The Story Time Animated Movie 2

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hi everyone I'm Cara also known as The Chatterbox and if you like And subscribe just maybe I'll zip my mouth which is kind of impossible since I started talking ever since I was a teeny weenie baby mommy daddy I've been laying here thinking and you know what I'm thinking we should change the color of this room pink who does pink these days that's gender color bias I've got plans first we're going I've always been a talker I spoke in complete sentences when I was just six months old and from that moment on nobody could slow me down or find my off switch I loved learning about things and sharing I talked to anyone about anything unfortunately I was the only child so I didn't have too many people to share with my parents were very busy people as I was explaining to the Cook whale sharks are not really whales look these are the gills did you know that whales have lungs instead of gills it's not even a real shark since it is only Plankton so it's called a whale shark but it's really dinner Cara but Mom you didn't even look what do you think Dad Dad you like to fish right my parents loved their phones and laptops more than me and that's why I ended up talking to all my dolls ladies and gentlemen tonight I will be performing the epic poem The Iliad please hold your applause until the very end since my parents never gave me much attention when I was at school I made the best of it I was the smartest person in my class okay children who knows the answer to this question oh me pick me I know anyone else other than Cara please I'm begging you anyone Cara once again I just read about this and the answer is actually quite long and complicated if we're gonna be talking about how big the Earth is we have to talk about atoms and if we're going to be talking about atoms we have to talk about I was so excited to share I don't know what came over me but I just couldn't stop I spoke so much that the teachers had to call my parents they rushed me to the doctor and that's when I was diagnosed with a compulsive talking disorder that's it concentrate on the breathing slowly free don't talk just breathe deeply the doctor said deep breaths would help me control my disorder but as soon as I left my body adapted did you know that there are only eight planets in our solar system and there are one hundred thousand million stars Pluto used to be a planet but it got to you listed can you believe that planets can be delisted do you know who is responsible for Poor Pluto I can tell you hold on cheese worse my parents couldn't take it any longer so the next day they sent me to live with my grandfather to say my grandfather's Farm was struggling was an understatement I know we don't have much here but anything I have is yours would you like to learn how to grow some crops maybe you'll have better luck than I've had oh yes yes yes I'd love that Grandad showed me everything I started reading more about plants I learned how to operate all the heavy duty equipment I even flew a crop duster a few times in no time our farm was filled with all sorts of gigantic vegetables and plants I read in one of my granddad's books the talking to the plants would help them grow it's the CO2 in our breath so I held full conversations with every plant and insect I could find and to my surprise something amazing happened our farm quickly became a tourist attraction and I had become quite famous for having the most beautiful crops and flowers in the whole country young lady how are you able to turn this far around so quickly oh that's easy you need good soil water and some awesome plant food oh what kind of food do you use glad you asked how much time you got every supermarket and flower shop were knocking down our doors to get our beautiful crops and then one day after so many years guess who decided to show up hey honey your mom and I saw you on the news we always knew you were a special kid are you ready to come home aren't you going to say anything is that a soapbox how dare you this is my home now all you two care about is work I'm tired of being treated like an annoyance Granddad actually listened to me when I spoke and encouraged me to use my voice and look what happened we've paid off all his debt and another thing it's been like what six years and now while I was still busy giving Mom and Dad a piece of my mind a fancy car pulled up and an older man stepped out dressed in Royal garments are you the young lady from this paper yes that's me pay no attention to these people they were just leaving young lady this is some of the most impressive florist work I've seen well ever we could use your services at the palace the king wanted us to live within the castle and headquarters and I couldn't wait to settle in [Music] and I couldn't wait to start my new job in my humongous new home but I had a lot to learn as I watered the flowers I heard a girl's voice go on speak up or you're going into that filthy water what's wrong cat got your tongue you can't even get the words out without stuttering can you you bring nothing but shame to our family hey leave the only shame that will come to your family is from the King trying to put a crown on that giant head of yours it'll be called the cranium conundrum how dare you speak to me that way I'm telling the Royal Guards are you sure you can fit that massive bringing pan through the chamber door is your majesty or shall we grease it up first thanks for for saving me I I'm Alfie oh I know who you are your majesty we've read every book about you guys for example your great-great-grandmother was allergic to mustard also her cat was gluten free did you know that your majesty his royalty Alfonso I didn't but can you put please call me Al wait a second let me get this straight you have difficulties speaking I know someone who can help from then on Alfonso and I were inseparable I taught him how to publicly speak and he taught me how to slow down and use my Gift of Gab not to drive everyone away we played games to improve the prince's vocabulary and pronunciation we lip synced karaoke together to help his stutter besides my flowers and grandfather Alfonso was the only person I wanted to be around I don't think I can give my speech for this parade what if I stutter again I'll be right there and you will be just fine thank you Kara he hugged me and some odd reason I felt butterflies in my tummy we had practiced for months on his speech and finally the day had arrived but just before Alfonso was about to go live I saw Esmeralda fiddling with some wires I knew she was up to no good what exactly are you doing Esmeralda that's your majesty to you and if you really want to know I'm going to show the country exactly how pathetic my brother is this recording of him stuttering will put him in his place if you were smart you would stay out of Royal business I couldn't let her sabotage the only friend I had if this got me kicked out then so be it I did the only thing I knew how to do well I spoke with a disguised voice of course the kingdom my father has built is being beseeched by those who wish to pursue their selfish agendas when our speech finished Alfonso was a national celebrity I can't thank you enough your sister didn't stand a chance we're a great team Al well that's what I wanted to talk to you about Kara the speech was so good my family is sending me on a world tour I'll be gone for a year oh um I'm so happy for you I'll make sure to send you a tick tock every day how about every hour I have another surprise I told my father how much you helped me and he got you into the best school in the country if anyone deserves to have their brains recognized it's you when I first met this dorky screw-up I thought of him as my kid brother as we sat by the lake and I looked into his eyes I started to think I might be falling for him just like that my best friend was gone now I was at the mercy of a little Tyrant with a gigantic head everyone was excited for my first day of school except me I was going to the richest school in the country but I wasn't Rich my clothes were not exactly designer Brands all I had going for me was my brain and big mouth but after all it's just a school I thought couldn't be that bad could it so yeah turns out plenty can go bad when you're on the wrong side of a princess the next six months was no picnic with no friends I spent my break surrounded by the only things that were nice to me the flowers that's weird I don't remember anything about a solar eclipse heads up did you know Polo balls used to be made of bamboo leather and rubber now they're all plastic still plastic can make quite an impact at over 100 miles an hour did you just ask to kiss me my horse had that pleasure not exactly how I imagined surprising you with my return let's get you some ice I could feel all the jealous girl's eyes burning holes into me as I rode off with the prince and I couldn't have cared any less it was insane how handsome he had gotten in only a year I'm sorry I didn't let you know I was back but my father has decided he will step down from his throne that's great news just looking at you I can tell you're ready to be king anyway not if my sister has anything to say about it she has the Queen on her side my mom will do anything to make Esmeralda the new Queen I gagged at the thought of her being the ruler of my country well how about we make sure that never happens deal from then on I knew I had to do everything I could to make sure Esmeralda didn't get that Throne all the girls at school were so annoying as they tried desperately to get the prince's attention I knew most of them were Esmeralda's minions who were all out to get Alfonso and create a scandal that would sabotage his chances to be king that wasn't going to happen on my watch everyone royalty coming through step back three Paces you can look but you can't touch like the sun glance and look away eventually Alfonso begged me to be his buffer I felt like one of