No Man's Land | Courteney Bence

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I'm so happy to be here today as um Miss Kelly just said my name is Courtney Vince and used to be formerly known as Franklin and um I'm so excited to be here I know some of you probably don't know who I am um I work in our media production side of things and so I'm usually way back there behind all the scenes but I was a senior in high school when God kind of um handed this church to my parents and I'll never forget my dad sitting all five of us down and saying we're only going to commit to doing this if we all agree to do it as a family and so that meant my senior year of high school I gave up half of my week at school and we all came out here we would uh we've all I've been on staff my parents came to the church in September and I was born in February so child labor wise I've been on staff for a really long time and have done any and everything along with all of my siblings in almost every campus that we have but this one in particular we decided that we were going to come out I was one of the children's pastors my sister Carissa would help lead worship Caroline would run the parking lot crew I'm just kidding she didn't do that but she should have and we all had different places we were janitors at different times and each Sunday we would have our services 9 and 11 o'clock in Georgia as a family and with our executive pastor Pastor Tracy page and our worship director because we did not have a team out here we had very few people we would all get on a plane uh fly from our services in Gainesville all the way to the Atlanta airport get on a plane it was absolute chaos mode and we'd fly out here we'd get here right in time to do two services in the evening on Sunday nights and each of the five kids would be serving in a different area and scrubbing toilets and I've grouted tile in the churches and I've cleaned and I've cleaned stages and vacuum packs on my back getting ready for conferences and I've set up and I just want to say thank you because it truly has been the honor and privilege of my life getting to be a part of this incredible house that has many rooms but this room has a special place in my heart and I really really love it and I'm honored to be here today and really really thankful that my parents I like to say ass but they they really don't ask they just tell me you're going to California you're gonna go speak I'm like okay so that's what we're gonna do and I just want to take a second I know she just briefly did it but my mother and my grandmother are both standing here my other sister Chris is here and I just want to say Happy Mother's Day to all of you I love you so much I'm so thankful for everything that you've invested into my life the prayers that I'll never know about that you've prayed I'm so thankful and I love you happy Mother's Day to the best mama Sean I know you think you got the best but I got a mic now so I got the best all right guys well we're gonna get started I believe I have a word from the Lord for you today and so again uh if if you don't know who I am my husband um I'm married to Tyler bentz Mr bentz and we've been married for 13 years this year been together for 14 years and yes and I told the first service I still like him which I think is a bigger feat sometimes than still loving him but I do still like him and I do still love him and you know the little girl who did like this about the cooking and the video she's my daughter um it was really hateful it's the first time I've seen the video and um yeah she can fix her own food from here on out how about that let's see whatever um but I have two girls I have Amelia Jude and she's eight with an attitude as you can see and I have uh Elliot Colette and she is four and she's a situation and um my husband Tyler he is an incredible artist he's got more talent in his pinky than I do in my whole body it kind of makes me sick and so he is an artist and a musician but um he literally earns a living off of what he's able to create and a lot of what he's able to create he works with several different companies um that that do comic books and so in our home comic heroes superheroes are a pretty big deal do we have any superhero fans in the room okay there's a few of you you're a little timid about it it's okay all right it's time to come out um you're safe here so um in our home though with my husband not having any sons yet um we'll see I'm claiming it but he's not he's like we're done we'll see okay we won't air it out here don't worry about it and so um in our home the reigning champ of all superheroes is Wonder Woman okay do we have any Wonder Woman fans yeah so me and my girls want to be Wonder Woman we love Wonder Woman my husband really loves Linda Carter and um he appreciates her and I said all the the husbands say Amen do not say Amen today's not the day turn to your mother or your wife next to you and say girl you're the only Wonder Woman I'm interested in okay you are already wonder woman to me okay so we watch the movies a lot in our home as much as we can um they're skipping through certain parts but there's this one um part in the movie Wonder Woman and she's going into a battle and uh she's going into an area called No Man's Land which is an actual military term and it's used in times of war and its definition is this the land that is unoccupied or is under dispute between two parties who leave it unoccupied due to fear of uncertainty and so in this clip from the movie Wonder Woman comes in with all the guys and she comes into one of the the tunnels um for an ally group and