BEST Van Life Camping: 7 Reasons TO GO to QUARTZSITE, AZ and 3 Reasons NOT TO!

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hi everyone welcome back to my next video today I want to talk to you about where you can go camping this winter uh it's October as I'm shooting this of 2022 and a lot of you are probably starting to think about where you're going to camp for the winter and I want to tell you that I think quartzite Arizona is a really good place to consider going and spending at least part of your of your winter season in quartzite I want to give you seven reasons why you would think about it and at least part of it and three reasons why I you may not want to think about it so there's there's never just all positives there's always some negatives and quartzite definitely has some negatives okay reason number one is community you know most places I go I feel out of place you know what I mean you know if you're living in a car van or RV or old beat up old ambulance uh you feel out of place they're people nice RVs or people with nice houses and yeah you just don't quite fit in you're not a part of a community well you will not feel that way in quartzite it is a place designed I think almost with us in mind everywhere you go you'll see people just like you in cars tents a lot of tents uh vans vans are just everywhere RVs a lot of RVs more RVs but Nomads and you will feel at home and when you go drive through town you spend some time just watching the people driving through town it's going to be people just like you and me so it is community and if you're looking for Community you don't have a built-in Community yet it is the perfect place to go to camp but there's another real good part of community and that is the fact that uh there will be an RTR rubber Rendezvous this year and it will be in quartzite so if you come in uh January there will be an RTR and you can come there and you can meet people and it will just be fantastic the dates on the RTR in uh this will be 2023 January of 2023 I'm shooting this in October of 2022. so the very next one that happens the women's RTR will be 7th through the 12th in quartzite Arizona and the main RTR everyone's welcome are is the 13th through the 20th so uh you come for the RTR if you don't come to quartzite for any reason come during the RTR some of you may not know what the RTR is the RTR is rubber Rendezvous yes I started it I it's been like 13 years now uh the last three years have been hard or non-existent because of covet and then before then we ran into problem with the BLM but uh it's going this year it was the same exact place uh it's going to be in the main Park in quartzite Arizona across the street from the library just so reason number one is community and specifically the RTR number two is you can get a job a lot of us are still working we're not in uh we're not old enough yet to uh to be on a pension or on Social Security and you need a job now if you need a job right now uh this winter then you want to get to quartzite as early as you can they hire tons of people going into the busy winter season quartzite is this little tiny town of like two to three thousand people and over the summer when it's unbearably hot that's all there are two three thousand people there become winner the snowbirds like you and I flood in and it's packed and and so going into the busy uh winter season they hire a lot of people they hire right now right now if you're watching this in uh in October or November of 2022 there's a job waiting for you in Courtside as it goes on it gets into December and January December there's still jobs January it's unlikely February you'll be laid off maybe so uh or by March it will be laid off right now early in the season is a great time to go get a job jobs like fast food there's three or four fast food places they all hire staff up truck stops the truck stops all hire uh vendors there's uh they set up all these tents all over town and vendors come in and sell things they hire a ton of people to help them with the setup the tear down being a salesperson lots and lots of jobs uh if you have waitress waitressing work man quartzite is perfect for you the they need a lot of folks to come in and take those jobs and they make really good money in tips so that's jobs for now over the winter and then uh in January the uh the big tent starts the big tent is literally that a great big tent it's an RV Show and most of the summertime concessionaires come to do their hiring so what do I mean by summertime concessionaires if they run uh well I worked as a campground host for four years and the company I worked for went there every every uh January at the at the big tent show and it was their goal to hire all their employment needs right there at the big dent they hired everybody you walked in you signed out you filled out an application you had an interview they had to do they do a search background search so that you didn't get the job right then but they would say as long as your background check checks out you're in I've sent hundreds of people there and I don't know of anyone that didn't get a job if they wanted a job so you can get a summertime job there there's a lot of them and I won't go into any more details than that but you can get a job at quartzite that's a great reason something they offer that almost no one else offers job right now job coming up in the summer and then going on into the fall Amazon has always had a booth there for a very long time lots of places the the Beet Harvest has had a booth there in the past so lots of places with lots of jobs so that's reason number two reason number three you might want to think about uh going to quartzite is the Fantastic camping I mean it is fantastic camping just all over town if you want an example of where you can find all the camping go to and just type in quartzite