tell you we're not gonna start on easy that's too easy let's start on regular and and let's get it going i imagine we'll probably end up going a little further along melbourne maybe melbourne islamic this is hindi urdu he's talking about australia macros cover your ears indeed that's correct okay that one was kind of tough for me but it sounded dutch it's so dutch well if you speak dutch i'm sure it's easier to understand game do be a little bit quiet um let me see if there's a way that i can adjust that on my end you fool that that was russian dude i think that was that was the russian language with an urdu accent that's my take on that subject okay can i raise the volume of google chrome i cannot so i mean like it's it's at max so you're gonna have to turn up your own volume here in order to make that happen i apologize another way to describe it is that you are hearing it at the same level that i am hearing it as well so if i'm not complaining why are you complaining i know i'm a doctor too can you turn it up in obs oh yeah here you go there there you got plus three decibels there there you go hopefully this helps a little bit and helps identify the location of the cancer why am i thinking like it took me a second i had to actually think about that [Laughter] my first thought was that's i know what she's saying but in my head i was like that's not english are you crazy that's french come on it's cantonese japanese i'm so scared at the problem that i'm having distinguishing dutch from hindi urdu and russian it's japanese i think it's actually the same clip okay we got more options now cantonese i'm you know i i've got to realize that i equate a lot of the language to the speed in which it's said so when someone is speaking italian slowly to me i have to think about it a little bit more closely because i'm used to hearing it super fast you know like like that's the every dutch clip we've had so far sounds like eminem uh like run through a speech filter to scramble it i'm dead okay that's really bad that's not a good performance let's try again game over your score is 102. i'm embarrassed put me on single player put me on regular show japanese that was the that was the german language that didn't sound like schwag didn't started i was going back and forth i was going yaya bitterness again this is german look you got to be careful i don't miss to be ins i don't mean to be insensitive hey brandon thank you for the gifted subscriptions as well thank you um when he said a muga i thought that there was from like a bugs bunny cartoon [Laughter] vietnamese um i'm not i'm not as good as i thought i was okay on the bright side keep in mind portugal and greece are pretty close they're only separated by two seas that's not that far they're only separated by all of mainland europe here we go i i bet we get 200 this time regularly let me be honest okay i had it between 50 50 but i was not confident this is japanese japanese and you know what he's talking about the shinkansen the bullet train you think you can sneak that by me i don't think so okay so this must be samson yeah yeah yeah now we often talk about locally english [Music] let's go we it's the first time we've ever gotten turkish right okay i have absolutely no clue what he said i don't know a single word i only know the formalized endings it's korean again a vet and then i was like maybe that's a vec it's french influence on the netherlands maybe um but back to this week english that's an easy one it's all right we got we got one life left we got one life left i played control i know finish okay all right all right all right all right that's enough the good news is i got it narrowed down to four vietnamese let's go and nowadays it makes major english 200 baby it's in sight [Laughter] how could that not be french are you insane right here right here we go after it's not even close what are you talking about it's french that's french man what is that word in russian then it is very russian yeah now that the text is green everybody can tell that and hell no could it at least be russian with a french accent that's that's maybe it's a person that was born in france speaking russian it's not okay but it could be you don't know that how do you know who spoke that i'm gonna i'm gonna open up the casino okay while we're on normal difficulty a very simple prediction will nl beat 200 points i feel like we're getting better over time you got 30 seconds begin up the difficulty oh we will [Laughter] in a minute first play again single player difficulty regular tiny i should have known that was dutch music turkish and dutch i never knew that they were so similar like they sound i'm not going to say they sound the same because that's obviously not true i'm just like to a non-speaker they sound so similar and the electric vex german see that in my brain i'm like that's german no problem i didn't sound spanish it didn't sound turkish dutch and turkish are like it's pam beesly to my brain it's the same photo we had this before i said i think it's the same clip and i said i heard aina like eine klein and not music she's kind of putting some italian sauce on it i am oh just in my head it's like she's she's like putting in it she's doing an impression of italian elon musk that's just my opinion on that one mandarin 145 points to go this is vietnamese [Music] i think this is can i tell you why i thought it was bengali it sounded a little swedish to me and it sounded like it was cold outside but there was like an english word at the start of it which i think commonly shows up in south asian languages as like it's it sounds like something i don't know like i don't know what's being said but then there's like one english word that comes through crisp for me like ready when i heard priority i was like that is a word that was not borrowed from english it was like scalpeled out of the english language and placed into bengali what do you