Van Life Safety Be Prepared For the Worst By Living in a Van

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everyone welcome back to my next video today's going to be a little different video than i normally try to do i just make it my goal to encourage you and help you become nomads and better nomads and have a better life as a nomad but today i'm going to veer a little bit off topic today is november 2nd tomorrow is the election and you know when i think back at 2020 it has been quite a year hasn't it i mean everyone you talk to you know you start talking about current events or anything at all and you just think my goodness what a year 2020 has been well it it makes me think of how important it is to be a nomad and i'm getting a lot of letters from people who are saying you know bob i was thinking about going out this year or early next year but all these things that are going on the pandemic and the the social unrest and all these disasters so i'm i'm just thinking i i think i should be safe and just stay home and in today's video i want to assure you that the safest place you can be in 2020 or 2021 or any year in the future is living in a vehicle as a nomad that is the future of this country the future belongs to nomads and the safest place you can be is living on wheels and today i want to i want to give you proof i don't want to just throw out these wild thoughts i want to give you proof today based on the incredible disastrous year that 2020 has been that you will be better off if you choose to be a nomad than if you choose to stay at home in your sticks and bricks home so when we think back about at 2020 and all that's happened uh there there are four things that just scream out at you uh the first is to me it's the natural disasters it's all the fires it's all the hurricanes it's all the droughts uh i you know i'm i'm close to those and i'll tell you a little bit about that you know later on but it's been a year of unprecedented numbers of natural disasters and then of course you can't think of 2020 without thinking of the pandemic and uh and i i see them as correlated and i'll show you how and when we get there but uh 2020 has been a time of this pandemic and it has changed our whole world and all of a sudden you know we had this normal safe world that we lived in and all of a sudden it was turned upside down the world gone mad and it's not safe in any way shape or form so you had you had all these natural disasters you have the pandemic we have uh economic almost uh collapse on the corner just around the edge of economic collapse at any rate we have real economic uncertainty what is the future of the economy 30 million people lost their jobs people are uh very fearful of evictions uh what will will they get a job again they've been laid off will they ever get a job again so it's um the economy is a a tremendous fear for many of us right now and that's one of the big ones you think i can't go out because how will i pay for it and then finally it's been a year of social and political unrest like i said tomorrow november 3rd 2020 is the election and what a year of politics and social unrest it has been with all the with all the protests turning into riots wow uh it's been a year and so that's just created a lot of fear in a lot of people and they're thinking oh it's it's so dangerous now i'm gonna stay stay home i want to in this video i want to assure you that the safest place you can be is living in a vehicle so let me just go really quickly uh down those four issues that i described and then i'll look at them a little more closely later in the video how how being in a vehicle can save the day and make you the safest you can possibly be first let's look at natural disasters so california's on fire as i'm as i'm shooting this video and so there's all these wild uh wildfires burning all over the west and uh there's there have been there have been 28 tropical storms formed in the atlantic headed into the united states and i believe 18 of them have hit made landfall and that is unprecedented that is the most is tied with 2005 and we will almost certainly be 2005 by the end of the year there's still another month in hurricane season so it's been a year of unprecedented natural disasters and i'm gonna and it seems like they get worse every year if you've been if you're older like i am you can look back and see they're getting worse every year and i'm going to prove to you in this video that they're getting worse every year but right now i want you to see that living in a van is the way to be safe from natural disaster so if california is burning down you can get in your cow in your van and drive away if you owned a home in paradise could you could you drive away from that no the whole town burned down i was in medford oregon when phoenix oregon caught fire and it's ten miles away from my mother's and uh sister's house and i was there and so virtually that whole town just burned down uh and of course we were all under eviction notice we had to be ready to go at a moment's notice well i'd get in my van and take everything i owned away with me but my mother and sister would lose everything they had in the world and and that moment i became really super aware of the advantage of living in a van first i don't own much what i own is important really important but i can replace every little bit of it and i can drive away from a disaster from a fire in a heartbeat then let's take think about the pandemic well the pandemic has hit in a rolling regional effects so it began really bad in the northeast that's where it really was bad and a few other places california was pretty bad for a little while in the beginning but then now northeast is one of the best places in the country so if you were in the northeast last march you could get in your van and drive away and the pandemic wouldn't affect you and now it's spreading and now it's across the midwest and the sun belt now it's kind of getting everywhere but it's not bad in the northeast so if where you are is bad you can get in your van turn the key and drive away you can go back to the northeast you could go up to into