No Man's Sky is Unrecognizable in 2023

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something that's really interesting and rather unique about no man's sky is that it's one of the very few titles that consistently gets brought up whenever a new game comes out and has a rough launch for whatever reason whether it's like lack of content or bugs or poor performance whatever really whenever that happens to a new title you'll often hear people say hey maybe they can pull off a No Man's sky and when they say that they're referring to the fact that despite having a rough launch at scalf uh no man's sky has managed to turn things around since it released in 2016 they have had over six years of regular updates adding new content systems and features all for free and we're talking like expansion levels worth of content over 20 named updates with a ton of changes and additions at no extra cost to the point where today a lot of people genuinely consider this a great game like no man's sky in 2022 is in a much better spot and delivers a much better experience than it did when it first released at the same time though there is a lot to parse whether you are a brand new player or you used to play and you're looking to jump back in there's a lot going on with no man's sky and it's actually for that reason that I've partnered today with Hello Games they are sponsoring this video as I'll be putting together basically like an introduction to ease people into the game and help them figure out if it's something that they're interested in checking out I'm basically going to be telling you about no man's Sky everything they've added over time and let you decide if you would be interested in trying it for yourself so yes if you've ever considered jumping back into the game but aren't sure if it's worth it or what to do or where to start hopefully this video will help you out and yeah let's just uh dive right into it so at its core if you aren't aware no man's sky is really a survival crafting game you'll be spending much of your time exploring and Gathering resources which you use to fuel craft and upgrade your gear your vehicles and of course your spaceships all of that on the backdrop of you are out in space exploring visiting planets jumping between systems encountering and dealing with various alien life forms as well as space pirates and of course also following a story now when you begin your very first playthrough you do spawn in on a random Planet somewhere out in the universe and you have broken equipment and a crashed nearby ship and then the game guides you towards seeking out the resources necessary to repair your ship and to build up the basic tools needed to begin your journey the start is all pretty straightforward as the game's revamped tutorial kind of walks you through every step and then after repairing your ship you're able to take off leaving the planet and setting out into space for the first time from there the game guides you through some more of the basics you get an introduction to Base building to space stations and then you are given the items needed to repair your hyperdrive which enables warp speed jumps between neighboring systems and it's here after a few more steps uh in the main quest line where the game really opens up but it's also where people kind of start to feel lost as mentioned earlier after all of these years and all this time things have changed quite a bit and so now what I want to do is take you through some of the highlights of every major no man's Sky update touching on what it brought to the game because it is really this variation that has added so much depth and and this will give you an idea of what's in the game and then if you think any of it's cool maybe that's just what you go towards that's what you work on I'm just doing basically so the very first update was foundation and this introduced Base building to the game letting you claim your very own base that was abandoned on any planet and you had the ability to expand and customize these they also added a farming system where you could grow and harvest crops they introduced Freighters which are these bases of operation out in space they're not only massive spaceship ships that access like extra storage and other means of travel but they also allow you to send out followers on on various missions for rewards and they introduced two additional game modes creative mode if you're looking for no challenge just to explore and build in survival mode if you want more of a challenge with more hazards a smaller inventory and increased costs the second update Pathfinder brought a total visual overhaul textures lighting post-processing other effects this was actually the first of many visual passes the game would get they also added ship specializations and classes so there's different types of ships that are stronger and weaker at all sorts of things there are new vehicles called exocraft these provide extra storage and then a better means of traveling while on a planet they also added multi-tool specialization and classes as well as various modes and they introduced permadeath mode which is kind of like survival but you only have one life the atlas Rises update introduced an entire new storyline it's actually about 30 hours worth of story content they added additional worlds and increased the variety of planetary biomes and added exotic planets as you get closer to the galactic core we also introduced crashed Freighters this is just kind of another thing that you can see on planets you'll find these all over the place they can be scavenged for resources and they added a mission system these are basically your side quests they have tasks for you to complete for rewards and standing then there was no man's Sky next this is a huge one where they added full on multiplayer yes no man's sky has actual real multiplayer you can do just about everything with your friends they also introduce weekly community events they opened up the ability to build a base anywhere on any planet and they also had a third person mode for both foot and ship with that they also introduced apparent customization this is huge for me as it's actually the primary way I play the game I like third person way more than first person there was the abyss update which is focused on underwater stuff add a new aquatic environments and variety Visions add a new planetary biomes creatures planetary diversity as well as an archeology system another activity for you to do to Beyond improved and expanded upon the multiplayer they let you play with more people added ambient multiplayer so you could randomly