Pop Smoke’s K*ller Speaks, Tax Stone Makes a Fool of Himself, Kodak & Adam Face Off

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the Adam and wack show and we're back and it's 5:13 p.m. on a Thursday afternoon how you doing today wack I'm not doing too good oh why is that my baldheaded friend um you chose to do the unthinkable I've been getting battered harassed because you the white guy uhhuh wanted to share the I'm not g to call it dark light on this pop smoke situation right you know that Adam that's not hip-hop you're really going to do this this argument that everybody else has already been doing it's not hip-hop Adam it's not what's not hip-hop about it he killed a famous rapper seems like a very important part of the storyline you don't think it's dis tasteful to to give that a voice I understand that a lot of people think that the purpose of podcast is to make them feel warm and fuzzy inside and to make them feel like everything in the world is okay but the truth is is that there are important conversations that we need to have that will illuminate and provide insight into what's going on in the world that aren't going to make you feel good they're actually going to make you confront evil face to face so so you feel like you should give evil a voice to that might people might say well if you do that you can get on the big platform why give it a voice I mean at the end of the day what about popm smok's family and and the friends and loved ones you know what I mean I mean listen they deserve to know more than anyone else hold on listen oh you wouldn't you want that information if somebody killed somebody that you loved I mean after all wouldn't you want to know who the the perpetrator was you got you right and didn't think about it popm smoke did have a lot of positive messages in his music well like talking about Dior and [ __ ] wearing cool clothes I'm sure there was probably some good messages in there yeah but they they're really pissed off and me personally uh it's the part where he says he has no remorse why didn't you why didn't you addit that out when he said that I think if you're going into a podcast with somebody who is entirely known because of the evil that they have brought into the world and then you edit it to make it seem less evil I mean why the did you even do it in the first place to me it's like when I went into that conversation I was expecting him to be more repentant and to probably like like when I asked him like if he apologized or if he said sorry and he basically said no I was like oh [ __ ] that's a plot twist I did not see coming at no time did you say you know what maybe I shouldn't have did this and why didn't you just stop the interview just stop why didn't you because the people in New York are really disg gruntled they're upset why didn't you just stop the interview I think they are I think that the hip-hop media landscape they probably feel pretty uncomfortable with it but the actual people seem extremely uh you know interested in this content and for sure from my perspective when I got done that interview I said that went way that was a way more emotionally indepth interview than I expected it was it was a lot more Illuminating than I expected it to be think you should have had you know my attitude about it like really you know what would you have done differently what shut up whack his back listen when a [ __ ] put in work he put in work for a reason all right let's stop with all the [ __ ] when somebody goes and gets their man I know this sound distasteful nobody is apologetic for completing the mission when our military went out to get Ben ladin right Saddam Hussein right we cheered we jump for joy that doesn't seem like a fair comparison L Sadam hsein that family too right you understand what I'm saying I don't think it's fair to comp to a terrorist what no no what I'm saying is when this when you set out to get your man he did set out to get his man no no they went on a mission they went on a robbery Mission they didn't want to kill that day and you set out to get your man the only time a person might feel the least bit remorseful is if a stray hits an innocent bystander but if you set out to go get your man when I used to go rabbit in quail hunting right I had a four 10 shotgun shout out to toot Le we would go up there to Bakersfield right and papa hands and I would stalk that rabbit in that well and when I took aim and went boom with that single shot and that rabbit did a turtle flip duck duck Turtle I jump for joy I was listen I was excited I don't think that you making this argument is really who I want doing defense for me on this whole controversy because I think from your perspective your perspective is like ooh la up one New York down no that feels like the energy that you're giving me and that is not at all what I was going for this ain't what I'm saying this is what I'm saying and I'm tired of you hypocritical bust ass fake ass people out there don't Proclaim to be from the streets to embrace the streets to talk that [ __ ] in your music about the streets and be a fan of said individual while he's talking about what he'll do how he'll do it how he lay it down how you smoking on Pooky rookie and dookie and then when somebody turns his ass into the smoke or when somebody F makes him it now you're wo is me [ __ ] all that if his own is on it just wasn't on though right like regardless of whatever War pop smoke had going on with his enemies in Brooklyn this is completely separate from this if pop smoke had got killed by the people he was doing that he was beefing with nobody would have an issue with this or nobody would have so much to say about it my number one weapon for these streets is paranoia mhm I'm never not paranoid okay you understand what I'm saying so y'all got to stop faking you know what it need to be it needs to be a disclaimer on some of these artists albums where it says you know explicit lyrics Right fiction so we can say okay that's his alter ego well L Dirk basically does that his last album had the a warning label on the beginning of it that said this [ __ ] is all cap this is not real or something like that well little Dirk he was facing some serious charges other the time so I think that's why he wanted to do that little Dirk sit your sit your little ass down I know you I get what you're doing okay L Dirk doing a great job he did the joint with jcole he did a u-turn he's he's doing great oh he's pushing peace you hear him on the phone with J man well first of all L Dirk ain't pushing peace why' you say that his son just shot a mother get the [ __ ] out of here what you mean no but his son shot the stepdad who was filling for him listen he probably ain't mad at that right little Dirk has implanted in all his children they have an impant a neuralink for what he thinks they do oh really it's a fact you Elon told me Little Dirk's the first urban guy he used I didn't even know you knew about that storyline though but did you see what the dude said he said like I I was taking this kid to the mall and buying them diapers and doing like he he was really like caring for this kid in the first sign of conf he SN es the Blick off his waist and Cho think about what you're saying all that the stepdad was saying the kid if it would have been him uhuh would have said I'm not going to do that it's the little Dirk neuralink little Dirk said [ __ ] ass [ __ ] taking my son to the mall [ __ ] ass [ __ ] take him to a football game shoot him so he can control his kids through some sort of mental device W shout out to the dude that got shot he didn't press Char I didn't know that a little Dirk Little Dirk you better get hold of that little [ __ ] cuz that little [ __ ] going to be dang you might be next WoW do yeah what do you think the next conversation between DK and that kid is you really want to know you think that he's saying like good job or you think he's saying like got chill he said he gave you some D for sure little dir gave you some D on King David now if I would have been the other dude I'd have called Dirk I'd have been like yo Dirk check it out I need 5 million you ain't going to see this little [ __ ] till he 57 M 5 million wide right now and you won't see this little [ __ ] till he 57 years old little Dirk might would have send him a milon I mean that guy assuming that he's been with Lil Dirk's baby mama one of L Dirk's baby M for like a long period of time think about that you're waking up every day dealing with the fact that the biological father of this little [ __ ] that you're taking care of is one of the biggest rappers in the world and somebody that people are genuinely pretty terrified of because of uh stuff been associated with well I mean you know it's got to be weird raising a kid under the Spectre of that right I mean this is why I may made sure I was in the home until my kids were grown that wouldn't been fair to know man for me to leave and somebody have to go into a home with wack 100 kids and my kids knowing how to manipulate pops all I got to do is tell Dad you screamed at me I sit down for a date off tnder and uh she's like yeah you know I work here I do this this is my hobby I have one kid it's father is Cass Jones AKA wack 100 I'm that's it that's some [ __ ] walk away yeah that's some [ __ ] sorry this was a big mistake yeah that's some [ __ ] you know the kids are grown so she don't got to deal with that but at the end of the day I will say this look bro let's not act like you know we don't cheer when our team wins fellas Jesus when the squad come back from putting in the work we want to hear the details we like what yeah when I jumped out and I ran yeah that's right that's right okay you jump for joy while you jumping for joy Somebody's Crying but okay what I really want to hear your opinion on is the fact that one of popm smok's homies Ross swish they back door pop they set him up no they didn't but New York set him up that's a fact if that interview told me anything it was that that conspiracy theory has no legs but anyway are you slow in the head the dude you're thinking of is Mike D Ross swi was not anywhere near this situation when it went down in LA I get what the kid was doing oh now you're talking about that bro it's still people on trial oh oh now okay of course he's going to say this wasn't this and this wasn't that them is special Alle circumstances so you still believe it was a back door with no evidence what's the evidence what points in that direction four people with hoodies come in a spot with four or five people and all they do is leave a mother in the shower nobody else's touch and the 911 call comes from New York remember I got blamed first for it why would you have been Cory King went live wellknown blood Corey King's the one when at the one who started the blood movement out there so he's well name is Corey King right went live crying whack [ __ ] ass [ __ ] I know you have something to do with this [ __ ] you game Snoop Ice Cube none of you [ __ ] have come to New York I'm in Germany on tour with game uhhuh huh we ain't even here but I did tell blueface now let me tell how close it came blueface and the baby shot a video that day nephew called me he said whack uh pop smoke in town he want me to come to the studio I said negative he got too much going on pop smoke had too much going on yeah even out here yeah he was out here he had Street situations going on out here so I said listen he ordering [ __ ] the homie that supplied everybody females right uh they told me like [ __ ] to order like 10 15 BRS every one female Out of Towners every one female that you order uhuh and bring to your location five [ __ ] know about about you right so if you it's 10 50 [ __ ] know where