No One Likes Vegans

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Oh everyone I'm vegan excuse me yeah I'm a vegan yeah I got that the first time yeah I was just saying I'm a vegan okay thanks for informing me you know being a vegan is okay I thought we could all agree but not wanting to absolutely slaughter a double cheeseburger with cheese sorry I don't know what that was we can all agree it's good for the environment you know and it makes you a way better human being you're just morally superior you're better than me I'm horrible but at least my food tastes good although are you really morally superior if you are only Chantry pulled up to my driveway to find a little girl crying you have money for the ice cream van like her friends did so I gave her enough money to get herself a nice big ice-cream with sauce sprinkle was enough flake she was so happy and soon as ice cream round her mouth that was from avocado which is a great play on words it's like being a sexy plant well but I'm sorry you know it's a nice gesture that you did for this child but you forgot one thing I usually do not do this by phlogiston propria to post this person who's claiming to be a vegan even though she waited to buy gone vegan ice cream someone else throw away the key look okay she's an animal but we wouldn't kill her if she was don't lock her up if she's an animal she should be free-range just like my eggs which I'm not vegan have I put in an omelet now this nutcase by the name of Anthony decided that he would turn somebody doing so nice for somebody into a vegan issue which in my opinion is not an issue in the first place you know it's cool and I'll doing something like that it helps the environment and lessens your impact on the world being a vegan and I fully rate the idea of being a vegan I don't write putting your ideas onto other people and acting like they are law you're not morally superior you're a tree-hugging prick her name is avocados with her v next to it you can't get any more cooler vegan than that so don't diss him Anthony I point out that Anthony also has that v next to his name it's just like vegan verified Twitter now Anthony obviously had the best intentions at heart you know he just wants to look after the planet and hate children so he directly messages I have a card home to try and figure out what she's doing you know just to check in on whether the ice cream was vegan hi I'm just sending this to ask if the ice cream van was selling vegan ice cream which would be surprising yeah it would be one surprising it's like he's already kind of in condescending about the fact that he knows but it's most likely not vegan one thing to help others is of course grace but we should of course be helping them without basically harming and killing non-human babies straight to child murder which is ironic because this is about a child who is crying I don't know about you but I don't know if a mr. whippy involves killing a cow that means if the ice cream was the typical kind you're not that typical ice cream oh you you are just like another one of those ninety-nines aren't you you like another Solero which I genuinely assume is the case it definitely would have been best to help the girl in some other way I really am hoping it was the unexpected case of the ice cream being region in which case that is awesome shut up how could you ever take that out and not realize that your life is just so so sad I bought an ice cream it's not that deep man it is that deep your scream was not vegan which he obviously is its quality to any actual vegan real veganism not those fake posers it's a severe mistake and you will be punished May I'm vegan my mum's vegan my boyfriend is vegan I'm about to push the message onto a crying child lights in the [ __ ] up you can no longer send direct messages to this person because you're insane that's why you've been blocked Yura Nutter here n decides to post her Instagram on here which although I decide with the great avocado having 22 vegan biomedical science student bloggers amateur chef my health and fitness journey Fame pounds down in your bio is an interesting choice I really love the fact that you're still pushing the fact you're a vegan though it's so hard for me you know cuz you got one person here you just put it's vegan in their bio as if it's an achievement I mean you've got a man he wants to bully children because he doesn't enjoy the Big Macs in McDonald's at 999 now you may be thinking obviously this man is insane he's in an insane asylum now and he won't be harming anybody else on Twitter because quite clearly somebody who goes this far over a crying child eating an ice cream probably should be locked up he got nearly a thousand retweets and 3000 likes vegan twitter is coming for us by the way so please support this video before they come and take all of my meat out of my fridge now you may be thinking that Anthony left it after his tie right now to be defensive though I should not I've had to worry about that I was respectful and they blocked me rather than admitting but I was right and