encounter other real players while exploring they also transformed the space anomaly into a brand new Social Hub so it's got like Quest and research and stuff there but it's also like you'll see just see a ton of other people whenever you visit the space anomaly and there were many many more updates uh synthesis was uh focused on Starship upgrades and a bunch of quality of life stuff they added living ships these like biological ships to the game there was the exomec update which added fully controllable Mech Walkers desolation this is like the Dead Space update where they introduced haunted derelict Freighters these would be floating adrift in space and you can go and just explore them for rewards the origins update brought a big expansion to the game's Universe with a ton more variety there was the companions update which is a pet system Expeditions which is a brand new game mode offering a unique set of challenges prisms was a big visual overhaul updates Frontiers added alien settlements to discover and commandeer the Sentinel update overhauled the game's main enemy faction the Sentinels with new types and there was Outlaws this is a piracy Focus update which introduced Outlaw systems the ability to recruit a squadron as well as capes they added capes for you to wear I like capes then endurance update focused on improvements in addition to the freighter system and finally the Waypoint update overhauled many of the fundamental elements of gameplay including the game modes inventory size and usability Milestones journey cataloging and more so as you can see while when the game first launched the criticism was okay I just collect resources and make my way to the center of the Galaxy there is a lot more diversity there's a lot more going on there's just a lot more of No Man's sky in the game right now and there's a lot more to work towards you make your way through that main story quest line you get to the point where you're traveling through the system and then you can kind of just engage with whatever type of content you want check out any of the stuff that they added to the game at that point and really just play it as a yes survival crafting game but also like I said as an exploration game just explore just do stuff see stuff whatever the universe is your oyster and that really would be my biggest suggestion if you ever feel lost in this game like I said just pick a direction really doesn't matter what you want to do focus on doing whatever you find most enjoyable like if you like flying your ship start looking for various component upgrades to make ship flying better or saving up money so that then you can buy new ships hire class ships and purchase your ship upgrades if you like Base building work towards the tech advancements unlocking new types of bases new systems make the biggest base of your dreams if you like the combat focus on your multi-tool improve the multi-tool get better blasters get different types of attacks and then go out there and engage with some of those uh Sentinel locations those Sentinel nests around the planets if you're like exploring this systems well focus on your ship as well or maybe improve your freighter there's just so much more to do in the game now if you do decide to check out no man's Sky I also wanted to with this video give you just some basic introductory tips there's a whole lot of real detailed real granular tips from people who have played this game for six years straight I want to give you like a nice introduction to kind of ease you into the game so from the very beginning as we mentioned with all those updates there have been a lot of different modes added besides the normal base original experience they added relaxed mode creative mode survival the community Expeditions as well as custom games where you can basically just make the game out to whatever parameters you want as a brand new player or even as a returning player I would just suggest going with normal to start I kind of feel like this is like the way the game was meant to be played it is that kind of experience so while the game's tutorial does take you through some of the key components there's also a lot of stuff that it doesn't really tell you directly that I want to touch on here so your very first step will be to fix your scanner you need 75 ferrite dust from this which you'll find from any of the Rocks located in the environment and once that is fixed you were then able to highlight certain nearby valuable resources the game tells you to collect some sodium which is the yellow n a but you should also really gather pretty much everything else that shows up when you scan grab the blue dihydrogen grab the red oxygen you're going to need plenty of this as you continue to progress in fact I would suggest uh getting just about every resource you see around you specifically though you should focus on getting a lot of ferrite dust from those rocks as well as a lot of carbon this will come from like plants and trees but really just get everything that you see early on it's nice to have a nice little early game stockpile and then early on your mining beam I should mention it'll be fairly weak but one nice little tip is that The Closer it gets to overheating the stronger and faster it becomes together quickly you want to try to keep it as close to Red without fully maxing it out because then it will overheat and go on a cool down really I just pay attention to the overheat bar that shows up in the center of the screen once that gets close just let off the throttle a bit but this is going to make mining much quicker and easier and one thing they don't tell you soon enough in my opinion is to build your analysis visor as soon as possible this is a massive help early on holding down the visor gives you a detailed heads-up display shows you the location of valuable resources items buildings and even where your ship is which is kind of important on your first planet when you're just starting because you might find yourself lost the visor can also be used to scan which is a nice good money making tool early on but especially once you upgrade it which we'll get to shortly so how do you get a visor well in order to build it just open your inventory go to the multi-tool click on one of the empty spaces then select analysis visor it'll be right there and then to repair it you just need to make a carbon nanotube so click on another spot in your inventory get the resources which is 50 carbon make the tube and then you're able to construct your visor and you are good to go so you've got your visor you've gathered a bunch of resources at this point just