No Time To Die - Behind the Scenes

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we had a story to tell and we had a we had a um you know i've been incredibly fortunate to have been given that chance to explore this character in this way but barbara and michael have given me that chance and we felt like there was a story to finish off and to and to wrap up and and to bring leia's story through but also everybody else's um character felix's character um jeffrey and everybody uh and to to sort of tie up a lot of loose ends he is my favorite iteration of bond and i think it's because of the complexity he's brought to the character the vulnerability and the the brutal sort of potential for violence i think that's a it's an interesting combination there and to be able to to take those skills and apply them now to how he has wisdom right he has all this experience he's brought in over the last 15 years of doing these films not only is it on the filmmaking side but also on the character side and there is a lot to play with there in terms of how interesting and how multifaceted her character he is now i actually love when daniel does these really sensitive scenes i love when he's in love and you know um he's so brilliant at managing to do that i think he's fantastic the way that he manages to you know portray these like these simmering deep emotions that are going on underneath and then actually you know he's being stoic and strong on top of that but you always know what you're able to see beneath the surface and see what's really simmering beneath and i think he does that brilliantly so you've got a lot more of that i think daniel is one of the best james bond ever obviously he he has the sophistication and the strength and the attitude and the talent but i think personally something that makes him stand out more and makes the character more special is and maybe people doesn't don't perceive him that way it's how funny daniel is and he has this sense of humor and this charisma that makes him create a character that's very relatable and real for my money the film is a farewell to daniel's bond and the relationships daniels bond has had with others i think that the plot is strong but i think it's more psychological possibly so that this the specter of it all and the chemical weapons of it all and that's the functioning engine but i think that the real richness is in the relationship so i watched him you know from the beginning beginning of that journey you know to you know this uh you know these uh you know these last uh steps here and it's been really wonderful to see his evolution to see him take on you know not only the expectations and all the logistical challenges and the hard work of you know this sequence of films but to see him grow into the responsibility and to see him become this leader when at the start you know i think naturally as with anyone there was a bit of uncertainty you know with him so that's been really gratifying that's been really a pleasure to look at him you know you know having been away as i said for a couple of films and go uh look at this guy you know he is uh you know he's he's captaining this thing now the past isn't dead the thing is that it's on on the film like james bond the technique is very aspect it's very heavy you have to find um a way to to um not be completely uh like yeah yeah the technical aspect but yeah the emotional yeah it was like um i mean difficult a lot of the time you'll have someone shouting at you during the scene because you know you know as well as i do that a lot of the effects will be added on later so you don't actually see them so someone will shout gunfire or explosion or so you kind of have to act and react to that um and pretend that you're seeing things and it can be very very technical but you know the story was very solid and if you know the plot and you know the story and you know what you're trying to achieve then all the explosions and everything going up around you sort of just you just let that happen react to it naturally i think for us on a bond it's a real fine line even going back to when we did casino royale with daniel daniel performed so much of his own stunts on that film and worked so hard and and took the knocks along the way along with us as a stunt department there's a high risk because it is you know you're going to do it for real although we'll break it down and we'll prep it safely and as smartly as possible end of the day someone when they actually when they call action that's a real person jumping off the cranes or crashing the car or jumping the motorcycle or driving the boat and in in daniel as well being at number ones with daniel and he's running across the top of the cranes when he's in the boat or he's in the car it's all happening for real you are interacting with a real car a real truck is coming towards you a real boat is speeding beside you you know guys are flying past you it just brings the whole it's happening for real those stunts are really happening and you're right in the middle of it thank god i had like an amazing stunt uh team that you can't get better than that you have to it was the best people you can work with and they were very patient they gave me all the tools and the confidence to to to actually believe i could do it in such a short time [Music] the franchise has built up and got i think and and and involved a brilliant uh balance between action uh a hero it's bedded into a sort of reality from which it departs with fantastical villains and bizarre brilliant locations and i think audiences who like the bond go for that kick go for that high they go for really persuasive charismatic male figure that women like men like and that's where there's a humor there's complication there's physical prowess there's charm there's a sort of a mix a package that that we know works and there's a sort of shape which i think fans won't want they want the they like the pre-credit sequence they like a bit of serious plot stuff they like the other characters they love q they have money penny hopefully they like um but they then they like the juiciness of a villain so there's a set of boxes that are ticked which the fan base expects and wants being on set with a wraith for the first time i literally remember thinking you really match this room you match the chesterfield sofas and you match the color on the walls everything is just so grand and classy he brings such an elevation to to every single scene he lifts it with with an air of grace and he's just like a proper gentleman [Music] carrie is one of the most uh you know innovative directors or like exciting directors of the time right now uh and why would you not want to work with the elite and man i admire carrie so much i think he gives all his heart and soul in his work and you want to surround yourself around people like that carrie is as expected as a new director to the series taking it up you know uh taking it up a notch in terms of the scope of the filmmaking but also in terms of the intimacy marrying those two things together in a way that is kind of stylized in a contemporary in a contemporary way it's not an easy task but i think as it turns out you know for for the present you know for the here and now you know he was the right uh the right call the thing he would carry is he's he's um he's a super visual director so he's very visually astute he has an enormous encyclopedic knowledge of various things including architecture and art but he doesn't actually unlike some other directors give you a very specific detailed brief he likes to just let you bring some things to the table for me it was essential to get the characters right so that was the first step really dig into to bond where is he what's it like being retired for five years what does it feel like having seen all he's seen all the trauma everything and and to sit with that unprocessed in a sort of retired bubble and then be drawn back in the world and let him use those tools that he's so good at again to save the world and who are all the people surrounding him or the people who are going to affect that journey for me the james bond films are very iconic also because they are very chic there is something about the the style the british style that we all love i think the the the audience will be surprised mostly because of the love story and then there are like few elements that uh i don't think i'm allowed to say that that are very new for a james bond film so i feel that this one will be very very special you
Channel: Mayhem Mendes
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Keywords: Cary Fukanaga, No Time to Die, No Time to Die review, No Time to Die rotten tomatoes, No Time to Die imdb, No Time to Die behind the scenes, making of No Time to Die, No Time to Die jeremy jahns, No Time to Die chris stuckmann, No Time to Die half in the bag, No Time to Die redlettermedia, James bond 5, Daniel craig, No Time To Die Billie Eilish, James Bond, No Time to Die ending, No Time to die explained, rami malek, Bond 25
Id: GZcIpcoXyKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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