NOBODY Noticed This in BLUEY! 👀

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every Bluey fan knows that the series is full of details but had you noticed that in the episode butterflies Bandit ends up knocking over an amulet after blue sticks her bracelet on Bandit's tail it seems like things wouldn't be good for him after he finished setting up the swing he went to pick up the clothes from the clothes line but Bluey throws all the clothes on the grass while looking for Bingo then Judo passes by and scares Bandit making him drop the clothes everywhere and at the end of the episode the three Hunters attack the dad making the clothes fly everywhere it seems that bracelet on Bandit's tail brought him nothing but bad luck especially when Chile finds out that the clothes are all dirty check out with us now the 20 details in Bluey that nobody noticed another thing no one noticed happens when the healers go to the supermarket to do some shopping and blue Bingo and chili passed by Winton and Cornelius we noticed that Winton is holding a hot dog which is already been bitten and his father is holding two hot dogs one bitten and one not so clearly he was taking the third hot dog to someone but the question is to whom and you probably have no idea but for 2 years this question remained unanswered that's because only at the bluey Fest launch a marathon of 100 episodes of Bluey that were broadcast on the ABC Kids channel did we get the answer in one of the artworks to promote the event we can see Cornelius handing the same hot dog to Mrs Terrier while holding the bitten hot dog in the other hand important detail the episode where we see Cornelius and winon at the supermarket aired in 2021 good thing the hot dog didn't spoil and it really seems that hot dogs are cornelius's favorite food because we see him eating the same thing in other episodes for example in the cinema episode he's holding a hot dog in one hand and popcorn in the other in the market episode when Bluey buys the apple he was selling he asks Winton to take the $5 and buy a large hot dog for him watch out for calories Cornelius the character that appears in the movie Bluey watches at the cinema representing a leopard looks a lot like the jumpsuit Randy gives Bingo as gift in the episode jackets which may suggest that Brandy might have watched the same movie and got the idea to buy the Radley bra and leopard costumes because of it speaking of the jackets episode where we meet Brandy we can notice a detail that practically no one noticed when Brandy Chile and Bluey are inside the car protecting themselves from Bingo the leopard version of Bingo delivers the Cuda gr a bandit but later when Bingo sneaks in through the car trunk and scares all three of them we see them rushing out of the car the detail is that for Brandy to get out of the car she needs to step on top of Bandit that's because he was pretending to be you know so the show doesn't show it but she definitely must have stepped on poor Papa healer I seriously feel sorry for Bandits sometimes and it really seems that Bingo's connection with wild felines is really strong even without her realizing it because McKenzie's mom had already painted Bingo herself as a wild feline only this time as a tiger and she and her victim I mean her dad walked through the park hand in hand when Bingo was already a violent feline maybe she wasn't hungry that day now let's talk about something many Bluey fans still have no idea about did you know that the outfit Chile wears during the game played in the episode sleepover is actually part of Chile's work uniform because contrary to what many people believe Chile's profession is not being a mother in fact she works in the security department at Brisbane airport so the cap she wears during the game is actually an item she really wears in her daily life while the girls are at school and since many people had no idea that Blue's mom is a security Authority let's give a shout out to the girl's mom and comment # chilly Down Below in the ragd doll episode the 24th of the third season something very curious happens BL finds $10 on the laundry room floor but when she goes to tell her dad along with Bingo he simply takes the money and puts it between him and the couch but soon after when he gets up the $10 bill is no longer there what happened to it since Bandit and actually almost no one in Bluey wears clothes do they have invisible pockets and this isn't the first time this has happened because in the phones episode shil does basically the same thing she takes her phone and then puts it away as if there were Pockets between the characters fur this is definitely a question I'd like to ask the creators of the series how many pockets does each dog and Bluey have and are they at the back or are there pockets in the front too although it may not seem like it nowadays apparently Bandit was a great athlete in the past in the dad robot episode we have confirmation of that when Chile and the girls are doing maintenance at the dad robot's equipment if we look back we'll see a trophy with the number one and a rugby ball next to it that would explain Bandit's dreams where he's simply reliving his glory moments in the past when he played rugby with his brothers and friends good times huh Bandit but now a doubt arises is that ball on the Shelf next to the best player trophy the same one we see in the double babysitter episode when Uncle Joe and frisky are saying goodbye along with Bandit and Chile since almost everything in Bluey often interconnects I wouldn't doubt it but honestly I'd love to see an episode about the story of how that ball got there wouldn't you returning to talk about the trophy there's another possibility in the transformation episode when blue and bingo make their dad go down the stairs in a very unconventional way he passes by several photos on the wall and one of them is of Chile holding a trophy and apparently it's also a first place trophy which she may have won playing field hockey which she loves so much so are there two trophies or did Bandit only win his trophy in his dreams we know that both Bluey and bingo love to draw but did you notice that in the same episode we just talked about double babysitter when the girls are playing 20 questions with both babysitters behind them there's a drawing stuck to the wall and in this drawing we can see drawn versions of both Bluey and bingo the question is from the details of the drawing which of the two puppies do you think made it I think it was Bingo what about you if you've made it this far you're definitely a Bluey fan so subscribe to our Channel if you haven't already so you don't miss our next videos about cartoons and animated movies going back to talking about pockets and dog fur I'm starting to believe more and more that they're real since in the same episode we see frisky taking Uncle Joe's car keys to play catch the mouse as if they were cats with the flashlight on the keychain speaking of cats did you notice that so far no real cat has appeared in the series of course there are plush cats in Blue's house not to mention the cat Squad which seems to be the most famous cartoon series in Blue's world but when it comes to real cats none have been seen so far but thinking about it it would be really strange to see dogs having pet cats don't you think speaking ofet PS did you know that the healers have one at home and it's even canonical we meet him in the official Bluey game when we're walking through the family's house we see an aquarium and a small reddish fish inside which means he's a family pet but we haven't seen him in any episodes yet in the ragd doll episode we also noticed a small detail that very few people have noticed when blue and bingo try to get Bandit the doll version through the door we can notice a painting on the wall many think it would be socks in it but it's actually stripe but he's not alone because we can see that Bandit and Joe are bothering him in some way since he looks angry this shows that it wasn't just Bandit who teased the younger brother but both Bandit and Joe unfortunately younger siblings go through this a lot I'm the youngest and I know how it is in the same episode we also noticed that at the top of the stairs next to the long toy dog Easter egg we see a sticker of planet Earth this is the same type of sticker that's on the healer's car seat and it's almost coming off it might even be the same sticker that the girls took off the wall and put on the seat and because it's not very sticky it might be coming off by the way in the Bob Bilby episode we can see that none of those stickers were there which is really cool because it shows the continuity sense that Bluey show has and how things really change according to the daily life of the bluey family still talking about Bandit's belly slide down the stairs which is something you should never try at home we noticed one more cool thing that happens during the event we know that the healers love tennis balls and we also know that they have a picture frame with a photo of a solitary tennis ball on the beach but when Bandit is going down we passed by the same tennis ball frame on the beach twice the bluey family really loves tennis balls more than anything else and I have to be honest I don't like tennis balls that much but I definitely love watching Bluey episodes that's something I never get tired of doing and since we know you enjoy watching a good video we've picked these two that are showing up for you the first one is really great highly recommend it [Music]
Channel: CineWave
Views: 83,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dk6sEhy-mZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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