No One Paid Attention To This Dirty Dancing Scene

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no one paid attention to this dirty dancing scene today we look at the overlooked and somewhat grimy dance scene in the movie Dirty Dancing that has become legendary over the past three decades this dance romance picture which was released on August 21st 1987 has managed to retain its status as one of the most cherished films in history it's quite astounding to think that even the actors themselves couldn't have foreseen the immense cultural impact it would have join us as we delve into the nasty behind the scenes details of Dirty Dancing from start to finish Dirty Dancing offers movie goers a heartwarming experience that is incredibly hard to replicate however behind the scenes things were quite different even if you consider yourself a devoted Dirty Dancing fan there are probably some behind the scenes tidbits you've never heard before one of the most surprising Revelations is that Patrick's suy and Jennifer Gray weren't the original choices for the lead roles imagine Dirty Dancing without these two iconic actors Believe It or Not initially Val Kilmer was supposed to play the role of Johnny castle and Sarah Jessica Parker and Sharon Stone auditioned for the role of baby it's safe to say that the casting changes worked out for the best and speaking of surprises some of your favorite scenes in the movie weren't even planned take for example the memorable Mambo rehearsal scene where baby can't stop laughing and Johnny looks annoyed that genuine laughter from Jennifer Gray and Patrick s's irritation with his co-star were not part of the script similarly the impromptu Dance Floor scene set to Love is Strange was entirely unscripted the two actors had no idea the cameras were rolling and were simply getting into character now if you've ever watched Dirty Dancing and felt a nostalgic Pang that transported you back to your Carefree summer days here's a surprising twist it wasn't summer when they filmed it the movie was shot in Virginia and North Carolina during a chilly fall and they had to resort to spray painting the leaves green to create the illusion of Summer this means that iconic lift scene in the pool was likely quite uncomfortable for the actors given the cold water so as you revisit this classic film remember that what you you see on screen is often the result of unexpected moments casting changes and Creative Solutions to less than ideal filming conditions Dirty Dancing may be a Timeless romance but its behind the-scenes story is just as fascinating as a result of the chilly filming conditions close-ups of the performers were emitted During certain scenes particularly those in the water if they had shown close-ups you might have noticed their Blue Lips which would have given away the the less than summery weather another interesting tidbit is that Patrick suy was battling a knee injury during the filming of dirty dancing in his Memoir the time of my life suy described an injury he sustained on Broadway that affected his ability to dance in the film suy had a reputation for turning down roles due to his knee injury which was severe enough to end his career however given his background as a dancer turned actor he often found it hard to resist dance Centric projects even in Dirty Dancing he had to Grapple with discomfort especially during the iconic Lake lift scene despite a serious pain attack he managed to push through a testament to his dedication to the film after the movie's success Jennifer Gray underwent a procedure that had a significant impact on her career rising to Fame in the late 80s and early '90s due to Dirty Dancing Gray decided to have rhinoplasty surgery in the early 1990s unfortunately this Choice led to complications that necessitated a second corrective surgery the changes to her appearance were so drastic that she contemplated starting over with a new identity while she ultimately decided against it the surgeries did alter her acting career trajectory when you watch Dirty Dancing you might not realize that the actors were actually older than the characters they portrayed it's common to see young adults playing teenagers in films and in this case the age difference between the actors and their characters might not have raised any eyebrows baby played by Jennifer Gray was supposed to be fresh out of high school at 18 but gray herself was 26 at the time of filming similarly Patrick suy who portrayed Johnny was 34 making him a decade older than his character despite this a age difference their performances were so convincing that it didn't detract from the film's charm interestingly Dirty Dancing almost had a completely different title the movie had a provocative title when it was first released in the late 1980s the controversial title raised concerns among censorship inspectors who suspected it might be a pornographic film fortunately the studio stood its ground and Dirty Dancing retained its title Patrick suy however didn't share the same enthusiasm for the title he once expressed his dislike for it saying I dispise the label Dirty Dancing it irritates me to no end we all battled hard to avoid calling it dirty dancing but that's what the studio chose so that's what we'll have to stick with and Market it's a testament to the film's enduring popularity that its title despite initial reservations has become synonymous with its Timeless appeal the conclusion of Dirty Dancing almost had a completely different outcome one that we might find hard to imagine today in the realm of iconic movie lines nobody puts baby in a corner ranks high on the list it's a phrase that has become ingrained in popular culture and picturing a world without it is quite a challenge surprisingly Patrick suy who