"No Pain, No Gain!" - Minister Tye Tribbett

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buddy let's tap our hands with Jesus everybody yeah the pastor came in to dream life is my first time calling your dream life praise the Lord dream light that feels good praise the Lord dream life let's let the song go to the Lord I love you forever reachable to say I love you you talking to who you talk about yeah I may make mistakes here y'all forever I may sleep in for some time only if you really love the Lord raise your voices singer today Oh and will worship forever we were any washable today yeah forever we'll give you everything inertia beauties we worship don't sing this song with me it goes like this glory I see y'all come on sing Olivia glory to God let me read you glory to God forever three blocks glory to God I can take it glory to glory whatever I keep growing on TMZ tonight yes I can't I can to give the Haggar Little Pill to leave out the the true name with it where when it to me well yeah lots and quiet for me babe Jesus yeah look at you y'all got come on come on Sega's you say Oh forever Hey yes we do yeah only if you love him singing I made the wrong town your practice right now without the cheese here we go whoa I feel so only Jesus lovers make some noise right here I Love You Lord I need you Lord and I trust you I trust him the reason why I chosen because if they did it before nevermind I'm sorry I'm not here to sing second guy right now has he ever brought anybody out before if he's never been aware you can be quiet but if you know that it was him that brought you out the last one I trust him in this situation cuz he's the same guy my problem change but I got the same guy my issue change but I got the same guy I'm not singing that y'all wait for me to do it now we might do it later y'all stick around I might do it at the end we might but we're here to talk tonight also happy to be here giving out of the dr. King and lady Litton y'all I love you all so much pop get my pop I love you man I'm always here anytime you call that's out of the men and women of God a dream life it's all my family here I love y'all so much I'm not gonna keep y'all y'all kids got school tomorrow so let me other pencils like a man get us out of here so let's get y'all out of here father we thank you for your word let it fall on the ground in the name of Jesus let none leave here the same way we came is our prayer we speak with the power of the tongue that this is a night of change not of deliverance a night of breakthrough a night of provision and salvation and healing in the name of Jesus speak through your servant now I decrease that you may increase Lord let them hear what you have to say and not ties ideas in the name of Jesus everybody say Amen I longer sit on down y'all can sit on down whom do you well I feel like singing for some reason I say damn this ceiling I'm in writing mode so we I'm writing for the next album now so I'm like real well thank you god bless you now don't burn this album make sure you buy this one okay because I hate pop this woman came to me she was like oh my god that's all if it no he turned it he turned it I listened to that every day every day run every day when I work out I'm like wild bless you got thank you god bless you every day I listen to he turn to I ask my kids my kids know every day every day she going off right all right well thank you so she told me her process which was her mistake she said I wake up throwing my gym clothes I put on you two I go to you - I'll stop as I know you ain't right 99 6 come on she was all height for stealing my song anyway we're gonna have a good time tonight it feels good to be a dream right it feels it feels free it feels good it feels different and I'm glad to be here again thank you for the welcome home we're gonna go to a familiar script I'm not gonna keep you all night won't give you I'm good to see so many young people tonight everybody that feels young say hey I want to give no age bracket I want to leave you all out and offends you so Romans 8:18 very familiar everybody very familiar let's go there Romans 8:18 says for I reckon that the sufferings of this present time everybody say just this present time say it ain't always it's just this present time for I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us New Living Translation says yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal in us later can you imagine that what you're going through now is nothing in comparison to what's about to hit your life in this next season not quiet on this I would appraise Section eight I need to know right now perhaps on one side that you preach do I need to know what their praise exit is that I said dream life can you imagine that the thing you're going through right now is nothing compared to what's about to hit your life in the next season it's nothing I want to preach from the subject really quick or a hopeless quick my dad used to always say quick and it before I was later we just getting out cycle making promises but I'm gonna child out of here no pain no gain no pain no gain I love this because my wife and I are kind