No one knew my mom was famous

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hi I'm Brandi and I'm from Portugal you'll never believe what I had to do to get my mom to sign me up for school but before I continue please like And subscribe to our Channel I grew up with a super talented mom Not only was she a songwriter she was also a famous singer as well I used to enjoy going to Mom's concerts and cheering her on from backstage but when I was five everything changed one afternoon as mom picked me up from preschool a man dressed in all black and a mask tried to take me away luckily for me mom's bodyguards were able to rescue me but the man was never caught from that day forward mom decided to homeschool me when I was eight I was singing to one of the songs on the radio and mom walked into my room Brandy you have a beautiful voice do you think I could go up on stage and sing with you one day I'm sure you can sweetheart the next day when I woke up there was a guitar with a red bow in my bedroom with a note that said love mom while mom hired the best tutors for school work and to play the guitar I didn't have any friends unless you counted my stuffed rabbit whiskers that my mom bought me when I was 13 I begged mom to send me back to school but mom went Bonkers I knew I had to take matters into my own hands and that's exactly what I did one day I snuck into Mom's room while she was sleeping and glued all her shoes to the floor Brandy what did you do nothing mom I have no idea what you're talking about another time mom threw a party and I walked into the party dressed in a clown outfit and a full face of clown makeup Brandy what on Earth are you wearing isn't it cute mom mom was Furious she tried to get me to change but I told her I'd continue doing weird things until she allowed me to go to a school of my choice my Antics went on for over a year until one morning during breakfast mom made a big announcement hmm after much thought I have decided to send you to the school that you requested are you serious thanks Mom you're the best about a week later when I entered the classroom on my first day the kids all looked at me as though I was some type of weirdo weird bunny girl who brings a stuffed animal to school after I found my seat I was a bit excited and nervous as I was not sure of what to expect next during science class the teacher asked a question that nobody was able to answer well almost nobody Brandi would you like to have a go at it which two parts of the body continue to grow for your entire life oh that's easy the nose and the ears very good Brandy as the teacher continued with the class I answered all the questions correctly what I didn't expect was the death stares from the other students like what was I supposed to do not answer the questions who knew that weird Bugs Bunny girl was also a geek when the bell rang as I was walking through the corridor I noticed a glass case with music competition trophies while at my hiring it I bumped into someone I I'm so sorry when I looked up before me stood the cutest guy I'd ever seen not that I've seen many cute guys hey it's okay Jessie's the name and I'm Brandy before I could get any more words out someone pushed me from behind I stumbled and Jesse caught my arm you okay sunshine I wanted to see if the geeky bunny girl would have hopped away don't be a jerk Alex are you going to stop me pretty boy Jesse great the trash is taking itself out the next day during lunch I turned up my headphones to silence the teasing from the other kids just then my favorite song came on and I did what I always do belted out the lyrics like no one was listening but someone was listening you sound like a horse trying to sing opera before I could respond three girls walked over to us stuff it Alex Are You Afraid Of A little competition she sounds amazing and you know it I haven't had any real competition in three years did you check the trophies in the hallways the name of my group are on them not yours girl where did you learn to sing like that I told the girls that I was homeschooled and I had had voice lessons I skipped the part about who my mother was we've got some great news we've all decided to allow you to be a part of our singing group The acapella sorority sisters really I'd love to but you'll definitely need to get rid of that stuffed rabbit and we'll need to go shopping to upgrade your wardrobe finally I'd gotten what I've always wanted friends but it did come with a cost ever since Alex found out that I was part of Rebecca's group he did everything to make my life a living nightmare one time during class I stood up to answer a question and just as I sat down Alex put a whoopee cushion on my feet the farting sound wasn't the worst of it but the smell was awful kids at school called me fart girl for an entire week one afternoon while at the mall I bumped into someone Jesse what are you doing here just hanging out why are you coming out of the men's store uh window shopping so I heard you joined the acapella sorority sisters you heard correctly hmm are you any good find me a singing booth I'll let you be the judge of that a few minutes later we walked into a record store and the guy set up two mics for us let's make this interesting how about we do a duet the worst you can do Jesse picked the song and as the music track began to play our voices Blended beautifully by the time the song was done there was a crowd of people around us and they all cheered after Jesse and I sang I told him I had to rush to practice with the girls about two hours later I showed up at Rebecca's and the other girls were already there we practiced for about three hours before we decided to take a break do you guys are really think we could win against Alex and his boys this year we sure can now that we have our secret weapon rehearsal was totally awesome and we decided to meet a few days a week until the competition but what happened before that shook my world a few days later Angelica and I were hanging out at the mall why did you go into that store didn't you say that your dad left when you were a baby to avoid her questioning I quickly pulled Angelica over to a display window with the most gorgeous fairy wings ever aren't they amazing I'll buy us a pair and tomorrow we can wear them to school the only thing I loved