Noble Prince of Peace | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 5 Q1 2021

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hello i'm shelly quinn and we welcome you once again to 3abn sabbath school panel you know peace has been elusive for humanity but today we want you to join us because we are going to be studying the one and only one who can bring us true peace lesson number five the noble prince of peace if you have not received your quarterly yet you can go to and download that quarterly so you can follow along this is a fascinating study it's a wonderful study and we want you to get your quarterly and join us thank you [Music] hello and we're so glad you're joining us and i believe you're going to be glad as well we have the privilege and the opportunity to dive deeper into isaiah once again this is lesson five and you know you're the reason we do this study i mean we all study we love to study but we do this for you and god is hopefully directing every word that we save for his glory let me introduce you to our panel members my family members and we have pastor kenny shelton kenny we always love what you bring to the table it's always good to share the word of god amen amen pastor evangelist ryan day i'm blessed to be here as always singer of israel and my pastor pastor john lowe mccain good to have you here shelley and you look bright and alive today and ready to go i do good and then my dear sister who is also the president and the vice president ceo of 3abn and we know her as the list lady and we have a list today joe marconi thank you all for joining us jill would you have our prayer sure holy father we come before you in the name of jesus grateful for the gift of your son and the gift of your word and the gift of grace would you open up our minds and hearts right now to receive what you have for us in jesus name amen amen and amen all right our lesson is lesson number five the memory text is one that you are most likely familiar with from isaiah 9 6. for unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder his name shall be called wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father prince of peace that's isaiah 9 6. our lesson is today is on the noble prince of peace and it was interesting the introduction to the lesson talked about dr robert oppenheimer he was the one who oversaw the creation of the first atomic bomb and when he presented his information to the u.s congressional committee they asked him well is there any defense against this weapon and you know what he said certainly what is it they asked he said peace you know it's so amazing that as i said in the beginning that humanity has not been able to grasp onto peace it has been very elusive but we are going to talk today about that prince of peace sunday's lesson is end of gloom for galilee isaiah chapter 8 is where we're going isaiah chapter 8 and let me just kind of sum this up this ends with a dismal picture of what's happening to god's people they had rejected god's victory they turned to the occult refused to accept isaiah's predictions regarding the nation's future hardships the people were desperate they were frustrated they were angry they're they're to the point of cursing the king but even cursing god i mean they were blaming god for the trials that their own decisions had brought down on their heads isaiah 8 22. let's look at that this is the last verse of the chapter and it says then they will look to the earth and see trouble and darkness gloom of anguish and they will be driven in to darkness now the first to suffer the devastation of the invasion of king ahaz was zebulon and naftali this was the northern border in northeast galilee just west of the jordan river and what happened and i shouldn't have said king ahaz that was from tiglath pleaser was the one who oversaw this invasion but king ahaz had refused god's plan for victory isn't that amazing and don't we do the same today really when you think about it god gives us his promises we look elsewhere that's what he hasn't done he looked to king tigleth peleser who was the third who is the king of assyria but it backfired on him because tiglath polizer became very greedy second kings 15 29 says this tig leth pleaser king of assyria came and took and i'm gonna dot dot dot he took gilead and galilee all the land of naftali and he carried them captive to assyria boy this was marking the beginning of some dark days for israel now in their gloom of anguish they thought that their troubles would never end but the people still had reason to hope because since the beginning of time god has had a plan and he intended that he's going to transform transform gloom into honor because isaiah 9 1 begins with the word nevertheless let's look at that because when you see nevertheless that indicates a contrast to what came before so now isaiah 9 verses 1 through and 2 says nevertheless that time of darkness and despair will not go on forever the land of zebulun and naftali will be humbled but there will be a time in the future when galilee of the gentiles which lies along the road that runs between the jordan and the sea will be filled with glory i love what isaiah 9 2 says it says the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light those who dwelt in the shadow the land of the shadow of death upon them a light has shined now it's interesting because this is what we call in prophetic language this is the prophetic perfect tense he's it's been written as if it already happened and then verse 3 says you have multiplied the nation and increased its joy wow this is kind of a reassurance of the covenant with abraham that they were going to have all these physic these physical descendants that would be like the sands of the seashore then isaiah 9 4 says for you speaking of the lord have broken the yoke of his burden the rod of his oppressor to break the yoke was to he's predicting god is going to free israel from the bondage to