Nolan From MrBeast Watches All Skibidi Toilet Episodes 1-70 (part 3)

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today we've got Nolan from Mr Beast because he's going to be watching every single ski toilet episode he's never seen them before Nolan I have a question yeah what's your experience of skibby toilet what do you know I've I know absolutely nothing you about to have The Thrill Ride of a lifetime I've got one thing to say to you Nolan what is it skibby do do do yes yes let's do it all right here we go Nolan are you ready for over an hour it's an hour long it's an hour and 10 minutes how many episodes is this don't worry there's a few if at any point you are confused with the story well it's just a head in the toilet right now wait this song was a Tik Tok Trend yes it was is that where that came from yes yes yes I don't know it's like a chicken in the egg moment for me people do Chad videos to this yibby skib episode three you might see a little splashy allore man it's getting real now is that a helicopter that was aan if you have any questions while we watch this Creek is our expert on the job oh I'm glad we have an expert here I have seen this so many times they paid me to be here yeah Creek uh my questions are only [Laughter] growing what's your questions no all what I don't what is going on so I think there's a good point in which you should explain a little bit of the premise is is there like a story line to this or there is a storyline growing okay yeah so there are evil toilets okay they're called skibby toilets and they've taken over the world they are starting to take over the world right take yeah think of them almost like a zombie infection okay yeah and then in a few episodes here you're going to see the resistance the good guys the cameraman right now it's skibby toilets there there's a resistance there is a resistance what are they unflushable wipes no but they do have toilet paper grenades oh oh no way I have an ad okay so we're back all right so Nolan as I was explaining that right there is the first signing of the cameraman resistance right there he's flushing the flush the toilet okay you have to flush the toilet to defeat them and this is your first appearance of the big bad guy this is Gman toilet bro I'm so confused oh what there they are that's the resistance so the skib toilets have kind of taken out the humans at this point and the cameramen have rose up to resist them okay so question the Skippy toilet people are the like the bad guys the guys inside the toilet and the toilet is just kind of like their uh it's like little as their appendages so it's like an arm yeah yeah they are the toilets they even have the police toilet and they're the police too oh yeah they've basically taken over my favorite part so far is when they say yo expert explain this I saw there was like C of toilets I mean yeah the idea is that they're now Godly creatures in this world and then the cameraman showed up and he ate him he just ate that man but don't worry they flushed him I also thumbs up you're going to see thumbs up a lot Nolan is thumbs up good that's when the camera team wins a fight they put their thumb up yep that's how they communicate okay I cannot get over the fact that this is like a Tik Tok song and all I'm thinking in my head is like there's like edits to this oh there's more than edits also who who made this a man by the name of the yeah so he's a little bit overpowered now I don't know if you're noticing Nolan there's a the checks and balances are not in effect here until they're trying new things that's a that's a camera tur D I feel like I'm watching Terminator but with toilets it's it's amazing I mean this is a dude wait till we get like 20 episodes in it gets dark and brutal this stup part this is the dumb part this is the part where they realize they're like oh wait these are getting Millions upon millions of views we should really start building a story yeah okay you let me know when the story really starts and I'll start really paying attention okay wait what do you mean you already are paying attention oh no I mean come on what wait I don't even remember it's an impersonator it's a camera toilet yes that is the smartest thing I've ever seen it's an inside I mean this is as how do they not not oh they do notice they notice they notice immediately so that's a little sneak peek at what might be to come boom Gman toilet and they have to defeat him dude like he's just too overpowered yeah they have a little laser they're going to blast but guess what it didn't work oh dude I feel like by the end of this it's going to be toilets destroying like the universe so you're going to see uh you're going to see a common theme of this is that one team makes a unbeatable weapon and then the other team builds a weapon that beats it you know yeah it's kind of like in Dragon Ball Z how like the power levels