of flirting with the idea of having another child right I actually offer no money or no babies and it's my business I'm sure but the crazy part to me was she brought it up so don't say this y'all don't tweet it on cuz I won right why are you telling on business everywhere you go that's why I like when you preach good anyway Oh transparent my sister she brought it up and we decided after our last daughter that's it she lost a lot of blood she was in there and sing we know she's gonna make it she's getting a little older now you know I mean we like y'all know more kids well she actually told me I ain't doing this again I said back I got you a problem nobody so for her to be like what you think about possibly like having and you know like what because we're looking at our kids now we love my kids eight and eight eight and 12 years old we love our daughters oh my god they're gonna my point is I was surprised I mother shout really I was surprised that she forgot the pain the pain was so unbearable at the moment that sauce she made a permanent decision but the glory that came after named Austin the glory that came after came Lincoln the glory outweighed the pain so much that she down to try it again what I'll tell you is God is about to bless you so that the pain you went through won't matter you'll be down to try to get I couldn't believe it I could not believe it said om2 the G she's literally fixing her mind around the fact that we could possibly try for another child C we are naturally wired we are naturally wired to go away from pain towards pleasure it's natural we're naturally wired ha let lujah to go away from pain towards pleasure the reason why your child will touch the hot stove once it's because they feel that pain and they will never go towards paying again we are naturally wired to go away from pain if something is painful we are naturally wired to go away from it but when it comes to the kingdom of God we can't avoid it matter of fact it's the process it's the protocol okay oh yeah I just get a whirl top to pop I know when we talk about that dream life don't play me out it's the protocol what's the protocol to joy they that sow in tears so you can't skip the pain y'all quiet man yeah you cannot skip the process I know we don't like this so far but just listen to what I'm saying even in the Declaration of Independence I know I'm moving kind of quickly but I told pastor Ken I said pastor he said I said anybody else singing after this he said they can if you want to say no I forgot this Wednesday night you feel like it's Sunday morning so I got this whole thing like a Sunday morning presentation I'm like it's Wednesday night you got to move it bro move it so I'm moving it y'all hoping a moving the Declaration of Independence states this all men created equal we have the we all have the unalienable right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness that's the thrust of the American culture that's that we were grounded on you have a right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness that's true that's right but for the believer it's just curved a little differently all right you have a right to life right as in him we live so it's in him all right Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life life life so we have life in him If any man be in Christ he is a new creature old things are passed away all things are become new so if I'm a Kingdom citizen i forfeit our forfeiting my right to be an individual I belong to him now so we had that right to life through him to Liberty you have a right to Liberty the Bible says where the Spirit of the Lord is come on y'all there is Liberty we're not talking about your Liberty with someone with the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty into the pursuit of happiness now when you become a kingdom citizen the question is whose happiness this is whose happiness are you pursuing because this culture encourages self happiness when the proper oh my gosh when the proper protocol is the light yourself in he'll seek you first are you understand what I'm saying so what so so whose happiness now the Bible is very very clear it says it in Psalms it says in Revelations 11 that God created all things for his pleasure so everybody say I was created true please God I'm just going right now this ain't even no sure the Bible is very clear from Genesis to Revelation that we were created because it pleased God nobody was in heaven like me I want to go to earth so bad I don't want to be a baby so bad nobody desired earth God chose you because it brought him pleasure I understand about saying so your primary reason for existence is to please God this is hurting a lot of people already and I know y'all want me to talk about other stuff but I cannot this is a kingdom so so your primary purpose for existence is to bring pleasure to God not yourself oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god and this culture is so countered that it don't make sense everything is about us in this culture everything my Instagram page how many likes did I did who's following me how many follows haha who commented on my pic