assyria and babylon but you know what it's an even greater prediction because he's going to break the bondage of sin so who does god use to deliver his people isaiah 9 6 unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and the government shall be on his shoulder and his name will be called wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father prince of peace but listen to what verse 7 says of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end upon the throne of david and over his kingdom to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward even forever the zeal of the lord of hosts will perform this you know twice earlier we looked in isaiah 7 and isaiah 8. it talked about children that would be a sign it had prophetic significance so for the third time we learn of a prophetic future birth but boy this time there's no question the titles given to this child can be only given to almighty god because actually he calls him wonderful counselors that's that's one who is wise in wisdom this is the messianic passage about the messiah jesus christ emmanuel who was born to a virgin but the wonderful counselor he'll be unlike the kings before him who turned away from god's wisdom he will draw on heavenly wisdom mighty god i can only be the messiah right everlasting father that's one without beginning or end and he will as a debated king he will eternally be a father to his people with compassionate care and discipline and we know that the messiah micah 5 2 says that he is coming forth from bethlehem ephrathat whose goings for one who's going forth have been from of old from everlasting so he's the prince of peace emmanuel's government will procure and perpetuate eternal peace hallelujah so this is a message of hope that was fulfilled when christ came he is in matthew 1 1 the genealogy of jesus christ he's the son of david the son of abraham he's a human descendant of david who's going to fulfill this and matthew 1 22 and 23 says all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the lord through the prophet saying behold the virgin shall be with a child and bear a son and his name will be called emmanuel which is translated god with us so the bible takes events that have happened in the old testament and it uses them to prefigure things that will happen in the new testament listen what the quarterly says not by accident jesus earthly ministry was in the galilee region where he gave hope by announcing the good news of god's kingdom and by healing people including delivering demoniacs from bondage to the occult so the new testament is applying what was said in the old testament the territories of zebulun and naphtali which at that time represented the kingdom or the northern kingdom now these territories are where jesus is going to grow up and minister and these people will see a great light let me read quickly matthew 4 verse 12 when jesus heard that john had been arrested he left judea returned to galilee he went first to nazareth then left there and moved to capernaum beside the sea of galilee galilee in the region of zebulun and nephtali this fulfilled what god said through the prophet isaiah in the land of zebulun and naphtali beside the sea beyond the jordan river in galilee where so many gentiles live the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light and for those who lived in the land where death cast its shadow a light has shined john 1 9 says that the true light came into the world and he is the light to every man and jesus said i am the light of the world he who follows after me will never walk in darkness but we'll have the light of life so the coming of the messiah was synonymous with the coming of light to remove the bondage of captivity to sin amen amen praise the lord wow what a what a wonderful start i have a monday's lesson and it's simply a child for us so naturally how could we go on unless we you know go ahead and read isaiah chapter 9 6-7 verses that were shared you know i think mentioned we read something two or three different times it begins to stick so if you don't mind i'm going to read it because that's part of this child and the revelation of this child not just any child but as mentioned the king of kings and lord of lords so when i read these verses as i was isaiah 9 6 and 7 i could stop with the first line for unto us a child is born that's right i like that and i just can't help but i want to circle their us unto us amen a gift is born to us as a son is given notices his life is given to us the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called i love it it's wonderful he's a counselor he's a mighty god he's everything isn't he he's the all in all i love that everlasting father the prince of peace and the list could just go on and on and on and on and the of the increase verse 7 his government and peace shall be no end upon the throne of david upon his kingdom to order it and to establish it with judgment with justice from henceforth even forever the zeal of the lord of hosts will perform this you know this is just the question is asked after we read that passage of scripture what is so special about this child what is so special about this child you know everything it seems right everything is special certainly about jesus is found in this these verses the prophet isaiah began to write and proclaim these words and he looked upon the promises there of deliverance promises of of the coming of jesus christ such as isaiah 40 verse 5 just read that quickly i love it because it says here notice isaiah 40 verse 5 and it says the glory of the lord shall be revealed and all uh oh i like those words oh it says all i start circling all that's right yeah no exceptions all flesh shall see it together that's such a wonderful passage i need to go back and just let me talk about a couple of the words that were really exciting to me as i read it first of all it says in isaiah 40 verse 5 the glory you know that's something we can