mean they're throwing me i got it right i have absolutely no clue i think it's finnish i don't know but i can't tell it was just the finnish guy speaking polish [Laughter] okay okay pay out pay out the doubters on that one man there was 56 belief that's things that stings you it's all right we'll run it back believers believers in shambles well go ahead go ahead and bet on doubt this time see see how the mood strikes you you know what if i close my eyes what if i close my eyes maybe that'll make it easier i won't be influenced by the possible answers let's go okay eyes eyes closed meta sorry believers you ready [Music] very simple if if in your brain you say turkish and then it's not on there but dutch is you go dutch people thought i was putting some flakes on it i told you it's just how my brain works it sounds dutch and turkish should hit the same part of my brain man okay look i don't know the difference between mandarin and cantonese just from hearing it yes i do i have completely english i think this is italian man it's the same lady it's literally the same voice possibility i'm going to say that's portuguese then this is one where learning seeing the answers helped out a lot it seems portuguese to me when it sounds european but i don't know the language it sounds it it tends to be portuguese [Music] dude we're killing it this time let's go the secret to russian is eyes closed if you keep your eyes closed i can identify russian immediately [Music] hey dude my my heuristics my heuristics are working [Music] dude eyes closed meta is actually like it's too easy i was re i was getting them wrong because i was looking at the answers and letting that anchor me to something if you just close your eyes it's it's too easy to use that hurts i heard no english words oh no the believers um let's go brain okay okay okay just a couple more just a couple more i think it's portuguese 208 believers let's go eyes closed meta works every time i have no idea which means maybe it's dutch okay that's fine i can live with that i can live with that oh man look at that okay 208 pay out the believers will nlb 200 points he did indeed he did indeed the next step yeah i still got i he did not minus 12 what do you your score is 208 tell me tell me uh you're a doubter without telling me you're a doubter it's not minus 12 from your score is -12 from progressing to the next level oh the bet was wrong um oh it didn't calculate properly oh he pool sharked me he pretended to be bad and then he was actually good i take no responsibility for the bet that i made that's my impression of you by the way we're gonna up the difficulty we're gonna start with no bets by the way because i don't know what our um i don't know what our anchor should be here on the heart difficulty level bengali dutch we've heard this before try it again try it again please it's punjabi in hindsight i wish i picked spanish for that one certainly feels like that was a spanish one you don't say the [Music] [Music] not today spain and like honestly like 80 countries not today that's tough that one was tough just listen forehead i mean the difficulty is a lot harder here that was dutch still getting the calibration it kind of sounds finnish but there's no rolled rs which means not finish it's definitely not mandarin i think it's turkish okay development i want chicken i want liver yeah mix so what we are doing and i've been talking to came straight to canberra obviously yesterday to deal with this issue and uh what we i'm now after talking to the secretary of my department who holds the authority in this area i mean it's like it's very close to english it's just not quite there but i'm gonna say that this is english like i don't know what language uh has you say department maybe i guess if someone's from boston in the the english word for that is department unless it's something that means something completely different but it just is like a homophone but anyway moving on interesting i think it's finnish but i don't hear any rolled r's guess who's still interested i'm going for it okay hold on i got to get tomorrow i know you want to be petted man you got to get in the box okay because like every once in a while my camera just flits on and off and it's you going down in there into the usbs okay get in the box tomo or else ruka will have to do it again that's valtteri bottas oh mercedes best driver respondents i have no idea here if i had to make an eyes closed guess give me one second i would say it doesn't exist i'm gonna say it's arabic then i don't know what hausa is can i can i get some intel here it's spoken in nigeria okay okay noted i forgive myself that that ignorance now we can learn in the future that that hurts but it's not unexpected [Laughter] i was like in my head i was like it's korean but with a like a strong accent turns out uh it's actually japanese um well it's not english i feel like it's let's try it one more time like being honest doesn't sound kind of uh scandinavian to me yes but i feel like i'm setting myself up for a clip fail i'm gonna say that's swahili that's grease huh hard is definitely harder i feel like this is it's very hard to play this game as a north american that's the only one it couldn't be um no i do take my word for it it also could not be english i was pretty confident that it was not english i feel like being in north america is actually well i shouldn't say being in north america but having gone through the north american education system is actually like uh an enormous debuff to language learning because i was thinking like hey it's not that bad i know exactly what english is but i think if you live in europe in particular like i i imagine if you live in belgium you have a very good efficacy at identifying english french flemish dutch german italian at the very least spanish portuguese as well i'm guessing i don't know from that point onwards uh like what you can if now maybe