his bodyguards as I tried to keep away the designer hyenas Cara we need to talk hear you over you over I need to ask you something I want you to be my girlfriend honestly I was just as shocked as everyone shocked [Music] I just wanted to be a simple Gardener and now I was the talk of the school the town and the country the future King's new girlfriend is what the papers would call me in the morning the truth was I was totally freaking out I was so stressed I couldn't sleep so I took a walk in my peaceful place my garden I just wanted to be with my flowers as I got closer to my garden I almost collapsed all of my flowers had been destroyed in one Fell Swoop I knew only one person who could be cruel and evil enough to do this let this serve as a warning to you servant you will never date my son and the throne will be esmeraldas I was devastated the next day I was assigned to work under the queen since the garden was destroyed I knew it was going to be bad but I was still hopeful your chore list for today that's not so bad I was blamed for for the fire in the garden even though everyone knew who was really responsible from then on the queen tried to make my life miserable little did I realize good old Granddad had my back Grandad wasted no time in helping me clear my name after he spoke to the security guards the King was furious at the Queen's actions and I was immediately given my old job back unfortunately my job description underwent a tiny change due to her majesty the queen made sure I was still the Castle's whipping girl nothing changed except now I was inside and not working outside that suited me though since this was the most important night of the royal calendar somehow I need to talk to Alfonso I can't give my speech I know I'm going to screw it up and esmerela is going to take the throne oh don't even get me started on Esmeralda and the queen I've got so many issues with them oh no oh no too late here it comes it ain't gonna be pretty I can't remember what I said but all my frustration with the queen and her evil daughter came pouring out what was supposed to be a pep talk for Alfonso turned into a roast of my two Nemesis oh you're funny and when you get on a roll nothing can stop you glad to be of service to you your majesty Alfonso you can do this I believe in you thank you and you're right I can do this come on when I opened the door to the closet I knew I had made a massive mistake oh no my microphone was on I had committed treason in front of everyone this was exactly a mockery of our country you and your grandfather will be dealt the swiftest punishment possible for your insubordination I don't know I thought it was kind of funny I thought it was rather humorous something that's been missing for many years now I beg your pardon do you remember laughing don't you some of her jokes were rather dead on do you think it's funny to say our lovely daughter has a head so large that when she wears a crown she's able to receive Transmissions from the space station [Laughter] funny yes appropriate you trust me always and what other jokes tickled you your majesty what was that one you made about the Queen's shopping habits I was just observing it's way cheaper to go shopping than to go to a therapist but her style is so bad all her handmaids are in therapy anyway it's a psychedelic shopaholic Extravaganza oozing Palooza [Laughter] you are very funny young lady it's decided you're my new court jester God's release her with a new room new job and an absolutely ridiculous costume I was feeling like the royalty I had pretended to be with all my stuffed animals all those years ago you're doomed the queen went to her lawyers and claimed his majesty was crazy for hiring a mad woman like myself she was going to make sure Esmeralda was Queen One Way or Another what are we going to do when we're going to win the day had finally come where it would be decided who would run the country Esmeralda or Alfonso I could tell straight away that Al was nervous he didn't need to worry though I had his back your honor I'll be presenting the case why bucktooth Beaver over there has no right to Prince Alfonso's throne exhibit one just look at that face objection you can say that again objection do you have in glad you asked I do have a few things to say on the matter when I finished the whole country was laughing by the end of the day I had gone viral and at the end of the next day the queen and Esmerelda were gone I had made Esmerelda and her mom even more famous than they already were not in the way they were hoping King Alfonso would go on to be a great king kind compassionate thoughtful and a tremendous public speaker turns out I got to be quite a bit more famous than I was expecting to I turned my so-called disability into my number one asset and now as Queen you better believe I've got a few things to say growing up my dad and I used to spend hours listening to his old records and sometimes he used to teach me how to play his old guitar you see honey it's not that hard yeah but you're playing for me Dad one day honey you are going to be a famous musician like I could never be oh Dad what's wrong I had a sharp pain in my ear and Dad rushed me to the doctor and after that day I lost my hearing I could no longer hear the sound of music again after some time my parents made sure that I went to the best school to help me understand sign language and lip read Mariah we are so proud of you for staying strong not many people have your strength yes you are one amazing girl you inspire me I realized that there were a lot of people like me who also had a hearing condition and they lived normal lives too but my sister Jasmine who was two years older than me started acting different maybe I should find another home since everything in this house is all once when I was in seventh grade I had a talent show for all the parents to attend my school the Jasmine threw a huge tantrum because she had her tennis game on the same day okay I'll go to Mariah's school and Dad will come watch you Jasmine you never show up for any of mine Mom okay and I'll come for your tennis game and dad can go watch Mariah that's the thing both of you are always watching Mariah and then she took my guitar for the talent show and broke it in half and I got so mad at her that I pounced on her and then Dad pulled me away and said the most awful thing ever it's better that she got that thing broken now cause you are never going to become a musician so let's forget about that dream okay Dad what are you saying a musician is made by listening and stop Mariah let's go for a walk I looked at dad sternly as I walked out and my relationship with him changed ever since and then one morning as I made my way downstairs I saw Dad had taken a record collection and gotten rid of all the songs we used to sing together honey don't you think this is a little extreme there's no point in training her to be a musician if she can't hear the notes but Dad I can learn I can find a way to listen look it's not your fault honey but things are going to be different from now on it didn't take long for my sister to jump in and try to take my place dad I love music too yeah right you hate all of our music I can be a better musician than you and I'm prettier than her dad you girls go to your room right now for the next few months Jasmine was of royal pain Jasmine took every chance she could to rub it in my face that she was dad's new favorite the worst part is she would take my hearing aid and hide it making me late for everything one day I couldn't take it anymore I marched over to Jasmine at recess give me back my hearing aid you spoiled brat I didn't hear you say please Jasmine thought she was so funny but this time I wasn't going to take it hey somebody help I had gotten my hearing aid back but soon I was surrounded by all the adults at the park Let It Go what a wild child without my hearing aid I couldn't understand what they were saying to me I thought for sure I was going to be in big trouble until I felt a tap on my shoulder I had never seen this boy before but he was really handsome and most importantly he knew sign language are you okay I saw everything I'm Ethan I just moved from Oklahoma I believe this is yours I could tell Ethan was the perfect gentleman when he put my hearing aid back in for me I had butterflies when his hand brushed against my ear there you go that should be better thank you for helping me my sister can be a real jerk I have one of those at home too looks like we have a few things in common soon I found out he and I had more than a few things in common when I went to his house the next day it turns out Ethan's mom and dad were both hearing impaired just like me Ethan learned sign language to help them out it was so sweet when I got to his room I found out we had another thing in common Ethan loved music just as much as I did his room looked like a record store he had every album I had ever thought of even some of the ones dad and I used to listen to do you like music too I love to make music but my sister doesn't like me working on my own stuff I used to love music but it caused me a lot of problems with my family too here let me show you something I shouldn't have been surprised but Ethan was really good I thought we were listening to some famous musician on Spotify but all the songs were made by him he could be famous I had to ask him why his sister didn't allow him to pursue his passion my sister is a tick tock star and my job is to make music for her videos my whole family are her employees you're too talented to make music for some stupid Tick Tock video Ethan then all of a sudden Ethan freaked out oh no she's already home she's not going to like that you're here you should go I was confused because I had already met his parents what could make Ethan so anxious it didn't take me long to find out why hey Anna this is Mariah oh good finally they've hired another maid listen I need you to run me a hot bath and have a hot cocoa ready