How to Build a Secret Nether Base in Minecraft!

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today we have to build a house huh that's it yep but we have to make our houses super hidden somewhere in the Nether and whoever has the most hidden house wins oh okay well I'mma to build my house somewhere around I can't you can't say where you're building it we have to keep it a secret until the end here everyone huddle up I'm going to splash us with invisibility so that we can find our spots without spying on each other good idea I'm going to go find a spot now all right all right and same here hm where should I build my hidden nether house and wait a minute why don't I build it underneath this lava here that could be really good let's see um maybe here no over here I can't decide guys I think I just found the best spot ever to build my house but here the first thing I need to do is actually start digging out a little area to actually get inside of it and oh gosh I can barely see anything down here let me just dig down a little bit really quick there we go and all right now let me just start clearing out a little bit of space underneath this lava wait D where are you building your house and what I'm not going to tell you of course come on just the clue um no we have to keep keep it a secret until the end remember yeah yeah yeah but I want to guess you can guess at the end but hold on this looks like I have quite a bit of space down here now the next thing I need to do is actually add a way to get down here because right now there's kind of a roof on a ceiling and there's no way to actually get through so what I was thinking is let's grab a few signs and just put those on the ceiling right over here like this there we go and pretty much what these signs are going to do is block off the lava from coming through but people are still going to be able to jump through the lava so here let's just go ahead and put down a bunch of signs over here like this this is what we're going to use to build our entrance here let's just put down one more sign over here and boom there we go our sign thingy is done but now let's go ahead and break all these blocks around here and okay check this out now whenever we go above the lava we can go and just hop in and and get into our base like this although wait uh there's a lot of lava here I don't think this is really going to work hold on a minute let me go into spectator mode really quick to see what's going on here and yeah okay it looks like we need to build our entrance a little bit higher above the lava so here what we got to do is let's just go in this corner and uh let me switch my game mode back to creative and let me just run the command sl/ wand and check it out with this wand what I can do is Select this position over here and then let me go back into game mode spectator and let me go over here on this side now and here now I'm also going to select this position and now check this out if I just run the command SL walls stone bricks boom there we go now we have an entire wall of stone bricks over here this thing actually looks s and here all we have to do now to extend it up to the top of the lava is just look up and run the SL slash stack uh six there we go check it out that is actually looking much better hold on I think we need to stack it one more time let's do SL slash stack seven and okay perfect there we go and here now what we got to do is start putting down all of our signs over here that way people aren't going to burn in all of this lava when they're trying to get to our house and okay there we go we've got a big layer of signs that is looking pretty good but now we've got all of this lava over here that we need to get rid of so let's just go in the middle and run the command sl/ drain at 50 there we go and check it out now we've got a nice entrance for our lava base it is looking awesome all right but anyways now that we have this lava entrance the next thing we need is a little bit of water and what we got to do is just have a little water pit down over here so that you know people stop burning when they come into our base so there we go and oh no I forgot that you can't put water in the nether Dash that's literally rule number one in the nether how did you forget about that dude I I forgot okay I I thought we were in the Overworld or something but hold on a minute I'm pretty sure what I can do to bypass that is uh let me just use commands really quick let me select this position and also this position and let's just do SL SL set water is this going to work and oh my gosh guys I may have found a way to bring water into The Nether what how that's literally impossible uh yeah sure it is well uh don't worry about it but my base is actually going to be awesome now that I have water yeah sure you have water what did you even do H uh don't worry about it guys I guess you'll see later but anyways um now I guess it's time to start like building my actual base and I have a really cool idea for what I can do down here what if I do like a big dome underneath the lava made out of glass that could be really cool so here I guess the first thing we got to do is clear out a bunch of space so here let's just start digging all of these blocks around here we got to have a bunch of space for this big lava Dome thing and in fact we can actually really quickly do this with commands let's just set all of this into some air really quick SL SL set air and then if I look this way and run the command SL SL stack boom there we go we just double the size of our room but oh wait hold on there's a little bit of lava flowing in here we'll deal with that later for now let's just go ahead and keep making this room bigger and bigger so let's just keep stacking it this way there we go this is looking pretty nice all right here now let's stack it a little bit that way we just got to select these positions over here and then let's just look this way and run the command SL SL stack boom there we go o okay this is getting pretty big now let's stack it once this way and also another time this way and okay I think there should be about enough room starting off for our base all right I just finished up part of my base oh man this is looking awesome and wait a minute guys what are you guys building for your base M I guess I just want mine to be the comfiest that it can be oh I'm building a super hidden basee there's no way anyone's going to find it O Okay well my base is also pretty hidden but it's looking kind of uh interesting right now there's kind of lava leaking everywhere so what I got to do is set the entire ceiling to something nice so here let me just select all of this ceiling really quick there is a really big base and here let's just set the entire ceiling uh into some glass there we go ooh that is looking awesome hold on a minute forget the Dome this looks way cooler let's just go ahead and clear out some of the glass over here at the entrance and all right now the next we got to do is do the walls so let's just go into the walls and just select this position and then let's go all the way over here in the other corner and let's just select this position here and now we can set the walls to something so let's see what should we set it into and wait a minute what about we set the walls into some light blue concrete check this out okay this kind of looks weird right now but there is all going to make sense in a moment what I'm going to do is make this house look like the Overworld it's going to look awesome so here since we're making this house look like the you know Overworld I guess the next thing we got to do is set the floor into some grass so let's just do SL SL set grass block boom there we go and hold on we should probably also get rid of all the lava and stuff in here let's just go ahead and set all of that into some air there we go and all right let's go this is actually starting to look awesome but hold up I think I need to make this area a little bit taller so uh let's just select all of the floors and just move it down a little bit all right and my lava bridging practice is done and wa wait you're building lava bridging practice in your house yep if I live in the nether I have to learn the nether way right and oh wait a minute actually that is a pretty good point hm I didn't think about that yeah I know it's a pretty Banger idea all right well anyways I think this should be about big enough for my base now let me set all of the walls into some light blue concrete again and okay this is looking pretty good but anyways now I got to actually start building some stuff for my house cuz right now this kind of just looks like a big field of grass so uh let's see what do we need first for a house oh wait I guess the first area we need is kind of like a living room or like a living area so I have a banger idea why don't we make a little Park let me let me grab some tree saplings and some bone meal and uh we can just make like a little