just keep going up and up and up yeah by the end of this it is just going to be ridiculous okay I would have understood that more if you just told me Naruto okay yeah picture Naruto ex the power scaling just goes up and up so that is the Titan cameraman oh he's the like super awesome dude nobody can he's crazy what is yep okay I like the clap the clap clap was cool that was sick this also kind of reminds me of Attack on Titan but toilets on cameras R Shield oh my God but guess what it's a metal toilet crazy he's like oh no my my arm yeah wait so what episode are we on right now we on episode 211 21 there's there's over 70 some of these episodes start getting like 5 minutes long so buckle up buttercup oh they're interrogating them yep so when they get flushed where do they go they just die that's a good question man they go to toilet Heaven I suppose yeah but they're certainly not connected to some Central water one retic tank or anything like that like where does it go dude they're going for it of course my calculations they're connected to the one Central water line oh no that backfired literally bro that's terrifying you wake up in the middle of the night and you see that what do you do I guess I lose bro give yes yes oh see they're trying to fix their Titan guy but now the toilets have they found the base I I honest to God think that if I had to choose one way to die and it came down between this and zombies I think I'd choose zombies yeah I'd prefer I'd prefer dude they are eating each other they got like mad headbutt well it's really the only thing they can do they headbutt people and they're also headbutts cuz the toilet come on come on no yeah yeah sure yeah yeah oh it's so good man it's about to pick up dude these are speaker heads speaker heads yep speaker men they have arrived they're allies of the cameraman yeah that's right yep they have joined the resistance and now they're using they put on headphones to not get affected by the sound and now it's destroying the toilets dude if was watching us he would know what camera like I'm looking at he'd be like Ah that's an FS five okay oh that's brutal that was awesome I okay I can tell right now they're really starting to think about instead of just basic stuff yeah actual fighting scene choreography yeah they're absolutely evolving it gets crazy now we have Titan speaker man oh come on Hit It Up uh-oh they're trying to dud every time I watch this I notice something new and that's not good you're supposed to be the expert it's like a skibby toilet Farm huh oh don't worry so it seems like the camera people and the speaker people are kind of taking over at this point right yeah they're mopping it up I think this isib toilet Factory this is basically Bed Bath and [Music] Beyond they noticed [Music] uh-oh okay yep dang dude I just I can't believe this is my first time seeing this I mean and you're are you kind of liking it is it more than you expected though oh yeah it's it is pretty crazy I feel like I expected it to be completely mindless before watching it so right right now the oh yeah but they just developed a new technology and is that a film camera that is that is oh my God yep they got the Flash The Flash yeah so now they have them captive yeah so this is the scientist toilet he is kind of a big deal you'll see why later on well you'll see why right now he's taking over y camera's body you know how you mention zombies yeah they're basically [Music] zombies oh my [Laughter] God check it out dude dude but like how do the camera guys know who's on their team anymore exactly this changes the game if they're trying to rip their head off they're probably not on your [Music] team I mean and their their toilet technology is just getting better and better [Music] yeah boom but Titan speaker man bang come on Titan speaker man wait no TI speaker man no they're not going to take over the speaker man are they I don't know we'll have to find out right now uh oh I guess we'll have to figure out right this exact second the speakers and the cameras are going to have to come up with a brand new technology to fight back against this unbeatable W that's true they're Their Own Worst Enemy now all here we [Music] go now the just starting to like this is like The Empire Strikes Back There Goes YouTube waa YouTube's gone bro we lost it guys make sure to subscribe before that happens in real life oh where is he oh dude I'm not going to lie I think if I was a little bit younger I would actually be genuinely scared of those [Music] moments oh it's like an 8-year-old having nightmares about committ toilet dude I was terrified as a kid vacuums when I played uh Call of Duty zombies so they saved them they just had to pull the toilet off vacuum I was terrified of vacuum as a kid dude are you a dog no I thought they would suck me up man check it out they created software that when they shoot lasers it