Mother Horse Eyes | Down the Rabbit Hole

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Reddit Comments

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_9mother9horse9eyes9 (MHE) is a reddit user who starts posting cryptic comments on popular subreddits. The comments mainly have to deal with a dystopian future world.

Some users get interested and begin to track the posts via MHE's user page. The posts are disjointed at first, but start to become longer and more narrative as time goes on. The users reading MHE's posts create a subreddit where they track the posts.

On the new subreddit, users debate whether MHE has a mental condition or is creating a work of fiction. MHE posts to the subreddit, which leads to the head mod making the community private and kicking out the other mods. A new subreddit is created, and the mod of that sub (Gabbycat) begins correspondence with MHE, who is revealed to be a 30-something male who drinks heavily.

Gabbycat begins posting for MHE, as does another user, and it becomes clear that all of MHE posts are intended as fiction. The story wraps up and MHE discusses publication with the community.

Tldr: it's a r/nosleep leak.

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/LoquaciousLoquat 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2017 🗫︎ replies

Anyone care to let me in on what this is all about?

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/KittyFaceDontPlay 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2017 🗫︎ replies

I wonder how many total users knew about this? I feel so r/outoftheloop.

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/iheartbaconsalt 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2017 🗫︎ replies

I found this guys youtube channel a couple days ago, except I watched his documentary on Chris Chan. His work is very professional!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Blacksixki 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2017 🗫︎ replies

eh... I don't know about you guys, but I didn't find the whole thing to be all that interesting. It seemed more like a dude in his 30s needing a creative output using reddit and storytelling as a medium. That's pretty much it I guess.

I thought maybe this was going to be like murder mystery documentary or something.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/office_procrastinate 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2017 🗫︎ replies

The original stores from 9M9H9E9 would be a great start to many Rick and Morty episodes.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/HighDefGlass 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2017 🗫︎ replies

I randomly stumbled upon one of the posts towards the beginning of the series. After viewing 9M9H9E post history and the subreddit that was eventually made I was hooked