Park area around the entrance so let's see can we grow trees in the Nether and we can that looks awesome wait what you can yeah I didn't even know that you can grow trees in the nether this is pretty crazy yeah that's kind of weird yeah wait it's kind of weird that you can just grow trees in the nether I thought trees always need like a lot of water I thought trees needed a lot of light too well I mean I guess there is a lot of light in the nether I've kind of got like a big thing of lava on my ceiling but uh anyways this tree area is looking pretty good let me just add a few more trees around here so there we go we can have one there we can have another one right over here we got to make this Forest a little bit denser there we go that's looking pretty awesome and all right now U since this is going to be the living area what do we need in a living area and o wait what about a few benches we can have like a few of these uh park benches out over here that looks pretty cool all right all right that's looking pretty nice but H what else do we need in a living area and wait a minute why don't we make this entrance water thingy a pond for like people to go fishing in that could be pretty cool but wait a minute hold on why is the floor of this entrance so dark right now wait hold on is that the void and oh guys I think I dug into the void by accident what you dug into the void how deep is your thing uh don't worry about it but hold on a minute actually I think I know a way that we can fix this without moving all of our build one block up I think we can just put slabs here and yes that works okay F I got worried for a second oh good for you but now I know that your build is underground yeah it's going to be super easy to find now and oh no wait I just gave away some of the location on my build okay well guys uh my build is actually totally not underground but hold on a minute can you actually fish in this Pond now that there's slimes inside of it let me grab a fishing rod really quick and all right let's see is this going to work wait can you even fish in the nether wait are you fishing in the lava yeah yeah I'm totally fishing in the lava but come on so far I haven't gotten any fish this isn't looking good wow that sounds awesome uh I don't think you can fish in the lava yeah yeah yeah guys I'm totally fishing in the lava hold on wait I think I need to throw my fishing rod again let me try throwing it in the middle of the pond and okay let's see are we going to get fish now wait Dash are you actually getting anything not yet not yet but I'm going to get something come on I need to get a fish from this oh I don't know if you will guys how long does fish usually take to get um not that long usually I think I don't know Dash I don't think that fishing in the nether is a good idea and no it's going to work just give it some time come on I need to just get a fish on This fishing hook come on any second now wait I think I actually got one come on and no way I just got a rock cod wait are you serious yep guys nether fishing officially works but anyways since this is a fishing pond now I got to make this area a little bit bigger so let's just expand the pond a little bit let's just uh make it nice and round just like this there's no way fishing in the nether is real guys guys I've tested it I can officially say that fishing in the nether actually is a thing wait that is awesome yeah I never would have thought that fishing in the nether was real yep it's pretty epic but oh wait a minute hold on I need to put down some more water here I need to use my secret method again so let me just select these positions and let's just do SL SL set water and all right it's got to set all of this into a little bit of water and all right there we go now we can place down all the slab and wait a minute since this supposed to be a fishing pond why don't we use some Sandstone slabs since you know like fishing ponds have like sand at the bottom of them and you know Sandstone would look good so there we go and all right that is looking awesome but all right the next thing we got to do is put a chest somewhere to actually store all of the fishing rods so here I guess we can just put a chest right over here where we can put all of the fishing rods so there we go let's just fill this thingy up with some rods nice all right but anyways now that we got the main living area done we got to build some other stuff for this epic nether base so uh let's see what do we build next I guess the next thing we should probably build is a little path to get to the next area so here we can just have like a little pathway going this way there we go this is looking pretty good and all right now I think the next thing we should probably build is a bedroom area because that's kind of like the most important part of our house so here what I was thinking is why don't we build the bedroom off to the side of the house kind of like this we can have like walls up over here and we you could just have the bedroom like sticking out of the wall wait how are you supposed to build a bedroom in the nether uh what what do you mean it's pretty simple it's just the same as in the Overworld oh yeah well then why don't you just try taking a nap uh okay I guess let me just grab a bed really quick and oh wait a minute I know what you mean hold on uh wait Ruby why don't you try taking a nap oh okay and yeah yeah yeah just try putting down a bed and just like try sleeping in it a pink bed right here oh hey everything exploded and no way you actually fell for that I forgot oh wait wait hold on a minute that actually is a good point how are we supposed to sleep in the nether if we can't use beds yeah I'm going to get super tired well and you guys just aren't trying hard enough because I'm going to make a sleeping pod what you're building a sleeping pod wait are you going to like sleep standing up are you going to be one of those people yeah I'm going to stand while I sleep wait what is a sleeping pod uh it's like a thing you go in and you sleep that doesn't tell me anything all right but wait a minute I don't think I'm going to build a sleeping pod but what I could do instead is just grab a little bit of carpet and I'm just going to build a little uh you know mat on the floor to sleep on I don't need like a full bed but here I'm going to build the walls of this bedroom all out of some glass that way I can have a really cool view of the rest of the base cuz this base is going to look absolutely crazy so here let's just build all of these walls out of a little bit of glass I have to fix my ceiling cuz everything exploded and oh yeah right I forgot that bed exploded in your base all right but anyways this bedroom is looking pretty nice the glass walls are officially complete but here I guess the next thing we should probably do in this bedroom is actually add a way to get up here so what I was thinking is we can just have like a little staircase to get up from over here let me just grab a few stairs and here let's just build a nice little wood staircase to get up to here so there we go that is looking pretty good and all right let's go this is looking sick all right but anyways we've got the staircase to get up we've got the glass walls and we've got the beds but hm what else do you need in a bedroom I I guess we can have like a few like I don't know pieces of equipment in here we can have a crafting table we can have like some furnaces uh how about an anvil and ooh also a brewing stand that could be useful let's just put all that stuff over here on this side of the wall and we can put the brewing stand right over here here and ooh wait we also need some chests for storage inside of the bedroom I completely forgot about that let's just put some storage chest right over here like that that should be pretty good and wait a minute hold on I just got a funny idea we don't really have like a proper bed since you know it's kind of on the floor but why don't we go ahead and grab a few of these bedside cabinets and just put those on the side of the bed like that hey that looks pretty cool and wait wait actually I think I know a way that we can make our bed even better let's just break these blocks really quick and let's just grab a few Oak planks or wait wait actually not Oak planks we need Oak slabs and let's just build our bed up over here like this there we go now it looks more like an actual bed and this way it shouldn't blow up in the nether let's go all right but anyways this bedroom is looking pretty nice but hold on I think there's one more thing that this bedroom needs and that is a balcony cuz I want to be able to have a good view of this entire base once it's done so here let's just build a little balcony area out over here and we can just have it go around the entire bedroom a balcony wait how big is your base oh my base is pretty big it's kind of like a whole Mini World down here it's awesome why do you even want to put a balcony