cures them yeah but it's not going to work on him it's too small okay dude I'm I'm now getting invested in this story yeah like this is the most toilet stocks are going up like I'm lean forward in my chair yeah no I'm I'm pretty into this I've seen this seven times now and it it gets better each time really no we should just watch it seven times in this one sitting then uh-oh they're taking back over now they have tanks the tanks that shoot that powerful weapon here we go wait that's a different looking toilet yeah so that's uh SK toilets are like using the technology of the cameraman so I upgrade [Music] themselves all right they really need to win this guy back over it's time they have the turrets they have the Firepower they have the technology oh he blocked it and he blocked it baby an animal yeah plunger plunger that was awesome oh now we got the TV Man TV man Jordan the resistance no even know yet dude what's next to VCR Yes actually but we're not going to oh actually no the DVD players haven't come in yet that's episode 63 I you know I can't tell if you're joking joking I've never even gotten there yet either so I don't know one man one plunger uh-oh wao yeah yeah put their sunglasses on so on you know what I mean that way it doesn't affect them dude Everything's changed I like the suit combo also yeah I do like the suit I think they look fancy they look fancy they look so cool I'm going to be honest the TV characters look cool they do oh no wait cuz one of the best characters in the game is coming not in the game in the show here Titan TV man here we go but that's not the character I was talking about oh really I thought that's what you were talking about no no no but that that was a good wait is that the sound that I think it is it is the sound you think it is did you see that literally flushed himself that was like Nostalgia that flushed through me there you go uh-oh did little face wa come on there it is all those are Roblox faces by the way little fun lore [Music] facts so they've really just kind of learned these guys uh technology so looks I mean look the resistance is winning or are they oh oh yeah but they have sunglasses now they discovered they're wearing sunglasses of sunglasses wait a second that's going to be a problem yeah the TV men were like all right I'm out [Music] [Laughter] then yo oh big toilet also Nolan I don't know if you've noticed but it's not verticals anymore they're fullon videos now yeah yeah that's crazy somebody's putting some production quality in I didn't even notice the switch I'm be honest with why do I I feel like something really bad is about to happen to this guy let me tell you oh yo sunglasses [Music] broke see you later what the they have Rockets but guess what he's got a plasma TV and speakers oh my God he went to Best Buy he did who's beating that the sound broke the glass everybody knows that sound breaks sunglasses that's true there we go it's about to be Titan versus Titan but they need to save the Titan speaker remember Nolan wait I'm I'm confused that one Titan's still taking over oh he was taken over still remember the speaker Titan was taken over and then uh Gman skibby toilet blocked the shot to fix him also fun fact you missed it but in that window right there was the first appearance of the agent um which you'll see agent yeah the agent is uh actually we don't really know much about him he just kind of shows up and influences things but you'll see him like randomly show up in the background and stuff he disappeared just like that he's like all right I'm out I like that they could just disappear I feel like that's so cool they are just the cool character feel EAS the coolest yeah boom dang uh he looks distressed wait for it I feel like speaker guy keeps on running away he is he is yeah like stop running the way so now we got vacuum cleaner toilet but it's actually no match for a bunch of knives yeah I mean knives just outpace that and he said oooo come on thumbs up I mean Nolan at this point you're ready to enlist right all right I'm getting up to the part that I stopped watching to be honest I feel like the world is like destroyed it kind of is yeah I mean it's basically post-apocalyptic now no no [ __ ] you this is ain't going he be mad he's like you can't fix that well actually he ran away he ran away he teleported no he didn't run away that was a tactical Retreat he retreated in the he advanced in the opposite direction there's the agent uh-oh that's just crazy that was awesome that was so cool to me yep it's plunger time it's plunger time yo say that again it's sounded cool it's plunger attack yeah that did sound it sounded cooler the second time we're going to [Music] get okay I feel like the giant Blades of death are a little op I like that they just keep throwing attachments on toilets I mean how many attachments can a single toilet have I don't know have you