Non-Destructive Workflow for Adobe Lightroom Classic Users / Nik Collection 3

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[Music] today's presentation on the nick collection 3 is all about non-destructive editing in lightroom classic the ability to you now have to go back into your photos and re-edit them pick up where you left off at any time the way we're going to do today's presentation is broken into two and a half three-ish parts in the beginning what i'm going to do is just show you how the technology works i'm going to jump into a plug-in make some changes jump out of it show you kind of what's happening behind the scenes and then we'll go back in and edit it we'll talk about a few different approaches to re-editing photos some things that are worth knowing about inside of lightroom um part two or one and a half if you will today's presentation isn't about the prospective effects plugin so i'm not going to focus on that it is actually not a non-destructive one you can't go back and re-edit that because of the nature of how it works but because it is a new plug-in i do want to show that to you as well i don't want to leave it out so we're just going to do a little bit around that and because we're coming out of lightroom i'm going to show you a particular example of a photo that you can't perspective correct automatically in lightroom but will work phenomenally well in dxo's uh nik collection perspective effects pro and then for the the last part the second and half third part whatever you want to call it we're just going to play i have a few photos that i'm going to open up and we're going to explore the plugins do some editing to them back out of it go back in and make some changes and we'll see kind of how this whole thing works together so with all that said let's get started in lightroom classic i'm going to start with this photo here nice big group photo this is actually from something called the kumela in india did a workshop there last year two years ago whatever it was and i'm going to start by opening this one in color effects pro now this is a raw file starting off raw in lightroom so before i can open this into a plugin i do have to create a version of this a new version of this that is a tiff file now you'll notice here first of all what to edit is the first question am i editing a copy with lightroom adjustments a copy of the original file without lightroom adjustments or just the original and i can't choose either of these yet because i'm starting with raw i only have one choice so that is an easy decision down here you'll see you have the choice between a tiff a psd or jpeg file now you can certainly do a jpeg although honestly i'm not quite sure why you would you are certainly limiting what you can do with that file and the quality of it so i don't know why you might want to use jpeg you have the option if you want to you can use psd and you'll get many of the same functionality but you won't get the ability to re-edit if you want to be able to re-edit your photo you have to choose tiff and this is because this re-edit ability is based off of something called multi-page tiff technology so it's right there in the name you're going to need to choose the tiff file so choose the tiff file you can choose whatever color space you want you can choose 8 or 16 bit i'm actually going to drop this one to 8 because it's a fairly flat file may as well change may as well save some space here and click on edit so now lightroom is creating that tiff file 8 bit in this case and it's going to open it into colorfx pro 4. um now at this point i can do whatever i want to do this right so i could go in here and start editing away um adding some effects to this i'm actually going to you know what i'm going to do i'm going to realize that i actually intended to not go into color effects pro but to go into analog effects pro i just finished the demo doing color effects but i want to place the analog effect so i'm going to choose that tiff that i just created edit this in analog effects now because i've already created the tiff i don't have to recreate it i'm just going to go ahead and say edit original because it's it's that tip file but i didn't actually do anything too so let us pick up where i left off here all right so opening this up into analog effects the first thing that pops up you see this dialog that says hey this is good to know if you're working with a tiff file and this is the dialog that i'm going to leave up it's going to keep coming up you can of course dismiss it at any point if you want to but this is the dialog that is telling me with a tiff file i have the ability to re-edit it but to do that i have to click the magic check box so that magic checkbox is down here next to the canceled save buttons you'll see here it says save and edit later and it warns you that it is going to make larger files and this is important to understand it is going to make a larger file because effectively what you're going to have is multiple tiff files within a single file it's the multi-page to file i guess we could say it's multiple pages um kind of like layers not really but kind of but effectively you're gonna have multiple versions of the image within a single file so your files will get bigger and i would say at this point that we know that storage is cheap these days it's there's really no problem having really really big libraries tons and tons of photos library size maybe what you'll do is towards the end of an editing process if you really want to kind of flatten things out you can make a new copy that's flattened out and get rid of all the extra data that's up to you but for the most part if you want to be able to re-edit them you check that box it is going to make bigger files just something to know about okay so now we're in analog effects pro let's play around i'm going to just kind of click a couple of presets in here and um and for the sake of this demo what i really want to do is show you the re-editing so i'm just going to settle on one of these and apply it and i think the one that i'm going to settle on is this one here called classic camera 5. kind of a cool look definitely unique it's different from where we started and it's got some heavy vignetting on it and you know it's kind of cool right all right so that's cool i want to save this again i make sure that save and edit later is enabled click on save it's going to apply this back into lightroom and at this point whether it's a minute later a week later a year later i go ah you know i should have made some changes to this i love the look but the vignetting is just it's just too much it's too strong so maybe what i should do is kind of back off on that vignetting a little bit previously if you were using nik 2.5 earlier you would have to start all over again but now we can re-edit this now before i jump back into it i want to show you how this actually works if i right click on that thumbnail then i choose show and finder there's the tiff file and then i'll