Noob To Max But I Cant Take DAMAGE In Blox Fruits (Roblox)

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I'm taking this level one Noob all the way to Pro in today's video but there's a serious problem this guy's only got one HP and it's going to stay one HP the entire time I think the first and only thing I can do on this account is buy some weapons I know if I get the katana and if I head on over to middlet town I should be able to buy a slingshot from this guy yeah slingshot so I need 5,000 to get that since there's no reason for me to put stats into defense I could go melee sword block fruits to start with while the enemy has low HP I'll still be able to use the gun pretty effectively that's enough to buy a slingshot let's grab that that is going to save us in the start and I think we'll get enough money killing the NPCs real quick just to get ourselves a sword let's get our first quest which will leave us it's $350 every time I finish it as well and then jump up here into to our safe spot look at that we do good damage and our first Quest completed level five I can't remember what these swords cost but I think it's 1,000 right 1,000 boom okay we are now closer cuz we have quiet Rush which is also a part of our strategy here's our last Super safe Bandit hopefully the monkeys are just as easy I have a little bit of a plan that's level 10 it is jungle time okay let's see if we can actually move on to monkeys if these are too slow then I'll actually I'll have to go back to Bandits okay that did a bit of damage I have to be careful with these guys okay all right boys the last monkey I did these to level 20 which gives me plenty of energy 335 yeah that's a lot of Dashing that I can do let's go and see if maybe I can survive the gorillas my damage might be too low all right so I'm thinking if I stand here I can shoot a gorilla he walks over oh yeah I can still hit him although that's they're going to be very slow kills okay gorillas have been pretty easy and now I believe the King has spawned is he not here hello oh there he is I should be able to just stand back here yeah and I'll just like I'll turn my auto clicker on and it'll slowly Whittle him down there we go that wasn't too bad I it's definitely worth it for the three levels and the 2,000 money that I got we're 32 levels away now and we'll be able to buy our first devil fruit and hopefully it will be a loia our last gorilla boys level 35 and then we're going to Pirate village where I'm a little bit scared level 35 let's go I've kept putting stats into melee just so I keep moving faster I'm going to do that till 100 okay here we are the FED Island where I could die let's grab that that's 2,000 I should have got a quest since this wall trick works in the other area I'm wondering if I don't know if I can get up over this wall but if I do this and ah he didn't stay there bra stay here right there we go okay so now he's up against the wall and he can't hurt me I can do the same thing I am so smart I'm the smartest there ever was where'd he go uh-oh no oh yes he's back okay all I got to do is uh not die maybe I should go by Geo here we go boys important upgrade for the account so if I'm going to lure those guys to the wall I need to be able to jump over the wall every single time can I get Aura as well I cannot that's fine that's perfectly fine this was worth it at least now whenever I go to jump over that wall I can't mess it up I'll be able to definitely get over the wall here is level 40 oh level 41 nice so we're going to start putting our stats into the block fruit now because we will be buying a fruit pretty soon I've already got 30,000 again too which is awesome let's move on to the brutes purely because More Money More everything and also I think it's a little bit safer still to set up was that a blue diamond chest it's back okay now I kind of wish I had flash step that would keep me safer but I don't see how in any way these guys could actually get the better of me I think I just hide in my little house and I get to Bunch it here we go from our safe spot level 50 with $55,000 or belly okay here we go this is really going to set the tone of my next 2 hours of game playay please 58,000 720 oh no that's how much money I have it's going to cost me 32,000 okay easy game come on the spinner here we go boys level 60 moving on to the desert but I also think we might check the devil fruit shop we got 69,000 although we're about to spend a little bit of that what do you got Blox fruits dealer let's see rocket spin lame no smoke no flame Falcon's too expensive and then barrier and Quake are in stock o also Porton okay we parked it I know for a fact that you can lure them all in and get on top of one of these buildings I have to be up high enough that they can't get on top of each other and reach me up here okay that does a little bit of damage I guess we could just stand here and do this let's go boys level 77 I've just gone and had dinner which means I should be able to buy another devil fruit the spin has definitely been good but not really good enough I'm also just about to run out of Double XP I used my code which is Magic Bus and it gives you 20 minutes of Double XP I know the odds on this are pretty low and if you're someone who's just starting out this can be a very unreliable way to get good but also if you get lucky oh the barrier for this kind of playr this might actually be kind of helpful the barrier has a knockback ability which is really cool and I can also stand on and use the barrier to stay safe weird but maybe really good I have