inside your base dude my base is going to be so big that I'm going to want to get a good view of it of course wait no I think it makes sense I want to do that too yep I know balcony is a pretty Banger idea but anyways this balcony is looking pretty cool I can get a good view of the entire base from here but anyways now that the bedroom is done let's see what's the next thing I got to build inside of my base and wait a minute I know exactly what I need to build I need to build some sort of farm because how else am I going to get food in the nether I don't want to have to like go I don't know is there thing as nether cows no there's Nether wart e Nether wart sounds disgusting okay I'm definitely going to build a farm here I do not want to be eating Nether Warts so uh wait a minute why don't I just build the entire Farm off over here I can have like its own little room over here but wait Dash how in the world are you supposed to build a farm in the nether without water is that kind of impossible and uh don't worry guys uh like I said I've got my ways but the first thing I got to do for this Farm is clear out a bunch of space I'm going to make this farm so big that I never even have to leave my base I'm going to have all the food I need right inside the base I mean that makes makes sense but how are you going to build it without water who said I'm going to build it without water you'll see wait are you just going to have a farm full of Nether wart and what no I'm not going to have a farm full of Nether wart that's going to be kind of disgusting well I still don't get it yeah it's going to be impossible okay if you say so but I guess you guys will see once you come to my base but anyways I think this should be about long enough for our farm now the next thing we got to do is just select that position and then also go over here and select this position right over here and check this out now if I look this way and run the command SL SL stack boom check it out we just expanded the farm and now let's do the same over here on this side and in fact let's just do like SL SL stack five there we go we got to make this Farm huge all right and nice it looks like we've got quite a bit of space in this Farm now but I think we need to make this area a little bit taller just like the main room so what we got to do again is just select this position here and then also go in the other corner and select this position right over here and all right check it out now if we just look up and run the command SL SL stack boom there we go we just stacked that up the ceiling that is looking pretty nice but hold on a minute they still kind of small we got to stack it up a few more times let's do SL slash stack uh three there we go and ooh all right now this is what I'm talking about but oh gosh now we've got lava everywhere here the first thing we got to do is let's just set the walls into some light blue concrete again so there we go that should stop any lava that's flowing in from the walls and then the next thing we got to do is also set the roof into suming so let's just go and set the roof over here and then we also got to select this position in the other corner and here let's just the roof into some glass again there we go all right and now we can go ahead and finally drain the lava there we go let's just get rid of all of the lava in this room and pH finally all the lava is gone that lava is actually so annoying and all right nice now we've got a big cleared out area for our farm and here the first thing we got to do for our farm is of course set all of the floor into some grass blocks so there we go and okay the next thing we got to do is start putting down all of the crops so here let me grab a hoe really quick and wait wait wait hold on can you even use a hoe in the nether of course of course you can use a hole in the nether you can make a netherite Hole uh yeah I think you can okay yeah you can good I got worried there for a second but now what I got to do is start putting down some water so that all of my crops don't dry out like this so wait how are you putting down the water again and uh uh don't worry uh I have a secret method wait I want to do it too though well I guess you're just going to have to figure it out but anyways what I got to do is uh let me just select this position over here and let's do SL SL set water and then let's also go in this corner and also set this to water there we go and then what we got to do is put some slabs on the bottom of them just like that so that nobody accidentally falls into the void cuz that would be pretty bad and then finally let's go ahead and ho all of this grass around the water and okay sick this is looking pretty good and here now all we got to do to make this into an entire Farm is just select this position here and then also this position here and then if we look this way and run the command SL SL stack uh 30 boom there we go instant farm that is actually awesome hold on we got to stack it a little bit further let's do SL slash stack 40 there we go ooh all right that's looking pretty good all right but anyways now now it's time to start putting down some seeds so here let's grab a few of these wheat seeds and we can just have the entire first floor wait wait wait hold on why can't I put these uh wheat seeds down what oh wait hold on I think it's cuz I don't have enough Lighting in here wait wait wait hold on a second can I use lava for lighting let me just go ahead and make a little uh lava thingy over here and is this going to work for lighting and wait it works okay this actually gives me a really cool idea how don't we go up over here to the ceiling and just set the entire ceiling into some lava with some glass on top of it here let me just go ahead and select this entire roof really quick and let's just run the command SL slash set lava boom there we go and okay this is actually looking pretty awesome but wait is this going to give us enough lighting to grow all of our plants let's try it out let me try putting down some wheat seeds here and oh no wait I don't think we have enough lighting I guess the lava is just too far away instead what we could do is just grab a little bit of glow stone and we could just have like a little glowstone roof on the entire crop area this should be enough lighting and yeah let's go that works here using some commands let's just go ahead and set this entire roof into some glowstone there we go that is looking pretty nice and now what we got to do is put down all of our wheat seeds let's just have this entire first part of the farm be made out of wheat seeds and boom there we go all of the wheat seeds have been planted this is looking awesome o cool but wait did you only plant whe oh well uh on the first floor yeah but what I was planning is I'm going to have multiple floors of my farm and then on each floor I can have a different type of plant oh cool but what kind of plants uh let's see let's see I'm probably going to have some carrots uh maybe some potatoes as well I think that should be about everything I need oh man I've only got nether warts in my f o but anyways now I got to build the next floor of my farm and here what I was thinking is I can just select this position right over here and then also this position down in the other corner of the farm and check this out now if I look up and run the command SL SL stack boom there we go we can just instantly stack up the farm that is actually looking awesome and here on this floor of the farm I guess we can have it be all made out of some potatoes so let's just go ahead and get rid of all of these wheat seeds and just replace them all with a bunch of potatoes let's go and all right nice now we've got an entire layer of the farm made entirely for potatoes but H it looks like we still got enough room for one last layer up here but uh it's going to be a little bit cramp here I guess let's just go ahead and add in another layer of the farm with commands so there we go and okay yeah this area of the farm is definitely going to be the most crimped you barely have any room before your head touches a ceiling but uh it should be fine you know the more room the better so here we could just put a bunch of carrots on this layer and boom there we go now we've got all of the carrots and all right this Farm is actually looking awesome we've got the carrots we've got the potatoes and we've got the wheat seeds but now we need a way to actually get up to the different layers so what I was thinking is we can just have another staircase similar to the one on the bedroom and we could just have it going up the side of the farm just like this this should look pretty good so here let's just put down a little platform over here and all right let's go this is looking awesome wait Dash there's no way you actually build a farm in the nether I feel like you're lying and what dude why would I be lying about that I totally have a farm here it looks awesome oh yeah well