she should not have bought the non vegan ice cream for that child because that's what it's all about isn't it that's like quintessential veganism please just tell me I'm right and I'm better than you please I will Billy you until you tell me I'm right tell me tell me I am correct he then tries to get his following to basically spam the [ __ ] out of all her accounts to try and get her to unblock him and admit that she is morally inferior I might as well just kill cows for fun which is enjoyable if you put them alongside some fries a bit ketchup now some people try and correct Anthony they try and get in there and basically point out these a bit of a nutter so you've got this tweet full of fence you're an ambassador to veganism and we've reduced you to plant-based no all of you have been reduced to plant-based and you are all an embarrassment to veganism shut up ugly ass bird that video profile stands for virgin I mean roast it's probably not the right term unless it's a roasted cabbage stew because we don't do beef I just want to point out the ratios in comparison on Anthony's tweet to the person he's replying to I think you've lost sharp yourself you ugly-ass piece of [ __ ] oh my god it's like highschool virgin vegan unanimously the same thing dude get over it it's just a child and she didn't mean any harm you can get over my post boom reg he claims to be a vegan and valued the feelings of a child over the lives of non-human animals she basically didn't mean harm by doing that so I'm in the right because at the end of the day that's all that matters right and wrong human constructs I don't think exposing people it's the best thing today but I'm truly disappointed that avocado as well cooler paid for dairy ice cream Wow you horrible bastard I admired her for her activism and positivity but her actions in private showed different sides oh my god she's not Anakin Skywalker she's not joined thus if she's not she's not killing animals she's buying ice cream for four children so just because you're a vegan means you can't make a kid's day and you know that's a valid critique because it's from David who is a V in his name I'm gonna do that now we can make their day without harming or killing non-human babies get a grip yourself David Jeannot what I beg to differ I don't think you can make people happy about killing children you're taking all this way too seriously she was nice and help the kid out that's it she bought one ice cream that was already made it's really such a small thing that you're blowing out of proportion would you say that if our choice meant the death of a human a dog or a cat there's no correlation now mark pops in who also has a V in his name another one in support have Accardo saying she's a kind and compassionate vegan with a love heart on it just want you to know that hearts are made out of human flesh or animal flesh and that is not very vegan Anthony comes back with the words I am completely right here mark so you are completely wrong I never allowed to sum up my feelings - it's our just--she's first tweet huh and last but not least if we didn't know already your mental light you are oh far more mental the good old everybody is crazy but me argument because everybody else is the mental one they're all crazy I just like eating salads have you seen the V in my name I'm good I'm in the right you should all join me and not eat ice cream this is absolutely rank if you're vegan um if you are a vegan then the best thing to do is keep it to yourself you know you shouldn't really ever go around with any belief whether it's religion or a belief in a way to live your life you shouldn't push on people it's just not cool don't push the way that you live your life with others because there's no reason for it you just make yourself look like a massive prick especially when it's about children crying as a time in a place and this really isn't the one if you enjoyed this video don't forget to leave a like subscribe if you knew it be greatly appreciated and turn the notifications on for the channel because it goes a really long way I want to say he 22 all the support recently you guys been smashing it and thank you for popping by if you do want to share this video around 20 of your vegan friends go for it and I do want to see people tweeting me where the attached for their name because we're real vegans we just push it on people by our Twitter accounts I'll see you guys next time peace out people and have a good day [Music]
Channel: ImAllexx
Views: 829,753
Rating: 4.9063716 out of 5
Keywords: satire, veganism, vegan, veganism (diet), vegetarian, vegans, vegans are stupid, vegan diet, food, vegan gains, meat, diet, health, vegan food, healthy, lifestyle, beginner's guide to veganism, veganism bad for planet, what is veganism, how to talk about veganism, veganism good for planet, is veganism bad for you, the truth about veganism, origin of veganism, twitter, imallexx, vegan ice cream
Id: fDWL04QleQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Tue May 01 2018
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