people's identity oh gosh oh don't you want to go there huh I'm not talking against social media I love social media but the world is so warped that your identity is wrapped up in the response of the social media I got people that called me hey time what's up man you're you good yeah I'm good you sleep nah you saw my pic yeah I saw it but why don't you like it I understand cuz their value is in the number of lights that they get I know the young people I'm coming for y'all in a minute I'm just talking to the young people real quick I'm coming all the young people I'm coming for you all right pops it all right I got your pop it's on my Instagram but I'm coming right back for you do not let your value be in the number of likes you get or don't get watch this so your purpose is that please got so much so that Timothy I believe says I believe it says who I love this scripture it says no man that worid is concerned about the cares of everyday life that he may please the one did you do that that he may please the one that chose him to be soldier so nobody that goes to war is concerned with everyday life cuz you're not pleasing the one that chose you did y'all hear what I just said so when you go to the army they give you a house what size busted my preaching to the short one other order but a long yellow one when you go to the army they give you a house they give you a car they give you clothes they give you socks they give you anything you need they give it to you cuz you have to please the one that chose you what are you saying huh the reason why I got all my gosh the reason why God blesses you is to free you up to please him more any blessing you get you should say thank you God how can I please you more because the reason why you gave it to me and so I won't be worrying about it and I can please you if you got a raise thank you God how can I please you more if you restored to thank you God how can I please you more if it brings you out thank you God how can I please you more but with every blessing we think about how we can please ourselves it has to be switched there's a school of thought there's a term called hedonism do you all know about that so I'll explain it y'all God explained it seems like hedonism is the school of thought that teaches that our happiness or pleasure is the highest good hedonism it's a school of thought that teaches that our happiness or our pleasure is the highest good that's the that's the best that's the highest good you can do to yourself so much so that good in the supreme I mean happiness is the Supreme Court of our lives people will be dead wrong and you know what we'll say long as they happy you're quiet I can't preach to this church nevermind I'll come back next week happiness is the be-all end-all if they happy leave malone long is she happy you know she was you know she was the wrong dude he don't beat up the last four girlfriends but leave her alone she happy then when she come to church with sunglasses on the two black guys happiness does not have the final say in our lives we use that as a judgment of whether we're in God's will or not if you're happy it must be God's will no cuz I have been happy doing wrong happiness is not the Supreme Court of our lives guess what else is not our peace oh I love peace it's not Pacifica long as you got peace about it you good you got no coz I know people oh I know people I want y'all to judge my surroundings I know people who have did some things in the street cuz somebody did something at a crew so they retaliated and they slept peacefully that night so my peace could not be the be-all end-all it's not the Supreme Court of my life and guess what else is not your heart just follow your heart Jeremiah 17:9 what I say the human heart is the most deceitful of all things and desperately wicked who really knows how bad it is that's the New Living Translation follow your heart desperately wicked it's not just wicked it's desperately wicked yeah I can't preacher the church tomorrow we got all of these things out what I'm saying is the Word of God should be the supreme quarter of our lives not your happiness not your peace not your heart follow your heart now how many all have followed your heart and landed in places you okay okay you can look at your prom date and say why did I follow my heart you can look at your baby daddy like why did I talk about y'all I don't know you I'm just saying you could why did I follow my heart I'm not sitting your heart is always wrong but I'm saying lighting up with the word and if it agrees then go with your heart line your piece up with the word if it agrees then go with your piece line your happiness up with the word if it matches then go with your happiness but that alone cannot be the be-all end-all of your life are y'all still with me alright this is why I worship and praise and prayer is so important it keeps you sensitive to God's perspective it keeps you sensitive to it gives you God's perspective it gives you prayer we know that prayer and prayer the Bible says men are always praying you should I like how Jesus talks because he doesn't make too many things mandatory cuz I grew up you