No Pokémon Can HIDE From GARCHOMP V! (PTCGO)

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today i feel like having a bit of a chompy chomp if you know how to make and no i'm not hungry like i always am i am talking about playing garchomp v so what does this guard chop v do as i proceed to fall off my chair i ain't gonna fall off youtube i am some kind of full behave yourself god chomp v has come out in astral radiance i even managed to get this lovely little artwork in my pack opening on the channel and it has the incredibly strange but powerful sonic strike attack for one water two fighting and one colorless energy discard three energy from this pokemon this attack does 220 damage to one of your opponent's pokemon i need to emphasize that this can go anywhere it doesn't have to be in the active it could do 220 to the bench and 220 is a very sweet and relevant number because pokemon v's tend to max out a 220. there are a few that go above that and of course there is modification for health and hp but nonetheless it's a really powerful attack that's going to get some very critical kos so of course i had to throw this in an arceus day look listen right if you can make this garchomp v work and i mean work in a genuinely consistent repetitive competitively viable level i will shave my eyebrows off those to show how committed i am to that yeah this has to go in an arcus deck there's no other way to do it in my opinion now thankfully it does have free retreat as well so once you do go for that sonic strike attack you can just retreat back into your arceus v style which is pretty nice you don't have to worry so much about it being stuck in the active which is lovely and if things do go a bit south and you do have a bit of bricking here and there you still have that dragon claw attack but that 120 which is very easy to get going of course with a simple arceus trinity nova attack i've also got a little cheeky tech in here we have the starmie v which is a bit of a staple now in palkia v star which is definitely raising a lot of eyebrows and coming out actually to be probably the best card of the set completely ahead of what dark cry was sorry what dark cry was anticipated to be so i thought let's throw it in here as well it has the energy spiraled attack 50 damage for each energy attached to all of your opponent's pokemon a great card in the format because arceus accelerates a bunch of energy into play so it makes sense the level then is pretty much a bog standard arcus v star list let's just get going shall we alrighty going first here um starting off okay no energy attachment for term which is a bit of a shame but it's not the end of the world i guess uh we'll play ourselves a quick ball and get training call in the discard part we'll do that we'll do training corp and we'll get ourselves a i think i'll go for the doof that's that's got to be you it's got to be the way i go right oof pardon me yeah just let's see some more cards and stuff like that we have to go down the line of playing starmie or something like that at some point that's okay as well i guess not ideal though it depends how things go but that's fine we'll pass there so unfortunately we if we want to get the energy onto that gartron we're gonna have to trinity charge next turn um which does suck a little bit but here's what it is um also to know uh caboo oh this thing that uh this thing the type of urchin deck i'm probably thinking of playing unless they okay cool cool i was fully expecting this to be some sort of like tank irish food deck but they're just playing a kabu and that that's interesting said at least laser focus they're going to pop off here we need to be quick we'll just be hella quick because they're just going to get killed in this arcus right away we need to follow up with something um so please let me do that this time he's already hitting 150 that's nice so we can at least do that um but please just give me a double turbo or something something to work with oof yikes big yikes big yikes um i could get the v star um but then you know ah well we'll be battle we'll be barrel see if we'll see if we get a bit more luck on our side we get water energy um it's not the way we want to go with it is it really it's not really one of what we want to do so well you might have to actually lose this arceus that that is rough that is really rough um i've got an idea i've got i've got options i've got yeah dudspass come out son that's it mate that's spit i'm gonna risk it for a biscuit we'll attach here and we'll pass yeah yeah and what what are you saying bro you're saying about that maybe i should have evolved to the v star in case you actually do manage to get a ko which kind of probably would have been a better move it means if i had to hit 310 instead of actually having to hit 250 but it seems like they're not going to hit that so we might actually survive for the term and that's sick so i want to give um a shout out to you a lot i mean that video i put out yesterday with that decidueye deck um really resonated with a lot of people um interestingly enough chop down your frauds um yeah a lot of people really resonated and i can't i was being nervous i was a bit nervous to release it i thought am i just being a big baby am i just complaining about the fact that i just didn't get a win when i wanted to get wins you know is that is that what i'm doing here but it seems like i i struck a chord um which definitely was insightful and was good you know i was happy about that let's see if we can get the other guard trump out and go for the turbo please don't have another boss in hand i would be upset i would be really bad um yeah i i just wanted to be sure that i wasn't just moaning you know i mean i wasn't just sitting and going oh i hate life it brings terrible blah blah blah um do i gushed you up i don't think i do if i hit into you you're gonna hit back really hard um but i guess that's that's just the way it is you know i'm sounding like i uh make music in the 