open this in preview and in preview we're going to see exactly what's happening there is the original image and there is that new version of it this is that multi-page this is the two pages of the tiff file in between here what we're not seeing is the invisible metadata this is the metadata that will that is embedded in the file that tells the plugin exactly what was happening so it's not just a a version of it it's not just a flattened tiff there is actually the instructions in there that tell the plugin what was changed to result in this view so now let's go back into lightroom and i will right click again and choose edit in analog effects pro 2. we're going to go back in here and at this point to re-edit it very important i edit the original editing the original opens that multi-page file so i click on edit and you'll see here as it starts to draw you're going to see the original image and then the filters drawing on top of it so you already know the game is given away that the filters that i had applied were not permanent you can see the original there you see it's adding the texture and whatever else it's going to need to add to it and there is that image there's that result so at this point as i said i felt that the vignetting was a little bit on the strong side so i'll go over here to the lens vignette option if i just toggle it off we'll see it just i can just get rid of it entirely but i want to just back it off a little bit let's take the amount make it a little bit less dramatic maybe change the shape of it instead of circular let's give it a slight rectangular hint to it so we get the darkening on the edges there as well and yeah i like it so that's cool i'm going to go ahead and apply that all right so there's the basics of how the multi-page tiff works and how you can go back in and re-edit it but now let's take that to kind of a next level and see what else we can do with this multi-page idea so if you look down in the bottom left corner here you'll see i've got my original raw image so that's still of course intact and untouched and then there's the tiff file that i just created which i then re-edited to back off in the vignette looking at this photo now i'm looking at it and i might be thinking you know the the saturation in these oranges up here is a it's a little bit much but maybe it's not maybe it is maybe it's not so i want to change it but i don't want to lose this version of it so i want to have another version of this photo that i can still go back and edit but i want a new version of it with a little bit less orange so basically i want two editable files two editable versions so i'm gonna go ahead and right click on this once again choose edit in analog fx pro once again and this time instead of editing the original i'm going to edit a copy not edit a copy with lightroom adjustments if i choose this top version it is going to flatten down the tiff file it's going to flatten this out and make a new tiff but if i choose edit a copy it is quite simply duplicating that multi-page tiff and opening that multi-page tip so now i have two two multi-page tiff files that i can work with so now let's go into here and i'm going to do a little do a little extra work to the oranges in here so let that render out and like i said i want to kind of desaturate the oranges in here now if i look at my saturation adjustments so appear on the top right see basic adjustments i can take the saturation down but that's a global effect and i actually really like the rest of the saturation i like the saturation on the orange or the saffron clothing that people are wearing down here so don't want to lose all of that so what i'll do instead is i'll use a control point let me back that off a touch i'm going to use control points here and i'll add a control point to this orange roof top there and before i make any changes i'm just going to look at the mask for that and see what that's affecting so there we can see that's going to affect quite clearly the white areas of the mask or what will be affected it's going to affect those really bright saturated areas in there and in fact i believe there's a similar look over here so i'm just going to create a um just i'm just going to option drag this control point over to here drop it onto that red and let's take a look at both of those together and maybe make that a little bit smaller i just just want to get those really brightly saturated colors there it is that looks about right and also really want to protect this area down here so the white part of the mask again is what will be affected the black part will not is so to protect the folks down here i'm going to add another control point make that nice and big and we're not going to do anything to this control point so i'm just going to position it right over their saturated clothing so it masks that and now i've got these areas nicely protected let's go ahead and take those top two here we go take those top two control points and i'll group them together and then take the saturation down on that so we're getting into some pretty advanced editing here already but effectively what i'm doing is taking the saturation down on the edges here but leaving it alone for the folks in the middle and if i toggle this on and off now you can see the overall effect in there you get some that's a little bit less saturated a little bit more such i think i'll take it down a little bit more let's just take that group down a little bit more on there make it a little bit more obvious of what's happening and again toggle that on and off there we go so that's a pretty pretty blatant so there it is on and there it is off okay so now that that's applied i hit save and remember i have two of these multi-page tiff files inside of inside of lightroom so i've got now if i look at these side by side i go back and forth between them there's the see there's the version with the saturated oranges you can see that up there and there's the version without it so i have that ability to maintain the editability and still have two side-by-side files and at this point i might decide okay for sure i do like the one without the saturation so i'm going to go ahead and delete the oversaturated whatever you know you you have the choice but the ability to duplicate that file when you when you're editing it when you choose that edit edit process is really really powerful so now let's do something else in lightroom to this i'm going to crop it let's say i want to crop this for instagram for example so let's go here and i'm going to crop this photo and i'm gonna i'm gonna choose square i know for instagram you probably do a four or five but just to make this a little bit more obvious we'll go square i'll push it up to the top and close that off okay so there's my square instagram crop yeah i kind of want to want to add vignetting around the square shape because remember the vignetting is around the whole rectangular image not the square image so i'm going to do that here in lightroom let's just