you at so you know that for a fact that that's a fact he had some setup chicks in there no listen you know that's what it is I got women right now that they go places we here they turn the thing this just we see what it is is right so I tell blueface now go home he said he want me to come to nephew go home cuz I'm in Europe I ain't there dude got a lot of [ __ ] going on go to the house so he listens to me he wakes up 6:00 in the morning 6 in the morning and say yo they killed him and I around been right there well he was going to go to the studio not the Airbnb right he had have got to the studio some brawls would have come through bro we f go up to what you think he going to do just bang him in the studio you don't need to go back to the dude's crib they going to go back and and I told the label contacted me when I was in Europe I said yo don't put him in no Airbnb put him in a W Hotel on the 18th floor I think of this every time I stay anywhere I told him Airbnb is not a good Adam Hollywood Hills is worse than the projects at night it's dark you can't see [ __ ] right no cops around a lot of Shrubbery and bushes in between you know what I'm saying come in there have their way so you know at the end of the day you know rest in peace pop smoke but like y'all got to stop y'all got to stop making a big deal that dude was interviewed on um on no jumper you know what I'm saying because at the end of the day somebody's going to interview him at the end of the day you just interviewed Terence Gangster Williams he got 20 bodies and nobody care and that is the biggest thing that this whole controversy is exposed to me is just how hypocritical and unthinking so many members of the media is in the sense that they they cover these rappers they know about these rappers but they don't actually listen to the music so they don't actually understand how bloodthirsty and crazy their street lives are and then on top of that they're like completely incapable of dealing with the hypocrisy of the fact that people who kill random people get interviewed all the time and then this dude killed a famous rapper and everybody's heads explode when we have the conversation about it heard I heard you and you kept it even real with him you said all that and the white boy the white boy ended with something that you Negroes claim you are claim you do you told them this ain't hip hop I'm here to what feed the streets you got a white boy talk about feeding the streets I had this little punk you seen the little punk he was arguing with yes he's on clubhouse his name is re I AKA relish now he's mad at me little relish he's mad at me because I informed him last night are you arguing me because of Pop smoke or are you arguing me because you know that I know that your mama got good in the mouth skin wait what good in the mouth skin re AKA relish moms has good in the mouth skin what the does that mean think about it I don't I don't even in the mouth skin his mom the skin in her a good head she got good okay how do you know that you just every mom relish um she offer honey and a over there off of Jamaica listen there seems to be some confusion real back though she bends it over this podcast exists to feed the fans the people who are actually interested in this [ __ ] by no means am I trying to please the corporate Stooges that comprise The Hip Hop media space hey bro we reneging over here we reneg we winning we putting out more content than anybody and at the end of the day let's keep it real Adam they only know what you say or what I say because of why you're tuning in MH now at the end of the day I think you did what you supposed to do and I think you gave a great interview right you did you gave a great interview I feel like that's kind of being ignored that interview itself is extremely good like extremely well done revelatory [ __ ] yeah revelatory people want to judge it based on a 60-second Tik talk you got to check the whole thing out yeah he did a great inter and and and at the end of the day um I think it's going to be more to come is it one or two of them out I think it's two of them out well there's another one who was on FaceTime with that R guy the relish Guy the one who got his mama got the good in the mouse skin uh I don't know anything about that but uh and then there's a couple more locked up too you know what occurs to me too is that a lot of people are just watching the stop clock because this dude getting interviewed five years after pop smoke died is incredibly offensive to them that's CRA do you remember there being a lot of controversy when Vlad and other people platform Kei d i don't because problem yeah because it was 20 years later 30 years later smoke is not Tupac okay pop smoke is not Tupac and blad punk ass you punk you went over there and interviewed the dude who supposed to had some type of dealings with Tupac now Vlad I don't know what type of man you are and why you would even even help or even assist this Kei D but Vlad you ain't [ __ ] wait a minute you just tried to bail him out huh you were just trying to bail him out uh I ain't tried to do nothing we got another hearing date cuz they violated the 14th of men rights what is the 14th Son of Sam law says a convicted criminal cannot do business okay he's not we back in there Vlad I'm just with you over know I'm say but yo I'm trolling right now I know you shout outy you never miss an opportunity to talk about how much you respect the Hoovers so in light of that how do you feel about this dude Ross swis going to their territory and posting picture of the sign Manchester making it clear where did he go I don't know but I guess he wants everybody to think that he was lurking what time did he I don't know it looked like middle of the day but listen this what I don't respect but then blockstar dm'd him and said you want the address I want to get out no response that's what I'm saying little block star I respect you for being the little yellow to blar little blockstar said he running Fades right right well when he was locked up no right now so the little dude re little relish I said yo bro if you want to come out there cuz he talking crazy about you youngster give you a fade I don't even know this guy is re I found out this some the homeboy High murder my homeboy nuk's Brother D boy and New York guys told me the homie High murder Rock locked up free high murder slapped the [ __ ] out of the dude he took off running caused two accidents fell on his face and ain't look back sense but now you talking crazy on the FaceTime listen man at the end of the day no jumper is here to feed the streets pop smoke was an Entertainer this is an individual who has something to do with his demise it's no different than any other rapper who gets out and talks about it uh who's supposed to talk about it we're curious we want to know why' you do it what was behind it and prior to this there had been no credible descriptions of what happened that night including the fact 50 Cent made a whole documentary about it in which they lent credibility to the idea that it was a setup which you are also lending credibility to uh during this interview but there's been all kinds of crazy conspiracy theories about it you don't think that there's value in talking to somebody who's coming straight from the source definitely value now I wish you would have asked him cuz I've been running this through my head how in he avoided being charged as an adult because when went in he said that the the court appointed lawyer or whatever said you're never getting out bro now remember so he went into it with that I was charged as an adult okay way back 93 94 right and all I had was two counts to 245 saw with deadly weapon firing into a vehicle fir into a dwelling and firing in the city limits well I mean that's not all I had but that's what I had this was a body so I'm sitting there scratching and the only the only thing I can see is that who whoever told whoever gave the information up the lead to these guys it wasn't a lot on him and the da just wanted a conviction they didn't want to run the risk of dude getting off I don't think whatever information came in they didn't have a lot now I would tell you this if I'm a guy that know I participated in the murder I know I got 50 homies my age right who have been locked up my homeboy Pac-Man right now got 59 years of life youngster right and I know I did it and they're saying we're gonna keep you as a juvenile give you six years to do four and I know I did this [ __ ] and I know okay your case is weak but I know I did it I'mma take that six what would you do are you going to play with it we changed it two months before they got busted okay so two months before they got busted LA County DA George gasan shift policies um B basically said that he is announcing a series of directives including one that called for dismissing withdrawing or not filing special circumstance allegations and murder cases and another that vowed that the office would iMed nothing to do to a fitness hearing okay and the practice of sending youth to the adult court that has nothing to do with a fitness hearing the fitness hearing is when you find a minor unfit and send him to adult Court that's addressing special circumstance so you know what gas did he start charging all minors as adults he stopped yeah yeah that's crazy that's why none of them are getting that if you notice oh yeah that's what he saved his life we got to get him a mic he saved his life that's a fact he saved his life I mean it's also been suggested that blockstar was probably like not the one who pulled the trigger but that he ended up basically taking a undeserved portion of the blame Adam once you enter that house right and a crime is committed check it out Adam if me and you go to do something we together great idea and we go together you get killed or I get killed right they're charging you with my murder you ain't got to fire a shot the [ __ ] we go to Rob kills me they're going to charge you with my murder so when you got four little go into a situation and somebody gets bodied you're going to have first degree second degree and at at least uh conspiracy to the murder all of them carry a kickstand mhm what's a kickstand L life ah all of them carry that right so the fact that um and you know what blar let me tell you this rest in peace my homeboy P Rider sometimes things can happen to you and for you and it's a gift and sometimes it could be a curse I say that to say this my homeboy P rer got out 7 months early they just said hey pack your [ __ ] early release I told him look bro you could use this in favor of you or use it to work against you mhm right needless to say 30 days later my homeboy got killed around at a Beverly Hills uh matching party right block star that's his name block star y you got some love do something with your yourself M don't come out here and run around like it can't happen to you get your little ass out the way get in the way of whatever businesses you trying to do but don't be the one to where it's like if he' still been in there maybe he'll still be alive can I just bring this up look at this what happened the baby on uh The Breakfast Club what he do what nephew do talks altercations you know what the altercation was what he killed a guy on Walmart he killed a guy in Walmart that's how he got hot and here we are on The Breakfast Club talking about it what about this one this is on SE cheese from a couple days ago or a couple weeks ago this is Lil G from s SOB rbe on being sentenced to 21 years guess why he got 21 years killed somebody why the is everybody acting like I invented this practice Adam you got to you know who he killed oh 99% of the people out there don't know him you know who