gotta pray you got it you really just should that's what Jesus said this is the writing is in red so I know Jesus said the Bible don't say men better pray is it men all you should you you you really should just pray keep your spidey senses up you know spider-man and just keep your senses up alright uh and this why praise it's so important and worship it gives you God's perspective worship gives you God's perspective I say it like this praise brings got to you he inhabits the praises of his people but worship takes you up to his level Oh cuz you got to come up and worship ya got gonna maybe talk about it I'm a ticket she will you pray can I talk about this for a few minutes just a few minutes it's not my main point I'm gonna talk about this and I'm gonna keep moving but I'm full of this message right here praise and worship it's not an upbeat and slow song never mind let me ah you know let's praise God and the guy now let's work it's not it's not you cannot you cannot minimize praise and worship to a temple it's now now we understand the modern day culture I'm not condemning anybody or anything but understand those words in and of itself is not they're not even songs praise and worship are not even songs in origin there are songs of praise there are songs that the brazier sings and there are songs of worship there are songs a worshiper sings but they in and of itself they are not songs y'all make me teach this I even want to teach you tonight praise means to speak well up to speak halia I not hearing me that's why the Bible says not let everything that can sing but let everything that has breath praise ye the Lord so the prerequisite for praise is not living right you ain't got to live right the praising I'm not saying you don't live right you ain't got to be saved appraisal you ain't got to be delivered to praise ooh y'all quiet Paula Silas was bound and they still praise them the only prerequisite for praise is breath cuz people feel like I can't praise God I did this I'm about to do this and I plan on doing that it ain't about your lifestyle it ain't about being holy it's about if you breathing you owe me at right there look at you'll never say if you breathe and praise them I don't care if you righteous or ratchet give a price I said ratchet yes I did whether you're righteous or ratchet if you're breathing you Oh God price now bring us out there how we hate call right now you know that's a form of it but that's not what it is God you are there thank you for this day you're amazing praise is that speaking well off sorry I like that jacket man oh thanks I got it from H&M this H&M right here cool man that's crazy I get crazy thanks man H&M I just praised hmm I spoke well of H&M praise means to give credit to hear me on my album you'll see keyboards Brandon Jones cuz he did it yeah so you give credit or praise to who did what so if you like my jacket this is hmm cool now when you leave me you're not thinking about me you're thinking about hmm we should plays got to the point that when people leave you they ain't thinking about you not quiet where you get that peace from God did it well you get that joy God did it where you get that understanding God did it where you get that healing somebody scream God Oh God out of stuff I got a people should know who did what in your life people should know your life credits I said people should know your life credits irony's will to go down the street but watch this the woman at the whale Jesus rocked her world she left live she went in the city come see a man and the city was like child pleases many men has you've been with anybody trying to see no more you know man this one is different this one is different she praise Jesus and they all came okay she smelled a lot of them and they all came if we speak well about Jesus they will come speak well about what he's done in your life you know what we say people come here with problems why can't wait you guys you gotta come to my church you got to come you got to come to dream lab you gotta come no tell them right don't wait till they come to the church because that's not telling them how good Jesus is let's tell them how amazing your church is but when they come to you with issues and you said you know what that happened to me too but God it's quiet over here let me go back to my praise section but let me tell you what God did for me and when you praise Him the people will come I got one more y'all ready all right then I'll move off this subject as I got me all subject oh the blind man right he was blind since birth Jesus came by healed them right so the Pharisees came and said well who healed you Jesus oh I'm sorry who Jesus where's parents get his prayers cuz rich come on y'all come here okay good good to see you ah what's your son blind since birth yes sir if it true that jesus healed him I don't know he's old enough you could ask him he grown he grown exhale they were scared to say Jesus did it cuz they were get kicked out the temple you understand so he grabs him he hold it up he crawl so they all I feel like running around this big church they went back to him and said listen did this sinner that