when she gets there she sees the people suffering she sees everyone hurting and she says why don't we go take that town back and they say well this is no man's land and we can't go into No Man's Land because it's certain death if you step into no man's land this is an area that's Undisputed and you can't go and something ignites in Wonder Woman and she gets really upset and she pulls her Cape off and she steps out in this gorgeous costume and she steps out into no man's land and she starts taking this field where nobody is where bombs and bullets have come and she starts Tink Tink as the bullets start coming with her her wristbands and then she has to pull out her sword and I mean her shield and us she has her Shield out she's taken massive fire and in the movie all the men get really hype and they're like we gotta go help her and as soon as I saw that part in that movie I could not help but think about a story in the Bible where we see basically who Wonder Woman was probably created after and that is Deborah in the Bible and in Judges chapter 5 the Bible says villagers in Israel would not fight they held back until Deborah arose until I arose a mother in Israel and so today I want to take a few minutes to speak to the women of the house are there any women here today on Mother's Day don't worry guys I won't leave you out okay and this is not a hate on guys message I assure you okay we appreciate all the fathers and all the men as well but I want us to get into Judges chapter four um and the context here's in Judges chapter 4 we start again where the Israelites have gone into and they're in a season of captivity from King jaben of the Canaanites and so for 20 years they've been enslaved by this cruel gruesome ruler and we find and we're introduced to in Judges chapter 4 kind of tells the story and then it's kind of I think it's funny I don't know why but and then Judges chapter 5 you hear the story The gruesome story we're about to go through and then they're four and then five they just kind of wrote like a song about it about how cool Deborah is and JL and the different women that we're going to talk about and so we're going to start reading in Judges chapter 4 verses 7 but we're introduced to Deborah and the Bible says that Deborah was the leader over Israel she was the judge of the land so women and men both came to her she was the head of all of of Israel she was a mother in Israel she was a prophet really the only female Prophet that we see named in the Bible someone who God could trust to do hard things and God gave her a Word of Deliverance for Barack Barack was the military leader of the tribe of Judah tribe of Judah tried a tribe of Israel and um she says go get 10 000 sons and I want you to go into Army go into this battle and you're going to win God's going to deliver it into your hands and so I want us to pick up reading in verse 7 and it says I will lead cecera the commander of jaben's army with his chariots and his troops to the keython river and give him into your hands but Barack said to her if you go with me I will go but if you don't go with me I won't go Deborah's response and I love it says certainly I will go with you said Deborah but because of the course that you were taking the honor will not be yours for the Lord will deliver cecera into the hands of a woman and then we see where she doesn't rebuke him she doesn't put him down she goes with him into battle and he actually asks her to make the the Battle Cry for all of the troops and she says then Deborah said in verse 14 go this is the day the Lord has given cesra into your hands has not the Lord gone ahead of you and what happens here is where Cesar was a mighty mighty military General in Bible times he would have not been somebody you wanted to mess with they would have all known who he was he had 900 Chariots of iron and so essentially what the Israelites looked what God basically asked Israelites to do is take some bow and arrows and go fight people with tanks and he said but I'm going with you so you're going to win and everybody was a little bit nervous about that but not Deborah Deborah was not nervous about that at all and what happens is God does what he says he's going to do because he's faithful and he's good and he uses what they thought was their advantage to be their disadvantage against them he sends floods and he stops the Chariots and the Bible says that all obsessorist troops fell by the sword not one single man was left but cesera fled by foot she he came upon the tent of a woman named JL who he thought was his ally she let him in and she asked for some water he didn't give her water she didn't give him water she gave him milk and she said lay down and this is where jail does something that's pretty gruesome okay and so we're going to pick up in verse 21 but JL haber's wife picked up a tent Peg and a hammer and went quietly to him while he laid fast asleep exhausted she drove the peg through his Temple into the ground and he died just then Barack came by in pursuit of Cesar in jail went out to meet him come she said I will show you the man that you're looking for so he went in with her and there lay cesara with a tent Peg through his Temple dead on that day God subdued king jaben of Canaan before the Israelites and the Hand of the Israelites pressed harder and harder against jaben king of Canaan until they destroyed him I believe that God is calling some of the women of this house not some all of the women of this house to step into no man's land today I believe that God is waiting for some women in this house to wake up to the call of certainly I will