the baby killed 100 % of people out there don't know him know the only difference is that blockstar killed a famous person I hope that people in the media are able to actually kind of take a step back and say we were wrong our criticism of you was ridiculous in particular ta Stone I'm very disappointed him weirdo I mean something's happening to his brain in wait wait did you hear this boo what okay he goes on there and says yeah Adam asks me to come interview cuz he said I had one I had the best podcast he's talking about pre2 2017 he did have like the biggest Street podcast of the time for sure Follow Me Adam see when a start lying they can't control their lies right so he says yeah and I'm talking to Adam about this and he's doing this and then furthermore I'm like yo I'm not coming up there and you got that old blood dude um saying what he said about nipy hustle what hold on breaks nipy was alive um we didn't know anything I personally know anything about nipy till 2019 it wasn't exposed verbally by Hass Hassan Campbell till 2021 so how are you pre 2017 2017 is when you went to jail how you pre 2017 tell having a conversation about Adam about me being on no jumper when a I was no no jumper and none of this [ __ ] about nipy was even in existence T Stone came on no jumper approximately seven years before you and I started doing a podcast together we first did an episode together with blueface in probably 2019 even that was 3 years after I did the TX Stone interview I might I think if you had asked me when I did the TX Stone interview who is wack 100 I would have said the guy who knocked out stitches that's it but here goes the thing on top of that tax is a rat he wrote the judge a letter m telling about everything Troy AB shot this guy did this Bo Peep jumped over the moon he told on everything so what he what does he do he go to jail he drop his flag oh he doesn't say he's a blood anymore you know how he became a blood turn Muslim that's what I think is funny about hearing tax comment on blar Muslim blockstar is from Hoover because he's really from Hoover tax literally woke up one day and said I'm a blood I ain't never seen this weird on my life I've heard him talk about it on the podcast he woke up he said I'm a blood and then he was a blood for like never seen this seen before in my life and I'm going be real I'm going be real that ain't what made him drop his flag he got a few visitors and RI and Rikers without me saying too much the situation got rectified why you say rectified like that he had some visitors couple Bandits went in there and rectified the situation you're emphasizing wreck dumb with defied you're saying they raped them that's a Grizzly I think he liked it taxi liked it taxi liked it remember Mikey Mikey taxi liked it taxi liked it you want to know who who tax [ __ ] with that was the wrong person though who that Flo oh yeah Flo gonna wear his ass out listen I'm a civilian I'm going get Flo the content I'm a civilian Flo is a civilian repor order so that phone that he's been playing with in prison oh black going to get him listen dummy this dude be on Twitter whatever that [ __ ] is you boo then again he's a rat they might be giving it to him I'm listening like cuz in my DMs I haven't actually heard like anything that tax set on clubhouse or spaces or whatever like that but in my DMs he's hitting me up making the case for why I shouldn't have interviewed blockstar and I'm literally laughing and D I'm like nearly rolling around on the ground because as he's making the case for why I shouldn't have interviewed blockstar he's also making the case for why nobody should platform him there is no real difference between the two things except that he argues that his situation was self-defense and the block Stars was him going into somebody's home which okay an important distinction but again you were walking around illegally with a gun in the middle of Manhattan you went into that club and then you killed an unarmed man and you were Guilty By A J Troy was supposed to be there Troy was contracted to be there you knew Troy was going to be there so if you got issues with Troy in his Camp why would you come and then you came strapped like what the are we talking about you came strapped just like them two dudes that came to your cell at Rikers was strapped who rectified the situation this is a fact look bro we just talking about it sexy red said it she said that about sexy red gave a description to tax shut the [ __ ] up what' she say the song was about tax what song one side of it was her the other side was him what song she said my is pink you're saying tax has a brown booty hole them two [ __ ] that rectified the situation you got they talking I'm going to put them with Flo I know him that's crazy as soon as you said that it made me start thinking about the black booty hole I was eating this morning you got to this morning yeah I ain't going to lie I ain't going to lie I be lick I be licking my girl ass too right I ain't going to even sit here and say I've probably eaten some black ass before but this thing was your wife there boom yeah she was right there watch me boom so she old trip that you be looking the girl's ass no it was she was eating her [ __ ] while I was eating her ass at the same time yeah know that that that's that that's that's a play you know I've been in that I've been in that Arena are you feeling the black girl magic on me right now but it's here so this is a real black that's I show you the pictures of her that's the thick one Brandy oh [ __ ] hold on bro Brandy bro what kind of Brandy with a y not Brandy with a my [ __ ] Brandy Kelly with an i no yes what her last name yeah you want to see her that's the one in the leather yeah wait where is she damn I'm bring her up on the screen we can just hey yo look I ain't going to lie some of these dudes be lying cuz I really got a problem with that Kendrick Lamar line what what what line I don't know why everybody's like [ __ ] speaking against it which one freaky ass [ __ ] a 69 guy I love 69 I'm a I'm a 138 bury me in there 138 what you think that's her that's me this is when I met her at a party okay uh oh this the yeah the PornHub Awards might be a little spicy for YouTube not 100% sure but man she just she she dm' me and said I need to be y'all black girlfriend anyway I had a a shocking experience while I was uh while I was hooking up with her right so during the course of the interview we realized that she her and her twin sister at one point were dating Nick Cannon together now for the record they had nothing but good things to say about him said that he was said he was an amazing guy very rare that you like have a conversation with a girl like that after the relationship and that they still [ __ ] with him 100% nothing good thing to say about right sound about right and then she was telling us about dayen Wayne as well so as we're hooking up I look down and I see a little Toni tattoo on her side Wayne Wayne's name Lil tuni she has she got Nick Cannon's name I don't know if she has a Nick Cannon tattoo but she does have a l Wayne tattoo and at one point and and so when I see that she goes oh you think that's bad and she points down at her calf she got a big ass cartoon Gunner head on her calf a gunner head and she said she's getting it removed because he told the black chick yes go black chick so that's three killer bodies right there gun to been getting sweaty sweated yeah they been on him what do you mean oh the dude came to him he lucky that was a troll with one of the homies that one dude yeah cuz that would be one of the wrong homies they to slapped the [ __ ] out of him on camera and got the cloud the wrong homies probably aren't getting into the awards show right yeah oh yeah you know that's that's what you know we we know how to do that it's always homies in the award show the security the cameram man them be homies just Incognito okay but it's it's Gunna generally all good out here or what do you think uh me personally um I I'm going to stand on gun as a rat do I want to do something to him no I don't want to do nothing to him um you know um I don't think Thug wants anything done to him because he still signed the thug then why are his kids writing song saying that they're going to kill him who Thug you didn't this [ __ ] they're Thug's kids bro that was a moment where I just had to step take a step back and be like what the [ __ ] is this in the song they're talking about doing drills and spraying [ __ ] up and gun to gun get I'm like you guys are eight how the [ __ ] y'all ate rapping about this [ __ ] his kids are rapping about grimier [ __ ] than he was rapping about that's Thug's kids bro yeah but when you're fighting for your life like how you just let kids before you was baffled you seen the B hey yo they F to kick that judge off he's out of here the Negro judge is fried he's cooked why you say that he bro he [ __ ] up oh they he [ __ ] up he [ __ ] up bad because you got this uh this [ __ ] Woody whatever this thing is hilarious shout out Woody then you got the attorney who told uh Mr Steel m Woody they instructed Woody to fire her on the stand so now she could be a witness for the defense right and then this [ __ ] DB ass uh judge instead of playing it cool he like no who told you about this how do you know you're back there cohering a witness right so now because you are going to be called as a witness you can't be the judge this [ __ ] going to be a mistrial you know and that sounds good you're always like praying for a mistrial right but then Melly got a mistrial and the only result of it is like oh he got to sit sit in jail for another 2 three years while we wait for the next Tri ask you something would you rather Mist trial and action at beating it again or would you rather just give 40 years that day no for sure Mist trial is better but I mean just with Melly it's like we all had this hope that we were going to find out the conclusion to his trial and then it's like no Miss trial boom we're just doing the whole thing again I'm going to be real man this the m dude you're not optimistic for him it's something about his look yeah to where he's like the little dude digging in his nose and scratching his ass and he like yeah I did it but so what he doesn't say that he's denying it no that's just my perception of this dude he just looks like you little bad [ __ ] you know what I'm saying now you know I hope he boss man Deo shared me to a story you like that clouted up continue sorry what I need the followback though that was some real dick riding [ __ ] that's some dick riding [ __ ] boss man Dow don't F him back why you didn't come to the game Fourth of July party you hear what boss man Dow said though what he say he was never broke he was [ __ ] up hey but he wasn't broke I was [ __ ] up why you didn't come to the game for the July party what the [ __ ] I didn't get invited to that bro you're invited to anything has anything to do with us you okay well if I don't know that it's happening then I can't really be invited right up was it you never pop out I do I didn't even see any footage of this was it all off social media or what know Zeus Zeus sponsored it food everywhere free Weed Free liquor women everywhere it's crazy women for purchase I mean for whatever prostitutes I mean you know I don't know know that's what they was doing but I'm saying definitely was [ __ ] really if I didn't have a black girlfriend then I would probably be down it was you know me and DJ Sky High no you don't know DJ Sky High she's like Cron's good friend she got a big old bubble butt oh know anyway that's my new girlfriend yo bro what's going on your wife ain't in it all that yeah she's she's cool with it your