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/PureAngus62 📅︎︎ Jun 25 2017 🗫︎ replies
on the internet reality is often more difficult to discern beginning on April 21st 2016 numerous strange comments were peppered all across reddit often deep into the comments making them difficult to spot these comments though written in clear English baffled readers with their nightmarish disjointed ramblings they spoke of strange phenomena called flesh interfaces and of countries desperate bid to construct them by dosing researchers with LSD as well as experimenting on live humans especially children by sending them through portals these posts were written in first person by a singular author who went by the baffling moniker of underscore 9 mother 9 horse nine eyes 9 for example in the funny subreddit when a navy servicemen noted how he was sick of Dubai a comment appeared speaking of terrifying occurrences in the city part of it reads Dubai probably has the highest rate of free-floating non interface incidents of any major metropolitan area in the world in one incident a large group of migrant workers was segmented in an underground facility perfect cross-sectional segmentation along the frontal plane you could see their lungs working food being digested blood pumping on the inside of the heart everything they live for almost 5 months in this condition absolutely fascinating to see in person they closed the comment by stating that they seemed to show that the interfaces do indeed concentrate on flesh living up to the name these comments naturally piqued the interest of curious readers when viewing this user's profile to read all of her posts these writings began to make more sense with each comment providing another piece of what felt like a hidden puzzle banding together in a matter of a few days these users created a subreddit named after the nebulous author to track her posts and discuss their meaning while it was clear to most that this was a novel method of disseminating a work of fiction it was difficult to shake the feeling that they had stumbled upon something dangerous and powerful they began to affectionately refer to the author as mother horse eyes or ma G for lack of another name or any other definite features on the third day of posting the comments began to take on a new more narrative tone while the posts from the first two days had sounded more like someone summarizing information these new posts read as personal accounts of incidents taking place during World War two from multiple people and they were horrifying one post gave a soldier's account in Vietnam of finding a fleshy throat winding down into the earth and exhaling putrid breath while the researchers account details an eight-year-old girl sent through a portal and returning encased in a fleshy membrane that fed her a constant high dose of an LSD like substance this sudden flurry of specificity was fascinating to the readers and equally concerning and terrifying to those encountering mother horse eyes comments for the first time the community was split some people thought that this was an elaborate work of fiction while others thought that mother horse eyes actually had serious mental issues and that she earnestly believed that what she was writing was real still more suspected that these posts were a marketing campaign whose purpose would eventually be made clear sometime during the third day or at the beginning of the fourth day mother horse eyes did something surprising she addressed the community directly through a text post in the subreddit dedicated to her entitled hello friends in this post she stated that she was in fact a he he was a quote 30-something American male without the benefit of a college education or a stable job sadly I have spent most of my life drunk he explained his writing by saying that quote I am attempting to use the techniques of fiction and suspense - hopefully generation interest in this information you're a subreddit furthers this aim and I sincerely thank you for creating it the grammatical error is his he continued by stating that we must sort through the many possible pasts to find the few possible futures which result in a humanity free to live and die as humans and not as an unholy agglomeration of mindless flesh through repeated self experimentation I have fractured the time state of my brain and now it exists in an ever-shifting state between various pasts which didn't happen he closed with an ominous statement we are on the verge all of us times are dire we are about to be gathered again into the arms of the mother to become one flesh with her the mother who gathers lost children the mother I have seen in dark spaces since I was a little child back when I called her the mother with hoarse eyes we are about to meet her again we are about to be unborn ironically this fourth wall break solidified the suspicions of many readers that mother horses was not a mad Rambler but rather an excellent writer one that had drawn each of them into his narrative construct if there was a major error in his work it was that the writing was too good and some suspected the occasional grammatical error or missing word was intentional to build this facade of an uneducated man they remarked on the execution of such a strange meta-narrative with writer pretending to be a character with a fractured consciousness who spoke in the voices of even more characters who may or may not have ever existed and may or may not eventually exist as well as other characters who may exist in parallel realities others however still were convinced that the writer was mentally ill and that he believed that these narratives were real in other dimensions citing his apparent fervor but soon these readers would be faced with the fragility of such a novel method of authorship soon after mother hoarse eyes published his self post the subreddit was locked readers were confused one of them under the name Whismur created a new subreddit by abbreviating the author's username - 9 m 9 h 9e 9 so that the people rallied around the narrative could collect themselves another user a moderator of the subreddit under the name Gabi cat was able to elucidate some of the situation she wrote the primary mod / creator Catan Overlord has removed all mods and made the sub private this was verified by a read admin sorry everyone she goes on to state that I've also asked for a copy of the wiki that I spent several hours working on last night but I doubt that I will be given it I am working on a backup from Sunday and I have saved all posts to today however Gabi mentioned that quote the only thing missing is the author self post in the old sub can't get it one other person however had a plan digging into the Google cache of the sub reddit user behemoth the cat was able to retrieve the post in its entirety and post it to the new subreddit remarking on their panic behemoth said quote once it dawned on me that because that subreddit is gone the post can be lost forever I had to find it Gabi swiftly out of the post onto the new wiki which she had rebuilt from scratch by retrieving the original posts from other horses user page despite the work of these readers their old subreddit was still barred from them people attempted to message Katan overlord but their queries were rebuffed one user when asking what was going on received a message from the new singular moderator I like weird subs that simply read choo-choo after I like weird subs posted in the new subreddit it was clear that this account was created by Catan Overlord to keep the subreddit permanently locked and to occasionally post cryptic messages on the locked page why exactly they did this is uncertain but Gabi cat offers a potential explanation she stated that she had had discussions with Catan Overlord about the mental state of the author and she speculated that it could have been due to moral compunctions Catan overlords actions as I like weird subs however suggest a simple act of trolling but by this point their actions were rendered moot the new subreddit was established and the wiki had been refilled with information by Gabby Kat who had recopy doll of the writing from mother horsies user page even as the readers discussed what had occurred mother horse eyes continued posting daily narratives which sometimes only tangentially related to the flesh interfaces or didn't seem to relate at all over the next month a new fictitious piece of technology would be introduced the hygiene beds these operated as methods to enter a realm reminiscent of the movie Tron where hyper real