if I come over there and there's just like a sign that just says we and there's no actual Farm then I'm I'm going to blow up your entire base what dude I'm not going to have a sign that says wheat of course I have an actual farm and why would you blow up my base my base is awesome no I can understand I'm kind of doubtful too and what no do you guys really not believe my farm I guess my farm is just too good that you guys don't believe it uh no it's the fact that I don't believe you got water in the nether yeah you never explained it so it must not be real what no guys it's totally real I literally have a bunch of water right over here you guys will see when you come to my base um I'll believe it when I see it all right well whenever it's like blue concrete or something I'm going to get really mad and what dude the water is not blue concrete it's real water okay sure what okay well anyways I've got the big Plant Farm complete but the next thing I need for my farm is an you know like an animal farm where I can have like chickens and cows and that sort of stuff so what I was thinking is let's just uh build a big animal pin right over here off to this side of the room we can just have a huge fenc off area just like that and then what we could do is split up the fen off area into like separate pins so here we can just have like an animal pin for the cows one for the Sheep one for the chickens pretty much one for every animal wait animal pins that gives me an idea and wait what what idea does it give you I'm going to make a petting zoo and what you're really building a petting zoo in the nether what yeah it's a great idea what animals can you even have in the nether for a petting zoo um you'll see you should put wither skeletons and blazes in there ooh actually blazes is a good idea what no those those mobs are like dangerous I was joking what they won't be dangerous to us okay if you say so but anyways my farm is looking pretty good I've got the pigs I've got the sheep and the cows and the chickens but oh wait hold on no the Sheep are escaping I accidentally opened it up oh gosh hey get back in there oh no I just lost a bunch of sheep hold on I got to put all these guys back in their pin come on just get in your pin and okay there we go anyways I've still got two more animal pins here that I don't have filled with any mobs so let's see what other types of useful Mobs Can I have in here and wait a minute hold on I'm going to need some horses you know just in case I want to ride around we can have like a few horses right over here and all right all right what else do we need what other animals are useful o what about a bear uh what a bear why would I want a bear in my farm wait hold on I can I put this guy down and wa wait it's like just an actual bear I know aren't they the cutest uh not really he looks like he's going to eat all of my other mobs I think I'm going to get rid of this guy wait what's wrong with bears uh nothing wrong with them and uh why did you just drop fish cuz bears like hold fish wait did you get rid of him uh yeah I think he was going to eat all of my other animals oh no how do you know that what if it wasn't what if it was trying to be friends yeah well I didn't want to be friends with it oh that's pretty harsh that's mean guys I don't want to be friends with bears okay how about instead I spawn in a ravager yeah that looks like a pretty good animal he's not really going to be useful but uh I mean I I guess he could be useful in case there's any like battles going on and I need to ride him into battle why do you not like bears but you like ravagers uh because they look big and scary yeah look at that guy he looks awesome his face kind of looks a little bit Derpy wait what I don't know if I agree with you there and oh wait it looks like this one's definitely trying to eat my other animals but uh it's fine I'm just going to leave them to it all right but anyways I think this Farm room should be about done this is actually looking awesome but hm what should we build next we still have a lot of empty space inside of this main room and wait a minute we got to build a kitchen I completely forgot about that we got to like actually have a place where we can cook all the food that we get from our farm so uh I have a cool idea why don't we build the kitchen right above the farm that could be really good here let's build the floor out of some polished deep slate just like we did with the bedroom and we got to make this kitchen pretty big we got to have room for a bunch of furnaces and refrigerators and all that stuff in here okay I'm going to get a panda I'm going to get a polar bear and then I'm going to get a regular bear and wait wait what you're spawning in every single type of bear in your pting zoo of course they're so cuddly looking yeah but what if one of them try to eat you uh then it'll be my fault because they're so cute what uh okay that sounds interesting but anyways I think this floor for my kitchen should be about good and why don't we build the walls of the kitchen out of some more glass that could be really good looking all of the rooms in my base are kind of just sticking out the walls this looks awesome oh man you guys are going to love my petting zoo we'll see about that but wait wait Ruby how are your animals going to stay alive if they can't drink any water in the nether you're right I don't know wait can I put water down if it's in like a cin or something oh yeah I'm pretty sure you could do that and oh yeah wait I'm pretty sure you can actually do that yeah they can drink water from there it'll be like a water bowl okay okay fair enough I guess that works but anyways this kitchen is starting to come together nicely let's go the walls are pretty much done and now I just got to set the entire roof so let's just do SL SL set glass boom and okay here instead of having another staircase to get up to the kitchen what we could do is just connect the kitchen and the bedroom together we can just have a nice little bridge over here like this there we go and okay that is looking pretty awesome wait what are you putting in your kitchen oh well uh you know all the important stuff I got to have some uh refrigerator uh a few furnaces ooh Some smokers so that I can cook food really quickly oh that's all uh yeah what else am I going to put uh I don't know I have an automatic food chamber in mine what an automatic food chamber whoa hold on what is an automatic food chamber oh it's pretty simple it spawns in a mob and then it uh you know it kills it and then I get automatic food what you have like a machine that like Cooks the food and everything for you what that sounds crazy but wait a minute I'm pretty sure I can build an automatic furnace as well what I could do is have like uh One smoker right over here or wait actually I can have two smokers to double everything up and then let me grab some Hoppers really quick and I think I can put the Hoppers going in through the top like that and then I also need to have some Hoppers going off into the sides like this and then finally I can have a big double chest down over here with some Hoppers going like that and then also another double chest up here and all right check this out pretty much what I need to do now is grab a little bit of coal a little bit of uncooked meat and here now if I put the meat inside of this top chest and then put all of the coal inside of these Toppers on the side we should start getting Auto automatic food cooking let's go check this out this is actually awesome let's go I can cook food like super quickly with this thing j did you just make a double smoker setup yep that's exactly what I made this is a beast of a furnace right here it can cook double the speed and wo okay look at all that meat coming in this is awesome all right but anyways this kitchen's looking pretty good we've got the double smoker set up we've got the furnaces and we've got the kitchen sinks but wait a minute hold on we got to put something inside of the refrigerators let's see what could we put I guess the first thing we should probably put are some apples let's put in one of each type of we can have some golden apples some enchanted golden apples and some regular apples and we also got to grab some pumpkin pie that's going to be very good let's see let's see I guess we can have a few berries in there as well we could have some sweet berries and some glowberries and oh of course we got to have a little bit of melon in there and H we could also have a few fish and also we can have a little bit of cake in there we can't put too much though cuz we got to be healthy so there we go let's just fill up this fridge with a bunch of this food looking good and all right now the fridge is fully stocked up but hold on a minute we don't really have anywhere to sit inside of the kitchen that's it's kind of important we got to have some chairs and tables of course so I have a cool idea why don't we build the seats