I Crafted The Worlds Strongest NOOB House!

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today i'm showing you guys seven brand new super overpowered copper weapons these are gonna blow your mind so leave a like on today's video and be sure to click that subscribe button over 70 of the people that watch my videos are not subscribed help your boy unspeakable get to 11 million subscribers and click that subscribe button let's show off these weapons apparently to get the copper weapons you have to find a village and you have to find a copper smith are you a copper smith what about you guys uh you are no you're a farmer okay no what about you guys up here hello hello oh wait i think this oh this is it the coppersmith right here check this out guys we have a copper axe a copper pickaxe a copper piston a spear a bow a door bro wait till you see what some of these items do though they are not the normal pickaxe not the normal door i'm gonna grab a bow first so we need five pieces of copper and three pieces of string and that gives us a copper bow let's go test it with a normal bow you would charge it back and shoot these zombies but i'm just gonna go ahead and shoot right in the middle right here and watch this oh my gosh get back in there you big old noob all right check this out boys let's do this again ready i'm gonna shoot right here all right wait for it some lightning strike and then hundreds of arrows oh some of them are gonna kill me geez this is a super enchanted copper bow this is not your average copper boat all right let's try this one more time so they get the lightning strike treatment i'm gonna back up and then you can see they just get covered with arrows bro look at how many of them have died this whole pit was full of them now they're all gone what's wrong guys weapons if i do it a couple times you know oh geez i died i was struck by lightning i'm in creative mode i'm just gonna spam some bow shots you ready guys here we go oh my gosh look at how oh what look at that that was only like five bow shots that skeleton over there is just dying he's like i've never seen anything like this in my life oh the copper bow that's just the first item we're looking at let's go to the next one all right hello coppersmith okay now the next item we're gonna go for is the copper sword first i need to craft some sticks there we go now we need it looks like we need two sticks and uh yeah that's pretty much it two sticks and three pieces of copper now we have our copper sword have you guys left to subscribe yet have you clicked that subscribe button if you haven't come on what you doing there's one thing about the copper sword and that is that it has to charge so you see all these white particles that means the sword is charged and it's ready to go now i'm gonna go ahead and press this button right here and you can see that there's gonna be a lot of zombies that are going to spawn let's round them all up hello beautiful zombies everyone come with me you are today's demonstration so if everyone could just come around huggle around there we go all right so i'm gonna smack this first nope don't guys don't go don't fall in there i'ma smack this first zombie and yeah oh oh it's still killing them the lightning will not stop until every zombie is dead look at that there was like a hundred zombies here absolutely ridiculous should we do it one more time i think we should spawn in these zombies let em all come on everyone come follow me follow your board speakable you already know what you're in for so come on this is like literally insane i don't even know what to say about this one all right ready boys here we go my gosh dude what i can tell you that the copper sword is way better than the netherrite sword and the diamond sword because of that all right now the next item we're gonna craft is the copper door now you guys are probably like come on unspeakable a door really so let's go ahead and take our sword and then we have to use the sword to craft the door it takes six copper as well and we have our copper door not not guys just just wait hold on hold on let me show you all right so we're gonna make a very simple house here and using the copper door that is going to be our way in and out of our very simple house oh is that a zombie hello buddy how are you doing do you really want the copper sword treatment i don't think you do okay bye see you later see on one zombie it's still pretty effective i would say all right so here is our copper door a very very simple oh is this zombie gonna be our first little test come here buddy come around to the copper door oh my that was the copper door oh my gosh it's insane it's absolutely ridiculous all right i'm gonna go in creative mode just because i have to fly over there press that button and then come back but we're gonna spawn in all of these zombies again here they are now let's go ahead and go inside here gonna go into survival mode so they will all come to me i don't know maybe not maybe i might have to round them up a little bit hello zombies come on yes yes yes come on oh look at the door just destroying them are you kidding me look at that so this door basically does what the sword does anytime a mob gets close to the copper door it absolutely obliterates them with lightning strikes and fire literally insane i am never scared to come home ever again look at this i can stand outside my house and be so safe hello zombie oh my's on me oh i'm surprised you made it that far that that should be a record that is ridiculous look at that look at that are you kidding me there is not a single zombie that is gonna make it inside this house that that is insane what's even crazier is watch this as