90s but i think we just they can involve they do that the garchomp coming into it sniping at some point um let me get rid of you could hit you but then just within that ko sucks a little bit i'd rather hit this and accelerate i'll think about prize mapping actually we'll hit you we'll hit you we'll hit you that's fine we'll do that we'll do that yeah the reception was really cool man it was really really cool and um yeah that's it as i said i was sitting there just thinking right am i am i just am i just moaning like you know is is it is it really that big a deal is it but as i said i could tell it resonated some people and it seems to be a pdcgo thing rather than a meeting which felt good because that's what i was worried about is it just me but a lot of people really seem to to to be having the same problems um dare i say they were problems but of just playing a debt and they're doing really well and then all of a sudden it just tanks and you just get the worst match ups all the time and it just it's it's deflating and it's unfun and it feels unfair and i thought okay you know it's not just me and that so i'm glad i was able to raise some light into that at least you know i really was glad about that right then this is um an interesting predicament to be in that's for sure put that on you um we have to find a turbo now because that uh that zapdos did a little bit of a do on us and got rid of it we also could fight just try and find a i need a we need a turbo what's your hp 100 we can ko you with the guard chomp this turn actually okay because i don't want to get rid of anything in hand just yet [Music] i want to see what my options are we are definitely going to boss this up that's for sure we know that let's see what happens oh we got the turbo i'll take that any day of the week my friend and we will trinity nova and get some energy on we'll get one why are you saying that you're scaring me we'll get water on you and fighting on you we'll do that that seems good thank gosh we've got the dubspace out and i'm glad i played it because yeah everyone's out to get our kids nowadays and this boy is going to save save you for it trust me uh does barcelona fee loki like must haves in my in my opinion anarchies dex managers there's so many cards out to get you nowadays when you're playing anarchists you've got i gotta have some protection you know i mean but if they do get a bunch of energy in play we can do a little bit of a stormy situation i like that i do like that uh this will go down i'm afraid but we can just god chomp one hit ko this duraladom which is nuts um and we actually will survive the zapdos attack as well let's discard free energy so i could actually just attach to this guy trump as well and just slowly build up another one another attack with it should i say oh do i go for another arcus no i need what i do need we can play roxanne oh we can rock sand them though oh we could rock sand i mean do i because here's what i'm thinking i'm thinking right because i could have game at hand here right i could i could just um attach melanie to the guard chomp and that way i'd be in a position to be able to actually get another attack off next turn with it assuming they don't just kill my starmie or do i roxanne off got one more melanie in deck oh i think i roxanne i think i do i'm gonna rock stand here roxanne bring him down to two bring him down to two they ain't got no drawing on their bench so they could uh i mean they've got the melanie that's good news um i don't think this man if he's gonna do us any real favors so i think we just do that and get ourselves i guess we'll thin draw i guess you could say i could just bench the arcus anyways it makes no difference right because we've got the starmie down i did want to get another a another uh charm to keep it a bit safer but yeah because that's that zapdos gonna do some dirt but it's fine it's fine sonic strike here's what we're here for get rid of that dorado see you later mate and we just need to get a water and a fighting and fighting i think and then we could put one water back with melanie and hopefully find a fighting energy or a training court will actually give us the opportunity to to get another one back which would be good or we haven't yet oh that could do it too that can do it no no we need the fighting oh no maybe i shouldn't have got rid of that water oh no wait maybe i should have got into the water no yeah maybe i should get rid of the water i now have to have a fighting energy that's that sucks well we've been marnied they managed to get money off of that roxanne which does suck but we still are even better if they get a ko on something here we have the right hand to follow up with which is even crazier that's assuming they get a ko here again our bosses orders would have done it and they haven't bossed yet so they kind of just have to hit this guard jump and we just have to find that fighting energy in order to pull off the attack and if not if they get a good amount of energy to play starmie could come in as well it all depends it all really depends i don't think starmie can do that much damage damage damage just yet unfortunately but they've really played their hand down this is gonna be interesting this is gonna be very interesting oh it all comes to next turn we have one training caught in here as well we have two we played two so we still have the training call advantage we could retreat to a patooth even all right so that's 15 150 sorry 150 damage with the starmie which isn't enough to get the ko okay okay other than having boss though like you know what i was like i'll talk about having a bosses order are gonna be slim right they ain't gonna have a boss like that oh we got the fighting energy anyway absolutely clutch bro thank you thank you thank you that is a gg got you coming and doing bits already i love that absolutely love that absolute aggression beautiful stuff let's go again oh we are starting this with a smile on my face because we are going