just hit Level 90 and this one is a big deal because I didn't want to go back to the snow Island until I could afford both flash step and Aura but also to go there to grind here we go ability teacher let's get our Aura and I think oh do I need 100,000 I do I thought it was 75,000 let's grab our snow banded Quest and see if these are as easy as I think they're going to be so 1 2 three let's get the other guy and this guy now none of these have special abilities which means honestly maybe I should get up here and do downward barrier see how much it throws people away it takes them forever to get back over here 105 it's time to take on the terrifying Yeti let's go up here let's sticky pellet and then surprise attack which I I think is a little bit dangerous to use but I know with the wall I could probably go up to him get him to yeah do that attack then while he's doing it he can't get pushed so I can barrier attack him yeah I got this in the bag guys and the final hit that was easy okay when you're fighting just one thing and it doesn't have any attacks you just trap it behind the wall and life is easy the final Yeti boss hopefully this will give me enough levels actually I need to use a double XP code there we go all right oh 220 uh 121 feels good all right Marine Fort it is okay can we roll because I could use a loia game oh oh but it's only the spin okay I think I'm going to keep the barrier it's a little bit better maybe at this point I should start saving to just buy something in stock here is the final two these have been so easy to manage because yeah they just they never get up there or at least if they can I am yet to see it unfortunately after this I have to go to the lower sky and I don't think for the first NPCs I don't think there's any safe spots for the second lot there are rocks that maybe I could stand on it's time to by a devil fruit come on game the ghost okay maybe I just have to like I have to hyperfocus if I'm just super focused I'll be fine 24 Master okay if I get wandering Souls soon this won't be too bad here we go boys this will be the last four I unlocked spectral release but it still makes me very very anxious when I use it luckily it has the knockback what we're going to do is now that we're finally finally got a fruit that we're going to keep for quite some time I think I should buy an accessory that's going to help me out a little bit okay we're on the tower we're going to go down here and get we don't really need defense we can get more energy if we need it but this this for 50,000 it gives us 5% extra damage to everything that we do so let's keep the black cape on for a while let's teleport home I wonder if I'm safe here or do these guys can he get up here he [Music] cannot oh I got chills my entire body just chilled up these guys can be a little bit dangerous but it doesn't matter cuz we're just going to use that ability shivering possession seems to be 100% safe oh I just hit 190 on that like okay I'm I'm definitely in the zone boys I'm not really paying attention I've just unlocked cries of the underworld which is massively increased my DPS I'm going to put a little bit more into energy and it looks like okay now I can go to the prison fairly certain that if I was to gather up say three of these guys over by the wall here I don't think they can get to me and I've got cries of the underworld oh I missed one of them there we go and then maybe yeah I can hit with those two all right there's no reason for me to do anything else I'm just going to stay here and use these two abilities 210 new Quest available the dangerous prisoner I'll be doing this I think it's 10 levels let's see cuz I'm fairly confident I can at least do the warden yeah 220 so 10 levels we avoid Swan we'll still be here for a while but I think because I can do two of the bosses here it's going to speed up a fair bit the final two dangerous prisoners boom boom they are now dead two oh 221 nice now for the risk we take on a boss all right yeah that was that was super easy so once I can do the other boss the the head Warden is it the chief Warden once I can do this guy in 230 I'm also going to do him 230 that's the wrong person we're going to defeat the chief Warden now guys I'm breezing through this I don't even know if I'm going to need another devil fruit the way that I'm doing things I like loia wouldn't kick in straight away so it might even just be safer to stick with the ghost fruit we'll see how good Ghostbusters is the regular warden's respawned so I'm going to kill him first all right boys this is basically just like Noob To Pro with the ghost fruit now 250 but things are going to really slow down soon I really need to save money so I think maybe I'm going to go and buy uh black leg that way when I use Ghostbusters they'll use black leg I think that's how it works I don't want them using combat okay dark step that's it let's buy this would you like to learn 150k bro all right that's still it's still the cheapest of them all and I need to be able to buy myself alogia devil fruit soon all righty boys I'm fairly certain this will be the last four I have some bad news that maybe some of you big brains in the comment section are already aware of but uh my ghosts hate HP from the Ghostbusters ability yeah that's uh their HP is the same as my HP they die like instantly so I guess that means it is definitely time as soon as we can we need to move on to like a decent loia fruit all right here we go let's grab this devil fruit come on no all right well that gives me 2 hours to make a bunch of money again