is heathen Jesus heal you he said whether he's a sinner or not I don't know but one thing I know is I was blind you're quite over here but now see you don't need to know all the scriptures you don't need to know the Greek and Hebrew just did one thing I know good God Almighty one thing I know is ours trifling but he changed me I was raptured but now I'm righteous what look at you'll never say get your woo you don't need to know the interpretation of the Scriptures and how to break it down and the hermeneutics know I was a mess but I'm changed he kicked me up here I gotta stop preaching he picked me up turn me around and he placed my feet on solid ground look at should never say just get one thing Angela I'll feel like shouting bull sound just did one thing and you know you should tell you one thing - I'm done after this you know you should tell you one thing - people who have to listen to it your hairstylist ain't going nowhere to get that cash your barber ain't moving he gotta hear him I was on drugs man yeah I know you told me for five years you was on that's right people around you should be tired of your one thing y'all quiet never mind people should be sick of it well when she come over here she gonna tell you how she used to go to clubs when she delivered now they should be suck of it and y'all laughing but we got the other extreme nobody knows I'm being extreme but the sad part is the other extreme your barber don't know what you've been through your Baba don't know the ways he's made your barber might be surprised you in church on the Wednesday night don't look like I don't got no Barbara what do you know what I'm talking about praise be to Allah speak well uh you ain't got to be height you ain't got be excited yeah ty said praise God okay how you doing Todd good now you calm down because the bomb says I bless the world at all times if you do that everywhere you might get fired number 4 you want to have a pot yeah the manager of McDonald's will be like all for y'all fired father son holy Spain you get out you can't do that at all so please don't mean that it just means God is amazing y'all I'm telling you with the church last night it was Wednesday but it flipped my whole thing man I'm thinking different that's praise worship I'm gonna talk about this for two minutes and then end it for the eight minutes and I'm done hopefully why did I do that my dad did that and it never happens I'm sorry that's my goal I don't know wanna make it up I didn't mean to talk about this but worship so grace is not a song all right so for someone who praises God and God is amazing they have Saul to God Lord you are so amazing now I have a song of praise because I am a praiser appraiser is not a singer appraiser is not a dancer a prisoner is one who always yappin about God to the point where I can't hold it I sing now now that songs of praise who shot did y'all feel that worshiper worship we find worship according to the law first mention y'all know Allah first mention only the front row say yeah y'all know the law the front rows are yes the back rows like y'all got it uh no you got it or no according to the log first mission the first time you see a word mention whatever in scripture whatever context it means in that setting every time you see it after that it still means that in some way it still means the first meeting like the first time you see the word glory in the Bible it refers to treasure money so later in scripture you see in you know it kind of leans more towards light in exuberance but it always means treasure it never loses the first mention so you got to be careful when you say I came to give God the glory and your offering is two dollars then they get real deep past again I came to give God all the glory no you did that $20 offer ain't all the glory I'm just telling all the true vine coming at y'all I don't know so the first time we see the word worship in the Bible is Genesis 22 verse 5 jimson take your son Abraham your only son good okay I can't preach every your only Son does God have amnesia no but he does have a sea of forgetfulness he knew that Abraham had another son named Ishmael I'm gonna go down the street or anyway so uh uh so mm-hmm so uh he said take your only son he says say I don't want to grab that I can't go down that Street I'm gonna keep going good God the mighty but I'm doesn't matter what you do in your will once you do it God's Way he forgets what you did on your own once you do it the right way he forgets the wrong way y'all quiet all right never mind I can't unpack that take your son kill him your only son that you love look at this take your only son that you love and kill him Abraham's going up the mountain y'all stay here he said me and my son are going to go worship no choir no praise team no band no strings no slow songs so worship can mean that he's going up the mountain and as soon as I dad they're dead um I see the fire check I see the dirt uh um one check but where's the sacrifice how can we worship without sacrifice worship means it always includes sacrifice it's quiet now it's quiet you think you're worshipper cuz you cry no no no no no no no you feel