go I don't know what your circumstance looks like I don't know what you're facing I don't know what you're going through and I don't know what you walked in this room carrying if you're anything like me motherhood is a heavy heavy burden it's a great joy but it's also a heavy weight that we carry as women we carry heavy weights heavy things and there might be an impossible situation in your marriage in your family and your finances with that child with a health diagnosis maybe it's with a Doctor Who's told you you will never be a mother that your womb cannot conceive I believe though that God sent me here today to tell you that he has set aside certain victories for the hands of a woman and if you're in this room today then you're already taking steps in the right direction okay and I believe that certain victories can only be delivered into the hands of a woman God has predestined victories for your life for your family and for your children and it's time just like Deborah for the mothers and for the women to arise it's time for us to stop wallowing around and self-pity and stand up because when we stand up when we arise when we step into the victory that God has called us into hell shutters and I believe that for so long we have lived in this depression and in this darkness and in circumstances that do not look like they make sense but God needs you today to stand up to arise to get up and say I'm going to go into no man's land and I'm going to go with an attitude of certainly I will go because the Lord is with me and he has already predestined this victory for my hands this is not an anti-min message okay I promise it's not this is not I'm not that's not what I'm trying to do the original battle the original battle plan God said it could be handed into the hands of Barack but Barack was a wise enough man to say I'm not going unless you're going with me because I see the power and the authority that comes when we leak hands and do this together that wasn't weakness from him that was wisdom he recognized the powerful call and Authority she had to win a battle and he told her I will not go unless you go with me I'm not interested in fighting this alone we are not going to be able to overcome the things that the enemy brings our way by ourself and the sooner that you realize that women men I'm talking to you for a second men you have a special woman who's in your life or you want to have a special woman who's in your life she has a Divine calling from God that he put in her specifically encourage it don't put it down grow with her and invest in her let her know that you believe in her and I promise you that things will come out of her that you're interested in seeing okay I believe that there's a demonic attack that we're seeing on femininity right now I am a woman I know my dad gets up here and says it a lot but I am a woman and I haven't heard many women get up and speak about this but I just I want to say it's very insulting for me to think that my femininity is boiled down to and diminished down to the makeup that I wear on my face so the heels that are on my feet or the clothes and dress that I choose to wear that is not what makes me a woman I am not a birthing person I sustain life in my body for two babies I push them out of my body I then sustain their life with what God gave me through my body to feed those children I am a mother I am a woman and God made me and designed me specifically to be so he did not make a mistake in that he did not mess up Genesis 3 tells us that we were not created as an afterthought we were created as a solution to a problem we were made in the image of God and as women we need to embrace the immense impact that we have on our homes and in our worlds some of us as wives you use your tongue to cut your husband down every chance you get I know I thought y'all just thought I was going to lift you up whole time right I know I don't like it either okay we have so much Authority and Power in our home to build that man up to be exactly what God has called him to be I told my husband the other day he almost sometimes thinks I'm mad at him he called me about a project and said well babe they want me to do it for this I said you're not doing it for that you're not giving away your work you're not going to give away who you are you work too hard you sound you need to calm down you sound like you're mad at mess I'm not mad at you I'm mad that you think you're worse just so little I believe in you I know what you're worth I know your value I believe in you you can do this don't take less than what you deserve and he didn't because he listened to me so also listen to us okay anyways that was that was not in the notes that was not the Holy Spirit maybe it was we don't know and the same thing Mama's I remember uh you know growing up and my mother I played I'm a huge soccer player I still coach my daughters in soccer yeah there we go and um I remember nobody could raw me up quite like my mama because she knew nothing about soccer but she would stand there on the sidelines and flip out over me and build me up and it made me think I can do anything you have that Authority and that power in your children if you ever noticed you don't hear about a daddy bear I know my my husband and I Tyler and and the girls we love to hike and my mother hates that we love to hike because she knows the animals that are outside when we do go hike and so we hike a lot in Georgia but we also go to Montana and Wyoming and Idaho and when we're there um we go on Hikes and and I'm not really scared of a lot of things when we're out there it's my happy