off to the side of the kitchen we got have like a balcony where all the seats can be it's going to be like a super fancy restaurant up here this is going to look super cool wait you just made me realize I forgot to put tables in my kitchen and yeah guys tables are going to be very important for a kitchen it's going to be kind of uncomfortable if you can't sit down yeah how is anyone going to eat oh yeah I forgot about those to yeah here I'm just finishing up this nice little balcony over here that's looking pretty good and then what we got to do is put down all of the tables and chairs so here we could just put down some Oak tables and chairs just like that we can to have a three table and chair sets around this entire kitchen so there we go and all right this kitchen is looking about good and wo mine looks like a restaurant wo yeah same here I'm not going to lie I've got so many seats that it kind of looks like a full-on restaurant and I've even got this like Auto cooker back here but anyways I've got the bedroom I've got the farm and I've got the kitchen but hm what else do I need to build in wait hold on I got to build some sort of like Armory room I got to build a gear room just in case I want to go like explore the the rest of the nether so here let's see where should we build the gear room so here why don't we build the gear room right over here next to the kitchen we can build it up over here sticking out of the wall again just like all the other rooms inside of this base we can have a big room just like this and then of course we got to surround the walls with a little bit more glass cuz that looks super epic so there we go that's looking pretty good and all right now we just got to connect it I guess we can connect it through the kitchen we can just have like a little pathway going from the kitchen all the way to the Armory room like this there we go that is looking pretty nice and all right now we got to actually start putting down all of the gear that we need for the nether so uh here I guess the first thing we could do is H let's grab a few of these polished Basalt pillars and we can just put those on this side of the room just like that and then check it out on top of each one of these pillars we can put an armor stand so there we go just like that and all right now we actually got to put some stuff on them so let's see what type of armor should we use and whoa okay wait there's a lot of different types of armor let's see wo emerald armor wait for my Armory I got this really cool skeleton armor wo wait skeleton armor did you get the mutant skeleton armor wo this stuff looks crazy I know right what the wait it's so op as well it gives you jump boost and speed yeah it's pretty good isn't it this thing is awesome but hold on hold on I got to check out what other types of armor there are let me see in wao shulker armor hold on what in the world is shulker armor I got to test this out let me try putting all of this on really quick and wa wait this stuff looks awesome I've got like a shulker mask but wait can I teleport like a shulker h okay hold on this armor is not really doing anything okay forget the shulker armor that may have been bad but let's see what types of armor are there in whoa what about mutant wither skeleton armor hold on hold on let me try putting all of this on really quick and wa this looks awesome okay okay hold on mutant wither skeleton armor it is let's go ahead and put that on this armor stand over here and then H what we could do is have a different type of armor on each armor stand so here I guess on the next armor stand how about we have a little bit of this emerald armor let me test this out really quick what does this look like and wa okay that looks pretty cool let's ye that right over here on this armor stand and all right we still got two armor stands left to to fill so uh let's see what other type of armor can we use I guess we can put a set of this shulker armor on I'm not really sure what it does but it does give you plus eight armor which is pretty good so let's put some of that shulker armor right over there nice and all right we just need one more set of armor and here let's just go with some trusty netherite since we are building a base in the Nether and all right let's go that is looking awesome but anyways the next thing we need inside of this gear room is a chest to put all of our weapons and gear and like other sort of stuff so here we can just add the chest right over here in between all of the armor stands and all right now we got to find what type of weapon we want to put inside so whoa wait a minute there's so many different types of swords hold on hold on wait I got to see which one is the best there's a cactus sword what oh wait it only does 6.5 attack damage that's kind of bad hold on let's see what other types of swords are there whoa there's a Netherrack sword but oh but this one does even less damage than the cactus one H let's see let's see we got to find something good there's a Guardian Sword over here and oh wait this one does 8.5 attack damage and it's got like an eye on it it's blinking hold on a minute that's kind of cool I guess let's put that one inside of the chest but hold on we got to get some other swords as well oo wait a minute there's one called The Beacon sword hold up this looks really cool okay that is definitely going inside of the chest let's find one more cool sword that we could use in okay hold on there's a sword over here called The Sword of undying this one looks kind of cool as well but wa wait there's so many other cool ones as well nether Catalyst sword what is a nether Catalyst sword I have no idea but it looks pretty crazy I'm definitely going to grab that and who what the Wither sword let's grab one of those as well what else what else and wait a minute there's a sword called The ravager Sword and it does 16 attack damage what the ravager sword 16 attack damage is a lot yeah wait this thing sounds op hold on I got to test out on a zombie can I onot zombies with it and wa you can literally Launch zombies with this sword that is awesome hold on wait I got to test out the other swords as well let me try testing out this uh wither sword let's see what this does then oh wait I think it just gave the zombie the Wither effect wa wait it just like insta- killed that zombie okay well we're definitely going to be using these but hold on what about the nether Catalyst sword what does this thing over here do let's try it out and oh wait it just let the zombie on fire that's kind of cool and also wait we should try this sword of undying let's see what this one does and wait what did did it just heal the zombie hold on a minute this sword is horrible I'm pretty sure it just literally healed the zombie okay we don't need that let's just go inside of our chest and let's just replace these old swords that we had with some of these new OP ones these ones are much better so there we go that is looking pretty good and all right now we got to find some other weapons we got to have a bow so uh I guess we can just have a normal bow and a crossbow and H we we also need some arrows let's grab a few uh let's see what type of Arrow should we use ooh what about some arrows of weakness that way any mob I'm trying to fight is going to be super weak so let's grab some of those and we can just put those over here on the bottom row of the chest just like that and then we can put some bows on top of it just like that there we go but okay we still have a lot of other room inside of the chest what other stuff do we need inside of here and ooh wait a minute what about some enchanted golden apples that's going to be pretty important let's eat those enchanted golden apples right over here and oh wait a minute we also should grab some totems of undying that way if if we get a little bit too low the totem of undying can save us and okay we still have one empty slot over here left to fill so uh let's see what could we put in there and oh wait what about some ender pearls because you know the nether is kind of like all filled with lava it's going to be kind of annoying to travel without ender pearls but anyways I think that should be about it for the gear room this place is looking awesome this is like the most geared out gear room in the world dude the amount of times you just said gear in the last sentence made my head hurt what dude I didn't say it that many times yeah you did you said it like a billion times in like one sentence yeah I also heard you say it all right but anyways we've got all of this gear inside of the gear room but right now there isn't really a way to get out of the base so uh hm how do we build an exit wait a minute I have a pretty cool idea hold on hold on hold on let's go right over here underneath the lava really quick and let me grab a few dispensers and all right check this out what we're going to do is build an automatic TNT launcher what it's going to do we have to stand in