NoLimit Kyro Says Tay Capone is a Snitch, How He Knew Mad Maxx

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so you always knew that uh baby and uh herb like make it tight [ __ ] so like set this tone of when Nicki Minaj like hopped on Chiraq no ain't no they was gonna make it like that I knew they was going to get big though like hang on line like babies start rapping like later on down the line I like a little after but he always let me hit like he ain't never let nobody else he is just let me hear before he start rapping this to this foreign but I think it was like what year that was that was like 13 or 14. it was that summer I had seen them on 106 I'm like damn it's really real so you ain't never just get on 106. like that's like us like like certainly looking at your show or looking at any big ass platform like probably looking at you like Jerry Springer or something like damn I ain't gonna never get on there and then finally get on here and be like yeah like that's a big accomplishment yeah sometimes people come in and you can feel that energy that they just like cannot believe that they're here like you're used to so you you know you didn't really like geek out or anything but like sometimes you can really feel it coming out of somebody like oh yeah this is a huge deal to them you know yeah I know I know the [ __ ] y'all just interviewed before before I just came oh yeah he was tripping what y'all talking about the uh the sauce dude that uh Flacco interviewed no it's about you know what I'm talking about the one who I just laughed at oh trenches oh yeah he was pretty geeked he was hyped what's your thoughts on trenches news then I know you've been seeing the paperwork everybody's saying that trenches news is probably the cooperator or one of the people who cooperated on Doug's case you believe that I talked to him about that [ __ ] though I had to send it to him and what'd he say to you he said what the [ __ ] did he say he tried to switch some [ __ ] around hey him man AK-47 they did some whole weird [ __ ] I'm like bro what is he wrong [ __ ] and he responded like three days later I'm like damn what's this [ __ ] ain't saying you the police he like bro man I ain't no police you gonna see when it really come out I'm like I ain't really taking [ __ ] I ain't really I don't really get no [ __ ] I just want to know it's like did you really corroborate with the police like that ain't my place to be saying oh it's a snitch like I don't really know you for doing no Street [ __ ] or killing nobody or like to like follow you for snitching like I'm ready I really look at a lot of [ __ ] like this here so for him there might be like on some blog and [ __ ] he probably got carried away in just one dividing system information you never know carried away though it's like why are you even in that position they're like yeah like is it like traveler like [ __ ] like him like it's a million [ __ ] like watch this interview I mean watch this documentary he making about y'all he making you look like a killer on here like he like did some old crazy [ __ ] with saying like you started this [ __ ] I'm like but I'm not watching that [ __ ] bro he's saying British and some weird [ __ ] I'm not watching [ __ ] I talked to travel he uh definitely had questions for you too I mean you so you never seen the documentary I probably was like five minutes of this year then I was getting a tattoo my tattoo man like you ain't seen this [ __ ] I'm like bro he really tripping on me I'm like but I'm not watching that [ __ ] bro that [ __ ] too long ain't even irritating that [ __ ] sound crazy talking you don't like the accent I'm like [ __ ] where is he from like why is you even saying uh they ain't like then it's like like he one of them people there'd be like for why is she saying [ __ ] that's making us look like Killers like even if [ __ ] is Killers why who the [ __ ] is you to like make a whole story about somebody like why the [ __ ] would you speak on this then like I didn't DM like like Paige is like it'd be random ass page like hit Chicago hits us weird [ __ ] like that like [ __ ] like that I'd be like [ __ ] why is y'all on here just making [ __ ] up who the [ __ ] like if this [ __ ] was so accurate why the [ __ ] we ain't locked up for this [ __ ] like why is you just trying to make money off our name like stop doing that [ __ ] bro damn [ __ ] like oh y'all be self snitches I'm just putting out the information that y'all put out like why the [ __ ] like four like what is you talking about I don't know that [ __ ] ever changes if you're not gonna watch the king Von documentary for anything else so you should watch it just to see the way that he lines up like the timing of certain King Von tweets and certain murders taking place because it's kind of like astounding like how close together certain things are like very incriminating tweets like that [ __ ] is what I think put a lot of people over the edge of being like okay Ron seems like he really did all the [ __ ] that they're saying he did yeah but who wouldn't know but only [ __ ] I know this [ __ ] that was done you don't feel like some of the rappers from Chicago do a lot of self-incriminating [ __ ] though like with the tweets and all that yeah yeah yeah a lot of [ __ ] that [ __ ] like that [ __ ] that's that's self-incrimination that [ __ ] like a way for real but Nas [ __ ] that's like it used to be just fans like damn like taking heat like that he must be like that but Naz [ __ ] like making documentaries about this [ __ ] like that [ __ ] going way out yeah it was one thing when it was act making five minute videos it's a three-hour documentary he is like let the police do their job bro like if this [ __ ] is so accurate why the [ __ ] they ain't came lock this man up for this [ __ ] like well they would have he was still alive probably right why the [ __ ] you like you want to press it's like you trying to help them like yeah look I'm these bodies I'm talking about this [ __ ] Landing up I want you like you want now y'all y'all doing the police job man that's like and the police probably just sitting in in a office just watch