maybe if the next stock has something decent I would take the ice fruit if I could get the ice fruit I'd be happy all righty boys I've just reset the server because fighting here during the night is so dangerous it gets so dark so I reset everything and now I'm level 326 but I will not be doing the spies the spies have flash step and I am certain that they will eventually get the final military soldier that I should have to do but not the last one that I will do I'm going to go to 381 which which is going to give me low gear effect against the the fish man that I'll go to next because they have a slash attack similar to the air slash that I can't use on Katana they have one of those attacks which means I need to be able to avoid it with a loia fruit and it also means I got to buy another fruit on the way there and just pray for the best all righty boys I've got 381 I teleported to Sky thinking I was going to roll a devil fruit but it looks like thanks to the uh the Discord bot that you can use to check the in-game stock it looks like I can get the ice fruit which is kind of the dream right now because the ice fruit also stops me from most of the time taking water damage which is something I've been very stressed about I do have to say though the ghost fruit was an absolute 10 out of 10 the only problem was the HP on the final move if you have actual HP what no I was looking at the Mirage stock ice is in Mirage stock okay I have no choice choice but to get flame but I think first just in case I'm going to gamble in the desert what a massive disappointment but it's yeah it's fine maybe we'll get something better like the ice fruit yes okay I feel like I deserve that let's eat it a it feels so good man okay and now we have nothing to worry about especially that monkey right there let's up I'm going to jump on the water there we go all right Fishman Warrior 375 but we have loia oh that was terrifying but it worked and we can just smack these guys and even their special attacks will do nothing to us here's the last four Fish Man guys this has been Breezy I just collect the four of them up glacial Epoch and then I hit them a bunch and boom I level up and now I'm going all all the way back to the sky I got to go to the upper Sky actually because now we have the low gear effect against one of the NPCs up here which means we can start grinding these guys 450 they are okay so I'm a little ahead of myself but these guys they can't hurt me anymore okay this won't be fun but I got to get it done okay that was really easy I hit 485 I thought it was going to take longer but it did not now we should be able to very safely Noe that's not it fight the sh this it's terrifying every time I do this but yes it works all right I'll be grinding these guys for a while I don't know if there's any loia for the next area this is the final three shandas boys I'm fairly certain I think I've got this in the bag now you know I didn't think I would be able to but I think I got this down pretty easy I can loia the whole thing now although let me just um be terrified for a second yes it still works if the guide on the internet was wrong this would all be over so it looks like I have to do these guys until 560 and then my loia will kick in for the next one wa I'm already 500 I feel like that took like 5 minutes that was so quick okay another scary moment come on yes okay we're doing these guys now but I think we're doing these guys for a while yeah it looks like the next area is the Fountain and I need to be level 637 in order to have loia so I need to gain like 70ish levels the final four and then we actually now that we're kind of wealthy we got a 1.6 mil we can grab ourselves a nice little 5% buff to our damage on our way to the Fountain so right now I'm getting 5% damage buff from my black cap to literally everything that I do but it has turned out to be way safer just to use my devil for and I've stacked my stats in a way that I kill things very quickly so that I can minimize any risk that I take so we buy the Tomo ring for 500,000 which only gives blocks Roots damage but it gives 10% meaning that yeah now now we do 5% more damage I meant to record at 650 I've gone a little bit over that 659 this is still relatively quick so I think I'm doing these guys right till the end or right till the end of the first see here we go boys the final two and then we take on what is the biggest risk in this challenge right now we're over level 700 we have to go to the prison I think I probably should have put a little bit more into my melee for energy fighting the Ice Admiral is a massive risk this could be Do or Die military detective gives me the key and now we fight I'm so nervous about this I'm so nervous about this okay let's go okay hit him let's back off sticky run run run oh surge it missed okay he tried to Surge me sticky I missed no no no all that work [Music] no Dodge better
Channel: Magicbus
Views: 112,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magicbus, roblox, blox fruits, blox, fruit, devil, one, piece, roblox one piece, best one piece games, free devilfruit, noob to pro, starting over, roblox noob to pro, anime, anime noob to pro, noob trolling, trolling, boss fights, funny moments, simulator, blox piece, leopard fruit, latest update, race v4, race awakening, roblox blox fruits, new fruit, rubber gear 4, update 20, update 20 part 1, update 22, kitsune fruit, new devil fruit, devils fruits, winter update
Id: PdaLnLEmNWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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