NOOB vs HACKER: I Cheated in a Build Challenge in Minecraft

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today I'm going to be doing a building competition with my friend Nico but what he doesn't know is that I'm secretly gonna be cheating with commands hi Nico hi cash today we're going to be doing a building competition oh my gosh I love building and if you look in this dispenser it has a bunch of topics for us whoa these look so cool so Nico if you'll go ahead and press the button let's go what are we gonna build first what did you get I got Temple ooh a temple okay well Nico which side do you pick the blue or the red side obviously the blue side cash because it's my favorite color whatever Nico red is so much better and I have no idea how I'm gonna build a temple cash but I'm gonna beat you anyways well Nico we only have five minutes to build so we're starting now let's go what the heck okay now Nico can't hear us anymore so now we can go ahead and type in the command to spawn us a temple and whoa this thing looks so cool there's no way Nico is gonna believe that I did this in just five minutes but now let's go inside and make it our own first of all this place is too purple and everybody knows red is my favorite color so let's get some red concrete from our inventory and we're gonna replace all this purple with red just like this and if you didn't know purple is a mix between red and blue which is Nico and I's favorite colors now let's get some red terracotta and replace these designs in here there we go this looks so much better okay now that the floor is done we're gonna do the same thing to the roof oh gosh there's a lot of purple in here so let's get our wand out and we're gonna select this entire thing there we go and now if we do this Command right here it should replace the concrete with red there we go this looks so good but now we need to get the other parts so now if we do this command it'll change all the purple terracotta to red and now finally there's a bunch of purple wool so we'll replace that as well there we go and now this is looking so much better now I'm just gonna replace all these purple stairs with these red ones that I found so let's just do this along the entire Tower and whoa this is looking so much better now now we're in the second floor and there seems to be a lot of bookshelves here and there's some emeralds here so we're gonna replace these emeralds with redstone blocks because Nico knows that this is my favorite Block in the game I love Redstone let's go there we go that looks a lot better now hmm what else can we add oh of course we have to replace these purple glass with red but this still feels a little off hmm what else could I add ooh maybe we can have some Butlers here so I'm gonna give myself some barriers just like that and now we'll get some Butlers and we're gonna spawn one right here and another one right over here boom so now when you walk in you have two Butlers and whoa this looks so much cooler than before red looks way better than purple now let's check up on Nico hey Nico how's your build coming along I'm pretty much done cash already oh gosh okay I gotta hurry up okay lastly for this build I'm gonna remove this entire Center piece and we're gonna make this our bedroom area so here we go we're removing all the glass there we go and now let's get some red beds and we're gonna make a little sleeping quarters which is gonna look just like this that is perfect and I know Nico is gonna ask for his own sleeping quarters too so I guess we're gonna have to give him his own bed here so let's just build him a little blue one and there we go but it's okay because this whole room is red anyways and wait I just realized we have no way to get up to this part so let's grab some of these blocks and we're gonna build all the way down like this right there and now let's just get some ladders and fill in the entire Place Boop there we go now we're officially done with our Temple and this looks so cool okay Nico I'm ready me too cash which build do you want to look at first yours or mine you could come look at mine okay I'm on my way Nico come over here cash but wait don't look what do you mean don't look I can already see part of it oh my gosh turn around it's gonna be a surprise oh fine all right I'm turned around okay a little bit more and stop okay can I look now all right let's see what it's just dirt are you serious the actual entrance is over here oh okay I'm on my way this is the entrance to my temple whoa this thing looks like look I know right he is awesome and it's made out of blue my favorite color red is so much better Nico and in this Temple there's not that much cash but underneath here is my secret treasury whoa wait this kind of reminds me of something else like what what do you mean this this doesn't usually generate cash uh okay whatever this is perfectly original okay come down here what this is exactly like the already made Minecraft Temple Nico no what do you mean let's look in these chess cash all right fine let's see uh lapis lazuli blocks yup lapis the zulai actually bro Redstone is so much