wife but you [ __ ] women my wife realizes that my sex drive is possibly too much for her to single-handedly take care of so that's why I'm assembling a little bit of a Harum listen Brandy DJ Sky High who knows who'll be added next so you just into the black girls pretty much was that triggered by this whole I ain't going to say it no no no no that's just from deep within I'm not going to say it we all know exactly they say once you go black you ain't you going to [ __ ] around leave your wife I've seen people go black and then go back and then go black again and then go back and then go black again variety is the spice of life yo man so how was the Kodak did I tell you about him now do you believe me when I tell you that's him yeah but a big part of your argument was like oh he's not on drugs no and then right after that he's he he does an interview he says he did a 100 perks a day for a while no what I'm no he wasn't [ __ ] up he's [ __ ] up Kodak was is always well at that time was always feeling good but when he's like as long as he can have a conversation with you and you know you got to listen to him cuz he'll go into this Mumble whisper [ __ ] on your ass M he's making sense it's when he says some [ __ ] that has nothing to do what you talking about nephew [ __ ] up there was a moment where he took my phone looked at my questions and basically said don't ask that one that one and that one you see what I'm saying you see what I'm saying it was like probably the most challenging interview I've ever tried to do it was at 3 in the morning one of them was about just a music video that he had out that got deleted he took it down and I wanted to know why you made it pretty clear don't ask about that you even ask him in the parking lot so you can talk about it later that's not how we do interviews we just ask the question on here but there was a bunch of people featured on the record some of which he may not [ __ ] with anymore he probably didn't want to get into the nitty-gritty of why he doesn't [ __ ] with those people totally understandable but as an interviewer kind of weird for the person to take your phone and tell you anyway I'm going to double back I'll find another y we need that dismissal paperwork bro we got the paperwork you was telling on the security guard we ain't going for the State of California said is uh you can have a a illegal gun that don't work with usit a minute we need the dismissal paperwork you're saying that booy snitched on somebody that's a fact a security we got to work and now all of a sudden the case disappears right so at the end of the day listen [ __ ] all that right in what situation he just called what's this dude r or something a rat right R he called r a rat hey he's the smartest rat I've heard R because he said I'm not doing it I'm walking with God I'm not stupid to your level right he is not about to amplify his situation looks like this was a year ago booy and R go off on each other over snitch allegations in R's case I don't know something must have just happened bro talking about it so what I'm say but listen let's fight hey look bro I don't give a [ __ ] it's it's a couple things that when you ask for them you got to provide them mhm a bail receipt and dismissal paperwork I'm not saying anything recent about this but yeah they were just talking about it a bail receipt and dismissal paperwork okay bro you have to post that dismissal work that's it you know you can't be call you Call TI out on this [ __ ] R out on this [ __ ] we got to work when you told the police both guns belong to security guard and security guard is saying only one gun is mine that I'm licensed for they put both guns on the security guard he going to jail lose his license right he checked one gun on the plane to come to California you had the rat dude from San Diego [ __ ] Dude using his phone to identify booy had a gun this is why when they pulled him over they snatched him out when they took him to the station they telling him hey you're talking about the guy who was on IG live who captured booy with a gun on Expos him on clubhouse but you're saying that guy was an informant he was an informant Not only was he an informant and that phone was working like a wir tap I pulled up his work where he got 15 people indicted from his City and he wrote the judge a letter begging not to go to court with these individuals we ped him on club house over there and and exposed him right so my thing is booty is telling the the the police they telling them be quiet let us Miranda you right be quiet let us show you something first no both them the security gun on One Security gun you put a you put an unauthorized pistol on the legal security that's just like me having a [ __ ] gun he going to jail he going to lose his license then they show him the video this is why we know this gun was on you it said in the work now all of a sudden the case disappears bro respectfully I don't give a [ __ ] all y'all out there look be a Boosy fan all that but when [ __ ] is talking this Gangsta [ __ ] and playing these Gangsta Games by these Gangsta rules you bro this what it is has booy responded yet we need this we need to see the dismissal work bro I put mine up boom you asked me a question I put my [ __ ] up so you know if booy makes the call you'll never do another Vlad interview again like that I'm not worried about that Vlad don't nobody call shots on Vlad and booy like this this is what's real though Vlad is going to stand behind what's real bro anybody from the streets on P Ro that if somebody say hey bro how you get out I bail out with your bell receipt MH if you ride it to get out you ain't going to have that I beat the case with your dispenser with your work you shouldn't feel no kind of way bro I'm not listen man [ __ ] all that this was real you know what I'm saying he need to show that bro we need to see that bro put that [ __ ] up like you put up everything else and we all put up everything else you show the fish you show the uh uh your building you doing at your crib I salute you on that beautiful spread you know you show this you show that show the dismissal work yeah I don't know no comment but wow no comment you telling me that booty toall that's like telling me that Santa Claus ain't real hey look what a [ __ ] accept at 25 don't mean he going to accept it at 45 so you're saying that his standards may have loosened up a bit gun cases just don't disappear [ __ ] what did dismissal the little homie Mazy he get it dropped in the in the county in the state fed pick it up send the homie to the F for a year uhhuh [ __ ] what's the difference with you just to switch it up let me ask you this question it was raised during the no jum show on Tuesday the question of okay Adam you interviewed popm smokes killer would you interview nip killer who be me and I immediately said that based on the logic by which I interviewed pop smokes killer yeah but in reality obviously a much more uh difficult decision you always talk to one of nip Killers what the [ __ ] you talking about I got the I got the content what content you heard you seen that boy get scared out his skin when we release them recordings where he said my homie shitty did his [ __ ] what's wrong with that brick baby said that don't say hey man out on and then get on the the phone with some other [ __ ] with a blood and another 60 and say my [ __ ] did this [ __ ] that dude that dude listen that content we put out was so real it [ __ ] him up but it's part two to that he seemed fine no no no no that [ __ ] had he was hiring everybody he was striking everybody all that when you bro when you don't give a [ __ ] you don't do that you know that striking that content strike striking the [ __ ] out of everybody his argument was that it for a reality show for reality show that's when youed toity show that clip no we talking about you talking about the phone call yeah well it was an illegal recording right it was what an illegal recording no it wasn't how come we're slicker than that it's illegal to record somebody without their consent in California is a two two- party State okay what's that mean the homie from Bishop G the green and lose Canon gave the green it's not a three-party state I'm sorry so you're saying that doesn't count when it's a group a group call it's a twop party State not a three this is the exposers oh wow technicalities that's a pretty good point yeah I don't know how that would work out that's a fact jeez okay whatever you say but what would be your advice take me out of the equation what what if what what if Eric Holder got out of jail tomorrow I would definitely interview him you would yeah or would you recommend the someone like me do it now granted Situation's a lot less likely to be as controversial because realistically if he got out in 15 or 20 years that would be early it's not like the popm smoke kid who did five years I would definitely interview him and I would advise you to interview him why not you think that I would be in hot water if I interviewed him um there be a lot of upset people about that maybe now granted in 15 years might be a different climate people might be a little more understanding but guess what bro people want to know even me just thinking about it I'm like holy [ __ ] he could really tell us what happened that day hey look like that would be so useful in terms of understanding already um what happened I believe he did a life rights deal cuz tried to buy them shits really they was gone he already sold them to someone yeah they was gone that's crazy hey Eric if you haven't sold him and went bad holl at me that's business bro just a story yeah but then it's kind of weird for your image right you're like the guy buying all the nipy stuff you're like the guy collecting World War II memorabilia I never brought no nipy stuff you got like a room full of swas at your house I never brought nipy stuff well you have the sex tape and then you I don't have nothing the owner of the sex tape who's a participant in the sex tape who has permission from nipy in the video in the sex tape has the sex tape stuff and the text messages and all the [ __ ] why haven't you asked me about my glasses huh I've been wearing glasses on here for the past 50 minutes you didn't say anything I don't give a [ __ ] I thought it was very notable when you were in here with glasses on this is all part of something I'm going to be doing next week pause I was checking you out on the [ __ ] Kodak interview I see no I was wondering when you was going to do it what I see you trimmed your [ __ ] cuz your [ __ ] was wild it look like a a a [ __ ] up SKU tail up there [ __ ] was Wild As [ __ ] my hair looked crazy in that interview no my hair looked crazy in that interview cuz I was sleeping on the couch in my office for two and a half hours before he showed up so my hair was just looking all like weird and like so you knew he was coming yeah but I mean I ended up waiting until 3: in the [ __ ] morning nephew shout out Kodak that's nephew Kodak I need you on some promo hit me up um but yo so my situation is my beard and hair if I go two three weeks fine as soon as I hit a month oh man I look like [ __ ] so realistically I should probably be getting my [ __ ] done every 3 weeks but a lot of times I like to you know push it push it back so I can you know save a little money cheap skate till I die you know what you've been driving the same BMW W for about 4 years yeah is that the only car you have yeah that's smart it's a lease I don't own the car yeah I mean we all lease our [ __ ] and when it's done warranty over the body style change take it trade across get a new one yeah but you ain't paying no more than a grand 800 I don't even I think it's like