the documentary but one thing about trapular Ross is that before Von died basically somebody and he didn't really get specific about who it was but they were messaging him and threatening him and making it clear that they were going to take his whole YouTube channel down if he didn't delete certain parts of his Vaughn video that was out before he passed and the one thing that they were like demanding that he deleted from the video was the [ __ ] about Ki like they didn't care about every other thing that traveler Ross was putting on him but that was the one thing they were trying to avoid and that is the one thing that the Chicago PD basically says that they would already indicted them for if he was still around they said they wouldn't indicted him for that whether they would have charged him with her murder yeah yeah you know about that is that's the thing though like they was going to try to indict him for that murder they was gonna try to indict him if he was alive right now probably will be injured he would have beat it though like where the [ __ ] I don't know not saying that he wouldn't have but I'm saying the police was I already know man HS they probably would have put that [ __ ] in a RICO or something to make it look good but if they would have charged him with that [ __ ] singularly I want to stop but I don't know that's just like with chaos they said they'd be saucing up [ __ ] I look like she she assassin and [ __ ] I ain't never heard about it hey everybody who even talk about her like man who the [ __ ] she killed like what the [ __ ] she do you want to buy it about her maybe you haven't watched enough documentaries like you got to think about it like I'm ready from Chicago right You Gonna Know Who doing what and who's not doing [ __ ] like is she gonna speak for herself so by me like I never heard nothing about that but do you respect the fact that like a huge percentage of the drill rappers that were trying to make it like 10 years ago have become vloggers or like J main becoming like basically a comedian like you kind of respect the people that taking these different career paths now that yeah I don't know I probably seen that Center J main cause J main one never really Street like that like he ain't never no [ __ ] like he wouldn't know like he was a one foot one one foot out of his [ __ ] like he never was really Street for real he was just Guilty By Association type [ __ ] like you could tell he just Guilty By Association just like you growing up a little Richie than beer and then you all of a sudden this end up on the opposite side like what the [ __ ] how the [ __ ] that [ __ ] even happened but you know I know like I know uh him like being in Chicago like he ain't really Street like he ain't ready like so by him being a blog like I want to say it like no pat on the back or he get a clap like because that's some [ __ ] I expected because he was already on the straight path in my eyes he was just doing [ __ ] making people think he liked that but he ain't really like that but I think if you didn't compare J main to anybody it's kind of Charleston white because I think he saw Charleston white sort of playing like a character version of himself and realized that he could do that and just like hyping his [ __ ] up way more and no you don't see it I don't know I feel like child I don't know nobody like Charleston white I don't comparison he like I ain't gonna lie I'll be really paying attention I didn't watch I watched a couple of his interview I watched his DJ you [ __ ] I [ __ ] with it I've seen a lot of this HD [ __ ] um I don't know if y'all interviewed him but I seen him like all right yeah yeah yeah he talks [ __ ] about me all the time and that's why I hated that sometimes I'll end up watching an interview clip with them and I'll be like damn this guy really is like a [ __ ] genius yeah like every day you do like this [ __ ] cause she like ain't nothing calculated for that's one thing I noticed about him like though like this even just like being in Chicago and just slipping through the cracks are like not having no cases or not catching no gun case and he probably he got his gun license and [ __ ] like once you see [ __ ] like that that like it's Escape that type of [ __ ] you just you got a question like usually the over lucky or you weren't really super all the way street like it's it ain't that many [ __ ] that didn't catch no case but how do you feel about him basically like profiting off of telling all these stories whether it's Fredo shooting at him or whether it's CNT Savage shoot at people and [ __ ] like that I ain't gonna Heat this he's taking that [ __ ] too far this again that [ __ ] weird I wouldn't be talking about no [ __ ] shot at me like even if you just like trolling and none of that [ __ ] I'm not saying nobody shot at me I'm not saying who shot at me you got to say that type of [ __ ] in the third person like you ain't supposed to be saying that type of [ __ ] no no interview like they laughing about that [ __ ] right now like certain [ __ ] like probably benefit like oh yeah that [ __ ] making me look cooler if a [ __ ] get on the interview and say I shot at them and be like bro what like what type of Channel you want right like why the [ __ ] would you say that that [ __ ] I'm not even laughing about that type of [ __ ] because you put a big disclaimer on in that 16 interview we were like we ain't never did nothing and nobody good kids we ain't doing [ __ ] it's like a big disclaimer in the middle of the interview even though like so much of the other [ __ ] you said in the interview is like basically kind of going in the other direction he said God be doing it God just bought a scripture God takes these people's lives yeah so what was your relationship like with uh Mad Max little Chris that was my boy man he one of the ones that they talk about all the time I know you've seen documentaries and all that [ __ ] about him all right see his name come up yeah I ain't got to watch no documentary because I already know I already be watching this [ __ ] I ain't never seen nobody made no documentary about him though I probably think the uh