seen my bod day oh a thumbs down yeah do any of these toilets end up having B I don't know maybe oh here we go uh-oh it's woman is it on fire yeah she burn burn him alive with the power of sing TV woman is awesome and also her head K is do [Music] that isn't she just I mean cracked dude she's just so cool with that turtleneck too oooo cat face and then she's teleporting us to safety yep before going back out in the battle just going Dan wait what are they working on though that's the headquarters clearly right yeah certainly some sort of new technology uhoh oh my gosh the toilets are bringing it to the headquarters Carl this is the uh last episode you watched dragon yeah this is the very last episode that I watched just so you know Nolan anything after this I have not seen yet that's completely brand new to you yep completely brand new to me and I don't know if you've noticed we're not even halfway in we're like 25% one plunger man 50 billion point that dud just walking out with two PL that's awesome but guess what wait is this the old camera Titan I haven't seen him in a while that's cameraman Titan with a hammer of cameraman saves the day he's like oh that's cute guess what that is like some Godzilla [Music] stuff B choke slam jeez come on yep you know this makes me feel like there's an alternate plot of the movie Transformers where instead of fighting against Decepticons it was against toilets toilets toilet cons just could you imagine in 2008 Michael bayil SK he toilet do you know how like army men kind of salute Nolan huh you know like army men salute typically yeah the salute that they do is the thumbs up I don't know if you've noticed quite yet is that a skull yeah wow they are just in the middle of the like I'm like who survives this in this city dude they just absolutely destroyed this city a donut that is so cool yeah all the humans are basically gone at this point yeah cly right dude flushed he's like thanks bro like yeah that was [Music] awesome yeah bring it on you awesome come get some boom dang wow that's crazy that was awesome that was so cool you're all well dressed yeah I mean no shortage of camera woman yeah that is that's I've never seen this is this camera woman that's camera woman check this out check this out bomh she has a turret on her back dude camera Titan man where was he why did he leave again for so long uh I don't know he's recharging his batteries or something I D I can't believe we almost decided to go to the movies together instead of watching this we almost what I said I can't believe we almost decided to go to the movies together instead of watching this this is a movie yeah this is cinema this is um Peak cinematography yeah this made 5 billion at the box office we'll keep watching I'm going to look up how many total views skibby toilet has okay you do that probably a lot he's like look over there watch out boom whoa oh my gosh I ha that sound effect I just slapped it thumbs up oh at the time of this recording they currently have almost 15 billion views total on their Channel jeez just on their channel that doesn't include like everywhere else that has been posted and things like that yeah yeah exactly thumbs up they did post things before this but a oh man okay here we go dude this guy is so cool look at how like it's so post-apocalyptic now like humans have not existed for a little bit now boom just like that oh this is when acid toilet comes whoa bom bom oh my [Music] gosh who okay here we go here we go here we go uh-oh whoa what is is this you were saying acid toilet yeah that's an acid toilet oh my gosh so wait but he's already dead well now he's double dead triple [Music] dead I'm you know what I'm still kind of curious about these toilets and Anatomy like how does it work uh ask one I asked theer expert youo here uh well you um the cerebral cortex is actually located in the flush Department of the toilet do you know how a toilet works oh God T yeah I've taken a toilet apart before really yeah you it got messy with all their organs [Laughter] everywhere watch out he's running so fast he's on fire all right we're about to get Titan versus Titan we need him to uh come back to us you know what I mean you're like oh no it's Titan run how have they never tried to save him again uh don't ask questions okay fair enough whoa could you imagine could you imagine getting chased by Titan speaker man no you know what no I couldn't I couldn't imagine I don't think so oh they tried they did try to save him here we go come on he's like no no no no that's kind of a small little riot shield for uh this is like Godzilla versus Kong all over again yeah oh God this nerd wait why can't we just get one fair fight huh it's War bro war war never Chang go he's like what's that plunger no his light went [Music] out we're going to get a quick a quick recap of his like going I know what it is so some episodes do have a