better though but diamond blocks are better okay I can agree diamonds are pretty good I'm gonna take some oh my gosh okay fine you can have a little bit and then over here Gold Blocks not as good as Diamond but I guess it's still pretty cool and you're gonna like this one cash what is this one Redstone let's go wait wait what's going on Nico oh my gosh I can't believe it it's trapped just like the regular Minecraft temples but that just proves diamond is better than Redstone no it is not and Nico you just blew up your entire build no okay but what are you rated cash uh um I guess I'll give it a 7 out of ten but it's a little unoriginal Nico what okay fine that's actually pretty good yeah okay are you ready to see my build now let's see it okay let's take down the wall in three two one go whoa this is my temple what the heck this is so cool I know right how did you build this in only five minutes there's so much detail what can I say Nico I'm just a great Builder oh my gosh cash I guess you've been practicing okay so if you'll follow me here into the entrance we have two Butlers and of course a red floor whoa and now we have the red stairs that lead up to the second floor so if you'll follow me these are so cool I know right and now we're on the second floor which is our bedroom oh my gosh I have a bed here let's go yep and I also have my own bed and as you can see the entire room is red because that's the best color oh my gosh I don't want to sleep in a Red Room what but wait Nico you have a blue bed okay fine I guess I can settle with that let's go and now if you'll follow me up this ladder okay oh my gosh this is so scary I know right we have to make sure not to fall yeah but here we have the enchantment room where you can enchant your web weapons and armor oh I'm gonna make such good armor here and over here we have the best blocks in the game the redstone blocks what do you mean diamond blocks are better oh my gosh no get that out of here diamonds are cool but redstone's better okay now we have the Brewing area where you can make potions whoa I don't know how to do that cash maybe you're gonna have to teach me uh I don't really know either to be honest what the heck but anyways that's most of the temple and if you secretly fly up here I have a secret storage area with an Ender Chest whoa what do you have in your ender chest uh nothing yet but I'll put stuff in there later I have totems of a Dying whoa all right I'll put that into oh you just stole mine what now it's time to go back down to the bottom whoa let's go and that's basically it for my temple whoa this is so cool cash I know right so what do you rate mine out of 10 Nico I give yours an 8 out of ten because I really like that detail let's go that means I won this round Nico good job cash but we still have two more rounds to go so you still have a chance yeah but I'm gonna beat you on the other one no way just watch me okay Nico it's time for round two so go ahead and press the button let's see what we get next cash please be cool oh my gosh what did you get what'd you get we got boats oh my gosh I'm so good at building boats Nico no I better cash no you are not okay remember we have five minutes to build it okay I'm gonna build the best boat okay now Nico can't hear us anymore so if we type in the command to spawn our boat it should appear right here come on oh my gosh where is it oh gosh it's lagging what this thing is huge what the heck okay we gotta figure out a way to make this ours so first things first we gotta make these sales Red so let's put our first position here and our second position here and now we can replace the white Wool with the red wool just like that let's also do the same for this one there we go and now let's see what's in this boat this thing is huge whoa we have a whole area for dining okay we're gonna put some redstone blocks inside these chests this is gonna be so funny here we go and now I feel like there's too much green in this area so let's get rid of all these Vines I'm sorry but we need to get out of here come on this makes the boat look a little too overgrown there we go okay perfect now let's get some red carpet from our inventory and we're gonna replace all this Green carpet with red but we could just do that with another command just like that boom and oh gosh I forgot to select some of these ones too we'll just place these ones in by hand there we go looks so good and now let's go back out to the deck this boat is so huge oh my gosh all right let's see what's down here now there seems to be an area and what the heck is this oh my gosh there seems to be some sort of farming going on here staff is required to wear uniforms well I'm just gonna break that sign and we're gonna write down no rules there we go now we can do whatever we want here whoa what is this area is this a refrigerator oh my gosh okay we're gonna fill these up with a bunch of golden apples here we go now this boat is pretty op there we go all right time to go out and finally let's see what's on the bottom deck whoa It's a hot tub area this is so cool and it leads down to a fountain over here