the presence when you cry true worshipers sacrifice what they love and give to the one who's worth it worth it worth it worship when God is requiring something of me even though I love it I sacrifice it for him that's worship no song has to be sung when I killed God when I killed something that he asks for my arrogance my arrogance my swag my lust my relationships that I love I can't appreciate it no more man when you kill the thing you love because he asks for it that's worship even though I love this thing you're worth it worth are y'all quiet and then in the Bible days they killed something they put the blood on her on the seat and when God received their worship the glory cloud filled the house we have all these worship songs but nothing's dead and we wonder where the glory cloud is the altar is a bloody place the altar is a place of separation I don't I didn't even want to preach this tonight man it's a bloody place it's a place of separation and sacrifice of things we are attached to because you're supposed to bring a lamb let's say a lamb without spot or wrinkle you're supposed to bring the first leg of the fly so that means when the first one is born you take it you nurture it you take care of it you make sure it's taken care of all the other flock outside this one inside I'm taking care of this one this one is close to me I named it this is I don't know Bambi now God says give it to me you like the thing I nurtured the thing I held closest to me I told him the thing that I valued most kill it I saw Spartacus one day on Showtime they were killing a goat and the goat they was sacrificing the goat pastor Ken and I don't it was funny at one point but then I got real serious good I got a revelation they put a close-up on the goats eyes and it goes like his eyes was real it was personified like what are you doing the goal was I said I thought we was cool I laughed at it but I got a revelation he said ty all sacrifice makes noise God says separate from that relationship what's up baby what happened what that's just no sacrifice is going to die without making noise if God says preserve your body for marriage and stop having sex if you have been active your body won't be like all sacrifice makes noise I don't care how loud it screams and that's worship that's worship to sacrifice to the one who's worth is you don't even look at what you lost oh now I'm back to no pain no gain thank you God you don't even look at what you lost because of what you gained I'm not hearing what I'm saying what store do y'all like store store Macy's cool Macy's you go to Macy's you get a button up it's 20 it's $10 you give them a 20 they give you a 10 bag you don't say I had a 20 but now it's a 10 I lost tag nobody cries over what they lost at Macy's because what they gained for our ways what they sacrificed stop crying over what God has asked you to sacrifice and start looking at the glory that comes after the suffering Oh y'all hear what I'm saying you may have suffering in this present time but I'm here to tell you the glory that's coming I'm almost done man I didn't even know where that streak came from praise worship is not songs speaking well in his sacrificing now that I live a life of sacrifice I always give up my attitude every time somebody get smart with me worship I don't do it I kill that attitude that's worship some of y'all worshipping and don't even know it you don't think you worship because you're not singing but when you like when you swallow that arrogance and not respond and anger you you subside that anger that's worship you killed something you want it nevermind just a life of worship is now I can't wait to get to the church to sing a life of worship is a life of giving up to the one who's worth it and now when I'm doing that songs come from that place now songs come from that place like you are good Holly I don't know what's oscar can't be without you I won't last without you I need you songs come from that place because you are Alpha and Omega because there are worshiper first and then songs of worship people get all hallelujah because somebody just lift your hands and give thanks right here from your heart of worship who shut up I do Shia I honor you God with sacrifice I honor you with the giving up all cuz your worth of God and you deserve my sacrifice Lord you decide to sacrifice Jesus it is have a Jesus who by bachi a G's I give it all to you serving to all to you because only you you deserve it all I give it all to you surrender all to you because all your you deserve it all I get it all surrender all to you oh sure because all you you deserve it all I'll put that on my album man like that get it out too serve inderal to you because all you you deserve you deserve it ah you deserve it only you shut up yeah Jesus he deserves it God doesn't need your praise he deserves it if you don't praise the rocks of cria he don't need your praise but he deserves he deserves your worship we go through a lot of affliction the Bible says many are the afflictions are my clothes many are the afflictions of the righteous afflictions mental pressure that's affliction it's not just sicknesses mental