quick recap oh like right before something big happens there's like a little quick recap if it ends on like a cliffhanger oh I see I see yeah boom what just happened uhoh [Music] no oh he clapped him that awesome that was crazy that might have been one of my favorite kills so far yeah that was the craziest oh here we go toilet girl or not toilet girl TV girl oh dude he is mad he is mad o need a bigger gun than that wait did they save him they saved him she did it she's like oh and they're going to save him oh they're not going to him I [Laughter] guess they're going to stomp right next to him though I'm sure that is nice for his final minutes he's like I'm sorry for what I've done please forgive [Music] me he's like where am I my head's spinning he's like yep with the sword still sticking like just the four katas in his chest that is so cool oh here we go is that part of a a space Rock now he's back and he's angry oh is that the Big Ben that is this is in London right now okay and and the L London doesn't have any humans left uh I don't think so so there's one one good thing that came out of the SK toilet Invasion then uhoh what's he going to do now he just apparently he's just going to stare at the camera and look awesome Yep uhoh yo that was the coolest thing I've seen he is just out for vengeance he's like did I miss it where's your boy at that's cool oh this is my favorite episode really is it really no oh next episode is my favorite episode who is this yay they're working together this is the first time they've ever gotten to work together right yeah basically oh my gosh and the TV Titan is still not dude it's the dream team that's crazy that was he just threw rocket launchers into his mouth and pushed them away they're working [Music] together look they're like we forgive you is this like a we forgive you moment you think we can win this war we got this is it that or is do they like yeah they might pull us off type be are we close to the here we go no we're about halfway I'm not even going to show you that what time we're at so they're like regrouping and tell little bad news he look his face is kind of getting all uh let's just say he's getting a little skibi up he needs some moisturizer yeah it's a little crack he's like how dare you and then they're like you are no longer our leader you have found us now scientist scien is the leader now like sorry yeah Sor so he's pulling the strings [Music] [Applause] from uhoh fair enough oh feel like we know what we have to do so they know now that the uh scientists were in charge yeah and they know where where the enemies at too yeah oh I like this guy they just attached four wheels to him in a saw blade and said go have fun what is that moist critical uh yes was it actually listen listen he does the he does the most critical sound effects dude what's going on right [Music] [Laughter] now dude moist critical was in this moist critical is in skidy toilet that is the coolest thing ever what an achievement incredible wait for it wait for it oh they're all playing catch with the toilet that was amazing he's like bad [Laughter] pass uhoh helicopter toilets no way could it [Music] be it's the scientist he's big now look at that the agent gave him headphones and he survived who is the agent oh oh wow that really did feel like Attack on Titan boom boom boom shoot him oh well he did shoot him it was the wrong guy oh this part is epic oh I remember this episode oh wow that's how Nolan would go out oh here we go he's like help me no get up yourself that was cool they they it's getting out of hand it is getting out of hand officially right here we go here we go what the wait is that he's like what's that what's happening boom that's right now he's the flash he's laughing oh that's going to leave a mark [Music] what oh that was pretty intense these bombers are crazy dude like is that even what part of that is a toilet uh I don't know it's like a Walmart bathroom come to life yeah when does it stop be being a toilet yeah what point at what point is it not a toilet anymore it's like an oven I think that that right there is the point at which it stops being a toilet that actually is just like a nightmare I forgot that these two were just working together like this that's so cool still uh-oh keep an eye on the uh the TVs on the side of the building there did that guy just have a force field bro okay it says trap did you see that [Music] bom wait does that mean the camera oh no he's fine he's fine he's fine did not stand a chance good stuff guys you know I never asked you guys this yeah yep I feel like the answer is obvious but I'm going to ask you anyways are you rooting for the the toilets or the camera people ah the cameraman he's got to be the cameraman why do I feel like Nolan's the type to root for the toilets no okay good oh we're about to get the fight oh here we [Music] go what do you mean