NO MORE DEFEATS with Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak

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bye [Music] holy [Music] the spirit of truth the revealer of the secrets of the kingdom we have come tonight gathered with our hearts open ready to receive we pray in the name of jesus that you will grant us understanding [Music] we are desperate we are hungry and we ask oh god that you will move in an unusual way open our eyes open our hearts in the name of jesus christ let the sick be healed let the oppressed be delivered and let jesus be glorified amen and amen god bless you please be seated good to see everyone tonight hallelujah very powerful song from the worship team [Music] i remain committed to helping us experience the reality of life in the spirit the reality of life in the kingdom the bible says i will give you pastors after my heart and their assignment is to open us up to the deep things of the spirit hallelujah it says meditate on these things give yourself holy to them and it says your profiting will appear unto all so every time we come i like for your heart to remain open be passionate don't be distracted receive with meekness the engrafted word hallelujah praise the name of the lord i want to share something very powerful tonight and we pray truly it is my commitment that every service this year becomes one that will open us up to very deep dimensions in the spirit sieve dominion and it takes the understanding of truth to be able to walk in dominion acts chapter 20 and verse 32 popular scripture it says i commend you to god paul is teaching and to the word of his grace he says that is able to number one build you up build you up capacity number two give you an inheritance among them that are sanctified so the word views and it can grant us access hallelujah what i'm teaching tonight is relevant both to the advancement of the purposes of god and then by extension listen very carefully defines the quality of our lives praise the lord revelations chapter 12. the bible reveals a very interesting story from verse 7 is a story that is very old and then it reveals a tragedy that becomes the basis for the saints to access dominion in the spirit and there was war in heaven look up michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon fought against his angels we are reading to verse 9 and prevailed not neither was their place found anymore in heaven nine and the great dragon was cast out [Music] that old serpent called the devil and satan which deceiveth the whole world he was cast out into the earth and his angels were with him jump to verse 12 and then we'll come back to 11. therefore rejoice as a result of what happened to lucifer he said rejoice ye heavens and ye that dwell daring why because satan has been cast however woe to the inhabitants of the earth there is trouble now rejoice in heaven finally it is finished satan is out of that domain however woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea two locations that are very serious the earth and the sea when you go to the book of the beginnings genesis you will understand that everything came out of water water is symbolic of abundance the earth the trees come out of it and now it says woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea why he says for the devil is come down unto you having great wrath because he knoweth that he had but a short time now go to verse 11 and they overcame him by two big mysteries number one is called the blood of the lamb not blood the blood of the lamb number two they overcame him by the word of their testimony open our eyes so god grant us understanding is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] it's interesting that there was a lamentation in heaven the lamentation there are very few times in the bible where there is a combination of joy and lamentation at the same time heavens rejoice the rebel has been thrown out of that domain but earth woe to you because the season is about to unfold there is an old serpent that had been cast down to your domain and it is important that you are aware listen very carefully one of the reasons why the saints must work in dominion it is because there is an old story there is an old serpent the bible calls him the devil and satan that he has been cast down and he is looming around the horizon a real personality alongside the angels hallelujah and the bible lets us know that he does many things and one of it is to deceive another is to accuse and he had been sent down and that means the inhabitants of the earth must not be ignorant if heaven is saying woe to the inhabitants of the earth it is because there is a potential for catastrophe if the saints do not understand this and walk in dominion are we together praise the lord [Music] when we talk about dominion generally you know most people just say dominion you know and shall take over and all of that it is it is not the idea listen carefully the idea is not some fleshly advancement of people no it is the fulfillment of prophecy that predates even our arrival here that there is an old story is a story of the rebellion of a serpent that has been casted down to this domain of god's kingdom and the bible tells us that everything from the second heaven has been affected by his presence the earth and the sea hallelujah praise the lord so if we must reign in life and advance the purposes of god and also advance our individual lives we must sustain the intelligence and the understanding in the spirit that grants us victory not just over the elements of nature not just over the systems and the structures but over this enemy of god's progress called the devil and the key the bible tells us is to be able to sustain the light and the knowledge and the illumination that will grant us access to victory i found a scripture that i think will really bless us psalm 74 20 [Music] psalm 74 it says have respect unto the covenant and the reason is because the dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty that means lord remember the system and the strategy you have put in place for the victory of the saints because outside of it we will be exposed to the cruelty that comes with this system so the bible tells us that the earth is dark and cruel because of this being that continues to remain an act enemy to the purposes of god and then the bible says our knowledge of the truth of god's kingdom becomes our bailout system lord respect all know the covenant why because the dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty i want to open our eyes to a very very very powerful mystery that will help us i will be showing us several systems that make for dominion and one of it tonight is probably i would say i may not say it's the biggest it may not be fair to say it's the biggest but one of the cheapest reasons why the saints may not experience the fullness of the life the power and the glory of god hallelujah second corinthians chapter four and verse four that this satan has now become what local place who suddenly coronated him to become the god of this world the last time we read he is a victim who was thrown out from heaven now satan was not just roaming around the earth he had manipulated the system and reasoning ranking to now become the god of this world he was not thrown as the god of this world he was thrown as one who was exposed to the vengeance and the judgment of god but satan to show you the extent of his the flawlessness of his craftsmanship through the ages manipulated systems and men until he rose to this rank and end himself an office as the god of this world follow me carefully are we together are you following my story so it starts with a tragic event in revelation that a seeming weak being was thrown to the earth and god warned us he said be careful with this guy don't take him for granted this satan is not foolish he's a master at deception and he's a master at accusation f pay attention to this being if you ignore him it will be to your peril and here is the effect of neglecting his warning satan suddenly has found his way through the ages and crowned himself a name that even the bible honors the god of this world he couldn't be the god in heaven but he found himself in space is this are we following together you like you ancient zionski [Music] [Music] now the bible is showing us the continuity of the ministry of this strange serpent who is called satan he is also called the devil how he rose to this rank is a mystery that we all know we'll have to go to the book of genesis to see the the showmanship of his artistry that this man is anything but foolish are we together now there was a reason why heaven was crying and saying earth on your own you are already in trouble that this man deceive one third of the angels in heaven or else there is struggle there is trouble and we will not hide it that satan and now we see that satan has end himself a title now let me tell you whoever starts as a weak man in life and becomes a lord of anything should be respected who assisted him is a mystery how the other demons did not fight him and remain loyal even in his rebellion is a mystery we must learn when the bible says be wise as serpent is a technology that we must employ for our dominion into this world what did satan use that even in the face of failure the angels did not run away look at the this of this world [Music] paul is a dangerous that guy is a dangerous man how paul saw this the bible says now the god of this world and then it now gives us a picture of one of the ways that he has sustained his ascendance the bible says there is something he does to the minds of a people and a territory that satan is not concerned about your eyes the god of this world operates by blinding the minds of them that believe not left he is afraid of one thing the bible exposes the one act enemy of satan and the enemy is not angels the enemy is not even men the enemy is light now watch this please understand my teaching tonight here is a man who has been cast down on earth and while he was on earth the bible tells us that he found a way of achieving this goal from generation to generation he is able to cast a spell upon the minds of people and find a way of inhibiting individuals territories families from seeing the glorious gospel of christ who is the image of god that when that light is allowed to shine on them there is an effect it is impossible for that light to shine upon an individual to shine upon a people the bible finally reveals that satan can be afraid and he tells us what he's scared of not angels not heaven not prayer not men are you following me tonight we're dealing with something very serious so satan does not fear technology satan does not share education satan does not fear men satan does not even seem to have if he dead god we live here but there is a mystery that something light goes to satan satan is threatened by light he goes out of his way he does not take chances from children to the elderly once he sees you his first testis are you seeing the moment you are seeing where i pray to satan that the power of satan is when you are blind [Music] blindness that when a man cannot see the bible says that satan will leave him and remain the god of this world [Music] are we together so this is it that there is one of the dominion systems of the kingdom that the bible guarantees as revealed by satan's own testimony that when satan finds men he doesn't tie their hands he doesn't tie their finances he doesn't tie anything he goes straight to their minds the center of illumination and knowledge and that you can cast a spell once that happens how many of you have seen people remove something from a scorpion there's something they say a scorpion is weak but once you remove that skin you can allow it to go around this is it [Music] let me show you a scripture i pray that god will open our eyes to see something powerful tonight matthew chapter 13 starts from verse 10 to 17. [Music] jesus your jesus my jesus mentor jesus when jesus is teaching listen to him he's communicating an intelligence remember he calls himself the light of the world that means already that name is a threat i i hope we already identified what scared satan that the moment there is the mention of light saturn is on jesus now jesus did not bring light he now came and said i am so when the light is speaking it means anything he tells you is a weapon of victory [Music] the lord [Music] is [Music] and the disciples came and said unto him jesus we have a question for you why speakers down onto them in parables why have you borrowed a system of communication why do you not talk directly why do you borrow from agriculture and borrow from nature and he says it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven but unto them it has not been given next verse please it says for whosoever hath to him shall be given and he shall have more abundance and whosoever hath not from him shall be taken even that which he had that's him he says therefore watch this speak i to them in parables because seeing they see not and hearing they hear not neither do they understand that means i borrowed parables because there is a condition with these people are we together now the the parable is like a therapy to try to communicate there is a fundamental condition with these people that something has happened to them that although they are looking they are not seeing although you speak they cannot hear and they will not understand 14. it says and in them is fulfill the prophecy isaiah saw this we say by hearing you shall hear and shall not understand and seeing ye shall see and not perceive next verse please it says for these people's heart is wax cross and their ears are done of hearing and their eyes they have what clothes less at any time they should see with their eyes share with their ears they should understand and they should be converted and i should heal them he's revealing a condition jesus is saying when i look at these people although they are looking back at me there is something that the god of this world satan has done to them i will have to use a parable to help them at least understand and that this is the condition that a people can look and yet not see a people can hear and yet not understand are we blessed therefore in god's definition listen carefully blindness spiritual blindness you may want to write this down as i was preparing the holy spirit gave me a very powerful definition that blindness in the kingdom and in the spirit is not limited to the closing of your eyes that blindness in the spirit is also an alteration or a deviation of your perception from actual reality write this down an alteration or a deviation of your perception from actual reality a deviation an alteration of your perception from actual reality is blindness so blindness does not mean you do not have imagery or perception but that satan has a way of altering your perception so that you no longer perceive actual reality the bible says it is a strategy that satan used for many years until he accepted the throne to become the god of this world lest at any point they should see with their eyes share with their ears and they should understand with their heart please look up that spiritual blindness is the chief tool that satan used from the time he fell roaming around the length and breadth of this domain that satan became a master he created all kinds of systems to make sure that light illumination that blindness he breaks the cells with spiritual blindness not by closing their physical eyes but by deviating their perceptions so that although they are seeing but what they are seeing is not reality [Music] like [Music] laura [Music] and i want to show you how that the dominion of the saints is at the mercy of many mysteries but chiefest among them is the mystery of open eyes the bible even said we always unveil faith it's amazing that the face must be unveiled first before we see and we are changed we all will unveil faith the failed that satan casted that something must happen to you before you behold his glory as in the mirror and then you are changed from glory to glory i want to show you let's stop the scripture and we are going to look at certain things that that can plague a people when there is blindness and there is no other place to start than to go to genesis 27. let's start from there genesis 27 i want to show you a powerful mystery can you pray in the spirit while you are turning there genesis 27 shilla parous caparule [Music] and it came to pass please be patient with me it's a long reading just just look at the projectile when isaac was old look how pleased the bible says his eyes were deemed notice that for some reason the bible does not tell us the other things happening he doesn't seem to care about it the bible now focuses on his eyes that it was themed so that he could not see and then he called esau from a standpoint of blindness watch this now we're about to see what spiritual blindness can do even to the anointing and he said unto him my son and he said unto him behold here i am long reading business oreo he says i do not know the day of my death three now therefore take i pray thee the weapons thy quiver and thy bow go to the field and take me some venison and make me savory meat such as i love and bring it to me that i may eat and my soul may bless thee before i die so jacob is about to release the anointing he's about to bless he's about to speak i mean isaac and then rebecca now look at this my god scriptures whatever kills your appetite for scripture is really destroying you and in the name of jesus if your appetite for scripture has died let it be restored this night and rebecca heard watch this rebecca heard a conversation between isaac and esau and esau went to the field to hunt for venison and to bring it six rebecca speak to jacob her son he said behold i heard thy father speak unto easter thy brother saying bring me venison and make me suffering meat that i may eat bless you before my death eight now therefore my son obey my voice according to that which i command me go now to the flock and fetch me then two good kids of the goods and i will make them several meet for thy father such as he love it and thou shalt bring it to thy father that he may eat and he may bless thee before his death eleven and jacob said to rebecca his mother behold now watch this there was a problem and the problem is that my brother is a hairy man i am of smooth skin although my father is blind he will feel my body and find out i am not hearing read this 12 my father for adventure will fill me and i shall sing to him as a deceiver deceiver deceiver deceiver take note there and i shall bring a course upon me and not a blessing next person and his mother said to him upon me be thy cause my son only obey my voice and go fetch me them 14 and he went and fetched and brought them to his mother and his mother made several meets such as his father lord 15. and rebecca took what goodly remained everybody say blindness that blindness can cause you to perceive or you do not perceive reality watch this that everywhere satan is operating he will give a sinitude of what is reality but it is not reality it is the way he two million in this kingdom [Music] he took goodly remnant of our eldest son esau which were behind the house and put them on jacob the younger son 16 and she put the skin of the kids and the goat upon his hands and upon the smooth of his neck and she gave him the sudbury meat and he went to meet his father 18 and he came to his father and said my father watch this and he said here am i he says who are thou my son next verse and jacob said to his father i am what he saw thy first born i have done according as thou peters me arise i pray this sit and eat my venison that thy soul will bless me 20 and isaac said to his son how is it that you have found it quickly some things in life don't happen fast what suddenly happened that you just came first with this kind of result he said and he said because the lord thy god brought it to me next verse and isaac said to jacob come here i prayed that i may feel thee my son whether thou be my very son or not remember this problem was founded upon blindness that if the eyes of isaac was open the possibility of this deception would not even start are we together now and now because the eye is blind you will have to make do with other inferior faculties of perception and now expose himself to the ministry of this one who is called the god of this world and that he operates by deviating men from reality now don't forget this is an anointed man about to bless [Music] 22 is a mystery i do not want you to forget in your life look up please and jacob went near unto isaac his father and felt him and said the voice is jacob's voice but the hands at the hands of this song this is a mystery i'm hearing jacob's voice but because i do not have perceptions i can think [Music] i'm about to miss transfer the blessing because my eyes are dim and i will have to depend on my hearing and my touching now a possibility to manipulate me exist i am hearing jacob's voice