there's no way Nico believes that I built this in five minutes and hey we can see into the void here what the heck this is so funny I have a really funny idea we're gonna lead Nico down these stairs and just fall into the void he's never gonna expect that okay but there's not really anything else to customize on this so let's check up on Nico hey Nico how's your build coming along it's going good cash what about yours I'm already done with mine what about you I'm already done with mine too let's go okay I'm coming over to check yours out okay all right I'm coming over Nico okay you could just look this time cash all right let's see what you got look at my boat uh Nico it's it's kind of small what do you mean this is huge uh I guess so well show me around it's a battleship as you can see it's made out of blue wool and diamonds because those are both blue blocks it would have looked so much better with red but whatever and then this is our deck and you could enjoy the view out in the front uh there's not really much to look at but I guess it's pretty cool you can feel this amazing Breeze cash do you not feel it uh no but what the heck okay and then down here is our most important part cash whoa what's down here the treasury that is so cool and every chest has diamonds inside yup but I hid some red so just for you uh I found it Nico let's go I love Redstone redstone's pretty good but I like diamonds yeah me too diamonds are still pretty cool okay Nico I'll give your boat a six out of ten cash come out of here I want to show you something else okay what else do you want to show me on my ship I got functioning cannons oh gosh whoa put out the fire oh gosh that's really bad but they work so that's really good we have emergency boats in case our ship sinks whoa and these ones actually work unlike your boat Nico what do you mean it works cash it just takes a lot of manpower to push well it's more fun to use the emergency boats to be honest oh my gosh okay oh gosh we crashed well can you do any better cash yeah you want to see all right let's take down the walls in three two one go whoa oh what the heck yup here's my boat Nico your boat is huge I know right okay so if you'll follow me to the top deck over here of course the seals are red what the heck I know right they look so good okay well here's our farm where you can get beetroot and wheat and of course you can feel the amazing Breeze whoa your ship is self-sufficient yup and now we can go down the stairs over here and look at how detailed the staircase is whoa you can see the whole boat from over here I know right but gosh there's no way you built this in five minutes this is so much stuff what do you mean Nico I told you I'm just a fast Builder uh but this is really really good cash I don't know well Nico let me just show you the rest of this so over here if you look in these chests there's a bunch of redstone inside of course what the heck of course and of course we have the red carpet lining the floor well I guess red is cool but boo is better I'm sorry no it's not Nico okay whatever let's go to the next part okay show me around yeah here is a little deck where you can run across the entire ship this is so fun I know right we could have so much fun here we could play hide and seek tag anything and whoa there's steam coming out of this ship yeah that's how you know I put a lot of effort into this that is so cool and now this area is I think a library oh I could do some good reading over here but how do you not even know what you built cash uh it's because I it was the first thing I built so I just had to think about it a little bit oh well that makes sense but yeah that's enough of our library now let's go down another level okay what do we got over here and over here is the main sleeping area and oh wait why are there blue beds here oh I like how the bed the blue cash and good touch no no they weren't supposed to be blue uh Nico um what the heck they they were they were but what are you doing uh I messed up uh I just gotta replace them real quick oh my gosh okay fine I guess you could have red badge and I could have blue beds Best of Both Worlds hey uh fine you know what that works too I guess okay now that all the beds are replaced this looks so much better whoa ready but it really does look good I know right and now if you'll follow me into here okay this is a secret storage room whoa these chests are super cool that's because these aren't chests Nico these are shulker boxes whoa what are those it's basically a storage unit that you can pick up and it'll keep its contents whoa so you can carry it around like like a backpack yup exactly that is so cool okay I know right okay now time to go to the next floor there's so many floors on this ship here's the kitchen Nico whoa this is super cool but I don't know how to cook so let's get out of here wait Nico come look at this part wait what it's a fridge whoa this is a big fridge and oh my gosh I'm getting cold in here I gotta go but Nico wait there's golden apples in here wait what oh my gosh that's so scrumptious yum yum yum I know right okay let's go now and