the middle and it's going to use TNT to launch us through the lava here the first thing we got to do is fill up all the dispensers with a bunch of TNT so let's just go ahead and do that right right now and here the next thing I got to do is put a bunch of redstone around all of these dispensers so here we go just got to have Redstone over here like that and then the next thing we need is some water in the middle so uh here we got to do our secret method again let me grab another wand and let's select this position and this position and let's do SL SL set water boom there we go and finally what we need is a fence and we can just put that in the middle and then we also need a lever and we can put that right over here and all right let's test this out hopefully this doesn't explode the entire base we just have to flick this lever and okay the TNT is live and active it should launch us really high in the air and oh okay that definitely worked okay well that kind of worked but it kind of just launched us up on the ceiling and made me hit my head up here really hard what we got to do is put some signs over here so that we can actually go through the lava so there we go that is looking pretty good and all right now let's test it out again it should launch us up through the lava so here we go did we just activated the TNT hopefully this launches us through the lava let's go wa okay that worked a pretty good kind of wait we kind of hit our head over here hold on a second where did we even end up where is the base at I think the base is somewhere around here oh yeah okay this is where the entrance is I remember this big lava stream I think we just have to go through here like this and oh yeah the the base is right down here anyways hold up this TNT launcher kind of worked but there was uh blocks above our head uh I think what we got to do is move it somewhere so uh let's see where could we move it where there isn't going to be blocks above our head Hold Up Wait why don't we just build it right over here I think this area should be pretty good cuz there's not going to be any blocks covering the ceiling here let's just go down into the base really quick and out wait hold on I let a bunch of lava leak in let me fill that up really quick there we go but uh anyways all we have to do is just move the TNT launcher thingy right over here and then we should be good let's just go ahead and select this entire machine right over here like that and then if I look this way and run the command SL SL move uh 15 boom there we go perfect position now we're right underneath the clear area let's also go ahead and break that lever and move it over here as well well and then wait hold on we also got to break all these signs over here and just move them right over here instead and okay there we go that should be good here let's test it out again let's stand on this fence and flick this lever and okay let's see are we going to bop our head on the ceiling or are we going to make it and have a lot of room and wao that actually worked so much better okay we had a lot of space that time let's go that is actually awesome but hold on there's still a few things that we need to make this actually work we need to give ourselves fire resistance before launching ourselves up into the ceiling because there's a bunch of lava up there so all we need to do is just have another dispenser over here and inside of that dispenser we can put some fire resistance potions so there we go and then one more thing that we also need is an elytra because that way once we get really high up in the air we can start flying around with it and we can just go anywhere we want so uh I guess we can just put another dispenser back over here oh wait actually we should probably put it on the side and then inside of this dispenser we can have a bunch of elytras now we just got to go ahead and connect all of the Redstone really quick so there we go this should work and all right let's test it out out as soon as I flick this lever we should get splashed with fire resistance and I should automatically get an elytra put on so here let's test it out and yes that worked perfectly we got the fire resistance and we have an elytra and here we go yes okay that worked awesome let's go all right well anyways I think my entire hidden base should be about done now H how's your guys' looking oh yeah my base is done mine is too o all right all right well anyways now that all of our bases are done we got to try finding each other's bases now and wa cam what in the world are you wearing oh is my armor what the heck it's got feathers on it you look like a chicken yeah makes me super fast wa okay that's pretty cool but anyways now that we're all here I guess we have to try finding each other's bases so uh all right I'm going to start looking around is someone's base underneath this lava let's see is this a hidden entrance or something oh yeah is anybody's base here is this a Ruby's base no it's not there where would cam put his base probably somewhere right here right no h let's see let's see did anyone build their base in the ceiling up over here uh I don't see anything suspicious around here maybe someone put their base in the nether Fort right here and ooh wait a minute actually that could be a pretty good idea did anyone build inside of the Fortress no I didn't no I didn't hold on hold on hold on I'm definitely going to have to look around this nether fortress someone's definitely built a base here and wa I see something hold on a minute this isn't a normal part of a nether fortress what is this what are you talking about this is always in a nether fortress wait wait Kim did you build your base in a nether fortress okay hold on I think I found it hold where's the start uh I don't know this is just completely normal I generation why would you put this here this is not very secretive at all what K this is not normal nether what are you talking about this isn't all normal NE Nether fortresses what you have so many roller coaster rails here and whoa wait a minute I think I found your base what the yeah this is my base well that was really easy to find whoa wait a minute hold on this is pretty cool is this oneway glass yeah this lets me see outside without anyone seeing inside but uh over here we have the living room and wow okay there's a pretty small living room but I guess you didn't have much space to work with since you literally built inside of a Nether Fortress Yeah that's why I went down here to this part and wa wait you have like a whole other room down over here and W okay there's a lot of blue going on here what what do we see first this is a tall room well this is my sleeping pod where I can uh just sleep and oh wow you you really built a sleeping pod you didn't even close the door and uh wait I I think he fell asleep what wake up I'm I'm awake all right all right but uh the way where do we see next then o wait is this your gear room yeah this my Armory and as you can see we've all got the great armor waa and wait wait hold on what is a mutant blaze shield and wa wait it just put like Shields around me that's sick what is a mutant Sher Shield that is one big Shield what the oh yeah that one shoots stuff hold on dash in still uh okay waa what the you can shoot stuff out of it that is awesome how did you do that wo and wait Ruby I think you broke one of the armor stands oh uh I'll just put this back it's fine and I've also got a bunch of other stuff here I check this out this is called a a Wither bomb I'll just throw it over there and wait what does it doing wait wait is it spawning in a Wither hey yo what's going on E no if you stand in that you get the Wither effect and it like destroys you it looks stinky yeah that looked pretty crazy but wa what do we have over here and oh wait is this your automatic food cooking machine that you were talking about yeah it's been running for a while as you can see oh my gosh the poor hoglins where's it getting hoglins from oh it's grabbing them from the Nether and then just moving them here what the okay well that's pretty crazy and wa I see this is your kitchen and oh you got a Nether wart Farm okay okay this pretty nice yep all the fridges are full it's all just raw pork chop do you not have anything else and wait you even have it in the freezer uh yeah we've also got U the the Nether wart but uh that's all the food that we got okay okay well you don't have any wheat or anything I guess but that'll do yeah no salad minus one point I don't know how to get salad in the nether but that that's my entire base all right all right well that was a pretty cool base it was actually pretty well hidden inside of the nether fortress except for the roller coaster I don't know why you built a roller coaster oh yeah do you guys want to go on it I do and uh sure okay here let's grab some mine carts and wait can I go first I'm going first let's go sure and all right yeah I mean it's a pretty nice roller coaster but it