Chicago scene but is he another [ __ ] with that narrating ass voice I can't watch that [ __ ] bro that [ __ ] everything I see that [ __ ] and I'll be like I just go to the party like where somebody come like maybe she has some police [ __ ] in this on this part I'll be like let me see man let me see what he talking about man this [ __ ] weird and just cut this [ __ ] up but that's brother how do you feel about people saying that uh like on his death pad that he might have gave a statement when he was like uh I know you've seen people talk about that yeah I swear to God I'm so tired of that [ __ ] they steady talking about that [ __ ] like I'm gonna just say this [ __ ] like on like I'm gonna say bro wrong cause he know what like what we saying though for like getting in the street [ __ ] but like that said like as I say your sister that's getting you know like your sister getting a train ran on her on camera or some [ __ ] dear Lord then and then like somebody like put the video out and then you live with your sister though and then you like it said you could like walk around saying like man my sister hoe or you could just let everybody in the neighborhood like man it's just a [ __ ] like yeah she she and [ __ ] like that like that's what [ __ ] Gonna say yeah you gotta let these [ __ ] say this [ __ ] cause this was really like this ain't this [ __ ] ain't no lie this [ __ ] is true she on camera suck a dick in getting [ __ ] by two three [ __ ] so what the [ __ ] is you like this your sister is she that you finna say hey y'all stop talking about my sister or you can agree with everybody and say man my sister [ __ ] hey potential blood sister like that's how I'm looking at that [ __ ] with him like like this this I look at him like a blood brother so I gotta let everybody else troll even though he wrong I know he wrong I almost involve myself in no snitch [ __ ] I don't [ __ ] with that [ __ ] I'm not gonna get on no [ __ ] internet sin oh yeah bro that's my homie is snit that's what other [ __ ] supposed to say that's their input they ain't wrong for saying that [ __ ] they I'm nothing to be joining getting on their bandwagon saying the same [ __ ] they said even though I know they ain't wrong for saying this [ __ ] they want me to say this [ __ ] cause I'm tweaking with [ __ ] I'm got the interview playing with her but I'm saying take 600 snitch so when this [ __ ] come out they want me to be like oh yeah you you being biased and [ __ ] like you why you ain't say this [ __ ] about you what the [ __ ] is I'm supposed to say about my homie this y'all y'all to say that [ __ ] I don't supposed to be saying that [ __ ] I don't get no [ __ ] what y'all say that's y'all opinion so did you know say 600 because uh you was one of the people because of all right so take out mixed people saying that he snitched and he didn't snitch and then I think you went on DJ Youth and you said [ __ ] all that he did Stitch so like how do you because a lot of people saying he didn't snitch so how do you saying he snitched right I just said the interview like like somebody just asked him about the Mad Max [ __ ] like he like yeah they're so funny his homies to say like he know what type of [ __ ] I'm is on some Street [ __ ] oh no I ain't gonna say he's scared or no [ __ ] like that I know Chase is hundred says honey was a gangster like before this allegations and [ __ ] but he know like he know I ain't lying I ain't feeling like I ain't got [ __ ] against him like before I put that [ __ ] out I dm'd him and said you know I'm about to call your ass to snitch on this interview I ain't just say that [ __ ] I sent that [ __ ] to him I told my homie a D in them and I like I ain't I won't follow them so I'm like he ain't even see that [ __ ] so one I got a jail when the guys was found I'm like damn still following dude I'm like turning off and say something about him in his interview where he's when my when my homie told him he like man why why are you coming at me for I ain't never got a tool with him I ain't never did nothing wrong with him I'm like bro that [ __ ] not cool for like you got somebody in jail for 40 [ __ ] years but how did he because the thing is they saying that he didn't he took his statement backwards on me man listen man ain't no taking No statement back once that [ __ ] there you said it bro that's all it takes is a statement to get locked up like if you if he shoot me even if he ain't [ __ ] shoot me I could call the police right now and say man Adam 22 robbed me and they gonna believe me that's all they need that's a statement that shit's wrong all that taking [ __ ] back be by the time you took it back somebody in jail already what the [ __ ] you mean they he took it back that's already the damage been done already this ain't gonna take a minute for you to get out of jail now unless you got some bomb money so somebody did actually go to jail behind what he did yeah but he ain't the only one like did some weird [ __ ] it was [ __ ] and [ __ ] that like probably made phone statements and [ __ ] this is for the Rondo number nine yeah right yeah did you have a relationship with Rondo or is he there no I [ __ ] with Clay I never was really close to Rondo though what about anybody from 600 like I was friends yeah I [ __ ] with D Rose a [ __ ] with buca I [ __ ] her with jazz blow too I [ __ ] away in CJ yeah let's see eBay too and a couple more and was these like relationships y'all had like when the Rapture was gone or this is Grandma yeah yeah man that was just like like after we like LinkedIn and [ __ ] I started [ __ ] them off that I need everybody to check out we officially started a Blog it has in-depth articles about current events music Etc plus all of our content in terms of podcast interviews Etc and you can get some exclusive new merch if you check out so make sure you tap in
Channel: No Jumper
Views: 187,204
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Keywords: nojumper, no jumper interview, adam22, adam22 interview, podcast, podcast interview
Id: yKdI9BdAlm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2023
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