the fight it's about to go crazy yeah yeah yeah we're getting we're getting to that point right now our boys oh yeah two Titans I miss once the TV Titan comes back he's like oh don't worry like you got this jaw wide open fine I'll do it [Music] myself oh you know one of the bad things with the toilets is they're just not very good at turning around quickly I feel like that's one of their big flaws yeah you know being Mobile isn't really a toilet thing yeah I don't know many toilets that are known for their Mobility oh that's it wow get him oh I forgot he had that oh my God yeah he's got that [Music] what it was a toilet in a toilet it was never him it's a trap it's a trap oh uhoh is he okay I don't know the camera Titan stay tuned next time on the next episode of skibby toilet premiering right now it looks like speaker no that's camera toilet there he is get out of there some damage oh thumbs up he's going to be okay oh he's not going to be [Music] okay ah here we go now we've entered the the modern era of skibby toil this where it gets crazy so what what do you mean by modern era uh like this is where the quality jumped up to two crazy lovs yeah I mean this is this is very well animated compared to how it's been uh-oh skippity skippity skippity feel like they took out the Titans and that makes me mad oh my gosh whoa wow this feels like a a PlayStation game [Music] yeah oh my gosh is that camera woman no it was camera woman uhoh okay that's one that they took control of yeah y TV woman's back the whole g go is that oh my gosh so it's speaker woman camera woman and TV woman all together yep uh-oh yeah right oh who is it he's here he's fixed why why is the TV one not pleased with that she's sassy uhoh uhoh run like we should run oh screw us I guess they're kind of messed up for that sometimes hurry into the shipping container uhoh no yeah it's kind of a sorry bro uh Sno you lose oh they're safe in the side of the shipping container well actually that's cuz the shipping container is an elevator down to the uh base oh [Music] wow and they're working on something here a secret weapon I wonder what it could be I hope it's my prediction the TV Titan's coming back or they fixing the ca Titan well we'll find out here soon oh okay actually right now whoa they're like he didn't just come back like he he seems way cooler now he's bigger yeah he's better he's better oh there's the agent yeah so the agent's a full human like he is just a human right it looks like it at least yeah oh wow okay or maybe he was the friends we made along the way he's this mysterious guy in the background that is influencing things and we don't know what his goal is dude I mean there's nothing [Music] left boom yeah nice [Music] try didn't [Music] work oh this kind of looks like a boss fight Arena doesn't it he just has a spear just I like whenever they get oh wow it's the acid toilet oh my gosh I forgot about him I really like when they do the uh the POV shooting you know what I mean yeah first person yeah you're going to love an upcoming episode then that's my arm fck his arm so this is like a newly reformed version of the camera Titan or is he still kind of beat up they still they're still beat up a little bit but they're they're here yeah he's not as devastated as he once was okay but now we have the scientist oh this is going to be an that big battle and you know what I'm going to open up some potato chips for this he's like screw it I'll start off with a blast oh oh wait that was quick okay well he's got all the upgrades he's like max level right now he's a pay to win yeah yeah he plays pat simulater on the down days who was that that was the super quick one yeah uh oh no well I'm sure he probably survived that he's got he's got plot armor behind you uh-oh this might be the end no uh-oh this is the moment where a bunch of skibby toilet fans cry no he's like no don't do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] brother oh my [Music] gosh this is a sad moment they're too much but wait uh-oh science has gone too far whoa look at his face uh-oh he's like here we go dude wait a second don't tell me it's the Titan the one final [Music] one oh bailed he's got his do hog tentacles out what that's epic got that Optimus Prime sword that is the coolest thing I've seen in my life but what if that's not the actual real [Music] scientist what purple fire how awesome can a character be well uh I don't know if the scientist survived that well I do have news for you that is the actual scientist toilet okay was there a scientist behind the scientist or something well the real scientist isn't actually that big you'll see in a moment I don't want to spoil anything oh well you just spoil it oh I'm sorry my bad I ruined the next 30 seconds for you bring it on H what was that what was that he's not the oh okay there's the scientist it said uh look at the ground or whatever