after also I need a facial mask but your skin is so dry I think a facial mask might be a waste of money how dare you talk to me like that I was going to speak to you like a person but I don't know if you qualify dad I want I'm Not For Hire I'm in school well you better not go to the same school I'm enrolled in because I'm going to be the queen of that school and I can make your life miserable whatever thank you for having me over your parents were lovely I made sure Anna knew that if she wanted to fight I was gonna give her a good one the only thing I didn't suspect is that Anna would play so dirty when I arrived at school the next morning I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Anna sitting with Jasmine I marched up to them to find out what was going on as much as my sister was a brat I wanted to see why she was sitting with this little devil oh wow look what the Cat Dragged In what are you doing sitting over here Jasmine and where did you get these clothes chill please stop embarrassing me my new friends bought them for me new friends that's right her cool new friends I told you that I was way cooler than anyone in this poor town your sister knows this my first day and I already had more friends than you've had in your whole life I don't care about these hanger ons I just want you to stay away from my sister I'm probably don't have an iPhone but you should know that I'm one of the biggest Teenage Tick Tock stars in the country anything I want I can get including your sister I was so angry that I wanted to hop across the lunch table and give Anna a face full of jello Jasmine these girls are no good and Mom and Dad wouldn't want you hanging out with her oh my goodness Mariah you're so embarrassing Anna is the only one who understands me she knows what it's like living with people who aren't normal my parents had never taught us to even think like that so I knew my sister was under the worst type of influence if I were you I would leave my sister alone I think I'm gonna make her my special Pet Project maybe she'll pass the test or maybe not come on girls let's go and I had made her choice now it was time to make mine I loved spending time with Ethan but I had another mission in mind hey Ethan I was wondering if you could show me how you put together the music for your sister sure Ethan and I worked on the music for hours but when Ethan went to the bathroom I made a few changes to Anna's music I knew my plan worked when my sister came into my room the next morning screaming oh my wonder who could have done that you had better not have messed up her new video Mariah when I tell her you're going to be in bigger trouble than that loser brother what happened to Ethan I found out that Anna had thrown all of Ethan's equipment away and worse than that she was going to make the whole family move as punishment my revenge had taken away everything that Ethan loved the next day when I went to Ethan's house I found him standing in the yard with all his broken equipment while Anna was lecturing him and Jasmine was there with her and I hope this is a lesson to you all not to mess with me or I'm going to be the queen of this town now bend your knee to me and maybe I'll spare your little friend's last record I knew I was in way over my head but before I knew what happened I blurted it out we should have a competition the loser has to shave their head you can beat Anna at anything I can and I will you can even pick the competition fine I'll music good luck trying to keep up to me with your disability the truth was I hadn't listened to music in years but I couldn't stand this new girl coming in and trying to ruin my life that evening I begged my parents to let Ethan stay at my house but Jasmine threw a tantrum about this too I don't want them staying in her house come on dad you know they are going to lose the talent show and we're going to be embarrassed again honey your sister is right you can't carry any notes yes I can Dad and I'll find a way to make music just as good as anyone else fine you can use the backyard with all of Ethan's equipment destroyed we had nothing to make any music for the talent show we should give up there's no way we can beat Anna in a music contest she's been training since she was a baby we have passion on our side but even at my house we weren't safe as Jasmine was spying on us and much worse she turned the sprinklers on getting all of our work soaking wet when the next morning came Ethan and I were ready to give up I had made such a stupid bet and now everyone's life was going to be turned upside down because of me come on let's get the ones we can say but when I reached down to pick up the equipment something crazy happened wow did you hear that whatever sound and I had just made sounded like something from another world I think it's your hearing aid en that sounds so cool wait a second I think I just might be able to use this when Ethan was done we had a cool electronic song that I was sure no one had heard before even better was the fact Ethan and I got much closer we even played the song for my mom you guys are going to win the talent show for sure thanks for always believing in me mom please this isn't real music real music involves instruments and notes what I didn't see was my sister Jasmine at the top of the stairs recording her music Anna hired a full band to back up her singing and here I was with my mud covered laptop before the show Ethan came up to me and gave me all the confidence I needed you are one of the most talented people I have ever met thank you for standing up for me and believing in me I know you can do this really think your silly little hearing aid sounds are going to going this competition your sister let me hear everything my band is the best money can buy and you think you can beat me I know I can do you think you can do it without your secret weapon one of Anna's friends used a magnet to snatch away my hearing aid I felt like I was in the park all those years ago but then I looked at Ethan and he sent me a sign knowing that Ethan and my mom were behind me was all I needed I couldn't hear anything as the crowd began to clap when the show started the only thing I knew is that they were loving Anna's performance she was such a jerk but when she finished the entire Auditorium were on their feet I was so nervous but I looked to my right and saw Ethan and then I saw my mom in the crowd with a sign that said go Mariah I took a deep breath and put my hand on the sound board and when I hit the first button something crazy happened I could feel the vibration going through my arm it was almost like I could feel the music without my hearing aid all my other senses were heightened I felt like I was one with the soundboard and before I knew it everyone was on their feet Anna didn't stand a chance I won the competition easily and Anna ran out of the building crying I laughed for now I would let her think she would have to shave her head but in reality I wouldn't be so cruel I'm sorry for doubting you honey I just didn't want you to experience the same failure I did Mariah doesn't think about failure she focuses on her goal and doesn't let obstacles get in the way we raised her to be strong and you forgot that even Jasmine came to me to apologize I am sorry for being so cruel to you I guess you really are cooler than Anna there's no such thing as cool Jasmine I just like to do things that I enjoy it's cool when you pursue things you love not what other people think is cool just then one of the parents came up to me that was one of the coolest DJ sets I've ever seen I'd like to sign you to my record label you have a manager in fact I might just have my very first one right here hi I'm Ellie and I have alopecia a rare condition that stops my hair from growing that's right I'm completely bald before you start feeling sorry for me I'll have you know I think it kind of makes me look cool however my mom didn't seem to think so and ever since we found out I had it she fussed over me while completely ignoring my twin sister Tessa this of course made Tessa hate me and she made it her mission to make my life difficult like this one morning I was asleep when I was jolted awake by freezing water on my face Tessa the water's freezing Ellie why are you screaming are you feeling okay I'm fine mom Tessa did you just pour water on Ellie why would you do that especially in her condition he sent me to wake her up so I did for goodness sake Mom it's just water Ally is just bald and not a fragile egg Tessa was annoying but she was right mom treated me like I was going to break any minute she was always buying oils and products she thought would heal me Ellie honey I met this woman at work who recommended some special oil that helps hair grow within a week I'm so excited for you to try it thanks for trying to help Mom but I don't need to be fixed now if you'll excuse me I'm late for school less than an hour later I walked into class busy checking my phone when I stumbled on a desk and fell right next to Tessa her Mean Girl Squad you're yours it's hard to imagine that you and I are related totally you are so much prettier Tessa Caleb should be dating you you not Ellie Caleb was my Saloon worthy boyfriend and all the popular girls hated that he was dating me you'd totally win prom king and queen I stood up and faced Tessa and her two attack dogs you know Jen you might want to fix your crooked eyebrows and eyeliner because you look like you're going for that given up on life look who did your makeup a clown the whole class laughed as my best friend Hannah stood up from her seat and high-fived me Hannah was the school rich kid but she was just as unpopular as I was oh burn you know they'll probably make you pay for that as Hannah and I laughed my phone pinged with a notification and I quickly checked it geez is your phone on fire Caleb has been ignoring my texts for three days thought that was him what a jerk are you sure he's not doing something behind your back