No-roller fresh pasta β€” Legate Ears

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Made it and ate it very good

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pak101 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

First recipe I've tried from this guy and it was pretty cool. I'm bad at kneading but I had to keep adding flour and it got there ok. I didn't have fennel in the house so I skipped it and just had garlic, oil and chili flake. Impressed with myself, it was very good.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HandOnAStove πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

What is the origin of the word Legate? He has used it for multiple dishes already.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/buttoxide πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

just made it for the first time. Lovely. I made it with bbq'd portobello, garlic and Italian roommate got excited by it. thanks!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zarthalas πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
this easy fresh pasta recipe is sponsored by Squarespace the easiest way to make a fresh website get 10% off yours with my link in the description here's a delicious fresh pasta you can make from scratch that requires no special equipment you don't need a pasta machine you don't need a rolling pin you don't even need a kitchen which is good because mine is being renovated all you need is a bowl and technically you don't even need that I'll throw in about a cup of all-purpose flour to start with that's maybe 120 grams it does not have to be precise but be conservative it's always better to start with less flour I'll make a little well in the center and then crack two eggs in there 1 eggs worth of fresh pasta per person I say don't worry vegans I'm going to give you options for everything today you can put in maybe half a teaspoon of salt at this stage or you could just really aggressively salt the cooking water later either way it works I'm just beating up those eggs inside the well yes that's a plastic fork my silverware is all packed up and I can't find it when the eggs are smooth just gradually start bringing some more flour into it the well method for making pasta is traditionally done right on the cutting board but I think unless you have a very big flat working surface it's much easier to do this in a big bowl keeps the mess contained when I've done all I can with the fork I'll get some flour on my hands and start kneading just lean the weight of your body into your palm we're doing this to develop the gluten and make the pasta stretchy and also to integrate all of the flour that the eggs can hydrate the dough tells you how much flour to add this is still pretty sticky so it can definitely absorb some more just dust a little more on there and then knead when it seems like it's got all the flour it can easily take in and it's smooth and elastic you want to cover it up and throw it in the fridge for about 1/2 hour that'll give the flour particles time to hydrate and a colder dough is easier to work with fresh egg pasta is one of life's great pleasures but you can make fresh pasta with just water and oil again about a cup of flour without eggs traditionally a lot of people would use durum wheat flour for pasta that would be good for both taste and color but all-purpose flour is fine too maybe 1/2 a cup of water in the well like 120 mils maybe a tablespoon of olive oil and I can already see that I did not put in enough liquid I'll show you why that's bad mix it with a fork until you can do no more than get in there with your hands my dough has now stopped absorbing flour which is fine the dough is good but it's not enough dough for 2 people so now I'm gonna have to put more water in there and watch what happens yeah this is really hard to work with it's possible it's gonna come back together again but it's gonna be a slippery mess for a while it is much easier to integrate flour into a dough that starts off too wet than it is to integrate moisture into a dough that starts off too dry so when making pasta dough always start with less flour and more liquid than you think you'll need but there we are back together again I'll wrap that up and also throw that into the fridge okay so for my meatless but not vegan pasta I'm gonna use a whole bulb of fennel absolutely delicious vegetable fennel is cut the stalks off the stalks are very fibrous people usually only use them in stocks and such I'm just gonna harvest the fronds off of them those little leaves will make a beautiful and tasty herb to finish the dish give those a quick chop or a tear not too fine or they'll just turn into dust for the bulb I'll just slice it very thin up there at the top the slices will naturally fall apart in two semicircles which is the final shape that I want once you get down closer to the root end you might start to get full circles so I'll cut it in half and then resume slicing beautiful fennel bulb has that anise flavor that a lot of people don't like but it's very mild my wife doesn't like anise and yet she liked this dish a whole lot also gonna peel up and chop some garlic I'll do half a head for two portions water goes on a boil lots of salt if you didn't put salt into your dough a little salt if you did and here's my egg dough you might be tempted to throw some flour on there before you start working with it just to keep it from sticking but don't watch what happens the first thing we want to do is roll this out into a snake and flour makes that a lot harder to do you want it to be sticky at this stage without flour the dough sticks to the board and to your hands thus providing the friction that forces its expansion outward that's okay though even if you've made this mistake you can just pull the dough out into a long straight shape however you can now before you start cutting is when you'd want to add flour liberally here's another mistake don't just chop through them if you leave them sitting next to each other like that they're all going to immediately stick together again you'll have to pull them apart one by one and toss them in the flour again that's a mistake you can recover from but the better thing is to cut them and then kick the pasta away with your knife cut and kick cut and kick I'm just cutting these into thin little pieces about as thin as I can easily cut them any thinner and the dough would just smoosh under the knife get all those pieces tossed in flour and then one by one we're just gonna press them I'm using my thumb I'm just looking to flatten it out but I still like to have a slightly raised edge around the outside for textural contrast that happens naturally if you just press into the center of each noodle this is basically a very crude or a kettie I'm making here real or