"NO Respect For Anyone!" - Royal Biographer Angela Levin On Prince Harry Facing £1M Court Bill

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uh now uh Prince Harry is facing A1 million pound bill after losing his appeal against his security being withdrawn Harry was ordered to reimburse taxpayers after a high Court ruled the government could remove his police protection once he stepped down as a working Royal Well the Duke of Sussex was also forced to apologize after breaking confidentiality rules in the high court battle Harry emailed private details of his case to his close friend the veterans minister joh Mercer with many pointing out the irony of the prince breaking privacy rules uh joining us now is Royal biographer Angela Levin hi Angela I know you're very keen to talk about Megan and her exciting new jam that she's selling which we will get on to later but let's deal with this High Court humiliation for Harry because that's what it was I mean he went back to appeal this decision uh to say you know I I do deserve full police arm police protection uh and my family when I come to Britain uh the judge basically said will you stop doing this uh because uh Harry's contention the reason for his appeal was we partially won we had we scored a partial Victory the judge says his name to Peter Lane he said uh you did not score a partial Victory you C this is a quote you completely lost and he he advised Harry and his legal team don't appeal again uh because your chances of succeeding ing are frankly hopeless he was then ordered to pay the best part of half a million pounds to the British taxpayer because that was our bill to defend this country's right against his legal action uh he tried to get that taken down to uh much much less but the government the the judge said no no no uh there is nothing to support your claim that you deserve a lesser charge in terms of uh reimbursing the British taxpayer in other words to toal and utter humiliation uh he now says apparently he's going to he's thinking of appealing again if he does appeal again there's something wrong with him well he doesn't like to lose these things now particularly um when it's in the UK he just feels he's absolutely got to win the interesting thing that some people miss out is saying that when he comes to the UK to go to a royal event or to see his parents um then he has the topnotch protection but if he comes here um and he wants to go out and see his friends he doesn't he wanted to pay for the police to do this for him because they're the only ones who are allowed to have guns but um he doesn't deserve that that's really for the top Royals and he won't have that because he still thinks he's a top royal so this is a marvelous example of him not wanting to be a royal and to do all these things and earn money um from the his title but he actually um shouldn't be doing that because he's not a working Royal and he won't accept it I'm sure Megan is furious as well and and Harry has said you know he can't bring his children because it's too dangerous well um it's no more dangerous and you were I going to the center of London um on the weekend but um you know he's he's being um very very determined to do it he will go on and on and on but he's now got to pay for for us sort of um spending money like this we can't do it and if he got what he wanted it would mean that um celebrities people who run big um buildings or have great jobs they would have the right too to have police with guns looking after them so it's something that's very important in the law and he won't accept that as for leaking it I mean it is absolutely outstanding because it was very clear to him that you can't do that this is confidential and to tell it not just to his friend but to other people lawyers who are working on it um just shows that it's also the same with Harry what we have to do he doesn't have to he's beyond that sort of thing it doesn't matter if he leaks things if he wants to do it but if anybody leaks anything about hurry he's a stor privacy campaigner um so you know it's it's just a nonsense it's just really terrible I um something that is pretty terrible about all of this is part of his appeals process was to try and get a 60% discount on having to pay the legal fees of the other side AKA refund the taxpayer thank you very much that's the bid he wanted to challenge and not have to pay for and yet this is the guy said I'm not going to cost the British taxpayer any money I would suggest to him given all the grace and favor treatment he had pretty much all of his life to be a working Royal maybe he should refund us a lot more than just 500 million pounds whatever it was 500,000 500 million million 500 million they maybe should reward us 500 million pounds for upbringing that is really cheeky and to me shows that he has no respect not just for the UK not just for the royal family but so for judges and court cases he doesn't have any respect for us whatsoever but he wants to take all the good bit I mean they do feel the couple do feel that they are very very important and very um you know what they think is wonderful and they are head of the global World in one way or another yeah well uh some of us don't think they're that wonderful uh we should remember Angela in the middle of this case uh the case about his armed police security when it comes to the country uh he sued the day the mail on Sunday because the mail on Sunday had the tarity to suggest that he tried to keep this action against the home office a secret and guess what the result of that action was he comprehensively lost and had to pay for all the mail on Sunday's uh expenses and damages uh but what is it about him why does he continue doing this uh I mean I'm because he wants to win he wants to destroy anything that's in the UK came Megan didn't like it and he's following in her footsteps he just wants it his way but they now want to come here even Megan might because the their popularity in the United States is going through the flaw and they think that if they come back here make a smile at least they look Royal at least they can say there Royal they can sell a bit of what they've done with the Royal and that's why he's very earnestly trying to not not only get it cheap secondhand but actually um make it possible that they can do that but they're not going to get away with that as much as possible as the Jud can do um you can't do that and I don't think they're popular in this country anymore certainly not Megan followers talk about Megan Mar absolute genius who comes out with so many novel things I'm amazed the woman's got such a big brain first of all she came up with having a version of Emily in Paris called like Peter in Paris now she's come of This brilliant idea of a cooking show no one's done that before or I don't know making organic jams not like King Charles didn't do that with the duy uh range um I mean is anyone going to buy Megan's jams how many jars of Megan's jams would be needed to pay one of Harry's legal Bild well the point is they they've sent out Angela she sent out this morning uh 50 jars of this strawberry jam to people she thinks will be able to influence its sale are people eating strawberry jam today not very many I don't think but what made me roar with laughter was on the front of the jar it's 17 it said out of 50 so it was going to 50 influencers and the hope that they would tell all the people that followed them but it's like a a drawing that you know you keep the drawing know you know that the the P the painter has got only 50 copies of this beautiful art of work but this for a jar of jam is hysterically fun an absolutely nonsense it's so grandiose that it's way up in the skies you know and um do you Angela such do you think American Riviera Orchard will work I mean bearing in mind so far it was announced about a month ago uh hasn't even opened for business yet do you think it will work no I think this is one of um Megan's short time things um the title is ridiculous very hard to remember which is never a good idea but if you start with a jar of jam um you're starting pretty low rag because people can do that anybody who likes cooking can make jam one two three it's not going to be difficult so that's very arrogant if you want to start you must car really powerfully with something that's very unusual that it's a remarkable taste not a j of jam for I would have more respect for her if she bought out jars of gripping beef gripping yeah that would be that would be good wouldn't it love that Angela it's fantastic to talk to you as always thanks for joining us Angela Le there
Channel: TalkTV
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Keywords: talkradio, talk radio, news, uk, politics, debate, free speech, talk tv, live, live news, talktv live, talk tv live, talktv, talk radio live, talk radio tv, talkTV, talkradio tv, talkradiotv, harry, meghan, prince harry and meghan markle, harry and meghan, harry and meghan markle, prince, william, meghan markle, prince harry, prince william, royal, royals, royalty, royal family, netflix, series, docu, king charles, queen, king charles iii, charles iii, court case
Id: _L-79AD6bxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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