two grand, 1500 something I don't know is it I don't know that's crazy I really pay too much attention to my you don't give a [ __ ] though no no that if anything I want to I want to spend less money on clothes and just like wear the same [ __ ] every day just to let everybody know and the whole hip-hop thing I'm not playing the game I'm a dirty ass white boy leave me out of it hey look no jumper listen we do some hip-hop [ __ ] we do some hop hip [ __ ] you know what I'm saying we do some Street [ __ ] some real [ __ ] some funny [ __ ] as brick baby and Adam say they do some gay [ __ ] yeah they said that right but at the end of the day we always doing some [ __ ] and you tuning in so you can hear some [ __ ] you know the perk makes you gay right the what if you take a perk it turns you gay okay I told somebody this the other day that's what me and Bre this this how I know I'm phasing out of the streets what I don't understand the drugs no more I don't know look when a mother understand a [ __ ] said I had two lines I said two lines you did two lines of cocaine you're like no two line I don't know this [ __ ] an ounce of lean they got perk 30 40 no uh goddamn mly uh what's this [ __ ] killing people uh the f f f what this [ __ ] the my homie uh o down from 60 and Speedy from hard time hunson called me today and said whack half the yard what's this fake weed [ __ ] K2 it's on K2 and he tells me all the dudes I was on lean on the street are now using Heron cuz it gives him the same Rush brick admitted that he he did some heroin while he was locked up yeah that's crazy it's probably amazing he's a doine well he's a doine we all are no it's a different levels no I don't do drugs when I'm in degenerate mode buy a pack of mar drug I'm addicted to is R&B that's your girl sister wifey damn freaky ass [ __ ] I'm a 69 guy times 2 138 yeah I don't hey Kendrick Hey listen bro that wasn't no dis line you know I don't know what the [ __ ] you think going on but I'm a 69 guy yeah because you roll around with 69ine he's back that's the homie yeah yeah so now we got action to getting our thing done he's probably mad at me about the pop smoke interview why or the BL block star interview he don't a [ __ ] he's a real New Yorker he's got to he got to be mad about that right but he's back we haven't really seen anything from him since he got back right he got back like a week or two ago yeah he's setting up he about 69 going to do a big podcast which podcast I don't know he putting together something over there Joe Rogan I don't know he doing something trying to think he'll do a he's done a a bunch of times somebody offered him a bunch of money to do something if he got offered a bunch of money it's probably like not a big one it's probably like a smaller one that's trying to get them thing going right I don't know whatever it is whatever it may be he up to it him and a are like too chummy they like them doing the interview together is kind of like I feel like it's not gonna be as big of news because everybody already knows that they're buddies yo if he goes on a confrontational podcast now we're talking somebody who's going to really argue with him here's the thing I don't think 69ine should do a podcast where he has guests I think he should do a podcast where people could tune in and kind of ask him questions and he WS out and responds but don't you feel like there's probably a bunch of questions that he doesn't want to answer no he got to answer but every [ __ ] comment is just going to be [ __ ] about snitching and [ __ ] about the rappers that he beats Bro Look kill all the snitching [ __ ] the only thing 69ine is guilty of is being Latin all these black rats all these black rats running around with baseball caps ain't nobody saying nothing about booy we need to dismissal paperwork yeah but I mean a lot of black rappers have got canceled for too right who um name one I don't want to like list him off I'm not trying to [ __ ] on him but I mean Boston Richie certainly had his career his career massively impacted by [ __ ] career seems like he's still doing all right he didn't [ __ ] have a career like that he was just his way up he wasn't his big as 69 on way who give me another one uh should I Google famous rappers who snitched give me bro who um who else who else is out there we talking about in the last seven years five years um see who who else we got here who top snitch artist well the Gunner thing Gunna seems like he's doing all right they don't give a [ __ ] who oh I found a Vibe article here we go oh allow ads on Vibe I don't want to do that um oh 50 Cent has been alleged to have snitched I never really went for that one but what else we got on here didn't do nothing to him D what what is this what is wrong with look how it's all pictures of people and just says Untitled all these old web links just end up [ __ ] look at Joe bu why is he on the list I don't know I don't know he tell on 2011 these links these links like really 3:00 in the morning I get the phone call Megan St s nobody gives a [ __ ] about that 3:00 in the morning I get the phone call okay I get the text call me now # gangster like yo who do you think it was probably gangster no oh liy plumber from Zeus what's he talking about I asked want to whoop r j me what's up yo I'm letting you know me and Ray J had a squabble I said yo let me what you talking about yo he took one I took one I said let me you guys are brothers yeah but he tripping I call Ray J you know what Ray J's doing what laughing I said Ray what are you doing he said whack we just launched the Girls Club the transgender reality show on Tronics everybody's looking at me so I'm directed everybody to see me on the Girls Club I I directed it how does fighting the CEO of Zeus draw attention to the trans reality show because everybody's talking about Ray J what they're talking about Ray J he's talking about the [ __ ] trans reality show nobody's talking about the trans reality show talking about Ray J fight I don't even think people really talking about the Ray J fight that much but at least they were talking about that somewhat listen that [ __ ] is moving the trans reality show that [ __ ] is moving I show you that [ __ ] is going crazy because this what you got to understand my girlfriend not trans the lgbtq community is going to watch it right some they're going to watch it and the download dudes are going to watch it that's not a huge percentage of the population that's a lot you think there just like a giant percentage of the population is secretly gay it's a whole lot of these dudes like chicks with dicks a lot of them see that's part of the problem though you make a reality show about trans people yeah there are people who are fascinated by the trans experience but I feel like there's a lot more people who are kind of weirded out by it and don't want to think about it and so like what reality shows seem gigantic you ever see like too hot to handle on Netflix it's all super hot heteronormative people you let Sydney star sit on your lap with swamp ass and would you agree that I'm a little bit outside of the mainstream when it comes to what I'm into most people don't want to trans dick and balls on their knee listen man all I know is our transgender from the hunter side naughty nerd ninja beat the [ __ ] out of Sydney star the show really beat Sydney's ass you got to tune in whoop Sydney's ass that's a fact not even managed by R&B you met R&B before mhm whoop that motherfucker's ass but everybody watch and [ __ ] it hey I ain't going it Spike the [ __ ] Subs you take dick pills huh you asked that already when y'all was talking about a bunch of crazy [ __ ] did I didn't know what the [ __ ] y'all was talking about so I said no you don't do all that yeah you you you mention you just see like the kind of guy who would love it no you mentioned a pill that you said for like two days or some crazy [ __ ] you're just always talking about how much sex you'd be having and how much you love having sex and to me it's just kind of like oh you sound like you're probably popping dick pills no bro I you know what I've never did drugs and [ __ ] you can buy it as a gas station is it really a drug I don't I don't even like taking ASP you talked about AEL that you said didn't go away for like two days it was probably like a solid 24 hours yeah I like cuz I didn't know what the [ __ ] you was talking about right yeah I was like what are you talking about and he was telling me and then other dude start telling me about um Cameron [ __ ] Cameron hey yo his dick Cameron's a goat no you gay mother [ __ ] he got a enhan enhancement a dick imp plant no pink uh Pink something Google camon Mail enhancement is pink something don't don't tell me tce he pulled promo on the news it's like enhancement pink [ __ ] something Cameron what is it called um oh yeah here we go horsepower camon explains pink horsepower bizarre CNN interview where he was asked about Diddy video yo and he listen he turns around and says I got to go get some cheeks hold on pulls the peak horsepower out notices that the label ain't there turns it to the camera pops the cap and drinks it the goat I didn't see that uh oh my God he did [ __ ] see it in Cameron said that he doesn't know why he was booked for the sigment and then drank a male sexual enhancement drink on air and promoted it look see what he said about the cheeks go back up look getting some cheeks yeah no I I did see him say but I saw the super brief part where he was just like yeah like I don't know why I'm here so I for one yo cam I don't know where that [ __ ] supposed to be um but I don't see it in in like the gas stations and [ __ ] I go in the gas stations I see Rhino [ __ ] I don't see that [ __ ] pretty sure those are garbage you don't want those and a lot of these dudes is uh the Chevron CU all time I hear them they're like yo the Chevron gas station uh-huh they all talking about the Shon gas station I mean I feel like every gas station's got dick pills I don't know cuz I don't go in all the time I just get gas and them out I don't necessarily go in um but n Cameron's a go for that I go in cuz there's these protein cookies that I always get at which one Chevron just anywhere they have they in a white bag yeah I've been looking at them are they nasty no they're well they don't taste that good but the like [ __ ] that it says on that basically like makes me feel like oh this is good for me so I don't care that it doesn't taste that good it's got a lot of protein got you I don't give a [ __ ] shout out to cam me and cam only had one conversation long long long time ago when him with homie Al Pitman was uh he was in security when he was doing his pink [ __ ] back then um but you're talking about like early 2000s yeah yeah yeah uh but [ __ ] uh that [ __ ] right there when I see any brother that come from the streets play CNN like that yeah I got to salute him but do you remember when Cameron was on Bill O'Reilly with Dame Dash no I that was the invention of the you mad you mad which like really kind of took over the discourse online for a significant period of time but Cam and Dame Dash were antagonizing Bill O'Reilly so hard and I had never ever ever seen rappers go on the news and just basically like tell the host to [ __ ] off it was [ __ ] insane not like us is it slowing down can you pull it up uh I know it was like 30 million in two days what would I look at oh you just want I want to see if it's if it's just still going crazy or is it is it roughing I don't believe any of these numbers 46 million it was 30 million like a day or two ago two days it's slowing down look at that the audio has 117 in two months it's [ __ ] crazy either way look at this thumbnail the