Nik Collection 3 - Must Have or Money Grab??

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[Music] everybody Joe here from shutter speed photography so nice to see your smiling faces again here on YouTube today I'd like to talk to you a little bit about the new new collection 3.0 that's out from DxO marks you can upgrade at a special introductory price currently if you have a 2.5 probably 2.0 or of course you could purchase the full package but we're gonna take a quick look at what's new and you can decide for yourselves if this is an upgrade that's worth it for you I'll be honest with you there are a lot of people on the web that thinks since the Excel marks has taken over some of the moves that made have been what soon people would call money grabs especially with very small feature upgrades like the 2.0 the 2.5 that really didn't have a tremendous amount really no major changes to any of the tools what 3.0 does introduce a new tool so that's something new that you might want to consider and we'll take a look at it as well as a new launcher and a brush feature that's been educated into their tool set as well so we'll take a look at it and you can make a decision as to whether or not it's right for you so before we get started I'd just like to run one more thing by your smiling faces if you find something helpful in this video please help me by hitting the subscribe button ok so we are here inside Photoshop and we have this image up on the screen that we're gonna quickly fix up and then we are going to apply some of the the Excel filters to it so let us get started so one of the first things I want to do is just we're just gonna clean up some of the distract us and this image really quick it is a smart object and the tool that I have chosen doesn't like that so what we're gonna do is hit ctrl Jake I'm gonna copy that layer and right-click on it and we're gonna pasteurize this layer okay and make some changes really quick here and just get rid of this shadow down here that's a bit of a distractor Photoshop work this magic that's fine and maybe we'll get rid of these people in the background let's hit this to screen let's get rid of a few of these distractors back here when the shop cleans this up really quickly with the healing tool right here that's good just do this a little bit at a time so that Photoshop doesn't make a mess out of things like just doing a little at a time it's able to work its magic a little bit better and make some better decisions now you see things are getting a little messy in the background there and that's fine it's not gonna matter I'm gonna show you why in a little bit so let's not worry so much about that okay so so one of the first things that I want to show you about the new tool here and EXO and excels fishing balls - there we go okay is that it has a new launcher thing now called the Nick collections selective tool and it has some presets in some of the tools like for example color effects before you'll see the arrow and I can apply any favorite recipes or last edits right there from that panel it kind of has to look and feel a little bit more Photoshop matching the color scheme a little bit better we can you get a little bit smaller but sadly we still cannot dock it and it still kind of puts itself in the way every time it launches and it is easy to shut off there is a setting stamp right here and you can just uncheck this automatically launch checkbox here do that right now you can also minimize it and it will hide itself down at the bottom I find it a little bit hard to relaunch because when you double click on it it opens up this little about box unless you hit it just right on that little maximize icon so let's open this back up again and the tool that is new is the new perspective effects and I'll give DxO monks a lot of props for doing a great job what they did was they took their collection their lens database in their camera database and they made custom profiles for all the various lenses in combinations with various cameras and you can apply perspective correction based on not only the lens but the exact camera with the exact lens that you're using you do have to download a small module for each situation so for example if I was shooting a nikon z6 with a nikon z24 270 f 2.8 lens there is no profile for that in Adobe Lightroom however in perspective effects there is a profile and it will prompt me to download it I can download it within the plugin and get right back to it it is a little picky though so I can't apply in this profile because it needs the original image now this is the original image but I opened it as a smart object in Photoshop and it doesn't like that and now let me just show you how I can show you exactly how this actually would work let me make sure I don't have car key on I do not have car key on so now if I take this image and I say edit in Photoshop I'm not opening it as a smart object let me run perspective effects there we go and now I can hit the auto it recognizes this is a nikon z6 it recognizes it was shot with a Nikon Z 24 to 70 F 2.8 lens on that c6 body and it is apply the appropriate Corrections for it but same exact image as a smart object it can't do it if I save this back I can't save it back is the wrong image unfortunately I would have to save it back as a PSD or a tiff to get that those changes recognized by Lightroom same thing if I launch this from Lightroom you're gonna have to save a second copy of this but again you know it's a great tool and it has a tremendous amount of information out there so in that respect I like and I'm pretty happy about it let's don't save okay let's close this out and get back to our original that we were working on I've gone ahead and made a copy of the layer and you see that right through there and I want to show you so many other things that perspective effects can do which is actually in my opinion also really worthwhile mentioning so down at the bottom here it has the miniature effect and we can just turn that on and what it's designed to do is give a toy effect to cityscape or something that I'm sure you've seen a miniature effect and you know I can show you a quick example of that let's go back to the library really quick and I will show you a quick version of that so we take this photo here let's go over to photoshop oops it's cancel out let's take the original if I can find the original there it is let's edit this in Photoshop and we'll apply that miniature effect so you get an idea of what that looks like let's cancel out of this and here we go so again we'll go with perspective effects