caddy usually doesn't have eggs and they take some technique to shape these take absolutely no skill at all and I think they taste just as delicious let's call them Leggett ears there you go lovely fresh pasta with no equipment or talent required I usually drop them into the boiling water a handful at a time I think that makes them less likely to stick together into one big ball when they drop in their fresh egg pasta cooks very differently from dried pasta as soon as it floats to the surface forcefully it's cooked it just takes a minute dried pasta starts to go soft immediately after it's cooked fresh egg pasta does the opposite at least for a few minutes this is actually getting firmer right now which is how I like it I gave this three or four minutes at some point it would start breaking down and go softer but in general the window of opportunity with fresh pasta is really wide dried pasta is perfect for only an instant with fresh you've got some leeway about when you drain it I'll just stash that on my plate for a second throw some olive oil in my now dry pan might turn the heat down to a medium or medium high but I want it hot when the oil is shimmering and starting to smoke I'll put the fennel bulb in and saute stiring almost constantly if you hit these with some really high heat and get some color on them they go very sweet when they seem half cooked I'll push them to the side and drop some butter in the middle let it melt and then in goes the pasta because these noodles are big and thick you can kind of treat them like dumplings and pan fry them a little bit it will get a lovely brown skin on them stir them constantly or they will stick though luckily they're big and robust enough that they won't break up much as you stir them when they seem like they're halfway to where I want them to be I will throw in my garlic and let it fry in there for a minute then I'm gonna do a big pinch of chili flakes heat and fennel will go beautifully together as Italian sausage makers have known for generations I'm gonna top this with grated pecorino at the end but I also like to grate some into the pan and stir it around first so that I've got some cheese running through everything on the plate it goes great on some cheese parmesan be fine tube and then topped with the fennel fronds this is a bigger version of my normal plates so what we have here is a lovers portion as they say enough for two look at the browning on that noodle crazy delicious but not necessary you could cook these however you like the texture of fresh egg pasta is just to die for softer than dried pasta but yet it has this snap I love it let's do a vegan version I'll cut some tomatoes in half these little ones are great for easy pasta and the small varieties usually have the best taste of all out of season fresh tomatoes in the grocery store I'll chop up some basil and I've still got half a head of garlic chopped pasta dough again or a caddy traditionally is not made with eggs anyway but this isn't Ora Ketty it's Leggett years if we use durum wheat flour as is traditional that would have gotten us more of a yellowish color which i think is nicer cut and kick cut and kick time spent flicking each piece away will save the time with having to peel the pieces apart from each other rather than using my thumb this time I'm just gonna mash with my fingertips press down each one it's still naturally gonna give me that raised lip around the edge which is satisfying to bite into this is obviously a phenomenal job to do with kids even very small children can smash a little lump of dough and many hands make light work a ton of salt because I did not salt the dough yes the old adage that your pasta water should be as salty as the sea is probably technically an overstatement that'd be too salty for most pastas but for this a thick dough with no salt in it I think I mean seawater literally or you could just salt the dough either way is fine boil for a couple of minutes until they float forcefully to the top with no eggs I prefer to pull them right away after they float they can start to get a little slimy and mushy if you cook them much longer drain them and whoops I lost a couple turn the heat down a bit lots of olive oil in and then throw in the noodles without the eggs and butter they won't Brown as nice but you can fry them a little after you boil out any remaining water never stop stirring and frankly a Teflon pan would be a lot easier here throw in the garlic and I'll grind in a bunch of pepper after the garlic has fried for a minute I'll throw in the tomatoes you really want to do that at the last minute otherwise they'll just disintegrate into a sauce with lots of skin in it I want them to make this a little saucy but to still maintain basic structural integrity I'll toss in half my basil just like I do with my cheese to have some running through everything on the plate it goes topped with some more basil raw olive oil and pepper absolutely lovely and obviously you could combine concepts from either of these pasta dishes to meet your dietary needs just as you can adapt Squarespace to meet your website needs maybe you just need a one-time site to centralize information about your wedding or the house you're trying to sell maybe you're starting a restaurant and you need an online menu that's easy to do with Squarespace and you can take opentable reservations maybe you're a professional looking for clients and you just need to hang your shingle somewhere maybe you need an online store where you can take people's orders and more importantly their money Squarespace has a beautiful and functional template for anything you need to do all you need is some pictures throw them in and start tweaking the template if you can mash a lump of dough with your fingers you can build a pretty nice Squarespace site and then they host it for you they can register a domain for you leave and process all your payments and stuff if you're selling things get 10% off your first Squarespace site or a domain registration by going to Squarespace comm slash Ragusa and please don't tell our handyman Duane that I cooked on his drop cloths I clean them Duane I promise
Channel: Adam Ragusea
Views: 1,081,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homemade pasta, fresh pasta, how to, pasta recipes, pasta dough, how to make pasta, pasta recipe, fresh pasta recipe, pasta by hand, pasta making, how to make fresh pasta, italian food, easy recipes, handmade pasta, making fresh pasta, fresh pasta dough, homemade pasta recipe, homemade pasta dough, fresh pasta dough recipe, homemade pasta no machine, pasta dough without egg, how to make fresh pasta at home, orecchiette, vegan, vegan pasta dough
Id: VmJcwc5UBW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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