thumbnail is just the courthouse they like there's a million better thumbnails that they could have used but repres compt they use this a very simple one but I mean it works but they like this could easily been an action shot of Kendrick and like 10 gang members I thought it would have been out 100 million by now in seven days though I mean that's they [ __ ] did [ __ ] 30 and two well maybe not two but no two days he did it's probably going up like 5 million to day if I had to guess it did 30 million in two days but I was watching it really the first 45 minutes it did like 1.7 million I'm Hest I feel like people are kind of getting sick of this song no ain't nobody Summertime Anthem yeah but I also feel like people are kind of cooling off on it no no Dr you SE the other day they said like some Drake Knight or some [ __ ] Drake Knight some [ __ ] in New York they're showing people come off for Drake they had a drake Knight and it's they play Drake disc songs or what no they came out like the Drake fast deep oh okay so it's a counter yeah but here goes to Drake hasn't stopped streaming I I I think he's still out streaming everybody I feel like his numbers are probably lost this battle Yeah you agree the question is strategically what does he do next um he's under such insane scrutiny every time he does anything now that it's kind of if I was Drake I would do whatever the [ __ ] I wanted to do that's a bad idea what do you mean his last couple of releases have seemed like he was taking a lot of chances and just doing a lot of different types of stuff I feel like this next project whatever he does he's going to be judge so harshly for how the album does and what the popular songs are Etc that like what Direction he goes in with his next releases or his next projects it's unbelievably important he can't afford to miss well no I wouldn't do anything targeted at anybody but my fans I would feed my fans I wouldn't even attempt to any subs any of that you think he should just let it go he got to let he been Let It Go he let it go in his last song right but did you hear did you see what ab soul said but I mean as ab ab said if he is the rapper that I believe he is then this [ __ ] ain't over meaning that he assumes that Drake is in the back still cooking up the next stage no disrespect Drake ain't hearing [ __ ] I feel like [ __ ] is probably speaking on behalf of Kendrick right cuz cuz I feel like no TDE is an environment as such that nobody is saying something like that unless it has been approved by Kendrick speaks for Kendrick when it comes for what Kendrick is doing but Kendrick never speaks he spoke even this whole thing he puts out a record he does one tweet he performs a show that's it he spoke yeah but in terms of the continuing meta dialogue he doesn't get into it he doesn't have to he says less than any other rapper in modern he got straight to it right what do you think about this thing Little Wayne saying about the reunion everybody saying we don't need Turk Lil Wayne said is nope we need Turk right L way ain't got enough weight to get Turk on that but Turk said that the business was bad he wasn't happy with some element of the deal in terms of the reunion and so I guess come on come on BG and juvenile go out and do the hobo set and then Wayne comes out after they get off stage when a majority of the audience has left and he performs a set which I'm assuming was him making sure that he got his back end but either way Turk wasn't there for whatever we we don't necessarily know what this discrepancy was no [ __ ] the reunion the Cash Money Hot Boy tour right BG juvie Wayne and all of them saying we don't need Turk to do the tour but Wayne saying that he Ain doing it without him we need Turk which I don't know what their relationship is it doesn't seem like they're terribly close right it might just be Wayne keeping it real right like yo was part of the you know but let's be real Turk probably had the least contribution musically so not to say he's not an important part of the puzzle but if you want to talk about the hits if you want to talk about the big songs you could probably perform them without Turk and you'd be all right realistically I personally feel like if BG wasn't there you could still do most of the sons too right but there's a lot of sons that about BG no no no you need BG Turk is not the dud on H juie you need you need Manny for a true reunion as long as they're still alive I agree but you can understand how they try to pull it off the crowd is going to show up without Turk without Wayne without juvie without BG without Manny they like that's some [ __ ] yeah yeah so let's see if Wayne makes or breaks the situation with forcing them to put Turk on the run you know what's crazy p this I know you don't deal with rock music a lot but Bands Will Go On Tour and the only original member will be the singer swap out the guitar swap out the bases new Drummer whatever and sometimes bands will even get a new singer and keep touring what you think about my artist um slow grind and um Rick Ross baby mama who's your artist I saw something who who was [ __ ] with her was it Tia Kemp who was [ __ ] around with her he no game was chilling game wait was it game yeah game she came and set that hot pocket on that on on homie okay so yeah what what did uh she sat that hot pocket on him so game is so mad at Rick Ross that he's now [ __ ] his baby mama first of all we never say game was [ __ ] over wait was she [ __ ] boss man de too that was the other night that's what the dju title say y'all even supposed to I know about that listen the game did not [ __ ] the lady the lady just went over there and set the hot pocket on bro like Sydney start did to me no T km is a woman right but so Sydney star n I'm not [ __ ] with you Sydney star is is a transgender woman to the uh heterosexual Community the head of the sexuals no heterosexual Community City Star is a man okay T km is a woman with ovaries a uterus have kids like stop doing that [ __ ] stop doing that [Laughter] [ __ ] Tia I got you back baby but so game was [ __ ] around with her no game was chilling he went and did a show with them they got a show on Zeus over there the aunties okay Tia uh blue Face's mom Kissa and uh black China's M what's her name of the crazy lady um with the Gap I forget I forget black China's Mom I forget her name she crazy as a [ __ ] but um I haven't watched it I just saw a snippet and game was chilling and she came and set that hot pocket on him right and so uh that was her idea um this was what I write down uh oh okay so game suffered another loss in his series of lawsuits and Rick Ross clowned him on his Instagram story and game said you're going to die from OIC which that's not really how OIC Works whatw what laws did we suffer uh in terms of his sexual harassment or sexual assault lawsuit where he allegedly it was like what like $7 million and he never went to court so years default judgment Rick Ross talking about s years ago no they're talking about right now like something happened recently and they're going to try to seize his house this is just what I read in the news today what house that's not in his name or anything oh the house is is my house they should seize your [ __ ] too as far as I'm conern we already we already um we already in negotiations with the accuser or why didn't you just go to court in the first place I did go to court he didn't go to court I went to court okay what kind of negotiations we up bro so you're going to give her a couple million bucks make her go away uh you know we'll be all right we'll be doing Fourth of July party there next year when can we get game on here uh the streets need it we need to feed the streets you know what Chuck it's time it's time Chuck it's time Chucky Chucky whack no Chuck Taylor right but there's a new kid out of Chicago Chucky whack we can put Chuck Taylor and Chucky whack me and that [ __ ] got to get out Chucky whack hey [ __ ] you better change your [ __ ] name he going to switch your ass down hey hey Chucky whack you better change your [ __ ] name Chucky he don't know what he's talking about you got me [ __ ] you better change your name homie all right you better change your name the whole rat going to be smoking on Wack Pack listen The Wack Pack listen Chucky I'm going to send your invoice I just gave you some clout clip that put it out say some horrific [ __ ] about me they going to pay attention come up the whole rack smoking the whack pack don't I seem like a rapper I got family out there I got we need to interview the nephew kiddo Curry I got family JoJo Capone I got family my man promis I got family you want to go out when we go to Chicago for our charity effort I can go to Chicago We're going to link up with the nation I can go with who the noi you talking to me about the nation you know I'm trying to put you on game do you know how long I've had a relationship with the Ani foi why haven't you uh Tony M committed yourself to the religion well back then I was still eating pepperoni pizza yeah I was going to say you came in here with a big bag of bacon I don't eat meat you're lying oh okay you don't eat meat I eat fish on oh yeah I don't eat like beef pork none of that I've been like 6 months um you should go vegan but then you might end up exposing yourself on an airplane I do I I lick on flesh why can't we talk about food without having to make it like a weird sexual innuendo no D is being real I don't know if like that's part of I got to do this cooking reality show next week who ad no ad wait wait so you still in ad they eat food they don't cook food they had to cook a reality show on no jumper they just like go to a taco SP they had to cook a reality show on no jumper yes they did they weren't cooking you want me to pull up some thumbnails so now you want to switch it and like make it look like come on well it's not like I created it I'm just was cut no jumper we hungry yeah I'll give him a cut um look oxtail mac and cheese egg rolls and deep fried broccoli we hungry truck I bet they wish they did these kind of numbers still uh we ate the hottest Chicken in LA and we regret it they're not cooking they're just eating in dun's case maybe a little too much yeah the blue face episode this was my idea actually I should put have gone there for that one I just set it up look at this ad and China Max squash their beef after their fake fight anyway yo so listen um we got to make some changes around here well I already am I got a black girlfriend no no no no what I got a call blockstar wants to sit in with us and interview people who are we going to interview with blockstar we gave [ __ ] DW flame a chance so you think we should just turn him into a co-host why not he's for the streets I don't know come on Adam we don't really even have that many co on here we got Lush brick you Flo so you can't give him a chance does he seem like he's going to be the next charlot man I don't know [ __ ] no we just wanted to hear what he had to say you got to open up a little more yeah mother like yep nope no I mean he did like a good interview about his story but I don't really say see myself sitting with blockstar and saying so what do you think about Chan Rock and what she's been up to this week Block store if you want to rap open up you sign sense of humor oh you love an OP huh you'd sign him huh who would you tell him to no never mind I tell me why to use the content of his past experiences to make his music more popular a little birdie told me he already doing a song the title was crazy I don't want to say the title no I can only imagine you want to know the title what I popped that smoke shut the [ __ ] up oh they you know I got a Hoover sign to me maybe something