go into lightroom and where are we here we go effects vignetting let's just add a little bit of vignetting on there okay so that's cool but then everything wait wait a second i've already got vignetting applied to this in the tiff file so i need to get rid of that but i've cropped it but i've cropped it in lightroom so here's what we can do i can open up the multi-layered tiff file that is uncropped take off the vignetting or do whatever else you want but in this case take off the vignetting come back into lightroom and have that cropped image intact now unfortunately at this point we're going to run into a bug in lightroom um it's gonna get fixed but there's a bug in lightroom right now that will discard the work that i've done so let me let me explain a little bit of what i'm intending to do and the workaround that i have to do until they address this right now if i right click on this cropped image and i choose edit in we're going to go back into analog effects pro again i should be able to edit the original and you notice it says here lightroom adjustments will not be visible i should be able to edit original it'll open this up allow me to do my changes which will happen and then when i save it out of analog effects pro it goes back into lightroom classic that crop should be maintained it's not going to be right now and that's the bug so what i'm going to do instead before i do this is i'm just going to um well actually i'm going to go back into there i'm going to edit a copy of this this way i'm going to have that cropped version off to the side i'll then be able to copy and paste the cropping obviously i could just redo the crop but you know let's pretend that i had done a lot more to it i don't want to have to redo the work this will allow me to copy and paste that crop in so let's just go ahead and get rid of the vignetting entirely inside of analog effects pro and then i will copy and paste the crop over again shouldn't have to it's a bug in lightroom it'll get fixed so let's uh let's turn off the vignetting entirely there we go get rid of the video entirely hit save now watch it's going to end up being cropped because they fixed the bug when i wasn't looking nope there we go so there we can see the crop is gone it shouldn't be here's the earlier version that i had so i'm just going to go copy and let's just check everything make sure that everything's copied there's that's going to get my crop and my vignette and paste that in and now there's copied that copy and pasted that and yet back in at this point i could definitely delete this other version but now i've got the cropped square against the unvignetted colorfx effects unvignetted analog effects profile with the vignette added back in in lightroom and at this point maybe i want to make it a little bit stronger and there we go so there we have that ability so just a huge amount of flexibility in here which is absolutely enormous there's some questions coming up we're going to come to those in just a moment very quickly though i want to show you perspective effects again not the the center of today's demo but i just want to show you something really cool so here we've got this photo that i shot in red square and it is uh a little bit a little bit tilty i don't know maybe a whitish lens or whatever it's just the buildings are tilting towards each other i want to straighten these out and you go well that's cool lightroom has quite a good perspective correction tool in it okay so let's go down here let's find it uh where are we where are we it is i just scroll past it it is split toning detail lens no not transform there we go transform and it's off right now and i'm just going to start with the auto button because this is this comes this is easy right we got big vertical building how hard can this be so i hit auto well it didn't do a whole lot i mean it kind of did a little bit but it's not great well okay let's just do vertical that's even worse let's do full we'll do the full perspective correction full i didn't do anything so you know i could go in here manually and tweak it but you feel like you know this should be done automatically well perspective effects will so here's what perspective effects is let me jump into this this is the one all new tool that is part of the nick collection 3. this is a a tool specifically for correcting perspective in photos like this it also does edge deformation for super wide angle lenses it also does miniaturization effect for aerial photos or elevated photos lots of stuff we're not going to get into because that's not the focus of today but i just want to show you that this is here that it exists and here's the perspective here's the auto button one click on auto button and look at that now that is prospectively corrected perspectively correct now we're looking at the right perspective take that so this has done a much better job than lightroom classic did to make that change and so now with one click those lines are perfect this looks way better than it did before and that's the kind of effect that i want so at this point i would hit save on here and then maybe take it into another plug-in another one of the uh knit collection and play with that all right let's jump over to the questions there's a couple of them that popped up on my screen so i want to see what's happening in here um this is a super wide give me a moment here there it is let me resize this column so i can actually see the whole question um okay first question if you open a raw file into acr that's adobe camera raw duplicate the background layer okay you can't when you're in acr but duplicate the background layer and convert that layer to smart object okay would you not have the very same re-editing capabilities gotcha okay so what they're asking is and thank you for that question what you're asking is if you instead of going from lightroom if you go straight into photoshop as the raw file so you're opening it in adobe camera raw and then choosing to open it as a smart object not opening it as a flattened layer but as a smart object would you have that same capability yes when this is how we've had re-editing capability before you had to go through photoshop so you had to from lightroom if you're using lightroom you would oops you would here we go you would right click on a photo and you would say um here we go open as smart object in photoshop that would create a psd with this as a smart object which you would then add your filter as a smart filter on top of that and you'd have that re-editing re-editing capability but you had to go to photoshop now you get that re-editing capability without having to go to photoshop there's no round-tripping you're doing it all in lightroom so that's the answer to that question thank you for asking that next question what happens if you edit in analog effects save editable and then open color effects and save editable then reopen an analog effects it will flatten it so as you go to a different filter it will flatten it out it only has