really think about the glory of the lord shall be revealed and certainly wasn't the glory of the lord revealed in his life and in his ministry while he walked this earth how awesome that would be to have been there when jesus walked this earth that's right i think about i actually get goosebumps when i think about him walking the earth the sandals and his feet and all that he went through and he did it all for you and he did it all for me and so and all only that they said all flesh shall see him so i think there's a transition maybe that goes there for his life and ministry here on earth and when he comes back i can't help it and he comes back the second time you know when he comes back the second time it says you know we shall see him at the second coming of jesus oh that song says we shall behold him we shall behold him that's right oh i love when i hear that somebody sing that song face to face you know will behold all of his glory that's right and you know it goes to what a day that will be when my jesus i shall see that's right very few people can sing it like is it sandy patty sings it and then ivan parker i've heard both of them saying it just brings tears to my eyes every time we shall behold him oh we shall behold him face to face in all of his glory oh i could just go on on about that but isaiah tells about this time the description of the coming of the king and i'm so thankful that the holy spirit inspired men of god to write these things down so somebody like me simple-minded just can read them and just get excited about it and to believe them the way they were written to know that he is coming back no someday i will be able to behold him if i'm faithful to the very end if we honor him because we're seeing in isaiah how god's people turned and when they turned god couldn't do what he wanted to do you know for them and i i along for that day only one person as mentioned i think sister shelley you mentioned only one person can match up to this description here that was jesus christ a vision of the lord and i say right now god's people if we ever needed a vision we need one now that's right it will liven the church it will excite your own christian experience it will bring us closer to jesus we'll want to go out there we're just like we want to bust open sometimes you know just like let jesus right shine that's right shine through really let it come out you know you said you know you had people who talk about things of this life and they'll say i just couldn't wait to get home i just about to burst you know with excitement how about with the coming of jesus that's right pastor you're getting the pulpit you're getting the pulp and eat everything in the pulpit you want to just bust some time because of the goodness of the lord and things that are coming out he wrote these words to help guided by the holy spirit for sure psalms 110 because it sets forth christ coming as the king and no coming as the a priest forever after the order of melchizedek in psalms 1 1 110 verse 4 psalms 2 verse 9. just jot them down quickly time's going right out psalms 2 verse 9 he's pictured as breaking the nations notice what with the rod of iron in psalms 45 verse 4 he's described as writing forth in what in in majesty in psalms 45 17 he said i will make thy name to be remembered in all generations therefore shall the people praise thee forever and forever so to me it becomes very very clear i think we can even go back to the you know certainly the daniel chapter 2 verse 44 where it tells us that in the days of those kings shall the god of heaven set up what set up his kingdom that's right and it shall not be destroyed i love that and the kingdom shall not be left to any other he sets on the throne regardless of what's happening in the world regardless of what's being said and the fear of going on in the world today god sets on the throne god rules nothing happens unless god gives permission he's seen it from the very beginning right in fact he had it written by the the prophets of old through the unction of the holy spirit and it shall stand i love it forever i mean really that may sound simple to some of you but you know that's just an encouragement to my heart and in my life to know that what god has written and we always say the beginning and the end and that's exactly how it's going to play out and i i'll tell you this i love to be on the winning side i love it when okay when i used to play sports and whatever else i did i went out there and i'll tell you this i went out there to win it's just that simple i've joined the cause of christ now what's really important and i want to win i want to be there that's right he's a wonderful counselor that means he has a counselor needs wisdom the counsel needs strength and power and might and kindness god has that in revelation chapter 5 verses 12 and 13 read it when you can because we're talking about worthy is the lamb that's right worthy is the lamb now that'll just wake you up won't it that'll just set you on fire there's only one that is worthy and that's jesus christ that's right and that's my example and i look to that worthy lamb praise god for that he's the mighty god he's the god the jesus he's equal with god think about that he's been from everlasting was mentioned there i think you talk about from the days of eternity there never was a time that jesus was not with the father he's a prince of peace and i can certainly say this in my own experience you know only you know you can only have peace only when you have righteousness and holiness in your life amen and you've sealed that with the relationship with jesus christ in letter 22 1890 time it says this nebuchadnezzar again it says it goes back and shows that nebuchadnezzar and the god of heaven was ruler over all the monarchs are the kings of the earth his name was to go forth as god over all gods and so again we can say you know unto us a child is born think about just for a moment just a