to witness a deck that i do want to cover soon and it's going to be very interesting to see how it plays against me here especially with me having manafee and you'll see why in a second uh i think we just get rid of so this this is a this is a typical pdcg starting hand isn't it nothing new here right we just got a a handful of garbage for the absolute garbage term one i'm getting over it now i've already had my breakdown because of it i'm i'm i'm gonna deal with it do what i can and if we lose tell you what we know why at the end of the day obviously assuming that it's not on my own part so we're playing litigant the his hawaiian it's the weigh-in that's why i saw and i'm saying that uh litigants that's um deck which has the um topic coco's attack 20 to all the pokemon on your opponent's side of the fields and of course you can then just fret back onto the bench which is pretty cool as well and they've got lunala and even all beetle so beto i guess can bypass the manafee but uh yeah they're just gonna oh and they got the crowbar play too fair play to them and they didn't start this on the bench so they can't really do anything this term which is good that is good and i'll tell you what i'm going hella aggressive i'm just gonna research i think next turn i don't think i'm gonna mess about here because i just want to get a trinity charge off at least yeah okay news who cares about you or do i just go for this and yeah you know i'm gonna take my time i'm gonna take my time i think getting the mana feed down is what it's all about so i think we take it slow here and i will actually moni i think this isn't gonna be so much about using a guard i think the guard chops gonna be great for getting these crowbars and this is why i wanted to see how car trump fared with this just like you know with the kobats and stuff that are being played it just takes advantage of that which is nuts okay let's get rid of i think we'll get rid of a quick ball here and we will get ourselves a do we get the doof down do we go for a guard chomp now [Music] i think we bedoof here something i was thinking of using actually do you know what no we won't do that we're just gonna pass do that and pass i think yeah we'll try we'll try to play the big brain game we'll try we'll try and big brain it today all right but we'll give it a go we'll give it a go um yeah i was thinking of doing that and then actually using starburst to just get the manatee down as well just to advance the board a lot quicker but i think we're okay i'd rather start birth for well let's say this happens martini and we lose our turbos we'll have a starburst for that considering that he dio doesn't like me finding turbos which is i've clearly come to to be aware of now which sucks today is what it is should stop throwing lottos in my deck i should just play it if i play double turbos in my deck probably should just throw four lottos in there and each one of them will fail because it's just the way it is anyway uh they're going to start with their beetle they're doing some damage on the board but again you're doing nothing with this bad boy absolutely nothing and we also know it was very important as well as we take out the cosmogs when they go down because they want to get luna out so as soon as the cosmos goes down we want to target that asap we just want to go on absolutely gone miltank yeah fraud that's fine we've got a guard chomp we don't need you don't need to worry about that we're gonna worry about your mill tanks come off it i love this i absolutely love this okay we're gonna go and do that and get ourselves a car chomp down and i think i i'm gonna boss this turn with trinity nova for a i'll get the turbo obviously and do i go for do i get a research in hand for next term i think i do and just uh well i could do i have melon i could melanie melanie could be really good too although we haven't got that much draw power to to utilize it fully so i think i think i'll get i think i'll get the research let me bust up the crowbar and take it out i know i did just say that that's good for us to ko with the guard chomp but we got the option to take it out now i don't see why not you know get rid of it get it out of here charge up the big chompy boy beautiful stuff i think i might need some more energy in this deck i feel like i'm really playing with fire i really do you know but we have like two energy recyclers in here you know just use the guard chomp retreat recycle put it back onto the guard chomp you know what i'm saying that's that that's kind of the loop i'm looking for i guess you could say it's like right just just go with a guard chomp take someone out or do a hit retreat recycle go again take two you're not saying i am yeah man if you're frauds how dare you use a card that i'm also using to get back at you right we have to take that out then um and try and stop them from getting out getting out again which means that bosses are going to be even more important and they've got the mil tank coming up now and the tank is coming to get me ah it's coming to bite me oh please oh eerie bean that's gonna come out soon as well hey i'll tell you what that's bruh you're doing bits bro you're doing bits i give you that sir i'll give you that um okay then [Music] one one could say this is an interesting scenario but uh like to boss the manatee this turn my friend that'd be nice if i could just get a boss off of this that'd be lovely oh we got it i'm just getting the love today okay all right seems like you heard me you saw my little video there tpci that he saw me as i let me track down his id quickly i'm gonna track down his player id i'm gonna make sure he gets the games of his life yeah i don't even complain and know more about rpd cgo i don't know what i'm doing man listen i'm having a good time having a good time you could tell you could probably tell why i decided to pay an arceus deck today huh you could tell man sitting there like yeah i've had a rough day let's just do let's just do an