a little more subtle than that young magnificent 107 who was Sayo right yeah nice guy I like him yeah yeah I mean when they told me that I said yo that [ __ ] crazy youed still mad at him though like didn't he put out a video without your permission and you all grumpy about it oh no I'm not mad I you ain't put anything out since then right oh me magnificent yeah you been in there working he about to put some else on but you put them in timeout for a couple months can't put it's a grown man okay I just let when they want to do their own thing I let them do their own thing and then when they ready for us to do it together then I make till they let me know okay first I try to do it with us together and then when they vear off I let them do their own thing and then when they like all right I get it and then we get back on track let me let me ask you this should Joe Biden drop out of the race [ __ ] yeah should run in his place um cuz there's really only one choice Cala Harris that's that's pretty much it I [ __ ] with Camala Harris what do you [ __ ] with about her um her the color of her skin is's not white no I don't care about I wanted uh Miss Clinton to win when she was running I really wanted her to win because I felt like she was the one telling Bill what to do any [ __ ] way you know what I'm saying so but um you know I'mma just be truthful with you we got the same Tech guy that does our game room you and Camala same guy we fight over him I know a woman who's I know a woman who does Camala Harris's uh massages or at least did for a period of time the one puts up all their cameras and her Tech [ __ ] does by [ __ ] too we be fighting over you and Camala Harris same [ __ ] you hop on the phone with they're like [ __ ] I need him Wednesday at 8 no I just I be you know he tells her that he I'm requesting and he tells me Vice vers but um n man I mean I'm a trump supporter I want you know I want to see Trump win right I think Trump can get the country back where it needs to be if you want to see Trump win then you should probably hope that Joe Biden stays in the race because I'm starting to get to the point where I'm actually thinking that Camala Harris them swapping her in for him might actually be a good idea which I've never thought I would be saying that dud bro he doesn't know where the [ __ ] he's at he's on a perk a perk is different than that well he on something he's on eight Xanax he's on something bro yeah it's not looking too good and Trump is going to keep clowning him yeah he don't stand a chance by the time he figures out what Trump said it's the next day right yeah I don't I don't have a whole lot of faith in people I've already given up on he want non Trump supporters he will make them vote for Trump yeah yeah and Trump should be an unbelievably easy candidate for the Democrats to beat like his performance in the debate was pretty [ __ ] in his own right a lot of commentators were saying that the the worst performances in a presidential debate of all time number one Joe Biden number two Donald Trump like that's how bad that debate was listen like we want to see Obama in office a black man we want to see a convict in office V Trump what about uh amber rose going so hard for him that's her her new little Arc she's a Maga girl we know that what's that mean you said she's a magnum girl right magga oh okay do you think she uses condoms I hope not God what a waste of what she got going on well you know she's Amber is going always go the other way for shock value not always yeah definitely when has she done this before besides just like dating Kanye which I guess was shocking bro it's been like 20 years a bunch of other people who Kanye the one made her popular right Kanye made other people want to you blew her up yeah then whiz kind of inaugurate he he honored her with a child and that kind of created an extended shelf not goes back to the old saying you can't turn a into a I think you can a lot of hoes like want nothing more than just I didn't say being labeled a housewife I didn't say it well I don't think she would be terribly offed can't turn a rockar into a rapper that's all I was saying you can turn a rapper into a rock star we see Lil Wayne you come with that whole house wipe [ __ ] I didn't say it I feel like by the standards that have been put in place by the red pill Community almost every woman who is sexually active outside of marriage is a hoe so to them to the Andrew Tates and the fresh and fits of the world any woman who's out here and slept with more than three four five people qualifies as a hoe and if you get into a relationship with her you're turning a hoe into a housewife almost every guy who gets into a serious relationship is basically turning a hoe into a housewife cool now I don't agree that if a woman has had five sex partners that she's a hoe my standard of being a hoe is much harder my my standard of being a hoe is you need to either be [ __ ] whoever for an extended period of time or you need to be an actual prostitute that's a ho yeah somebody just sold [ __ ] for a living I respect it yeah you got to make it make some money one or another my nephew levels he teach me he teaches me about that kind of [ __ ] about what hoes and and then you know levels from Philly he's he's just you know he's running the trenches over there and he's just um he you know Nephew just own his [ __ ] about that did you uh see Flocka pulling up to fight that mjtv so why didn't they fight well mjtv basically started doing the dance like running around and stuff and his excuse was I wasn't running I was trying to tire him out oh so he's a funny guy well no he was serious I thought that was an amazing amazing explanation yo because that is a good technique in a fight you do want to Tire the other guy out chasing him kind of yeah they were like dancing around the parking lot Flaco ran up in here knocked over two cameras luckily the cameras were fine but Flaco I am literally invoicing you for each of these cameras if you do break them Yo but he's he's ready for the [ __ ] a little dude yeah super he's super skinny he's like 100 pounds looking at did you see [ __ ] coped Rick Rock defending Flo yeah what's that I didn't actually watch it but I saw if you touch poetic [ __ ] you're going to get smashed on I'm like what the [ __ ] you guys really riding from like that Compton Rick Rock from nutty block Compton [ __ ] right uh defended Flo and told everybody if you touch him his own and Rick rock is your man's so that basically means that you have also cosigned flocko in this way right because you've cosigned Rick Rock if anyone does anything to Rick Rock they got a problem with cash Jones right Rick Rock got a YouTube channel what is it I don't know Rick Rock TV or some [ __ ] what is Captain Rick's Rock YouTube channel what the hell is it cuz I I know it got to be up there somewhere no it's right here what what the [ __ ] his name what is his YouTube channel what is it what is it uhop yeah look anyone messes with poetic flco will be smashed is cop Rick Rock TV Rick baby needs to be banned from La Rick Rock how Subs cop Rick Rock got up there you out here with a mean 30k 30k but cop Rick Rock TV with two C throw the like I got you so listen if Flocka was smarty stay out of that mix did Flo tap in with Compton Rick Rock I mean apparently they have some kind of relationship he need to go do a Compton Rick Rock and get him in shape to where he can catch that guy next time and F oh wait I'll call pight what's going on with him you ready for this what I hear some heavy breathing in the back uhoh flockos in Long Beach working out with [ __ ] P nice yes he told me that this is a fact is always on like a workout he has like a master plan for how he's going to work out and get in shape and he's telling me yeah I'm going to work out I'm going to lift weights with P ni every morning for two hours then I'm going to drive to Mareno Valley and I'm going to do boxing training out there after I do two hours of Weights I'm like Flo start slow no almost nobody works out for four [ __ ] hours a day you're not going to lift weights and then go box and then do that five days out of the week over and over it's not going to work you you got to ease yourself into this Flo pulled up to the insanes yep some place brick baby won't pull up too well that's for other reasons right I'm sure Flo feels like he's going to be well taken care of there brick baby got kill Squad in the streets what's up with this bozo telling the guy he can't come to La you're not going to address that [ __ ] you're not just thought about Florida yeah I heard those dudes are serious yes what the who the does Brick baby think he is to tell them people from Florida he must don't plan on going to Miami or nowhere else anytime somebody hit me up saying those are the wrong dudes for him to be uh internet beefing with is he like clout chasing no he's probably just standing on business right what's his connection with fulio he as far as I know brick baby was on here and he was quoting from a YouTube video that he had seen basically said that I think Young Ace six guys from his gang had been killed since the fio thing and I guess that was not true and that was like from a fake YouTube video and then the dudes who are mad at him are basically the dudes that are from Young and A's [ __ ] and they basically were like six of us died who name them show us what does that have to do with brick he was just talking about it on the podcast but he told him they can't come that late I guess they started talking [ __ ] so then he basically told them stay the [ __ ] out of La type [ __ ] I I honestly haven't even watched any other this I heard do you believe that do you believe that brick could stop them people from coming to La I mean for real realistically nobody could really stop anybody from coming to La if you're going to move in a way that does not attract huge amounts of attention right Charleston white came here a lot of people come here they go to the hotel you go to the interview you go back to the hotel you leave right if they came to La they they' be fine promoted we doing a hosting a a club you think brick going to show up and shut it down probably not he's got legal concerns he shouldn't be doing anything like that unless you have the right friends ybg no FBI female body inspectors da the baby the brat you kept it real said I didn't ba you and I gave you the money I didn't come get you you kept it real they told me about it what I did I I didn't even do it I told Josh wire his his girl the money there it goes makes sense and of the day it's been 13 months in County he ain't been to court I don't know um you sure do like spinning off that That's my boy I'm like you that's your boy I don't even know this guy I don't even know him who is this guy that's your boy my homeboy oh that's your boy no I was trying to do some weird racial thing huh I didn't say that you did that's my boy I got you not my yeah yesterday I had an incredible diaper photo shoot with Nick Cannon and seven of his kids wow well it's not all of them it was amazing like that didn't make it well they probably AR wearing diapers not wear diapers my boy loyo did it from the famous unknown you should [ __ ] with loyo I actually I I have a content creator that I think that you should sponsor with Incredible diapers who is it I uh I'm going to withhold his name at this time but he just recently made the move to Northern California and he uh allegedly has gotten his girlfriend pregnant he's not doing so good his numbers are kind of on the decline he's not really bringing in money like he used to but he does have a sizable fan base to talk about no jumper feel like he might need the diaper