Arizona and it will have them all listed and there's just designated areas not spots but areas all over to the north to the east to the South to the to the West just all over it's unlimited camping it can be crowded if you want you you can be in and amongst a bunch of people you can meet friends there make friends there or you could be out more remote and not have hardly anyone around at all that's your choice and you have both those choices in Courtside because there is really really great camping also the ltva is there I just put out a video on that so you can pay 180 and get seven months camping and in quartzite the ltvas offer water trash and a dump station all those things are right there and for 180 for seven months that's 25 a month the fourth reason to uh consider going to quartzite is it is set up and almost designed for rvers uh and and because it's flooded with rvers every winter snowbirds coming to Camp there for the winter it is so set up so well so things you need and that usually are a problem to figure out are all right there and easy and simple things like water where do you water well their water is available all over town as cheap as a nickel a gallon so water is easy there are dump stations everywhere I mean they are dump stations all over quartzite a propane propane stations I a half dozen a dozen places where you can buy propane just anywhere you got your so many choices and trash trash is always a big problem isn't it for it for us isn't it uh well there's a free transfer station right there in quartzite it's open four days a week a pretty good chunk of the day just you know getting rid of your trash is as simple as can be another way it's set up is there's free Wi-Fi all over town uh so there's all there's all the fast food they all have free Wi-Fi and a lot of them will let you come in and plug in your device and be right there on Wi-Fi there's a library which is another great resource I mean you can go in there and rent books rent movies and they got a free Wi-Fi right there and free Wi-Fi is commonly available Xiao course showers is a big thing and so it's also set up with a lot of showers so though there's uh there are two or three laundromats in town but one of them has showers uh it has free wi-fi there's an attached restaurant so reason number five is that you might consider going to quartzite for at least part of this year is this super easy access you can camp to town really close to to downtown such as downtown Courtside is it's a Tiny Town uh but you're within walking distance I mean I have camped and I'm not going to give you my secrets about where I can't but you can camp very very close right into downtown and if you're a walker and of going for a walking go for a two or three or four mile walk is something that you routinely do you can walk right into quartzite on the other hand if you're a biker you got a bicycle uh you can bike all over quartzite pull a little trailer go take go into town dump your trash uh get some water get some groceries ride your bike out really easy to do one of the things I love about quartzite is if you pull an ATV or a side by side and you can just run right into town with your ATV or your side by side no one will hassle you no one will think a thing to think about it twice number six it's pretty Central to a lot of other good stuff the main other good stuff that I think of is uh you're on the Colorado River and at the very base in Arizona of the Colorado River is Yuma and just right next door to Yuma is Al gadona's Mexico so you are 95 miles from Yuma you can run down there go into Algodones get your uh prescription medications really a third a third of the price on the dollar at least really cheap and going to get your medications get your eyeglasses you can go down there and get dental really really cheap as well so uh having that easy access to Algodones and all of its that it offers uh is super super nice to the north you have um Parker and one of the great things is your voice can be there two weeks unless you go into the ltva and pay the 180 for the seven months uh you need to move every two two weeks so what a lot of people will do is they'll stay in quartzite they'll move up to Parker Parker's about 45 miles away and has a Walmart so every two weeks you're going to park her anyway because you got to stock up in groceries so you go up to Parker you camp there for your two weeks do your shopping at Walmart come back down to quartzite so you're you know you got you can bounce back and forth all winter you'll never drive more than 90 miles a month from there to Parker to Parker back you will have been to a Walmart twice you've got easy access to dump and water trash and on and on and that's a great setup and a north of Parker you have Lake Havasu which is beautiful and it's on a lake and tons of people go up to Lake Havasu and love camping up there and so you can you can go up there and camp for a while and you can run right over to uh the Colorado River you can camp right on the Colorado River on a number of places Aaron Berg's a little town that's over there and there are ltvas all around it has a Central Access to all kinds of things number seven and for me this may not be a an advantage to you but it is to me is fast food I do like my fast food so there's a Burger King McDonald's and Carl's Jr all there of course Subway Subways are nearly everywhere so to me that is a big plus uh there are a couple of uh mom and pop restaurants there in town that I go to multiple times I really like I look forward to them there's some really interesting shopping at the vendors tents something called K and B tools my first stop and my last stop in quartzite is always K and B tools they got great selection of tools and RV stuff and it's cheap and Well on better than most cheap Chinese junk I've bought some really good cheap Chinese