but i cannot deny that jacob is not hairy i mean you you do not have hair in one day now jacob isaac is confused because blindness has opened up a possibility although he is hearing the voice of jacob he is feeling his soul who is not easily next verse and he discerned him not because his hands were hairy as his brothers as his brother esau's hands so he did what with all the anointing that was on isaac the mother collides with jacob and they have two limitations one you cannot change your voice but i know your father will want to feel you and he said let me put help on you so that he will think it is taken woe to the inhabitants of the earth that that old saban has come with great fury that he can go around to deceive and you are seeing the operation of this happen watch this and he said thou art my son now here this is not what i'm teaching tonight but isn't it amazing how deeply spiritual this men knew they had an understanding of the spirit there was something that was within isaac's spirit that when it came out or whoever it would produce a continuity of the result that they had from their lives results are truly spiritual that there is something that can come upon a man and control possibilities here's what we're seeing now here i am 25. he says bring it near to me and i will eat of my son's venison and my soul may bless me and he brought it near and he did eat and he brought him wine and he drank 26 oh dear and his father isaac said unto him come here now and kiss me my son and he came here and kissed him and smelled the smell of his railings and blessed him and said see the smell of my son is as the smell of a field which the lord had blessed therefore a blessing is about to be misappropriated although anointed or blindness is about to channel something now there are all kinds of dimensions of perceiving this but this is the message that i want to communicate to you today that he said dear god give thee of the dew of heaven and the fatness of the earth and plenty of corn and wine 29 let people serve thee and nations bow to you that means these results are not ordinary something happens in the secret that produces this outcome in the public here is a man who is blind and yet he is calling men who he has not seen that wherever you find them i make them serve you [Music] the blessing abraham did it to me now my dear son i cannot go to the grave there are things we carry to control the results that we command and now we we exercise dominion in our days not because of who there were mysteries that we carry we preserved like treasures now i cannot die with it if i die with it you will suffer and let me release this upon you and he is saying be lord over thy brethren and let thy mother's son bow down to you curse be everyone that caused you and blessed be he that blessed be dirty and it came to pass as soon as isaac made the end of blessing jacob jacob was yet to cast god from his presence the presence of ice his father that esau his brother came in from his hunting spiritual blindness a man is about to bless and the blessing goes to the wrong place not because anything affected is anointing but something affected his eyes are you getting this now are you learning something [Music] who see they will not see he felt him and did his best to be sure that it was esau and the blessing went to jacob the bible says it came to pass as soon as isaac okay 31 i'll find someone maybe one or two of us are now stopped and he also had made his sovereign meet and brought it on to his father and said unto his father let my father arise and eat of his son's venison that my soul may bless thee and isaac his father said unto him who are thou and he said i am thy son thy firstborn esau next verse and isaac trembled very exceedingly and said who where is he that had taken fencing and brought it to me and i have eaten of all before thou camest and i have blessed him and yea he shall be blessed that it is possible for god to speak concerning a man but where your lifting comes blindness can be casted on that person and there will be a misappropriation of prophetic blessings and another will take your place in destiny listen the bible says the things that are written are full time they are for our learning so that we through the comfort of scripture may find hope he's blessed he shall be blessed next verse and when esau had this word please look up may god take away may god take away the limitation of science and the canality on our days on our spiritual life look at this please look at this a full grown man who is a professional hunter breaks down and is crying like a baby why did he lose the ability to hunt [Music] that the realm of the spirit is so programmed that dominion is not ordinary he stands with his skill to haunt he stands with the animal and yet he whips jacob what did you do you took away something that would have connected me to a strange lineage of dominion this is what will make situations and circumstances bow to me you've heard me say it is what is on you that controls what is around you it is not a lie he cried with a great and exceeding bitter cry why will an adult cry the father did not lose the ability to speak that means there is something about the blessing that we need to learn he said he's gone he said father bless me even me oh my father find something and tell me he said thy brother came in subtly and had taken away [Music] the blessing is real it is tangible it can move from place to place the blessing is not like matches that you can carry and say there's another one there is an exact body of spiritual mysteries that can be cast upon a man that will turn things around in your life this is what left isaac to [Music] blindness made an anointed man to miss bless i like you to pray once you are seated lord open my eyes take away spiritual blindness for my life [Music] that my place in destiny [Music] will not be sabotaged through blindness hallelujah blindness made the anointing to be wrongly directed blindness blindness should secrete the potential of the anointing scripture number two genesis chapter 19 [Music] this is a story of lot in sodom and gomorrah please look up and there came two angels verse 119 to sodom and lord sat at the gate of sodom please look up and lord seeing them rose up to meet them and bowed himself and his face towards the ground were reading to 11 and he said behold now my lord turn in i pray you into your servant's house and tarry all night and wash your feet and you shall rise up early and go your ways and they said nay but we will abide in the street all night the angels were going to stay in the street and he pressed upon them greatly and they turned him onto him and entered into his house watch this and he made them a feast and did bake on living bread and they did eat now before he lay down the men in the city even the men of sodom come past the house round about both old and young all the people from every quarter five and they called upon lord and said unto him where are the men which came in today this night bring them on to us that we may know them six and lot went out at the door and said to them and shut the door after him and said i pray you brethren do not so wickedly eight behold now i have two daughters which have not known any man let me i pray you bring them out unto you and do ye unto them as is good in your eyes only unto this man do nothing for therefore came there under the shadow of my roof nine look at this and they said stand back and they said again this one fellow came into sargon and he will need to be a judge now we will deal what we did that with them and they press saw upon the man even lot and came here to break the door look at the kind of madness of these people but the men the angels now put forth their hand and put lot into the house to them and did what shot the door next to us and they smote the men that were at the door not with leprosy not with paralysis not with hiv but with blindness both small and great the effect i rejected in your life but you go ahead and say it so that they wear themselves to find the door the door was there but because there was blindness the bible says they wear it themselves it's amazing how close you can be but because your eyes do not see you can stand in front of the door the bible did not say they tried they wearing themselves to find the door he casted blindness on them he did not take the door away he did not shift them away he knew that opening the door is useless when your eyes is blind there are times that satan does not need to take you away from your breakthrough he just needs to make you blind and you can be so close yet so far lord take away blindness from my life open your mouth and have let me not near the door god stands for opportunities access but because blindness is upon the eyes of a person a people a territory a nation they can be close to doors and yet the doors do not open they wear it themselves to find the door they wear it themselves to find the door [Music] there's someone praying they wearing themselves to find the door the dog marriage the dog's finances the dog ministerial exploits they wear it themselves to find the door because their eyes were blind the doors influenced the door for minion the door of strange speed clothes but with eyes that were blind someone is praying because in this season of dominion god must open your eyes to see that the men were close to the door yet their hands could not reach the door [Music] [Music] of open eyes illumination the greatest threat to the prince of darkness communion by light victory over the god of the cosmos [Music] hallelujah please sit down [Music] they wearing themselves to find the door the door was there they were there their hands were healthy but their eyes were blind scripture number three second kings chapter six from verse eight you see the reign of your love we feel the wind of your speech [Music] feel the wind of [Music] so let it rain [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mix please be sensitive may god show you what i want to show you now it says the king of syria this is bible once upon a time the king of syria ward against israel and he took counsel with his servants saying in such and such a place shall be my count nine and the man of god sent unto the king of israel saying beware that when the eyes of a man is open you can see see events know things before they happen remember that's the ministry of the holy spirit to the church beware that thou cast not such and such a place your safety is at the mercy of your side it says for peter the syrians are come down ten and the king of israel sent to the place which the man of god told him and warned him of and saved himself there not once not twice sight will defend you and scythe will give you safety for your lifetime science will not only bail you out once twice it will continue for as long as you can see next person therefore the heart of the king of syria was so troubled for this thing and he called his servants and said unto them will ye not show me which of us is for the king of israel next verse and one of his servants said none my lord o king but elisha the seer elisha the seer elisha the seer the one who has received the miracle of open eyes but elijah the prophet that is in israel tell the king of israel the words that thou speak it in thy bed chamber the power of sight that you do not need to go around the world to command dominion from where you are is a mystery of priesthood that god can give you eyes to see and know you are legislating from distance and kilometers from a point by the power of sight not vision sight the seeing eyes listen sit down please he said and he said go and spy where he is that i may send and fetch him and it was told him saying behold he is endorsed next verse shall therefore sending their horses and chariots and great and a great host and they came by night and compassed the city round about and when the servant of the man of god look of this was risen early and god fought behold a host compassed the city board with horses and chariots and his servant said unto him our last master how shall we do next verse and he answered sheer not that means fear does not just go sheer goes when light comes there are things you see and if you do not see them they will remain in your life forever the servant was innocent he was only limited next verse for they that be with us are greater than they that be with them that was the verse 17. this will be our prayer this night and elijah prayed and said lord i pray thee open his eyes that he may see open his eyes that he may see and the lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw and behold the mountain was full of horses [Music] opened his eyes over that idea that in that small room he can see that what you are holding that looks like a small idea can be a global miracle open her eyes that she may see [Music] please hold on look up please [Music] and he saw that the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about elijah and when they came down to him watch this elijah did not need to fight an army is useless when they are blind [Music] elijah did not pray lord let their weapons drop no elisha did not pray lord make them like me no elisha said i know that satan is the god of this world and i know that satan can drive where there is blindness is a weapon when he comes upon a man in the cosmos that man becomes a slave and look at this the prophet said he prayed unto the lord and said smite these people that means blindness is not a blessing smacks these people i pray thee with what blindness he smoked them with blindness according to the word of elisha next verse [Music] and it came to pass when they were coming into samaria that elisha said watch this as a blind army they were led to samaria and elijah said lord open the eyes of this man that they may see and the lord opened their eyes and they saw and behold they were in the midst of samaria defenseless they had now been surrounded by people who would kill them immediately next verse and the king of israel said elisha when he saw them my father shall i smite them shall i smite them next verse and the answer thou shalt not smite them would thou smite those whom thou has taken captive how did he take them captive there is no point fighting when blindness comes this is powerful it's a weapon that has been used to enslave africa respectfully speaking for decades is a weapon that satan used to enslave our parents culture and aberration of perceptions that will not allow the glory and the power of god to be revealed listen would thou smite those whom thou has taken captive with thy sword and with thy ball he says set bread and water before them that they may eat and drink and go to their master there is no better way of humiliating an army than doing this an army comes with their sword well trained you make them blind open their eyes to see and now in fear and terror you give them bread and say take this report back to your king next verse and he prepared great provision for them and when they had eaten and drunk he sent them away and they went to their master what was the result saw the bands of syria came no more into the land of israel [Music] whom the god of this world have blinded their eyes blinded their minds listen to me there are all kinds of doors in this season set before us by the spirit but just because the doors are open does not mean you can possess and walk in dominion the mystery is the miracle of open eyes tonight our cry is the cry of elijah oh god open his eyes listen it's because of the limited scope of light that we have fear fear over the future share over a job share my life how is it going to be the secret is not even just casting out the spirit of fear the spirit of revelation illumination now watch this [Music] let me give you one scripture mark chapter eight we're going to pray [Music] we'll start from verse 22 look at this interesting scripture [Music] and he commented to bethsaida and they bring what a blind man unto him and besought him to touch him this is jesus and he took the blind man by the hand watch this and let him out of the town and when he had spit on his eyes he put his hands upon him and asked him if he saw hot and he looked and he said i see but my perception is altered i am seeing but i am not seeing actual reality i am seeing now i know god can prosper but i still don't know the dynamics i i now know that people can be anointed but what the real secret to the anointing is i know that people can rise in this kingdom i'm beginning to see what i'm seeing men like trees [Music] i have started seeing the secret to wealth and prosperity but it's still easy i've started learning the dynamics of the anointing but he's still hazy i've started prophesying god is still two out of twenty i'm i'm sick but i'm not seeing well and he looked up and said i see men as trees walking do you know what this means if you see men as trees walking that means they are not moving after that he put his hands again on his eyes and made him look up and he was restored and saw every man clearly and saw every principle clearly and saw every formula clearly and saw the parts in the spirit clearly [Music] you are [Music] you are [Music] oh [Music] listen so there is total blindness then there is open eyes for hazy visions here's the perceptions [Music] then there is perfect vision perfect light did the bible not say the part of the trust walks like that it starts like the night into the morning and keeps becoming brighter and brighter and brighter and brighter until it is the brightness of the day hold on ephesians chapter 1 from verse 17 now you will understand paul's prayer why paul prayed to a people who were under a territory that was bewitched by a sheep goddess called diana that the god of our lord jesus christ the father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him 18 here's the prayer the eyes of your understanding being what that he may know when your eyes are enlightened authority remember we agree that the one thing that threatens satan is light that the brighter your light your spiritual illumination in experience the more practical and real your dominion becomes [Music] luke chapter 1 luke chapter 1 for as much as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us we are reading two verse four even as they delivered them unto us look our place which from the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of the world verse 3 it seemed good unto me also having what had perfect understanding this is a dimension that a believer can get into you can attain a dimension listen i have taught you here that it is the pursuit of god and the knowledge of his person that is infinite the principles that make for the practical dominion of the saints here and now are finite and the bible says you compress to a point of quintessence that you can have perfect understanding of how many things [Music] perfect understanding of the principles all things from the very first and it is by that authority that i write unto you most excellent to your followers next verse that thou mightest know the certainty in other words i am not communicating to you dr luke is saying from a standpoint of ignorance in as much as i continue to grow but on this matter i have sustained perfect understanding it says wearing thou has been instructed look at me my brothers and my sisters hear me the blindness that is upon the saints we must fight it until it is done otherwise dominion will remain a thing for many years i tried to look for what exactly scare satan because i never saw him afraid of angels they fought him i didn't even see him afraid of man i didn't even see him afraid of jesus but here it is light the effect of spiritual illumination on your eyes and on your mind there is something you can see that the age-long captivity of witchcraft and divination that has tied down your families listen you can go for deliverance all your life but if your eyes doesn't see that there is something about the reality of priesthood that can fito foundations and this is not just some pentecostal talk in reality [Music] the bible now says they overcame him by two mysteries number one the blood of the lamb the blood of the lamb is the legitimate ground upon which the saints have been grafted into christ the blood of the lamb becomes the propitiation for our sins are we together now and now through the blood it has been opened to the saints the new one living where the bible teaches are we together now we can now come boldly then the second weapon is the word of their testimony the word of their testimony the bible says their testimonies are able to make wise the simple listen to me my brothers and my sisters hear me light is the secret to dominion light but not just light jealously the light of the word of god articulated with perfect understanding communicated to the saints that when you believe it [Music] who have believed our report the bible says to such a man at the arm of the lord being stretched forth [Music] there is a dimension of light that governs wealth and prosperity there is