anguish mental pressure it's what Jesus experienced in the Garden of Gethsemane affliction it's not just disease and sickness affliction is mental Russia mental anguish stress the Bible says many are the mental pressures not at the center righteous God aren't you glad you leave us in that state but God delivers us a you showed up on them I've learned that pain is the process of victory Oh y'all hear what I'm saying paid isn't the ingredients of victory and we think if we experience pain we're on the wrong path not so pain is in the process i sow in tears i reap in joy Hayami we've been may endure for a night but after the pain joy comes in the morning many cannot endure the process so we never make it to the joy part we think the pain is it is not it I came to tell dream life the pain is not it it's just the intro the jargon what I just said when I go places the scene they do be like wow they go crazy they start screaming they want water here but it did it did it did they start running around I haven't sung one note but they know what's coming next y'all quiet man they shout and praise over the intro because they know what comes after this part I want to ask dream like are there some crazy people in here that can please God in pain cuz I know what comes after this part pain is just the intro it's not the song it's just the air trap can anybody praise God in the intro you're quiet I said can it is anybody crazy enough to praise God in the intro I got one more point I want to make I could praise him in pain cuz I know what's next it's not that I like the pain but I know it's a signal to what's coming I don't enjoy suffering but I know that's the signal to glorious coming because I know the process I know this is just the intro y'all hear me the Bible says in Genesis the evening in the morning was the first day the night came first the evening and the morning was the first day night comes first y'all quiet in here night comes first and what I love about the night that when it turns midnight when a.m. comes it's a new day even though it's still dark outside it got quiet over here it may be dark in your life but it don't mean it's not a new day look at your neighbors is a new day right there I'll shut up my finances haven't changed yet my relationships hasn't changed yet my body hasn't changed yet but I know it's a new day I'm sorry somebody just say I know what comes next that's the wrong name but yeah that's somebody else to say no I cops next now y'all know imma get hype in here y'all know imma turn up in here now I can't stand people who are quiet who are I can't stand people like that I need to find somebody who's excited who understands that my glory is coming my joy is coming my peace is coming and I'll have to wait till it gets here I can rise look at your neighbor say turn up man what you crying voice a new day what you saying therefore it's a new day what you just don't answer new day turn up your plays your worship turn up your joy tell somebody else turn up man y'all got me yelling too much how many are in here like having stuff new and fresh fresh in new right I'm the type of person now once everybody did it I don't want him that's me it's a personality trait I'm not saying you're a sinner you going to hell that's time if everybody got to do J's I don't want to my weight that's me I like to be on the cutting edge I'd like to be one of the first to get it and y'all miss what I just said I like to be one of the first to get it in other words if your neighbor gotta wait til something changes the praise they too late I could praise God before it comes out I praise God before the new Troy comes out before the new piece comes out I'm gonna control your neighbor I'm on the cutting edge praise before it comes home Oh I got a pre-order I said I got a pre-order you can wait until it comes out but I got a prayer I'm sorry I'm sorry dream like I'm ready it's windy night you're tired you're tired cuz to me by the time everything changes you can see it it's play it out don't praise now you should have praised I'm a minor girl this plate-up anybody can praise when it changes I said anybody can praise when it changes but is there anybody a dream life crazy enough that while it's still dark in your life you got the old boys praise obedient rub recipe for a dozen I got one more example for you I'm going one more example present before he does it how y'all get me out here talking about this this is my last example we want to chuckle huh LeBron James I'll watch it him play a couple years ago by me heat damn back I forgot one or two they get a ball on the bran everybody into Miami Stadium life let's go bro let's go blah blah Brian life like seven seconds there Rogers trotting up the field he got the ball everybody let's go Black Rock - audience gasps Oh Trent and I was enjoying it til I got a revelation he didn't score yet but they were celebrating as if he did they were celebrating cuz he had the ball and they know what he's able to do I'm here to tell y'all tonight God's got the ball tell your David God's got the ball because I know what he's able to do I celebrate before he takes the shot I