canada well you can't they won't let us in they're wise people uh and so you could but at any rate you can find a place uh there are places in the back country look where i am do you see a lot of people breathing on me where i'm at i have the pandemic has had no effect on me i'm safe from it because there aren't people around me and the people that are around me i have an agreement with them about how we're going to stay safe and they're careful of themselves i'm careful of myself so i can have people around me and not be fearful of of the pandemic and of course there's always a risk there's always a risk but i think the the risk is absolutely minimal if you live on wheels and you can drive away from wherever the latest outbreak is i think that just is common sense uh it's bad now and getting worse in a few places you drive away and it's not a problem and then let's think about the economy uh so as the economy gets better and worse and it always has but it's really at a worse worse worse now there are places where it's still not so bad where there are still jobs and if you can turn the key and drive away you can go to a place where you can find a job and that is pretty much always true there are exceptions i mean during the great depression you couldn't drive away but let's think about even that right after the great depression kind of coincided with the dust bowl what did the people in oklahoma and and and those texas and all those places that were so severely nebraska iowa the places were tremendously devastated by the dust bowl what did they do they got in their vehicle and they drove away we have a historic precedent that time in times of total disaster you get in your vehicle and you drive away and what did they do they most of them settled into california and they built new lives and it was a very hard trip because they weren't prepared but you and i can be prepared i've got a van right here in which i am completely comfortable i have power i have water i have food i can cook i can go the bathroom everything is taken care of another dust bowl another pandemic another natural disaster i turn the key i drive away my life is good your life can be good the safest place you can be is living on wheels today and going forward it's just that simple and then finally we have social and political unrest and we've seen that uh like we've never seen it before it's hard to see how what's the path forward in the country as divided as we are i don't know i'm not anywhere near smart enough to answer any of these problems i just know how to deal with them and if the town where you're at is having riots and you own a house there you can't just go away you might come home to a house that's gone but if you live on wheels and the town where you're at is having riots you can what can you do oh what can i do i can turn the key and drive away i can be in a place where there aren't riots so i want you to see that the safest place you can possibly be in 2020 and going on indefinitely is living on wheels that's a a a sanctuary my van is my sanctuary it's where i go to be safe and secure and happy and it works and and i've been talking about this for a long time and i've met many many people who who fell for the kool-aid and have bought in and they have found their little homes on wheels to be a place of safety and security as well so i want you to know if you're writing me and telling me that you it's too dangerous now i'm going to stay in my sticks and bricks my answer to you is i think you might be wrong i think the safest place you can be is a place where you can just turn that key and drive away whatever's going on and there are some really bad things going on and there's no reason to think they're going to stop anytime soon the answer is to turn the key and drive away and i can do that now one problem would be if they ever stop allowing us to travel that didn't happen fortunately there were a few states that closed their borders but even then you could get in it just wasn't as easy uh and that so far has not happened and i don't it would be unlikely that that would happen and if i'm already out in the forest or the desert when that shutdown first happens then they're still going to let people drive to get food they're not going to let us all starve to death in our homes when there's food in grocery stores so that's the last thing that's going to happen and i don't think that's going to be an issue it was not there was no mass closure of federal land federal land has been just as available except for campgrounds all the campgrounds closed which makes sense i'm never in a campground so that had no impact on my life whatsoever uh and so i would like i just want you to know that the safest place you can possibly be in 2020 or 2021 or going forward forever is to live on wheels in a van tomorrow and in 2022 and 2025 and 2030 you will always be glad that you became a nomad in 2020 or 2021. the world is not going back to normal it's magical thinking to think it will so i know this is this has been kind of a frightening video and a a fear video and i hate doing fear videos almost all my videos are offering you a higher quality of life by living in a van but i want you to know that part of the higher quality of life is safety and in a world god mad the safest place you can be is living in a v in a vehicle and so i'm not i'm i'm encouraging you to be fearful of staying and you should be but realize that living in the van is safety it's sanctuary it's where you can go and be safe and as secure as a human could be going into the world that's coming our way so so if you got anything out of this video like us on youtube subscribe to the channel hit that thumbs up and we'll talk to you on the next video which will be a lot more normal than this one [Music]
Channel: CheapRVliving
Views: 166,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live, living, car, van, RV, Full-time, nomad, gypsy, camper, camp, boondock, travel, snowbird, caravan, tiny, house, tribe, RTR, adventure
Id: Qa0UoXr4iuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2020
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