NOOB vs HACKER I Cheated In an UNDERWATER Build Challenge!

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today we're doing an underwater build challenge but I'm secretly gonna use the auto build mod to troll my friend so with this one command slash paste I can instantly paste in my entire build let's go see what rainy's up to hello there Rainey what are you doing oh hey Dash I just got this new fishing rod and I was told I could get diamonds with it so I'm fishing for diamonds uh Rainey you do realize you can't fish for diamonds right I think you got skimmed wait what that's what they told me oh man well anyways what are we doing today Dash today we are doing an underwater Build Challenge we've each got 30 minutes to do our build so good luck so now that Randy can't hear me let's just go ahead and run the command slash slash pace and oh my gosh look at that our entire build just got pasted in now since we just used the auto build mod we're already way ahead of rainy so it's a prank Rainey let's go ahead and fill this build up with a bunch of booby traps I think the first thing that we're gonna wanna do is add a fake entrance to get rid of any unwanted visitors so let's build the fake hand transfer right over here right in front of the shark so let's just break some blocks so we can have a little entrance and there we go this is where we'll build the fake entrance and since it's the fake entrance we're gonna fill it up with a bunch of impossible challenges let's build a little platform out of some pink wool we'll make the real entrance out of purple wool because purple is obviously the better color comment down which color you think is better but anyways now that we've got this platform filled up I think for the first trap we should build some impossible parkour so let's start by grabbing some fake water if you don't know what fake water is basically just looks like normal water but if I go into survival mode and go inside of it it's actually poisonous so we're just gonna fill up this entire area with a bunch of fake water and now let's add in our jumps except we're not just gonna make them normal blocks just like that because that's gonna be way too easy instead we're gonna use ghost blocks and if you don't know what Ghost Box are basically if you try jumping on top of it you'll just fall right through and land in the water so this parkour is gonna be 100 impossible bull the final thing that we gotta do here is put a bunch of barrier blocks on the side so that rainy can't just go around the fake water and just like that the fake entrance is complete now let's go build the real entrance and since this is gonna be the real entrance let's use purple wool because purple is obviously the better color and there we go now we've got a little purple platform and for the real entrance I know exactly what we're gonna build for the first Challenge and since this is the underwater Build Challenge in the first level let's build a little pool just like that there we go and inside of this water we're gonna spawn in a bunch of sharks which rainy is gonna have to get through to get to the next level oh my gosh there is no way rainey's getting through this these sharks are hungry and just to make it even harder to get to the next level let's use a secret trap door so let's just put it down over there and it looks like a normal wool block but it's actually a trap door which rainy's gonna have to use to get to the next level oh my gosh there is no way rainey's getting through this anyways for the next level Let's Take It Outside and for this this next level we're gonna build an ice boat race so let's just put down some ice and we're gonna make this path super twisty and tourney because if you don't know boats are super slippery when they go on ice so it's gonna be super hard to get through this and let's make the platform a little bit thicker because remember ice is super slippery so you know we want to make it a little tiny bit easier and there we go the platform is complete let's put down a little boat and test it so let's just put one down over here and let's try this out okay so we have to go super slow because boats are super slippery on ice and if we make one wrong move then we're gonna fall off come on come on come on come on no no no no no I was so close well that just goes to show how hard this is gonna be so let's just put down a boat for Rainey and now we can work on the next level for this next level let's build a maze and when we're done building the maze we're gonna fill it up with even more booby traps so let's start by making the floor out of stone just like that and now we can start building the walls of the maze we're gonna make this mace super confused saying Randy's gonna be lost in here for so long oh my gosh this maze is already looking so good so we just gotta continue building walls all the way to the other side and there we go the walls are complete now it's time to add all those traps that I was talking about so there's this one item in this mod pack called the Sentry and let me just Place one down to show you guys what it does let's just go outside over here on the floor and basically what it is is an automatic gun that's gonna shoot mobs and players that are nearby so let me just put down a zombie over here to demonstrate and look at that oh my gosh this thing is so deadly I would not want to be a mob near this thing so let's just go ahead and place a few of these around our maze for our next trap let's pull out some ghost blocks ghost blocks basically just look like normal blocks but you can actually go through them so let's just