few seconds left but think about it think about this he took our sinful nature without sin he came down here risked risk he's risking losing never to go back with the father and that just blows people's mind that's how much he loved you and how much he loved me and i'm so very grateful and thankful that he won the victory and to us a child is born he took that romans 8 3 god sending forth his son in what in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin he condemned sin in the flesh praise god he was the only one that could do it he's the only one that could pay the penalty the whole world the universe everything depended upon him coming and living that victorious life and he did it for you and he did it for me and then he says i offer that to you oh kenny i've left it at the will call window you don't have to do anything to give your life to me just come by and pick up the ticket friend you can spend eternity with me that's right i mean how much better can it get that's right he said you need horse whippings in your life you didn't get them but i i i took it for you and then right but by my it's his stripes we are that's right amen so i just encourage you today john 3 16 and as a child is born god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life and to us a son is born amen and amen you know the only problem kenny is you just don't have enough enthusiasm i'm not excited about this you know we are too and we we're going to take a short break we'll be right back so don't go away [Music] ever wish you could watch a 3abn sabbath school panel again or share it on facebook instagram or twitter well you can by visiting a clean design makes it easy to find the program you're looking for there are also links to the adult bible study guide so you can follow along sharing is easy just click share and choose your favorite social media share a link save a life for eternity we're so glad that you're still with us and that we now go to pastor brian day amen praise the lord lesson five we're on tuesday's lesson entitled the rod of god's anger and you know i'm going to say for the record before we get into this because we're about to do a whole lot of reading uh just because there's there's a lot of there's a lot i'm covering here it's like a chapter and a half of course we can't cover it all but i just want to say for the record we serve an awesome mighty compassionate loving graceful god amen there's no denying that no one can deny god's goodness no one can deny god's compassion his mercy and his grace but that being said the bible makes it very clear that also god is a god of justice and this is what tuesday's lesson is outlining it's showing not that god it was god's will it was god's plan for him to bring these judgments upon israel but because of israel's actions because of their choices they brought this upon themselves and god had to withdraw that mercy he had to withdraw that grace because of their own choices and so i want to get right into it we're right here in uh isaiah chapter 9 and i'm going to actually start reading in verse 8 and i'm not going to read all of this passage but i just want to highlight a few of these verses talking about the judgment that was brought up on israel god had to exercise his rod of anger to get their attention and so the bible says beginning in verse 8 of isaiah chapter 9 the bible says the lord sent a word against jacob and it has fallen on israel all the people will know ephraim and the inhabitant of samaria who say in pride and arrogance of heart again notice this arrogance the bricks have fallen down but we will build with hume stones or rebuild with hume stones the sycamores are cut down but we will replace them with cedars all right so what's the response of the lord it says therefore the lord shall set up the adversaries of racine against him and spur his enemies on the syrians before the philistines behind and they shall devour israel with an open mouth for all this his anger is not turned away but his hand is stretched out still for the people do not turn to him who strikes them nor do they seek the lord of hosts therefore the lord will cut off head and tail from israel palm branch and bulrush in one day the elder and honorable he is the head the prophet who teaches lies and of course he is the tale and so what we're seeing here is the arrogance and the neglect of israel the the the such an arrogant prideful heart of israel as a nation that they'd completely turn their backs on the lord and even though the lord sent his prophets even though he sent his messengers who warned them and told them and tried to draw them back in the way of the lord they hardened their hearts they would not listen and so god would send them a judgment here a judgment there he would allow his hand to be outstretched in hopes of getting their attention but of course we know that that was not the case it did not happen in fact going to verse 21 that's the end of that chapter there isaiah chapter 9 21 it says manasseh shall devour ephraim and ephraim manasseh isn't that isn't that how it often is when we turn our backs on the lord or we pull our eyes off jesus we end up against each other our own people and that's exactly what happened here it says together they shall be against judah so one's against the other the others against the other and then together they're against another one of their brethren and it says for all this his anger has not turned away but his hand is stretched out still and who is he going to bring this judgment uh who is he going to use to bring this judgment upon israel well the the people that they basically submitted themselves to and and basically gave up themselves to their heathen worships and their ways and their ways of life and of course we're talking about assyria the king of assyria and uh you know god doesn't leave out the king of assyria either while he allowed his uh the judgment of israel to be executed by the hand of assyria