portrayed Johnny actually disliked this famous line and there was serious consideration given to removing it from the film sways found the phrase to be overly cheesy and in his Memoir the time of my life he revealed his reservations saying we did a lot of rewriting for the big final scene but one line that I hated stayed in I couldn't bring myself to say nobody ever puts baby in a corner it sounded ridiculous to me however after witnessing the final product and its impact he had to acknowledge that it worked brilliantly thus the line that he initially disliked became one of the film's most memorable and cherished moments the remarkable aspect of Dirty Dancing goes beyond just its famous lines the entire film came together in a remarkably short span of time and on a modest budget in a whirlwind production the film was completed in just a little over 3 months including a mere 2 weeks for rehearsals the intricate dance routines that have become synonymous with the film were Mastered by the performers in a mere 2 weeks the filming process itself spanned 44 days and one can only imagine the hectic schedules the actors had to juggle during this time one particular scene that stands out is the climactic dancing sequence which was captured in a single or inspiring take Jennifer Gray like her character baby had a fear of the famous lft and she refused to practice it beforehand this hesitation mirroring her character's own reluctance in the movie added an extra layer of authenticity to the scene when the moment arrived to film The Lift against the odds they nailed it flawlessly in a single take this dedication and teamwork are what make Dirty Dancing a Timeless classic that continues to Captivate audiences to this day the initial expectations for Dirty Dancing were far from The Soaring success it eventually became when the film was completed on on October 27th 1986 there was a prevailing sentiment among vestan officials that it would fail test screenings revealed that a significant 39% of viewers were unaware of a subplot involving Penny played by Cynthia roads and her aborted pregnancy such concerns LED Distributors to contemplate the possibility of releasing the film directly to Home Video however the story of Dirty Dancing took a surprising turn after its debut on October 21st 1987 it received an enthusiastic reception and quickly gained popularity the film went on to gross an impressive $64 million in the United States and an astounding $170 million internationally it even received an Oscar for best original song I've Had the Time of My Life a year after its initial release further solidifying its place in cinem atic history in addition Dirty Dancing set a record for being the most popular home video rental of the Year underlining its enduring appeal the casting process for the film had its own unique twist Cynthia rhs was the first person cast in the film securing the role of Penny before any other actors were selected at that time rhs had already been making a name for herself in the entertainment industry with appearances in films like flash dance and Staying Alive alongside John Travolta Dirty Dancing was the project that catapulted her career to new heights interestingly the primary concern of the director and producers with roads was her physical attractiveness they found that her acting skills didn't quite match the part where Penny was meant to be in severe Agony as she still appeared too beautiful for the role to address this stylists had to apply Cosmetics to make her seem less glamorous and more like someone going through a difficult time rhs ultimately wrapped up her acting career on a high note by becoming the lead vocalist of the Los angelist pop group animotion a role she held until 1990 what makes Dirty Dancing particularly special is that it was largely based on the real life experiences of screenwriter Elanor bergstein bergstein's own upbringing in the 1960s served as the inspiration for the film her father was a doctor and her family originally hailed from Brooklyn just like the character baby she spent every summer in the cat skills where she engaged in various adventures and pranks mirroring the antics of baby and her sister depicted in the film interestingly bergstein acquired the nickname baby during these Catskills vacations which continued well into her 30s the film's iconic dance sequences also had a personal touch of inspiration bergstein had a memorable encounter with a dancing teacher who was considerably older than her this encounter served as the spark that ignited the creative flame leading to the development of the dance segments that would later become the heart and soul of Dirty Dancing controversy especially when it results in a fantastic film always adds an intriguing layer to the world of Cinema interestingly Dirty Dancing wasn't the first movie that brought together the the dynamic duo of sey and gray the first film in which these two actors shared the screen was Red Dawn which hit theaters in 1984 however it is said that it was during the filming of Red Dawn that the seeds of their relationship's troubles were swn some rumors suggest that this could be the reason why the producers of Dirty Dancing were initially hesitant to pair sui and gray once again despite any lingering disagreements or differences these two talented actors managed to set aside their personal issues at least long enough to create a cinematic Masterpiece that would go on to become a legendary and culturally significant film in later years Jennifer Gray reflected on their working relationship in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter she described their partnership as a mix of fearlessness and fearfulness Akin to a marriage between two opposites Patrick s's willingness to dive into any challenge