Where Are the CATS in Bluey's World?

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in the bluey Universe we've seen Bingo dressed as a leopard and one of the girls favorite shows is cat Squad but if felines are so well known and loved in the world of Bluey why have we never seen any of them would they be mythical creatures like unicorns or would they also have their own homes and families just like the dogs we investigated and discovered exactly what happened to the cats and felines in Bluey and let me tell you I never imagined I would find the answer we're about to reveal cats everywhere as we've mentioned unlike the the real world where dogs and cats may even be mortal enemies and Bluey cats are highly appreciated animals proof of this is that the girls have feline plush toys not to mention cat Squad which seems to be the most famous show among kids in bluee the show is so popular that muffin even has a tricle that plays the Show's theme music and has a feline front but we've never seen a single living cat in any scene in Bluey we've seen that the dogs and bluee have their own pets and companions as we noticed when blue and Bandit go to the vet it's quite funny to see pets having pets moreover there are also wild animals that exist in nature and are not domesticated but we've never seen at least until now a little live cat in the world of Bluey which raises suspicion if they really exist in the reality of the blue dogs cartoon and the answer is yes they exist and live in the world of Bluey the question is how they live so we'll use two main theories cats live like dogs the first idea would be to consider that in the world of blue both cats and dogs have their own cities and ways of life with their families schools and homes just like we see the healers and all the characters we see in Bluey the first point that supports this possibility is the fact that we always see the feline plush toys of the series being represented on two legs as happens when blue is playing tea party with her feline plush toy moreover when we see Bluey and bingo playing doctors Bluey draws to demonstrate that Bandit's health problem would be because he would be pregnant first Bandit thinks he could have a posum inside his belly but Bingo clarifies that he would actually be pregnant with a cat that would have entered through his Naval during the night this could be an indication that cats live in society and have Offspring normally just like dogs and both species can coexist in the same universe each in its own City another indicator of this possibility would even be the cat Squad Show itself where we see that in the show cats and dogs coexist with villain dogs and cats being Heroes of course this is just a cartoon within another cartoon but it would indicate that there really is a chance for both species to actually live in the same world world and how would we love to see Cats appearing in Bluey today let's put # cats here in the comments if you like cats even just a bit comment too returning to Bluey there is even a theory that both cats and dogs may have gone through the same transformation animal civilization as we've mentioned in Bluey dogs are like us humans they have professions have meals together and even serve in the Army like Rusty's dad or Grandpa Mort but there is a group of characters that shows us that this behavior is not actually normal for all dogs in Bluey we're talking about the puppies socks who is the youngest cousin in the family seems to be a character that references children who may have difficulty in their development and growth that's because we see socks throughout two seasons acting like a conventional dog just like the ones we know she walks on four legs barks and even bites other characters but we see that after growing a bit more she started behaving more like all the other dogs in society walking on two legs and even speaking the language in fact this is exactly what happens with all human beings who when we are babies act in one way but as we grow we start to imitate the behavior we observe in our parents including their language but this could mean that the nature of all Bluey characters is this to be a normal dog and this changes as the characters grow up and start living in society but socks is not the only one for example in the episode pass the parcel when Pat Lucky's dad tries to change the game practically all the puppies go to their mothers and start howling in sadness which is a wild behavior of dogs all this means that the same could happen with cats or it might already have happened they could also have an organized society and live in their cities with their offspring but preserving some of their wild Behavior such as always landing on their feet but if all this is true then a doubt arises regarding whether cats and dogs would peacefully coexist or not cats versus dogs as we've mentioned in the cat Squad cartoon the three protagonists are named Kate Cooper and Cleo and they are the representatives of the feline species and apparently the peacekeepers we can notice that in the animation the Roes kind of reverse compared to the real world and cats hunt dogs if they are criminals of course even though it's a kid cartoon this could indicate that there's a certain rivalry between the two groups of animals another small hint that shows a possible feud between the two mammal types occurs when we see the episode we've already mentioned where Bluey pretends to be a doctor thinking about it would bluee be a doctor or a veterinarian after all Bandit is a dog but regardless we see that in Dr bl's diagnosis she puts a cat inside Bandit's belly then in the same episode we see both bluee and bingo performing a surgery on their father and thus removing the cat they pretended was inside him showing yet another feline plush toy in the show could this be an illusion to the fact that dogs can eat cats literally in the bluey universe but that's not all because in the short clip where we see Bandit working in his archaeologist profession he gives a small lecture on the evolution of dogs and Bandit explains that dogs started walking more than 4 million years ago then Bandit shows a representation of a primitive Cave Dog and how they imagined it would be and what catches the eye is that the dog is holding a cat on its shoulders as if it had hunted it this would indicate that according to Blue's archaeologist dogs and scientists understanding dogs really did feed on cats in the distant past and it could be that in some way they've reduced this but maybe they still hunt cats even if it's for sport however cruel that may be and if you're also against being mean to animals we're on the same team so if you've not subscribed subscribe to our our Channel and officially join our group still following the same train of thought another theory would be the fact that just as dogs evolved over these same 4 million years cats also did and they would naturally have become enemies of the dogs that hunted them and would have organized themselves to defend themselves which would have led cats and dogs at some past moment or maybe even currently to be at War this would explain the fact that we see several dogs serving in the military in the show both in the present and in the past even though this Theory makes some sense honestly it's very unlikely that's because according to some Clues we've noticed in Blue's episodes we can say that in fact as incredible as it may seem there's a great chance that in reality cats are Just Pets when Bandit and bluee arrive at the vet to try to save the life of the little bird they found injured while walking we see a sign with the representation of several small animals and we can notice that one of the animals on the sign is exactly a representation of a cat moreover when Bandit reports to the vet about the little bird he tells her that he doesn't know what happened but he believes it may have been attacked by some cat maybe another cool thing happens again in the episode where Bluey playfully operates on Bandit a rat and a plush Cat come out of him and it seems that Bingo really likes the kitten plush toy as she hugs the cat affectionately and pets it just like you do with real cats another indication that cats are pets and bluee occurs in the episode meow we see bluee McKenzie Chloe and honey playing and they pretend to be cats Bluey honey and Cleo even simulate cat behavior and make their eyes look feline like this makes it very clear that if there were any rivalry between cats and dogs it would be almost impossible to see a group of puppies playing as cats this set of information suggests that cats are pets just like any other in the blue universe but still we haven't seen any City inhabitant at least not yet with a pet cat which let's face it would be really quite strange but it's still at the very least intriguing perhaps the creative team avoided this deliberately to avoid generating some criticisms and questions that would have very difficult answers I would certainly love to see some cats appearing in Bluey either as characters or as pets it would be really cool to see how the characters would treat their feline pets who knows maybe we'll see something in season 4 which is coming soon I'm counting down the days to see the next episodes of Bluey and all the new things they'll bring and to ease my anxiety I watch some incredible videos from the channel since I like you I'm leaving on the screen the two latest videos I like the most from the channel for you to check out watch them and then come back here to comment if you like them hugs
Channel: CineWave
Views: 131,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mw9fEURwiOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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