a dimension of light that governs influence and access to the heart of a generation there is a dimension of light listen to me that governs longevity there is a dimension of light that governs favor there is a dimension of light that governs speed we must press by the spirit listen to me we must press by the in this dark world that continues to become darker do you know the higher you rise the more perfect understanding will be required there are certain levels of ignorance that will not be tolerated again at certain realms it is expected that as you attend onto those realms you would have illumination sufficient to be predictable in your outcomes it is not when you go to a crusade ground that you will be guessing whether the power of god will move or not is too risky the people are too sick and angry to allow you to try you can experiment now [Music] and keep going but if i told you cry that god should keep you on a crusade ground then heaven must be able to vet for you and say in one hour you will cut side hair and bring judgment to the camp of the enemy do you understand the secrets of the kingdom have they come upon you has the veil been taken away from your eyes to see open down my eyes that i may behold once things you can see my brothers and my sisters and yet never understand there is something you can see my dear worship people you will be plugged into a fountain of an endless stream of sanistry it will be strange you will be like the tree that is planted songs will flow from heaven you will not write them they will come there is a dimension you will plug into that favor is as if they connected a machine to you and everybody on earth [Music] there is a dimension you will walk into look at the way elijah elijah seemed to be playing with god's intelligence lord open their eyes and he opened lord close their eyes and he closed okay open it again and open you try to say that and see how difficult it is [Music] if you can open an eye you can open a city [Music] the same grace it takes to open one eye is the grace it takes to open the two lit gates of a city that with one authorize this is how we dominate over territories so that your presence now becomes an advantage to any territory you can stand from one position like a herbalist and speak to the gates of the city the open teeth and suddenly all kinds of good things [Music] dominion suffering control by the power of light that you carry this thing on your head and you know you carry it you know it's there it is they're unquestionable [Music] please hear me because this is the realm and the dimension that you must step into is a dimension of dominion that when you stand you know what to do you know what to do the elements know your voice you know what to do you you understand the spiritual technology of making things happen the dynamics of manifestation [Music] over all my darkness you are causing your lights [Music] right [Music] down in the midst of your enemies that you can look at your loved ones and say dear people's salvation has come my eyes have seen my eyes have seen my eyes have seen i have seen it the way out i have seen the way of the spirit is a mystery i know what it takes to set this family free from the age-long captivity and i know what it takes to restore the time that has been lost listen the days that are coming will require individual understanding of this light it is good to enjoy corporate grace and covering but let me tell you the demands of destiny will require that you know satan that you know the cosmos and you can stand without fear because you understand the spiritual asanas that have been made available not because you heard a preacher your life becomes a plethora of miracles because you have now come you have risen a pedestrian in the spirit with open eyes you see things from perfect reality no aberration of your understanding you know it that this is the secret to prosperity i've got it great fathers of faith when they cut different dimensions they they expressed themselves in different ways some of them sounded like they were arrogant some of them sounded like they were but the results after many years and jesus himself knew what to do listen let me tell you satan is not as invincible as life and time and blindness makes him look the bible calls this spirit rulers of darkness that means that the jurisdiction of that dominion is when the spell of darkness is casted upon the saints paul himself was given an apostolic ministry to open the eyes of the blind not just physically i now see this is why i've been falling under the anointing in spite of the prayer of deliverance and it looks like i've not been free now the code has come to pass i i see so this is the spirit that operates around my territory and makes young men to never rise i found it i've seen it now i know this is the operation and the mystery that makes every good thing to leave me in my life that good things cannot last two weeks in my life i found it i found thy word and i did eat it it says and it was a joy and a rejoicing to my soul our weightiness in the spirit is by the light of god's glorious grace that has been casted upon us you are waiting in the spirit to the decree to which light the threat to satan light smith wigglesworth caught light about the dominion of the saints above principalities and powers and one time he was sleeping and his room was shaking and he came out and saw a vision of the devil sitting and he went back to sleep you are not worth my attention the bible says it's only those who are in the head that cry now i've been lifted up and raised up with christ and i'm sitting in a domain that will not allow tears again it is those who depend on the earth and the sea for their supplies that cry [Music] listen please hear me you may hear us talk like this and it looks like arrogance but keep watching one of the things that god will use the saints to do in this season is to disciple nations that they will reveal the excellency of the ways of god are we together now yes that god will bring us to a point where it will be like paul and barnabas where men will say this is zeus and this is hemis operating upon mysteries that are invincible they do not fail it may take time to see their potentials but their potentials are wondrous right from where you are hear me my brothers and my sisters that in christ this is the kind of destiny of dominion that god has put shake off that limitation of your foundation shake up the limitation of where you came from apostle i cannot speak english so well no i understand but let it come upon you and let your eyes see and then you will watch the wonder the wonder walking power of the ways of god the bible says his ways are hidden in the sea and no man can even see the full spirits to copy it will take the spirit of god guiding man into all truth but when he shows you and your eyes see it you have found it [Music] life is not haphazard the more the light of god is casted upon us we begin to see the lines that connect we see what our father saw that very few people saw and we begin to follow in that path one step after another reminds me of the vision that i had many years ago when the angel of the lord held my hands and then we were moving and there was a small step and i was jumping from building to building this is what god can make a showmanship a masterpiece of wonder with those who believe when god says it's a year of dominion please find the way of believing it that god is not a man that he should lie that god is not the son of man that he should repent and that in spite of the fact that there is an adversary find hope he was already judged from heaven and then the one who judged him from heaven granted an authorization for the saints to continue to keep him at bay and that the secret to unending dominion with satan and with the elements is light light the light that shines upon your mind spiritual understanding illumination that you will control wealth like gods you will control resources you will control the loyalty of a generation as though you have casted a charm upon them it is a mystery none of these commodities are affordable in the ethereum they are not bought with money education cannot buy them human connections cannot buy them it resides in a realm that only your hunger can take you to and when activated it turns your life into a living wonder it may take time but my brothers and my sisters hear me when you see then a generation will see you [Music] the lord is sharing this with us because he wants to take away the blindness that has limited us i'm from carduna state i'm from platoon state and from kogi state i am from lagos i am a nigerian i am an african the same lord is rich unto all unto all not on to some the same lord is rich wealthy lavish benevolent and he told abraham from where thou art lift up your eyes not lift up your hands not move forward lift up your eyes first because once i can walk on your perception and coordinate your understanding to see things as i see then there is no limit there is no limit i'm telling you [Music] moses went up the mountain and he saw a vision of the tabernacle when he came back god said we produce it he began to coordinate men but that tabernacle when you see your breakthrough when you see the next level i don't just mean imaginary visions i mean by the spirit the breath of the spirit resting upon you and suddenly you will see it and shake yourself from that shackle like peter the first gate opens for you the second gate opens for you then you come to the iron gate and the iron gate that opens you to the city there is a gate that opens you to the city the first gate opens you out of prison but not to the city the second gate sun which is you between your yesterday and your tomorrow but there is a gate that when it opens the next thing you see is influence the city and all three gates must open for dominion to walk when peter was bound the angel came and the first gate takes you out of your condition where you are but you are not yet at the place of influence the city has not yet seen you they are yet to partake of the blessings and the grace of your life but you are the chains have fallen and then you come to the second gate your experience is still taking you forward you are not where you were but you are not where you need to be and then you come to a strange kids that the bible calls the iron gate and the bible says he has broken the gates of brass and caught the bars of iron in sunder when that gate opens the angel says go the city is open up for you opened up for you financially open up for you spiritually listen when it's time to pray i really want us to pray from the depth of our heart i came with a burden and i vowed a vow to god that also this year that the teachings that you would receive would mentor you did you know my greatest desire my brothers and my sisters is to watch god's people rise in power in grace manifesting the possibilities of the christ here and now by the spirit validating these things that were spoken there will have to be a generation that demonstrates that reality our fathers have shown us this is possible they have communicated the dimensions of god given to them now the baton has been given to us and we must run with perseverance the race that is set before us we owe a generation a revelation of the christ a dimension of the spirit life that we cannot fear we must let the generation that we minister to see christ in a way and manner it will take details that search for light sabaruscata lord light opened me the scroll let my eyes see what did papa hagin see what did smith wigglesworth see what did mariah would what eaters see [Music] listen listen it is important the bible says to wash our eyes with eyes out to wash so that we can see lord i am tired of seeing your financial principles wrongly i'm tired what is the secret of ministry why is it that anything i do in ministry fails there is an aberrated view i'm not seeing well let the field be torn connect east and west show me the coordinates of success let me see and know and handle it and like apostle peter i can now say that the things we have seen the things we have heard the things our hands have handled that of the word of life that's what we teach so that it will no longer be corningly device fables authority is vested upon you practically that you can speak to many nations and turn the climate over men to represent the favor of the christ listen the key to stop being afraid of satan is not to run away from him is to study him when you understand and study the systems of the kingdom and the spirit of grace and revelation comes to you and opens the scroll [Music] and you see things as they are [Music] then you will walk in dimensions of power and authority you will see the predictability that comes to life now there is a side effect to this listen to me not everybody will see things as you are seeing are we together so you will return back home with this depth of conviction and you will meet a shocking surprise because you are talking to largely blind people and they will not see as you see so you are going to pray and say lord the kind of results that silence is arguments listen hear me there are results that are open for contention and debates but there are results that cause principalities and powers and men to stand in more and said this one is the finger of god you are not only praying for light you are praying for life that is cast upon you that translates into a grace and an intelligence producing results that are proven here and now if it's a ministry you cry oh god please open my eyes to see not for some self-aggrandizement no we're talking about kingdom come we're talking about the advancement of the purposes of god lord open my eyes let me connect this finance thing once and for all god of heaven let me not spend my life trying to guess how these laws work open my eyes to see it to eat of the riches and out of the fatness to feed nations hear me we're going to pray the first prayer point tonight is to open up to god with all your heart your areas of darkness and ignorance you are going to have to cry and say lord i acknowledge you have helped me in this area but i confess that my inadequacy in this area is clearing before me that darkness is crying for your light if you sustain the humility to cry before god then your heart is open and you are ready to receive illumination in that area so prayer point number one lord behold the darkness around my life in this and that area cry to god find a position that is most convenient we are praying for the god of heaven the father of spirit [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] okay [Music] [Music] is [Music] listen [Music] you cannot bless a generation until you have obtained the keys that make for that blessing listen it says let your light it first must be your light not let god's light let your light that has now walked in you shine before men that they may see not your light your results your good deeds and glorify your father so the first thing is you must have that light manifestation is impossible until you have encountered light it's a knowing light you are going to cry father like lightning from heaven may the light [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] listen you are going to rebuke what happened in sodom from your life that lord i am close to an opportunity i am close it may be business it may be financial it may be marital it may be your health it may be ministry let me not be close to the dog of the next season and yet blindness will make me weary myself give me clarity and precision [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] was banished with ishmael they were in the desert watch this the bible says sarah gave only a jug of water and sent hagar away a jug of water for a destiny journey and then the bible says that when the water was spent hagar began to cry and the young lord began to cry and the bible says god he said respect the covenant because we lie the place the worst places of darkness is a habitation of cruelty and god had the voice of the young lad watch this and the bible says that when god came and he conversed with hagar suddenly hagar's eyes was open and she saw an oasis you can be standing do you know i have found out from experience that most of the things that will lift us are close there are few things that are outside your house almost everything you will need is in your house you can be looking at the jar and the oil but until you see clearly you cannot see that that giant oil can pay your debts and you get what i'm saying now the miracle of open eyes to know what to do [Music] do you know see listen if your eyes are closed many good things will pass you and you will not see and the thing about life is all things don't come easy all times there are things that when they leave it will take a long time like the end of the clock before it comes again you may be looking for a job and just because your eyes are closed you can be looking at a newspaper and never see an opening and the job will go and the next time they will call for a job again maybe six years you are going to say lord open my eyes to redeem what you are bringing in this season i don't want to miss out on i don't have that time [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] listen used to have a dear friend years ago and i remember him telling me a very serious story that in the early 90s 19 1991 when they were tying water in lagos the spirit of god brought an idea from heaven like fire that once upon a time or a time will come where water will bring billions for people in this country it didn't make sense listen carefully at that time water that you can fetch anywhere when they started what we now call pure water he had the opportunity but he could not see the potentials in it and many years later when people would become billionaires the father has gone to be with the lord and he said the father stood one day and said my god i would have been at the forefront of this i heard the story of the seaweed system in lagos that it was somebody god gave an idea he saw what people did not see and he started sea wage people laughed at him and he made billions from it listen it would take the opening of your eyes to stand and while everybody is looking you are seeing you are seeing a secret [Music] there was something listen to me papa hagin was praying and god gave him an idea on how to sustain ministry when papa hagin was getting old many people started trying that formula and he stopped walking and then there was a man by the name david young he went to god and cried and said lord what is the secret to church god and the holy ghost took him to the book of acts and opened him up to what we now call in the body of christ the cell system the system even though it's working right now because times change you will need to keep seeing past season what worked yesterday may fail tomorrow that is why it is important that your eyes never go deep otherwise yesterday's blessing can become tomorrow's course you will need the eyes that see there are things that people did 20 years ago in ministry and would excel you do it today because of the context of the generation you are ministering to it may not work again it is god that knows what the next 10 years will be 20 years ago nobody would believe that would be in such a a web immersed world and only the god of heaven with the all-seeing eye who can know what the next 10 years will be and let me tell you if god gives you the advantage of sight you can go before a generation comes and wait for them there listen i know what i'm saying i'm not talking nonsense i want you to believe me there are things that god is doing in your life now because of what the future will look like who would have believed that a day would come no matter how diligent you are with a typewriter get any small child now they don't know how to type they swipe you were not like that are we together you find these little children and they're swiping that's a generation you say typewriter they don't know what you are talking about the next 10 years the next five years the next 20 years is not before any scientist there is the i [Music] the king of syria said who reveals this secret before it happens they said is none of us there is a man who does not need to come to the inner chamber but can stay where he is and have the advantage of sight this is going to be your prayer lord what is the strategy for dominion sociologically speaking nation [Music] oh [Music] hello [Music] yes [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] give us luke chapter 4 please from verse 15. luke chapter 4 and verse 15 [Music] go to 16. [Music] and he came to nazareth where he had been brought up please look up and as his custom was he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day and stood up for to read next verse and there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet insiders and when he had opened the book he found the place where it was written stop keep that scripture there when the book was given he found the place