more than bunnies was fairies I was super excited I tried to give Angelica her a pair of wings but she insisted that I bring them to school with me the next day as we walked into the food court we spotted Alex standing at the front of the line chatting with the cashier listen I've got to get something for my mom I'll see you at school tomorrow as I walked closer to Alex I realized that something was wrong I know it's here somewhere I watched as Alex searched his pockets in his backpack frantically while the girl behind the counter looked slightly annoyed sir if you don't have the money I have to ask you to step out of the line I gasped as I saw Alex hold on to one end of the tray and the server held the other had Alex lost it please I need this maybe I can do some dishes or something I'll pay for it that'll be 13.49 ma'am I thought Alex may have been too Macho to accept help from Brandy the weirdo but he just stood there after I paid for his food I turned to walk walk away but he held my hand gently thank you this really is uh thanks and with that he turned and walked away the next day at school I couldn't wait to show off my fairy wings but I stopped in my tracks when I saw Angelica good God who died and made her the mother of all fairies I really thought I would wear fairy wings at school like a freak I couldn't understand school kids why were they so mean to people who weren't exactly like them hey there cute fairy wings do you have another pair in there for me are you making fun of me or do you really want the wings does this look like a face that's making fun of you let's get these Wings on shall we head to class my fairy Maiden we shall that day was spectacular the teachers didn't even mind that Jesse and I wore the Wings Over time the kids stopped laughing and they were giving us compliments about the wings a few girls even asked where I bought them later that day while Jesse and I were having lunch Rebecca Trisha and Angelica walked up to us we heard what Angelica did to you this morning and we're so sorry that she did that that is not how friends act Angelica has something she wants to say to you I knew that Rebecca and Trisha were trying to do the right thing but in my heart it didn't feel right Angelica looked so embarrassed I decided to take matters into my own hands do you guys mind evangelica and I have a few minutes alone come on Angelica once away from everyone I felt as though the tension from Angelica's body just lifted we sat for a few minutes before Angelica broke the silence I'm sorry about what I did I was just so jealous of how Rebecca keeps going on about you she's my best friend but now that you're here she doesn't even act like it have you told Rebecca how you felt I wanted to come to school to make lots of friends and have new experiences I haven't gotten lots of friends yet but the few friends I did have made me feel totally special can you ever forgive me for being such an idiot that's what friends do don't they they give each other Second Chances I'm going to find Rebecca hey hey yourself I just wanted to thank you again for what you did for me the other day I was taking that food home for my younger siblings I'll do that for any friend of mine friend of nothing but mean to you since day one and you still consider me a friend well maybe an associate hmm cued amazing and a sense of humor did Alex think I had a sense of humor tell me more about those younger siblings of yours always wanted siblings 30 minutes Alex and I share things about our personal lives Alex wasn't as bad as he seemed his family was just going through a rough patch right now with his mom Elle and his dad working all the time he had three younger siblings then he told me something I never would have expected reason I was so mean to you was because I saw all the attention Jessie was giving to you but why would that upset you because you know I like him what do you mean oh does anyone else know don't worry when you're ready to come out about it I'll be there to support you thank you a few days later competition night I was a nervous wreck when our name called and we stepped onto the stage I knew this was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life after we performed someone mom hadn't seen in years was waiting for me backstage invited me and I knew how important this was for you Henry what on Earth are you doing here okay okay don't go getting confused you see when I was 13 I found out that mom actually didn't write her own songs she stole them from drum roll please my dad when Dad realized mom was stealing his songs and didn't give him credit he tried to fight it but without proof mom's lawyers crushed him and in the process he lost me and his dignity you see I found out where Dad worked and that's why I chose to attend Bradford High because it was close to the mall where Dad worked I'd visit him a few days a week after school and I'd always buy a few things before leaving now it was time for Mom and Dad to settle their differences and time for mom to pay dad what was rightfully his mom I invited dad because you've kept him out of her life long enough and you also owe him for what you stole from him what's the meaning of this we're leaving if we leave now I'll tell everyone what you did and I'll never speak to you again every girl needs their father why should I be any different mom mine I'll meet you at my office 8 A.M tomorrow morning just as mom gave dad the address of her office the MC stepped towards the mic and I held my breath in this year's winners of the musical competition are the acapella sorority sisters after the competition we all went out to celebrate and the next day as promised Mom met with Dad and she gave him a check of 10 million dollars she apologized to the both of us for what she did and told us that he could visit me anytime at the house everything in my life seemed to be going great I had friends my dad was around but there was still something missing there's something I've been wanting to ask you for the longest while yes would you like to go on a date with me I thought you'd never ask
Channel: Story Time Animated
Views: 1,675,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: m_AnyAQjtZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 26 2022
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