replace some of the floor on our maze with a ghost block and underneath it let's fill up a little pit with lava this way whoever walks over the ghost block is gonna land into the lava so let's just replace a bunch inch of the floor with ghost blocks there we go and then of course fill a little pit with lava and there we go I think this should be enough using these goggles of true Vision we can actually see all the ghost blocks so we've got one over there one over here another one over here one over here and they're basically just scattered all out throughout the maze now let's build the next level oh I know exactly what we should do for the next level let's make some super hard parkour there we go so now we've got a few little jumps but the problem right now is that this is way too easy to do so we're gonna replace half of these blocks with ghost blocks so if rainy accidentally jumps onto the wrong block he's just gonna fall through and let's just continue to replace half of these jumps with ghost blocks there we go and done now there is one problem with this design and that's if rainy jumps onto the ghost block he's just gonna fall through and land on the floor over here and to fix the that we can build a little platform underneath the jumps and we can put a bunch of spikes down at the bottom just like this there we go so now if rainy jumps onto the ghost block he's gonna land in the spikes but there actually is one more problem with this design and that's that rainy can just go around just like this but that's an easy fix we can just put a bunch of barriers over here so that he can't go around and there we go this level is complete for this next area let's build a mob battle so let's start by building a little platform out of stone just like that let's grab some fences and put them all around the platform this is gonna be the mob battle arena and first let's quickly separate it into a few zones there we go just like that and basically what's gonna happen is in each one of these zones rainy's gonna have to fight a mob and the further along he gets the more powerful the mobs become so in this first stone it's gonna be pretty easy it's just gonna be a bunch of zombies so let's just put a bunch of zombie spawn eggs in this dispenser for this next level we're gonna crank it up a little bit and it's gonna spawn mutant hoglands for the the third level we're gonna spawn in Alpha yetis and if you don't know what Alpha yetis are this is what they look like oh my gosh this guy's absolutely insane and for the final level we're gonna spawn in the frost Ma and if you've never seen a frost mod this isn't what they look like oh my gosh and of course rainy is gonna need a little bit of gear to actually fight all of these mobs so let's go back to the beginning and let's put down a little chest with gear and in this chest since rainy is gonna be fighting some super powerful mobs we're gonna have to put some super powerful gear hey what armor should we give him oh I know what about the Royal Guardian armor this looks insanely powerful oh my gosh look how cool this looks we're definitely gonna have to put this in the chest and hmm what weapon should we give him what about the Royal Guardian Sword this weapon is insane so let's just put all of the armor and weapons inside of the chest just like that and this should be an easy fight for raining except for those last two mobs those things are insane after Rainey completes the mob battle let's build a little platform here that'll take him to the next challenge and he can just use the command block to take him to the next level and for this next level let's build a question room so let's start by making a little platform out of some purple concrete there we go so for our first question Let's do an easy one which color is better purple or pink and if rainy picks the obviously right answer he can move on to the next question but if he picks the wrong answer he's gonna fall into a pit of lava and to make it so that rainy can't cheat and see which question is the right one we can just put a few ghost blocks over here so that he can still go through but he can't see which one is the correct answer so now let's just repeat that with a few more questions and there we go the question room is now done and this is the final challenge that rainy's gonna have to complete so let's build a victory room so let's replace all this purple concrete with some gold blocks there we go and let's put down a sign saying congrats you win and just like that our build is done hey Randy how's your builds coming along oh my build looks so good you're going down Dash oh are you finished yet because I just finished yep I've been done for like a year all right everybody whose side do you want to see first well my side's gonna be better and your side's gonna be worser so let's go to my side first all right can I hop on the back of your jet ski of course you can all right let's go check out your side whoa this actually looks pretty cool it's a little bit small but it works it's really not small this is pretty average um just wait till you see my side whoa is yours that big oh my side is ginormous but anyways do you have any challenges planned on the inside well of course I have this ladder right here and you can go right up it all right all right here I am and wait there's a keycard door how do I get through I'll let you throw under one condition Dash and what's that everyone watching the video has to like And subscribe okay everyone you guys all have to like And subscribe in the next three seconds so I can get through this door three two one thank you so