the secret is written somewhere it has to be somewhere there is a place where it is written the secret i need to see the anointing there has to be a book there has to be a message somewhere there are hundreds of caleno messages but not as i open my laptop which one has in it what is written for this season and god can open your eyes the bible says listen is it not amazing that even though the book was open he still had to find the book was open but he kept searching until he found the place found the place revelation has location he found the place he found the place lifting his location break through his territorial he found the place where it was written concerning him [Music] she found the business that has the grace that is upon her he found the kind of ministry that would lift him listen to me you are going to pray lord the grace to find the place the place for my influence the play every place is not for you lord well is my place [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] look at me everything that is precious in the spirit is hidden is not a plain sight [Music] you can find it through materials you can find it in men you can find it in teachings it is up to you to cry to the god of heaven the holy spirit guides you into all truth the truth that can fire you to another dimension is hidden somewhere listen i have found things in my life that have become like missing treasures the bible says the kingdom is like a treasure that a man found or got missing and the first thing was that he took a lamb he lit the room and he carried through and swept that room thoroughly every nook and cranny he swept it until he found the treasure and when he found that treasure he had found life there are things god showed me about the anointing there are things god showed me about men there are things god has shown me about the cosmos we are going to pray again i don't know please try to believe some of you what i'm saying may not make sense to you now but if it is dominion you want to walk you must pray lord let my eyes locate the information that i need in this season for my next [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] let me give us one more prayer point jesus takes a man out of a city who is blind the bible just calls him a blind man this is someone with a name born of a woman and yet blindness grew to become the capture of his experience he was named after that condition jesus takes that man [Music] speaks on the ground listen to me this is a powerful revelation do you have the flexibility to allow god open your eyes the way he wants to i would not want a man to spit on the ground to open my eyes do i have to go through that to see many would say i'd rather be blind but the man was quiet there are times that the the level of adaptation and sacrifice it takes to see it will take god to give you the grace and you guess what i'm saying now please follow me [Music] that was not the first time jesus was opening the eyes of many there were others he just laid his hands there were others he touched their eyes and said one washing silhouette and here is a man here he comes to jesus to say jesus let my eyes be opened i'm tired of the limitation that comes with blindness and then jesus does not speak the word he uses saliva i'm not a medical person but i know that sometimes if you are fasting or someone you can have bad breath now imagine jesus spitting on the earth the level of this day all these legal just to see listen sin is not cheap it will take a level of sacrifice and adaptation and even death you see there are things you will only see after three months of fasting like you are going to die it is the price for that site i wish i can tell you with one prophetic word or after this service you will just see everything the prayer i say journey all lives have prices attached to them let me tell you sincerely it is the truth all lights liberate but they do not have the old valley [Music] there are likes that when you have them they will make you have others [Music] and you get what i'm saying now let me give you an instance you can have light that will bless you in an area and give you breakthrough momentarily you can have spiritual light and do well in your spiritual life you can have light in the air of leadership but if for instance your finance remains grounded many other things will suffer because of it so when god gives you light in that area it is from that light you will find where other areas are missing so there are certain lights that until you find them other lights cannot be found that's why i said all lights don't carry the cover there are some lights that will give you rest are you getting what i'm saying but follow my story jesus speaks on the ground i'm sure the man is listening on the ground and he mixes with dust and the man is feeling something being rubbed on his eyes and he's saying what is this and jesus says you just keep quiet you are rubbing sand on my eyes what did i do the last time i know sun can cause blindness not open eyes when sun is in your eyes you open it for someone to blow it away no matter how small here is the messiah carrying a lump of sun mixing it to be wet with saliva [Music] and he says now what do you see and he said i've started seeing but i'm not seeing it listen i've started working in the anointing after the regard the sacrifice god can give you an instruction and say for the next two months fifty percent of everything you earn give it away and it's a lot for what so that's the price to lead you into where you you will have the open eyes that will make you see for wealth and say god i'm not stupid i can't walk out and give you deeper sense do you have the flexibility to bend that fire seeing is not cheap when the man got up now listen because many of us are here he started seeing what he was not seeing well and then he touched his eyes and he says i now see clearly you are going to pray lord you touch my eyes four years ago to see what i now see please touch it again in this season touch my eyes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] please allow me give us one more prayer point it just came to my heart i've taught us that come guys that there are three levels of the anointing please stand here the dumb come here watches everybody there is the anointing that is on your life by reason of being a believer once you are grafted into christ there is a measure of grace and the spirit that is given number two when you find your place in destiny doesn't have to be ministerial office like fivefold when you find your place there is always an anointing waiting for you at the place of destiny it is the anointing that comes with your call your election the purpose of god committed to you your contribution to kingdom advance has increased there waiting for you watch this but there is the third level of grace and this is what i want us to pray every season god is doing something specific it is costly to think yesterday's grace will suffice for tomorrow and so you must obtain through discernment high level discernment like the eagle watching the direction of the weed and then it peaks other birds are flapping against the tides for the eagle the first thing the eagle does is not to fly the first thing the eagle does is to stand from the mountain top and with precision of vision it can watch the tides this way that way this way that way and he flies and catches up with the current spreads his wings that's what we call soaring it does not fly the eagle source beds fly they depend on the energy of the mechanics that they go through there are certain things if you do not know labor and hardship even as pertaining your life and your destiny it will be very clear that the current of god's grace past season is not at work in your life watch this there is now the grace that comes upon your life as a reward for properly discerning what god is doing and plunging out to say like the eagle lord i'm available in this season i have decided that you are looking for kingdom financiers in this kingdom i have discerned that you are restoring the healing ministry again to the body in this season i have discerned that your pattern of revival has changed it is not a cyclical pattern so i cannot study it from history i will need to learn that move is a new dimension that has not come this is strange but like habakkuk i will stand up on my watch and set myself upon the tower let me discern the correct how do you want men to pray in this season how do you want men to fast how come how much ministry be done like the eagle for that sacrifice of alignment there is an anointing that comes on you and when it comes upon you the generation will know that you have been selected to stand to represent the purposes of god that there are people who is not backsliding they are still in the great grand blueprint of god's program but as far as the unique operation of god perceives it they are not there [Music] and let me tell you it's a dangerous thing to be there and yet not be there it's a dangerous thing to see canaan and not enter it's a dangerous thing to once be used and not because your assignment is over for failing to discern someone is going to pray lord i have the grace i am a believer lord i have found my place in purpose and destiny and i testify with all humility that there is a grace on my office but i confess give me the eyes of the crowd to see what you are doing so that i can obtain the grace for this season please leave to god [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] listen by this prayer hear me there are some of you what you need to see cannot be found on earth so god will have to route you through the realm of the spirit and show you visions of things john said i was in the isle of patmos for the testimony of god he was mandated to write the apocalypse the revelation and then he needed to be in the spirit on the lord's day then i saw there are certain things you cannot see in this realm as occultists they will tell you there are certain things one time you know because of the privilege of the apostolic grace and the office and what i do i study across religions i read all kinds of things not to deceive the body but then to be able to open up my vastness and so through the years i've done it a lot and i remember one of the sects on earth i was studying a bit on how they do their initiation and there is part of the initiation that happens only when you sleep then it continues in the realm of the spirit when it finishes and you wake up then it will finish so it starts physically but there is a part of it that cannot be physical isn't it so then you will go to bed and it continues in the realm of the spirit that concerns your soul your body is not involved and then later on you will finish physically there are people like that i remember a dear lady yes ago i think they went to canada to see someone a happy list i was told the man does not come until there is a sacrifice a true story and they brought a goat physical goods the god disappeared in their presence not magic right there it disappeared next thing a man comes out from nowhere there are things that cannot be seen in this realm please hear me i'm rounding up i will lie to you and my conscience will not let me rest if i don't tell you this i will deceive you if i tell you that everything will be seen only with your optical eyes there are graces there are ramps you cannot see and you cannot know in this body hear me there are impartations that you cannot receive in the physical they must happen in the spirit there are books in the spirit they are not only books in this room john was granted access to see the scrolls in heaven there are callings that when god calls you you must be exposed to certain kinds of angels listen you will never be effective if you do not know them and how they operate now theoretically you will see in the world that they excel in light they excel in strength and from the truth of scripture you can walk but pragmatically speaking as there are certain anointings when they come upon you you must seek to be defective if you cannot see the grace will not be maximized because the character of the operation of that grace will not only want you to descend you must see it has nothing to do with being a prophet there are anointings that when they are on your life [Music] your dream life must come alive because that is the channel that that grace works it works through the power of dreams so i'm not going to deceive you to just say go and buy physical books alone no there are times you will need to pray until you plunge into a reality and a dimension not divination and some kind of nonsense the word of god remains the highest authority but you can look and the light from scripture enters you and you find yourself ordained into a dimension i have told you my story i have met demons i have met angels i know a bit about the realm of the spirit i know a bit about these operations and it is from the vastness of that knowledge that the dispensing of the grace of god is carried out when you see me do some of the things that i do they look easy because it's a product of careful work with the spiritual many years but there are many things that happen behind the scenes if i tell you the power of god is coming on someone it's not just a guess no there are many things that happen if that revelation is to be broken down you will be amazed there are angels that excel in strength that work with you what god is doing through calling on your teachings there is a spiritual dynamics to it it's not just prayer on something to spread around no that is what god is doing so i'm telling you this because you have to be sensitive there are some of you that would need to pray and say lord even if i cannot see can you anoint my dreams because god will be trying to show you something for a long time please listen and all the channels don't sing sang it very well and say channels of my spirit open up like a radio station god may try to give you a call god may try to send you an email god may try to do what the channels lord i know that you seek to communicate certain things to me my spirit man has to be sensitive in this season there are encounters i have had even in recent times that it may not be profitable now to share but every time you see new levels in the spirit please understand with me that something has happened in the spirit that i can tell you are we together people don't just rise levels and dimensions don't just change authority does not just come just because people are reading scripture you see there are things that happens between you and god that is a prohibition is not profitable unless the body builds error out of it so it is not everything that will come by reading books it is not everything that will come by listening to messages there are some of you who will be listening to a coin on your message because of the grace that needs to come upon your life you will be forced to sleep whether you are feeling sleepy or not the grace mandates that your body must be at rest so that your spirit can accept the level that captures the impartation that comes in that meeting and you will go to bed and still be participating you will still be following but the difference now is that the message will now come with imagery it's not just you listening again it will bring you into scenarios and you will receive impartations listen how did solomon receive the grace for wisdom he slept and a transaction happened in the realm of the spirit it's in the bible how did jacob receive that grace [Music] father in the name of jesus i pray over every one of your people in this auditorium around and following from any part of the world in the name of jesus i pray that by the power of the holy spirit may your eyes be opened tonight [Music] every spiritual blindness that has been casted over your mind casted over your eyes so that you will not see that which pertains to your dominion in this season i stand in the name of jesus christ the son of the living god and i command let that fail be taken from off your eyes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the light that can turn your night in the name of jesus i expose you to that body of truth [Music] the light it takes to cross the head of evil over your life over your family in the name of jesus be exposed to that life the light that must be cast upon your mind in this season to bring to life ideas concept helping you maximize opportunities i declare may that light fall upon you now hear me i frustrate the ministry of satan i declare and declare that every veil he may seek to pass upon your mind may that assignment be twatted now [Applause] [Music] the anointing that has been looking for you from the beginning of this year by the power of life i connect you to it in the name of jesus christ i sanctify every spiritual channel that god can use to communicate truth to you from your dreams to visions to perceptions i anoint them may they work for you in the name of jesus every angel assigned in this season to your life to help guide like daniel working in partnership with the holy spirit to provide for understanding may they excel in strength may they excel in light in the name of jesus christ hear me whatever has kept you at the same position in the name of jesus christ the god of heaven by the power of light in this season i move you to the next level of your destiny in the name of jesus finally let me pray for your loved ones and all who are connected to you in the name of jesus christ the son of the living god by the power of sight by the power of light and illumination sustain the authority to liberate your loved ones in the name of jesus christ and i pray for everyone here every dormant gift every ability of the spirit that is lying quietly but has not yet been tapped to be profitably used for kingdom advance and for your living i declare a quickening of those gifts now [Music] the appetite to study scripture in the name of jesus the appetite to listen to materials that can bless you to study books that mentally nurture that wants to your growth and dominion i crush it now in the name of jesus finally i pray for you the result that was happening this season to motivate you because you see we are motivated in this kingdom by the workings of the principles that we engage when you engage truth and it works then you are motivated to explore more i pray for you the result needed in this season that will move you and motivate you to higher realms in the spirit may that result begin to speak in your life finally i pray for you the anointing that is corporately released upon this house in this season to bring men into realms of light and illumination in the name of jesus i connect you to that grace in the name of jesus i connect you to that grace thank you heavenly father in the mighty name of jesus just worship him in one minute bless his name is the king of kings the lord of lords our [Music] is always savior honor to have here before [Music] i want you to cry to the lord tonight and say father give me a visitation one more time give me a visitation tonight are you praying give me a visitation everywhere outside let the entrance of your world give life let it give understanding unto me let your world correct me understanding that it empower me and cause me to walk [Music] foreign [Music] that will show us the path of life [Music] [Music] foreign let us hear your voice tonight in the name of jesus hallelujah [Music] spirit of the living god we submit ourselves to you and we ask that you will teach us help us to understand the kingdom and help us to access the mysteries that come with this kingdom and help us to demonstrate the reality of the life the power the grace of god that is resident between us we give you all the praise tonight we will never be the same our hearts are open we never get familiar with your presence in the name of jesus hallelujah god bless you please be seated [Music] before i begin tonight i just want us to take a minute and just thank the lord for the manifest miracles sights and wonders that he is doing through us among us and we just lift up our voices in one minute and say lord we are not ungrateful people we thank you all who are connected with us to us around following us online join us to lift our voices and tell him thank you jesus we bless you jesus we acknowledge you as a doer of all things working by your spirit you only use men but it never comes from men we acknowledge you before the entire world and we declare that you're the wisdom behind the results that we command you are the lord of the outcomes you are the lord of every good thing that we celebrate in this ministry so lord we thank you jesus said where hallelujah start a series on the holy spirit but that would be next week i the course of the week i had a very serious burden was still going to be on the series but we just shifted one week and i think that there is a lot we need to learn about the ministry of the holy spirit the person of the holy spirit and how to walk in the anointing it's not enough to just have the spirit of