place it's where I find the most Joy is being out in the woods and um no cell phone service is wonderful and so the only thing my greatest fear it's not the mountain lions it's not the weather it's not the water the greatest fear that I have when I'm hiking with my girls is if I see two bear cubs go running across the trail because I know that I likely won't see what's coming next but a mother bear is going to come out of somewhere and she's probably going to rip me and my family to shreds stay calm okay we have bear spray we're prepared I know I'm acknowledging it though she hates it and I think that sometimes we need to recognize the ferociousness that God has naturally put in us as mothers we had um my daughter Amelia and I'm in no way advocating for violence um maybe I see she gets it from me the hand thing so my daughter Amelia about a year ago she came home off the bus and she said Mama this boy he's bullying me said okay she said he told me I was stupid and I was Dumb and I I was ugly and I said okay well Amelia are you stupid are you dumb and are you ugly she said no I'm not I said all right well the next time he says it say okay and she said what I said baby people are going to be mean to you people are going to be bullying you unfortunately for the rest of their lives out of their own insecurity okay I've got to teach you it's my job to teach you to stand up for yourself Know Who You Are and not respond to words because sometimes they're silly and it's just not worth it and that was a great little lesson right that I taught my daughter and then a couple weeks later she got off the bus on a Friday and she said Mama today he hit me said I'm sorry and she said he took me by the back of my book bag and he slammed me against the wall and he was jerking me against the wall and he threw me on the ground and I caught charges I didn't but almost and I said get in the car Amelia Jew I didn't her dad had a major issue with this after the fact because we discussed it and he was like Courtney you cannot be a psycho like this I said it would have been different if you would come and I said get in the car and she said where are we going I said we're going to his house and she said Mama what I said yeah we're gonna go to his house real quick he's on your bus right show me which house is his so like the psycho that I am I take my seven-year-old daughter I go to her bully's house banging on the door the grandmother for sure recognized who I was gainesville's a lot smaller of a community than out here I didn't think I didn't think about that and I said hi I'm here because your son is bullying my daughter and it's one thing for me to equip her to deal with words I will deal with that all day long she can deal with a bully but I will never equip her for or make her think is okay as a man putting his hands on her therefore I'm here to let your son know and they pulled this little buck tooth boy out not this tall and I bowed up mama bear and I said I'm not a note home in your agenda I'm not a write-up slip I am the real life consequences of your actions and if you ever touch my baby again I said you see this right here Amelia's standing there looking at me I said this this is mine and you need to understand that there is nothing on this Earth that I will not do to protect and defend her including going to jail for harming a seven-year-old so if you wanted to look at her I don't think you should walk down the same aisle as her at school I don't think you should look in her Direction because not just me but a whole lot of people come with her apparently now when he gets on the bus she said when he walks past her he does like this a year later and I scared the living Dale outside of him but some of you need to on a spiritual level let the enemy know this is mine this is mine and you're not allowed to come in here and do any and everything you want because I have full authority over you through Jesus and what he bought for me on the cross and I'm gonna stand up and I'm gonna have a Battleground for my family and for my marriage and for my children and I'm going to say certainly I will go some of you need to say to the enemy this is mine and you cannot have it any more hell cannot have our children hell cannot have our marriages hell cannot have this church hell cannot have this nation and it's time for some others to arise to stand up and say I will go into no man's land and I will fight this enemy all by myself if I have to and I'm gonna fight on my knees I'm gonna fight in the secret place I'm gonna fight with the sword of truth which is the word of God the problem is you can't use a sword of truth if you don't know the truth that's in it and some of you need to learn to be more like Jesus was in the wilderness when the enemy attacked him did he fight back nope he just kept saying it is written it is written it is written it is written his word does not return void it is written his promises are yes and amen it is written I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus it is written I am above and not beneath it is written it doesn't look like it makes sense it does not look like there's any kind of outcome that can go in your favor but he is a God who only only works in the impossible if it's possible then it's not God's territory if you're in an impossible situation then you need to look up because your help is Drawing Near I can assure you of that we open up our mouth sometimes and we give the devil a pep talk and I I think it's time that we begin to tell him your fate is sealed it is written in this book and I'm going to fight my battles through prayer