the ability to do to maintain one of those filter types in there if you add another filter type then it has to flatten it out so the ability to re-edit is restricted to that one filter that you started with um last question is up right now show how to display the control point masks again okay absolutely so we will i'm going to do masking again control point masking again in another photo coming up and so i will be sure to show that to you there alrighty that is those questions sweat the whistle and move on next we're going to open up a series of photos just to kind of play with so you've seen now how to re-edit pictures i'm going to jump back and forth between some photos just to drive that point home that we can go in and re-edit and we're just going to have some fun in lightroom and the the knit collection and see what we can create so i'm going to start with oops wrong page um i'm going to start with this photo here this is shot in oaxaca mexico this is uh out in the middle of nowhere pretty fun pretty fun trip let's go open this in color effects pro and um let's see here let's open this up and i want to i don't know i want to enhance it i want to make this picture better i want to have some fun with it so let's let's just let's just do something cool um i'm going to see there's that dialogue again again at this point not sure i'm going to say do not show this again i'll figure out how to reset that for another demo so it stops popping up but i of course have already enabled save and edit later so we make sure that that's there okay so in colorfx pro if you're not familiar with this already as i'm sure many of you are but just in case you're not the way colorfx pro works is you have a series of filters that you can add and you add them into a filter stack and that filter stack shows up on the right hand side so right now there is a high key filter applied to this if i go up here to the filter library you'll see that i have tons of filters here that i can choose from they are broken down into handy dandy little categories some of them overlap there's overlapping some of these or we can just look at all of them in here if you have any ones that you really really like that you keep coming back to you can click that little star to mark it as a favorite which means that i can then go to my favorites tab and look at just my favorite filters but as i click on a different filter here for example black and white conversion it replaces the filter that was over here on the right so the high key is gone black and white conversion is now there go to dark contrasts black and white is gone dark contrast is there if i want to add filters stack filters on top of each other then i click on the add filter button so at this point i've got dark contrast if i click on add filter it adds an empty filter holder and now i can go and add let's say bleach bypass on top of that so now i've got multiple filters added on top of each other to clear these out you just click on the little x there clears them out until you get an empty filter holder and you're we're now looking at the original image so kind of fun easy easy way to play with these um i'm going to actually go for a preset in here let's go down to my recipes and we'll look at all of these and these are a series of presets they're called recipes in here that are a stack of filters look over on the right that have already been put together for you and put into a fun little name and this is really just a great way for inspiration this is a way to play around and get some ideas for what you might want to do with your picture and so you can go through and just try out different ones it's called blue monday that's kind of cool kind of warming on the skinning skin tones softening out the skin a bit that's neat and you keep going through even on a cloudy day let's see what this looks like all right that's that's kind of cool it's got a very cool look to it um a kind of glowing fade this is neat we've got this glow-ish thing happening in the smoke and on her face and a little bit of a faded vintage look and and just on and on there's tons and tons of different ones in here i'm going to grab one to start with that is called super punch so we add super punch to it and it's got this kind of contrast a little bit of extra texture added to it i like it i think it's we're off to a good start in here but i want to i want to really make that smoke pop i want to really make that spoke come out so i'm going to add a new filter under here and i'm going to drop in a filter called detail extractor now detail extractor we can already see we're getting a lot of extra detail here in the smoke on her face and the wall behind her and so on so if i toggle that on and off there you can kind of see what that's done and i want that detail extractor but i really just want it in the smoke and so i'm going to do that with the control point so let's go over here to control points now the control points work a little bit differently depending on the tool that you're in sometimes a control point itself has all of the controls on it sometimes sometimes the control point is effectively a mask for that particular filter and that's what they are here in color effects pro we are looking at the detail extractor filter it in itself has its own control points if i go to pro contrast it has its own control points bleach bypass it has its own control points in this case i want to use the detail extractor i'm going to add a positive control point which the only difference between a positive and a negative control point is the opacity so if i add a positive control point here this o that's for opacity if i hover over it see it says opacity and as i drag this up or down we are changing the opacity of that control point if i add a negative control point it is simply adding it at opacity zero that's all it is it's all the differences so it doesn't really matter which one you click on it is going to do the same thing it's just adding it at 100 or zero percent and then you can adjust it after that so i want to see what this control point is affecting so this is one of the questions that we had if i click on open up the control point here and you see it's listed and then click on this little icon this little guy looks like a mask icon click on that and that reveals the mask and now i can see in real time what that mask is going to affect and so if i make it really big it's going to affect the smoke that side of her face remember white is what will be affected the whole cauldron down here the fire is clipped out that side of her face is protected but a lot of this is being affected if i drag this down smaller we'll see less and less that's being affected now again i want the smoke so i'm going to make this kind of big push off to the corner here i want to make sure i'm getting a lot of the smoke in here and there's smoke down here too so i'm going to make a duplicate of this i could just click on the plus to make a new one or i can option drag on this hold