what no way Caleb would never hurt me even though I said that confidently I couldn't help but worry so after last period I went looking for him and I found him watching Tessa strike poses on top of a pyramid formed by her cheerleader friends suddenly one of the girls knees buckled and when she went down all of them collapsed like dominoes but at the last second Caleb jumped in and caught Tessa before she hit the ground I was glad she wasn't hurt but I had to clear my throat when they stared at each other a little too long um that was impressive oh hey Ellie was something wrong do I stink why have you been ignoring my texts I texted you more than five times gee he's clinging much Caleb and Tessa's friends laughed and I stared at Caleb thinking he'd come to my defense but he stayed quiet you're such a jerk Caleb come on Ellie forget him let's go after we left the field we got into Anna's car and she drove us home I couldn't help but notice how angry she looked and I know you care about me but maybe you're overreacting are you kidding me Caleb is ignoring you and then you find him watching Tessa with a dreamy look on his face just before he saved her like a knight in shining armor also she has long hair in your bald do you mean that Caleb is playing me with Tessa because I'm bald I couldn't believe my best friend would imply such a horrible thing I'm so sorry I didn't mean I'm just upset that you can't see what's happening right under your nose you need to break up with him oh calm down what's with you today don't say I didn't warn you a few days later we were all watching TV when the doorbell rang and I opened the door to find Caleb holding a bouquet of flowers and my favorite ice cream do delivery for Ellie Davis from her adoring boyfriend thanks but no I'm still mad at you I know babe I'm so sorry I ignored your texts please let me make it up to you I'd been giving Caleb the silent treatment at school but I hadn't broken up with him like Hannah suggested honey that's so cute and those are such pretty roses forgive the poor boy babe please listen to the wise lady let me come in so we can share this ice cream oh he's such a charmer uh fine you're forgiven you can come in really yay Caleb was so happy he picked me up and spun me around I was so submitted at that moment but Tessa had a murderous look on her face a few minutes later I was enjoying the ice cream when I noticed that Caleb was typing furiously on his phone is everything okay you're texting at a hundred miles a minute everything is fine it's before he could finish talking his phone beeped and when he checked it he stood up so fast I'll be right back a few minutes later I heard shouting and when I looked out my window I saw Caleb in a heated argument with Tessa Caleb if you don't tell Ellie the truth I will you know it's wrong to keep her in the dark about this I'm begging you Tessa please don't tell her we only did it one time and it was a mistake Ellie can't find out the moment Caleb said that I saw red and ran to go confront them when I stormed out the front door Caleb and Tessa jumped apart I heard everything you both said I can't believe you could betray me like that Ellie I was going to tell you tell me what that you're so jealous of me I'm not you got this all wrong I know what I heard babe please forgive me I promise it won't happen again when Caleb tried to touch my arm I shoved him then picked up a rock and smashed his car windshield oh my God are you insane you just broke my windshield and you just broke my heart with that I ran across the street and took a shortcut to Hannah's house I really needed to see my best friend as I ran through the woods I stopped to catch my breath when something cold touched my feet I looked down to see some kind of scaly creature climbing my ankle is that just then Trent and his stepbrother appeared and started to laugh at me you're such a scaredy cat that's just my pet lizard Trent always kept it himself and was branded the school weirdo even though I'd caught him staring at me a couple of times he'd never said a single word to me until now come on you can touch her she won't bite no thanks I'm good what are you doing out in the woods anyway I'm walking my pet lizard can't say I've heard that one before glad I could make you laugh you look kind of sad what are you doing in the woods yourself well I'm taking a breather from my toxic twin sister is Hannah home yeah she's in the backyard playing Project Runway okay thanks for cheering me up see you later alligator it's a lizard when I got to Hannah's I climbed the fence and I fell into her backyard scaring Hannah who was wearing heels Ellie you scared me oh why can't you use a gate like a normal person your gate is always locked and I don't have my phone with me why are you wearing heels oh um it's nothing Ellie why are you here ouch I'm sorry that was rude I couldn't wait anymore so I told Hannah everything I'm sorry I didn't believe you it's okay I'm so glad you're done with him the next morning I walked into class and Trent's face lit up hey scaredy cat when he spoke to me everyone stared at him Trent had never said a word in class before and now there he was smiling and waiting for me to answer him hey Trent where's your pet his name is Blizzard and no I don't have him with me he hates School unlike you you named your pet lizard blizzard oh when do you talk to my weirdo stepbrother don't call him that he's your brother uh don't remind me you're being really mean and that's unlike you please apologize to him okay Saint Ellie as the days passed Trent and I started to hang out at the spot where we met in the woods and soon we started calling it our spot cute I know one afternoon we just sat when we heard giggling nearby who was that nobody ever comes here I'll go check I'm going with you I was walking behind a Trent when he stopped in his tracks turned around and took my hand Ellie I'm so sorry for what you're about to see see what them I followed Trent's gays and I froze right in front of me was Hannah and Caleb kissing I couldn't believe my eyes before Trent could stop me I rushed towards them with blind rage what the heck Hannah it's been you with this whole time I expected Hannah to be shocked or sorry but instead she turned to me and smiled yeah Ellie it was fun watching you blame Tessa you're so clueless half the time Caleb and I have been together for months now so all those times you advised me to leave Caleb you were secretly pining after him who's pining I only had to look at him once and he was mine I didn't recognize the girl standing in front of me why did you do all of this for popularity of course bag and Caleb will definitely make me new friends plus being your friend was kind of exhausting hi I'm Ellie and I'm bald and I'm smart and my boyfriend ran adores me I charged at her but Trent held me back hey she's not worth it sorry Ellie as I watched the two Judas leave I remembered oh my god I've been accusing her wrongly this whole time I have to go talk to her a few minutes later Trent and I walked into our compound and heard someone singing beautifully wow that's beautiful where is it coming from I looked around and pointed to an old tree house in our backyard up there come on let's go see we climbed up the ladder into the tree house and when we peeped I was surprised to see Tessa recording herself singing Tessa oh I had no idea you could sing so well so beautiful Ellie what are you doing here I was so nervous what if she never forgave me I came to apologize I just saw Caleb and Hannah kissing I'm really sorry for the things I said Ellie you really hurt me how could you believe I do such horrible things I thought you hated me you've barely said a word to me for years unless we're fighting it wasn't that hard to believe that especially after I overheard your argument you didn't even give me a chance to explain that argument was not about Caleb and me it was about him and Hannah days ago I caught them kissing in the library oh my God I'm sorry they did that to you but you're not so perfect either now if you'll excuse me with that Tessa put on her earphones and completely ignored me so Trent and I left the next morning I walked into class to see Caleb and Hannah holding hands Not only was Hannah wearing makeup she was dressed differently too and in heels so that's why she was practicing walking in them in her backyard Hannah with Caleb isn't she friends with Ellie the baldy yeah did you notice you turned into a diva overnight she suddenly doesn't look nerdy now you look so good Hannah congrats on bagging Caleb I'm so happy for you you're so fake Jen isn't it just last week that I saw you in Caleb's DM as days went by Tessa ignored my existence well I ignored my backstabbing best friend and my two timing boyfriend in class I moved seats and sat next to Trent Anna became Jen's BFF until one afternoon Trent and I were goofing around during lunch a few tables from us Hannah and Caleb or halib as everyone called them now seem to be in deep conversation when suddenly Hannah stood up and slapped Caleb right on his face then she dumped her lunch tray on him yo check it out Caleb fight you're such a jerk I can't help how I feel about her being with you was a mistake uh-oh is he talking about you before I could even think about what Caleb had said Jen walked towards them and shoved Hannah don't be so desperate Hannah Caleb just left you for me now scram my jaw dropped when Jen sat on Caleb's lap and proceeded to kiss him oh my God whole cafeteria went quiet as we all stared at the drama unfolding before us unable to take the humiliation Hannah ran out in tears I guess it's true what they say karma is not a lady Weeks Later much to my delight I was voted Student of the Year award goes to LEDs as I went to receive my award I smiled a Trent and hugged my mom it would have been a perfect moment except Tessa wasn't there over the last few weeks I'd apologized to her over and over she was still angry congratulations on the award thanks