god we must know how to be demonstrators of that power but god had put something very strong in my heart and um i trust god that would be as brief as possible tonight so that we can pray [Music] for me when it came it was very very serious and i think that is worth considering we're going to be praying i'm teaching tonight on dominion over courses [Music] dominion over curses dominion over curses [Music] thank you jesus [Music] dominion over causes any aspect of the kingdom life that you do not have sufficient understanding of please listen carefully you will always experience the reign of darkness in that area the bible calls part of the cadets of the demonic kingdom there is a class of spirits called the rulers of darkness that means their dominion is on the strength of the absence of light or an inaccurate understanding on how to apply that light you know misunderstanding and ignorance are the same thing in the realm of the spirit one who is a possessor of light but cannot apply it adequately and one who is barring of that light both of them are destined to have the same outcome so it's not enough to be possessors of light we must also be possessives of understanding the system in the kingdom by which we apply this fruit you will be learning a lot this night and i trust that god will open our eyes in the name of jesus in the course of this very brief teaching tonight god is going to be opening our eyes and we're going to be seeing a lot of things as it concerns our lives our families our destinies but much more than the knowledge god will hand to us the keys that will not only help us to rise above it but help the people in our families to rise above it praise the lord [Music] if i look at the baby that shalma is holding and i call that baby an adult i can argue based on whatever scientific fact i can choose to even say she's not holding a baby whether i decide based on my perception to assume she's not holding a baby or not the truth remains the truth i get what i'm saying the bible says for we can do nothing against the truth but for the truth there are certain realities as far as our walk with god and our walk in the kingdom is concerned that if we do not pay attention to and sustain the grace to be able to bring those things under the feet of jesus we will live absolutely defeated lives and one of it is what i'm going to be teaching you tonight dominion over curses lamentations chapter 5 verse seven very interesting scripture please give us that scripture lamentations chapter five verse seven i want us to read it as loud and clear if you are a child of god ready one to read [Music] one more time stop what does it mean and they are not they are what that means they have left the scene something started with them and their presence departed from the sea but whatever that something is the bible says and we have done what the word born there is the word inherited our fathers have sinned and are not it was only fair that whatever trouble will go with them but the bible says we have borne the iniquity i hope you know the bible says all scripture was inspired of the holy ghost holy men wrote right as they were moved by the spirit the second scripture i want us to look at is proverbs 26 verse 2 and then we begin to establish a few things proverbs 26 verse 2 i want us to read one to read as the birth by wandering as the swallow by flying read please so the cause cost less [Music] look at this this i'm already laughing because i don't know how many of you went to school but i think that this was written in basic english so the cause costless shall not come in other words if it comes there is a cause the condition for it not being there is that nothing caused it that means the presence of any kind of predicament is a sign that it was intentionally initiated the bible says there is a law and this is the law that the a cause causeless shall not come it is it shall not stand it will never even manifest in the first place so the fact that it was able to appear in the scene of your destiny regardless of what caused it this law was properly obeyed for it to find expression he says a cause causeless shall not stand it shall not come there are so many believers who do not understand the laws of the kingdom and the systems of god like we have been discussing here this is part of accessing spiritual intelligence and we confess so many things we do not understand in the body of christ and we are largely victims of situations and circumstances there are so many people who do not even believe that there is such a phenomenon in the dealings of men in the earth called a system where men can experience what the bible calls a cause the word sounds insulting the word sounds antichrist the word sounds degrading but it's interesting to know that the first person who used it in the bible was god the first person to reveal to us that there is a possibility that a man's life can be programmed to experience wars was not even satan it was god almighty now think about this god himself is using something are we believers ah look at you looking at me and see if you left your bible one year ago is it not in your bible when man fell the bible says and the lord god had the voice i mean and they had the voice of the lord walking in the cool of the day correct and he came and said adam where are thou and adam said i heard thy voice but i hid because i was naked he said who told you you were naked then he said the woman this madam you have kept close to me did this and that and that and because of her i got into trouble woman what is this that you have done she said the servant and he turned to the serpent and the bible clearly clearly tells us number one the servant was caused that he would crawl on his belly and he shall feed upon the dust of the earth correct then god turned to the woman and made another pronouncement of pain in childbirth then god turned to the earth he no sense and said cause are you for the sake of the man thorns and peacefuls shall begin to come out and in the sweat of thy brow that's the mystery of hatred god using that same statement the second experience was with a man called king when king killed his brother and then god called on cain where is your brother i said am i my brother's keeper and god said that the blood of the brother cried from the earth and then he caused king correct and when he listed those causes a fugitive and a vagabond shall you be and came turned and even negotiated remember in one of our teachings we explained that and he said no no no no whoever sees me whoever sees me whether he has no business killing me or not something upon me will force him to want to kill me and god said all right i will put a mark without that mark anyone can kill you so it's not about who kills it's about what is making them want to kill you listen carefully please follow me tonight you are going to learn a lot a course causeless shall not stand it's like saying every time you see water in this bottle it was intentionally put it cannot just appear write this down what is it cause ah looked around and suddenly realized that you've been so good to me your mercy's everlasting [Music] who am i that you hear my cry when i call you who am i that you [Music] are who am i you're the source of my strength the strength of my life my opinion my joy my cold [Music] [Music] there are a few things i want you to know about courses number one a course is a mystery a course is a mystery that means the operation of a course cannot be studied intellectually you must be able to study from the standpoint of the realm of the spirit a cause is a mystery the second thing i want you to know about a course is that a course is a spiritual force a cause listen carefully is a spiritual force a cause is a spiritual force are we together number three a course has magnetic characteristics like you talking magnetism an attracting power it can attract certain things to its victim i'm taking our time to help you understand this let's take it very carefully tonight a cause is a mystery it causes a spiritual force then a cause is magnetic it has an attractive power number four a cause is always negative in its manifestation a course is always negative in its manifestation there's no such thing as positive cause no [Music] what is a cause a course is an invocation a course is an invocation comma a programming a course is an invocation a programming that is designed to attract walls and calamities to the life of its victim a course is a what an invocation a programming that is designed to attract wars and calamities pay attention and listen carefully in the life of its victim it always has negative effects on the life of its victim a course can be made manifest in the life of a person through utterances let's be very fast utterances and pronouncements utterances and pronouncements the bible did not leave us in the dark as to the fact that utterances and pronouncements have prophetic implications whether from the positive dimension or the negative dimension every time an utterance is made the bible tells us it has an effect that is supported from the realm of the spirit that every time i open my mouth to utter an utterance the bible tells us whether it was done in ignorance or it was done intelligently that there is a support system in the realm of the spirit that helps to back the outcome of that pronouncement so the bible says say not before an angel i made a mistake causes can find expression through written words this is largely seen in not much of this is understood in christianity but when you study world religions you find out that there are many religions that um walk like a legal system they have from slates to books to mantras to manuals and all kinds of things and all of these gadgets and these documents are a system and whenever they are invoked in a certain dimension and a manner they have capacity to program wars upon the life of people these are the basic ways that the bible reveals to us that a course can be communicated to an individual now very quickly what is the character of a course i'm being very i'm talking tonight like a lecturer because i want us to pray and i really want everybody to understand this it is easy to know that a territory listen carefully maybe let me change the word and call it a siege let me change the word and call it wolves so that it will psychologically relate to you but the name is a course if i change the name it's only for your comfort not to change the reality it is called a cause are we together our idea of a cause is someone who offends you then you make a pronouncement in anger and it brings a cost no no it is that idea that makes us feel guilty say no no i didn't offend anybody no in this world once you are alive you have to find out what happened before you because you can be a victim of a story that predates your existence are we together now it is easy to know that a personality a family a territory is under a course the first indication of the presence of a cause in a life and a family is patterns repetition of negative patterns that seem to fatal the individual's prayer life that seem to feature the individual's supposed spiritual activities please pay attention patterns patterns the classic indication of courses and blessings in the bible is patterns patterns the same way the same way you can know that a man a place an individual is blessed there is a track record of frequent happenings regardless of the condition are we together so we look at the life of abraham isaac jacob the israel of god and we see a pattern everyone who spoke against them was judged by god there was something upon them every time they violated his dictates they were given to their enemies it was a pattern patterns are very common in the lives of people now we just pretend that they are not there you see let me tell you something one of the major reasons why people do not rise in power and faith listen carefully is because of insincerity when you want to approach spiritual things you must be open-hearted and sincere are we together your heart must be broken and contract this pattern ranges from all kinds and it happens everywhere there are patterns as far as finances are concerned there are patterns as far as family lives are concerned you turn and look around the average family in africa and you will know that there are patterns now pay attention and follow me to the end of the lecture don't be quick to just say no no no no but it doesn't exist i think i did something about it a course cost less if it still remains the cost is there a cost cost less a cost costless if i have a boil in my hand and i go to doctor if i come to you and i have a boil in my hand you will tell me that this boil is a reaction it's an effect of something is that true the boil is showing that something is wrong so the cause is not the failure the failure is a message the patterns are a message they are not the cause the cross is spiritual the course is an atmosphere it's like a cloud it's like a mantle that an individual can carry has capacity to break barriers has capacity to follow you it can pursue a man it can overtake a man the bible personifies a cause in deuteronomy 28 you see that he spoke to them a list of blessings and then crosses he said it will pursue you and overtake you travel to london travel to uk travel to your village go to school marry be wherever he can follow you it has that capacity that limitless ability equality only given to spiritual things a course is not failure a course is not barriness a course is not retrogression all those things are messages they are symbols that signify the presence of such an atmosphere upon a man hallelujah are we blessed joshua chapter seven let's look at it very quickly something interesting happened there we read verse one then we'll jump to verse ten to twelve joshua chapter seven verse one and then we'll jump to verse 10 to 12. but the children of israel committed a trespass in the accosting for aikan the son of kami the son of zabdi the son of zerah of the tribe of judah took of what and the anger of the lord was kindled against who who carried something god was angry against help me now there's a revelation i want to show you who participated in the loot help me did they loot as a congregation did he consult them to loot the bible says he smoked good and i think that he was prohibited to carry correct and then what happened the anger of the lord was kindled against who verse 10 and the lord said unto joshua get thee up wherefore liars doubt toss upon thy face because they were defeated a small city defeated them and joshua went to god israel had who sinned it never said he can have sin were bible students he never said akan had seen he said israel had seen and they have transgressed my covenant which i commanded them for they have even day day they have even taken of their casting and have also stolen and dissembled also and they have put it even among their own stuff verse 12. therefore the children of israel could not stand before their enemies but turn their backs before their enemies why [Music] they started by taking something at cost and in verse 12 they themselves where one man whose eyes saw something and he said no i can't let this thing go like that and he smuggled it quietly and put it in his pocket and god was watching and god said israel you have seen and all of them think of the innocent people that died in the war they were all preparing all god will give us i mean if god gave us jericho what is ai a small town and in their midst someone small good and item and all of a sudden they went to battlefield imagine them moving warriors and they were utterly defeated and joshua the embarrassment was too much and he went back to god crying and god says stand up please this is not the issue of prayer you need to understand i need to give you understanding don't just lie down crying for nothing he said israel has seen they took something and by this time he said they themselves were across he said neither will life be with you anymore except he destroyed the accounts from among you the accoss was no longer a thing but a person our course is real i wish they were not i would have just told you i was joking let's be serious now our course is real don't you see them in your family i know you act like they are not there don't you see them around listen carefully don't you see them in the life of pastors don't you see them in the life of apostles prophets great people a cause does not mean you are a sinner write it down you have to get this a sinner like one possessing the listen this i want to teach you something just pay attention whatever you don't understand just keep following a course is not necessarily a symbol that an individual personally sinned against god there are many families there are many individuals carrying things in their lives that they can laugh around and pretend in church that this thing does not exist it doesn't happen but we are watching with our eyes remember the bible says a cause costless shall not come meaning if it comes don't just probe the effect what is the cause to my boil example so i have a boil and my hand is swollen and i run to the doctor and say doctor help me and the doctor looks at it and smiles and says ah your white blood cells are fighting something are we together now they are fighting something or um what they call this thing fever sign ah pastor jt good to see you i didn't realize it was him hallelujah and then fever sign and then he tells me that that fever sign is a sign that there's war somewhere when others are feeling cold you are feeling hot correct you try to stand in the sun you start feeling cold again you don't know what is wrong with you that reaction is a sign that a war is going on somewhere whoever wins you will soon know if you don't recover i say sign you are not winning and that means you must seek assistance and the doctor was okay i need to introduce something in your life and then he introduces something and all of a sudden things start changing and you cannot enter your body to know whether you are winning so you use the absence of that evidence as a sign that you are recovering all of a sudden listen a boy that refused to go you put rob he refused to go you put local hubs are we together palm oil he refused to go immediately you know something is wrong this is not sometimes he can even mock you and go and come out or come out somewhere else the boy said it doesn't matter where i come out i can come out anywhere for as long as what is causing it is still there but when the doctor explains to you the issue is not the boy the issue is sometimes he will not even ask you to burst it he introduces something to your system then a boil causeless starts drying you watch it dry and it disappears and within a week you'll never believe anything is there then you now confirmed by the absence of that thing that it is gone so don't sit down and tell me no boil is swelling we are all watching it grow he said no boil we are seeing it we are not stupid a cause causeless shall not stand you may not appreciate this because somebody is paying your bills now you may not appreciate this because no matter how careless you are you don't sow but somebody's harvest is paying for you so you are thinking you are the one sowing if they will come you will be exposed to a reality where you will now see that your life is dependent on the outcome of your understanding there are patterns that should not happen to believers if they are happening something should be dealt with it should not be ignored it should be understood and dealt with brothers and sisters hear me i tell you the truth by the authority of the lord jesus christ causes harry yes they are yes they are there are families today that all the men in that family never move forward they never rise they never become anything edumate the men do not have to be irresponsible they are sincere people very sincere people there are families where every month per year somebody must die regardless of how sincere they are loving people it can even be after a church service on their way back they die after a prayer meeting rattling in tongues for hours you can't say they don't love god there are families if a man looks at you and says i love you even that man what will happen to him that night he will never repeat that statement again now he doesn't know why you two you don't know why you think the issue is okay am i too fat let me be on a diet no you are trying to rub pam oil on a boil remember our story i know many hard-working men admit they have been working in their twenties sincere godly people till today they are begging there are people who start building 20 years it has not reached linkedin level no brothers and sisters we are intelligent how many graduates you see in a family seven graduates the only employed person in that family is a driver are they so stupid they are not lazy they will tell you they are not lazy most times we think it's because they are unserious and people erroneously saying don't forget these jobs that they are not hard working please