down option key and drag this now i've made a duplicate of that which is now independent i can make that a little bigger if i want to but now i want to protect the cauldron area so i can again click and drag the opacity down to zero or i can just select the negative control point drop that down and now i'm protecting that area of the image i want to make sure i protect the side of her face too so let's go ahead and add another negative control point to the side of her face and that's looking pretty good so now i've got this stack of control points where i am affecting the smoke area and not the rest of it if i want to toggle all of these on and off at once you have this mask button here that allows you to just turn them all on and off at once just conveniently to see them you can look at individual ones by clicking on the individual check boxes in here and then once the effect is applied so let's go ahead and take the detail extractor way up let's just crank that up there a little contrast in there too really crank it up it's a little bit higher in there there we go remember we've got the control points already applied but if i wanted to see what this looked like without the control points this switch right here turns off the control points in this case it's turning it off for i guess it's turning off everything so effectively it's hiding the entire effect in there okay so that's that applied on there i got the control points added to the smoke i'm digging it i'm happy i'm gonna hit save okay this is great love the image all right so now i'm happy with this image walk away show it to some people come back day later and i go you know there's this branch or something i don't know what this is but it's super distracting down there i need to get rid of that i can't really crop it out because i like the rock in here certainly can't crop out the fire i could try and clone it out but that's going to be a bit of a nightmare how about i just try and reduce the brightness of it well that's fine let's do that let's pick up where we left off back in the colorfx pro tool and just add that as another filter to the stack just go into colorfx pro and make sure you edit original remember gotta edit that original hit edit it's going to open this guy up and i'm going to add another new filter to this um let's here we're going to add so we'll just add another filter stack so add an empty filter i'm going to find where is it what is it called again i want to look for levels and curves it's probably under under l there we go levels and curves select that now levels and curves is a simple tool for changing the exposure as a curve tool i can adjust the brightness shadows whatever i like and if i play with this a little bit you'll see that i can do a pretty decent job of darkening that that branch down there but obviously i'm going to need to use a control point to make this totally effective so let's add a control point onto that branch if i want to see what that mask looks like i just toggle it on but that's an easy one just add it on it's going to do the work that i want and so now let's go ahead and darken this down a little bit and pull some of that brightness out of there and i'll probably get a way of pulling this down a little too pull the white point on that down we don't want it to go gray we just want it to be a little bit less distracting i think that works cool cool yeah that takes care of it so that kind of knocks some of that back but again at this point i go you know that was good but um the the detail that i'd added earlier is a little bit much let's back that off a little bit well i have all of those tools there it's all in there let's um add a little light to her face for example as another example let's add another filter let's do a let's do another levels and curves um levels and curves i should favorite that so i can find it easier add another levels and curves i'm going to add a control point right in the middle of her face on there and let's just brighten up her face a little bit maybe move that into the shadows a little there we go now the shadow side i'm not even going to look at the mask i'm just going to find there we go that spot add that little spot of light to her love it maybe make it a little bit smaller so you don't have to look at the mask it's very very effective to be able to look at it very powerful you don't have to it's up to you it's cool dig it all right i'm going to go ahead and apply that one there i'm liking that i'm liking that alrighty i've got a couple other other images that i want to play with i see some more questions coming in so let me jump over and answer those uh first one after finishing work in color effects i typically make a few small adjustments back in my group okay how do i open backing color effects with the latest lightroom adjustments and still see the color effects adjustments you can't so if you want to be able to re-edit then you remember when we did the edit end and we had the choice to either make a new copy with the lightroom adjustments right so at this point here let's just say i went in here and i changed the exposure on this oh i want the whole thing to be a little bit darker that's a terrible example let's let's change the color temperature i'll make it warmer there we go that works i want to make this warmer if i right click on this image now and i choose edit in go back to colorfx pro if i edit the original its lightroom adjustments will not be visible if i edit a copy lightroom adjustments will not be visible and remember they should get reapplied when you come back but that's a bug right now in lightroom it'll get fixed um but there's that or i can edit a copy with the lightroom adjustments however this is flattening the file it says apply the lightroom adjustments to a copy of the file and edit that one the copy will not contain layers or alpha channels which also means it's not going to contain that multi-page tiff so if you wanted to maintain your um your your sorry your your color effects pro edits that you did and still be able to edit those you can't combine them with the lightroom stuff if you do that after if you do the lightroom edits beforehand then you could but after you cannot so what you would need to do is edit a edit original ignore the fact that the lightroom adjustments aren't being made and then let those lightroom adjustments reapply when you come back in that's the way you would have to do that um all right next question many asking oh many people are asking about re-editing with photoshop and the smart filters you guys want to see that then all right we'll do the next one in photoshop i will take it there uh next question is does this mean it's possible to go back and save a neck recipe after you've already left the plugin yes it does which is fantastic so let's say that this look let's reset my lightroom thing that i just changed let's say that i've done this work and i'm going man i put so much time into this this is so cool i want to save this as a recipe