oh so the agent was kind of trying to help him yeah he like helps yeah for a second there I thought somehow the agent was the scientist in Disguise no no that would be crazy that'd be a crazy twist oh the okay these episodes are legitimately epic what's about to happen yeah this looks insane like this is pretty intense oh wow he made it possible for them to get in there take my plunger here we go They're inside the skibby toilet headquarters this feels like the start of a Call of Duty Mission 50,000 people used to live here now it's a ghost town yeah now it's toilet town is it did you guys hear me eat a chip no can you do it louder next time like we will do what must be done this looks awesome this is oh and it's so funny cuz it started out as hey look toilet and bathroom ski yes yeah you almost forget where it [Music] started I mean this is this is a whole journey so far yeah and I'm glad I get to experience it for the first time with you guys a that's I'm very glad that you I mean honestly give your give your opinion so far like what what's going through your mind uh is it what you expected uh honestly I didn't really have any expectations going into this okay uh way above what I expected I never I never thought uh toilets fighting I feel I never expected toilet fights to be engaging but I love it nope nice drive oh oh my gosh I was about to be like wait a second oh my God he spawned his hand on the other side of him oh oh wait that can't be the real one no there's a bunch of clones of U Gman toilet okay oh it's kind of Overkill he goes you got to go in there bro he's like no but you can watch it on my TV head oh okay this is cool cool it's like swapping back and forth [Music] perspectives [Music] okay oh this is the plunger guy okay oh wait is this the is this the one what what do you mean the one this might actually be my favorite episode hold on you said that for three episodes no no no like actually for real for real this time whoa okay it's not this one it's not this one they are T like the fighting scenes are actually genuinely impressive to me yeah and it's just one dude doing all this which is crazy that's so one single dude is doing all this one single dude I don't know if he's single but yeah I know he's doing [Laughter] it what just cuz he has fighting toilets as an animation now he has to be single the production line they can put an end to this once and for off let me put some barrels on you no no no he's ding it transmission error recording error okay oh it's like intruder alert I bet I bet no the Breaking Bad toilets y yeah what why are there Breaking Bad toilets bro did you way what is [Music] that oh man stop him okay we're good yeah I'm sure everything's going to be fine yeah it's probably going to be good now wait a second oh not for him he's like take my lens he's like you're going to need it that's pretty cool are they all going to thumbs him up now and salute nope I guess not it's on the other side of this door wait this is about to be so cool wow this is my favorite episode okay you just no like this one this one this one this one right here this is this is it you'll see one wait that there's a skeleton right [Music] there that's so cool wow wow yeah so far my favorite episode 2 wait are these I don't I do not wait why is there just a random skeleton those the guess it's to show that the skibby toilets didn't create this so did humans create this I I don't know yet that could be why they would have a skeleton there technology went too far and we created senent I like the plunger with the spikes dude what a cool touch uhoh okay that was messed up wow that was some Walking Dead stuff ooh that's not the go jeez oh uh-oh it's the zombie [Music] toilets wait for it wait for it hurry what was [Music] that um hey let's hurry up over here oh Fedora toilet that's Michael Jackson toilet no it's not yes it is he's doing the he that was a Michael Jackson toilet yes this is officially the Michael Jackson toilet and he's mad cuz he just closed all the other dudes in there but they had to not fault they had to close the door lost a lot of good men to the Michael Jackson skibby toilet apparently there's only five of them left this is I want this to be a video game it would be a kind of cool Game Wouldn't it yeah I mean they got they got to get out and let somebody know that like this is the place to uh attack oh okay oh I forgot that this is all from yeah I feel like I spoke about 5 Seconds cuz I forgot what was going on [Music] they got upgrades oh that's [Music] awesome also I'm going to charge your battery that's cool but they got upgrades but he couldn't get a second arm again that's awesome that was awesome the tri is production line wait why why does the TV one not like the speaker one uh I don't don't know I think they I feel like those go hand in hand you know what I mean they just don't get along man oh wait is