be careful some of you as we are sitting now if you are to be sincere you know things are not all right there are families when you give birth to people things happen there are pastors edumate they refuse to deal with these things and they get into ministry anointed remember my story born again filled with the holy spirit working miracles was still oppressed by demons i went to people quietly and i said what is wrong they say no don't worry man let me tell you i don't think there are few people here that quote scriptures more than me the demons they respected shocking call the name of jesus nothing happened how do you call the name of jesus on a crusade ground and somebody is walking out of your crotch and you call it for your life and nothing happens i knew i needed to understand something your victory starts when you are humble when you have you say no no no there has to be a puzzle to this equation it can be god mysterious sicknesses there are people today carrying hepatitis a b and whatever is they don't have when you go to the hospital and they have hepatitis they ask you who had it in your family even genetics support the reality of transgenerational transference there is such a possibility the fact that you look like your father should teach you something about the realm of the spirit the fact that you look like your mother and your born again did not change your facial appearance it's a spiritual reality something listen something should tell you that this thing is real you better trust the holy spirit all of us men of god are not older than you by more than 20 30 years the holy spirit is an ancient spirit he's god's own spirit he was there when this thing started hallelujah a curse causeless shall not stand i have watched sincere people educate bound sincerely there are pastors today as anointed as whatever you look at them you think is the holy spirit no growth no increase and it's not only ministry it's a pattern anointed born again nothing happens no growth no increase how many people have they thrown away from they went to u.s just when they went they went with complete papers as soon as they were vetting people one got missing and you know that they were here i said look let me explain to you fba papers were complete they said come and explain to your embassy in nigeria and they drag them down what of all these devilish things that fly around people's body fibroids lung hiv cancer see killing men now once a man is 45 years old he starts getting afraid ask the doctors they will tell you prostate cancer once people start getting to 45 46 they are now they are now afraid because of cancer once a lady is approaching 28 29 even doctors are saying marry faster because any moment from now and every stranger will start growing so once you are 30 and you are not married they will tell you look there's no room to sharing god just hurry up and get all your children first how many of you plan you have five you need at least 10 years hurry up and catch up it's nonsense the devil is a liar this night patterns how about barriness a trace of it how about fruitfulness but that not productive you give that to 10 children all of them are useless there are patterns the ladies must get pregnant out of wedlock before the world now they are innocent and the condition that leads to the pregnancy is the same thing that happened to someone else they don't know themselves but it happened i have cancer people like that and sisters there is such a thing as that and tonight god wants to show us that there is a system in the kingdom where people can have dominion it is not just about what christ has done it is that we can be alienated from the life of god through the ignorance that is in our heart we have claimed things that we don't know anything about let me tell you something about ministry in zarya that you do not know i think it was you sam i was talking to minis the lifespan of successful ministry in zarya is three years you are a minister in zarya if you survive three years you know the mystery of continuity after three years something must arise attempting to rubbish your life a scandal are we together one kind of failure something will just evolve out of nowhere there are so many people especially music artists they've risen from zarya men of god risen from zarya but you don't know where they are today you see a musician just appears and for six months he's been invited everywhere and after that you just go still next we are waiting for the next person [Music] there is a level the devil packs man and pegs their destiny you never rise beyond a level there are families is defined for as long as you oscillate within that ambient of relevance it's okay but try to cross it that line will draw you back and say are you blind don't you see that there's a long line are we together men don't live beyond certain times the moment you are 35 death comes see i saw this pattern in my own extended family the only person in my father's family that is alive now is him or one of his sisters i've shared it with you very sincere people [Music] none of them died a good death mysterious sicknesses that will rubbish your life and none of them ever rose to certain levels some of your fathers are like that they started working from 22 as it is now if you send them 5 000 they will kneel down and say thank you it's a course it's a course some of you are in school as students but they are calling you from home anything for this month to say mommy just take it easy we keep laughing and say there is nothing wrong see let me tell you you don't deal with it you marry follows you there you don't deal with it you because as you are marrying once you are standing with your necktie two of you are bringing everything you represent and you move into the house do you know this is why people erroneously call people witches and wizards it is because they are open to the prophetic but because they do not have the accurate understanding of the word of god they see the spirit that is behind that activity and mistaking it for the individual carrying it out so they say no no no no and truly what they are saying is not a lie they say your troubles started from the day this lady one lady come all of a sudden you said you married her you now got married you were millionaire in five months five months you are looking for 10 000 to buy a new shoe mysterious things happen your first car got missing the second car police police caught it the third car is somewhere else your truck capsided like that the driver slept off listen and your life is reduced back and then you now go to a man of god i'm not i'm not talking against man of god you know i love the body of christ but you go somewhere and then the man genuine man of god now looks and says ah who do you marry josie thank god you always steal our life it's just an example darling just an example are we together now give me your hand run away from me you have to deny me now to see be nice to me be a nice wife are we together and then the man you see men who consult quietly they will announce in public is the anger you see publicly the man now returns home good evening darling or honestly let me tell you i am throwing everything out of my life that is causing me failure he stops eating your food because he believes that eating your food is why he is now having high blood pressure and this lady is sincere she loves god are we together now and they cannot why will you call such a nice woman a witch she may not be a witch but she's connected to something that is causing that effect plus the one you are now bringing we have not even talked about the word of the man hybrids of different formulas that as a result of different spiritual things and you find out that things don't work in people's lives that's why in certain villages they even apportion certain regions and tell you they are what cost it doesn't happen in your village where they isolate a group of people and say these people whoever marries will either die or something and sincerely speaking you were married out of bold face and said love is love love is blind jimmy said marriage you open your eyes you now want to get married and find out that after the marriage two weeks after the marriage you are not hearing again one month after the marriage you can't walk again you see that tell me why a man who has been working in the civil service for 30 years should not have up to one million in his account how many children grew up with him two children he's still poor there are families we lottery get anything that will still be poor it has nothing to do with money it's a system listen the system of courses outlive those who caused it it cannot leave it the primary purpose of a course is to create a system for transgenerational allegiance transgenerational allegiance allegiance to deities ultimately an allegiance to satan a system to create transgenerational allegiance our grandmothers and great-grandmothers you hear of one woman giving back to 14 children never went to a hospital no cs out of those 14 children one was a set of twins one was a set of triplets and truly she gave birth to them in the midst of fire and you still see her a mother of 13 children standing her stomach is as straight as an arrow no fibroid no nothing why because before the delivery there is a priesthood ask the god and say remember just like we agreed we have been serving you half of our guinea con is hanging on the tree in respect to your demands so whatever look upon that guinea con and that goat that disappeared and please this woman now all of a sudden missionaries had passion but no intelligence they came to africa now we love the missionaries but don't forget that they were very limited people said they died of malaria are you with what you know now was he malaria that really killed them die of malaria malaria was the servant like a tree that carried that charm you just come in and all of a sudden you organize a crusade and say stop worshiping this deity 300 years old of worship and allegiance you have the gods to bring the head bring everything upon it and another man is just looking at you and beating you jesus says jesus you they leave you quietly because they know that ignorance can alienate a man from the life of god and the moment you finish first you die all the followers die the remaining return and they say look this thing does not work [Music] if i didn't know this i would have been a failure all my life are we together i have seen this thing happen [Music] without humility i don't know how many of my extended people especially from my paternal side that i can look and say this person is successful today [Music] courses can come directly from god directly from god this is not the cause of the law the cause of the law is not all the cause there is in the bible directly from god number two causes can be transgenerational products of ancestry what we call ancestral causes there is such a thing as ancestral causes [Music] there is such a thing number three self-inflicted causes self-inflicted causes there are programming that can come upon the lives of people which is a product of self-infliction [Music] [Music] the cross [Music] that we call the cause from god is what i also call a sinner's course every sinner is under a course everyone who has not acknowledged jesus christ please hear me carefully as his lord and savior believe it or not you are under a course you are under a cause what is the cause the dominion of evil perpetually remains above you is a cause the moment you are not in christ you qualify for the very cost that is upon creation that from dust thou art and to dust thou shall return that tongues and tissues shall come upon your ground and with the sweat of your brow shall you feel there is a cause that is upon creation it cannot be taken away you can only be exempted from it hear me please that is the reason why the old urge will be punched there is a reason why fire will punch this earth there is a reality that is hanging upon this earth right now individuals born by default in sin did my mother conceive me he says and you are a victim of it [Music] mortality is a cause that came with creation there is such a possibility that a man can extend his life you can access the reality of god's life [Music] failure because if you are not in christ listen you are not in christ you qualify for the sinners cause it's not something bad it's not even about what you did it's a reality [Music] god's own pronouncement upon creation as a result of men alienating his ways then i said number two ancestral courses ancestral courses are products of violating the terms and agreements products of violating the terms and agreements that constituted the basis for mutual relationship between men and deities there was such a provision in africa as a continent where men fraternized with deities you see that in ancient babylon you see that in egypt the sun god ra alongside thousands of other gods there was a very intelligent spiritual system of fraternity with them an agreement a covenant causes operate on legal grounds they don't operate by mistake they operate on legal grounds there is a legal system in the kingdom and don't forget righteousness and justice are the foundations of israel a system that god is obliged to honor [Music] who can stand against [Music] [Music] stand against a king no one can no one will [Music] victory belongs to me [Music] listen [Music] when you walk out of this many of you will begin to see things changing your life in remarkable ways remarkable ways your prayer life will be so reduced to only worship because you will search around and see that there are no issues of concern again there is such a possibility that a man can sit down bless on the left and on the right an effulgence of the way the reality of god's life practically at work in a man [Music] and they look at you and say pastor alpha is it true that you came from kogi state with this restaurant about the witches left you they didn't leave me i came out i accept a mystery because they are still there if they left you they will leave everybody there you mean you come from this state and you are not a drunkard no the drunkenness is still there i came out by a mystery of exemption [Music] who builds this house i built it at what age 27 where did you get the money from the only person that built a house here was the king of the village and he built it at 63 and you tell them well well well welcome to a new order where intelligence creates reality do you know you will die and you say no no the same mystery that builds the house without resistance keeps the house [Music] you have the testimony of the gentleman diagnosis of prostate cancer and all of a sudden is that prostate cancer you would have died like a chicken then we will say how can allah and sharia you see what how we convince ourselves as if the will of god is a mystery i know the thoughts that i think towards you said the lord there are thoughts of good and not of evil i don't know poverty does not look like good oppression does not look like good monster [Music] i can't sell a couple engineers they got marriage their wedding night that's supposed to be a night of joy they are very wedding night a stranger walked physically to the woman and told that the same thing i did to your mother is what i would do to you see true story she got pregnant according to what she told me they were happy people were dancing and in the night this stranger came again and this is all he did on her stomach and she got up in the morning bleeding profusely as if she would die machines don't diagnose courses machines cannot detect the presence of demons they only detect the effect of their presence [Music] we went to idah we always go there for pastor alpha's conference and i remember one of the years when we traveled there he took us on a tour and began to explain to us we went to greet the king the man refused to see us later on and then we went somewhere and i saw foul remember market square one market square that we went i saw it there with my eyes and people were passing whoever did the sacrifice just cut it there witchcraft is real if you see anybody rising he is exempted or yet to be a victim you know what i said exempted or or the devil is allowing their ignorance to keep them going while they laugh at others and says because you don't know that they would do you it would scatter and rubbish you into pieces there are people who are so irrelevant as far as their impact to hell is concerned the devil said just allow them to be busy they think it's because they have overcome [Music] that there's something about your life and ministry strikes hell you will see the reaction immediately you can be praying your childish prayer and the devil said focus on those who are really just leave that person and you can convince yourself that because nothing has happened say no no i know what to say i don't talk too much and things happen the day that you ever see anything that strikes a god in hell suddenly strangers will come to you and say don't do it again [Music] brothers and sisters if you see men rise as if satan does not exist it's not it's because they have access to mystery that immunes them this is what i'm teaching you tonight but to refuse that this does not exist is the beginning of deception beginning of deception the western world has been cheated in this area in a very big because of advancement in medicine and advancement in all of these things oh they leave it to all the spirits and they ask the the transcendental meditators and all of them come the nation of america listen their fathers understood this mystery they walked in power and when satan found out that that whole generation had covenanted their lives to god he left them and started growing with their children he said let's leave the fathers to die in the crusade ground and he started growing with the children and all the children came up with all kinds of things you know i mean there's if you are sick right now you cough ambulance is coming in five minutes and so they don't believe it now look at the disaster happening in the western world where people can kill themselves on youtube shoot their children effects they laughed at us in africa before that we are the ones who used to behave like that you carry arrows now they have a reprobate mine a generation successfully captured by hell a cause is a mystery a very deep mystery hallelujah how many beautiful ladies do you know beautiful godly god fearing the painful part is nobody has even come to say hi my dear you know you're a pretty lady it's not a lie you know what i'm saying it's not a lie [Music] how many parents went to all kinds of rivers and were dipped how many times to be pregnant there is a system in the kingdom for exemption but the first key is to acknowledge that there is such a reality a lot of people don't believe courses are real it's foolish to believe sickness is real and poverty is real and not believe causes are real the same boss brought all of them how you know you are free from causes is that you also don't fall sick and you don't get poor if you can still get poor as a believer then make no mistakes to say cause cannot come are you getting what i'm saying if i say believer i say are you born again yes are you blessed no i'm poor they say okay it's okay with timing to change are you a believer yes are you sick or very sick are you a believer yes is there manipulation of that no no no no no no are we not mocking ourselves what is the difference between sickness poverty and causes [Music] if we do not get this we will destroy ourselves every time i look at this next generation of coilonia our little ones do you know what i tell myself we have to run fast and correct everything that our parents could not correct in our lives before our children come corrected fast i look at these dear ones and i'm imagining a time that they will now start growing and all of a sudden they will become victims our parents were sincere people but they didn't know the way out so many of us we are in the middle of two generations correcting the errors of the father and setting precedence for a new generation is worth enduring are you hearing what i'm saying hear me you are you are hearing this message tonight if you are lady here as you are hearing me just just know that you are you are hearing it not just for yourself but you are hearing it for a generation you ignore what i'm saying it will pay you to watch your children go through this and you will remember you had a chance to be free [Music] i cannot allow my children go through this let me suffice let me go to it no matter what it will cost me if i go through the delay let it be that is me that went through for them so that this dear ones will move forward if i go through the poverty let it be that is me that will suffice but not that i will bring a child and watch your child die like a chicken and turn and say father what did i do wrong and you say me too that's how i saw it everybody shoved no way [Applause] [Music] how many students do very well secondary