here Nico we have our very own hot tub whoa a hot tub oh my gosh this feels so good I know right okay it's getting a little too hot I need to get out I'll buy me too me too and now for the final part here's our Fountain area there's a fountain that's crazy yup and over here is actually I don't know what this is how do you not know what this is Cash I'm starting to get suspicious uh no it's only because I I built it a long time ago so I forgot what I was trying to do here how can you not remember five minutes ago cash that's so simple well I just don't have very good memory okay stop making fun of me I guess if you build this bunch then that makes sense yeah okay now let's climb this ladder up here okay let's see what's up here and it takes you to the main deck where you can see the steam whoa this is so cool let me jump in it oh my gosh it's so alive here wait oh oh I better go no it's too hot Nico get out okay anyways that's all my boat what do you think this boat is not as good as mine what do you mean Nico well if your boat were to go up against mine it would lose how my boat is like 10 times the size of yours well you're about to then have Fireball launchers hey what are you doing Nico oh gosh you're setting my boat on fire no my bow is better oh gosh oh gosh I need to put this out quickly come on no no get out get out come on call Fireballs go no oh no I should have thought about a defense measure I can't believe your boat is beating mine I'm sorry cat your boat is gone okay cash and with that I rate your boat a five out of ten what my boat just beat yours I'm sorry oh man I guess that means you win this round huh yup but the next round decides it all okay let's go okay Nico it's time for round three and whoever wins this one wins it all oh my gosh cash I'm gonna beat you no you won't all right go ahead and press the button Nico let's go what did you get and I got hotel hotel oh my gosh mine is gonna be so much better than yours I'm gonna make a huge Hotel cash with over 10 floors oh yeah well mine will have like a bajillion floors there's no way you're gonna beat me but let's go okay five minutes on the clock starting now okay now that Nico can't hear us anymore let's go ahead and spawn a hotel in so let's just paste this command in and oh my gosh it's gonna lag the game a little bit oh gosh why is it taking so long what the heck what was that lag just now oh gosh uh don't worry Nico it was nothing oh it's probably because my hotel is much better than yours that's not true oh gosh I'm inside locks what just happened this spot on top of me what the heck is this this thing is huge okay there's no way Nico believes this all right first of all this thing is way too tall so we're gonna have to build a pathway up to it so let's get some stairs and we're gonna build this all the way down to the floor here we go that looks good now let's put the stairs all the way up just like this and perfect there we go now we can walk up here to this humongous hotel and whoa these pools are giant look at this this is so cool and there's our very own and there's our very own parking lot here what the heck this thing is amazing now let's go into the front entrance and check this out this seems to be the lobby area this is pretty small and all I see is an elevator what the heck wait what happens if I push this button what whoa whoa It's shooting me up oh my gosh this elevator is so fast look how fast it's taking me how high am I going going oh gosh oh there we go that elevator is the coolest thing ever and now we seem to be in a hotel room what the heck this thing is so cool let's decorate this room to make it ours so the first thing I'm gonna do is add railing right here because I don't want to have to fall all the way down here so let's get some fences from our inventory and place it along just like this and now I want something to signify that this is mine so we're gonna get some wood from our inventory and place it all along here just like this and boom just like that now let's just get some stairs and some slabs and we're gonna spell out our name right here okay here's gonna be the C boom just like that now it's time to build the a here we go now for the S there we go and oh gosh we have no room for the h we're gonna have to build it down here Nico's gonna think that I planned this horribly oh gosh but there we go now it says cash and this is blending in too much with the walls so we're gonna select this wall and we're gonna set this to Oak planks just like this here we go so now you can read my name much more clearly but now this place is missing a little bit of red so let's get some red carpet from our inventory and we're gonna place it all along the floor here we go filling it all in almost done come on and there we go boom and now we're done with the first area so let's move on to this area and whoa this place looks like a whole office building so first things first we're gonna add red carpet here too so let's just select this part and this part and we're gonna set it to Red Carpet just like that now I'm gonna make this room a bedroom area so let's grab some beds from