keep following the main story Quest the prompts will show up on the bottom right they tell you what to do takes you through the various steps of building up your tools repairing your ship and leaving the first planet and then it goes through building your very first base and eventually making your way to the first a space station uh some helpful tips to keep in mind while you're going through this whole process like while exploring it's good to know about the jetpack Dash when you sprint you can then also melee and immediately jet pack after this propels you forward and gives you a real nice boost of speed although you do have a pretty low amount of reserves for your jetpack early on so you should keep an out for these blue flowers they give you 10 seconds of free unlimited boost they're nice to use you'll notice those by scanning they'll show up on your HUD also keep an eye out for any boxes and containers you come across you should just loot any one of them you'll see like clusters of the red the yellow and green boxes you'll also some of those things like these crashed pods and buried containers open absolutely everything they contain resources and items you need it can have some really good upgrades as well some high valuable resources so definitely grab them and then also if you find any Maps use those as they will reveal specific points of interest on any planet that you're on and those are all almost always worth visiting and then also once you finally make your way out into space if you happen to come across any asteroid Fields Harvest them for a bit because they have some resources that are specific to asteroid fields that you're gonna need so just shoot a bunch of these space rocks and get whatever comes out of it now it really doesn't matter whether or not you want to min max things in this game you're going to want to know how to make money so there's a couple of things to keep in mind so you're going to want to focus on Gathering the two main currencies which are units and nanites now both of these will help you tremendously in your path to progress all of your upgrades your gear your ships and you're going to need to do this stuff early on when you're first getting started if you happen to come across any caves one nice little early money making tip is to gather Cobalt from these rock formations inside beyond that some other good quick money tips include buried technology modules you will spot these with your visor they're the symbol that looks like a Wi-Fi icon inside of them you will find salvage data now you use this for research on locks like for doing things like base construction a nice little tip is they can also be sold for a ton of money early on so gather some of these if you need some quick credits basically then also Sentinels while you're out exploring if you happen to come across one of these flying little robots they're called Sentinels they're like basically the universe's security Force they're pretty much your main Foe for a lot of the game and if you're causing trouble on the planet you go somewhere you're not supposed to be or whatever collect some protect the resource they might start showing up and they're also great for farming money so attacking one of them is going to give you like a wanted level kind of like GTA style and the result of this is reinforcements show up and now typically this will begin with a few rounds of the of these like rounded attack drones they're going to be some of the smaller healing drones and then one of these pyramid-shaped ones now the pyramid ones they're basically Summoners and they periodically call in additional support so what you can actually do is focus on attacking the healers and then the attackers but leave the pyramid Summoner alone because if you kill him it will raise your level but if you don't it'll keep it where it is and you can keep farming the healers but specifically the attackers those rounded chunkier ones as they drop these green canisters that contain very valuable items that you can sell for a ton of units as well as a ton of manites it's it's honestly fantastic you can also turn some of these into some upgrades but mostly it's good for the currency if we're talking like big long-term making money or midterm making money you want to look into things like ship scrapping you'll basically find and claim ships and then bring them to a station and scrap them and then also just farming and processing is really like the long-term money making automated kind of thing that you'll get into but that's that's a little bit above this like beginner introduction a one really good beginner tip though is upgrade your scanner that visor you want to look for Str those are the yellow upgrades that you'll find from the vendors in the space station and these will grant you multiple thousands percent increase in currency reward from scanning it is a massive boost to early game money making get that and start scanning stuff and also don't forget you can upload in the discoveries tab upload what you scanned to get nanites okay so those are some beginner tips once you're going through the story you keep on going you keep progressing the main story you will slowly begin to unlock a lot of side branching paths basically cover some of the major story updates that came through these years of content and like I said what you do at that point is really up to you there are a lot of ways to progress there are a lot of things that you can focus on from there and that is really I guess the the real cool thing about all these years of updates that they brought to the game they just kept on making the game better and better over time and with that I think we will pretty much wrap up this video hopefully this was a good introduction to the game a good overview of the game I think especially for new players but even for returning players like if you're someone who played at launch but haven't touched the game in the time since it's way different at this point it is almost it might as well be a completely different game a lot has change that does it for today thank you as always for watching hope you enjoyed the video I'll see you next time take it easy
Channel: Force Gaming
Views: 791,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: No Mans Sky in 2023, No Mans Sky in 2022, Should You Play No Mans Sky, Every No Mans Sky Update, All No Mans Sky Changes Since Launch, Whats New In No Mans Sky, No Mans Sky 2022 Review, no mans sky 2022, no mans sky beginners guide
Id: cFTA6ot6d64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2022
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