school brilliant people why nine papers they step into the university and all of a sudden 100 level results nine f's you think they are dull they are conducting tutorials but they enter the exam hall they only remember in the night when the exam was finished it's not everybody who is lazy let me tell you what of recurring sicknesses there are people today there is no month they don't fall sick go to the hospital they will tell you nothing is wrong now the doctors are wiser thank god for spiritual people becoming doctors they don't waste time again the moment they diagnose you they see that you have come once twice they'll say you know what find any available crusade and run quickly go to the front alley and stand there and trust god to wipe your tears that's why we need more spiritual people getting into our hospitals so that they will not allow people to die like chickens i look forward to times where god will give men and women of power the moment you are a midwife helping a woman give back and the baby is not coming out you detect by the spirit this is witchcraft right there shakata sotola have that lady wrecker takata and all of a sudden you find out that that woman gives birth koinonia today is not rising because there are no demons let me tell you make no mistakes only god knows how many powers try to kill me every day i told you all the time only god knows how many people take my names to shrines oh it has never happened in israel there was a woman called the widow of men what killed her husband she had only one child one child the husband now died the child now died on our way going jesus so i said no this is not the show burial i need to change something here there are families you will see them in a community 32 people only one percent of them are men and all the men are mad men they are not their brains are not even in place again mad men is a woman that pays the spookies of children is a woman that drives car is a woman that builds a house is a woman that does everything all the men become useless you see them playing draft in the morning and laughing and taking there is a cause [Music] let me tell you it's a course [Music] there are families with a course where the children never see their grandparents either they are in exile or they die please tonight you are going to offer yourself as a living sacrifice that will change this you you will have to be a wicked person if you allow your children go through this thing what of poverty what of poverty there are many people who went to harvard came back anything they started died the day you want to start importing it that's when government banned it why was it exactly others have finished making their money just when you were about to start what are people in ministry they think it's normal everybody they raise disappoints them there is a spirit they raise so many men but they disappoint them there is no helper a man will be 30 years in ministry who has become a father in the faith you should have people you should not beg for bread again but there is no man you call for help there is nobody some of you see some of these women walking on the street 71 years carrying firewood where are the children she gave birth to where are they one is in prison the other one is security somewhere and they're about to throw him out you find families where a lady has seven children from seven different men seven different men she honestly does not even know which one is the husband of which because a madman who just rape her somewhere and sometimes he can even be coming back from the house of god it's a programming it looks like a coincidence what kind of coincidence keeps happening you start business you cash you always lose money you always lose joy you always lose peace you always run into trouble they are chasing a thief the moment they pass you that's when police will say from this place pack all of them you wear innocent say programming [Music] eureka [Music] [Music] and we're [Music] help me how can a man lose a job in 1999 until now he has not gotten a job is he that tall [Music] see let me tell you something sit down if you can we should stand up and pray [Music] listen listen to me when you study the laws of mechanics sir isaac newton postulated a law we call it the first law of mechanics and this is what it states that everybody continues in its uniform motion or a static state right it remains there until compelled by an external force to act otherwise through the law of inertia that if i leave this in one place theoretically speaking thank you i should come and find it in one place after a long time that's how your destiny will be if you sit down and you are wishing it will remain like that the only thing that will be changing is your age but your condition will remain the same how about men have you seen families where the men never leave their parents homes there is such a thing they bring their wife all the cousins and their wives to their father's house you see that the house they are still was the grandfather's house the guy works in nmpc but cannot rent a good house you ask him why are you saying okay i'll do something about it 45 years he's still in his father's house they share the power they compartmentalize the kitchen [Music] if you buy your first car 50 years is that a testimony you build a house at 55 is that a testimony [Music] take seriously what i'm saying what of ministries there are churches that this course of poverty has still landed even on the ministers you will see a church with members but prosperity zero when it comes to finances you will never see increase in that area [Music] but tonight god put this body in my heart because it's time for somebody's lifting yes it is yes it is barriness every look at me i want to tell you something now and please listen we're here to help ourselves well let me give you an information every case of barriness is spiritual e-v-e-r-y a free case of buriness is spiritual let me repeat it every case of barriness is spiritual so says the bible the remedy for every case of barriness was spiritual and god opened the womb of rachel and god opened the womb of leah and god shot the womb of a milker david's wife every so that when some things happen to you you don't waste time you know where to go for it to look for help quickly quickly recurring deaths i remember one lady i can't remember um who now but there used to be a lady i remember the story faintly now that was dedicated to snakes literally snakes and the way snake moves this mountain it happens to her physically the outer skin begins to you know swell like pill i'm not talking of all just skin irritation literally like a snake multi [Music] it's good to marry from the house of god because the job has been done you hear what i'm saying is a good advice i'm telling you no matter what is pursuing you bring it to the house of god the house of god is a factory where true solution is provided when the devil wants to rubbish you he makes you successful and then he goes to connect you with a very wrong person and your life begins to knows that a course causeless shall not stand self-inflicted causes are results of ignorance and disobedience ignorance and disobedience ignorance and disobedience ignorance and disobedience self-inflicted causes are products of ignorance and disobedience [Music] no matter how born again you are if you don't type your heavens are close that for sure whatever you think about the situation notwithstanding [Music] seeing them that these realities are true what prohibition is in the kingdom to bail men out and exempt them [Music] i'm going to show you the system in the kingdom designed to set men free ready psalms 102 verse 13. is a mystery very few people understand please give us psalms 1 or 2 verse 13 read it if you're a child of god one two real [Music] [Music] three things mercy time favor mercy time favor doubt shall arise and have mercy upon zion for the time to favor her even the sad time that kairos moment the opportune time is come because of that arise and have mercy let me tell you something about the mercy of god the mercy of god is not an attribute for sinners the salvation of sin has only passed through the mystery of mercy but mercy is more than more than a provision just for sinners to experience salvation you have to understand this the mercy of god is part of the attributes of this person the mercy of god is a system a system in the kingdom where guilty people are made free the mercy of god is a system is a provision in his wisdom his infinite wisdom he factored in a provision although righteousness and justice are the foundations of his throne but in his dealings with man he introduced a mystery let me tell you something about mercy look up mercy only works for people who are in time mercy cannot walk in eternity otherwise satan will not be where he is that's why he says his messages are new every he ties time to the operation of mercy meaning whenever just like he said as far as the earth remains so when you can see the morning the mercy of god is valid mercy mercy is the attribute of god listen that provokes his help to your life regardless of your satisfying the condition for it or not mercy is a powerful attribute that is the ancient secret that the nation of israel used to turn around battles when they sinned against god god gave them over to their enemies and every time a prophet would intercept there was an enchantment they would have to chant something you are good and you're messy it was not a song it was an invocation every time they started singing that song for he is good and he's messy see how many times the psalmist uses it [Music] the psalmist was a benefactor of the mercy of god did everything wrong but every time god wants to come in he will remind him [Music] the lord is gracious and compassionate slow to anger and rich in love the bible tells us that the lord's mercy can triumph come on now that the lord's mercy can triumph over judgment so when i get to the end of my road i know that i am deserving of everything should happen that should happen yes my father sacrificed who i don't yes my carelessness i am not a fighter i am qualified for financial bankruptcy the last card i danced it did not work i prayed it did not work the attribute for bailout is invoking the mercy of god you are good and your mercy is [Music] [Music] you are forever and your mercy is forever [Music] something lost his strength to delilah the bible says his eyes were plot the symbol of light in his life and the mystery that surrounded his power his hair shoven completely and they took him the bible says they took him to their temple to make mockery of god everything was over but that samson leaned there they didn't watch the hair grow he said oh lord he cried for mercy and the moment he did that see there is one prayer god cannot say no to if you have never been confident of a prayer that will be answered try the prayer of mercy invoke mercy lord i know i am undeserving of this [Music] but i invoke your mercy [Music] it is of the lord's mercy listen it is of the lord's mercy meaning my lifetime is too fast for me to not have made a mistake but it is of the lord's mercy somewhere in my work it creates a system a provision see let me tell you it is on grounds of this that the bible can say rejoice not over me my enemies for when you think ah there was a time this car now had an accident will he ever rise again don't cook ah the worst witchcraft in your life is to stop you from receiving god's mercy you are finished mercy and something pushed and the bible says he killed more people at his death than his lifetime what are blind but he knews thou son of david hold on he never said heal me the bible says god will give us the desires of our heart i taught you to be thou son of david heal me he said thou son of david have mercy messages and open check and god had to come he left and came thousands there were two condemned criminals on the cross condemn once you hang on that cross is over for you two condemned criminals one was talking nonsense like many people are still doing their quarter to finish and they are still making noise and the other one provoked his mercy and he said this day today not tomorrow today you will be with me in paradise [Music] are we together listen the mercy of god is an attribute you need in your life it's not for sinners the mercy of god was designing your work with him to remedy for your limitations there is such a thing as limitation if i tell you every anointing that is in my life is just because of prayer and fasting i will be lying no i have mastered the act of god's mercy years ago during a past a pastor's conference the ministers were lying down and praying and the minister who was testifying he said he went to lie down close to papadevo to hear the prayer he was praying and he said for over two or three hours all purpose the boy was saying was mercy mercy lord you think he stole church money he knew he understood to pass on millions of people you don't just need anointing you need mercy jesus met a woman by the way when he met that woman by the way they started a conversation number one that woman was a prostitute correct and then because of that most disciples don't come and corrupt jesus you're a bad woman and jesus started talking with her and she started touching his mercy and at the end of it that woman ran and said come and see the man who has told me what i have done [Music] mercy mercy vetoes everything in your life and when the dust settles you are still standing that's why you see those who know this when people are dancing and saying the power of my might has given me this oh this great ministry koinonia apostle what wisdom you are such an anointed man i just laugh and look at them you need to hear my prayer in the secret place the mercy of god [Music] when they did one day the bible says when kings go for war david was meandering his balcony correct and he looked at somebody's wife she was baffing and from the altitudes you could see her nakedness and he desired her the bible said he sent and they fetched that woman and they came he now got a man's wife pregnant and all that that they go and call you in the heat of war not mind you whether the nation of israel would die they carried you right and brought you right you know i said my king i'm here he says i just wanted you to come and have you seen your wife recently have you forgotten the ordinances of israel i should be there in the heat of battle and he got angry and all he did listened was to write a letter a man's own death sentence and gave him to the battle and the painful part is that he died question what was the difference between king and david [Music] cain killed a bear blood started crying meaning one day they killed you liar blood should be crying correct david went went wet wept wentworth when all of that happened you would think that after the child that you will now tell the wife it's okay go i will marry you again who was the mother of solomon he did it again correct his daddy that will write his sins and ask them to sing it as a song if it had not been the lord by my side now may israel say if it had not been the law he would ask the nation of israel to call us for his mercy shall endure ever faithful ever so and they will begin to sing it god wants to destroy david david just fine he knew how to just tie god down and god said this a man after my own heart a man that understand not even moses was called a man after his heart mercy this is what our families need this is what we need this is what many ministries need this is what many businesses need let me tell you something we're rounding up there is a system to be a recipient of god's mercy number one a broken and a contrite heart write it down arrogant people are never qualified to be the benefactors of god's mercy [Music] for as long as you think by yourself and in your strength you are qualified and deserving you will never have it reign is your mercy towards me your loving kindness towards i see [Music] day after day [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] every time we apply the blood we invoke his mercy for you to sit down believe your forefathers did not do anything you are a joker but the mercy of god has a way of exempting you the mercy of god has a way of exempting you from the rubbish and the nonsense that should be your lord the mercy of god can change any negative prophecy over any man's life regardless of what was seen about you [Music] a particular prophet now came and met david correct and then started to speak to him in parables there was a certain man who had been fired and somebody somebody came and grabbed the fire and they said who is that was angry say you are the one who watch this do you know david was supposed to die we have a series on message that we'll deal with i don't want to go there but do you know when you read that scripture when david asked for mercy god said that death had been taken from him david would have died david would have died the wages of sin is not sickness the wages of sin is death [Music] but mercy not mercy [Music] but mercy there are some of you here legally you are supposed to be failures in life so based on that concoction those who knew you had the gods to even prophesied and what they were saying is right but mercy when you introduce mercy to the equation calculation changes everything changes so a murderer like moses could now become a deliverer by the mercy and the grace of god he said it is of the lord's mercy that we are not consumed let me tell you one of the greatest ways to break courses hear me one of the greatest ways to end courses is to invoke the mercy of god the mercy of god the mercy of god over your life invoke the mercy of god over the works of your hands the moment even as human beings if somebody tells you sorry if i look at you now come america i look at you and i say look you know you did this and i'm supposed to deal with you and all of a sudden you kneel down and say sir i am sorry do you not know that this position paralyzes me at once i look at you and say i hate you or you have done something now that on a very good day what i plan to do for you i would have dealt with you i would have humiliated you i would have made sure your career were miserable but mercy [Music] and the terrible thing about all the well not terribly righteousness about mercy is that every time mercy is invoked it not only solves the current problem it promotes you mercy will always lift mercy will always lift it will not just take away the current predicament but it will lift you and take you higher higher by the mercy and the grace of god by the mercy and by the grace of god so he says thou shalt arise and have mercy upon joshua sermon upon coinonia for the time the time the lord wants to lift me but there are certain levels of light and illumination i do not yet know and if i'm to wait until i know all those things i may never rise so he introduces his mercy and i rise to rest that even me i know that is beyond my level of understanding the mercy of god you will find yourself in the company of people you know your age and your level leveling life should not bring you their skills brought them but the mercy of god took you there [Music] as we travel around i have seen the honor of god by the grace of god and it never stops humbling me when i see the things that people do on account of their perception of the grace of god upon my life sometimes i stand by the mirror and i look i say except for the mercy of god who really does monkey barrana you see it's not false humility it's an acknowledgement of truth you are there boasting about being an entrepreneur and you don't have up to 100 000 your account you better realize that there is a dimension of the mercy of god in this equation that can arise and lift you are you hearing what i'm saying there is a dimension in ministry i believe in principles i teach principles here but let me tell you the truth there are many gaps in this equation to success that we are still learning how it works there are still gaps and one thing i've learned is that those gaps are provisions that only god can feel that's where his mercy comes in and he amplifies and multiplies little things and your life becomes because i have seen women who never trained their children their children eight children all of them became great they got born again fifa pastors all of them are millionaires they love god they are wonderful people walking in the ways of god but the woman and her husband don't know jack about parenting that one is not wisdom again let the wise man not glory in his wisdom let the strong man not glory in his strength the bible says but let him that glorious glory in this that he understand that when you know him you know he's full of compassion and mercy i will worship him forever loving forever because this god [Music] forever because [Music] see way before i learn certain principles i knew now i was already getting their results when i learned the principle i knew that truly faithful and the messy of god really