but i've already left the plugin that means that i can now go into here edit in color effects pro 4 edit the original and i will now be able to save that recipe so let this load up here we go i can now choose save recipe give that a name we'll call it mexico and now i've got that one applied so yes absolutely that's huge now if you're doing this in photoshop you also have a last edit button so if you haven't seen that why don't plan wasn't to go to photoshop but i'm totally happy with doing that because people are asking for it let's do it well let's do it all right let's go here and i will do the photoshop round trip workflow from lightroom classic how's that sound so i'm going to go to this photo next lovely portrait of this model and we're going to instead of editing in the plugin i'm going to say open as smart object in photoshop now this is a raw photo in fact let me do something else here um let's see here let's go to the library tab and what am i looking for um what am i looking for oh yeah here i wanted to show you here there we go rw2 so this is a raw file just i just kind of want to approve that this is a raw photo and go back into develop and don't want to do any basic adjustments do a little auto adjust that's way too much uh let's take that down but that's good i've done some adjustments in here okay so i've done some adjustments here in lightroom now i'm going to right click edit in open a smart object in photoshop this is going to open photoshop and create a smart object layer which is itself the raw file with the changes made to it so let me just move this out of the way for the moment there we're seeing the image you can see here that this is a smart object because this little funny icon there if i double click on this it's going to open it in camera raw so we are now looking at that raw photo and you see there's the exposure changes that i had made in lightroom so plus 0.95 plus 6 contrast minus 67 highlights if we went over to lightroom we see the same thing plus 95 plus 6 minus 67. so it's all that exact same information is now here okay so now we're in this smart object that is a raw file inside of photoshop now let's apply a plug-in i'm going to go for the silverfix pro so now that we're in photoshop since we're here i can show you the little palette this is the this is the selective tool that allows me to select whichever filter i want and it's a at this point it's just a quick shortcut but if i expand this out what's really neat is that i have access to my favorite filters in here so and recipes so under color effects pro for example i've got contrast in black and white taipei vintage all marked as favorite recipes i go to filters and here's some including levels and curves that i just favorited a moment ago right that's showing up in here and so on so that's kind of fun but i want to take this into silver effects pro so in silver effects pro just in case i forget to show this to you when i come back you have this last edit button so if i had done an effect and even if i hadn't saved it as a as a multi-page tiff file and then i go ah i forgot to save that recipe i can come back by clicking last edit it'll reapply the last data that was done and then i can save the recipe from there all right let's uh let's just go ahead and launch into the plugin though lunch into silver effects um i also wanted to point out that the uh this non-destructive workflow we're seeing in lightroom classic is also available out of photo lab 3. so if you're using photo lab 3 you have that same non-destructive re-editable capability with the multi-page tiff all right you get a dialogue here that tells you hey silverflex pro has identified that the active layer is a smart object and will now operate as a smart filter fantastic which means again i'll be able to go back and re-edit it so let's hear i did actually have some plans for this photo here so i'm going to do a little black and white magic into this picture um find my notes so i know exactly which filters i was going to apply and here we go ah yes i am well let's just start by playing with a few presets in here and just kind of go through and you can see the dramatic differences i don't know about you guys but i love silverflex pro i think it's just such a cool filter uh such a cool tool gives you some really dramatic looks in here and i'm gonna start with this one it's this it's called high structure it's got some structure going on i love what it's doing to his skin on here it's got this really cool look to it however if you look closely look at the edges of his shoulder this is not cool it has done this kind of solarization on his shoulder there and let's zoom into 100 on here and really take a look at it that is because that is where the image had gone to defocus and that line was such a harsh line that the the addition of structure has kind of kind of messed with it a little bit if we look at the original image that's what the original photo looks like so you can see that focus transition and it's fine but here it you end up with this extra line it just doesn't quite look right i mean i guess the extra line's already there but it's just it's enhancing it so we're gonna fix that we don't want that so to fix that once again i'm going to use control points if you look at the global adjustments here the structure's up to 33 if i take this down to zero then that effect goes away so that is where it's coming from so instead of doing structure globally i'm going to do it with selective adjustments with control points now remember in color effects pro i pointed out that the control point there is simply an opacity adjustment between uh from from 100 to zero percent applied for each individual filter when you're in silver effects we're not working with individual filters the controls you see on the right here are always here and so a control point works differently here a control point to make this nice and big allows me to control the brightness the contrast the structure the amplify whites amplify blacks find structure and selective colorization all within one control point so here what i want to do is add some of this texture from the structure adjustment i want to add that to his chest and i want to add that to his face and so you can see there how it's really kind of making his skin pop like that but we're already getting the effect over here on the side so to get rid of that i'm going to add another control point and at this point because it's not a positive negative control point it's not a 100 or zero percent when i add a control point it is effectively going to take over it's going to take over whatever was being done by this control point and it says oh no i have controlled this area now and if we look closely at what it's affecting i kind of dropped it in just the right spot let's just zoom in a little bit more here we can see that it has nicely selected that line in there and if i move it up just a little bit right i've got the background move it down a little bit i'm onto his