arc it's like it's like you know you never just you've had a bad day you just you want to take away you just get yourself a takeaway you're just like i'm going to treat myself i've had a half day i'm going to binge on junk aunkies [Music] comes to save the day we'll have some more um non-price road coming out soon as well i've got a few decks already in the work that are kind of nutty kind of fun and different which is nice as well um be nice to get a hit on one of these all beetles as well but i don't expect that i do expect them to go for a nil tank again and may force us to dig for a boss a bit more um but you know as long as we get that boss we'll find ourselves in a better position because we should we want to win this game oh yeah fraud you got you you got it back how dare you god damn it oh no yeah yeah i see i see i understand uh me comprende um well i think we do that i was planning to attach that to the guard chomp we need another boss's orders again we need another boss lads that's not what we're looking for well marnie this turn oh this this this arceus is going to go down and i don't want that there's the boss okay so your hp right now is currently 80 you're hitting 110 so you will ko this which means i probably should just retreat into something maybe a dance boss why didn't i even play the dumb splash why are you there did i bench you for some reason i don't know my memory is just not there it's not it's all there i'll i'll retreat to the dance bass and force them to work a little bit harder if they want to cater this arceus um we could always just build up another one no we can't i've got two arcades somewhat uh ones in the discard pile so i guess i could just i don't know i don't know um but the boss in hand is good i like that i like that we've got the boss in hand i'll take that uh i would like an ultrabook so i want to get rid of all this fodder all this stuff here that's just kind of chilling you know oh they're going for the manafee now here we are here we go this is it this is it do i promote you you got free retreat so it's fine to promote to you [Music] okay i feel like we have to kind of brute force our way and it's going to take three turns to take out one of those or beatles for game right gus take out the manathi i have to take out the mana because the middle tank is blocking right i can't just carry this mill tank means i have to boss and i could just hit it for the 120 dragon claw can't i don't have to i don't have to discard my energy that's what i was worried about sorry about getting rid of my energy but i can't just boss you up i'll bench you give me some cards take you out with the dragon claw and then they have to again recover it in order to get what they want and we just got a snipe both the barrel and the lilligant for game which we can do there's dance boss yeah they scoot i think we had it i think we played that one well that was tough that was tough let's go for another now unfortunately the final game for this episode did corrupt as you could tell by the gaping gap in my editing software i'm not sure exactly what happened here but regardless we did actually get another dub which was pretty cool and we did decide to go to the list where i actually decided to switch out some of the cards for the switching carts and the new one in astro radiance we're just going to cut to that clip because that's that's when it just started decided to record again so we're just going to go from there i guess so we'll leave it there right no not switching switch please yeah stop giving me some nonsense oh we've even got the switch car yeah i've got switch cart in there love it absolutely um yeah this is definitely the build uh maybe some more energy maybe you go down on one of the recyclers and just get some more energy into the deck i would like maybe five five instead it's a lot of energy counts but um i think it's all right once you get the rxv start out you know you don't need to worry so much about that stuff it just comes from the deck into play anyway so i think you can be a bit aggressive on that stuff so maybe cut out what could you get rid of here oh it's it's it was an interesting conversation you could go maybe cut one of the switch cards i don't know let me know in the comments what would you cut because i think adding one more um fighting in one more water would be good in this deck just to you know if you get if you get a couple turns with the arcus you can accelerate to multiple guard chomps and that'd be really good i think so yeah i think that'd be pretty solid so yeah this is the list definitely do try it out uh this is nuts i can't lie the garchomp oppression is crazy it is absolutely not almost mad as you can actually kind of tech this around you could do others fighting stuff you could do some sort of counterbalance there can just include the garchomp anyway because it kind of fits like that but on its own really really good really strong really powerful and really oppressive which is nuts but yeah that said of course if you like if you didn't enjoy please do subscribe for more and we're gonna have a lot more nutty decks coming out soon that's for sure so stay tuned for it take care of yourself though and i'll see in the next one peace
Channel: ForTheWinTCG
Views: 5,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ftw, ftwtcg, forthewintcg, pokemon, tcg, tcgo, ptcgo, trading, card, game, gameplay, pokemon tcg online gameplay, consistent deck, new deck, busted, broken, busted combo, combo, actually good, cheap deck, good cheap deck, new deck 2021, V deck, Vmax deck, Rogue Deck, mill deck, good mill deck, new rogue deck, good deck new set, meta deck, new pokemon set, sword and shield, garchomp v, garchomp deck, astral radiance, garchomp arceus vstar deck, garchomp vstar, cynthia, pokemon cards
Id: y6YPkX6O_5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 50sec (1550 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2022
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