kind of just gives away your whole base well it's fine I I wanted a roller coaster well I think it's pretty fun so uh I I'll allow it all right well anyways I think your base was was pretty cool so I'll rate it a solid uh 7 out of 10 four out of 10 oh so that means my total score is 11 I I guess I'll take it all right well anyways now that we found your base Kim we got to start looking for the other bases so wait Ruby I need to find your base your base is like the only one other than mine that we haven't found yet so uh where's it at um well good luck finding it I'm not going to tell you uh okay okay well come on I need to find your base before you find mine so uh let's see did you build it like in this lava do I have to go up over here and no that doesn't lead to anywhere where is it it's your base down here is it in this glow stone and what no my base is totally not in the glow stone but hold on wait is your base up over here maybe did you build it up inside of this lava stream what no where did you build your base o did you build it in this red biome what no h i wonder where would you guys hide a base knowing Ruby she probably hit it like under lava or something D probably put his under lava and what do I totally didn't put mine under lava but hold on a minute where is your base at Ruby I can't find it I can't find yours either wow I guess we both built ours pretty hidden then but come on where is this I need to find your base before you find mine oh I feel I think I'm getting close and no way you actually found my base hold on did you build yours under lava let me look around hold on I need to go on spectator mode so I can see underneath the lava and okay this looks pretty normal nothing crazy going on here what that's cheating what what no no it's totally not cheating then I'm going to go into spectator mode too what okay okay well here come on I need to find your base before you find mine so come on where is this thing I think I found your base wait I think I found your base too um who should we tour first wait let's check out Ruby's first I'm already here all right all right let's check it out but wa wait Ruby how do you actually get inside of your base um so there's an entrance right here with ghost blocks and wait do you have an entrance made out of ghost blocks wao wait that is actually awesome I completely forgot about ghost blocks and waa wait there's actually pretty fancy you got like this nice Vine thing to go down yeah it's pretty cushy isn't it it's pretty nice but wo it looks like we made it down to the bottom all right let's check this place out what do you got in here oh you have a lot more Vines I see yeah I've got some plant Decor I have a another portal right here o nice nice nice we're getting back to the Overworld I completely forgot about that and that was my whole base wait what that's your entire base yeah what we were building for like an hour just kidding get over here oh oh wait you have more in oh you have more ghost blocks I see in wao wait this area is huge okay well where do we start here well let's start in my bedroom all right all right I guess we can check it out and wao okay there's a lot of magenta here yep and since we can't put beds I just put down this so I can rest and oh wait that's actually a pretty good idea you can even like sit on this and stuff yeah isn't it cute not as good as my sleeping pod but I guess it'll do and I got this amethyst carpet cuz I like how it looks and ooh that does look pretty cool but uh anyways what else do you have you have a lot of rooms around here um let's go over here this is my petting zoo and wao wait uh you really made a petting to W what in the world you have a Strider here yep aren't they so cuddly here take a bamboo and give it to the panda The Strider looks really scared he's like shaking and stuff I'm not sure if he wants to be here oh don't worry about it he's just a little anxious oh uh okay well uh here I guess I'm going try feeding some bamboo to the panda and oh look he's he's like putting love Arts oh he's eating the bamboo isn't he so cute guys this brown bear is pretty cool yeah he's huge isn't he wao yeah that is pretty big wait I bet I can pick him up wa check it out I'm so buff put put put him down hold on I'm going to squat him let's go 1 2 3 4qu Bear all I'm going to get back down that was weird but over here is their water wait how do they refill their water um I do it but anyways let's just go back over here all right well uh that petting zo was pretty cool but H okay what's inside of this room over here oh wait is this your washroom yep I have a reinforced cauldron just in case and oh wow you have a reinforced toilet you never know sometimes you need the bathroom to be blasted proof what the uh okay well I'm not going to lie I kind of forgot to build a bathroom inside of my base but wo I see you still have a lot of other stuff what's over here so over here is my nether training area o okay okay and hold on what's inside of this chest let's check it out and whoa wait you got a bunch of stuff all right wait hold on what do you train for in here um so you can train uh bridging or you can train just a parkour or you can train fighting wa wait that's pretty cool hold on wait I'm actually the best at bridging check this out let's go I can speed Bridge all across this area let's go wait that's pretty awesome but um I'm just going to ride over The Lava wa wait you got like a Strider that's pretty awesome Yep and um there's some mobs in there too that I can practice fighting but uh I didn't exactly mob proof the place yet ooh I can fight wait wait wait cam cam I told you that it's not proofed yet oh I don't think the place is tall enough for him oh it's got Boss music and wa just took got the mut with skeleton that was awesome that was boring I I I want something more come on give me more oh you you're wearing full armor of course it's not going to be that hard but um let's just move on all right well yeah let's move on what do you have over here you've got a bunch of more stuff and so I have my armor stands over here oo that's looking pretty cool pry standard stuff and then over here I have my kitchen wo okay wow you are definitely right about it looking like a restaurant this really does look like a restaurant you got the candles you got the seats and all right let's check out what you got in the fridges hold on that's like the most important part and oh raw chicken nice yep it's so I can put it on the grill over here wait can we grill some stuff up and ooh wait you have like actual grills that is awesome Yep that you guys want to try flipping some stuff H okay sure oh yeah hand me a spatula there you go how do I flip them you got to wait for it to smoke like that Dash I think these are burning and oh wait hold on I think I can flip these ones oh check it out I'm flipping them let's go wa you're doing awesome but uh get get get these get these all all right I got it I got it and waa okay this is pretty awesome oh look I got mine cooked over here hold on wait I got to get these ones cooked and oh wait these ones are cooked as well let me grab those and let's go isn't it so awesome to cook your own food W yeah that is pretty cool these chickens are pretty good but uh anyways was that your entire base nope there's one more thing and wait there is hold on oh I forgot about this room over here all right I guess let's check this out and whoa wait what's this it's like a mini Bed Wars except instead of breaking people's beds you explode their beds wait wait wait what you have to explode their beds hold on how does this work um I only have two teams but there's a chest right here with bridging blocks and then a wooden sword and you guys just have to fight oh oh I see and wait we have to try to sleep in the other person's bed to make it explode wait hold on Kim we should do a One V one I'm going to watch it from right here okay all right here let's set our game modes to survival really quick there we go wait Cam hold on you're using armor that's not fair what what do you mean this is how I I naturally come what dude you literally have armor and a blaze Shield I have nothing yeah take it off take it all off I can't take off the blaze Shields though uh why don't you just fall into the void and then come back ah fine and oh wait he just Eed himself all right now I'm ready since you're both ready we're going to go in 3 2 1 go and wait wait hold on cam did you build a bed defense hold on that's actually a good idea I'm going to build one as well there we go and all right cam I'm I'm coming for that bed oh yeah well I'm coming for you boy you going down oh yeah yeah well I'm speed verion over oh you yeah how did you get a bow all I crafted it what dude that is actually cheating hold on I'm about to pull up and knock you into the void come here no no no you could go away H I am not going to go away I'm getting that bed oh can't you just walked into the void okay hold on there's