that because they did kind of fight didn't they yeah they did toilet paper grenade and the TV one wasn't there whenever the speaker one apologized you know yeah this is so cool I'm officially in like I like this a lot I I I like this so much like I don't even know how to explain it [Music] yes yeah I like the ones with the little wheels dude I don't know oh this feels like Metroid Prime yeah the POV stuff is kind of sick yeah that's where they uh are coolest in my opinion feels like uh one of those rides at a theme par oh yeah definitely I know exactly what you're talking about yeah the immersive ones yeah yeah yeah SK to the ride coming to Universal Studios summer oh this one's hunkered down dude you can't get through to them oh what are they going to do he is cheesing oh uh-oh I like the lines that appear whenever he's clearly in some oh oh you didn't weird time to ask this question do you think they have like a a toilet dentist like the amount that they smile like they're they seem kind of proud of their teeth Nolan I have a question yeah do you have any theories on if it's just a very awkward situation whenever the camera people have to go to the [Laughter] bathroom this is cool oh look they're working together now he's like you know what you're right charged up he earned his trust I like [Music] that D this guy could for the craziest con wow just absolute destruction hey he got new R arm he [Music] did [Music] oh he's going to do the thing do the thing yeah dude this is awesome this is so cool oh he just sat down he's like yeah I did that all he's your turn that's just a Roblox face oh my God the man face wa it's Eminem skiy what why what what huh a new Challenger approaches oh God no way he can bounce people's blasts back at them but can he bounce a sword let's find out all right will die Jeesh oh he's got the sword now he's like but not right now ooh a minor inconvenience oh he is not happy look who's here oh my gosh I forgot this is so cool they're still in here yeah they keep bouncing back between the uh the two teams we've got multiple plots going on at once yeah who's doing it like skib toilet oh this is about to be creepy they to turn on their flash SE this episode well here we go oh this is a call back okay boom lights turn [Music] off just one single red dot lights on guys I don't like that sound what's up guys uhoh that was cool oh man sacrificed himself at this point I'd probably get out of the elevator yeah that's cool climbing spikes it's good thing they got out of the elevator he's like I've lost so many men and you were no [Music] help I like the Dynamics between the people that are supposed to be on the same team that's a really cool [Music] touch stealth Mission that's cool thank God they're night vision cameras [Laughter] dude oh uhoh come on oh I don't know is that the right door oh wait we're about to get some major lore right now oh I'm ready for it dude I'm here for it here we go what the oh Nolan can you read that to me gets new administrator government sponsored whoa It's a book wa [Music] just in [Music] time wow he saved the sound guy even though they weren't working [Music] together dang they're in this together I like it do you see how lopsided his headphones were what the heck is that so that cameraman was working that was the one that was working with the agent oh I see oh I see now he's got the the thing yeah and we're in the POV of the plunger toilet right yep yeah not toilet I mean the plunger cameraman yeah yeah that was cool that was a cool scene I'm like devastated for a chance that uh one of these main characters might soon no what okay what what uh I don't think this I don't I don't know what this part is okay I was making sure this is still skiy toilet right wow Godzilla just showed up wait is this I don't know where this is from I have no idea what's going on this must be like an Easter egg or something copium incredible oh that's it yeah that was episode 70 that was the end Nolan tell me what you thought dude I need to see more yeah you want watch it again we could restart let's run it back if you guys enjoyed don't forget to subscribe we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Pixel Playground
Views: 2,297,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pixel playground, karl jacobs, kreekcraft, kreek and karl, kreek and karl roblox, roblox, karl jacobs and kreekcraft play roblox, roblox karl kreek, skibidi toilet, skibidi toilet nolan, nolan from mrbeast watches skibidi toilet, nolan watches skibidi toilet, skibidi nolan, karl kreek skibidi, skibidi reaction, reacting to skibidi toilet, skibidi toilet karl jacobs, kreekcraft skibidi toilet, nolan from mr. beast watches skibidi toilet
Id: 8R4FEUuC1pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 33sec (4053 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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