our inventory and some stairs and we're gonna create a giant king bed over here for me here we go now let's place the stairs on the sides and around and there we go but of course we have to make one for Nico as well so let's go over here and place it right there now we'll place the sides just like this and boom there we go this is looking so good now let's get some fences from our inventory and some glowstone and I'm I'm going to build myself a little lamp right there let's put two just in case I need some more light and we're gonna do the same for Nico's side of course boom there we go this looks so cool now and I think this area is supposed to be a bathroom and if we go out to this area it takes us to the balcony and whoa I can see Nico's Hotel from here I feel like I'm cheating a little bit and oh my gosh wait I can see the water from down there I have a perfect idea for this we're gonna create a diving board that falls all the way down into there so here we go we're gonna build it all the way just like this there we go and we'll also create some railing just so you don't accidentally slip off the sides and now when you jump from here you should land all the way down there but this is a little dangerous so I'm gonna make this pool a little bigger with some commands so let's select down here and we're gonna set this to water but hey these trees are still in the way so let's just select this area and cut it out just like that now you can jump in the pool all the way from up there but since I know Nico will be a baby he's not gonna want to jump from there so we're gonna create a smaller diving board for him and it's going to be right here here we go just like that now let's get some slabs and place them along here there we go now we have a smaller diving board for Nico but just in case he's feeling a little Brave we're gonna make a taller one that goes all the way up here boom here we go you have to make sure not to hit your head up here and perfect this looks so good finally just for some finishing touches I'm gonna add a red carpet that leads all the way to the front door and we're gonna get some signs that say cash hotel and if we get some glow ink sacks we can make these glow so it's a little easier to read now and hold on I'm gonna try this elevator again this thing is so cool it takes me all the way up to my room and it's really fast thank you very much and now we're back there we go okay now I think it's time to check on Nico hey Nico how's your build coming along good I'm almost done cash okay well just know you only have one minute left oh gosh okay okay I'm gonna add one final touch while Nico's still building let's come out to the diving area here here and let's get some wool from our inventory and now we're gonna place a hoop for you to jump through so it's gonna come out just like this this is perfect boom so now if you jump through this we're gonna make it to where it shows a message to Nico that tells him I was cheating this whole time so let's get some trip wires from our inventory and some string and now we're gonna place it along here just like this now let's place the string just like this so now when you jump through the hoop it should activate the string now let's get a command block from our inventory and we're just gonna place it right here now we're gonna make this command block say something in chat which will say cash was cheating this whole time so now when Nico jumps through these strings it's gonna tell him in chat I was cheating but if Nico ends up being a baby then he'll never know okay we gotta make sure not to touch these strings because then it's gonna tell Nico that we were cheating but now I think we're officially done hey Nico are you ready yet yup cash I'm fully done all right I'm on my way over okay turn around though you can't look are you serious I have to turn around again yeah fine all right here I come okay and you go turn around all right let's see what it is whoa whoa look at my hotel I couldn't do 10 floors but I did five which is pretty good I guess that's okay but hey why is this all made out of wood you didn't change up the blocks at all well I didn't have enough time okay well I guess the Nico sign is pretty cool so that makes up for it so walk in and you are met with our receptionist oh these are pretty cool but uh they don't want to talk right now so hey they look kind of mad what if I let them out oh gosh you oh no no look they're all walking out I don't think they want to work here Nico oh God oh my okay well oh and they're leaving oh no well right here is our breakfast area oh this is pretty cool but hey why are these trap doors my food's gonna fall through the holes oh gosh I didn't think of that oh my well Nico you could have just used pressure plates these look way better as a table surface oh you're right this looks so much better okay why am I helping you anyways this is a competition we got our food right here oh this is pretty cool and get that out of here I don't want salmon what do you mean raw Salmon's good okay fine no it's not okay whatever well right over here is the entrance to the next