we're on an even playing field after you get your eight languages out of the way [Laughter] hold on i need i need to figure out what to do with this cat man tomorrow you got to get in the box buddy you should know spanish i mean i why i should know french that's a given i'll take some disrespect for that but i don't know why i should know spanish as somebody that lives in canada and like should not as like it's not worth learning but how would i uh interact with enough spanish in my day-to-day life to recognize it uh from from it being spoken one moment please tomorrow come on buddy because america will be spanish majority from 2060 onwards who's gonna tell him who's gonna tell tomo tomo tomo i need you you got to get in the box my man it's it's a little it's a little much okay how about right there there you go okay okay isn't vancouver one of the most multilingual cities in the world well i i think yeah but at the same time like it's not like you just walk down the street and like people start shouting at you like you know pablo moos pablo moose uh you know like just shouting at you in foreign languages constantly like while you're walking around you hear people speaking other languages for sure but it's not like i when they're talking i go excuse me excuse me what what language is that i'm gonna guess that you're speaking uh hindi urdu is that correct are you speaking hindi urdu like it's you you don't get to verify your information there i'm also getting i'm getting a little heated because people whenever they uh disagree with what i say they use one of two criticisms about the world one is streamer never leaves this house it's not true i actually leave my house literally like every day i walk around i i take the baby out for a walk i experience the real world then when faced with that piece of evidence people go don't care didn't ask plus you live in vancouver vancouver's not representative of the okay fine i'm sorry i'm not from wichita which is the the the base case for all places you could possibly live vancouver is so not representative of the real world call me when you understand what it's like to live in des moines okay anyway we're gonna try again i literally live in des moines we found him twenty percent of the des moines voter base don't care didn't ask plus your demonian play again hard mode okay i'm not good at identifying [Laughter] bengali i don't know what else they're saying but that's korean [Laughter] it's just the weather that makes sense bengali i heard skill development [Music] [Music] let's go he learned he i was i was like 51 mandarin [Laughter] i don't think it's german i don't think it's danish i don't think it's bengali i also feel like it's more it's not southern european but then i'm like albania and armenia are i i'm gonna be honest i forgot where armenia is i'm so sorry it's it's in southeast asia or sorry southeast uh europe so is albania they're like they're they're very close together i'll i'll say okay it is armenian son of a it's not isn't it next to no they're not okay well you know 106 that's better than usual you'd know this if you if you left your house more [Laughter] oh it's east of turkey okay i for some reason i thought it was one of the like you know north macedonia uh albania massa had already said macedonia you know what i'm talking about that are that are in that region macedonia oh you guys don't leave your house you've never spoken to somebody from macedonia oh i forgot in english you say masadonia a little ignorant but that's okay all right we we can run a bet i think we can run a bet at 75. will nl beat 75 points we did it this time but there were some miracles in there same difficulty hard level difficulty let's try it i think this aft after everything we've been through i think this is malays like that was polish to me maybe indicates it's got some spanish influence somewhere which i think could be malay iran that does not sound polish to me at the end i'm going to say malay oh i was wrong the whole way through [Laughter] literally the whole way through i was wrong okay hey i have no concept of what this is i think it's romanian or greek i'm gonna guess to the question not to the answer it's greek okay that's that's a tough one that one hurts we had 57 percent yes again okay run it back will nl beat 75 points if you think this is bad wait till we get to the hardest possible difficulty level thank you mods i appreciate it [Laughter] go to omnilingual i don't think i got that kind of power yet we're still we're still staying on hard difficulty for now we're going for 75. that was not tilted like i just don't know the difference between malay and punjabi just from hearing it play again hard difficulties be smart it's not norwegian it's not polish it's not mandarin it's arabic turkish or persian people i'm gonna say that's turkish that's tough that's a very tough one it sounds yes [Music] [Music] let's just be honest there's no way i'm going to be able to make an informed decision about whether this is time malay or mandarin let's just close our eyes and go with our heart activity mandarin punchers punchers [Laughter] we're gonna run it back we're gonna run it back till we uh till we get it so bet accordingly tie is more tonal than mandarin that's fine but how am i supposed to know whether that clip was more tonal the control case of tonal or less tonal if i if i got two different audio clips played back to back i would be like hey that one seems more tonal let's go with tai on that one but with one audio clip without speaking the language or having really been exposed to it how would i know
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 64,153
Rating: 4.9477949 out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: NMub12XqrZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 16sec (3196 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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