hook up pretty soon you got kids they're on the way they're triplets yes oh I [ __ ] with him let's do it I'm going to line that up let's do it oh really dude God okay oh [ __ ] really would you do plug talk with somebody with feet like that what the are those some weird sandals or who whose feet are those uh the girl bisha sends it to me I don't know who the [ __ ] oh KP feet Bea you ain't [ __ ] yo y like yo if you had a chick came to plug talk would you rock that are those rainwater's toes no it's a chick's toes oh bad Works honestly I feel like I could like I wish I would have seen I could ignore a woman's feet if she look good I can ignore the feet I listen while I'm H keep your shoes on I suck on the toes while I'm hitting okay but not with every woman right no my woman okay but if you're going to [ __ ] a prostitute you're not going to suck her toes no I'm not [ __ ] the proc she been walking around all night this is bad work wow wow why would you come outside with feet like that why must the dog chase the cat that's bad work be sure you ain't [ __ ] you don't know the song I do know the song so listen man I know you've uh cleaned house what have been your thoughts your new thoughts on content on whatever it is that you might want to do extra what is it I mean I feel like the the fundamental hump for us is like I'm very confident in my my current cast that I can do podcasts with them and that they will do quite well to build out a podcast cast that I was 100% happy with that didn't involve me is a little bit more of a challenge but I feel like we're we're growing towards that got you but I feel like it's it's easy when I'm on camera with them because I can kind of at least like guide the conversation in the right direction and whatnot but like letting them go off and do their own thing a little bit more complicated but I'm also not really like sweating us making so much content that we even have content that I'm not on camera for like my main Revelation over the past couple months is we don't need to create that much content we just need to create good content when we create content that's it I mean we still create more content than anybody else personally you know what I mean um when the last time drink champs did something Nori you gave me your word you was going to pull up on me Nori oh yeah let's go to Miami yeah we could do that too drink Champs let's see who they've G [Music] recently I did like when TX Stone revealed that Nory was faking his numbers back in the day that was very interesting to me yeah taxes be lying man wow they forgot to buy the views on this one common and Pete Rock 8K what the [ __ ] oh wait you know what this is this is 4K Ultra this is like a second upload of existing content I don't know why people do this it's a very strange decision like look the in 4K Ultra HD so they re-upload the same content but they have it in 4K Ultra HD like Matt hafa used used to do this with just a 360 cam in the middle of the room I've been hearing some crazy rumors about him math Offa saying what I don't believe the [ __ ] but why all reuploads there's like no where's the where the [ __ ] is the um they haven't put any new up uploads in like a while huh what the [ __ ] is this I'm confused it's all these weird re-upload things unless their numbers have just completely [ __ ] the bed which I don't believe to be where are the real numbers yeah cuz see look Ben Zeno why would Ben Zeno's super viral interview three hours long why would I have 6,000 views G herbo 40,000 views four months ago yeah but looking at the wrong YouTube channel or something what the [ __ ] is this all right wait 303k it's not more than that they only got 300,000 Subs that can't be real no four 700,000 views four years ago this is in their top videos there's no way they have tons of episodes that have millions of views what am I doing wrong here what am I oh cuz oh you want to know why oh okay they re-upload everything to a separate Channel but the main uploads go on the Revolt Channel there's 3 million okay yeah so the full like the spice one 147k 5 days ago that makes sense oh okay here I am wasting the fans time as I figure out how YouTube works right in front of their eyes oh you're better than me hit boy teams up with Nick Grant and FL for the linkup 1.1 million views yo okay did you get the [ __ ] paperwork insinuating at Hit Boy snitch big hit oh Lord um no why what what are they saying okay so you let's address shout out big hit Legend I rather address it I think I'm the guy to address it I wake up I get 15 Text Blast okay big hits a rat is what they're saying okay so they send me the paperwork uhhuh so I'm reading the paperwork it's some uh [ __ ] check cashier check or traveler check scheme right okay happening in Walmart so they put big hit ask him a statement they I he's on camera but the employees cannot identify him in the six-pack okay even though he's on camera so there's a fake ID involved that's a name other than big hit's real name so when he gets to court they ask him and he tells him that's my brother's ID so he later on they like well can you identify your brother he said yeah his name's Jeremy so they're like oh he's a snitch so instantly I'm reading this [ __ ] I'm like I don't think there is a [ __ ] jery really because because he's on camera but yet the employees cannot identify him so he says me and my brother are we damn near look identically alike his name is Jeremy that's Jeremy's fake ID this is what I'm thinking I look up the other day on big hit's Instagram and he pulled up on his brother uh-huh on his brother is a named Jeremy okay so big hit created a brother and put the fake ID in the cashier check on this imaginary brother named Jeremy okay but this what happens when you get under the light anything that pops up with you that they think is [ __ ] up they try to pin it on you it's interesting cuz when I was just searching it on YouTube it made it seem like big hit was reacting to milk making these allegations but then when I look at milk's Channel I'm not seeing anything about took it down that's what I was thinking cuz he's a boo is like dude like yeah big hit goes in on milk over snitch rumor but then I can't find the actual videos of milk talking about big hits so that's he's not going to be talking about it it would take a lot for me to be open to the idea of big hit doing uh anything unto in the streets not going to happen that's probably not going to happen sorry y'all Germany don't exist okay good to know little bit of a scare there you know what I felt like I had to address it cuz people was chattering about it and this [ __ ] ain't real brick baby needs to be banned from La that's what com from Rick Rock's new live stream says on compt Rick Rock TV three hours ago I uh there's a lot going on man there's a lot going on right here all right all right um what you got planned for this weekend um I got to create uh another diaper box for incredible diapers around Nick Cannon and his babies you're creating the diaper well I team you know doing it um me and Floyd we got some business to do met Floyd the other day did you at Ritz at the at the uh Beverly Hilton for the the impact Awards got you want me get Floyd up here of course I we put that together that would be legendary what we get Floyd and Nick together they're my business partners and Nick Cannon just went on my friend Ryan Pal's porn podcast yeah we could put that together um I actually met Cam Newton and and Floyd at the same time how was that they both knew who I was and were like seemingly like pretty hyped to see me so that was a weird feeling knows who you are damn these Legends kind of [ __ ] with the 22er who you got him or uh John Gotti who they're boxing John Gotti is boxing Floyd Mayweather next m i mean I'm probably going to assume the greatest boxer of all time Floyd Floyd Mayweather is going to take his ass out attempted to do it but it was some [ __ ] going on in the rain what the [ __ ] is John Gotti doing that doesn't even sound like a real person to me I don't know well that's his grandson that's what I'm saying yeah right okay uh my kid just started the next stage of her preschool career and while we're working today my girl gets a call and uh she was puking her guts out in the middle of class so I guess she's all right but I got to go check on her make sure she's all right she started puking her my girl and her and her assistant have all been suffering from some they went to Turks they went to Miami for a week and then they went to Turks oh they maybe got the bug I think they got the stomach bug out there you know you got to just Daddy G you got to go uh [ __ ] are you doing here I'm pretty proud of my immune system though I don't I don't I don't get it when they get it oh I'm going to leave early just to go help her out I got to with the the biggest pyu no not the biggest I'm just p emoji kangaroo Emoji if I could I would change the name of this podcast to those two emojis p emoji rooster oh it could do that too but what other kangaroo what the [ __ ] is that kangaroo does kga have to do R the last part ain't no ru's named Joey not that we know of what about uh Joey Lawrence I know Joey Jihad I don't know who that is Joey bu Joey Biden okay shout out to everybody who watch this please smash a like even if the last 20 minutes of this podcast have maybe not made you want to smash the like think about the beginning part of the podcast that was pretty good and smash the like feel like we we tapered off a little bit there at the end well you got caught up in this dumb ass search the YouTube Drake chat [ __ ] and it's it's it's embarrassing when people can see the screen and they can see all the weird things that I'm subscribed to on here like oh cats out of the bag I'm subscribed to too lazy to try oh I'm watching random poker videos from guys that get 5,000 views up Danny from.com what the [ __ ] is you watching bro beat your me they could see the screen right now so they're not going to fall what did you this FL look at this title this could have been about him obese YouTuber ruins his pathetic career in 19 minutes just put Flo in the thumbnail instead of him that'd be pretty funny [ __ ] but look YouTube knows that I want to watch these [ __ ] stupid ass documentaries the story of thousand band Fon the untold story of arcenio Hall's late night Legacy you know just like they just want me to watch all this the story the story of this thing Gangster Williams give details on his 4 bodies you know what I've been noticing what you do a lot of your guest with Remo yep cuz you can Punk Remo I don't punk him he's cool Remo you're a [ __ ] punk and on that note you had the Adam and Adam and wax show you know what I'm saying the 22er and the rooster you know I mean no jumper the only independent platform the only platform that feeds the streets the only [ __ ] platform I don't punk Remo I feel like we have a pretty Mutual relationship we already passed that I got one of my more trusted employees I off he he lines up a lot of interviews helps me write questions for interviews I already got that off okay anyway shout out to everybody this is uh 4 i22 and we out like comment subscribe bang bang West
Channel: No Jumper
Views: 93,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pop smoke interview, pop smoke no jumper, pop smoke, blockstar interview, blockstar adam22, blockstar interview adam22, blockstar pop smoke, blockstar no jumper, Kodak Black interview, Kodak Black no jumper, Kodak Black adam22, Kodak Black
Id: KiXcNoWx864
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 36sec (6156 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2024
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