junk there so that's to me that's a plus and several places in quartzite they have these uh big big tents there's one's actually in a physical building now where when grocery stores have stuff that goes out of date or it's banged up or it's damaged or they just bought way too much of it and they couldn't sell it it goes there and so you can buy a lot of really cheap food these are kind of scratch and dent grocery Outlets so there you go there are seven good reasons why I think you should at least consider traveling to Quartzsite for part of your winter and uh and getting to know it I think it's a great place now now I'm going to give you three reasons why you think yeah quartzite yuck I hate that place I'm not going there and a lot of you I know as soon as I said that at the name of the as the purpose of this video that's exactly what you thought so let me tell you the reasons you might not like quartzite at all first it can be really crowded at the big tent it's big tent is super popular uh even most camping will even start to fill up you never can't get a campsite but it can get pretty darn full and traffic driving around in quartzite at the big tent it can be pretty hard it can be real unpleasant at times of the year once you get to know it you learn how not to drive down Main Street because everyone's driving down the Main Street 95 and and and Maine's literally Main Street which is parallels the freeway if you learn how to get around traffic isn't a problem the second reason you may not want to go to quartzite is the shopping in the town of Quartzsite is not good it is not good at all there's uh two pretty nice mom and pop grocery stores uh their meat selection is surprisingly good and surprisingly reasonable produce isn't bad uh not it's not great or anything but it's good but all their other prices are outrageous if something is uh two dollars at Walmart and three dollars at Safeway it will be five or six at one of these stores I mean it's just going to be you're going to see the price and you're going to I'm not gonna pay that much but where else you're gonna go you're in Courtside and that's what you got to pay uh there are two dollar stores and they don't carry a huge selection but everything they carry is National prices and good prices problem being they can't keep things on the Shelf so baby there it is you'd love to buy it you're ready to pay them and they don't have it on the Shelf because the shelves are always empty because there's the only good reasonably priced places in court site to go shopping and when they have it in it's great because you can go in there and you can you can chop cheap but otherwise and it's always the lines are long because everybody's going to the two dollar stores because they're the cheapest places in town uh the nearest reasonably priced shopping is in Blyth which is 30 miles away it's about a 30 mile drive to the shopping to the smart and final which is a great store and of course 45 miles to the north is a Parker with a Walmart and but then the Walmart gets slammed and you go up there and it can be packed crowded and picked over so a third reason you might not really want to go to Courtside is the weather uh it's desert and so it's not surprisingly it can be cold my recommendation is everyone to come ready for cold it can get down into around freezing easily in in there uh and you can get a windstorm I guess if there really it's the wind storms that might make you think about not going to quartzite the wind storms can be really unpleasant uh it can the wind storm can settle in and you'll have two or three or four or five days of just kind of Perpetual wind and when you get a rainstorm in I've been in a few really goalie washers where flash flooding uh is an issue the weather can be less than Pleasant it's still you know would you rather be in Minnesota and and 20 below and 10 feet of snow I mean is that better weather so there you have it uh seven reasons why you might think seriously to travel to quartzite and spend some a big chunkier winter in Courtside and three reasons why when you get there you know why didn't he tell me about this and I did I did tell you about it there you go uh have you been to Courtside what did you think um uh what am I forgetting what are good reasons that you other reasons that you might go there and what are uh the bad things that I forgot to tell so I'll leave those down in the comments and I will all learn from and grow from each other and that's the way community Works isn't it another thing I'm just going to put out very quickly now a uh a video on if once you get to quartzite where are things where are all these dump stations where is all the propane where's the trash uh how am I gonna get water Bob you talk about it but I can't find it and so I'm going to put out a video giving you a nice tour pretty detailed tour of quartzite and where everything is that you need to know about so I hope that will help you watch for that video coming out very soon okay I hope you got something out of this video if you did like us on YouTube subscribe to the channel hit that Thumbs Up Button hit it a bunch of times and we'll talk to you later foreign
Channel: CheapRVliving
Views: 322,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: car, van, RV, Full-time, nomad, camper, camp, boondock, travel, caravan, tiny, house, RTR, Bob Wells, Nomadland, CheapRVLiving, Cheap RV Living, vanlife, van life, how to live in a van, van dwelling, van tour, van conversion, living in a van, camper van, van build, diy van build, sprinter van, van living, #vanlife, van dweller, campervan, vandwelling, diy camper van, RV Life, Living in an RV, Class B, Class C, Truck Living, Living in a car, boondocking, Living in a RV
Id: 8c3T1CAFV5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2022
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