god i'm sure i'm sure the lord wanted to reach the heart of this king of assyria as well just as he wanted to reach the pagan king of babylon nebuchadnezzar but notice what the bible says about again in the title of this section is arrogant assyria so you've got arrogant israel being judged by arrogant assyria and arrogant assyria is going to be judged by god notice what the bible says and now we are into chapter 10. we're over in isaiah 10 and i'm going to start reading in verse 5. it says woe to assyria the rod of my anger and the staff in whose hand is my indignation i will send him against an ungodly nation and against the people of my wrath i will give him charge to seize the spoil to take the prey and to tread them down like the mire of the streets so again god using assyria because again they had turned their backs on the lord they had given them themselves over to the ways of the assyrians and so now he's allowing the assyrian army the leadership of the assyrian king to now overthrow israel verse 12 where in chapter 10 verse 12 it says therefore it shall come to pass when the lord has performed all his work on mount zion and in jerusalem that he will say i will punish the fruit of the wor of the arrogant heart of the king of assyria here it is and the glory of his haughty looks and he goes on to say in verse 13 by the strength of my hand i have done it and by wist and by my wisdom for i am prudent and i have removed the boundaries of the people and have robbed their treasuries so i have put down the inhabitants like a valiant man so god is exercising judgment upon this nation and upon these people who have neglected him who have turned their back on the lord and you know i this shouldn't surprise us because over in leviticus chapter 26 does not god clearly spell out for the nation his covenant people they're in covenant with them well they said lord all that you have said we will do we will follow this covenant we agree to these terms and so the lord makes it clear in leviticus chapter 26 we're not going to be able to read all of this because it's quite a bit but god pronounces judgments in multiple different phases he says he basically says throughout this whole chapter you know if you will not obey my voice this is what's going to happen to you if you will not then again obey my voice i will bring this upon you notice verse 14 leviticus chapter 26 we're going to start with verse 14 and read to 17 there it says but if you do not obey me and do not observe all these commandments and if you despise my statutes then if your soul abhors my judgments so that you do not perform all my commandments but break my covenant i also will do this to you and god is very clear he says i will even appoint terror over you wasting disease and fever which shall consume the eyes and cause sorrow of heart and you shall sow your seed in vain for your enemies shall eat it well i will set my face against you and you shall be defeated by your enemies that's exactly what's happening here those who hate you shall reign over you and you shall flee when no one pursues you so again god is talking about chaos that has erupted uh in jerusalem and in israel because the people of the lord they have been given the word they know they have the prophets who have spoken to them they have the scrolls they know what it says but it's simply they have reached a point where they said lord we know what you have said but we know what you have declared on us but we're going to do this because it better suits us during this time in the lord again i can imagine his heart is breaking indeed you see if god would have wanted to destroy his people he could have given them up to the assyrians right away right but he allowed this to unfold over a period of time and of course you know i love second peter chapter three verse nine because it really speaks to the wonderful character of the lord when he says you know that he doesn't want anyone to perish but all to come to repentance that was the purpose of these judgments not to bring harm not to bring fear not to bring hatred upon the people but to draw them to repentance and so what we see is a pattern of events to which god allows his people to experience some of these judgments for their folly in hopes that it will wake them up and that they see the error of their ways and ultimately repent but if you read the story of the old testament it's a perpetual ongoing pattern in which you know israel continues in rebellion and of course this cycle is repeated and ultimately ends in a downwards downward spiral uh in which god ultimately can't do nothing he has to withdraw himself from them and so you know ultimately what were the sins i want to add this really quickly what were the sins and i have to highlight this that ultimately brought this destruction upon them isaiah 10 verses 1 and 2. i have to highlight this it says woe to those who decree unrighteous degrees who write misfortune which they have prescribed to rob the needy of justice and to take what is right from the poor of my people that widows may be their prey and that they may rob the fatherless what does jesus say and when you've done this to the least the least of these you have done it to me me what we're seeing here my friends is we need to follow the counsel of god's word that we need to love the lord god with all our heart mind and soul and our neighbor as our self that's not what israel was doing they were they were bringing judgment upon others they were casting down others and ultimately it cost them we need to learn from this lesson and give our hearts to the lord that we may be led in his way amen amen amen amen thank you ryan for that enthusiasm something you never lack amen is the power of the word praise the lord for that in wednesday's lesson the root and branch in one the root and branch in one we begin with isaiah 11 verse 1 and isaiah the prophet and you had quite a bit to cover three chapters did a very