my chance I got to get that bed come on come on come on let's go let's go and yes I got it but uh I blew myself up yeah you got to be careful about that but um Dash WIS that was so rigged rigged you're the one that Che with the crossbow yeah cam you were the one who cheated if anything all right don't make me whack you with the spatula what crossbow I don't even know what you're talking about all right all right well Ruby was that your entire base cuz that was actually pretty cool I think I'll rated a solid uh seven actually I'll rate it eight out of 10 eight H let me see I'd rid a uh four out of 10 since Dash beat me what well you're just a sore loser wow okay well anyways Ruby I'm pretty sure that puts you at first place that puts your total score to 12 wait 12 is so high all right all right but hold on you're not going to be first place for long you guys haven't seen my base yet and my base is definitely the craziest one here I'm not even lying you guys got to go check it out now and oh wait oh we have to go out this way oh yeah well first we got to find it where would Dash put a base I think I saw it over here and oh yeah Ruby didn't you find it earlier and oh the entrance isn't really there uh here I'll just show it to you guys it's right over here the entrance is uh on that lava stream over there all you have to do is like jump into it oh what like this and then you climb up no no no you have to jump into it and then go down so like this oh I see it I see it you just got to go down and boom you end up in my base check it out wait a minute how is there water here and oh oh yeah well this was the water I was talking about remember but how did you do that I thought you were lying what no dude why would I lie about water I've got this little fishing pond here and I've got a bunch of fishing rods inside of this chest so what people can do is like sit on the bench and start doing some fishing wait this is so relaxing let me grab a rod I'm about to fish come on come on who's going to get a fish first whoever can get a fish first gets 20 bucks come on oh come on come on come on I got to get mine first I think I've been fishing here for the longest so come on give me a fish and yes I got it first let's go I win a you cheated I didn't cheat Kim you literally Enchanted your fishing rod who's the cheater what what are you talking about I just grabbed this from the chest Kim is such a sore loser well anyways the next part of my tour is right over here this way this is my bedroom what we have to do is go up this staircase and then up here at the top we have the bedroom what do you guys think oh this is very weird why is your bed like this dude what do you mean weird this is perfectly normal like I can't put a normal bed down so I put one of these W I love the windows oh yeah I decided to make all the walls inside of this entire base out of glass that way I can have a good view of everything and is this the balcony you were talking about earlier Yep this is the balcony it's so that you can get a nice view of all the trees and the fishing pond and all the lava and stuff it's pretty epic but if you follow me past the balcony we can go over here into the kitchen and over here is where we cook all of the food woo this is cool what's in here oh inside the fridge we have all of the food and check it out we got apples golden apples and Ruby did you just steal all the cake yes look at the cake what okay okay well anyways hold on I got to show you guys my auto cooking machine check this out I have this double smoker thing right over here where if I get a little bit of uncooked meat and put it inside of this top chest over here check it out both of the smokers are going to start cooking it and it's going to cook at Double speed wait it's so fast yep it's pretty op you can get like one steak every 2 seconds excuse me can I have a steak please oh wait you guys you guys want steak all right all right here uh there you go I have some steak for you and a few for you as well oh thank you very much very well done yep yep yep enjoy the food but oh wait hold on I need to show you guys where that food comes from follow me down over here into the farm but where it comes from you mean like the cows well yeah yeah but I have an entire Farm area right over here check it out I've got all of the plant Farms over here we've got wheat we've got some potatoes and we've got some carrots oh this is nice but I how did you get water dude it's pretty simple I just like spat it out you that still doesn't even work it's in the nether that you had to have cheated somehow what dude I did not cheat but yeah this Farm is pretty awesome but anyways the next part of this room is all of the animals we've got a big Fen off area with animal pins for every single animal we've got some pigs we got some cows we got some those are not cows those are sheep is this a cow no no no that's a horse and where did my ravagers go oh no I I I think they escape somehow where do they go what how did they escape they're huge guys everyone do we have to look for them those are my beloved pets where did they go they couldn't have gone far you know this place where did where could have they have gone I don't know they're so big how can we not find them right now wait me and my horse found them and wait wait what you you actually found them where they're on top of your farm in the corner wait they are in how did they get up here what in the world wait these little guys look cute oh no I think they were eating the carrots uh okay well maybe I forgot to feed them but uh anyways that was the entire uh plant room I love this room um I see you took a horse but anyways guys hold on there's still a few more things I need to show you guys if you follow me right over here we have the gear room this is where I have all of my OP armor and gear we've got some Wither Skeleton armor we got some emerald armor some shulker armor and some netherite armor some shulker armor W this is weird I can't see anything like can't you just look through the eyeholes uh they're kind of like not near my eyes at all what oh oh fair enough but anyways I've got all this armor here and then I've got all my other weapons inside of this chest but hold on a minute guys I need to show you guys the best part of this base check it out we have an Escape Route oh my gosh can I take my horse uhuh I'm not sure about that I don't know if your horse would uh survive this nonsense she's so strong oh let me go let me go I want to go and all right all right I guess uh wait hold on guys you can only go one at a time I don't think you should both go in there uh Kim I guess you go first but wait take off your chest plate oh wait never mind you already have it off and boom cim just got eated all right Ruby I guess you can try going with your horse I don't think it's going to work though okay um how do I do it oh oh you just have to flick that lever here I'm going to be standing on the outside I want to see what this is going to do all right I'm going to try it all right all right here we go let's see an oh yeah as I expected no yeah I don't think the horse can really handle the TNT like that but uh if you want to try it with only yourself it should work pretty good okay let's go w Wait I I don't think you hit the Escape hole oh my gosh um I'm going to give you a minus one point for this one what okay well anyways that was my entire base so uh what do you guys rate it uh i' raate it a uh uh uh three out of 10 what three out of how it's such a good base because you cheated and got water this isn't even another base I didn't even cheat how about if I tell you how I got water uh you give me a 10 out of 10 uh I'll give you a seven out of 10 okay okay fine fine fine pretty much what I did I just used the wand and then I used slash slash set water too easy oh I see wait that actually works and yep that that was about it it was pretty simple I didn't use any crazy hags what okay fine you get a seven out of 10 let's go all right well Ruby what do you rate my build well I like corn I like the horses but the explosion thingy uh I don't like that so I'm going to give you like a 6 out of 10 and wait a 6 out of 10 wait wait that means I scored 13 let's go that puts me in first place oh I'm in second place oh that means I'm in last place you guys have horrible tast and bases do what no your base was just really not hidden that was pretty crazy and if you want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now
Channel: Dash
Views: 205,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dash, dash minecraft, minecraft, minecraft challenge, family friendly, no cursing, no cussing, no bad words, aphmau, cash, nico, cash and nico, omz, minecraft mods, minecraft funny, maizen, How to Build a Secret Nether Base in Minecraft!
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 19sec (3379 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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