floor oh what's up here these are all the rooms whoa what's in here this is room one okay looks good and this is room two these rooms are okay but I think they could use a little touch up for the carpet hey hey stop okay you know what fine it is your hotel but hey why is there a window between each room uh so that they can see but then your residents won't have any privacy oh my gosh I forgot about that oh my oh my gosh okay then we have rooms for the next couple of floors so just follow me all right I'm on my way okay this is it cash what what is this this is our gym room and right here we have yoga mats oh this is pretty cool I choose this match and they're in a rainbow pattern and yes I choose this mask this is pretty cool but what's this area over here this is a race track a race track for what to have a race cash do you want to see who's faster yeah let's go three two one star let's go come on I'm winning I'm winning I won no you didn't I won I won I was ahead of you oh my gosh uh whatever I guess we'll never know okay on the top four we have our pool whoa a very own outdoor pool check this out and it's on the very top floor oh my gosh you can see my hotel from here uh Nico just keep facing that way yep oh this pool is pretty cool Nico I love swimming all right well is that the rest of your hotel yup what do you rate it cash um I'm gonna give this thing a seven out of ten it's pretty good oh that's pretty good actually okay but now are you ready to see mine yup let's bring down the Walls okay here we go Nico are you ready ready three two one go whoa this thing is huge cash I know right I can't believe I finished this in time it looks so modern but there's no way you built this in only five minutes yes I did Nico how many times do I have to tell you this thing is huge I know it is and it has so much detail okay anyways if you'll come down here here is the stairway up to the top oh my gosh this is massive I know right and if you come over here we have our very own community pool these pools are huge oh my gosh these diving boards are fun too look how deep I have cash oh gosh Nico Don't Drown Don't Drown oh gosh it's okay I'm okay I'm a good swimmer and look there's an even bigger diving board for big boys like me I'm a big boy oh let's go watch this no way you can jump from here Nico oh gosh it's scary up here you got it Nico come on don't be a baby oh nice that was so fun I know right okay now let's check out the actual hotel if you look at the sign here it says cash Hotel oh that's pretty good I know right and now if you'll come over here just stand in the middle right here for me okay let's go what does this do now I'm just gonna press this and you're gonna go up to the top see ya Nico what this elevator is so cool fully working elevator how is this even possible because I'm the best builder in Minecraft of course whoa okay now we're gonna be brought up to this floor which is our hotel room and it says catch right here that's so good I know right so follow me into here and now we have our bedroom whoa is this a custom sweet cash yup it has my red bed and has your blue bed over there blue bed let's go but it's surrounded by Red Carpet well I guess this is your hotel thanks for the bed cash you're welcome and now follow me to the balcony area whoa what's out here this is our balcony where we can enjoy the view and look we can see your hotel from down here my hotel looks so small compared to this I know right my hotel is just huge what the heck this thing is massive I know right and Nico look right over here we have our very own diving board that leads down to the pool all the way over there oh my gosh this thing is so high up I don't know if I can jump this cash I know Nico you're probably too much of a baby to jump I knew you were gonna be too scared guys no I'm not a baby I'm a big boy watch me do it I doubt you're even gonna jump Nico there's no way I'm gonna go back here prepare myself get a running start and let's go get it ball no way no way what oh my gosh you actually jumped whoa what is that in the chat it says Ash was cheating this whole time uh yeah I'll admit it Nico I've been spawning in these builds with commands so you didn't build this cash yeah of course I can't build this in five minutes Nico I can't believe you fell for that he's built a ginormous what I know right well I guess you outsmarted me cash so I'll give you the win this time let's go what do you rate my build this build is at least a nine the automatic elevator is so cool I know right but let's go that means I won Nico good job cash if you want to watch more videos from us then click one on your screen right now and also don't forget to subscribe subscribe bye guys bye
Channel: Cash
Views: 4,562,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Maizen, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, NOOB vs HACKER: I Cheated in a Build Challenge in Minecraft, maizen, wiederdude
Id: fasLd5qXCkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 39sec (1899 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2022
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