much and it deals with deal dash I'll open the doors for you and wait what does this sign say this way okay wait wait Randy why are there spikes down here oh no uh you fell for the fake entrance Dash oh no how did I fall for that well if this is the fake entrance then where's the real entrance I don't know Dash you have to go look okay okay maybe it's over here on the back of the fish um nothing over here what about over here near the top um doesn't seem like there's anything here wait what about the front over here wait rainy I got it let's go you found the entrance and what's this first room well as you can see there's two different doors and you can pick either side okay door a or door B let's go through door a why not there's a chest wait what's inside look to the right um wait there's another chest wait what why is there lava here ah Dash you fell for it oh no that's two times in a row now all right well I guess if it isn't door a we can go through door B all right here here we go wait what's this room inside of this room Dash you have to find the right button to move on oh no there's like a million buttons in here how am I supposed to get the right one well I guess I'll just click all the buttons hopefully one of these is the right one come on come on It's gotta be one of these buttons oh wait I found it rainy am I supposed to go down here yes you are Dash good job all right here we go yippee all right ready what's over here well in this room you're gonna have to find this extra big noon zombie whoa but how am I supposed to fight it with just my fist maybe you should look around for a chest okay well I see this one over here but it's got a keypad where do I find the code maybe you have to look around for more chess to find the passcode okay that's a good idea there's a chest over here so let's see what this is it says one okay um I'm guessing this is one of the digits of the code there's another jest over here let's see what's in here another one wait is the code just one one one one uh no well I'm gonna test it out real quick so let's go one one one one I was right good job guys and wait what is this the Dark Matter ray gun this looks insane yep and you're gonna use that thing to fight the mutant zombie oh this is gonna be easy drop the walls all right I've dropped the balls in three two one here we go here we go oh my gosh this gun is so insane whoa you weren't supposed to kill him that fast Dash I'm just too good but how do I move on to the next level maybe you try looking for something hidden that's your only hint okay okay maybe there's a hidden door let me try clicking everywhere oh wait the light on this block looks different I think this is the door I got it let's go good job Dash wait are these lasers Yep they're extra dangerous lasers don't step on them oh no how am I gonna get through without hitting these well I guess for the first one I can just jump through there we go and then for this second one I have to shift and then if I just look down oh there we go I just barely made it and come on last one last one let's go good job Dash what's this level well this is the dirt level and here you can do some basic parkour okay okay I'm actually an expert at parkour so this should be easy so let me just try jumping over here and wait was that a ghost block and wait why am I dying yep Dash that was a ghost block and this is poisonous water so you better be careful oh no okay well if this one's a ghost block then I'm pretty sure I have to go over here so let me just drop there yes there we go whoa good job Dash and then I just have to jump over here let's go and then one over here one over here and then the last jump come on come on yes I'm too good perfect oh is this the prize room let's go there's a chest that says prize let's see this pink nuggets oh these are so sick let's go congratulations Dash you beat my Challenge and wait what is this button press for more prizes oh let's go wait it just killed me a dash you'll never win my challenges oh no all right well rainy was that your entire build yes it was all right now let's go check out my build I think you'll be be impressed we'll see about that and wait what is this Dash This is my underwater build I told you yours was small whoa this thing is huge well yeah we had a lot of time oh man well what do you have for me are there any challenges for me to do oh yeah I've got plenty of challenges so yeah the first thing you got to do is find the entrance obviously well I see a bunch of pink blocks over here I think this is the entrance yay let's go and now you just gotta do a little bit of simple parkour okay watch this Dash and poop wait what I'm taking damage um rainy that's poisonous water you have to actually make the jumps but I tried look well you clearly didn't try hard enough you didn't even land on the Block yeah something's wrong with this block maybe it's just a glitch maybe try again let's see maybe I can run all the way through and come on no ah you were so close all right well Rainey this was actually the fake entrance you just got pranked take entrance oh man yep you gotta try looking again for the real entrance let's see this on the face somewhere these Bedrock blocks look suspicious no okay wait what is this purple right here oh there you go ready you found the real entrance but this is gross purple is obviously the better color all right rainy for this level you just have to jump into this little pool with a bunch of my pets and there should be a trapdoor somewhere there to get to the next level a bunch of your pets what do you whoa that's those are sharks not pets um no these