through the word of God through worship somebody say I'm not I'm ready for No Man's Land somebody say mothers and say it like you actually mean it that was pitiful say certainly I will go I love jail the Bible says that essentially J.L was a housewife it says in Judges chapter 5 she was a tent dwelling woman she was a homemaker she was a stay-at-home mom and she was a woman of her home and when the enemy showed up at her doorstep she did not fall to pieces she would have known exactly who he was and he shouldn't show up notice he didn't go to her husband's tent back then the men and the women were kept in different tents they set up these different areas he went to her tent and he said give me some water give me something to refresh me and energize me back up because I've just ran from my life after every single one of my my people have been slaughtered and killed and she said hmm I think I got a plan here I'm not unprepared for the attack of the enemy that's come into my home I'm not going to nourish and flourish and grow and give back and feed into the enemy that just showed up at my doorstep instead I'm going to Tire them out I'm going to give him some milk and the Bible says that when she gave him milk he laid down and he fell asleep she didn't ask God she didn't waste time saying God why why why am I here why are we here why does my marriage look the way that it looks why are all of my children going crazy she didn't take that time when the enemy showed up at her door she had a plan she was prepared she was bad already and she said I'm not gonna go get a spear or a sword or anything that a man has to fight his battles I'm gonna use what's in my tent I'm going to use what's in my home and she said I'm going to drive this steak through his head after I lull him to sleep cover him up with a blanket and tell him good night she literally said night night forever but I think sometimes as women and I've so been at fault for doing this when the enemy shows up at my door the first person I call is a friend the first person I call is my mama the first person I call is anyone who's going to fester and help prove my point and help me wallow in my self-pity usually the last person I call is God but I think I'm learning a little bit now because now I really don't discuss many of my problems with anybody what I do is I hit my knees and I say God this is upsetting me Tyler's getting on my nerves today I need you to deal with them because I'm if I deal with them I might have a steak a steak in a Peg and we don't know you deal with him he's yours you handle it when my kids are driving me crazy when I feel like I'm failing in every single area of my life I don't talk my problem up I start talking to my problem solver you speak more about the problem than you do your God do you know who your God is Satan is already defeated but he goes widely uncontested but JL knew what to do when the enemy came I love that she wouldn't have known that his entire Army was already defeated when she stepped out there when she came up and formulated a plan to put a stake through his Temple that's a violent victory she had no clue that his 900 chariots every man in his army was dead as far as she knew they were on their way but she still chose to defeat the enemy that was at her doorstep she became a one-woman army for her family in that moment and said I'm going to kill you enemy and devil I'm gonna kill you and if 900 more come let him come because I'm ready and I'm armed with what I need and I know where the enemy is a defeated and God is going to hand this Victory into my hands in my family with my children and in my home I know today is a bit of a mixed day for people it's really nice when we hear songs like we just heard and the kids are super cute but this day can it can unearth a lot of different things inside of us yeah because some of you had a mother like that was described in that song and you have a wonderful mother who loved you and who took care of you but some of you she was the source of your greatest pain and heartache and hurt here on this Earth she didn't love you the way that she should have but the good news is this you don't have to have had a great mother to be a great mother you don't have to have had an example of a wonderful woman to be a great woman the Bible says that he sets the solitary in families maybe your entire family is lost he can set you in the solitary position and you can create a ripple effect for generations to come [Applause] the only way to fail your children fully fail them is to not give them God it's the only way for you to fail them if you just keep dragging them to church if you just keep bringing them even when all hell's break and loose in the car I know my mama did I know that we gave her a whole lot of issues on the way to church and a lot of the times she would show up at the back door and Usher would come and get us and she'd say take them to their father I'm leaving I'm done I don't like any of them and I used to think she was a little crazy now I get it fully I fully understand we make we broke her like we made her that we did this it was our fault and I'm sorry but we love you happy Mother's Day you need to make up your mind today that if you're going to fail at anything it is not going to be pointing your children to Jesus every single day in this house in this family in this church this is how we fight our battles several years ago Amelia was having issues with nightmares at night and so we started doing these scriptures at night where we were telling her you know God has not given you a spirit of fear baby and you don't