shoulder but i dropped it just on the right spot to find that line i've got to find it again where are we where are we come on where are we i guess that's a bit right about there let's make this a little bit smaller too we don't need this quite so big there we go so we are kind of protecting that line i'm going to do the same thing on the other shoulder i'll just go and option drag this one over and position this and find once again find that defocus line and i want to get as much on just the line as i can that's looking pretty good okay cool that works now let's hide those masks and we're back to the image let's zoom out of this a little bit i'm going to select both of those so we can see that we're getting less of that effect but it's still a little bit there so i'm going to show you a trick let me select both of these control points because these are the two shoulder ones i'm going to group them together so that they're acting together now whatever change i make to these adjustments will affect both of them and i'm going to go to the structure and i'm going to do negative structure on that so i'm going to effectively soften that area to counteract any structure changes that were happening from the main one here and now we've got the result that i'm looking for there's the original and there's the affected one i would say we're getting an ever so slight amount of that um that effect happening but i'm okay with it because it was part of the original photo to begin with a little bit but now we're getting where i want to be now let's add another control point onto his face and let's add a little bit more structure into there and make that a little smaller let's get some of that structure on there and uh and we're doing good so okay cool let's go ahead and apply this so remember we're in photoshop now so once since we're in photoshop and this is a smart layer a smart filter i can go back and re-edit that filter at any time so let's move this out of the way there's the original layer there's the smart filter i can hide or reveal that smart filter and if i want to re-edit it i just double click on that smart filter and away we go so this does give you the ultimate flexibility this does give you more flexibility than you have coming out of lightroom classic also because you have layers in here when you can add multiple images do composites whatever but this also would allow me to combine multiple filters and keep each filter as a smart object allowing me to go back in and re-edit so for the person who had asked about having multiple filters and being able to re-edit multiple ones you can't do that in lightroom but you can if you do this setup in photoshop so let's go back into the plugin i double click on silverfx pro in there and uh and away we go someone is asking if we always if i always use srgb no i'm just being sloppy here i'm usually using adobe rgb yeah also i wanted to point out too i mentioned in the beginning that uh okay here i mentioned in the beginning that we were not using perspective effects because it's not part of this re-editable capability that's important to know when you do the perspective effects correction that is permanent when you hit okay that is done it's baked into that tiff file you can't go back in and re-edit that okay uh so now i'm looking at this picture i you know i was happy with it but now i want to make some more changes so once again we're back in there's my control points right they're all still here let's take that structure up even higher maybe you know whatever it is you want to do in here and i'm gonna i'm gonna add some film type to this because i just i just love it i'm just gonna go in here and choose these different film types silver effects pros so beautiful and we can really go in and just find some kind of super cool look on here i think i had one picked out that i liked this was it yeah ilford xp2 there we go nice and dramatic now at this point the shadows in the background super dark a little bit too much a little bit too dark so let's go add another control point drop it into the background here make that a little bigger and we'll brighten that up just a little bit i mean i can brighten it way up and totally bring that detail back in but i don't want that much i just want a little bit just a hint of that coming through let's option drag that over to here make another one on this side and again i can group these so there's these two control points select those group them and now the brightness adjustment will affect both of those in the background and i can find that point the way i like it and i would say right about there hit okay and i dig it and dig it now if as i said we can add another filter on top of this so why don't we do that because we're here why not let's go and do it so i'm going to add let's add um where are we net collection let's do adding to black and white let's go let's go analog effects why not go to analog effects let's see what we can do on top of the black and white probably wouldn't normally do this but we're doing it we're doing it all right over a thousand people watching live today that is wonderful thank you everybody for watching live all right apply this let's oh this is gonna be cool oh i like this classic camera see what that looks like kind of a cool sepia ish remember we're adding this on top of the black and white so this would look totally different if it was in color in fact oh this is cool watch we're going to do this let's go which one should i choose let's do classic camera 9 because i think this one looks pretty cool on a color image so let's i dig this i'm going to apply that hit okay again we're playing this on top of the black and white but that black and white is just a filter layer so here i have my two layers my two filters there's analog effects there's silver effects let's turn off silver effects give it a moment to re-render and it will re-render analog effects without silver effects underneath it and we'll get a whole new image you can see in the lower left corner we're seeing the progress while it recalculates everything it's got a lot to do and in a moment here we will see what this looks like if you've got any more questions folks get them in now because we are getting ready to wrap this up um there you go and so there's that version of the photo in color with that analog effects applied to it without the black and white behind it pretty slick pretty neat all right let's see here um oh there's a very nice comment up here thank you to the people who are making very nice comments i appreciate that all right is there anything else since i wasn't planning on coming in here let me jump back to lightroom um oh let me show you another silver another perspective effects demo just because so this photo this was also in mexico this is uh an old church and the camera is on the ground tilting up clearly we have this very wide perspective distortion here now this is way more than we would need to be able to do but it's kind of cool to see what