Donny Osmond Confesses Why You Never See His Wife

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79 to 89 professional point of view were the dark years because I had lost my career from a personal point of view I couldn't have been happier because I got married in 78 I finally found the love of my life have you ever wondered why Donnie osman's wife stays away from the spotlight well Donnie Osmond has revealed the reason why you never see his wife so let's find out the truth for more than 40 years Donnie Osmond has been happily married to his wife Debbie Osmond nevertheless we rarely see her why well before we reveal the reason let's have a look at Donnie osman's early life and his interesting love story that later shaped his life decisions his turbulent early life Donnie Osmond was born in Ain Utah on December 9th 1957 and started singing at quite a young age alongside his siblings the Osman Brothers Donnie and his family had a clean-cut image thanks to their upbringing in the Church of Jesus Christ Christ of Latter-day Saints Donnie was just 5 years old when he got his big break alongside his older brothers on The Andy Williams Show in 1963 they sang their hearts out on that popular variety show throughout the 60s then as they grew up they hit the road touring the world as a five member group can you believe they sold more than 80 million records in just one year it's incredible but their dad wasn't too keen on them going the rock and roll route he was a staunch Mormon and had his reservations about rock music but eventually he came around when he saw his sons performing as a pop band instead later Donnie became particularly well known for his collaboration with his only sister on the popular 70s variety show Donnie and Marie but it was the success of his singles puppy love and Goa away little girl that made him a fixture on the cover of Tiger Beat magazine and earned him the Adoration of teen girls around the globe he later recalled I remember being chased a lot mostly in England it was Osman Mania over there he once even had to hide under a table in a restaurant because there were so many screaming fans rushing after him Donnie Osmond was lonely during his teenage years but you know despite all the fame and excitement Donnie still felt like something was missing in an interview in 2021 he admitted that being a superstar wasn't all it was cracked up to be he said I had all those fans screaming my name at concerts in the 70s but when the lights dimmed and the noise faded I felt so alone hotel rooms and tour buses can be pretty quiet places loneliness hit him hard Donnie found solace in the music of another Young Star Justin Bieber especially in his song Lonely he opened up to people saying I remember those moments curled up tears streaming down my face feeling like the loneliest person in the world so I get what Justin's was going through it was a tough time he admitted but it made him realize he had to take care of himself he vividly recalled a moment with his brother Jay I poured my heart out saying Jay I'm just so lonely and he puzzled asked but Donnie you had all those fans cheering for you why feel lonely I didn't have an answer I just knew I needed someone and then Osman found exactly what he needed when Debbie came into his life like a ray of sunshine filling the empty faces with her warmth and love before we take a look at Donnie's relationship did you know that Donnie Osmond and his wife Debbie first crossed paths as teenagers Debbie was a cheerleader and quite the catch in town and get this before Donnie won her heart she was actually dating his brother Jay according to Donnie it wasn't easy winning Debbie's heart nope she was playing hard to get but Donnie didn't give up that easily he spent three whole years trying to convince her that was the one for her Donnie planned a romantic date now let us tell you about the grand gesture Donnie made for Debbie's 17th birthday it was the year 1976 and Donnie pulled out all the stops he arranged a fancy limo ride followed by a candle lit dinner at the Sundance Tree Room can you imagine anything more romantic but wait there's more Donnie had a surprise waiting for Debbie after dinner a scavenger hunt the scavenger hunt LED them to Utah Lake adding an adventurous twist to their evening but here's the thing while Donnie was busy planning these romantic surprises for her he had a little worry in the back of his mind he was a famous teenage singer and he feared that going public with his relationship might mean the end of his career so he chose to keep their romance a secret in an interview back in 2017 Donnie talked about his secret relationship with Debbie away from the prying eyes of the public he didn't want those teenage gossip magazines getting wind of it he said I dated her secretly for 3 and A2 years because I didn't want Tiger Beat magazine to find out but love knows no bounds and by the time Donnie turned 19 he knew he couldn't hide it any longer so he gathered up the courage and confessed it to his dad his dad's response there goes your career but this is ushering in your personal life and despite the odds Donnie and Debbie tied the knot in the spring of 1978 at Salt Lake City's the Church of Jesus Christ of latterday saints after Donnie and Debbie exchanged vows they had to delay their wedding reception because Donnie being the famous young love singer had a gig lined up at the Hilton so they had to wait a little longer to celebrate properly keeping their marriage a secret was no easy feat once the news got out it seemed like everyone had an opinion certainly Donnie's father wasn't the only one to disapprove of him settling down his fans boycotted him their Los Vegas show was usually a hit but after the news broke some fans weren't too happy they boycotted the event and some even said their marriage wouldn't last more than 6 months it must have been tough for Donnie to see the room only half full some nights and to make matters worse he found out that some fans were burning his records and pictures at parties can you imagine imag in being in his shoes but the challenges