Mrs Peters as I walked down from the podium I got the shock of my life when Tessa walked in and everyone gasped I couldn't believe it she was completely bald Tessa what did you do I was tired of people being mean to you especially after what Caleb did now they'll have to pick on both of us I dare anyone to try us we love you for doing this I thought you hated me I don't hate you Ellie I'm jealous mom likes you better because you're smart and she fusses over you pass I'm sorry for not believing you and for being a bad sister who doesn't even know that you can sing I'll try to do better while Tessa and I hugged mom approached us Tessa deer it's so sweet of you to shave your hair to support your sister you both look beautiful and I love you both equally Tessa I heard you singing in the tree house and you have a very beautiful voice if you want to you can go to Music School on the weekends as the three of us hugged trying to approached us oh this is so sweet someone cutting onions in here shut up Trent can't you see we're having a moment I bet I could break an egg on your head welcome to my world sis and you you get a pass for that jab just because you're cute but if you try another one I'll kick your butt you think I'm cute oh Ellie entrance sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g I was so embarrassed but I couldn't keep the smile off my face hey I think you're cute too hi I'm Pearl from Australia when I was a kid it was always my pretty mom and I she owned a big farm which I used to love until one day a splash of mud from the pig dead hit my face and I went hysterical I washed my face for so long that Mom's workers got concerned Pearl do you want to scrap your face off for just a splash of mud oh dear when did you become such a neat Nick mom thought it wasn't a big deal until five years later when we went to a fancy restaurant to celebrate my 10th birthday my eyes fell to the table when I saw a food smear don't keep my cake here okay let's find another table no they're all icky and just like that I began to wipe every available surface mom and others couldn't stop me no matter how hard they tried till I fainted from exhaustion I was diagnosed with germaphobia an unhealthy fear of germs over time my condition worsened and people viewed me strangely but Mom remained my one and only bestie we still went to her Farm together though I stuck to caring for the flowers the sight and smell of them made me so happy and they fetched US money and then one day at the farm mom suddenly came to me in tears Mom what's going on Pearl we are about to lose this Farm if I I don't renew payment for the lease and I don't have the money when no one seemed willing to help us mom got the craziest idea I saw this guy on a dating app he's a vet doctor and he is crazy about my beauty if I marry him he can support me and we won't lose the farm are you thinking straight mom you can't marry someone for money worse someone from the internet he also has no ex-wife no kids perfect right oh are you sure of that you don't even know him in person not for long the next day I came back from school to find Muddy Footprints everywhere what in the world I began to clean my way inside until I ended up in the sitting room where Mom and a strange big head were smooching um welcome back sweetie meet your stepdad to be Jack just propose told me about him just yesterday we were still talking when Jack grabbed my hand just to rudely place a kiss on it nice to finally meet you I left them in a hurry to wash my hands I couldn't believe that Mom would agree to marry a man so rashly the next morning I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and my anger bubbled further when I saw Jack brushing with my toothbrush that's my my toothbrush there wasn't an extra and after all we are all going to be family right I felt like punching him all over what monkey taught you that family means sharing toothbrushes or before I could finish Jack loomed over me like a monster you holier than thou neat freak freak don't worry I will make you normal the moment I become your stepdad what's all the noise about the moment he heard Mom's voice Jack grabbed me in a choking hug nothing Pearl and I are just getting to know each other oh sweet breakfast is ready the guy was a psycho I went to school thinking of how I could rescue mom from Jack it made me so distracted that during practicals I missed my footing and fell face first into a pile of manure my classmates saw it as a perfect time to make fun of me miss too clean has just landed in cow poop I was on the verge of passing out from the horror of manure on my face when Steve our class president came and began to wipe my face clean with antibacterial wipes you all right yes thank you anyone else have something stupid to say no one dare to because as much as Steve was friendly he wasn't one to be messed with after school Steve saw me off and I felt gooey inside as we walked side by side thanks again before I could finish an old woman shoved a picture of a chihuahua in our faces have you guys seen my pup she has a small scar under her paw I would remember if I saw a cute pup like this me too well if you do please call me I'm mama G I felt really sorry for the woman so I took the poster to help her look for her pup on getting home I was shocked with the side of Jack throwing pet snacks all over the living room for a pink Chihuahua hey you're back got this pup today sweet right leave our house we can't deal with someone as messy as you too bad your mom needs me right now you can go pop in the popcorn machine for all I care I went to get my phone so I could secretly record Jack as he says more nasty things but when I came back he was gone with the dog I froze when I noticed the poster torn to shreds on the floor why would he do such a thing maybe he was the Chihuahua Thief mom got so mad at me when I told her my suspicions later I can see her just trying to find fault later when I eavesdropped on their phone call with Jack I could hear all sorts of news and Barks from animals hear that Jack is a vet doctor and has all sorts of pets it is stop imagining things I went to bed angry because Mom swept everything under the rug but my anger was quickly forgotten because my own Prince Charming was ready to sweep me off my feet at school the next day I was about to sneak to the rooftop where I usually ate alone during lunch time when somebody blocked my path Steve where are you off to I can't eat in the cafeteria you have no idea how much of a mess people make when they eat I can't stand that you can if you just look at me I swear I eat without spilling arrogant much he even asked permission for his friends to join us sure why not don't worry you're gonna like them and I did they were so funny and for the first time I was actually having fun with people after school Steve asked for us to hang out during the weekend and I said yes but mom had other plans I was hoping you and I plus Jack could do a little bonding this weekend you're the one getting married to Jack mom so you go bond with him mom seemed hurt but I refused to show support for the messy Choice she'd made after that I decided to take a walk and as I was enjoying the fresh air I met Steve on the road hey uh what you doing out here just taking a walk are you following me I can if you want me to Steve was so flirting with me and I couldn't stop blushing we decided to go to the arcade from there the time we spent there was the most fun I'd had in a long time he even bought me a rose pattern bracelet may I I blushed the sheer sweetness of him putting the bracelet on my wrist my germaphobe stepped mom coped better when she had reminders of things she loved you love flowers maybe this can be your soothing reminder where have you been [Music] on after that you made it so easy to forget mom Jack and my disorder but there was something I was curious about you never talk about your dad the moment I asked anger ripped off him in waves you mean the baboon that caused my birth he's that ugly more like nasty jumped from one woman to another I don't want anything to do with him or anyone close to him his mood cut our date short and I went home regretting I asked about his dad to make it up to him the following weekend I baked him a cake to give to him but when I got to his house he was arguing angrily on his porch with Jack have you no shame go back to your stupid new family and stop asking mom for money young man I'm still your dad you're his dad I could see the unmistakable resemblance now her what are you doing here you know my father I turned on my heel and began to run as fast as my legs could carry me back home bursting through the door is the moment I reached mom you won't believe but Mom was staring at a small paper in shock what's wrong I'm pregnant what jack is not even the guy you think he is he when I was about to tell Mom what I saw he suddenly appeared at the door I have a son we turned to see Jack at the door holding that pink Chihuahua and a paper what are you saying Jack first I want you to have this paper and this puppy when Mom read the paper her eyes went wide and she hugged Jack you paid for my Farmland yes please forgive me for lying I forgive you I was so disappointed with Mom and I left them angrily how could she brush off Jack's lie just because of her Farmland when Jack left for God knows where I confronted her in her room he could be lying about many other things unless he's a criminal or something I don't care right now but I'm falling in love with his son then fall out of love honey mom you're becoming selfish no you're being selfish you want me to sacrifice my only hope to save my farm fearful romance in fact we are getting married this weekend I will never accept him as my stepdad and the thing in your stomach will never be my sibling I ran out of the house in tears and found myself back at Steve's house so you're part of Jack's new family not if we do something about it look help me out here just falling in love