we can do let me jump into perspective effects and i'm going to do the auto correction on here and i think it's going to kind of blow you away what this will do it's pretty impressive so let's just go auto like that's kind of cool now if you look closely because the image was so far off to the side you know we're looking at this from way over the side here and when i do this auto because of where the camera is it tends to kind of look like i'm almost standing right in front of it but not quite because we wouldn't be seeing down the angles here and here but i mean that's pretty powerful now this is a really neat functionality of this the image has been cropped all right if we go back to the original we can see all the way to the top of the church and then some sky above it if i enable the auto perspective effects that has now cropped off the top of the church in there and you go hold on a minute i don't want that cropped off that should still be there well if we look at the crop control let's just turn off auto cropping this is what has actually happened to the image this is how it's been distorted to give me the look that i'm looking for with that straight on image and you can see oh well the crop of the top of the building's still there so why when i auto crop it is it cropped off well that's because the software is by default trying to maintain the same or it is maintaining the same aspect ratio of the original photo and i can override that so i will go in here and say unconstrained crop and let's just open up the crop tool and now i can crop this however i like and i go okay well actually i i want the top of the building so let's just go up there just above the uh the windmill or the what do you call that the um that windmill we call those things the wind vane something vain there's a name in there i'm totally forgetting and apply that and now i've got that back in so you have that capability you have that flexibility in there right a couple more questions that are coming in hi instead of a negative control point on color effects with a smoke okay is it possible to use a kind of brush to paint over where you want to cancel the effect of the control point you can in photoshop that's not something you could do in lightroom so let's go back to photoshop let's say that okay let's just say that i've got this effect now applied over the whole image and i want to take that effect away from the background notice here that there is a mask layer so there's a smart filters stack collection i guess you might call it with the two smart filters i've turned off silver effects pro it's we'll just leave that off for now analog effects pros on if i select this layer and then i just bring up my brush and let's get a nice big brush in here and let's go uh it's gonna be black and i start brushing on here i'm now brushing the the original background back in so clearly i wouldn't do it quite like that i would probably go for like a gray maybe let's take kind of a grayish color let's go for a pretty light gray let me do this kind of subtly and let's make this bigger and there i can start to brush some of that out there we go so i'm getting a kind of a combination of that so if you want to have the ability to brush it again photoshop you remember that lightroom is not a compositing tool right lightroom is meant to be a single photo editing world if you want to do compositing you want to do multiple effects multiple images blend effects between effects then you would come to photoshop for that so there you go so that's how that works yeah and if you want to look at the mask option click on that and there's the mask that i created kind of a neat tip if you're doing this let's say i've painted all this and i go i just i wish i had painted the whole thing a bit more so it was a bit more masked with the mask selected if i hit command l to bring up levels i can now adjust the levels of that mask if you look at the thumbnail down here let me see if i can make this a little bigger um how do we make that bigger there's a view in here to make these bigger and no panel panel options there we go let's make these nice and big okay so you can see that mask right there see it's kind of a light gray against white so again with that selected command l to bring up levels and as i adjust that we can see that that mask has been applied completely back off somewhere between so now i have this this easy way to kind of dial the the mask in between back and forth which is neat so neat little tip in there another question how do you know which nick tool you last edited the image with uh you have run into the rep of that you don't um if you come back to it after a long time you open the wrong nick tool it would flatten the file and you would lose the edit history for good right um as long as you don't apply it you won't so it's actually a very good question let's i've never tried this if you don't apply it you should be fine so let's go back in into lightroom and okay so this image has all my work done to it i'm going to edit in and let's go to silver effects pro let's say obviously this isn't the right one but i mean that's the point this is not the right one i'm going to choose edit original i'm going to go in here and once it gets in here we go oh my god that's the wrong plugin this wasn't silver effects pro it was something else okay well let's cancel the image should be totally intact yeah the image is intact so now i can go in and say edit in was it colorfx pro where was it edit original and yeah that information of which filter was used is not written in anywhere there we go and there's all of our changes over here on the right so we are intact so as long as you don't hit save in that other plugin you're safe if you hit save you're toast so don't hit save um alrighty hey thanks so much for tuning in today that was a lot of fun over a thousand of you watching live that is absolutely fantastic i hope you enjoyed i hope you learned something today there's so much going on in here it's hard to pack it into an hour-long demo um clearly i could do this all week long and still never run out of things to show you so come back for the next webinar whenever that is and and we'll we'll get back into we'll have some more fun thanks a bunch everybody take care of yourselves see you next time
Channel: Nik Collection
Views: 4,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nik Collection, Nik Collection by DxO, Silver Efex Pro, Color Efex Pro, Dfine, Editing software, Lightroom, PhotoShop, HDR, nik sofware, analog efex pro, viveza, sharpener pro, non destructive workflow, non destructive workflow in photoshop, non-destructive, non-destructive workflow, photo editing, Nik collection 3, nik collection 3 by dxo, workflow, lightroom non destructive workflow, non destructive editing, lightroom nik collection
Id: wbHY5S99h3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 25sec (3025 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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