good job we read about not only the restoration of the kingdom but the future unfolding of the kingdom because the kingdom in fact we have to keep this in mind the kingdom is not just the people the foundation the most important part of a kingdom is its foundation if the foundation is destroyed what will the people of god do and so we find the foundation is talked about of the kingdom of god here in isaiah chapter 11. the bible says there shall come forth a rod from the stem of jesse and a branch shall grow out of his roots the spirit of the lord shall rest upon him the spirit of wisdom and understanding the spirit of counsel and might the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the lord his delight is in the fear of the lord and he shall not be and he shall not judge by the side of his eyes nor decide by the hearing of his ears but with righteousness he shall judge the poor and decide with equity to meek of the earth he shall strike the earth with the rod of his mouth and with the breath of his lips he shall slay the wicked righteousness shall be the belt of his loins and faithfulness the belt of his waist when you read about this it could only be talking about one one individual and i want to use the word individual loosely there's only one personality that can fit into that description that's right and that's the personality of christ amen you know when it talked about he shall not use his own eyes or his own judgment because when jesus came he said i of my own self can do nothing i do the will of the father that sent me he talked about independence of his own self but complete reliance on god because any time you have a root you also have a branch jesus is the root and we are the fine and the branches but also he is the root of david what's talked about here is through the genealogy of the israelite nation or even the nation of judah you find that this nation went through continual rises and falls but when it brings about the imagery here in isaiah chapter 10 verse 33 notice what's happening here verse 33 and 34 and i'm kind of peeking into some of the territory that ryan covered but it says behold the lord the lord of hosts will lop off the bow with terror those of high statue will be hewn down and the haughty will be humbled he will cut down the thickets of the forest with iron and lebanon will fall by the mighty one so it's talking about how the nation is going to go through some shake-ups it's going to go through some times of divisions and breakdowns and if you look at this entire picture and i've come to the conclusion over a couple years ago that the entire bible has um one particular theme that is consistent satan is trying to prevent jesus from coming and accomplishing this that's right from the time that it was pro uh forecast in in genesis chapter 3 verse 15 the battle between the seeds satan has always continued throughout the ages to try to lop off that's right to lop off the branch that's right that was going to come to lop off the work that jesus was going to accomplish and so we find that's why we see after he couldn't successfully prevent the work of christ now he's going after the seed of the woman who went to make war with the remnant of her seed it's always been about the seed and so we see that this is what the bible is forecasting here that's why like it talks about the root and the branch in one let's go on the question is why is the new davidic ruler also called the root of jesse isaiah chapter 11 verse 10 talks about this and in that day there shall be a root of jesse who shall stand as a banner to the people for the gentiles shall seek him and his resting place shall be glorious let's go to acts very very quickly i want to cover a few points here jill i don't have an entire list but i do have a point uh acts chapter 13 the gentiles shall seek him right acts chapter 13 that's right here i am acts chapter 13 verse 44 and it says um verse 42 and when the jews went out of the synagogue the gentiles beg that these words might be preached to them the next sabbath the gentiles want to hear it that's right and you go further down when the jews rejected what the lord was giving to them he says in verse 47 for so the lord has commanded us i have set you to be a light to the gentiles that you should be for salvation to the ends of the earth and now when the gentiles verse 48 heard this they were glad and glorified the word of the lord and as many as had been appointed to eternal life believed so yes the gentiles sought the very thing the jews had the root was not just to the jews the root was to be extended through the jews not just to the jews so we're talking about the origin of divinity here and revelation begins to amplify and what i'm going to do in the remainder of my time is amplify this root throughout the new testament revelation chapter 22 verse 16. revelation chapter 22 verse 16 the forecast of the coming messiah jesus now speaking of himself i jesus have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches i am the root and offspring of david and the bright and morning star amen so he's saying if you're looking for me here i am what's amazing about that i was talking to a jewish gentleman a couple of years ago when i was in in um i went to las vegas for the big electronics show and as i was checking out at the counter uh you know b h photo uh one of the jewish guys was there during the checkout and i said to him you and i are brothers we have many things in common he said oh i said i keep the sabbath he said are you jewish i said no i'm christian i said i also eat clean meats alone he said are you following the jewish laws i said not just the jewish laws the biblical laws that's right i said do you know that your prophet daniel spoke of the coming messiah he did i shared with him daniel 9 verse 24 to 27 right there at the counter he said i've never heard that i said this is not the new testament this is the old testament prophet daniel