with you but I told you I don't want anything to do with him or people he's close to please if you don't want us to be friends anymore fine but help me save my mom from your dad no one saved mine from him Steve slammed the door in my face and I felt like a zombie I left I went to the park and cried my eyes out my life was just falling apart and I didn't know where to start Jack had confessed to his lie himself there was nothing else I had against him just then I heard a noise and watched in disbelief as Jack jumped out of the window of a nearby house with a cat and a dog in hand hurry up Jay try taking them yourselves out he entered the car park nearby and drove off I went home after that but I was determined to find out what Jack was up to for mom's sake so the next morning I snuck into his card room he drove for a while and stopped when the coast was clear I crapped out of the trunk to the side of the Shabby shack they entered I could see an assortment of pets being bathed with dyed water I took as many pictures as I could and snuck back to show Mom Mom Mom you this Jack's a thief mom mom wasn't home but her pet Chihuahua was hey cutie can I see your paw her paw had the same star-shaped Scar and Mama G had spoken of I took pictures too and called her mama G how do you feel about your Chihuahua in pink she confirms the puppy was hers and told me she was coming with the police the next day but the next day was mom's wedding the wedding kicked off and I was on the verge of losing it because Mama G was taking her sweet time I should have called the police myself does anyone have anything against this couple we do as if On Cue Mama G stormed in with the police and some others this man here pretends to be a vet to take info on exotic pets he comes back to steal and resell mom was in pieces as Jack was arrested despite my efforts to comfort her she remained mute until Mama G came to visit days later be proud of pearl she saved you from getting married to a nonsense man I am proud of her all right where do I start to take care of Pearl and this baby I can't use that farm knowing he got the money well I have a few hectares of land to spare it's a small thanks for bringing back my best pop Mama G least some hectares of land to Mom for free the best part mom decided to raise flowers only and open a beautiful flower shop she named after me you deserve it girl I got desperate and acted so rushly forgive me it's okay Mom and don't you worry I will love my kid sister or bro it's not their fault their dad is a jerk hi Pearl I'm so lucky to have you when Mom gave birth it was a beautiful redhead girl like her and to everyone's shock I carried her despite the yuck all over her I name her Rose she's as beautiful as one at school Steve avoided me but thanks to him I had a few people in school I called friends now so it was a bit shocking when he showed up at our shop one day Pearl I I am really sorry for refusing to help I know I will be asking too much for us to um start again to be honest the fire I had going for him had doused over the months no hard feelings but that's a really twisted relationship I mean you and I share a sister now you're right can we at least be friends hmm I'll think about it but maybe I learned to try and keep a calm head no matter the situation otherwise you may make a very big mistake and never make rash decisions on marrying a stranger for a dating site mom was just lucky to have me [Music] hi everyone I'm Bella from Portugal please like And subscribe to SDA this hotel has always been my playground since Mom worked here is one of the maids but whenever she caught me watching the guests she would pull me by the ear fella how many times must I tell you that the guests do not like spies but mom what else do you expect me to do while you're cleaning ah is your daughter here again I thought I told you this is a place of work and important people I'm important to miss I'm going to be a rich person one day owning my own designer label well in this place you are trouble please make other arrangements for your daughter next time mum's manager was a big meanie she was horrible to everyone and despite her demands mom had no choice but to have me at work after school hours we couldn't afford a nanny or Aftercare I enjoyed being at the hotel since I loved watching all the fancy rich people that came from all over the world call me weird but I enjoyed stalking the rich people and just watching how they sipped their tea dressed in their fancy gowns powdered their faces and how they enjoy the best of Life at the massage spa I had this dream of being a brand like Gucci or Louis Vuitton I believed I was a good stylist but mom kept telling me to focus on my books and to stop dreaming the only thing you should be doing is learning hard and then working hard that's the only way money is earned not by dreams and why does Oprah always tell us to dream big huh by the time I was 10 I started walking and talking like a rich classy person and Mom would get so annoyed mother darling could I kindly have a cup of tea oh good grief not this again Bella we are poor and we are never going to be one of them mom always knew how to burst my bubble with her negative mindset but I never let that stop me once when I was 15 I sneaked into one of the first class rooms while there was a big event going on at the reception area when I saw a beautiful yellow gown just like the princess from Beauty and the Beast I quickly tried it on since no one was around and was amazed at my reflection until this boy appeared behind me you look beautiful uh I'm sorry I I was going to put it back till we meet again Beauty I was stunned out of my mind because firstly the guy was dropped it gorgeous and secondly when he touched my face I felt Goosebumps until he disappeared like he was some kind of criminal so mysterious I ran to the balcony to look for him and just then my mom entered Bella I've been looking for you everywhere and where did you get that dress relax Mom I'm going to put it back Bella you know I could get into a lot of trouble for this what were you thinking I was just imagining myself being rich there's nothing wrong with having dreams well those imaginations are going to get us into trouble now hurry I hear someone coming as Mom tried getting me out of the dress the lady who stayed in the room entered and she did not look happy what on coconuts is going on in my room and are you wearing my daughter's dress I'm so sorry Mama I can explain how long have you been in my room going through my stuff I hope you didn't go into my jewelry chest I felt so bad looking at the fear in mom's eyes and we would never steal from anyone but then the woman looked at us more horrified after she searched her drawer the necklace it's gone do it with the necklace we never touched your jewelry chest ma'am please check again I'm sure you'll find it do you have any idea how much that necklace is worth it's worth more than your pathetic life it has a diamond worth a billion dollars I'm calling the cards after a few seconds the guards came rushing in and Mom and I were taken to the police station I was so confused and then I remembered that boy he disappeared like he was a ghost He Could Be the thief mom and I were taken in to be questioned and the investigating officer kept twisting my words around so you went into the room to check if the coast is clear no I didn't say that I usually loiter around the hotel and I found the door open and entered the room when I saw a pretty dress I got fascinated so you tried on a dress that was not yours and I'm sure you even looked for a necklace to go with the dress no a boy came into the room and then just disappeared so you and your mom had someone steal the necklace for you no matter how honestly I answered the officer he still made it seem like Mom and I were the criminals weeks went by with the police investigating the stolen necklace and then the final result was mom getting arrested and I was so devastated this this will have to stay with stay with him for a while I'm going to get you out of here I'll find the real Thief who stole that necklace two years past my mom was still behind bars and I just withdrew myself from everyone I lived with my uncle who was a very rich and lonely man he was actually very nice to me I don't know why Mom distanced herself from him all through my childhood years Bella I have opened a savings account for you this will be for your studies off to school as well as anything else you need as a young lady thank you so much Uncle Todd I promise I won't ever let you down you're you're a good young lady Bella uncle Todd how come you never married anyone I got carried away with business so I kind of forgot about family but I have you now I grew fond of my uncle but even though he gave me everything I couldn't stop thinking about my poor mom in a cold jail cell and then something happened one day well I took a walk in the huge Garden I saw my uncle giving a boy a thick roll of cash when I stepped closer my jaw dropped you I remember you oh sorry I don't recall you oh please you're the thief who stole the necklace from the hotel two years ago and now my mom is in prison because of you is she on some kind of medication Bella darling I think you got the wrong guy Zayn here is my driver and he also runs a few errands for me well he's also a thief I was so mad at my Uncle for not believing me and the next day when I waited for the driver to take me to school I was even more frantic when the driver was Zayn what happened to the other driver he was sick so your uncle called me shall we Dave yes you can stop by the police station I need to report you listen Bella I know you saw me that night but I did not steal that necklace I was there on another mission please save it you disappeared like a criminal and now I want you behind bars drive me to the police station now Zayn surprised me when he actually listened to me and parked outside the police station shall we go in yes but why did