celebrate before he makes the play cuz I know what he's able to do with the ball the ball is your life the ball is your mind the ball is your finances the brawl is a relationship I'm here to tell you God's got the bar yeah yeah yeah sailor but I know what he could do with the ball look at me crazy if you want to I know that what he's able to do he's able to do exceeding importantly y'all got with me a Baba you could ask your Pig I'm just glad he got the ball I'm just glad he's in control I'm just glad he's sorry I'm sorry I'm screaming I said I wouldn't today for some of us I know what can do with the ball I know what he could do with my life I know what he could do with my heart he hasn't taken a shot yet but he got the ball and I'm not gonna wait to see what he does with it he deserves praise because of what he's done before and when they share like that it hyper Brana you need the hype gotta know quiet man bring me back on Sunday pops when they fresh y'all need the hi gonna let's go God let's go Jesus bake away let's go let's go look at you there but say let's get high let's get high let's get high let's go to clock let's pick them up ah see ya Oh whooping aah aah yeah all right I gotta go let's hi come on let's make him one of em on my behalf let's make him water he'll my party let's make him water bring me out let's make him wanna bring back dream to pass I gotta go last point yeah that's the hype of up praise whoa you say except whoa oh you say what are you doing out there got excited about moving on my behalf I said I'm doing got excited about making away from here dream life I never did this before so I know this is for this house you say stop playing stop playing I'm - guard up it's a move on my behalf I'm - uber so make away I'm having about so brave might rip your pants all right okay whoa dreamlike they all Oh dream life when I come back and I hear that I know what time it is that means somebody need God to move on a behalf and I'm hyping him up right now all right when I come back now got to do that last four let's get let's get the kids to bed turn up turn up turn up turn up turn up turn up turn up so it's to turn up the air to right here and just go like this that's all turn up turn up turn up Tara we just go all up blesses calm down please go up the tune up now come on to your back turn up turn up good right let me see you turn up come on I ride yeah all right ah all right tonight you gonna hike on up to move on your behalf dick got excited about making a way for you y'all hear me not just through your energy and your excitement get got except when I make away from them what if they doing that before I bless them watch what they do watch what they do it after I bless you job got hit and said though he slay me whoa whoa double for you homie tonight could we worship God for real oh that's worse something for real we want God to move on our behalf anytime they visited a prophet or men Agathe they need it it's an honor issue sacrifices our honor issue sacrifices our honor issue do I honor you enough to see you worth my sacrifice I can't stand now I can't stand forgive me for saying that I'm sorry forgive me I'll scratch that for my records it's sad how preachers have to say come on y'all $20 $50 line it's sad cuz I gotta try to get you into seeing God as worth it can I help y'all real quick and I'm done I'm leaving I'm leaving I'm leaving we caught him Jehovah Jireh right don't we love that part of God Jehovah Jireh my provider well that's good you come from right Abraham he saw a ram caught in the bush right but guess what y'all when Abraham saw a ram in the bush he got high percent Jehovah Jireh he's my provider but he didn't eat the RAM he gave it God provided me with something to give it got quiet I'm gonna praise ha jehovah-jireh in context is the God who gives me something to sacrifice Abraham they say look at this ran pass me the barbecue sauce he says yes I have something to give we sing Jehovah Jireh and stuffing in our pockets but that's not why I provide it I came to you so that you will have something to worship me with I gotta come back later I gave you resources whether it's your gift playing instruments singing drawing acting money I gave you resources so that you can have something to worship me with we're sitting in here and dream life with resources I don't mean just money we have resources in here that we can give to God and honor him with he gave it to you not so you can enjoy it only but so that you could have something to give him it's a night I'm not gonna put a number on it I'm not a gimmick girl I don't know how to do that people rewrite through me if I'm lying my wife be like you lying shoot I'll be practicing my poker face before I get home she still read right through me I'm not a gimmick er I don't know how to do it I hate when pastors pimp people I hate it I understand the principles of
Channel: DreamLife Worship Center
Views: 82,677
Rating: 4.9121265 out of 5
Id: 5bMKSKVMdtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 16sec (3856 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2015
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