and he is your prophet yes he is he said very interesting i have to go read that so we can still share about the messiah without going to the new testament but undoubtedly when you follow the lineage of christ you find he is definitely connected to david luke chapter 2 and verse 11 for there is born to you this day in the city of david a savior who is christ the lord i made a point ancestry is irrefutable regardless of who you identify with or personally knowing your family tree the genealogy is undeniable yeah some people wonder where did he get that attitude from check your family line some people where where does that that intelligence or that desire for music come from check your family line matthew also brings out the genealogy of christ matthew 1 verse 17. so all the generation from adam to david are 14 generations from david until the captivity in babylon are 14 generations and from the captivity in babylon until the christ are 14 generations once again connecting the lineage the root and the branch in one and then in luke chapter three and this is a whole mouthful right here now jesus himself began his ministry about 30 years of age being as was supposed the son of joseph the son of heli the son of methuselah the son of enoch the son of jared the son of mahaliel the son of canaan the son of enoch the son of seth the son of adam the son of god look at that genealogy he's tying it back the amazing revelation about the genealogy of divinity is jesus is not only the successor the one that follows he is the predecessor the one that leads that's right look at isaiah 43 verse 10. you are my witnesses says the lord and my servant whom i have chosen that you may know and believe me and understand that i am he before me this is the predecessor there was no god formed nor shall there be after me jesus is the successor that's right and the predecessor and paul the apostle makes it clear in colossians 1 17 and he is before all things and in him all things consist now in the beginning does not mean after the beginning i want that very very clear because some people think that jesus is at the beginning he is the beginning of all things the predecessor and the successor in one the root and the branch thank you so much pastor john what an incredible study as we have thursday's lesson which is you comforted me it's isaiah chapter 12 the whole chapter but it's only six verses so it's not as pastor ryan had to do 30 some or 40 some verses it's not like that if you look at the the section of isaiah 7 through isaiah 12 isaiah 12 ends this entire section talking about prophecies of emmanuel god with us isaiah 7 we see the first birth and that prophecy god with us isaiah 8 we see the second birth that is isaiah's actual second biological son isaiah 9 we see the third birth this is christ the messiah for unto us a child is born and a son is given isaiah 11 we see jesus christ again the root and branch of jesse isaiah 12 we see this same jesus brings us comfort brings us salvation dwells with us as his people what's amazing to me is isaiah 7 begins with emmanuel god with us the concluding section isaiah 12 ends with for great is the holy one of israel in your midst god with us again that's right this song isaiah 12 you could actually look at it as a song or a psalm you could compare it with exodus 15 which is that amazing song of deliverance after the children of israel crossed the red sea you could compare it with revelation 15 in the song of moses and of the lamb but instead of all that you can look that up another time we're going to six lessons from isaiah chapter 12 and we're taking basically one from each verse lesson number one god's judgment is always redemptive and it has a purpose i would like to say god uses the gentlest means possible to get our attention if just a tap on the shoulder works that's what he's going to use let's read verse 1 isaiah 12 verse 1. in that day you will say oh lord i will praise you though you were angry with me your anger is turned away and you comfort me you know psalm 30 verse 5 says weeping it endures for a night but joy comes in the morning god's anger especially the anger we saw in ryan's section there can be understood as the redemptive corrective discipline of a parent who loves their child it reminds me of hebrews turn with me to the book of hebrews chapter 12. we see this redemptive corrective discipline coming again from god himself hebrews 12 starting in verse 5. my son do not despise the chastening of the lord nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by him for whom the lord loves he chastens and scourges every son whom he receives jump down to verse 11. now no chastening seems joyful for the present we don't like the judgment it doesn't seem pleasant it's painful nevertheless afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of [Music] righteousness to those who have been trained by him and parent disciplines but then they offer love and comfort it reminds me of we studied this in an earlier sabbath school panel quarterly nehemiah the book of nehemiah chapter nine and remember as nehemiah reminded the children of israel of their sins there was this cycle there was their disobedience they went their own way they worshiped other idols they did their own thing then god brought judgment upon them to correct them to discipline them to show them their sins then god brought repentance to them because repentance we can't conjure that up that's a gift from god that's right then god brought extended mercy toward them and he brought them deliverance but they didn't learn their lesson and they went right back in that cycle of disobedience and then the judgment came again the repentance came there was mercy extended and god brought deliverance again and they still didn't learn the lesson and they went back through that again lesson number one god's judgment is redemptive and it has a purpose lesson number two jesus doesn't do my salvation he is