contrasted with Gray's hesitance to take such risks it's an interesting Dynamic that contributed to the chemistry between their characters on screen in essence the behind the scenes tension and unique blend of personalities brought depth and authenticity to the characters they portrayed and while they may have had their moments of friction the end result as seen in Dirty Dancing was nothing short of cinematic Magic so if you'll pardon us for a moment we'll take a brief pause to appreciate the Intriguing dynamics that shaped this iconic film it might come as a bit of a surprise but Patrick suy and Jennifer Gray didn't exactly have the smoothest relationship on the set of Dirty Dancing despite their undeniable on-screen chemistry which showcased their superb acting skills there were moments of Discord behind the scenes it's been rumored that they had their share of argu arguments even before the cameras started rolling as Patrick suy recounted in his Memoirs there were indeed moments of friction especially when exhaustion set in after long days of shooting he recalled we did have a few moments of friction when we were tired after a long day of shooting she seemed to be unusually passionate at times sometimes falling into tears when someone reprimanded her and other times getting into funny moods causing us to repeat sequence es when she'd start giggling despite these occasional challenges the magic they created on screen was undeniably captivating and they became forever associated with their iconic characters Johnny and baby suy believed that the film's enduring appeal lay in its heart during an interview with AFI he shared his perspective on why Dirty Dancing had resonated with audiences for so long he said it has so much heart to me it's it's not about sensuality it's about individuals trying to discover themselves like this young dancing teacher who feels like he's nothing more than a product and this little girl who's trying to figure out who she is in a culture that limits her when she has such a wonderful perspective in some way it's all about the gorgeous quirky little Jewish girl getting the man because of what she has in her heart the sincerity and depth of the characters and their Journey struck a cord with viewers and continue to do so interestingly there was some hesitation about the film's potential success with younger audiences clear ail a well-known acne skin care company initially showed interest in sponsoring the film as a promotional partner however they ultimately declined to participate this decision was influenced by Penny's plotline in the movie which revolved around abortion during the 1960s when the film is set abortion was legal in the United States claraa still decided to back out due to the sensitive nature of Penny's storyline producers even pleaded with screenwriter Elena bergstein to remove this plotline but she adamantly refused explaining I'd love to but I can't because if I take it out everything will fall apart there's no need for baby to meet Johnny for Penny to become unable to dance for baby to learn to dance with Johnny and for her to have sexual relations with Johnny there's no plot without that bergstein's commitment to telling an authentic and complete story prevailed even in the face of potential controversy after the resounding success of the first film it's no surprise that Studios were eager to capitalize on the popularity with a sequel in the wake of the original movies Triumph Studios wasted no time in their pursuit of a follow-up they saw dollar signs and wanted to keep the momentum going in a bold move they offered offered Patrick sedy a hefty sum of $6 million to reprise his role as Johnny in the sequel however sedy who had a certain aversion to making sequels stood firm and declined the lucrative offer this decision was one that fans welcomed as suy himself recognized that trying to recreate the magic of the original would be a nearly impossible feat despite su's choice to steer clear of a sequel Hollywood went ahead and made one anyway this sequ titled Dirty Dancing Havana kns hit the screens in 2004 a staggering 17 years after the original's release although it was builded as a reimagining of the original it fell far short of capturing the same enchantment and charm that had made the first film so beloved in terms of the production itself filming Dirty Dancing was like a Non-Stop party the objective of the extensive dance sequences was to create an authentic party at atmosphere to achieve this director Emil ardolino organized almost daily Gatherings that were in essence parties dance rehearsals often evolved into disco celebrations with the ensemble cast indulging in both drinks and dancing to unwind after their hard work this strategy not only fostered a sense of camaraderie among the cast but also established a more relaxed and jovial environment on set it encouraged the actors to improvise and let their creativity flow while the cameras were rolling resulting in some memorable moments on screen so in a way the 247th party atmosphere during filming contributed to the overall liveliness and authenticity of the movie it's a testament to the fun and spirited approach that went into the making of Dirty Dancing which has undoubtedly played a part in its lasting appeal don't forget to leave a like And subscribe to the channel for more thanks for watching
Channel: Golden Rewind
Views: 585,793
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Keywords: celebrity, hollywood celebrities, 70s celebrities, 1960s, 1970s, celebrities then vs now, then vs now, julie andrews now, Julie Andrews, how they look now, old hollywood celebrities, golden age
Id: 8efwBXyx7Ls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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