programs could be played to simulate fantastic realities users would turn into escapists who wouldn't leave the beds for years letting the sanitation systems overflow and their bodies to creep Fi he described this phenomenon in a post when a hygiene bed breaks say the healthy limb system fails or a catheter gets blocked up it's supposed to cut off the internet feed forcing the sleeper to get the bed fixed but it's easy enough to override this cut off function immersed in their feeds people often forget that the bed is broken but eventually pain or discomfort will force the sleeper to get their bed fixed the pain of bed sores or the stench of a backed-up evacuator is a strong motivator but if the sleeper has direct sense feeds they can switch off these smells and discomforts they can even switch off the worry associated with the broken bed by this point knowledge of this strange story was making the rounds online the first publication to speak about it apparently was vices online publication motherboard who wrote an article about it entitled underscore nine mother nine horse nine is nine is read its new terrifying mystery in this article the writer Sarah Emerson discusses some of the plot so far it's a method of dissemination and a truncated account of the closure of the first subreddit though the fascination seems genuine users from the subreddit criticized it for its misunderstanding of important pieces of the narrative not long after both Gizmodo and The Guardian published similar pieces at the same time but on that very same day may v motherboard would receive something special from mother horse eyes an exclusive piece of the plot the person in correspondence with him described the encounter quote I reached out to mother horse eyes on Reddit and asked him to expand its fictional Empire here the author sent the following back over the course of two lengthy direct messages beneath this was an especially long piece of original narrative making heavy reference to the tale of Roman general Pompey the great and his peak into a forbidden sacred place in a Jewish temple as far as anyone knew this was the first time that the author had released narrative outside of Reddit around this time creative pieces based on what had come to be known as the flesh interface series were becoming a common sight a radio play was being constructed as well as ambient music based on the series and visual artistic interpretations of certain parts of the narrative became more and more common through the month of May mother horses also at some point had begun consulting with Gabby cat the person who had created the wiki for the narrative when asked about it she responded that quote I talked to him he responds when he feels inclined to do so I'm not privy to any more information than you are concerning the story on May 15th the fragility of the narrative was once again tested mother horse eyes cheekily made his 54th post in the series this one involving intense violence and gore as a self post on the tales from tech support subreddit soon after it was deleted by the mods this time the readers were prepared after the incident where they almost lost the hello friends post they have begun archiving new writings as they were made by hovering over mother horse eyes user page to check for updates constantly this vigilance proved unnecessary as this piece was posted again elsewhere as a comment after this incident mother horse eyes seemed to select his venues more carefully posting sexually explicit or violent material in subreddits that wouldn't be so quick to remove such content as may dragged into June more and more pieces of the narrative were released as more and more people discovered it the posts got longer and longer while narrative threads were opened and closed as the story chugged through the month the author would occasionally post to the dedicated subreddit once with the teaser and once with a full-fledged update for the most part however it was Gabby Kat who had become the mouthpiece for mother horse eyes and their correspondence had apparently increased near the end of the month a user by the pseudonym Karen Costello named for one of the characters in the narrative began posting in a strange subreddit called dimensional jumping which discusses methods to alter perception in earnest though her post was deleted by the moderators for being off-topic the timing of the posts seemed to suggest that Karen had jumped out of her dimension and into that of the readers later she would post to the mother horse eyes subreddit but she was met with suspicions others had attempted to create their own offshoots of the narrative pulling attention away from other horse eyes original work a practice they had come to label game jacking someone eventually asked Gabby cat for verification of Karen's legitimacy to the narrative by this point Gabby had become a full-fledged editor for mother horse eyes and had become deeply ingrained in his creation she replied with one word cannon this meant that another character posting to Reddit had now been introduced and confirmed to be part of the narrative though their true identity remained ambiguous along with this the author character had taken on a prominent role in the narrative at this point heightening the immediacy while Gabby cats swatted down game jackers and the line between reality and the narrative blurred when mother horse eyes made his next self post on the sub red On June 26th an editor's note later confirmed to be from Gabi was included in the post itself implying that it actively changed the narrator's actions to go drinking again a few days later the narrator described himself walking out of his apartment with a bottle of vodka and drinking heavily and then he went silent [Music] finally on July 4th after nearly a week Gabi made a post to the subreddit entitled normally scheduled weirdness will resume shortly the text read people have been drinking and talking the weirdness went to another level and it's over the end is coming here we go two days later mother horse eyes began slowly releasing long posts which had come to be the norm until finally on July 17th he made his final self post to the subreddit entitled so long and thanks for all the kindness cruciform as a reference to an early part of the narrative this marked his 100th post and at long last the ending of the narrative having taken three months to complete though the ending was conclusive for the main plot numerous subplots were left ambiguously open but this didn't quite mark the end from other horse eyes on July 21st just four days after the final part was posted Gabi put out a call on the subreddit for criticism and input on the rewrite which was to be full of new writing then much later on November 30th Gabi posted again that work was progressing on the rewrite this came about a month before mother horse eyes made another post talking about what was coming for the rewrite he stated quote the rumors that I have been hard at work on a book are untrue I have mostly been goofing off despite this I am close to completing the book he claimed that the rewrite would have about 50% new material and that he was attempting to pitch it to publishers in large part the conceit of the story being anything other than fictional had at this point been dropped but the readers enthusiasm seemed to still be strong and the reception positive two months later in February of 2017 mother horses began posting again but after only three posts in three days he again went silent as of today activity on the subreddit has reached a sluggish pace compared to its heyday though Gabi still posts regularly it's rare to see more than ten users at any time viewing the page still the narrative in its entirety remains collated for new readers to discover while mother horse eyes posts are still scattered across old reddit threads it is a monument to the way the Internet can be a venue for novel methods of narrative writing and how powerfully it can affect those who discover it there where often the lines between fiction and reality blur [Music] [Music]
Channel: Fredrik Knudsen
Views: 2,532,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 9MOTHER9HORSE9EYES9, flesh interface, Mother Horse Eyes, Reddit, Dimensional Jumping, fourthoracle, DtRH, Down the Rabbit Hole, Fredrik Knudsen, internet drama, trolling, writing, cosmic horror, body horror, horror, SCP Foundation, GabbiKat, MHE, documentary
Id: n6qCvDceFro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2017
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