myself he doesn't bring my salvation he is my salvation let's read verse two behold god is my salvation i will trust and not be afraid for you the lord is my strength and my song he also has become my salvation jesus doesn't just do salvation he is salvation jesus doesn't just do miracles he became flesh and dwelt among us john 1 14 in the word it became flesh and dwelt among us we beheld his glory the glory is of the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth jesus didn't just bear my sins on the cross he became sin for me second corinthians 5 21 he made him god made jesus who knew no sin to be sin for me that we might be made the righteousness of god in him jesus doesn't just make peace he is my peace ephesians 2 14 for he himself is our peace who has made both one and has broken down the middle wall of separation jesus doesn't just make a sacrifice he is the sacrifice hebrews 9 12 not with the blood of bows and goats and calves but with his own blood he entered the most holy place once for all having obtained eternal redemption so lesson two jesus doesn't do my salvation he is my salvation lesson number three god as my salvation takes away my fear let's read the second part of that verse isaiah 12 2 behold god is my salvation actually the first part i will trust and not be afraid you know there's a scripture in isaiah 26 3 which i've had repeated to me many many times what does it say you will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusts in thee that scripture used to traumatize me because i would think i have to focus on jesus focus on jesus just focus on jesus if you would focus on jesus more what would happen your mind would be in perfect peace you would not fear and it became about me trying to focus on jesus but if you look at the hebrew this was revolutionary for me you will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you the word stayed means to lean to lay amen to rest upon so what is god saying if you want peace don't stress and try to focus on god i laid my head in this lap you put your head on his shoulder rest on jesus and he's the one who keeps you in perfect peace you know we don't have god he has us i love that yeah lesson number four god's salvation it never dries up read verse three that's right therefore with joy you would draw water from the wells of salvation have you gone to it and thought maybe there's not salvation maybe there's not mercy maybe there's not grace those wells are so deep they are inexhaustible his mercy his love his forgiveness is inexhaustible isaiah 55 verse 1 oh everyone who thirsts come to the waters and you who have no money come by and eat we can drink from an inexhaustible source the well of salvation and extend that to someone else lesson number five if god's done something for you tell somebody else about it that's right we see this in verse four and five and in that day you will say praise the lord call upon his name declare his deeds among the people make mention that his name is exalted sing to the lord for he has done excellent things this is known in all the earth why do we share because that judgment is passed we share because he has brought us comfort we share because his wells of um salvation are inexhaustible when god has done something for you tell somebody else about that's right that's right finally lesson number six the presence of god among his people is the climax of salvation amen salvation of course was purchased for us by the blood of jesus at the cross and we accept it by faith and confess our sins but the climax of that is spending eternity with him verse 6 cry out and shout o inhabitant of zion for great is the holy one of israel in your midst remember in the beginning in the garden adam and eve dwelt with god and at the end revelation 21 verse 3 i heard a loud voice from heaven saying behold the tabernacle of god is with men and he will dwell with them he will set up residence with them they shall be his people god himself will be with them and be their god i want to be there amen amen and amen all of you did such a wonderful job but that that was fabulous jill praise the lord all right we have just a couple of minutes left we want to get a closing thought from each one of you unto us a child is born unto us a lamb slain from the foundation of the world christ born christ given is the foundation of our hopes and of our joys amen praise the lord the bible says that god is love not that he is mere loving but he is love and therefore that love requires freedom and so he gives us that freedom but with that freedom comes responsibility and we have a responsibility to seek him and to look to him always for salvation amen right mine is jesus is not just the successor but the predecessor isaiah 43 10 please don't forget this in this day where people are arguing about his origin you are my witness witnesses says the lord and my servants whom i have chosen that you may know and believe and understand that i am he before me there is no god formed nor shall there be after all right amen isaiah 12 is the psalm or song of praise for salvation and god just extends that gift of salvation to each one of us make a choice to accept him amen amen when the bible says unto us a child was given unto you the prince of peace wants to come today in his peace he says not as the world gives give i to you but his peace is not just for now but for eternity we hope you'll join us next time lesson six playing god so thank you so much god bless you today and [Music] always [Music] you
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 90,296
Rating: 4.758225 out of 5
Keywords: 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, yt:quality=high, 3ABN Sabbath School Panel, Isaiah, Book of Isaiah, Bible Study, God, Jesus, Hope, Promise, God is with us, Gospel Prophet, Prophecy, Prince of Peace
Id: 85CqAWf9310
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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