qualifies the unqualified i have seen levels of breakthrough in my life that happened before i knew the principles that brought them yes this is true way before i understood principles of church growth and increase i have been seeing the hand of god and if there is a science to growth if you don't know it it should not happen but mercy mercy mercy tonight we are going to invoke mercy upon our lives upon our families and take away this earth pride that makes you think i have to marry because i'm beautiful i think i'm intelligent i should be a millionaire by now the pride of men is the reason why they never get qualified for mercy [Music] one of the most powerful mysteries of exemption against courses against yokes listen i've seen people aging they are not even born again yet but sincerely you know they call it in-house suffering genie you've seen that happen they take their names to the herbalist and the habalis who reject it and they are not born again they don't love god they don't know him but their hearts are so sincere somehow they know there is a god out there and whoever it is they are grateful to him and god just protects them regardless of the fact that they are not prayerful their hearts are wicked yet god protects them i've seen drunkards on the road that would drink to stupor and enter their car and drive safely back home they never fear them and somehow you even present you a wicked man god will deal with you but you'll find out that 10 years that guy is drowsing his way in this world are not dead they never fear anything they hear that there is crisis bomb will explode where you know they are in the night you see him back safe and hell and hearty you didn't die and he laughs [Music] that guy doesn't take communion that guy has never attended prayer meeting that guy has never attended miracle service he doesn't even know what his genotype is honestly he doesn't know whether he's sick or healthy all he knows is that his heart is a sincere heart and he cries out to god destroy it not for there is a blessing in it destroy it not for there is a blessing this is what has kept some of our parents because you know that if he's based on keeping the principles of the kingdom they would have died since he would have he would have swallowed them if the lord had not been by my side now may israel say i think of what men would have done to me when i didn't know the principles of restoration when i didn't know the principles of long life i imagined what would have happened and i wonder how many things i do not know now that i will know in the future how i walk in the midst of the value of the shadow of death yet his mercy keeps me [Music] if all else fail invoke his mercy i give you a formula if all else fails invoke his mercy you have submitted names for prayer requests and nothing has happened lord mercy for my family they are all sinners mercy for my family mercy for this yoke of darkness that is destroying men nobody in my family is making it and on legal basis the devil has his hold upon them and if you try to talk to them the painful part is they will listen to you because the god of this system has blinded their minds but you can invoke mercy in focusing in focus are you blessed tonight [Music] i want you to sing for me the stanza of that song [Music] help me [Music] [Music] that's what i really want to hear when i think upon your goodness and your faithfulness each day [Music] to receive the kind of love that you give but i'm grateful for your mercies you pray me [Music] foreign foreign me i will be oh oh hello i want you to lift your voice in one minute did he come as a result of your prayer life things that are attributes of his mercy and benevolence if you are ashamed of it you are not a candidate for mercy tonight [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign praise the lord mercy is a weapon and you are about to use it now and he showed me joshua the high priest standing before the lord and the accuser came before him attempting to real accusations and he said is this not a reed that i have taken out of fire and he said the lord rebuked you listen the mercy of god is a weapon you can use it and say satan i know you are supposed to destroy me but what about this i present to you the mercy of god i present to you the blood of the eternal covenant i present to you the advocacy of jesus at the right hand of the father standing and speaking i present to you the sinless blood i present to you calvary [Music] tonight you are going to use it as a report over the devorah i know i've not been a titan you are authorized to destroy me but see the blood when i see the blood when i see the blood when i see the blood you should be destroyed but the blood will speak hear me you live the wayward life and all kinds of things happen and the head cries against you but when i see the blood when i see the blood you were involved in all kinds of blood covenants and fraternities in ignorance but now that you are in christ when i see the blood lift up your voice and plead foreign [Music] foreign [Music] the bible says blotting out every handwriting there are handwritings there are records kept in the realm of the spirit that testified that you should not live long there are records in the realm of the spirit that testify that you should not be blessed there are records in the realm of the spirit that testify that you should not have any charge again the devil says you wasted all your children and all of them have gone there is a record in the realm of the spirit that says you have misused all the opportunities that you were given but tonight please the blood it can blot it out come on now but they should take it out [Music] [Music] is foreign [Music] a cause costless shall not stand a cause causeless so if the blood of jesus takes away the legal access the effect must lead me to open your mouth and declare every pattern you have been [Music] foreign [Music] the blood of jesus the lord of jesus christ [Music] when you activate this you will find out that no longer will there be an accusation to say oh you once were in the world you committed 19 abortions and blood is speaking and that's why your life is not moving it should not move but now that you have evoked mercy it makes the course cost less that means it should not come again are we together you stole money help them please [Music] and all of that you destroyed another person's destiny but now that you are in christ what of the blood he showed me joshua the high priest please take seriously this is what i did for my own life oh let me tell you [Music] for we rise to our access to mistress in the kingdom [Music] i want to pray for you but we're going to pray one more prayer point hear me the bible says the scripture we started give us that scripture again lamentations 5 7 please quickly we want to pray and then we'll wrangle lamentations chapter 5 verse 7 our fathers have seen and are not and we have borne their iniquities but now if i appropriate the revelation that i've been called out of every tribe out of every pump out of every nation i can't go to hell because i was born in cooking or i was born in plato state i did ask them to do witchcraft and now that they have done it if the land is caused i accept myself i can't be a victim of another man's wickedness listen i'd like you to pray with all your heart and say i begin a new order a new order dissociated from the [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] this is our year of triumph now thanks be to god who causes us always to triumph i want to pray for you listen let me tell you if god be god everything that you're carrying i don't care whether i self-inflicted you have invoked the blood the blood provokes the compassion of the christ his advocacy at the throne of the father does not happen automatically it happens in response to an incense sent from the earth the same way his high police priestly ministry the bible says he's in the order of melchizedek melchizedek did not speak until he had an encounter with abraham and he gave him a tenth of all i want to pray for you now because there are lives and destinies under the yoke of witchcraft colonial remains an uncomfortable place for them until it shall come to pass in that day that the burden shall be lifted from off your neck and the yoke from off your shoulder and it shall be destroyed because of the anointing yes [Music] i stretch my hands right now [Music] i'm hearing in my spirit household wickedness and the fire of god is falling upon all who are victims of that i stretch my hands right now let it be like breathtaking [Music] in the name of jesus christ the son of the living god inside outside i stretch my hands be free right now be free right now in the name of jesus be free right now from activities of witchcraft [Music] hallelujah [Music] demonic activities strangers coming to you in the night to sleep with you men women animals and all kinds of things coming to destroy you plant rubbish in your body i pray right now in the name of jesus anyone who is a victim of every kind of manipulation in dreams costs as a result of ancestry right now in the name of jesus i command freedom i command liberty i command freedom i command liberty secretary ticket the blood speaks right now in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ [Music] he said the earth is caused for your sake it says with the sweat of your brows shall you beat but the bible says in galatians chapter 3 verse 29 he says and if he be christ then are ye abraham seed and heirs according to the promise i want to speak and set you free there is a cause of hardship many people are victims of discuss hardship has nothing to do with poverty listen carefully many people here you are standing representing your families as i pray and right now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus the son of the living god i stretch my hands right now i command that yoke be taken from off your shoulder have their breath be taken from off your shoulders be taken from off your shoulder right now in the name of jesus i command that house of action be taken from of your shoulders in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ let me i declare to you a dimension of ease you have never seen in your life step into it right now in the name of jesus christ [Music] every yoke of this favor bad luck that looms around the life of men and women here so that you never rise is like a fail on your face and anyone who sees you walks against you [Music] be taken off right now be taken off right now be taken off right now in the name of jesus christ [Music] and cain said my punishment is too great he said i have become a fugitive for the upon he said all who see me will slay me all who see me will slay me all who see me will slay me whether they are strangers something upon me makes all who see me to slay me anymore [Music] upon your life upon your business upon your ministry that keeps attracting wars keeps attracting standards keep attracting negativism right now in the name of jesus that must be plotted forever be blooded forever be bloated forever any strange sickness in your body through your blood that came from ancestry genotypes ss zakatosia a s there's no such reality in the realm of the spirit that provision does not exist is a manipulation from the second heaven heavens altering the genetics of men but right now in the name of jesus every blood related issue passed to you by covenant i plot it out of your body right now i plot it out right now in the name of jesus christ [Music] hallelujah the classic sign of courses and yokes is the presence of patterns you usually are not the first to experience that but i want to prophesy right now i don't know what patterns you have seen around your life you have seen around your finances you have seen around your walk with god you are up to date down tomorrow you are serious today on serious tomorrow you love the lord today you love something else tomorrow your ministry rises today crashes tomorrow your finances is up to day and it is blown like the week in the name of jesus [Music] christ the bible says every house is built by some man but god is the builder therefore i decree and declare that any pattern any spiritual construction that was built by an agency other than the christ in the name that is above all names i command a tearing down and a rebuilding now a tearing down now [Music] i announce to the realm of the spirit whatever should have happened to your life by now for good but because of the presence of these embargoes there are dimensions you should have entered in christ there are levels of growth levels of advancement and influence and wisdom and access that you should have been a custodian of by grace and for whatever reason certain objections have risen in the realm of the spirit to stop you in the name of jesus christ i provoke restoration right now i prefer restoration right now i provoke restoration right now i provoke restoration right now i promote restoration right now i pray over your life and the hand of the lord came upon elijah and the bible says elijah ran on barefoot and overtook the chariots of arab down to jesus i want to speak speed in your life i don't know what tied you down by now according to the program of god for you you should have entered certain levels you should have been the mother of four children now but you are yet to have one therefore i command speed step into it right now in the name of jesus i command speed speed of accomplishment speed of accomplishment in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Music] the last prayer point i want to pray for you for there is an function that can come on a man there is an anointing that can produce an outcome that is not available in the earth there is an anointing that is called the breaker annuity the yoke destroying there is such a provision in the kingdom to not only be set free but to be a possessor of a spiritual substance that is capable of causing everyone within the influence of your grace to come under the influence of the liberty that you possess is an anointing there is a provision in the dealings of god with men where men can carry atmospheres that have prophetic implications to all those who come within the circumference of that atmosphere you will not have the time to pray for everybody but you can carry a climate i want to release a grace and function upon your life that you will go back home you will go back to regions you will go back to places you will enter your room there are physical territories that are caused but like mara the water you will pick it and in the name of jesus you will change that situation like the listen listen listen the bible says that the prophets were eating and they said there is death in this food and he said bring me flour and he put it and say go ahead and eat there is an ability there is an option that can fit through the plants of darkness in the name of jesus wherever you are like a mantle may that anointing come upon your life right now elected to strategically a breaker anointing the grace and the ocean carry the fire carry the grace carry the ocean command deliver us make environments cost free in the name of jesus may your presence your presence in your home your presence in your office your presence in your ministry sustain an ability to nullify ordinances nullify jokes and causes and enchantments surely they shall gather but because their gathering is not of god there is a substance you possess that will disengage everything that is of god receive it now in the name of thank jesus for lifting thank you thank you for lifting [Music] thank you one more time thank [Music] right where you are everyone there are people here in this place tonight overflow 1 overflow 2 by the road and as many following us from any nation of the world listen carefully it says you must be born again ye must be born again salvation hear me please salvation is the most trusted bailout from every course and every yoke according to scripture it provides a system where men can be translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light god's dear son a system where men can exchange death for his life and you are here standing listening to me everywhere inside and outside you have never truly made this commitment for jesus christ you may be a pastor you may be an elder and then there are others here at one time you were serious with god but for whatever reason your life went haywire and as it is right now you know that you need a restoration you need to run back to jesus wherever you are for time sake our time is gone please everyone stand in honor of this altar call i want you to run like this fire on the mountain as i count one to five this is a serious business i want you to come out right now one everywhere inside and outside quickly please quickly [Music] clear the way for them two please run run run run run like there's fire on the mountain run like your destiny depends on this decision three are you running those coming from outside [Music] don't sit back and allow anyone tell you no no no it's just a little issue now is the day of salvation now is the day of salvation the bible says today if you hear his voice i cannot harden not your heart as they did in the provocation in the wilderness four i still believe there are still people outside russia and join us now quickly russia join us quickly russia join us quickly [Music] i have decided to follow jesus no turning back [Music] no [Music] i want to salute all of you young man look at me stand up kyle there is a dangerous spirit that i'm seeing on this guy can you just lay your hand on imagine me just on his back i command that devil you must go now i looked at you and i started seeing i saw a wild animal like a lion before i pray for you look at this look at this this guy gently came here look at this i saw a wild animal a wild spirit salvation is powerful look at this now you come and marry him you see what i'm saying now i'm not saying he's a bad guy this guy may not even know why his life is haywire anger problems that's why men slap and beat their wives and say sorry later and still do it look at how many men are holding him look at this i command you now [Music] let him go in the name of jesus i bring upon you the victory of christ [Music] for the light shines in darkness and darkness comprehended it not be set free every legal access against you the blood speaks now out of him and never return this is by mercy and by grace you go and never return i tell you the breakthrough this guy's family will have from this night he's not is not just him he's representing something stand up look at him look at the same person that five people could not hold come let me meet you listen when you stand to pray huh my friend my sister when you stand to pray you pray with all your heart and you prayed sincerely now all of you standing in front self-taught me from the don't be ashamed my brother you don't have to cry you're a nice person this is calling onion all of you say after me help the little ones let them be sure what they are saying they are laughing they may not know what they are saying or guide them and let them be serious because it means a lot to god say after me lord jesus you are not reciting a point many from the depth of your heart say lord jesus [Music] this night i believe that you are the son of god i believe that you died for me i believe that you shed your blood for my sin right now i accept your lordship over my life i receive the gift of righteousness and i declare that i am a child of god i am born again spirit of the living god come upon my life make me a sign and a wonder i declare that the power of sin the flesh and satan has broken over my life forever in jesus name amen i stretch my hands upon you i declare your sins forgiving i declare in the name of jesus that every access the devil has over your life is gone by the blood the lord gives you a new beginning from today you'll rise like an edifice for whatever and backward never in the name of jesus amen and amen now i want you to follow a gentleman waving his hands just turn and follow them they will give you a few details they'll follow you up and please comply with them very quickly the lord bless you all of you in concert please appreciate them as they go very quickly [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: SBiC Connect
Views: 10,658
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Keywords: Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak's Videos, Koinonia Videos, SBiC Connect, AJS, Apostle Joshua Selman, Apostle Joshua Selman 2020, About Apostle Joshua Selman, Apostle Joshua Selman 2021, Apostle Joshua Selman's New Sermons, Apostle Joshua Selman Powerful Sermon 2021, Koinonia Global, Koinonia Abuja, Koinonia Zaria, Commanding Results, Joshua Selman, Selman, Nimmak, Apostle, joshua, Selman's Videos, Online Sermons
Id: 9lAIC7AWxwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 284min 10sec (17050 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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