you take that necklace I didn't take the necklace that night when I saw you in that room I was there to find out about a client your uncle does business with he sent me as a spy to find out if the Clyde was trustworthy but if you didn't take the necklace then who did my mom is in prison for no reason I became really emotional thinking about my mom and decided to walk to school Bella wait you can leave I'll tell my uncle you dropped me off at school no please let me help you the only way anyone can help me is if they find the real thief and my mom gets set free I know and I think I know who that Thief is instead of going to school I asked Zane if we could sit down somewhere and he'd tell me everything he knows so he went to a small coffee shop how come you're not in school I study online and I work for your uncle since my dad who is my only parent is too ill to work oh I'm sorry I also come from a struggle my mom worked really hard to support me I used to have this crazy fantasy of being a rich lady in fancy clothes I don't think that's a fantasy I think that's a great goal to have I want to have my own accounting firm one day like your uncle you work really hard I believe you'll make it that night before I saw you in that room another taller woman in a suit stepped out of the room she had a manager badge tagged on her coat oh my gosh it was the hotel manager I always knew she was a devious witch how can I get proof it was her the corridor's camera should have picked up something unless she tampered with it there's a gala happening there tonight we could go and pretend like we are one of the guests are you up for that I've been waiting my whole life to be one of those Rich guests I use used the card my uncle gave me for the first time and bought glamorous dress for the event and it was the perfect fit when Zayn picked me up he was speechless and so was I because he looked absolutely dripping hot in his suit Wow you went all out you look very nice thank you you look nice too once Zayn and I arrived at the hotel I felt like I was actually living my childhood dream Walking In Like An Elegant lady with my head held high okay so I need you to distract the manager while I find a way into the hotel camera rooms are you sure you can do this I was born to do this my half a million dress it's ruined I'm so sorry dear is there anything I can do please tell me what I can do I need I need a dry cleaner go fetch me a dry cleaner okay wait right here we need to solve this now after my performance Zayn and I managed to sneak past security and get through to the office section of the hotel the manager's office is around the corner do you think we'll find something in there I think we should try speaking to the security in the camera rose that would get us into trouble yeah but I have a plan wait here Zane took quite some time getting inside the bathroom and I started getting nervous as I paced up and down a security guard appeared and touched my shoulder and I freaked out oh hi you should have seen your face Zayn you almost gave me a heart attack how did you get the uniform I bargained with the real security guard how come we don't have much time Zane entered the camera room and I followed behind him the security guard woke up from his nap oh do you work here yes I'm the new guy the manager sent me with this very important guest she needs some information Zane was such a Sleek talker the security guard believed him and I asked if they had videos dated two years back the exact date when the necklace was stolen follow me I'll take you to the file room where all the old videos are kept I couldn't believe that we actually convinced the security guard after he left us in the room Zane and I wasted no time okay you look at that shelf and I'll look here time was going by so fast as we surged and searched for tape of that knife I almost gave up until Dane said bingo I think I got it oh I hope it's the one I think we should afford a bit Yeah Yeah stop I couldn't believe what I saw the ex Wicked Hotel manager was so brave that she didn't even care about the cameras how did she get away with this I hear voices outside the door Zane how exactly did you bargain with that security guard in the bathroom I kind of knocked him out I'm sure he's up now that means we need to run like now Zayn and I ran like two leopards on fire there was no way anyone could catch us I asked Zayn to drive me to the police station found the detective who was in charge of the case and showed him the video mom was finally set free thank you so much Bella for not giving up on me ever since you were locked away I blamed myself if only I didn't go into that room it's all over now I hope they find that Wicked Hotel manager me too this calls for a celebration we should throw a party no we don't need all that Bella and I will be leaving soon we are yes I'm back now and I can take care of you mom made no sense at all my uncle who was her brother was stinking rich and she always pushed him away or never spoke about him until she went to prison mom I really like it here uncle Todd has been really kind to me I know just wait until you make a mistake he won't be so kind after that that's all in the past I'm sorry for not helping you when you needed me mom ignored uncle Todd and walked away I had to speak some sense into her mom we are not going anywhere I have a better future here with uncle Todd please don't take that away I was pregnant with you and your father just ran away when I came to my brother he judged me and told me I was a disgrace but he regrets it now please forgive him mom eventually got over her pride and gave uncle Todd a second chance and he threw us the biggest party hey why aren't you out there dancing I've always liked watching people strange could I dance with you maybe we should take a walk it was a beautiful night and walking next to Zayn made me feel so many things he was so handsome but I wasn't sure if he felt the same way so do you have a girlfriend no I've always focused on working hard so never really had the time and do you have a boyfriend no I was so focused on getting my mom out of jail that I almost forgot about myself then Zayn stopped and turned to look at me and his eyes just made me want to melt in his arms then I think it's time you start focusing on you right now but yes I think it's time to work on our futures Zayn and I started dating and when I completed high school I had the best family support and boyfriend support to finally be a name brand I became a successful fashionista but despite all the money I made there was only one thing that made me truly happy love hi I'm Annie and I'm from New York please like And subscribe to sta I win once again that's so unfair you always cheat don't be a crybaby honey do you always have to behave like a barbarian Michael could have injured himself badly it was an accident I'm fine we were just playing oh I know how Wild Eddie becomes she just doesn't know when to stop sometimes I wished I didn't have a mom because she was always saying horrible stuff to me I did the total opposite of what my mom desired for instance I played soccer and I was the best at it my best friend was a boy Michael and I were like peanut butter and jelly and sometimes we even dress like each other which drove my mom up the wall honey what an Earth are you wearing hello to you too Mom what's in the bag oh I'm glad you asked look they found this cute dress for you you have such a great figure I'm sure you will look so cute ew mom you know I hate pink oh what did I do to have a daughter who likes being a tomboy your mom is so dramatic more like annoying if it wasn't for you in my life I would probably be the most miserable person in the world you mean a lot to me too Annie well our happy friendhood was short-lived because all of a sudden and out of the blue I saw moving trucks at Michael's house we're moving back to Italy why do parents are separating now so Mom has to move back to Italy how am I going to live without you hey we can still see each other over the Internet that's not the same well long story short Michael and I contacted each other a couple of times and then I stopped once I went to high school even though I was one of the smart kids at school the friends I had were a group of bad girls who got up to Mischief all the time they took up most of my time and usually I ended up in trouble Annie come on it's your turn to Splash paint all over the principal's car I wouldn't do that if I were you the next day Mom was called to school and she was so disappointed in me I am so sorry about Annie's Behavior I promise it won't ever happen again Annie is actually one of our top Achievers and the only problem we have with her is how to behavior I have a suggestion that might help I would do anything to help any be more disciplined take this it's information for the exchange student program since she is a smart girl I think she would qualify mom seemed eager for me to try the exchange program out as if she was eager for me to get out of her space Annie I think your principal is right this is exactly what you need oh you have been waiting to get rid of me for years I'm not going anywhere fine suit yourself oh and by the way the trip was in Italy Michael was in Italy and it got me thinking I sent Michael a message letting him know about the exchange program I thought he would ignore me since I didn't talk to him for a while but he was happy to hear from me so I packed my bags and took the offer to explore Italy when I was finally there I looked around the airport searching for Michael and then a hand touched my shoulder and stood before me was a gorgeous guy I couldn't believe how much he had changed wow you turned out to be quite the hunk and you look super gorgeous as always welcome to Italy my friend I felt so happy to see him and when he took me to his house his mom was even more excited to see me I missed her cooking she cooked the best pasta ever so glad to have you here come on I made your