have to be scared and you have to and one night I was being super carnal and she would not go to sleep I said you just got to go in there and go to sleep she's like well Mama no I can't get my noise but and I was I was done I said no just you've got to go to sleep what are you afraid of the dark and she turned with such an attitude and she said I am not afraid of the dark Mama the dark is afraid of me I think some of us need to I was taken aback a little bit but some of us need to recognize you don't have to be afraid of the darkness that you're facing the darkness is afraid of you the darkness is afraid of you stepping into No Man's Land the darkness is afraid of you waking up to the woman God has called you to be it's time to step into no man's land it's time to take on a spirit of certainly I will go we need women who understand their weapons it's time for us to get Battle ready she had some weapons ready when the enemy came to her tent have you prepared your home for the enemy's attack the enemy is coming if he's not there right now if if you're in the fun little phase where our kids are little and when I already know I've got two daughters I'm not looking forward to teenage years at all I know that's when the real battles Are Gonna Come and I'm probably gonna let their dad fight some of those because again I'll catch charges this is the issue but we need to know that we have some weapons in our Arsenal and it's not a sword it's not a shield it's not these little cool wristbands and it's not a gun it's not these things no it's the weapon of Prayer the weapon of praise the weapon of worship the weapon of fasting the weapon of peace the weapon of the anointing the weapon of taking a stand Ephesians 6 says and when you've done all else to stand [Music] would you stand to your feet all in this room today [Music] you can use a weapon of trusting and knowing that God will deliver you he has ordained certain victories to be delivered into your hands I have no doubt no doubt in my mind that I am here I am standing on this stage today because of the seeds that were sown into my life a lot of which by two of those women who are standing on the front row right now prayers that I will never know were prayed over me moans that were taken out of their stomachs and their Spirits because of me the intercession that took place over me my mother taught me a long time ago this is how I fight my battles I'm not she's not interested in getting up on the stage and talking to all of you but she is very much interested in talking to God about me and it kept me and it held me in moments where I wanted nothing to do with this place where I wanted nothing to do with God [Music] you don't know the impact of the battle you win today and how it will impact your Harvest for tomorrow second Timothy 1 says this and this is Paul speaking to Timothy he said I am reminded of your sincere Faith which first lived in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and I am persuaded now lives in you Timothy there any single moms in the room [Music] they didn't mention the daddy the faith was put in their son from them they set up generational blessings for their children because of not anything special that they did just their faith just their belief that God was going to show up and do what only he could do and so if you're a mother if you're a woman in this room I want you to come down to the altar today I want all the women of this house you can go ahead and make your way down to the altar now [Music] I want us to declare and see a few things [Music] I want some of you you're you've been living for a promise for a really long time but I believe today that God wants to give you a picture we see this in Scripture that Abraham he was Barren him and his wife Sarah they could not have children and God said I promise you your descendants will be that as the sands on the sea Seashore and you you're going to have children they were 90 years old and then he says this he said I'm giving you a promise now step out of your tent go look at the stars in the sky get a picture see it in your eyes and with see it with your eyes and see it in your mind what I'm gonna do for you I want you all the women of this house to close your eyes lift up your hands right now [Music] I want you to picture it The Impossible situation that you don't know what to do in the victory that you need picture that child's name showing up on your phone with a phone call that you have begged God for picture a healed marriage that you could only dream of a picture a whole heart picture yourself free of anxiety and depression picture yourself set free from the bondage of addiction get a picture ask God to give you a picture in your mind of a victory that you can't see right now that doesn't look like it's anywhere close to coming that it does not make sense that every single Advantage is against you get a picture in your mind right now and it doesn't mean that it's going to be obedient it doesn't mean that the circumstances are magically going to change but what is going to change today what I'm declaring is going to change today is your mentality it's your heart it's your countenance it's your ability to see that God has set aside a specific victory for you it can only be delivered to your hands [Music] I am [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Free Chapel OC
Views: 3,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YtzF2NLdoto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 34sec (2434 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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