didn't end there poor Debbie started receiving threatening letters from fans who just couldn't accept that their Idol was off the market and then to add insult to injury Debbie stumbled upon an article claiming their marriage would be doomed because she married for money it's enough to make anyone's head spin when Donnie's wife Debbie came across those hurtful claims in the media it really tore her up inside tears streamed down her cheeks as she wondered how people could be so cruel Donnie felt her pain but also knew that dealing with criticism was part of the Fame game he comforted her reminding her of the solid foundation of their relationship you know why you married me and you know what our relationship is about it doesn't matter what anyone else says he reassured her urging her to toughen up against the harsh words of others the show was cancelled as time went on the fame of the osma began to fade despite Donnie's successful collaboration with his sister Marie audiences seemed to grow weary of their wholesome familyfriendly image the music scene was changing rapidly with disco and urban Styles taking Center Stage unfortunately the Osman found themselves out of sync with the times even their TV variety show Donnie and Marie which had enjoyed a three-year run came to an end in January 1979 just as Donnie had feared his screaming fans seemed to vanish overnight looking back Donnie couldn't help but acknowledged that maybe his dad George had a point when he disapproved of his marriage it would be another decade before Donnie scored another solo chart hit it was a challenging time for him but he remained resilient always holding on to the love and support of his family around that time Osman weren't just facing challenges in their personal life lives they were also dealing with financial struggles after losing a big chunk of their Fortune due to some bad Investments Donnie himself admitted we crashed and burned financially it's like one of those Hollywood stories where you have everything and then suddenly it's all gone they had to start from scratch rebuilding their lives piece by piece but rebuilding wasn't a walk in the park especially for Donnie he found it tough to shake off his youthful image he even described himself as uncool to the max a prisoner of my teeny bopper past as he Grew Older the industry started seeing him as a hasb been in an interview in 2022 Donnie opened up about the struggles of Breaking Free from his child star Persona he said it is a curse when you hit it big as a little kid because everyone wants to keep you in that pigeon hole it must have been incredibly challenging trying to convince people that he was more than just a teen heartthrob and if that wasn't Tough Enough Donnie faced ridicule for maintaining a clean image he didn't smoke drink or do drugs all thanks to his strict Mormon upbringing his squeaky clean reputation even became a hindrance in his career some doors closed on him simply because he didn't fit the typical Hollywood mold he was suggested to fake a scandal seeing him mocked for his clean image even his friend Michael Jackson suggested he change his name it seems like everyone had an opinion on how Donnie should navigate his career career some even went as far as advising him to get involved in a drug scandal just to appear more credible but Donnie stayed true to himself I'm so glad I didn't do it he reflects sure it might have given me some street cred for a moment but then I would have been a laughing stock instead of chasing after tabloid Fame Donnie decided to let his music do the talking he knew it wouldn't be easy but he was determined I decided long ago that I wasn't going to do it with scandals or tricks he says I was going to do it with my music and he did it it took him time but eventually his talent spoke for itself in 1982 Donnie made his Broadway debut in a musical called Little Johnny Jones but unfortunately it didn't quite hit the mark and the show closed soon after it was a tough blow for Donnie one of his lowest points he admits but just when it seemed like things couldn't get any worse Donnie found a ra of Hope in an unexpected place the musician Peter Gabriel it was the late 1980s and with Peter Gabriel's help Donnie was able to breathe new life into his music career so around that time Peter Gabriel was riding high with his Innovative rock music earning rave reviews and climbing the charts he lent a helping hand to Donnie by letting him use his studio in bath England to record his big comeback single in 1989 Donnie song Soldier of Love hit the airwaves and it was a Smash Hit reaching the impressive number two spot on the billboard pop charts and that wasn't all his next single sacred emotion also made waves climbing up to number 13 Donnie even spiced up his look a bit trying to appear a tad tougher with a leather jacket and a bit of stubble he battled with anxiety but even with all this success Donnie wasn't immune to fear when he took on the role of Joseph in a tour of Joseph in the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat he found himself battling anxiety during their Heyday Donnie and his family were known as the one take Osmond because they were so rehearsed that they nailed their performances in just one try but that Relentless pursuit of perfection took its toll on Donnie's mental health he described his anxiety as feeling like standing in the middle of a busy intersection with a speeding truck heading straight for him it's like you're standing in the middle of an intersection and here comes a massive semi right at you at 90 mph and you can't do anything about it I would walk on stage knowing I was going to die it was horrible he explained can you imagine the pressure walking onto the stage knowing you're about to face your worst fears it's enough to send shivers down anyone's spine there was one night right before a show in Minneapolis where Donnie's anxiety hit him hard he felt like he couldn't even step onto the stage but you know what his wife said to him she gave him some wise advice why don't you do yourself a favor and do the audience a favor and