using perspective effects let's go down to that miniature effect you'll see how that works giving that that Tori effect like we're photographing a miniature object okay you can also take this and change where the blur is affecting your image and change the size as well as well as the angle so if we wanted to drag this up or down well you could do that okay and once we were happy we could just hit apply so that's pretty fun I like that and bounce back to one of the other ways that I thought that perspective effects was kind of fun now also when working with portraits especially portraits with children popular look is to take this what happened here else back out of this for a second let's try to get perspective okay here we are and we're going to turn that miniature effect on so a popular look is to blur out the foreground on the background so that the focus is solely on the child okay so we can go ahead and apply that right there and it actually does a pretty decent job okay again we have the ability to change the amount of blur by just hitting this slider here and the same for the top the only thing that I would have preferred is if these sliders operated independently meaning that I could apply more blur in this direction and less blur in this direction if I had chose to do that unfortunately it's the same on both sides so if I choose 23 here it's gonna be 23 above so everything above has a blur factor of 23 everything below this line a blur factor of 23 but once I'm happy with it I can go ahead and apply that blur I think I'd like to move it down a little bit maybe make the distance a little bit wider get that zero degrees and once I'm happy with that I can go ahead and save it and now this is gonna give it a little breathing room something that I am pretty happy with in you know can we have done this in Photoshop yeah of course we could have but it is just a nice convenient tool to have and it does work well okay so okay if I'm at that I can just hit apply and it's safe and that will bring us right back into Photoshop with that blur now applied now let's say now we wanted to maybe apply some colorization to this maybe I would have done that in Photoshop but if we wanted to use color effects for we can certainly do that you see it drops itself onto a new layer which is nice now opening up color effects for I don't see anything new about this again they did add a new tool but your existing toolset seems to be the same if there are any new presets or anything came here I haven't found them the 2.5 version at 200 presets they're advertising 200 presets for this color Nik collection 3.0 so as far as I'm concerned and as best I can tell I don't see any other changes I looked on the Nik collection website and they don't have any information that I was able to find that defines what the changes are from 3 2.5 to 3 for the Nik collection with the exception of the new tool and the new feature that I'm about shown so if I want to add some color to this I would add a filter and let's go with let's say colorize okay I'm going to choose my color that I'm gonna call rise probably a pink and that looks nice and I'm going to apply that that's actually not bad maybe a little bit less okay and so once I'm happy with what I have down at the bottom now we now have a brush tool okay so if we clicked on brush color effects for it's gonna go back now we have this brush tool that pops up and now what we do here is we basically have the ability to brush in this effect wherever we want it okay essentially girly wasn't all it's done is created a layer mask but here's a handy and convenient sure it is so if I didn't want it to affect the sky I only want to affect you the bottom of the image I can easily do that by now just brushing it in I could erase out parts that I didn't want if I made a mistake I can brush those parts back in here I can affect the entire image or not or I get deleted all together so again let's just for an example let's brush this out of the sky guess we wanted the blue sky maybe now we only want to colorize this bottom half of the image and again you see it's basically it's just greedily a mask for us here but we can apply and it's done it's an D it's convenient you know crop out this image a little bit even out that horizon line okay there we go trade that out a little bit and drop that into place there we go and quick and easy we've created that blurred effect we've colorized our image we've masked it into the parts that we want in a somewhat non-destructive manner is the perspective tool enough for the cost of the upgrade well that's going to be for you to decide right now you can get the upgrade at a discount for a limited time and then after that the price is going to go up however in terms of the remainder of the toolset most things seem to be unchanged some of the things that I wasn't particularly thrilled about is the interface that is somewhat difficult on some of the tools I am using a 4k monitor this tool the font size is decent but on some of the other tools the font size again this is just unacceptable I mean I can barely reheat the font size here to me you have to do better so this is just you know it's just not okay to work with with a tool that just clearly wasn't designed to work with a fork aim on her so is there progress yes is there room for improvement yeah there sure is so again is it worth it well that's for you to decide so there yeah so I hope you found that video helpful and if you did please do me a favor and help me out by hitting like and hitting the subscribe button and also ring the bell so you get notified out future updates usually about two videos or so a week I would certainly appreciate it again if something in this video helped you please do that to help me I greatly appreciate it feel free to comment I do answer almost all of the comments if I can so if you have a question feel free to drop it in there anyway thanks for watching and I will see you next time okay have a great one you
Channel: Joseph Nuzzo
Views: 9,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nik collection 3.0 download, nik collection, nik software, nik collection photoshop, nik Collection 3, nik collection 3 by dxo, color efex pro, nik, silver efex pro, new nik collection, nik collection by dxo, nik collection 2020, analog efex pro, nik collection 2.5, sharpener pro 3, nik selective tool, viveza, perspective efex, sharpener pro, color efex pro 4, google nik collection, dxo, dxo labs
Id: B2SjyAf6UfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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