favorite Michael looked at me differently like he like liked me and I wasn't sure as yet if I felt the same even though he looked so fine do you still play soccer no when I got to high school a lot changed I can see but you shouldn't give up on what you love Michael had a point and I was going to use my time in Italy getting back into my love for sport the next day I was going to start my first day as an exchange student and when I entered with Michael next to me girls looked at me sternly looks like you have a lot of admirers in the school Mr charmer boy yeah but none of them are my type oh yeah what is your type you my face turned red when he said that and because I wasn't looking I accidentally bumped into another guy who looked like he stepped out of a popular rock band watch where you're walking girl I'm so before I could apologize he cut me off and looked viciously at Michael and you don't think I forgot about what you did I'm still going to get you back for that hey are you okay what was he talking about that's Brent the jerk he's my stepbrother what how come you never mentioned him before because I only found out when we moved to Italy my dad chose to go back to Brent's mom and my mom followed him here trying her best to convince him not to leave us but Brent's mom was rich so he chose her wow well I'm so sorry you had to go through all that I'm okay now Brent is a spoiled brat he tried to steal test papers from the principal's office and I saw him so I told the principal that's why he's mad you did the right thing don't feel bad about it later after school I had to wait for Michael to finish his football practice and then I saw Brent sneaking into the change room so I followed him I found him fiddling with one of the lockers and then I bravely stood behind him what do you think you're doing none of your business what are you doing in the boys change rooms I asked you first what are you doing I don't have to tell you anything just because you're rich and spoiled don't think you can always have your way Brent suddenly came close to my face and I felt almost taken by his hazel brown eyes and his strong jawline but then I remembered what Michael had told me I'm not scared of you don't believe everything my stepbrother tells you later that afternoon while Michael and I were doing our homework together like old times I felt a little awkward because every time he completed an answer he glared at me I miss this us doing homework together me too but if you keep on staring at me you'll have no homework to submit in class tomorrow I can't help myself you are Michael there's something I need to tell you while you were at football practice I followed Brent into the boy's change room did something happen between you two no of course not I saw him filling at one of the lockers and then I told him off good he's always up to no good it's best you stay far away from him yeah he Michael surprised me with a kiss and I was speechless I really like you Annie well I don't know what to say um what you don't feel the same do you like someone else huh no I don't think I'm good enough Michael we're friends date me please I think we're meant for each other I felt so Under Pressure I didn't want him to feel bad so I said yes okay I guess dating Michael had to take some getting used to every time he kissed me I felt so weird and then the next shocking thing happened at the school parking lot are you all right oh my gosh babe are you okay yeah yeah that guy would have knocked me if it wasn't for I didn't get a chance to say thank you to Brent and apparently the scooter guys breaks were not working and as for Michael he didn't even want to acknowledge how Prince saved me Brent kind of rescued me did you see that oh I would have rescued you too but it happened so fast during lunch break Michael was at football practice again so I was on my own I tried to find a quiet spot to sit and then I saw Brent sitting under a tree this was my chance to thank him hey I just wanted to say thank you for coming to my rescue this morning no worries so how was dating my stepbrother going for you um it's good hmm what did he tell you about me I think you already know you like drawing yeah it keeps my mind off negative people like my brother well I've known Michael from childhood and there's nothing negative about him huh that's what you think he is very good at manipulating people before I could say another word Michael startled me from behind didn't I tell you to stay away from this guy Michael I thought you weren't football practice yes I was and then I got a message from a friend that you were talking to this jerk when I told you to stay away from him Michael started raising his voice at me and Brent got up to defend me hey you can't just shout at her and you're the jerk not me Brendan Michael started at each other fiercely and then Michael pushed Brent against the tree Michael what is wrong with you come on let's go no you're acting ridiculous I came here to thank Brent for rescuing me this morning why are you acting like such a jerk you calling me a jerk after all that my mom and I have done for you we invited you to our house I was your best friend when your crazy mom kept nagging you for being different you're so selfish I felt my anger build up and then I slapped Michael and as I blindly stormed off I bumped into a pole and collapsed I don't know how long I was unconscious but when I opened my eyes I was happy to see my mom hey sweetie mom what are you doing here you blacked out for two days hon of course I would be here you came all the way to Italy for me yes you are my everything Annie well you were away I became lonely do you want to come back home not just yet mom I signed up for a top class girls soccer club I'm waiting to see if I got in soccer so that's what you want to do for the rest of your life it's what I love Mom I never stopped you from being a beauty queen ah you're right I'm sorry for being a horrible mom you're not a horrible mom I'm sorry for not being the daughter you always wanted hey you're perfect just the way you are it felt good to hear mom say those words and while we were bonding Michael entered with a lot of balloons and flowers I'll leave you two now take care of my baby girl Michael hey babe I'm so sorry about what happened I didn't mean for you to end up in a hospital it's not your fault the doctor said there was a lack of iron in my blood every time Michael randomly kissed me I felt so awkward I didn't feel any chemistry with him what's wrong Michael I I don't feel what you're feeling I've always liked you just as a friend so you were playing with my feelings or maybe you like Brent The Jerk Michael started acting irrationally again and then Brent surprisingly entered the room you should stop calling me a jerk brother I did nothing wrong to you what are you doing here get out now I want him to stay I told you he is not a good person he lies and he does all sorts of bad things to people that's not true and you know that the only reason he's angry at me is because his mom lied to my dad he was never my dad's son but he still loves you I don't have a problem with you stop lying Michael then went bizarre and grabbed my drips pole and charged after Brent Michael I won't let him have you too when Michael refused to listen I pressed a button next to my bed the security guards ran in and held Michael back from harming Brent later that evening the hospital let me go home mom had to rush back to New York and when I was at Michael's house he was not around and his mom opened up to me this is all my fault I lied to Michael about who his father was because I didn't want him to learn the truth about his real father who ended up in prison when I was only three weeks pregnant yeah he seems to have a lot of anger when Brent's father found out I lied he left us and came back to Italy I had no choice but to also come back home this was my mother's house everything will be okay when Michael eventually came home he didn't say a word to his mom or me he hardly even ate his dinner and after I helped Michael's mom with the dishes I decided to face him I don't want to talk to you well I want to talk to you I know you're hurt inside because of your dad not being your real dad but you can't just blame Brent for that he was just born and none of it is his fault you don't know anything I know you and I know that you are a good person don't let your parents mistakes determine who you are it's hard it's been so hard to understand I was also just born into a lie and when I found out I just lost it I know but you are not alone and no one hates you you need to accept the truth and then move on thank you I'm sorry I pushed you to date me when I saw you I felt like my old self again and I just can't understand and I'm still here the next day at school when I saw Brent I sat down next to him and things seemed cool between us I'm so glad to see her out of Hospital how do you feel I'm great listen I'm sorry I judged you before I it's okay and the day in the change room I was opening my locker believe it or not I'm also on the football team but I never play I'm their standby guy thank you for clearing that up when Michael appeared at the table Brent got up to leave because he didn't want any trouble I'll just go now see you around Annie wait you don't have to leave I'm sorry I was wrong to be angry at you okay thanks I guess I'm sorry too oh this is overwhelming I guess we can all be friends now or more than friends hey don't push your luck now I finally received a phone call I've been waiting for I was accepted in the biggest soccer club as an intern my dreams were coming true and I was sure glad to celebrate the great news with my two best friends
Channel: Story Time Animated
Views: 1,814,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mZJafTTtwAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 32sec (5192 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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