are actually my puppies Oh no you're gonna make me you jump in there Dash well that's the only way to get to the next level all right watch this Dash I'm going for it whoa wait I think I see the exit no ah you were so close all right let's see I'm gonna try again all right you got this just gotta go faster than the Sharks wait oh my gosh you were not supposed to find out that quickly well congratulations Randy you made it to the next level let's go this is just a simple ice boat race ice boat race oh no these are so difficult yep you just gotta go slow and steady all the way to the end and you should get it whoa I'm slipping everywhere Dash oh no all right second try you got this just remember you gotta go slow and steady whoa this ice is so slippery oh come on not again all right third try you got this out you gotta be kidding me baby come on this is gonna be your last try you just have to make it over there you got this watch this Dash I know exactly what I'm doing there we go good job you made it and now for this next level you just have to get through this pretty simple maze oh no this sounds so difficult it's pretty easy wait what is that Dash This is a Sentry turret and there's a few of them spread out throughout the maze oh man this is so dangerous wait what looks like you fell through a ghost block all right where do I have to go in here Dash I'm so lost looks like you just went in a big circle man I thought I found it wait here let's quickly put on these goggles of true Vision so we can see all the ghost blocks all right Rainey you can resume let's see where do I go just like this maybe no no no looks like you fell through another ghost block all right Randy you're super close to the exit just gotta keep going I'm super close oh wait what is right here good job there you go it only took you like three deaths to find it but whatever this is just a little bit of simple parkour you have to go from here all the way to the other side it should be pretty easy oh that sounds pretty easy watch this boom Oh wait what that was a ghost block oh no this hurts yep half of these jumps are gonna be ghost blocks and half of them are real blocks so you gotta be careful oh gosh let's see what if I go this way in perfect and guess what Dash what I secretly have one in my head so I can see this is a ghost block or not and it's real and based off of logic I think it's gonna be the one to the left oh no well it's actually the one on the right that's the real jump oh is it no it's not I knew you're lying Dash Okay well congrats you beat that level and now this is the mob battle so why don't you go ahead and grab some of the gear in this chest whoa this looks so cool oh my gosh you look super epic with all that armor and what you can do is just go ahead and all you have to do is fight some mobs well that's easy yeah so you can just go ahead and hit the button to start the mob battle whoa um that looks pretty easy for you but the next ones are gonna be a bit harder whoa dude what bam I'm too strong oh man you are just absolutely destroying everything whoa Dash this is the alpha Yeti this is where it becomes a real challenge watch this I can do this bam oh man you are just going crazy today you just keep one-shotting them I'm too good Dash well I can assure you the next one isn't gonna be as easy we'll see about that whoa is that a frost Mo yep and there's no way you can one shot this this 360 boom what well I guess you're just super good at PVP I'm too good Dash and now you can just hit this button to move on to the next level this is the question room and all you have to do is answer a few pretty easy questions and then you can win oh that sounds easy let's see what color is better ew purple oh pink yes pink wait what um Randy that was not the right answer purple is obviously been better gosh how is purple better than pink well this room is purple and you know purple is obviously just the better colors so of course it's gonna be purple oh man I guess I'll pick the purple side how many diamonds do you need for a hoe 2.3 or two how do you even get point three diamonds well you just cut the diamonds in half obviously I think there's a little suspicious and I'm gonna go with two good job you got the right answer and now for this one whose build is better Dash or rainy obviously not you wait no lava come on man you my build is so much better did you see the size of my build compared to yours bigger doesn't mean it's better Dash all right let me go through this and perfect and now this is the last question how many types of fish are there in Minecraft how many types of fish okay if I count to seven divided by three I think it's seven come on no oh come on me that wasn't the right answer this is basic Minecraft knowledge all right I guess it's four then yep and good job you win oh my gosh I beat the whole challenge yep congrats let's go if you enjoyed that video make sure to hit like And subscribe and click on one of the videos on the screen if you want to watch more
Channel: Dash
Views: 195,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft noob vs pro, noob vs pro, ge and bubbles, minecraft challenge, minecraft funny, maizen, jj and mikey, cobey and tobey, mongo, wudo, minecraft troll, minecraft prank, minecraft mod, minecraft build challenge, minecraft noob vs hacker, underwater, underwater build challenge, underwater minecraft, wednesday, i cheated in a wednesday build challenge, dash, Noob vs hacker i cheated in an underwater build challenge
Id: ajRi81dQE6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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