you can see we have a bunch of copper doors around here and you know what i'm about to do you guys know what's about to go down let's spawn in the wither and see if the wither can be killed just by doors okay here we go first off he's getting destroyed he hasn't even spawned in yet and boom there he goes okay so he did destroy a couple doors okay let's see let's see if he's gonna die i only have like five doors placed oh my gosh he is getting wrecked he is literally getting wrecked dude look at his health oh my gosh that's insane that is insane where'd he go where'd he go he's right he's right here he's right here he's killed most of the doors but this one is still destroying him oh my gosh i'm gonna try to not even touch the wither at all i'm gonna see if he can just die by doors come here buddy come on fly up here oh my gosh he's almost at half health look at this this is insanity look at his health i'm a door the weather is hurting me can you please destroy him please please wreck him everybody oh there he is oh my here you go wither here's a present for you oh yep you can definitely move the doors oh my gosh oh he's getting destroyed look at him absolutely getting destroyed dude he is angry and boom he's dead look at that i just killed the wither all right anyways on to our next copper item our next one is going to be the copper axe this one's super simple you just need 10 emeralds and you can get yourself a copper axe in front of me there is some massive trees let's see exactly what the copper axe is good at well chopping down trees as you must say look at that that is how a tree should fall in minecraft can we just realize that we just got a stack and a half of wood look at that a stack and a half of wood logs that's not even planks we probably got four or five stacks of planks this is just insane what let's try it on a normal tree boom oh that is ridiculous dude you could chop down an entire forest in five minutes the copper axe is so overpowered i have too much wood my inventory i have too much wood hello sir would you like any wood how are you doing sorry whoops oh i'm so sorry so i forget how powerful i am sometimes next we're gonna take a look at the copper spear this one is just insane all you need is five copper and two sticks to craft the copper spear wait wait do you guys see this this one is ridiculous stand tall beyond this massive forest where i have the copper spear i am going to spear a tree shall i launch oh my gosh and of course the spear does come back it's got loyalty three the spear does cause fire damage so if you do do it in a heavily forced area there's gonna be a lot of damage as you can see a lot of the trees already catching on fire but that is just insane like what can i try this on a pig couldn't find a pig but here is a sheep ready oh absolutely wrecked like literally dude it's so opie it's so hopey let's try it on this chicken hello chicken bye chicken that is insane now what happens if i accidentally miss the sheep ready oh i just died instantly i literally just died instantly it didn't even go to the respawn screen that's how hard i died all right i still got more items to show you the next one we're gonna look at is the copper pickaxe and you basically need two stacks of logs to craft the copper pickaxe doesn't really make any sense but all right we're in a cave system right now and i just want to show you guys how insane this pickaxe is i oh bro i literally mined one block but it mined like 40. is is that not in insanity like like are you kidding me bro this is officially the most insane pickaxe i have ever seen in my life it mines the oars normally which is what i like it doesn't just completely obliterate the oars so if i go over to this copper ore oh never mind it completely destroys the copper ore but the iron ore it's very gentle on the iron ore but then when we get to the stone it's just ridiculous goodbye zombie don't make me do it hold on my sword isn't charged right now let my sword charge up give it a second get wrecked noob absolutely insane dude what the last item we're gonna look at is the copper piston this takes a stack of cobblestone and four copper ingots to craft the copper piston all right so i'm gonna place down the copper piston i'm gonna place down the copper piston right here and then i'm gonna place down a redstone block and you can see how far this thing extends bro what this is a 20 block piston what bro all right let me let me try to place a block in front of it let's try to place a stone block right here and then we use this and then are you kidding me the stone block is all the way over here hold on what if i place another piston i got i got a genius idea so i place a bunch of pistons a bunch of copper pistons and i wonder if me placing this one redstone block oh oh okay i think i broke it i think i broke it what in the world is going on i'm so confused ladies and gentlemen seven copper weapons thank you thank you thank you if you had to keep one of these copper weapons in your minecraft world and you could never get rid of it which one would you keep let me know down in the comment section below i think i personally would probably keep the copper door that thing is just insane could you imagine a friend coming over to your house he goes to open your door and that's what happens to him that would be hilarious guys thank you so much for watching i'll see you soon in a brand new video peace
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 659,270
Rating: 4.9323092 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp, Hacks, OP, Over powered
Id: lBHmNEokPIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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