why don't you go out there tonight and just do an average show and you know what it turned out to be one of Donnie's best performances ever why because he gave himself permission to make mistakes the role of Joseph in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat was a big hit for Donnie he ended up doing an incredible 2,000 performances over 6 years and that was just the beginning of Donnie's Journey as a versatile Entertainer he went on to have a fantastic 11-year residency in Vegas with his sister Marie plus he showed off his dance moves on shows like Dancing with the Stars and even had a blast competing on the mass singer now when it comes to dealing with anxiety Donnie has some Sage advice just be kind to yourself he knows firsthand how easy it is to fall into feelings of desperation and depression seeking professional help was a crucial step for him there is light at the end of the tunnel he reassures but he also emphasizes that it's a journey you have to take yourself it's not always easy but with determination and the right support you can overcome it he's also found solace in songwriting especially when it comes to celebrating the idea that it's okay to mess up sometimes on his latest album there's a song called start to again that really hits home for a lot of people Donnie explains so many people have reached out to me saying your song Help Me Through tough times it's all about accepting that mistakes happen and that's okay I've been there myself it's never too late to hit the reset button and begin a new he wrote this song with Jonas myON and together they poured their hearts into it reflecting on the ups and downs of Donnie's own life and the importance of moving forward despite setback Donnie's Affair accusations before we take a look at the accusations made regarding Donnie having an affair let's try to understand how Donnie really thinks about his wife you see while Donnie has achieved a lot in his career like releasing his impressive 65th album start again his true rock is his wife Debbie together they've raised five sons and have been blessed with 12 grandchildren she is the one who has been his Rock through thick and thin when tragedy struck and Donnie's nephew passed away at a young age Debbie was there for him providing unwavering support when Donnie faced his own terrifying Health scare after injuring his spine on Dancing With the Stars it was Debbie who stood by his side helping him through surgery and the complications that followed Donnie's journey to recovery was tough for a while he couldn't walk and the fear of never being able to walk again loomed large but with Debbie's love and support along with a year of intense physical therapy and treatments Donnie eventually found his way back on his feet he credits Debbie with being his Saving Grace helping him battle through crippling bouts of anxiety Debbie is incredible he says if it weren't for her I don't know where I'd be she's been my rock through it all even in the face of Scandal Debbie stood by Donnie's side when tabloid reporters came knocking at their door in Utah accusing Donnie of having an affair with actress Crystal Bernard Debbie didn't hesitate to defend her husband with courage and determination she faced them down firmly stating no it's not true and will you please leave their relationship is built on trust and Faithfulness Donnie has always stayed true to his values he's avoided substance abuse and extramarital Affairs remaining steadfast in his commitment to his marriage and his beliefs even after more than 50 years in the spotlight but that doesn't mean he's never been tempted during his 45-year marriage to his wife Debbie Donnie admitted that there were moments when he felt the pull of Temptation working in Las Vegas known as Sin City didn't make it any easier but Donnie remained Resolute in his commitment to his wife and family he always turned down advances from fans out of respect for Debbie making it clear that he would never do anything to hurt for him it's all about finding contentment in his personal life and he doesn't even let his professional success overshadow what truly matters he's seen too many people sacrifice their personal happiness for professional success and he's determined not to fall into that trap family is the most important thing he emphasizes because when the spotlight Fades it's your loved ones who are there for you in fact spending quality time with his family is Donnie's favorite way to un wind and recharge despite his Fame he believes in staying grounded and cherishing moments with his loved ones and that's one of the reasons why you don't often see his wife and family in the spotlight they're like his Safe Haven his little Oasis away from the hustle and bustle of Fame in 2020 on Valentine's Day Donnie took to public platforms to express his gratitude for Debbie while mentioning that we decided a long time ago that we prefer to keep our personal relationship home out of the spotlight now even though Debbie isn't in the spotlight as much as Donnie they've made some sweet appearances together over the years Donnie often gives credit to Debbie for keeping their family grounded amid his hectic career Debbie has given my life stability he shared in 2022 she keeps my feet on the ground it's clear that their love and partnership have stood the test of time providing a solid foundation for Donnie as he navigates the ups and downs of Fame let his story Inspire us to cherish our own relationships and embrace the joy found in life's simple moments what do you think about Donnie Osman let us know in the comments section below and do not forget to hit that subscribe button for more video updates until next time stay tuned
Channel: Golden Rewind
Views: 479,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: celebrity, hollywood celebrities, 70s celebrities, 1960s, 1970s, celebrities then vs now, then vs now, how they look now, old hollywood celebrities, golden age, donny, marie, osmond, wife, husband
Id: ni65O9OxPxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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